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Translational significance of
Nodal, Cripto-1 and Notch4 in adult nevi
Cancer Biology and Epigenomics Program, Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute, Ann & Robert H. Lurie
Children's Hospital of Chicago; 2Department of Pathology; 3Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center;
Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; 5Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60611, USA; 6Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109, USA; 7Melanoma, Cancer Immunotherapy and Innovative Therapy Unit; 8Department of Pathology,
Istituto Nazionale Tumori Fondazione Pascale, 80131 Napoli, Italy
DOI: 10.3892/ol.2016.4755
Table I. Results of intensity of immunohistochemistry staining for Nodal, Cripto‑1 and Notch4, represented as mean index score,
in nevi from patients with a negative or positive history of melanoma, and cutaneous and metastatic melanoma
Nevi, negative Hx of melanoma 3.14+/‑2.1 129
Nevi, positive Hx of melanoma 4.77+/‑2.45 61 <0.01
Cutaneous melanoma 5.42+/‑2.17 12 <0.01
Metastatic melanoma 7.52+/‑3.57 21 <0.01
Nevi, negative Hx of melanoma 3.38+/‑2.65 128
Nevi, positive Hx of melanoma 4.3 +/‑2.98 61 0.03
Cutaneous melanoma 2.17+/‑2.41 12 NS
Metastatic melanoma 3.57+/‑3.03 21 NS
Nevi, negative Hx of melanoma 1.55+/‑1.96 121
Nevi, positive Hx of melanoma 2.08+/‑1.87 61 NS
Cutaneous melanoma 2.58+/‑2.71 12 NS
Metastatic melanoma 3.81+/‑3.03 21 <0.01
t‑test vs. nevi with negative Hx melanoma. IS, index score; Hx, history.
Figure 2. Immunohistochemistry IS. Histograms representative of mean immunohistochemistry IS for Nodal, Cripto‑1 and Notch4 staining in nevi from
patients with or without a Hx of melanoma and in cutaneous and metastatic melanoma (*P<0.05; t‑test). IS, index score; Hx, history.
significant difference for the highest mean levels of Notch4 IS other groups (Fig. 2). Since calculation of mean values can be
in the metastatic melanoma group (Fig. 2; P<0.05 metastatic distorted by outliers, the median IS was also determined among
melanoma versus negative history of melanoma). Interestingly, the different groups for each marker. In fact, this analysis shows
mean Cripto‑1 IS level was significantly greater only in the a significantly higher median IS for Nodal, Cripto‑1 and Notch4
group of nevi from patients with a positive history of melanoma in the group of nevi from patients with a positive history of
compared to the group of nevi from patients with a negative melanoma compared with the group of nevi from patients with
history of melanoma (Fig. 2; P<0.05). There was no significant no history of melanoma (Fig. 3).
difference observed in the mean Cripto‑1 IS between melanoma Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to determine
and the other groups. In addition, the cutaneous melanoma associations between Nodal, Cripto‑1 and Notch4 expression
group showed the lowest mean Cripto‑1 IS compared with the levels for each group of nevi. Nodal levels did not correlate with
Cripto‑1 or Notch4 in either group of nevi (data not shown). The present study demonstrated that there is a wide range of
Notably, a significant positive correlation was observed for variability in the intensity of IHC staining of Nodal, Cripto‑1
Cripto‑1 and Notch4 expression levels in the group of nevi and Notch4 in nonmalignant melanocytic lesions regardless
from patients with no history of melanoma (R2= 0.041; P= 0.03; of whether or not the nevi were from patients with or without
n=121) and in the group of nevi from patients with a positive a history of melanoma, as reflected by the means of the IHC
history of melanoma (R 2= 0.141; P= 0.003; n=61) (Fig. 4). In scores calculated for the different groups analyzed. Calculating
the group of nevi from patients with a positive history of the mean from a grading system of low to high expression
melanoma, no significant correlation was observed between levels, however, can be distorted by outlier cases having
IS for Nodal, Cripto‑1 or Notch4 and patient age, time elapsed values at either end of the spectrum. Calculation of median
between surgical removal of the nevus and diagnosis of mela- levels with corresponding interquartile ranges provides an
noma, and anatomical site (data not shown). When analyzing improved representation of the distribution of IHC scores for
high Nodal expression and anatomical sites in the group of nevi individual cases. In fact, this method showed a significantly
from female patients that subsequently developed melanoma, higher median value for all three markers in the group of
the highest Nodal IS (9) for both the nevi and the subsequent nevi from patients with a history of melanoma compared with
melanomas was predominantly associated with lesions located nevi from patients with no melanoma history. However, on a
on the posterior torso (Fig. 5). In contrast, male patients showed case‑by‑case basis, no significant correlation was observed
the highest Nodal IS (9) for both the nevi and the subsequent in IS between Nodal and Cripto‑1 or Nodal and Notch4 for
melanomas in lesions located on the limbs (Fig. 5). either group of nevi. This was unexpected since Cripto‑1 is a
Finally, in patients with a positive history of melanoma, a well‑established co‑receptor for canonical Nodal signaling (7)
significant positive correlation was observed between Nodal and Notch4 has been shown to be associated with Nodal
IS in the preceding nevus and Breslow depth in the subsequent expression in aggressive melanoma (8), and thus one would
melanomas (R²= 0.1067; P= 0.02; n=48) (Fig. 6A). The same anticipate a relationship between these two protein markers.
significant positive correlation was found between Nodal IS These data may indicate that either Nodal biological effects,
and Breslow depth in the cutaneous melanoma cases (R²=0.44; assuming that nevi are responsive to Nodal, may be mediated
P=0.02; n=12) (Fig. 6B). independently of Cripto‑1 or Notch4, or that Nodal's effect may
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 12: 1349-1354, 2016 1353
Figure 5. Anatomical site of Nevus and Nodal expression. Nodal immunohistochemistry IS shown for nevi from patients with a positive history of melanoma
and for the melanoma that subsequently developed according to anatomical sites and gender. IS, index score.
signaling is one of several established mechanisms underlying in patients with benign melanocytic lesions could represent
Nodal's biological effects (6,11). In fact, in the group of nevi a powerful tool for screening and prevention of melanoma.
from patients that subsequently developed melanoma, the The results of this study indicate that nevi with high Nodal
majority of these nevi showing highest Nodal expression (i.e. expression are associated with the development of aggressive
posterior torso) were from the same anatomical sites in which melanoma, suggesting that patients from whom these types
the melanoma subsequently developed‑in both female and male of nevi are removed should be closely monitored for potential
patients. Perhaps the surrounding melanocytic cells/lesions in melanomagenesis.
the posterior torso may have become more responsive to Nodal
as a consequence of accumulated effects of other melanogenic Acknowledgements
factors, such as exposure to UV radiation. In fact, the posterior
torso is a common site in both men and women for increased The present study was supported by grants from the
sun exposure. This also raises the possibility of a potential National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA; grant
dosage effect of Nodal whereby, more Nodal would presum- nos. RO1CA121205 and R37CA59702) and H. Foundation
ably exert more autoinductive effects. To this regard, it would and Dixon Translational Research Grants to Dr Mary J.C.
be interesting to study the circulating Nodal levels and number Hendrix (Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of
of nevi to determine whether higher levels of Nodal can be Chicago, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL USA); and
detected in patients with increased numbers of nevi. Unfortu- a grant from the American Cancer Society Institutional
nately, this data was not available since an exact count of all Research Grant (grant no. 93‑037‑18) to Dr Luigi Strizzi
nevi present in each patient was not performed during whole (Northwestern University).
body inspection prior to excision of the nevus. Notably, in the
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