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Surface Preparation Guide

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Hysol® Surface Preparation Guide

Loctite Aerospace
Loctite Corporation
2850 Willow Pass Road
P.O. Box 312
Bay Point, CA 94565-0031
Fax: 925.458.8030

General Considerations

To correctly prepare the surface to be joined, all grease, oil and foreign particles should be removed. With
most high performance adhesives this step is critical, since for good wetting, the adherend should have a
higher surface tension than the adhesive. Even a thumbprint on an otherwise clean surface can prevent the
adhesive from spontaneously wetting and spreading.

Organic contaminants are removed by degreasing, while loose deposits are dislodged by scraping or washing
with acids, alkali solutions or other such chemicals. Metals are best cleaned by vapor degreasing with
trichloroethane, followed by sandblasting or, preferably, by chemical etching. Chemical treatments may be
confined to the bonding areas, but degreasing should be done to the entire assembly. A cleaned assembly
should be bonded as soon after the cleaning operation as possible or an adhesive primer should be applied.
However, if storage is necessary, special precautions should be taken so that the assembly does not become
contaminated. All parts should be tightly wrapped or placed in airtight and oil-free containers. Etched
surfaces must never be touched with bare hands – even wiping the surface with a clean cloth can affect the
bond. Handlers should wear clean cotton gloves and use clean tools.

Nonmetallic, nonporous materials should be degreased with a detergent solution, rinsed thoroughly with
clean water, and then dried. Clean solvent may be substituted for detergent. The surfaces are then hand-
sanded or sandblasted to give them a rough texture. With organic polymers, plasma or corona treatments are
frequently being used to increase the surface activity and thus increase surface wetting and the strength of
adhesive bonds.

Water is often used to test a metal surface for cleanness. A small portion is placed on the surface. If the
water distributes evenly then the metal should wet well with an adhesive. But if it beads or crawls then the
surface should be cleaned again and the test repeated.

Bonding should be performed in a room separate from other manufacturing operations. When bonding is
done in the same area as plastic or rubber molding, a physical barrier should be erected between the two
operations to prevent airborne mold lubricants from depositing on the metal. Similar hazards are presented
by spray painting, electroplating, etching, and machining with coolants. Storage and assembly areas should be
enclosed, and air to these areas filtered and under slight pressure.

Numerous studies are underway to find surface treatment methods that minimize or eliminate use of toxic
materials or polluting substances. Some progress is being made, but replacement of such degreasing solvents
as trichloroethane and such toxic materials as the dichromates will take time. For polymeric surfaces, plasma
or corona discharge treatments are receiving much attention.
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Degreasing Metals

To degrease metal surfaces with a degreasing unit, suspend the metals in a stabilized trichloroethane vapor
bath for about 30 seconds. Check the bath frequently for accumulated contaminants. If a degreasing unit is
not available, clean the surface with a white cotton rag or pieces of absorbent cotton dampened with
trichloroethane. Rags should be changed frequently. Let the surface stand several minutes while the chemical
evaporates. Although non-flammable, this solvent is toxic in both liquid and vapor forms, so the working
areas should be well ventilated. Gloves should be worn when handling this solvent, and smoking should not
be allowed.

Degreasing Non-Metals

Solvents or detergent solutions can be used to remove mold-release agents or waxes from plastics. Such
commercial detergents as represented by “Sprex” (DuBois Chemical Co., 1120 West Front, Cincinnati, Ohio)
are suitable. Acetone or methyl alcohol are effective solvents, depending on the type of plastic to be cleaned.
The adverse effect of solvents on some polymeric materials should be checked before their use.

Surface Abrasion

Smooth surfaces can be improved for bonding by roughening with abrasives such as medium-grit emery
paper. Abrasion should always be followed by degreasing to remove contaminants and loose particles.

Blasting with a fine grit is the best method for removing surface deposits – oxide films, tarnish, rust, mill scale
and other contaminants – from metals. This method should be used only on structures thick enough to resist
distortion. With thinner materials, contaminants should be removed by vapor honing. This method is similar
to grit blasting but uses high-velocity water or steam instead of air. If neither method is appropriate, abrasive
discs, belts, cloth, medium-grit emery paper, or wire brushes can be used. Plastics should be roughened with
abrasive discs, belts, cloth or emery paper to remove mold release agents. Medium-grit emery paper will give
the best results.

Surface abrasion can also remove other surface contaminants as well as weak, low molecular weight
components which can be concentrated at the surface due to their exclusion during solidification or
crystallization of some polymers.2 Also during solidification of both thermoplastic and thermoset materials,
there is often an orientation of the more polar groups towards the interior, leaving a concentration of lower
polarity, lower energy groups on the surface.3 Abrasion can open up access to the more energetic polymer

Chemical Treatment

Chemical or electrolytic pretreatments of a bonding surface can greatly increase the strength of the bond.
Pretreating can etch the surface of a metal, and form a highly adherent oxide. Environmental resistance can
often be greatly increased by such treatment. Etching solutions should be prepared in glass, porcelain,
polyethylene, polypropylene or tetrafluoroethylene fluorocarbon laboratory ware and stirred with rods of the
same material. Metals other than those to be etched should not touch the solutions. For solutions containing
hydrofluoric acid or fluorides, TFE fluorocarbon should be used. Solutions in plastic trays can be heated by
immersion in hot water baths; hot plates or infrared heaters can be used for glass and porcelain trays. See
Caution section below for safe procedures.
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the Department of Labor has defined some of the
following chemicals and substrates to be hazardous to health in varying degrees. Some are even extremely
hazardous. You should familiarize yourself with the substrates and needed chemicals and know the safe
handling procedures to be used before preparing the surfaces for adhesive bonding. Also, many of the
solvents, degreasing solvents and etch bath chemicals are toxic or can be dangerous if not mixed and handled
properly. Materials such as hydrofluoric acid and the chromates need very careful handling. Care should be
taken in preparing such chemical solutions, not only because the wrong proportions can seriously weaken a
bond but also because the chemicals can be harmful to the skin. Many are strong acids and bases.
Remember that solutions containing concentrated sulfuric acid must be prepared by adding acid to water with
stirring, and not vice versa. A violent reaction can occur if this is not observed. Use rubber gloves, aprons,
face shields, etc.

While the information contained in this article is believed to be reliable, surface treating methods have been
selected from many sources, substrates can vary considerably from source to source, and bonding conditions
can vary with location and the experience of the operator. Therefore, all recommendations are made without
guarantee and those following such listed procedures should become familiar with the general requirements
of adhesive bonding and run controls with specific materials and processes before proceeding with the
preparation of critical bonded structures.

Surface Treatment Tables

A number of abbreviations have been used on the surface treatment tables to reduce their length. These
include the following: Parts by weight – pbw; distilled or deionized water – DI water; minutes – min.; hours
– hr.; chemical names – chemical symbols, i.e., hydrofluoric acid – HF, hydrochloric acid -- HCI, sulfuric acid
– H2SO4, sodium dichromate – Na2Cr2O7, sodium hydroxide – NaOH, etc.
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1. Prepared by C. Lynn Mahoney. Based on Surface Preparation Bulletin G-600 and updated references.

2. H. Schonhorn, in: Polymer Surfaces, D.T. Clark and W. J. Feast, Editors, 1978, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.

3. A. Herczeg, G.S. Ronay, and W.C. Simpson. Vol. 2, P221-231, 1970, National SAMPE Technical
Conference Proceedings, Azusa, California, 1970.

4. A.H. Landrock, Adhesives Technology Handbook, 1985, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey.

5. R. Rosty, D. Martinelli, A. Devine, M.J. Bodnar, and J. Beetle, P34, SAMPE Journal, July/August, 1987.

6. J.S. Tira, P18, SAMPE Journal, July/August, 1987.

7. L.J. Matienzo, J.D. Venebles, J.D. Fudge and J.J. Velten, P302, 30th National SAMPE Symposium,
March 19-21, 1985.

8. L.W. Crane, C.H. Hamermesh and L. Maus, SAMPE Journal, March/April 1976.

9. Szu-ly. Wu, A.M. Schuler and D.V. Keene, P277, SAMPE 19th International Technical Conference,
Oct. 13-15, 1987.

10. Kaplan, S.L. and Rose, P.W., Plastics Engineering, May, 1988.

11. Kinloch, A.J. and Kodokian, G.K., Report No. AD-190994, Jan. 15, 1988. Available MTIS.
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Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Aluminum Degrease in vapor (A) Chromic Acid Etch (A)
and Alloys bath with appropriate DI water 1 liter ! Etch metal in bath for 12-15 minutes at
solvent or alkaline H2SO4 (conc.) 300g 150-160°F (66-71°C).
cleaner. Na2Cr2O7∙2H2O 60g ! Do not delay rinse! Spray in tap water
2024 Bare Aluminum 1.5g for 5 min. Follow with DI water soak
(See ASTM D2651 for Dissolve the 20 mil aluminum sheet to rinse.
general information. “seed” the bath. ! Dry thoroughly at 120-140°F max.
See Ref 4 for (49-60°C).
chromate-free P2 (B) Phosphoric Acid Anodizing (Boeing
! Prime or bond within 16 hours.
etch.) Co. Patent Appl.)
(for improved environmental resistance)
(ASTM D3933-80) ! Prepare etched metal as above in A.
Prepare anodizing bath. ! Anodize at 65-85°F (18-30°C).
H3PO4 (75% conc.) 454g ! Slowly raise voltage to 10-11 volts for
DI water 3.71 20-25 minutes.
Add acid to water with stirring. Use ! Disconnect current, immediately remove
titanium racks and a stainless steel parts and rinse in running water (DI or
cathode. <150ppm solids tap-water) for 10-15 min.
! Dry at 160°F (71°C) max.
! Don’t touch surface.
! Prime or bond within 16 hours.
Aluminum Degrease. Not used. ! After degreasing, let stand for 2 hrs. at
Honeycomb room temp. or 15 min. at 200°F (93°C).
Beryllium Degrease. Dissolve NaOH in equal weight of DI ! Immerse in conc. (20%W) NaOH soln. 3
(highly toxic) water, then add water to reduce min. at 180°F (82°C).
concentration to 20%W. ! Rinse thoroughly in cold running DI
! Finally, dry in oven for 10-15 min. at
300-350°F (149-177°C).
Cadmium Degrease. Abrade with emery paper. Preferable ! Repeat degreasing step.
electroplate with silver or nickel for
Copper and Degrease. (A) For medium strength bonds, abrade (A)
Alloys with emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Brass, (Also see Ref 4 and (B) For high bond strengths etch metal (B)
Bronze ASTM D2651-79) surface in: ! Immerse for 1-2 min. at 77°F (25°C).
42% Aqueous FeCl2 soln. 15 pbw ! Rinse in cold running DI water.
Conc. HNO3 (s.g. 1.41) 30 pbw
! Dry immediately with pressurized air
DI water 197 pbw
at R.T.
Gold Degrease with vapor None. ! Degreasing only treatment.
bath or clean rag and
Iron Degrease. Grit blast or abrade with emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Cast Iron
(Alloys under
Lead and Degrease. Abrade with medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
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Metals – cont.
Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Magnesium See ASTM D2651-79. (A) For medium strength bond, abrade (A)
and Alloys with medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
! Dry in forced draft oven at 150-200°F
(B) For high strength bonds, use etch (66-93°C).
procedure (ASTM D2651, Method A) (B)
Bath 1: ! Immerse metal for 10 min. in Bath 1
Sodium Metasilicate 2.5 pbw at 140-160°F (60-71°C).
Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate 1.1 pbw
! Rinse thoroughly in water.
Sodium Hydroxide 1.1 pbw
Nacconol® NR ! Immerse metal for 10 min. in Bath 2
(Allied Chem Corp) 0.3 pbw kept at 140-190°F (60-88°C).
DI water 95 pbw ! Wash in cold running DI water.
Bath 2: ! Dry in forced draft oven at <140°F
Chromium Trioxide 1 pbw (60°C).
DI water 4 pbw ! When cool, immediately apply adhesive.
Nickel Degrease. (A) For medium strength bond, abrade (A)
with medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat the degreasing step.
(B) For higher bond strengths, conc. (B)
HNO3 (s.g. 1.41) (Ref 4). ! For stronger bond, immerse in metal
for 5 seconds in conc. HNO3 solution
at room temp 77°F (25°C).
! Rinse etched metal thoroughly in cold
running DI water.
! Air dry at 104°F (40°C).
Platinum Degrease. No other treatment needed.
Silver Degrease. Using fine-grit emery paper, remove any ! Repeat degreasing step.
tarnish from bonding area.
Steel and Degrease. (A) Sandblast or abrade with medium- (A)
Iron Alloys grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
(except Stain- (B) If cannot sandblast or abrade (B)
less Steel) Acid Bath 1: ! Immerse for 10 min. in acid Bath 1 at
Conc. Orthophosphoric Acid 140°F (60°C) or 5-10 min. in Bath 2
(Sig 1.73) 1 pbw at 68°F (20°C).
Ethyl Alcohol (denatured) 1 pbw ! Remove black residue with stiff brush
or under running DI water.
Acid Bath 2:
! Dry at 250°F for 1 hour.
Conc. HCI 1 pbw
If cannot be stored at less than 30% R.H., bond
DI water 1 pbw
prepared surfaces in short time.
Steel, Ferrous Degrease. (A) Gritblast if possible (A)
Alloys ! Repeat degreasing step.
(B) If cannot abrade (B)
Conc. HCI 1 pt/wt ! If cannot abrade, immerse for 3-10
DI water 1 pt/wt min. at 77°F (25°C) in HCI bath.
! Rinse thoroughly in cold running DI water.
! Oven dry at 150°F (66°C) for 10 min.
Stainless Steel Degrease. Remove surface deposits with non- ! Repeat degreasing.
(See Ref 6 for metallic agent – alumina grit paper. ! Vapor degrease for 30 seconds.
alternate procedures. (A)
Also see ASTM (A) General Purpose Treatment ! Immerse in Bath 1 for 10 min. at
D2651.) Bath 1: 160-180°F (71-82°C).
See under Magnesium and Alloys.
! Rinse thoroughly in running tapwater,
then cold DI water.
! Oven dry at 200°F (93°C) for 10 min.
! Bond as soon as possible.
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Metals – cont.
Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Stainless Steel (B) For high temperature use, further (B)
(cont.) treat the metal. ! Immerse metal for 10 min. in Bath 2
Bath 2: at 185-195°F (85-90°C).
Oxalic Acid 1 pbw ! Under cold running water, scrub away
Conc. H2SO4 (s.g. 1.86) 1 pbw any black residue with clean, stiff
DI water 8 pbw bristle brush.
Dissolve oxalic acid before stirring in the ! Rinse in DI water.
! Dry in oven at 200°F (93°C) for 10-15 min
(C) For resistance to high peel stresses,
further treat metal from (A). (Do not ! Immerse in Bath 3 at 140-160°F
combine B & C treatments.) (60-71°C) for 15 min.
Bath 3: ! Scrub under cold running water with
Na2Cr2O7∙2H2O 3.5 pbw stiff bristle brush.
DI water 3.5 pbw ! Rinse in DI water.
Conc. H2SO4 (s.g. 1.86) 200 pbw ! Dry in oven at 200°F (93°C) for 10-15 min
Tungsten and Degrease. (A) Abrade using medium-grit emery (A)
Alloys paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
(B) For maximum strength, also use a (B)
chemical etch. ! Immerse for 1-5 min. at 77°F (25°C).
Conc. HCI 30 pbw ! Rinse thoroughly in cold running DI
DI water 15 pbw water.
HF 5 pbw
! Dry for 10-15 min. in a 160-180°F
Conc. H2SO4 50 pbw
(71-82°C) oven.
Hydrogen peroxide few drops
Add HCI and HF to the water, stir in the
H2SO4 then add the hydrogen peroxide.
Zinc, Alloys, Degrease. (A) Abrade using medium-grit emery (A)
Galvanized paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Metals (B) For maximum strength (B)
Conc. HCI 20 pbw ! Immerse for 2-4 min. with the
DI water 80 pbw solution at 77°F (25°C).
! Rinse thoroughly in cold running DI
! Dry for 20-30 min. in a 150-160°F
(66-71°C) oven.
! Apply adhesive as soon as possible.
Tin Degrease. Abrade with medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing.
Titanium and Vapor degrease with (A) Bath 1: (A)
Alloys trichloroethane. Sodium Metasilicate Soln. ! Immerse at 160-180°F (71-82°C) for 10 min
(Many proce- Remove surface (See Magnesium) ! Rinse in cold, running DI water.
dures in litera- deposits with non- (B) For stronger bonds ! Dry in oven at 150-200°F (66-93°C) for
ture, also see metallic abrasive. Bath 2: (Polyetheylene vessel) 10-15 min.
ASTM D2651.) Sodium Fluoride 10 pbw (B)
Chromium trioxide 5 pbw
! Immerse in Bath 2 at R.T. for 5-10 min.
DI water 250 pbw
Conc. H2SO4 ! Rinse in cold, running DI water.
(add with last stirring) 50 pbw ! Dry in oven at 160-180°F (71-82°C) for
(C) Alternate Treatment (ASTM D2651) 10-15 min.
Bath 3: Alkaline-clean (C)
Oakite HD 126 1.5 oz ! Immerse in Bath 3 for 3-5 min at 150°F
DI water to 1 gal (66°C).
Bath 4: Acid Pickle ! Rinse in running tapwater at 105°F (40°C)
HF (70%) 2-3 oz (fl) for 2 min.
Na2SO4 (anhyd.) 3 oz ! Immerse in Bath 4 for 2 min. at R.T.
HNO3 (70%) 40-50 oz ! Rinse in cold water.
DI water to 1 gal (continued next page)
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Metals – cont.
Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Titanium and Bath 5: Etch Bath ! Immerse in Bath 5 for 2 min at R.T.
Alloys (cont.) Trisodium Phosphate 6.5-7 oz ! Rinse in DI water at 150°F (66°C) for
Potassium Fluoride 2.5 oz 15 min.
HF (70%) 2.2-2.5 oz ! Repeat rinse.
DI water to 1 gal
! Dry at 140°F (60°C) for 30 min. in air
circulating oven.
! Wrap in clean Kraft paper.

ABS (Ref 4) Degrease in acetone. (A) Abrade with medium-grit sandpaper. (A)
(Alcohol is probably ! Wipe free of dust.
better to use.) (B) Etch Solution ! Prime with Dow Corning A-4094 or G.E.
Conc. H2SO4 26 pbw SS-4101.
K2Cr2O7 3 pbw (B)
DI water 11 pbw ! Etch at room temp. for 20 min.
(Add acid to stirred water)
! Rinse in tapwater.
(C) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10) ! Rinse in DI water.
! Dry in warm air.
Cellulose Degrease with Abrade using fine-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Plastics methyl alcohol or ! Heat to 200°F (93°C) for 1 hr. and apply
isopropyl alcohol. adhesive while hot.
Diallylphthalate Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
acetone or MEK.
Fluorocarbons Degrease with Use chemical etch. ! Immerse in the solution for 15 min. at
Polymonochloro- acetone or MEK. Sodium metal 23 g 77°F (25°C).
trifluoroethylene (Also see Ref 4, Naphthalene 128 g ! Wash in acetone or MEK then in cold DI
Polytetrafluoro- Flame Treatment, Tetrahydrofuran 1L water.
ethylene Corona Discharge Prepare under anhydrous conditions. ! Dry thoroughly.
Tetrafluoroethyl- and plasma (Dry solvents, closed flask, stirrer, drying
! Proprietary solutions may be used.
ene treatments are also tube.) Add naphthalene to the THF,
“Bondaid” W.S. Shambrand Co.
Polyvinyl fluoride being increasingly carefully add ¼” to ½” cubes of sodium,
“Fluorobond” Joclin Mfg. Co.
used. See Ref 10.) one at a time while stirring. Let soln.
stand 16 hrs. at R.T., then stir 2 hrs.
Store in bottles with glass stoppers—keep
free from air and moisture. Use near
exhaust ventilator.
Nylon Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
acetone or MEK.
Polycarbonate Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
or methyl alcohol.
Polymethyl- (Also plasma or Corona treatment. Ref
methacrylate 10)
Polyether Degrease with Chemical pretreatment is necessary. (A)
(chlorinated) acetone or MEK. K2Cr2O7 75 pbw ! Immerse in the chromic acid solution
or DI water 120 pbw as follows:
Polyethylene (See Ref 5 for Conc. H2SO4 1500 pbw - Chlorinated Polyether – 5 min at 160°F (71°C).
or alternate procedures. Dissolve the K2Cr2O7 in water and stir in - Polyethylene and Polypropylene –
Polypropylene Flame or plasma the H2SO4. 60 min. at 77°F (25°C).
or treatment may also - Polyformaldehyde – 10 sec. at 77°F (25°C).
Polyformalde- be used. See Refs 4 ! Rinse in cold running DI water.
hyde and 10.) ! Dry at R.T.
! Flame or plasma treatments may be used
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Thermoplastics – cont.
Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Polyethylene- Degrease with (A) Abrade using medium-grit emery (A)
terephthalate methyl alcohol. paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
or (B) For a stronger bond use chemical (B)
Linear (See Ref 4, plasma etch. ! Immerse for 2-10 min. at 160-200°F
Polyesters treatments also Sodium hydroxide soln. (20%W) (71-93°C).
used.) (Ref 10) ! Wash thoroughly in cold running DI water.
! Dry with hot air.
Polyvinyl- Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
chloride rigid methanol or

Engineering Thermoplastics (Examples of Representative Commercial Materials)

Polyarylate (A) Ultrasonic clean (A) Using alkaline-etching solution. (A)
(Ardel®, U.C.) in alkaline-etching Sandblast with 150 mesh silica sand. ! Water wash.
(Ref 4) solution. (B) Acid Etch Solution ! Alcohol wash.
or Na2Cr2O712H2O 3.4% ! Dry with dry nitrogen.
Polyaryl Sulfone Conc. H2SO4 96.96% (B)
(Astrel® 360, (C) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10,
! Immerse 15 min. at 150-160°F (66-71°C).
3M) (Ref 4) 11).
! Cold water wash.
! Dry at 150°F (66°C) in an air circulating
Polyether- Degrease with (A) Abrade. (A)
etherketone isopropyl alcohol. (B) Flame Treatment ! Repeat degrease.
(PEEK, ICI) Blue oxidizing flame. (B)
(Ref 4) (C) Chromic Acid Etch ! Abrade.
Bath composition not given in Ref. 4. ! Degrease.
(D) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10,
! Flame treat (blue oxidizing flame).
! Abrade.
! Degrease.
! Chromic acid etch.
! Water wash.
Polyphenylene- (A) Degrease with (A) Sandblast. (A)
sulfide acetone. (B) Sand with 1220-grit sandpaper. ! Repeat degreasing.
(Ryton®, (B) Wipe surface (C) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10, (B)
Phillips) with ethyl alcohol 11). ! Clean off dust with stiff bristle brush.
(Ref 4) soaked paper.
Polysulfone Degrease in alcohol. (A) Grit-blast with 27-50 micron (A)
(Udel®, U.C.) aluminum oxide. ! Clean in ultrasonic cleaner in Neutra-
(Ref 4) (B) Etch in sodium dichromate-sulfuric Clean (Shipley Co., Inc.)
acid soln. ! Rinse in tap and then DI water.
(C) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10). ! Rinse in IPA for 30 sec.
! Flush with dry N2.
! Dry in air at 150°F (66°C).
(B) See Polyaryl Sulfone treatment.
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Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Epoxy, Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Epoxide Resins acetone or MEK.
Furane Resins Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
acetone or MEK.
Melamine Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Formaldehyde acetone or MEK.
Phenolics Degrease with Abrade using medium-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Polyester acetone or MEK.
Polyimide (A) Degrease. (A) Abrade with dry or wet abrasive blast. (A)
(Vespel®, (B) Degrease in (B) Etch Solution ! Repeat degreasing.
DuPont) acetone. Sodium Hydroxide 5 pbw ! Dry.
(Ref 4) Water 95 pbw (B)
(C) Plasma or Corona Treatment (Ref 10). ! Etch for 1 min. at 140-194°F (60-90°C).
! Rinse in cold water.
! Dry in hot air.

Carbon and Carbon Fiber and Glass Fiber Composites

Carbon Degrease with Abrade using fine-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
acetone or MEK. ! Allow solvent to evaporate.
Glass Degrease with Abrade using fine-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Reinforced acetone or MEK.
Graphite Degrease with Abrade using fine-grit emery paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
acetone or MEK. ! Allow solvent to evaporate.
Carbon Fiber (A) Solvent wipe (A) Lightly abrade with medium-grit (A)
Epoxy (MEK, toluene, etc.) emery paper. Avoid exposing the ! Wipe with solvent.
Composites (B) Use peel ply reinforcing fibers. ! Check surface by water break test.
(Ref. 4) during initial curing. Repeat if necessary.
(C) See Ref 6 for the
effect of abrasion
procedures. See also
Refs 7 and 9.
Carbon Fiber Solvent wipe with Abrade lightly with Scotch-brite – Bon ! Rinse in tape water and DI water.
Polyether- MEK. Ami. Good strengths require A or B ! Air dry.
etherketone treatment. (A)
(PEEK) (A) Chromic Acid Etch ! Immerse for 15 min. at R.T.
Exact composition of etch solution not
! Rinse in tap and then DI water.
defined in Ref 9.
(B) Plasma Treatment ! Dry at 200°F (93°C) for 30 min.
Gave good bond strengths also. (Ref 11)
See Ref 10 for general plasma treatments.

Rubber, Degrease with For maximum strength use – ! Immerse for 5-10 min. in conc. sulfuric
Natural methyl alcohol. Chemical etch: acid at 77°F (25°C). (Bath 1)
and Bath 1, concentrated sulfuric acid. ! Wash thoroughly in cold DI water.
Rubber, Neutralizing solution: ! Neutralize by immersing for 5-10 min.
Synthetic Bath 2, 0.2% soln. of caustic. at R.T. in Bath 2.
! Rinse with cold running DI water.
! Dry.
Hysol Surface Preparation Guide
Loctite Aerospace
Page 11 of 11

Ceramics, Glass, etc.

Adherend Cleaning Abrasion or Method
Material Chemical Treatment
Ceramics, Degrease with MEK. Abrade using emery paper or sandblasting. ! Repeat degreasing step.
Porcelain, ! Evaporate the solvent.
Glazed China
Glass, Degrease with MEK. (A) Abrade using carborundum powder (A)
Quartz, and water or fine-grit paper. ! Repeat degreasing step.
nonoptical (B) For maximum strength, continue ! Dry for 30 min. at 210°F (100°C).
abrading and use chemical etch. (B)
Chromium trioxide 1 pbw ! Immerse for 10-15 min. at 77°F (25°C).
DI water 4 pbw
! Dry for 30 min. at 210°F (100°C).
! Apply adhesive while still hot.
Glass, optical Degrease in an ! Rinse thoroughly.
ultrasonically ! Dry <100°F (38°C).
agitated detergent
Jewels Degrease with MEK. ! Dry at R.T.

Construction Materials
Bricks, fired Degrease in acetone Abrade using a wire brush. ! Remove all contaminants.
Nonglazed or MEK.
Building Mat’ls
Concrete Decontaminate with Clean by one of these procedures: ! Wash thoroughly with water.
a detergent solution. (A) Sandblast about 1/16” from bonding ! Remove all dust.
surface. (C)
(B) Remove 1/8” by mechanical ! Spread solution with a stiff bristle broom.
! Remove sludge with water from high
(C) Chemical etch.
pressure hose.
Hydrochloric acid soln. (15% by wt.).
! Check with litmus paper for residual acid.
! If present, rinse with 1% ammonia.
! Flush with water.
! Allow to dry.
Stonework Dry thoroughly. Abrade using a wire brush. ! Remove all contaminants.
Wood Dry thoroughly. Decontaminate with a sander, plane, ! Remove all contaminants.
smooth with sandpaper.

Hysol" is a registered trademark of Loctite Corporation.

Rev. 1/01

Loctite Aerospace
Loctite Corporation
2850 Willow Pass Road
P.O. Box 312
Bay Point, CA 94565-0031

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