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TinyZine Issue 14

Written by Alan Bahr, Brian Fitzpatrick, & Steffie de Vaan

Editor: Alan Bahr
Interior Art: Anthony Cournoyer, Nicolás R. Giacondino
Graphic Design & Layout: Robert Denton III
TinyD6 Line Manager : Alan Bahr
Based on the game Tiny Dungeon by Brandon McFadden
Second Edition

Published by Gallant Knight Games, 2019

Tiny Dungeon 2e and TinyD6 are trademarks of Gallant Knight Games.

©2019 by Gallant Knight Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction without
the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for
the purposes of reviews, and for the blank character sheets, which may be
reproduced for personal use only.

Gallant Knight Games, Ogden UT 84404

Letter from
the Editor
Hail Loyal Gallants!
Welcome to the fourteenth issue of TinyZine!
Steffie returns with our monthly Roll-and-Play, this time
tackling Tiny Communities and their setups.
Yours truly provides some new Heritages for TinyD6 games,
including variations on Fae drawn from mythology and the history
of roleplaying!
Brian Fitzpatrick brings us another Aliens & Asteroids article!
And finally, in honor of giant monster movies (your humble
editor saw a few this month), we’ve got some new Mecha &
Monsters related goodies for you!
- Alan Bahr, 6/30/2019
PS: As always, we’d also be remiss if we didn’t inform you of
our Gallant Knight Games Patreon, where you can get access
to previews, TinyZines, special Patron only dice, and free GKG
RPGs! Please, feel free to check it out.

The art in this TinyZine is graciously funded by our Patrons.

Tiny Communities

Steffie de Vaan
Roll-and-Play is a monthly article by Steffie de Vaan which lets
GMs create easy, readymade content for their game. The concept
is simple: grab a d6, and roll once on each tables below, or mix and
match as fits your game.
This month we’re exploring communities, from lush agricultural
villages to big city slums. A community is defined by its people who
find themselves, for better or worst, thrust together. Communities
serve as a home to protect, or simply as somewhere to pass through
and pick up new quests.

D6 Name and Description

1 Savna is a tent city of raiders and scavengers set up near
the entrance of a sprawling underground dungeon. It sees
treasure hunters, merchants, and bars and brothels.
2 The destitute farming village of Morningbright barely clings
to life, as changing temperatures renders once fertile lands
3 Lovenstein is a thriving farming village sitting on fertile
river lands. Give it another generation and it could be the
breadbasket of the nation!
4 Nefti is a major trade city on a prominent river between
two rich kingdoms.
5 Beggar’s Bluff is the poorest neighborhood in the city, and
no map can capture the maze of alleys and makeshift houses
stacked upon other houses.
6 The city quarter Dargent is bustling with small shops, inns
and bars, its people working day and night to keep themselves
aloft as barely middle class.

D6 We, the People
1 It’s every person for themselves here, with alliances being

struck - and discarded - as needs must. People are not

evil, nor actively scheming to betray their fellows, but one
must look out for oneself.
2 People live in small, close-knit families through blood, or
chosen. Loyalty and dedication are absolute within the
family, and they can call on each other night or day. Outsiders,
however, are decidedly less welcome.
3 The community serves as one big safety net, though not a
family. Privacy and discretion remain paramount - no one
wants to know why Leanna needs some extra coin. When
she asks though, the other people step up knowing they
too might need to call on the community later.
4 These people are one big extended family, be it chosen or
through marriage and bloodlines. They know everything
about each other, which comes with all the usual support
and occasional condemnation.
5 This community sees a strict hierarchy, with an oligarchy -
be they the community’s oldest, richest, or wisest members
- making decisions for all of them.
6 This community revolves around a central meeting hall where
people make all major decisions together. Meetings are hectic
and often long-winded, but it’s as close to a direct democracy
as people can get.

D6 Who’s in Charge
1 Ranna is young, charismatic and clever, and utterly out of zir
depth. Ze’s not sure how ze rose to leader of zir community,
but ze feels stressed out and overwhelmed. Traits: Human,
Charismatic, Eidetic Memory, Familiar.
2 Jinx grew up with a nose for trouble - and no talent at avoiding
it. She’s older now, and presumably wiser, and uses her
considerable experience to keep her community trouble-free.
Traits: Fey, Barfighter, Drunken Master, Opportunist, Vigilant.

D6 Who’s in Charge
3 Toren traveled many nations before finally settling here -

or maybe he finally came back home. His knowledge of the

world serves well in keeping the community safe. Traits:
Goblin, Dugeoneer, Educated, Spell Reader, Survivalist.
4 Xalsa grew up here, as did zir mother and grandmother. Ze
knows the community inside and out - as they do zir. This
makes guiding them both easier and infinitely more difficult
as everything is personal. Traits: Treefolk, Defender, Eidetic
Memory, Perceptive.
5 Hatha isn’t from around here, as people are quick to remind
him. Even so, the community adheres to his guidance in times
of need as he is both determined and wise. Traits: Karhu,
Beastspeaker, Healer, Insightful, Resolute.
6 Uzu is a veteran of many wars, and uses her hard-won skills
and knowledge to keep the community safe. She never starts
fights, but she will finish them. Traits: Lizardfolk, Armor
Master, Cleave, Defender, Quartermaster.

D6 The Bad Influence
1 It’s impossible to tell which Dalen loves more, adventure or

mischief, or if she even knows the difference. She doesn’t mean

bad, but she certainly has a penchant for kicking up hornets’
nests. Traits: Human, Brawler, Diehard, Lucky.
2 Waren has a long life ahead of them, and they’d like to
spend it in luxury and power. If they have to disrupt the
status quo to get themselves to the top, so be it. Traits: Fey,
Charismatic, Opportunist, Resolute.
3 Numor has plans. A lot of plans, and all of them boil down
to ‘out with the old, and in with the new!’ He doesn’t like
anything the current leadership does on principle. Traits:
Dwarf, Charismatic, Dungeoneer, Educated.
4 Paisey has either the worst luck in the world, or an absolute
lack of talents. Everything he does fails, leaving him
destitute and reliant on others. So, he turned to thieving to
support himself. Traits: Goblin, Acrobat, Nimble, Sneaky.
5 Horu loves money, and firmly believes all of it should be
hers. She’s technically speaking a merchant, but honestly
more of a hustler and swindler. Traits: Salimar, Charismatic,
Nimble, Opportunist.
6 Jaida is lazy. Not evil or malicious, just really lazy. She opposes
any plan that requires her to do work, never participates in
community projects, and generally skirts all involvement.
Traits: Karhu, Lucky, Perceptive, Strong.


D6 Trouble
1 The community is beset by raiders (Gnolls, Tiny Dungeon
2E p.51) who seek the resources, however little, it has.
2 The sovereign levies heavy backward taxes which the
people cannot pay. Tax collectors use stats for one Knight
(p. 52) and two Town Guards (p.56).
3 An extortion racket (Highwaymen, p.46) targets the
community, charging money to protect people from…
well, from the extortionists.
4 The community’s dead (Skeletons and Zombies, p56/57)
are rising! Following the trail, the adventurers find a
Necromancer (p.54) responsible.
5 An evil wizard (Cult Leader, p.57) demands the people
bow before her, lest she curse them.
6 An earthquake sends vicious creatures (Giant Snakes or Spiders,
p. 50/51) from their burrows to overrun the community.

New Heritages
Grey Elves
A cousin Heritage to the Fae, these haughty fae are masters of
magic and nobility, living exceptionally long lives.
Hit Points: 6
New Heritages

Heritage Trait: Arcane Mastery – When using Spelltouched or

Scroll-Reader, the Grey Elves may elect to empower that effect.
If the effect requires a Test, and they do not have Disadvantage
on this Test, they may instead elect to spend two actions and
have the Test automatically succeed.

Wood Elves
A cousin Heritage to the Fae, the Wood Elves are primal, feral and
barbarian-like, more beast than fae. Prone to rage, vengeance and
anger, the Wood Elves are masters of camouflage and concealment.
Hit Points: 7
Heritage Trait: Choose One:
• Reckless & Feral – Wood Elves deal +1 damage with all attacks
when they have 3 or less Hit Points.
• Hunter – Wood Elves deal +1 damage with all attacks when
the wood elf is in a truly natural wooded environment (a park
in a city would not count.)

Dark Elves
Albino and underground cousins to the fae, the dark elves are
the subject of many rumors and fantastical stories regarding their
abilities. How true they are is up to adventures to find out…
Hit Points: 6
Heritage Traits:
New Heritages

• Darksight – Dark elves can see in natural darkness without

• Underground Fighters – Dark elves always count as having
taken the Evade action when engaged in combat underground.
• Light-blindness – Dark elves suffer Disadvantage on any turn
where they are exposed to bright light suddenly and for 1d3
turns after (a flare from a Spelltouched effect, a magic item, a
torch being lit without warning would all trigger this trait.) In
broad daylight, this rule is always in effect.

Treat Every Weapon As If
It Were Loaded
An Aliens & Asteroids Article by Brian Fitzpatrick
In the void, your weapon may very well be the difference between
life and death. Can you maintain operational status long enough
to be effective when needed? What gives you the edge when your
finger is on the trigger and your weapon is hot?
Keeping your mind and weapon ready for action at all times must
be your primary goal when you are waiting for that action to occur.
How you do that? Training.
At the Armstrong-Glenn Dominion Space Forces (DSF) Training
Academy at Picard Crater on Luna, Earth orbit, Sol system, you
were given four safety rules during basic training with your pistol or
pulse rifle. These were the same rules given every Marine since the
beginning of time:
• Rule #1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
• Rule #2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intended
to shoot.
• Rule #3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you

are ready to fire.

• Rule #4. Keep the weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
These rules exist not only for YOUR safety, but for the safety of
those around you.
In addition, you are required to become intimately knowledgeable
about every part of your main weapon, from the stock, sight, trigger,
and magazine, down to the pins holding each assembly together. Be
able to strip, clean, and reassemble any weapon with which you use
This knowledge could very well be the difference between life and
death in the field.

Knowing the rules
The Guns trait grants your character the knowledge to not only
fire all standard non-heavy ranged weapons effectively in and out
of combat. This includes firing, reloading, and cleaning the pistol,
pulse rifle, shotgun, and sniper rifle. Any character trained with
the Guns trait is at an Advantage to fire such weapons in combat.
Certain conditions (sand, blowing dust or dirt, swamp, etc.) may
require additional cleaning between uses of a weapon. In such
conditions, mechanical parts may fail more frequently, requiring
additional time for repairs in the field. Calling out that a character
is explicitly cleaning a weapon during downtime may cancel out
any adverse effects of current conditions.
In addition, your character may take the Guns: Specialization
trait. Specializing in one of the standard non-heavy ranged
weapons grants a faster reload speed in combat. For instance, a
character specialized with the pulse rifle only takes a single action
to reload (RS1) instead of the standard 2 actions (RS2). And a
character specialized with the pistol may reload as a free action
(RS0) instead of requiring a single action (RS1).
Note that in adverse conditions, a Referee may add additional
difficulties such as:

• Reload Speed penalty; i.e. RS2 becomes RS3, RS1 becomes

RS2, RS0 becomes RS1
• Firing a weapon is always at a Disadvantage; in this case the
Advantage of the Guns trait would cancel this Disadvantage,
allowing the character to fire at No Advantage.

New Mecha &
Monster Rules
The systems and evolutions you find below are part of the revised
edition of Mecha & Monsters, currently under development.
While these new systems are immediately compatible with the
existing edition, in the new book there will also be several new
features such as:
• New chassis and evolutions
• Clarified and expanded transforming rules
New Mecha & Monsters

• Clarified and expanded combiner rules

• Two campaign settings + new microsettings!

Sensor Systems:
• Probability AI: Powerful computer logics that predict
outcomes. Passive: Once per session, you may reroll three die
(either as part of one roll or multiple rolls.) If any reroll results
in a 1, lose 1 Fuel.

Weapon Systems:
• Kinetic Drillsaw: A massive impact drillsaw for asteroids
and siege fortifications. Action: Make a melee attack Test
with Advantage. If the attack is successful, make a second

attack without Advantage. If the second attack is successful,
make a third attack with Disadvantage.
• Thermal Lance: A brutal ranged weapon that is rarely used
in combat due to its destructive potential. Action: Make a
New Mecha & Monsters

Ranged Attack Test that deals 1d3 damage. You may spend
Fuel to deal an additional 1d3 damage per 2 Fuel spent (round
down). You take half the damage your Attacks inflict (before
reduction is applied.)

Defense Systems:
• Evasive Servos: Quick-response motor threads designed to
move a mecha out of harm’s way. Passive: When you Evade
or use Agile Dodge during combat, you Test with 2d6.

Intelligence Evolutions:
• Alpha: You’re the biggest monster on the island. Action:
Your Kaiju roars and establishes its dominance. All Kaiju
or Mecha that can hear you must make a Save Test. If they
fail, they suffer Disadvantage on Attacks against you. If
you have this Evolution, all other Kaiju with the Alpha
Evolution must attack you first in combat.
• Multiple Heads: Passive: At the start of your turn make a
Save Test with Disadvantage. If successful, take 1d3 extra
actions this turn. If you fail, lose one action.


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