9 Civelek
9 Civelek
9 Civelek
Volume 14 Issue 4 December 2023
p-ISSN 2083-1277, e-ISSN 2353-1827
Citation: Civelek, M., Krajčík, V., & Ključnikov, A. (2023). The impacts of dynamic capabili-
ties on SMEs’ digital transformation process: The resource-based view perspective. Oeconomia
Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392. doi: 10.24136/oc.2023.019
Mehmet Civelek
Pan-European University, Czechia
Vladimír Krajčík
Pan-European University, Czechia
Aleksandr Ključnikov
Pan-European University, Czechia
Keywords: digital transformation; digital literacy; cyber-security; dynamic capabilities of the resource-
based view; SMEs
Research background: SMEs’ concern for the digital literacy of their workforce, their interest
in increasing digital literacy among employees, and securing their digital platforms, have been
major issues in their digital transformation process. To reduce those obstacles, the dynamic
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
capabilities of SMEs included in the Resource-based View (RBV) might be an effective solution
since they help companies be more competitive and proactive against the threats they face in
the digitalization process.
Purpose of the article: This research aims to investigate whether SMEs' dynamic capabilities
positively contribute to their digital transformation process.
Methods: In line with the proposed relationships, this paper analyzes SMEs from Czechia by
running Ordinal Logistic Regression analyses. The research sample is created by stratified
random sampling and purposive sampling methods. The research data is collected via tele-
phone surveys.
Findings & value added: This research does not find a positive relationship between the
dynamic capabilities of SMEs and the digital transformation process. While the results related
to digital literacy are negatively associated with digital transformation, no significant relation-
ship exists between security actions and the digital transformation of SMEs. This paper ex-
tends the scope of RBV on the digital transformation of SMEs by analyzing various dynamic
capabilities of SMEs that have not been included in a sole study. Moreover, the perceptions of
SME executives are considered by this research to provide effective solutions for the problems
they face in digital transformation. Having a joint venture agreement with well-experienced IT
companies, having a network with partner firms, looking for funding opportunities in the EU,
participating in some practical training, and providing internships for bachelor students might
enable SMEs to hit their targets in digital transformation.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
European SMEs have faced cybercrime issues at least once in 2021. Czech
SMEs have more intensively perceived these issues than the EU average. In
this regard, it will be noteworthy to analyze the impacts of digital literacy
activities, cyber security, and digital literacy concerns of SMEs on their
digital transformation process and to find solutions for these issues. For
this reason, prospective readers will be interested in reading the outcomes
of this unique research.
This paper makes three contributions to the literature and the theory.
First, this paper defines the scope of major obstacles that SMEs face in the
digital transformation process by including three main issues in a study.
Many researchers have separately examined enterprises' major issues in the
digital transformation process (Rupeika-Apoga & Petrovska, 2022; Lutfi et
al., 2022), and do not concentrate on the SMEs segment (Oggero et al., 2020;
Ollerenshaw et al., 2021). Thus, this study emphasizes the main challenges
of the digital transformation process in the context of SMEs. Second, this
paper extends the RBV theory's scope to SMEs' digital transformation pro-
cess. Many researchers have already analyzed the importance of dynamic
capabilities in companies' digital transformation (Warner & Wäger, 2019;
Vial, 2019). However, those researchers separately analyze the impacts of
dynamic capabilities on digital transformation. This paper is the first one
that focuses on three crucial dynamic capabilities of SME executives and
SMEs, such as their concern for the digital literacy of their workers, digital
literacy, and cyber security activities of SMEs. Since these capabilities are
related to the firms’ human and technological resources, this paper brings
SMEs' human and technological sources together. It looks at their impacts
on the digital transformation process. Another contribution lies in the focus
on the perceptions of firms’ executives regarding the analyzed variables.
Since managers and owners take very active roles in SMEs’ management,
the authors believe that the executives’ directives for their employees’ digi-
tal literacy and the executives’ decisions for companies’ security and digital
literacy activities in the digital transformation process might be more un-
derstandable from the executives’ point of view.
The remaining part of the article is structured in the following sequence.
First, the empirical results of previous studies and the research hypotheses
will be expressed in the Literature Review section. Next, the details regard-
ing methodological approaches, sample characteristics, data collection, and
analyses will be clarified in the Research Methods section in detail. Then,
the researchers will explain the paper's results with the hypotheses testing
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
in the Results section. In the fourth section, the researchers will discuss the
results and provide some policy implementations and solutions for SMEs
regarding the problems of their digital transformation process. Lastly, the
researchers will conclude the most important points of this research and
define the limitations of the research, and make recommendations for fur-
ther studies.
Literature review
A lack of digital literacy and digital skills of employees has been identified
as a major barrier in the digital transformation process of SMEs (Rupeika-
Apoga & Petrovska, 2022; Lutfi et al., 2022). Furthermore, a lack of digitally
literate workers is also an alarming issue in implementing effective digital
technologies into work operations (Weill et al., 2019). Ollerenshaw et al.
(2021) analyze Australian SMEs and highlight that a lack of digital skills
causes many issues for those firms to adopt digital technologies. Similarly,
Neumeyer et al. (2020) also interpret that when the literacy of employees is
lower, companies have a lower degree of absorptive capacity and face
higher costs and risks in their operations. Moreover, firms that ignore the
digital literacy of workers fail in digital transformation (Murawski & Bick,
2017; Nadeem et al., 2018). By observing Polish SMEs, Ziółkowska (2021)
claims that insufficiently skilled employees lacking technical knowledge
are one of the barriers for SMEs in their digital transformation process.
Krajčík (2021) also emphasizes the issues in Czech SMEs’ digital transfor-
mation process, such as the shortage of skilled employees.
Top management support is crucial to avoid such an issue (Lutfi et al.,
2020; Lutfi et al., 2022). By being aware of the digital literacy of their work-
ers, firms can implement a data-driven approach to direct their workers for
the tasks that employees aim to achieve. For instance, Amazon has applied
this approach that enables this company to assess their workers’ perfor-
mance and collaborations. For these reasons, companies that run such ap-
proaches can be more effective in the decision-making process to direct,
manage and motivate their employees (Westerman, 2016). By analyzing
Hungarian and Slovakian SMEs, Saáry et al. (2022) report that SMEs both
countries know the need to implement new business models in digital
transformation. Moreover, managers who understand the digital literacy of
their workers can also do some activities to train their workforce (Cetin-
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
damar-Kozanoglu & Abedin, 2020). In this regard, Bolek et al. (2018) ana-
lyze Slovakian managers and verify that managers' interest in creating ed-
ucational activities can increase information literacy. However, Krajčík
(2021) analyzes Czech SMEs and elucidates that Czech SMEs’ awareness
regarding digitalization is not enough. Furthermore, Lutfi et al. (2020) ana-
lyze SMEs from Jordan and declare that SMEs’ decision-makers showing
more concern for supporting their workers’ literacy increase the adoption
success of artificial intelligence solutions by firms. Cruz-Jesus et al. (2019)
investigate some SMEs from Portugal and express that the top manage-
ment needs to prioritize integrating the technologies by their workers to
ease their CRM adoption. Similarly, Jahanshahi and Brem (2017) examine
some Iranian SMEs and verify that top management teams’ behavioral
integrity may create an effective environment for their workers to imple-
ment more innovative solutions for their business operations. In this re-
gard, firms showing more concern about the digital literacy of their work-
ers can gain more advantages than others that do not, because firms put-
ting more emphasis on the digital literacy of their workers can take efficient
actions to improve the capabilities of their workers. Due to having those
arguments, a research hypothesis might be set as follows:
H1: There is a positive relationship between digital literacy concerns and the digi-
tal transformation of SMEs.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
H2: There is a positive relationship between digital literacy activities and the digi-
tal transformation of SMEs.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
the security concerns of SMEs (Carcary et al., 2014; Hassan et al., 2020).
Krajčík (2021) examines Czech SMEs and surmises that a lack of sufficient
tools concerning cyber-security, problems in high-speed internet access,
and the deterioration of regulatory standards, including intellectual prop-
erty rights, might be other reasons for the digital security concerns of
All those factors are the major threats affecting SMEs' digital transporta-
tion process. SME executives can negatively perceive those factors and
become reluctant to apply digital technologies. For these reasons, firms
implementing cybersecurity protections in their digital networks and pro-
grams can be more successful in digital transformation. In this regard,
Maroufkhani et al. (2020) examine Iranian SMEs and state that security
affects the digital transformation process of SMEs, including big data adop-
tion. By analyzing Slovakian SMEs, Bolek et al. (2018) infer that firms need
to improve their workers’ abilities by providing education for information
security. Skafi et al. (2020) also analyze Lebanese companies and verify that
a positive relationship exists between the security actions of firms and their
adoption of big data. Moreover, Lutfi et al. (2020) investigate Jordanian
SMEs and confirm that insecure feelings have a negative impact on the
adaption of big data analytics. On the other hand, Hassan et al. (2020) ex-
amine German SMEs and vindicate that security is one issue that decreases
SMEs’ technology adoption. Thus, firms taking steps for cybersecurity is-
sues are more likely to gain success in their digital transformation process.
These pieces of evidence enable this paper to set another hypothesis as
H3: There is a positive relationship between cyber-security activities and the digi-
tal transformation of SMEs.
Research methods
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
struct's response rate, validy, and reliability by doing so. This pilot survey
was implemented in the Moravian-Silesian Region of Czechia. The research
team revised the questionnaire depending on the respondents' comments
in this pilot survey. Thus, some phrases that might cause misunderstand-
ings and grammatical errors were changed in line with the respondents'
comments. The number of firms included in the sample was determined
depending on the proportion of the active SMEs in the Moravian-Silesian
Region of Czechia to the total number of SMEs operating in the Czech Re-
public. The ratio information was gained from the Czech Statistical Office.
The sample is purposively selected based on the size, sector, and geograph-
ical coverage. Then, the research team called 330 owners and managers of
SMEs. Thus, the respondents were the executives of those businesses.
The survey consists of various questions that aim to discover SMEs'
characteristics and assess those enterprises' digital literacy, digital trans-
formation, digital capabilities, and digital adoption. To hit this paper’s
target, the researchers used four survey questions presented in Table 1. For
example, when the researchers asked digital literacy activities of SMEs, the
scholars directed the respondents to think about their companies‘ training
activities for employees, companies‘ collaborations with mentors, and
companies‘ communications with their workers. Moreover, the respond-
ents are informed about digital literacy, including employees' abilities re-
garding using computers, information, media, communication, and cyber-
security systems.
To scale the responses of survey participants, the researchers applied
a four-point Likert Scale. The scale used for independent variables of the
research models, namely, digital literacy of employees, digital literacy, and
cyber-security activities of SMEs, is as follows: “1-strongly disagree”, “2-
disagree”, “3-agree”, “4-strongly agree”. Thus, the higher volumes indicate
more concerns of SMEs regarding digital literacy and digital security issues
of their companies. Regarding the dependent variable of the research mod-
els, namely, digital transformation, a four-point Likert scale is applied by
the researchers as follows: “1-very poor”, “2-poor”, “3-good”, and “4-very
good” and “4-very good” is the reference level of the dependent variable.
As mentioned above, the research models' dependent and independent
variables are scaled by a four-point Likert Scale and ranked. For this rea-
son, the researchers use Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis in SPSS sta-
tistical program within the logit function. According to Harrell (2015), or-
dinal regression has an algorithm that evaluates continuous and latent
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
≤ =β +β (1)
Y Dependent variable (Y1: Digital transformation, same in all research mod-
J Categories j=1 refers to “1-very poor”, j=2 refers to “2-poor”, j=3 refers to
“3-good”, and j=4 refers to “4-very good”.
X1 Independent variable (X1: Digital Literacy concern of SMEs in the 1st re-
search model, X1: Digital Literacy activities of SMEs in the 2nd model and
Cyber-security activities of SMEs in the 3rd research model)
Βj1 Regression coefficients, β0 = Constant term, P = Probability.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
the research models become capable of making better predictions for the
dependent variables. In other words, the financial literacy of employees,
financial literacy, and cyber-security activities of SMEs are good at predict-
ing the changes in the digital transformation of those enterprises. The val-
ues from Cox&Snell and Nagelkerke statistics are also presented in Table 2
to indicate the overall model fit. Both indicators represent the percentage of
the changes in the dependent variable. For instance, when the digital litera-
cy of employees is included in the first research model, this independent
variable represents 17.7% (the volume from the Nagelkerke indicator) of
the changes in the digital transformation of SMEs. Similar explanations can
also be made for the second (20.4% of the variabilities in digital transfor-
mation can be explained by the addition of digital literacy activities of
SMEs into the second model) and the third research models (40.6% of the
changes in digital transformation have occurred due to adding cyber-
security activities of SMEs into the third research model).
Another indicator included in Table 2 is the Test of Parallel Lines, which
measures whether the slope coefficients of the three cutoffs are similar.
Unlike testing Model Fitting, P values (“Sig.“ in the table) must be higher
than the 5% significance level to verify this assumption. P values for the 1st
and 2nd, and 3rd research models are greater than this significance level
(0.056, 0.135, and 0.334, respectively). The results from Model Fitting,
Goodness of Fit, and Test of Parallel Lines prove that this paper does not
invalidate the assumptions of the Ordinal Logistic Regression Test; there-
fore, it is suitable to use this test for data analyses.
Table 3 illustrates the sample profile that includes 330 SMEs working in
both manufacturing (165 firms, 50% of the entire sample) and service (165
firms, 50% of the entire sample) industries. Concerning the firm size, 110
firms (33.33% of the whole sample) are categorized under micro-segment,
while 110 businesses (33.33% of the whole sample) are categorized under
small-sized enterprises. The remaining 110 enterprises (33.33% of the whole
sample) are larger than the others; thus, they are classified as medium-
sized enterprises. Other details regarding the characteristics of the re-
spondents are also presented in Table 3.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
The results of this paper regarding 1st research model are presented in
Table 4. As indicated in this table, p values (“Sig.“ in the table) for the cut-
offs of the independent variable (digital literacy concern of SMEs) are lower
than the 5% level of significance (p values < 0.005). Hence, SMEs‘ concern
for the digital literacy of their workers is a significant predictor of digital
transformation. However, since the coefficients of the cutoffs (Estimate in
the table) are negative (-2.161, -2.173, and -1.091, respectively), SMEs hav-
ing lower volumes from the independent variable of the first research
model are more likely to have a higher stage in the digital transformation
process. In this regard, a negative association exists between the concerns
of SMEs regarding their employees‘ digital literacy and their digital trans-
formation. For this reason, this paper fails to support the H1 hypothesis
that assumes a positive association among those variables.
Odds ratios are also presented in Table 4 to indicate the changes in odds
when a unit change in the SMEs’ concern for digital literacy occurs. The
odds ratio also refers to “how many times higher the odds of occurrence
are for each one-unit increase in the independent variable” (Ho, 2013). Fur-
thermore, it also evaluates the strength of the relationship between SMEs’
digital literacy concerns and digital transformation. Since the coefficients of
the cutoffs are negative, one unit decrease (from cutoff 3 to cutoff 2) in
SMEs’ digital literacy concern 0.336 times greater the odds of occurrence to
have a higher level in the digital transformation process for SMEs with
a 95% confidence interval between -1.578 to -0.605. Thus, having a higher
stage in digital transformation process 0.336 times is likely to occur for
SMEs with lower digital literacy than those with more concerned SMEs.
On the other hand, odd ratios can be interpreted by another indicator. If
the odd ratio is higher than 1, the odds of the event is more likely to occur
when the predictor variable increases. Since 0.336 is lower than 1, being in
a greater stage of the digital transformation process is less likely to occur
when SMEs’ concern for digital literacy increases.
Concerning the results of the 2nd research model, Table 5 is depicted in
Annex. P values for the cutoffs of the digital literacy activities of SMEs (the
independent variable of the 2nd research model) are lower than a 5% level
of significance as presented under the column of “Sig.“ (Litactofcom = 1:
0.000, Litactofcom = 2: 0.0000, Litactofcom = 3: 0.0019). Thus, the digital
literacy activity of SMEs is a significant variable in predicting digital trans-
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
As already substantiated by the analyses, this research does not confirm the
positive association between the dynamic capabilities of SMEs (including
digital literacy concern of SMEs, digital literacy, and cyber-security activi-
ties of SMEs) and their digital transformation process. Therefore, the results
of this paper are not compatible with the studies of Murawski and Bick
(2017), Nadeem et al. (2018), Bolek et al. (2018), focused on digital literacy
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
On the other hand, the reason this paper differs from other studies re-
garding the relationship between SMEs’ concerns for the digital literacy of
their employees and digital transformation might be related to the experi-
ence of the executives analyzed in this research. The experience not only
enables executives to be more concerned and interested in their workers’
abilities but also causes increases in knowledge sharing among workers
and executives to adopt new technologies (Hassan et al., 2020). Moreover,
experience makes businesses take effective actions to adopt new technolo-
gies (Afolayan & de la Harpe, 2020). Since 63.64% of the respondents in the
research data have less than ten years of experience, this fact can be a good
argument for why this study differs from other studies by confirming the
negative association among those variables. Therefore, more practical and
detailed training needs to be provided for the executives to increase their
digital transformation experience of executives.
According to the Eurostat Basic Digital Skills statistic (2021), 54% of
people between 16 to 74 years old in Europe have basic digital skills. How-
ever, although the volume of Czechia is greater than the average (around
60%), the country stays behind many European countries, including Den-
mark, the Netherlands, and Finland. Moreover, although the ranking of
Czechia in the level of country preparedness to exploit digital transfor-
mation index is 29 around the world, the country’s ranking for training and
education is 38 (IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking Report,
2022). In this regard, policymakers need to emphasize the development of
practical training and theoretical courses for company executives.
Since SMEs lack financial assets and financial resources compared to their
larger rivals, the development of digital literacy among their workers and
the securitization of their digital tools seem to be a rocky road in their digi-
tal transformation process. In this regard, SMEs’ dynamic capabilities, such
as their interest in their employees’ digital literacy and their activities re-
garding the security of digital tools, need to be investigated in detail to
provide solutions for the obstacles of the digital transformation process.
For these reasons, this paper tries to find out the positive impacts of dy-
namic capabilities on the digital transformation of SMEs.
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
This paper uses data from 330 SMEs located in Czechia. Telephone sur-
veys collected the data to achieve the research’s aim. Moreover, this paper
applies purposive and stratified random sampling methods to create the
research sample. Finally, the researchers performed all the analyses by
running Ordinal Logistic Regression Test in the SPSS program.
According to the results, this paper does not find a positive relationship
between SMEs' digital literacy and security activities and their digital trans-
formation process. The reason for that might be related to their funding
opportunities. Besides looking for EU support, SMEs can have a joint ven-
ture agreement with a company with greater financial power, more digital
literacy training, and some other activities to secure transactions via digital
tools. With such a collaboration, SMEs receive financial and security sup-
port from their partners. Partner companies can also create a network to
increase digital literacy among their employees.
On the other hand, this paper confirms the non-existence of a positive
association between SMEs’ concerns for the digital literacy of their employ-
ees and their digital transformation process. The experience of SME execu-
tives might be a strong argument to explain this result. In this regard, gov-
ernments can collaborate with universities to provide training for company
executives. Pieces of training can focus on developing the executives’ skills,
personal attitudes towards technological developments, the usage, and
understanding of executives regarding new digital technologies, and inter-
est in new technological trends that SMEs can implement for their opera-
tions. Moreover, managers and owners of SMEs can be trained for the ob-
stacles that they might face during the adoption of new technologies and
can be informed of the solutions to overcome those barriers. Valuable train-
ing, such as trials of some programs that SMEs might use for their opera-
tions, can be included in the executives' courses. SMEs can also collaborate
with universities and provide internship programs for students who study
information technologies and are good at IT programs. After the students'
graduation, SMEs can hire them to increase digital literacy in their busi-
nesses. By taking such actions, SMEs can reduce their cyber-security and
digital literacy concerns.
This paper brings various dynamic capabilities of SMEs into a study
and looks at their impacts on digital transformation. Moreover, this paper
also conceptualizes the major obstacles SMEs face in digitalization. By
highlighting these barriers, this research also provides alternative solutions
for SMEs to adopt the technologies used in the digitalization process easier
Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(4), 1367–1392
and quicker. However, although this paper contributes to the RBV theory
and provides some initiatives that policymakers and SMEs can take, this
paper has some limitations. For instance, this paper is only limited to the
dynamic capabilities of RBV, the perceptions of company executives, and
the non-financial data of SMEs from a European country. For these reasons,
further studies can also include organizational capabilities and financial
statements of SMEs and larger enterprises from various countries in their
research. By doing so, new studies can make both country-level and firm-
level comparisons. Moreover, having financial statement analyses can
make further studies to indicate the financial issues of SMEs in detail. On
the other hand, the survey that this study applies aims to analyze the gen-
eral perspective of firm executives regarding digital transformation, digital
literacy, and cyber security of their businesses. In this regard, new studies
can extend such surveys by including more specific questions about the
particular aspects of cyber security, digital literacy, and digital transfor-
mation to enlarge enterprises’ digitalization.
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The journal is co-financed in the years 2022–2024 by the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Poland in the framework of the ministerial programme
“Development of Scientific Journals” (RCN) on the basis of contract no.
RCN/SN/0129/2021/1concluded on 29 September 2022 and being in force until 28
September 2024.
Variables Measurements
Digital Transformation “ What is your company's digital transformation phase in the digital
transformation process?”
Digital Literacy concerns “ The digital literacy of employees is important for your company.”
of SMEs
Digital Literacy activities “ The steps/activities being taken in your company to increase employees'
of SMEs digital literacy level. “
Security Activities of “ You are dealing with cyber security issues connected to digital
SMEs transformation. “
Goodness of fit
Assumptions Model fitting Test of parallel lines
Pseudo R-square
Models -2 Log Chi- Cox & -2 Log Chi-
likelihood Square df Sig. Snell Nagelkerke likelihood Square df Sig.
Model 1 117.351 58.678 3 0.000 0.163 0.177 58.672 12.299 6 0.056
Model 2 131.789 68.607 3 0.000 0.188 0.204 63.182 10.018 6 0.135
Model 3 219.850 154.458 3 0.000 0.374 0.406 65.392 7.777 6 0.334
Note: Sig.: Significance
Odds 95% CI
Variable Estimate S.E. Wald df Sig.
Ratio [Lower Upper]
Dig. Trans. = 1 -2.690 0.232 134.645 1 0.000 0.068 [-3.144 -2.236]
Odds 95% CI
Variable Estimate S.E. Wald df Sig.
Ratio [Lower Upper]
Dig. Trans. = 1 -2.800 0.255 120.511 1 0.000 0.061 [-3.300 -2.300]
Odds 95% CI
Variable Estimate S.E. Wald df Sig.
Ratio [Lower Upper]
Dig. Trans. = 1 -4.304 0.397 117.518 1 0.000 0.014 [-5.083 -3.526]