Paul Thagard
Like Clark Glymour, Don Ross does not appreciate what computer mod-
els can contribute to cognitive psychology and naturalistic philosophy
of science.1 This is not surprising, since the cognitive-computational
approach differs dramatically from the conceptual systems and method-
ologies familiar to most philosophers. I will therefore begin by reviewing
the use of computational models in cognitive science and then explain why
the computational model ECHO (Explanatory Coherence by Harmany
[sic] Optimization) is an essential part of my account of explanatory coher-
ence and conceptual revolutions. This should make it obvious that my
approach is not a search for anything like "computational foundations"
as Ross suggests. I will also reply to some subsidiary objections and point
to some recent work that expands the ideas in Conceptual Revolutions.
Many philosophers' view of reasoning divide it into two kinds, deduc-
tive and inductive, with first-order logic providing the standard way of
thinking about deduction, and other formal accounts such as probability
theory and confirmation theory providing the standard way of thinking
about induction. In contrast, those of us studying scientific thought
within cognitive science have a broader view of thinking, which empha-
sizes two components: structures and processes. In opposition to the
standard philosophical assumption that sentence-like structures are the
sole consituents of knowledge, in my book I described the importance of
concepts and conceptual systems. Cognitive science also has a much
richer view of processes than the traditional philosophical view of deduc-
tion and induction allow, making possible rigorous discussion of the
nature of hypothesis formation, concept formation, analogy, problem
solving and other important aspects of scientific thought. The interesting
question is: what would it take to shift those who have not seen the advan-
tages of a cognitive approach away from the narrow logic-based view of
scientific reasoning? Naturally, my answer is explanatory coherence:
much more about the structure and development of science can be
explained within the broader framework.
For investigation of mental processes, computer models are indispen-
sable. Comprehension of their use requires noting the distinctions and the
connections among four crucial aspects: theory, model, program and
platform. A cognitive theory postulates a set of representational struc-
tures and a set of processes that operate on these structures. A computa-
tional model makes these structures and processes more precise by
interpreting them by analogy with computer programs that consist of
data structures and algorithms. Vague ideas about representations can be
supplemented by precise computational ideas about data structures, and
mental processes can be defined algorithmically. For the model to be
tested, it must be implemented in a software program in a programming
language such as LISP or C. This program may run on a variety of hard-
ware platforms such as Sun Workstations or IBM™ personal computers
(PCs), or it may be specially designed for a specific kind of hardware.
Many kinds of structures and processes can be investigated in this way,
from the rules and search strategies of some traditional sorts of artificial
intelligence to the distributed representations and spreading activation
processes of newer connectionist views.
The analogy between mind and computer is useful at all three stages of
the development of cognitive theories: discovery, development and evalu-
ation. Computational ideas about different kinds of programs often sug-
gest new kinds of mental structures and processes. Developing a theory
and a model often goes hand in hand with developing a program, since
writing the program may lead to the invention of new kinds of data struc-
tures and algorithms that become part of the model and have analogs in
the theory. Similarly, we often evaluate theory, model and program simul-
taneously, since one's confidence in the theory depends upon the validity
of the model as shown by the performance of the program. The program
can contribute to evaluation of the model and theory in three ways. First,
it helps to show that the postulated representations and processes are com-
putationally realizable. This is non-trivial, since many algorithms that
seem at first glance reasonable are intractable and could not be applied to
large problems on real computers.2 Second, in order to show not only the
computational realizability of a theory but also its psychological plausi-
bility, the program can be applied qualitatively to various examples of
thinking. Third, to show a much more detailed fit between the theory and
human thinking, the program can be used quantitatively to generate
detailed predictions about human thinking that can be compared with the
results of psychological experiments. Cognitive theories by themselves are
Modelling Conceptual Revolutions 157
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Modelling Conceptual Revolutions 159
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Schank, P., and M. Ranney
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1992 "Assessing Explanatory Coherence: A New Method for Integrating
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1992 Conceptual Revolutions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
1993a "Computational Tractability and Conceptual Coherence: Why Do
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Forthcoming "Probabilistic Networks and Explanatory Coherence. In Auto-
mated Abduction: Inference to the Best Explanation. Edited by
P. O'Rorke and J. Josephson. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.