Assignment 1 2023
Assignment 1 2023
Assignment 1 2023
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Assignment 1
Fundamentals of Power System
Date of Submission: Thursday, April 13, 2023 EE 340
Part (1)
1. What is Power System, provide a clear and short definition?
2. What is the structure of the Power system and how you distinguish between
various subsystem? Then, draw a schematic diagram where you indicate the
3. Why transmission systems operate at high voltage levels?
Fig. 1
Part (2)
Semester (443)- 2023
Fundamentals of Power System
Date of Submission: Thursday, April 13, 2023 EE 340
4. What are the voltages levels used in Saudi Arabia at transmission, sub-transmission,
and distribution?
Semester (443)- 2023
Fundamentals of Power System
Date of Submission: Thursday, April 13, 2023 EE 340
5. The annual load of a substation is given in the following table. During each month,
the power is assumed constant at an average value. Find the following:
a) Average load
b) Annual peak load
c) The annual load factor.
d) Draw the monthly load curve.
Table 1 Annual System Load
Part (3)
1. In a DC 2-wire system a feeder is working on 300 V supplying a constant load. If
the supply voltage is increased to 900 V with the same power transmitted, calculate
the percentage saving in conductor material.
2. A solid cylindrical aluminum conductor 25 km long has an area of 336,400 circular
mils. Obtain the conductor resistance at
(a) 20°C
(b) 50°C.
Semester (443)- 2023
Fundamentals of Power System
Date of Submission: Thursday, April 13, 2023 EE 340
5. Determine the dc resistance in ohms per km of Bluebell at 20∘ C by Eq. given below
and the information given in the pervious question (4), and check the result against
the value listed in tables of 0.01678Ω per 1000ft.
Compute the dc resistance in ohms per kilometer at 50∘ C and compare
the result with the ac 60 − Hz resistance of 0.1024Ω/mi listed in
tables for this conductor at 50∘ C.
Explain any difference in values. Assume that the increase in resistance
due to spiraling is 2% .
Semester (443)- 2023
Fundamentals of Power System
Date of Submission: Thursday, April 13, 2023 EE 340
The End
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Please BE clean and neat when writing and keep one equals sign per line and
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Write your name, due date, homework set (for example HW-4) on upper right.
You should identify the final answer when you are done solving the problem.
Please do NOT e-mail in your assignment unless you clear it with me first. You
should submit it on the Blackboard (BB).
Homework is due on time. When homework is due, I will post answers (one-day
after) to the class on the BB. Late homework after that won't be accepted.
The real payoff of doing homework is learning how to do the problems, because
85-90% of your grade will be based on performance on quizzes and tests.
Semester (443)- 2023