Ijp 2015 4139
Ijp 2015 4139
Ijp 2015 4139
Original Article (Pages: 517-526 )
Since nutrition, especially in childhood and adolescence is an important effect on intelligence and
learning, so that malnutrition delayed to later periods of life, and these people during the course of
training, will have many problems, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of nutrition on
student learning.
Materials and Methods
A cross-sectional study was conducted on 90 girls student. The sample size were all students that
studying in a boarding school in 5 district of Mashhad-Iran. The valid and reliable questionnaire,
consisted of 19 questions and specialized feeding habits of the students. Data were analyzed with
SPSS-13 software.
Out of the total, 90 students were included in the present study. Overall, 48.9 % and 51.1% of students
were second and third of Junior High School respectively. Of these, 24.4%, their average were
between 15-13; 65.6% were 15-18 and also 10% were between 18-20 respectively. 67.8% of students
said that they love so much sweet meat and 61.1% of students used pickles and salt with food, in a
large extent. Results showed that 38.8% of students had used too much salt in food, and on the other
hand, 27.8% of students had used salt moderate. Results showed that students who had a lower
average scores, the consumption of fish, red and white meat, green and orange vegetables and dairy
products were lower than the other students (P <0.05).
Students who have had better nutritional behavior (consumption of healthy breakfast, fruits and
vegetables and dairy products were more than the other students) had higher average scores than other
*Corresponding Author:
Rahim Vakili, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,
Mashhad, Iran.
E-mail: Vakilir@mums.ac.ir
Received date: Feb 22, 2015 Accepted date: Mar 22, 2015
Students were asked to complete the include very low amount of fish in their
questionnaires in their rest time after diet. With regard to dairy products,
coordinating with Education and Training consumption up to high, intermediate, low,
authorities in the 5th region of Mashhad, and very low have been recorded in
manager school, in assistant with health 27.8%, 13.3%, 36.7%, 10%, and 12.2%
instructor and training instructor. The respectively. Results showed that 70.1% of
students participated in the study with students use fruits including apricot,
informed consent. After gathering the peaches, grapes, and plum within a week
questionnaires, data were coded and (Figure. 2). Findings showed that 34.4% of
analyzed by SPSS-11.5 and using students don’t eat breakfast or eat very low
descriptive (mean, frequency) and analytic amount before going to school (Figure.3).
(T-test) statistics. Findings indicated that 37.8% of students
Results don’t eat meat (red-white) ever or eat very
little (Figure.4). Results showed that
Results showed that 90 student
26.7% of students consumed green and
participated in this study. 48.9% and
orange vegetables (carrot- spinach) at a
%51.1% were from second and third grade
very low amount or rarely. On the other
of junior high school, respectively. 65.6 %
hand, 31.1% consumed them moderately
had average between 15-18 (Figure.1).
Findings revealed that 63.3% of students
Fig.4: Red and white meat consumption frequency among middle school students (%)
Results also showed that 64.4% of students that 61.1% of students use pickles and
enjoy eating chiken and fish at a high and salty things at a very high amount and 10%
very high degree, respectively (Figure.6). consume pickles at a moderate level
Findings revealed that 38.8% of students (Figure.8). 67.8% and 18.9% of students
use salt in foods frequently and on the were interested in sweats so much and
other hand, 27.8% students use it very little, respectively (Figure.9).
moderately (Figure.7). Findings revealed
Fig.6: Frequency of enjoying chiken and fish among middle school students (%)
Fig. 8 : Pickles and salty consumption frequency in junior high school students (%)
Findings showed that there was a Findings showed that there is a significant
significant association between amount of association between sweats consumption
green and orange vegetables consumption and health satisfaction, as students who are
and school grade as third grade middle more satisfied with their health use less
school students consumed more vegetables amount of sweats (p<0.05).
than other students (p<0.05).
Findings showed that there is a significant
Results demonstrated that there is a association between sweats consumption
statistically significant association between and eating breakfast, as consumption of
family income and dairy product breakfast is lower in students who use
consumption, as students who were from more amount of sweats (p<0.05).
high income families had more dairy Results revealed that there is a significant
consumption (p<0.05). association between vegetables
Findings also showed that there is a consumption and health satisfaction, as
significant relationship between dairy students who consume more vegetables are
product consumption and fish and chiken healthier (p<0.05).
meat consumption, as consumption of fish Findings showed that there is a significant
and hen meat is more among students who association between grade and vegetables
use more dairy products (p<0.05). consumption, as third grade junior high
Results indicated that there is a significant school students used more vegetables
association between family income and (p<0.05) (Table.1). Comparison of mean
health satisfaction, as students who are response rate of students base on their
from high income families, are more average are shown in (Table.2). Generally,
satisfied with their health(p<0.05). student who had better nutritional behavior
had a better average.
5. How much do you consume fruits including apricot, grapes, 3... 3.32 1
peaches, and plum?
8. How much do you consume green and orange vegetables (carrot- 3.12 2..3 3..3
9. How is your family income regarding preparation of food? 3.33 3.1. 3.11
10. Do you like chiken and fish meat? 3..1 3... 3.31
11. How much do you use salt in your foods? 3... 3.13 3.31
13. How much do you use cereals ( rice, wheat, bread, grain)? 3.1. 3.25 2.22
14. Do you eat breakfast during break times of school? 2.1. 2..5 2.33
17. How much sugar do you use while drinking tea? 3.32 3.32 2.25
In this survey, 81.1% of students were This study revealed that students who
content with their heath condition and came from high income families had more
18.9% were also unsatisfied. Karimi et al’s satisfaction with regard to their health
study showed that 65.6% of students were condition. It can be concluded that health
content with their physical health and condition in students from Mashhad is
34.4% were unsatisfied (10). better than those of from Ramsar.
In the present study, a significant Soheili azad et al’s tudy in Langarood city,
association was found between family also showed that 8% of students don’t eat
income and dairy product consumption. breakfast (17). Importance of breakfast is
Family income is one of the most because that it is considered as the most
important factors related to nutritional essential meal for children. Skipping
condition in children and malnutrition and breakfast leads to decreased concentration
insufficient health of children is related to for learning.
poverty in the society (Pamela 2006). Results of Sadrzadeh yeganes et al. (18)
According to the Inderi et al, children and Baghdadchi et al. (19, 20) show that
nutrition depends on to the nutritional breakfast consumption has an important
habits and economic status of family (11). effect on learning ability of children. In
Ahmad et al. also reported that children addition, if breakfast skipping continues
who are from low income families receive and becomes a habit, it changes nutritional
low amount of egg, milk, meat, fruits, and behavior and causes deficiency in
protein in their diet (12). Their result also receiving needed daily nutrients that are
showed that 33.3% of students consume not replaced in other meals resulting in
little egg and consumption of red and calorie, vitamins, and minerals deficiency.
white meat is also moderate among Accordingly, results of this study showed
students. On the other hand, 37.8% use that students who consume more fish, red
these foods at a very low amount or don’t and white meat, dairy products and
use them at all. Based on Park’s view, vegetables regularly, have more average in
economic status is the determinants of comparison to other students.
purchasing power, life standard, life Findings of the present study revealed that
quality, family dimension, diseases 67.8% of students were interested in
pattern, and behavioral deviation in the sweats so much and 38.8% used high
society and important factor for seeking amount of salt in their diets, and 61.1% of
and reaching to health services (13). students were interested in pickles greatly
In this survey, vegetables consumption and 43.3% consumed high amount of
increases with increase in mean age of sugar with tea. Consumption of different
students significantly. Consistently, Cook kinds of sweats causes false satiety
et al. (14) and Poorabdollahi et al. (15) disturbing growth of children and
reported that vegetable consumption habituates them to eating sweats and also
increases with age. Researches have shown leads to teeth decay in students. High
that diet rich in fruits and vegetables can pickles consumption makes students
decreases risk of many problems including susceptible to cancer and gastrointestinal
obesity, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and diseases and as a result, affects on their
cardiovascular diseases in students (14). growth and prevents better learning and
Of note, fruits and vegetables should be understanding of lessons.
washed well and disinfected.
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