John Locks
John Locks
John Locks
various reason why govt might change – one hand foeign conquest.
Another reson – legislation itself changes. Third reson -
Locks clearly and conspicuously puts out his thoughts on when the
government is changing and when the justification for rebellion
arises. His basic theory is soveign is not above the law, the people in
the soveign is elected by the consenting individual.
there are various reason why the govt might change – on one hand
there can be foeign conquest. Another reason is legislation itself
changes. Third reason is the current functioning of the legislature is
unaffective or ineffective in enforcing of law s– hence change.
A situation where the govt exercise arbitrary power. The meaning and
the definition of the arbitrary power is important. For locks – arbitrary
power is when the sovereign is acting completely and diametrically
opposite of what is best for the people. – explicit case would be
tyrants, here it is the tyrant and not the people acting against the
natural law. Here rebellion is not wrong.