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CWV 101 301 RS T2Origins Online

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Name: Sejal Patel

Course: CWV
Be sure you answer Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and the Reference section of this assignment
before submitting.
Part One: Christian Beliefs
Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. Summarize Christian beliefs about the origins of the universe:
There are several beliefs Christians has regarding the origins of earth and universe. Three
views inculde ; The young earth creationism, The old earth creationism, and THE
evolutionary earth creationism. Though there are there are three belief all share the same
belief. They belief that ther was the binging of th eeartg and that is created by the
sovereign that is GOD.This comes true in all.. That is God created the heavens and the
and the earth.

2. Summarize Genesis 1-2:

Genesis1 summarizes how god created earth as we know that it was six days. This six days
are as follow; Day1 to Day 3:God created day and night, the heavens, as well as the seas
and the dry land. Through the dry lands fruits and vegetations were made to yield. Day
4:we were given seasons, the sun, moon, and the stars.Day5 and Day6:life was made fishes
in sea, birds in the sky and animals and humans on th earth.The Genesis2 comesinto play
where we are introduced to 7th da, a hold day blessed by God, Man are created on the sixth
day we were introduced to first man Adam. Adam who was made to serve and take care of
the garden. The garden was the garden of Eden .Since Adam was alone God created Eve
his partner. Both the genesis tells us that God has created all and he is the sovereign creator
of all.

3. Summarize general revelation and special revelation:

Special revelation is god presenting himself to people in the form of life as Jesus, the holy
spirit, and through his word via the bible. Special revelation is where Christianity try to get
better understanding of God through things like science, history and philosophy.

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4. Summarize the three major Creationism approaches to Genesis 1-2:
There is Young creationism, Old creationism and Evolutionary
Creationism.Young,Old,Evotuinary is that iniverse that God created in six days and on the
seventh day he rested. Young earth is where the earth is just few thousand years. Old earth
creationism is where the Earth is older in millions and billions of years. And evolutionary
earth is where Earth is created by god over a period of time.

Part Two: Current Understanding

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. My current beliefs about the origin of the universe:
I believe that God created the world and yet it I very confusing and hard to understand. I
know he loves all his children. God had his plan and reasons which is always good for us
and universe. He cerate universe and we are the king and watchman of the earth he created.
We are his children and therefore we should be kind and polite to he humans and the
surraounding.God is the sovergein of the earth and we are the domain of the earth.

2. My current beliefs about evolution:

My belief about evolution is that Man evolved through ancestors. God created his man
Adam and Eve we are their generations .If god had not created Adam and Eve we would
have not been this beautiful world.

3. My current beliefs about the age of the earth:

My current beliefs about the age of evolution are both the OLD an Evolutionary
creationism. I believe that the earth is old million s and billions of years old we can proof
that on scientific base too on the other hand I believe that its Evolutionary earth too as with
God presence this world would have never been created anytime .He is definitely the
sovereign of the earth.

4. My current beliefs about if the Bible and science can be reconciled:

My current beliefs about the bible ans science being reconciled the truths from GENESIS1.
There is one, self existent, creator God. Th creator is rational and wise. This is evident in
the fact that the creation is ordered and planned. Creation is free actof God. Th
significance of the above mentioned truths that light of the three of them bring modern
scientists to be regulated or law of nature. The other providing confidence that humans
should be discerned and understand these regularities with the other coming and indicating
that humans cannot second gues what God has made for us.
Part Three: Impact of Current Understanding
Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of God:
I believe that the nature of God as higher and supreme power. He is the sovereign of all.
God is everywhere in living and non living materials in the earth. We are the image of the
God. God has created us and we are the domion of the beautiful earth he created. The
experiences we face in our life is for a reason god has created us. God has created us for a
purpose and he is the one who rukes our life.

2. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of Humanity:

I believe that nature of Humanity is that wee all have a purpose, what we are unaware of
our purpose in life. God knows our purpose and we have specific ability given by god to
complete a task given by god to give this world. Once our purpose in life is over we pass
away. Our physical body dies but our soul is immortal. We come for purpose, we surve
humanity to the world and we go away. God only has the power to rule our lifes. Our spirit
which dies God gives us another life where we again come for a new purpose in this
beautiful world.

3. Therefore, this is what I believe about the care for the Earth:
I believe that care for the earth is the work that God gave to Adam. Adam was created in
this world to take care of the world as to serve the garden of Eden. And to be the domion
of the earth he created. Adam and Eve was created to extend the kingdom which they
entrusted through their stewardship and service.They were also to be fruitful and multiply
and fillthe earth and subdue it.havig a domion over the fish of sea and over the birds of
heaven and over everything that is living or non living.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Page
numbers. Url/permalink

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