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English Exam Practice 4

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Unit 4

Before You Read Chocolate: The New Flavor of Health

What are some healthy foods? 1 Everybody loves chocolate. The chocolate industry is huge.
What are some unhealthy People eat millions of kilograms of chocolate each year. The
foods? UAE is no exception. In fact, experts say that the
Do you eat chocolate? Why or consumption of all kinds of chocolate is increasing in the
why not? UAE. It is now a 200 million dirham industry. Most people
think of chocolate as a delicious treat but did you know that
it is also good for you?
2 The idea that chocolate is healthy actually began hundreds
of years ago. People in South America made a drink from
chocolate. However, this chocolate was not sweet. Later,
doctors in Europe gave chocolate to their patients. They
thought that it would help people who were too thin, too
tired, or had problems digesting their food.
3 In the 1900s, people thought chocolate was unhealthy. For
example, many people thought that chocolate caused acne,
or pimples. However, this is a myth. They also thought that
chocolate was bad for your teeth. This isn‘t true either.
Unit Vocabulary Actually, studies show that milk chocolate is one of the
Underline or highlight these snack foods that is the least likely to contribute to tooth
words as you find them in the decay.
4 New research shows that chocolate has other health-giving
ability effects. There are three main benefits of chocolate. First, it
calories contains flavanols, which are healthy chemicals that can
cause lower blood pressure. Secondly, research shows that
caution chocolate can help people metabolize sugar. People with
consumption diabetes cannot metabolize sugar very well, but when they
eat chocolate their ability to metabolize sugar improves.
decay Thirdly, when people eat chocolate their serotonin levels
digest increase. Serotonin is a hormone in the brain which makes
exception people relaxed and happy. Not all chocolate has the same
healthy effect, however. These studies were all done using dark
improves chocolate. In order to get the maximum benefit from
chocolate, you should eat dark chocolate.
increase 5 A word of caution is necessary. Most chocolate is made with
a lot of fat and sugar. Fat and sugar have a lot of calories. If
maximum you are trying to lose weight for your health, you should eat
necessary fewer calories. This means that if you include chocolate in
research your diet, you should eat less of something else.

Reading Skill: Paragraph Topics 4.1

What is the topic of each paragraph? Match the topic to the paragraph number. You will have one
topic left over.

Paragraph 1 a. false ideas about chocolate
Paragraph 2 b. chocolate and weight
Paragraph 3 c. the chocolate industry
Paragraph 4 d. acne and pimples
Paragraph 5 e. chocolate as a healthy food
f. health benefits of chocolate
Scanning for Details 4.2
When you scan a text you look quickly through it for small pieces of information, such as a date or
number, rather than trying to understand the whole text. Try to answer these questions as quickly
as possible.

1 Chocolate is a _______________________ industry in the UAE.

2 Where did doctors give chocolate to their patients?
3 Chocolate is less likely than other snacks to contribute to ___________________?
4 Chocolate can help people with _______________________ to metabolize sugar.
5 Which type of chocolate is the healthiest?

Vocabulary: Meaning From Context 4.3

Look in the text. Find a word that means the same as the phrases below.

Definition Word in text

Something that is not true 1
healthy chemicals that can lower blood pressure 2
A hormone which makes people relaxed and happy 3

Unit Vocabulary: Meaning From Context 4.4

From your understanding of the text, match each of the Unit Vocabulary words below to their
meaning. Then read the text again. Do you understand more this time?

1 ability a. a measure of energy in food

2 calorie b. carefulness
3 cause c. skill
4 caution d. process food through your body
5 digest e. make something happen

6 consumption a. good for you

7 decay b. something that is not usual
8 exception c. have as a part
9 healthy d. when something dies and falls apart
10 include e. eating or using something

11 improve a. scientific study

12 increase b. needed
13 maximum c. make better
14 necessary d. the most or greatest
15 research e. make larger or add to

Finding Collocations 4.5

Here are some more collocations. Find these words in the text and write the preposition that goes
with them. The preposition will usually, but not always, come right after the word. Sometimes there
are other words between the word and its preposition. Sometimes more than one preposition is
1 consumption 2 benefits (noun)
3 think 4 benefit (verb)
5 contribute 6 ability
7 include 8 made
Say it out loud! Study
One way to add variety to your study plan is to use your voice. Read your vocabulary
words and definitions - out loud. You can even use a tape recorder or mp3 recorder to
record your voice and then play the recording. This way you can learn by listening.
Unit Vocabulary: Word Families Chart 4.6
Complete the Word Families Chart. You may use a dictionary. Remember, some word families have
more than one noun or more than one adjective.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
ability 1 2
cause 3
caution 4 5 6
chemical 8
consumption 9 10
decay 11 12
13 digest 14
15 healthy 16
17 improve 18
19 20 maximum
21 22 necessary 23
researcher 24
25 except 26 exceptionally
The word exception also has a conjuction in its word family. Do you know what it is? It is used in
question 9 below.

Unit Vocabulary: Word Families 4.7

Choose the correct form of the word to go in each sentence.

1 It is not _____ true that it will rain. It might be sunny.

a. necessity b. necessary c. necessarily

2 There are several _____ of obesity.

a. causes b. causal c. caused

3 I noticed a big _____ in her grades.

a. improvement b. improve c. improved

4 I wonder if the problem has a _____ cause.

a. chemistry b. chemical c. chemically

5 My grandmother is an extremely _____ driver.

a. cautiously b. caution c. cautious

6 His _____ to sing is really amazing!

a. ability b. able c. ably

7 I don‘t think this article was thoroughly _____.

a. researcher b. research c. researched

8 You have to clean your teeth to prevent tooth _____.

a. decay b. decaying c. decayed

9 Sheikh Zayed was an _____ man.

a. exception b. except c. exceptional

10 If you make _____ choices, you can improve the way you eat.
a. health b. healthy c. healthily
Vocabulary Review: Crossword Puzzle 4.8
Use the clues below to complete the puzzle. The answers are all words in this book.

1 2 3 4
i e
c 5
6 7 8
9 10
h n
11 12
f f w
a 15

17 18

19 20

m h
22 23 24 25
s e

y 28 29 30
y 32

o 34

Across 31 For sure

1 Look or feel real 32 Your teeth will ______if you don‘t clean them
3 Find out the size of something 33 A small copy of something
5 _____ is your favourite actor? 34 Good for you or not sick
6 You and I Down
8 To think that something is true 1 The subject form of ‗her‘
9 Make bigger or more 2 Something you do
11 Be careful! = _____! 4 You should ______ your notes before a test
12 Results, or the opposite of ‗causes‘ 5 _______ are you going this evening? The
14 My brothers‘ ages _____ from 12 to 18 cinema?
15 A type of picture 6 ______ is your favourite colour?
16 Something that he owns is _____. 7 Said ‗no‘
17 The type of work you do through your 8 It helped him = It ____ him
working life 10 People make ____ to charity during Ramadan
19 Different kinds of things 11 Worried
21 Him and her 13 Make something happen
22 Something that belongs to them 18 Every day, every week, or every hour
24 The oil ______ is very big in the UAE 20 Question word for reason
26 Something that belongs to us is _____. 22 Subject form of 21 across
27 _____ is he coming? Tomorrow? 23 Unique, important
29 You and me 25 The work that scientists do
30 Gets better 28 Area of study or work
Grammar Focus: Quantifiers 4.9
Use the words in the box to complete the table. Some can be used more than once. Check your
answers before you go to the next exercise.
many much a little a few a lot of

Before count nouns Before non-count nouns

(e.g. girls, boxes) (e.g. water, information)
Large numbers/ amounts 1 3
2 4
(only for negatives and questions)
Small numbers/ amounts 5 6

Complete each sentence below with the correct quantifier from the table. You can only use each
quantifier ONCE.

7 I only have ______________ information about this topic. I need more.

8 Hurry! We don‘t have ______________ time!
9 There is ______________ competition for jobs in computer animation.
10 We only have ______________ days before the test. I‘m glad we‘ve been studying!
11 There are ______________ ways to review for a test. In fact, you should try to do a
variety of activities.

Possessive Pronouns 4.10 Preposition Review 4.11

We use possessive pronouns to describe things Choose the best preposition to complete each
that belong to people. Complete each sentence sentence.
with the correct possessive pronoun.
1 Put your bag _____ your chair while you
do the exam.
1 ___Mine_______ belongs to me.
a. at b. under c. on
2 ______________ belongs to you. 2 They left their books _____ the table.
3 ______________ belongs to him. a. on b. in c. at
3 Fatima‘s still _____ home.
4 ______________ belongs to her.
a. in b. at c. to
5 ______________ belongs to us. 4 Dana is going _____ the market later.
a. to b. at c. in
6 ______________ belongs to them.
5 I found my ticket! It was ____ my book
7 Fatima thinks that this book is hers, not so I couldn‘t see it.
Ahmed‘s. a. at b. to c. under
Which of the following could best replace 6 What is ____ television tonight?
the word hers? a. to b. at c.on
a. Fatima 7 Ali left his clothes ____ the floor.
b. Ahmed a. in b. at on
c. Fatima‘s book
d. Ahmed‘s book

Take Notes in Your Classes!

It is very important to take good notes in your classes. Every time your
teacher writes on the board you should copy what he writes in your Study
notebook. You should also take notes when he explains grammar. You
don‘t need to write every word he says. Just note all the important ideas.
Sometimes students can understand everything in class, but then they get
home and forget everything. If you take good notes in class, you can easily
review the day‘s work while you are doing your homework.
Don‘t forget to add new words to your flashcards!
The Industry: How Chocolate is Made 4.12
The text below includes several passive sentences. Underline them.The first one has been done for
We all love chocolate, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? Fifty million people are
supported by the chocolate industry. This means that 50 million people make money from
chocolate. That‘s a pretty big industry!
Chocolate is made from cocoa. Most cocoa is produced in western Africa. Forty-three percent of the
world‘s cocoa is from the Ivory Coast. 3.14 billion tons of cocoa is produced each year. About two
thirds of that is used to make chocolate. The cocoa bean itself is very bitter. Many things have to
happen for it to become the sweet treat we enjoy.
First, the cocoa beans are harvested (taken from the plants). Then, the flavor of the cocoa is
developed by a process called fermentation. The different flavors of chocolate are created by
changing the time and temperature during the roasting process. Cocoa is then made into cocoa
solids and cocoa fat. Sometimes, to save money, different fats are added to the chocolate. Wax is
sometimes added to prevent the chocolate from melting too fast. Finally, different flavors, like
orange, mint, or nuts are added.
About 80% of chocolate in the UAE is imported from other countries. Most of it is made in Europe or
the United States. Although people in the UAE are eating more and more chocolate, most chocolate
is consumed by people in Western countries. People in Europe, for example, consume 40% of the
world‘s chocolate.

Noticing the Grammar: Passives 4.13 Past 4.14

Look at the text for the answers to the following questions. If the Participles
answer is not in the text, write “we don‟t know”. To write in the passive voice,
we use past participles. For
1 Who does the chocolate industry support? each of these verbs, write
the past participle. When
you are finished, write some
2 Who makes chocolate? passive sentences of.

1 love
3 Where is most cocoa produced?
2 amaze
4 Who produces the cocoa?
3 support

5 Who harvests the cocoa? 4 make

5 produce
6 What develops the flavor of the cocoa?
6 use

7 Who makes the cocoa into cocoa solids and cocoa fat? 7 develop

8 create
8 Who adds the wax to the chocolate?
9 take
9 Who imports the chocolate to the UAE? 10 speak

11 build
10 Who consumes most of the world‘s chocolate?
12 give

11 The passive is used we do not know _________ is doing the 13 steal

action. We also use it when the action, or the object of the
sentence is more important. 14 eat
Active to Passive 4.15
Change these sentences from active to passive voice. You don‟t need to include the word „someone‟
or „people‟ in your passive sentences, but remember to use „by‟ if the person doing the action is
named. Make sure you use the same tense, also.

1 Someone gave me a bicycle for my birthday.

2 People usually eat turkey in America at Thanksgiving.
3 Someone imports Renault cars from France
4 People have held a national day party in my school every year since 2003.
5 Someone built the hotel last year.
6 The principal will give out the prizes on the last day of the competition
7 Someone is repairing my car right now.
8 Your teacher will mark your exam papers this week
9 My mother made this cake
10 Someone is showing the films in the Al Muroor Cinema

Mixed Grammar 4.16

These questions are very similar to real grammar questions on the CEPA exam. They will not be
on the actual exam.

1 _____ students must take the test in order 7 He got into _____ when he took a computer
to pass the course. course.
a. All a. programmer
b. Each b. program
c. Every c. programmed
d. The whole d. programming
2 There are _____ type of food I like better 8 Mohammed was upset _____ what the other
than Italian food. boys said about his friend Khalid.
a. both a. by
b. few b. for
c. less c. in
d. little d. on
3 Ali worked _____ his essay for three hours 9 You can have your car _____ at some malls.
and did a very good job. a. wash
a. in b. washed
b. of c. washes
c. on d. washing
d. to
10 This is the book _____ which will help you
4 We were shocked _____ the terrible
improve your English.
accident on the television news.
a. which
a. saw
b. who
b. see
c. whom
c. seeing
d. what
d. to see
11 _____ carefully is very important on busy
5 Asma didn‘t like the dress because she
thought _____ color was too bright.
a. Drive
a. It
b. Drives
b. Its
c. Driving
c. Their
d. Will drive
d. Theirs
12 Plastic bottles _____ in factories.
6 When I was a child I _____ to play.
a. are made
a. have loved
b. are making
b. loved
c. was made
c. loves Real CEPA
d. were making
d. was loving
Writing About Advantages and Disadvantages CEPA
There are several types of essay that could be on the CEPA exam. So far, we‘ve Tip!
practiced opinion essays. In this chapter we will look at a different type of essay –
one which asks about advantages and disadvantages. This essay needs four paragraphs.
CEPA prompts for this type of essay usually include two advantages and two
disadvantages. Try think of other ones as well. Always put the advantages and
disadvantages in different paragraphs.

Writing Task: Essay

Read the writing prompt below. Write your essay on the next page. You may use some of the
information below, but do not copy.
In some countries foods like chocolate and chips are banned in school cafeterias. The UAE may do
the same.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this plan?
Some of the things you could write about are:
 what students like
 benefits of chocolate
 problem of obesity
 importance of good nutrition

Plan your essay here.




Writing Task: Essay

Time: ____ minutes

Number of Words:
Writing Task: Reflection 4.17
Look at the sample essay and answer the questions below.

Many schools around the world have banned sweets and other junk food from
their cafeterias. This has both advantages and disadvantages.
First, I will discuss the disadvantages. Children love junk food because it is
tasty. If junk food is banned from school cafeterias, students will not be able to eat
what they like. Perhaps they will not eat at all. In addition, people have different ideas
about what is junk food and what is okay to eat. It would be difficult to decide what
foods to ban and what to allow in the schools.
There are some advantages to this plan, however. The number of overweight and
obese students is increasing every year. There are also high rates of diseases like
diabetes in the UAE. Many of these problems can be avoided if people learn about good
nutrition at a young age. The best place to learn this is in school. In addition, the
government can help keep children healthy by providiing fruit, vegetables, and other
healthy food instead of chips and chocolate in school.
In conclusion, while banning junk food from school cafeterias has both
advantages and disadvantages, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. The
UAE government should try to do this as soon as possible.

1 How many paragraphs does this essay have?

2 How many paragraphs does your essay have?
3 Which come first in this essay — advantages or disadvantages?
4 Which comes first in your essay?
5 This student wrote: ―the advantages clearly ____________ the disadvantages.‖
(This is the same as saying that the advantages are more powerful than, or better than, the
6 Does this student think that junk food should be banned in schools?

Look at the sentences below. Could they go in this essay? If so, where? Label each sentence:
Introduction, Conclusion, Advantage, Disadvantage, or Not In This Essay.

7 More healthy food could be available if school cafeterias stopped having junk food.
8 The UAE could save money if students were healthier because of healthier food.
9 I believe that students‘ choice is more important than making them eat healthy food.
10 Children will dislike school because they will not be able to eat what they like.

Memorizing Essays: Don’t waste your time!

Don‘t waste your time memorizing an essay. Each CEPA exam has a different
writing question and a different question type. If you use a memorized essay, you
will not be able to answer the question correctly. Instead, prepare for the CEPA CEPA Tip!
writing section by practicing often. You can show your teacher your essays.
The people who mark the CEPA test always know when an essay has been
memorized. Memorized essays always get a low mark.

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