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Voice - Assistant - Research Paper

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Voice Assistant for User

Utpal Choudhary Harshita Choudhary

20BCS4160 20BCS4161
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University

Abstract— source and available on all platforms for free.

Along with this, we have also used various
As we are heading towards the advancement modules of pip. Pip is a package manager of
of technology, many newer technologies had python, which contains various modules or code
emerged in recent decades. One such libraries that are developed by different
technology is Artificial Intelligence or developers and available for direct
commonly called AI. The main focus of AI is to implementation in the project. Pip is automatically
make the machines behave like human beings. installed along with the python for version 3.2 or
One such implementation of AI is Voice higher.
Assistant or virtual assistant. Assistants make
our day-to-day life easier by planning our day This voice assistant is helpful for users who
for us, and providing necessary resources helps want to interact with the machine using their
us to accomplish daily tasks. voice. This assistant automates the daily tasks like
opening an application, searching something on
Nowadays various tech giants are also Google, searching Wikipedia for information,
developing their voice assistants, for instance, searching weather reports, and reading a
Google Assistant, developed by Google, newspaper from any app or web. This assistant
Cortana developed by Microsoft, and Siri, can do all this with a single voice command.
developed by Apple. Using python, we have
developed our voice assistant which can The typical features of the voice assistant
accomplish various tasks like opening an include-
application, telling time and date, searching on
google, retrieving information from Wikipedia, • Open application
telling weather reports, telling the news • Display date and time
headlines, calculating numbers, taking notes,
playing music, cracking jokes and so on. • Crack a joke
Keywords – Artificial Intelligence, voice • Search anything on Google
assistant, Python, Wikipedia, Google assistant.
• Calculate numbers

• Retrieve information from Wikipedia

• Weather reports
The voice assistant which we have discussed in
this paper runs on the user’s command. It can • News headlines
recognize the user’s voice along with this it also
has its voice and it interacts with the user both by • Take notes
writing and speaking. It understands the user’s
command and takes action accordingly. • Play music

This voice assistant is developed using Python • Schedule calendar

programming language, version 3.10.2. Python is This voice assistant is just a basic
a high-level, general programming language implementation of Artificial Intelligence, we can
developed by Guido van Rossum. It is open-


do a lot more with AI. We can integrate IoT with
this voice assistant, then it will become a smart
home assistant. Machine learning, another
application of AI, can be used for predictions and
Neural Networks which is can be used for
capturing human emotions, or Natural Language
Processing (NLP), which can be used to
understand different languages.

Literature Survey—
Voice assistants are becoming very popular these
days, many big tech companies are investing big
to improve and innovate their voice assistances
like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa to name a
It was the Siri (Apple’s voice assistant) in 2011,
which has reached to a wide audience. It can
convert speech to text or text to speech and take
actions accordingly. Since, then voice assistants
are becoming a trending software in the field of
Nowadays, voice assistants are not only available 1. Speech Recognition module: Speech
in our smartphones but also available in Recognition module is the module which converts
smartwatches, smart televisions, or even in smart the speech or human voice into text. We have
cars. Voice assistants are dominating various used the Google cloud API to convert human
electronics devices. speech into text. Once, the human speech is
converted into text, now we can process this text
Companies today are also integrating different into a desired outcome.
technologies with voice assistants like Amazon
has integrated IoT with its voice assistant Alexa to 2. Python Backend: Once the speech is converted
make smart home appliances, and Google into text, the Python Backend come into action.
Assistant is now available in more than 14 Indian The Python process the text, it matches the text
languages. Many companies are using data with the predefined instructions and decides
science, and machine learning with voice whether to use a system call, or an API, or use a
assistants to understand the behavior of their web scraping library, or an in-built module of
customers and serve them accordingly. Python.

So, indeed voice assistant are now becoming an 3. API: API stands for Application Programming
integrated part of our daily lives and impacting Interface used as the bridge between two
our lives directly or indirectly on daily basis. applications or this is the way for one program to
interact with another program. APIs call, basically
when a user application submitted a request, and
Methodology— APIs call to retrieve that request and send it back
to the user. API calls are the medium by which
they interact.

4. Text to speech module: Microsoft text to

speech module is used for converting one speech
into text provided by the user. Microsoft TTS fetches the required content from the web
allows us to include natural human-sounding in server and displays the page on the user's
our program. TSS has a wide selection for us to device.
use. The voices or sounds differ by language and
gender. 3. calendar: The Python calendar module
already contains all the useful functions
5. Content Extraction: Context Extraction is a and classes to support different calendar
technique for extracting structured data from operations. This is a Python built-in
machine-readable documents that are unstructured module.
or semi-structured. Natural language processing
(NLP) is used to process human language 4. os: The Python OS module provides
documents in this activity. Content extraction functions for interacting with the software
includes activities such as automated annotation system. The OS is one of Python's in-built
and content extraction from various photos, utility modules. This module provides the
videos, and audio. possibility to use the operating system-
dependent feature.

System Architecture— 5. pyjokes: The Python pyjokes module

provides random jokes and is used to create one-
line jokes which makes our program more
Interesting. Added pyjokes to the program
because it added jokes to our program.

6. operator: This python module is in-built in

python and used to perform all mathematical
operations, bitwise, relational, and logical but
only with two inputs. So, many functions can
be performed in program like add(a,b),
mul(a,b), mod(x,y), pow(x,y) etc.

7. Wikipedia: Python provides a Wikipedia

module and we can access the Wikipedia
module with the use of Data Scraping. In data
scraping, we retrieve the data and information
from various sources in our program. But, the
Wikipedia module scrap only limited
information in our program.

8. requests: The requests module in Python

sends all kinds of HTTP requests using
1. datetime: datetime module contains both Python. And here, HTTP request works as
data and time. There can be many request exchanges between server and client.
applications that require the processing of Python requests are used to simplify the HTTP
date and time. The datetime module is code and make it easier for human use.
very useful for handling different types of
date and time formats. 9.JSON: JSON is JavaScript Object Notation
and Python has an In-built JSON package.
2. webbrowser: A web browser is JSON is the syntax for storing and exchanging
application software for accessing the data. It is commonly used in web scraping
WWW. When a user requests a web page (used for transmitting data in web
from a particular website, the web browser
applications) and used in transferring and
storing data.

10. Speech Recognition: Speech recognition

is a machine's ability to recognize spoken
words from users and convert them into
written text. It allows the computer to
recognize the human language. This process is
initialized by taking input as sound energy and
convert into electrical energy using a
microphone. Then, this electric energy, analog
to digital, and then to text.

11.pyttsx3: pyttsx3 is the text-to-speech

conversion library used in Python. It is
available in pip package manager. It supports
two in-built voices first one of a female and
the second one of a male.

12. pywhatkit: pywhatkit is an in-built library

in Python, it is used to perform the Google
search of the input text.

Fig.1: Opening web applications like YouTube

13. beautifulsoap: Beautiful Soap is a web- and Google with single voice commands.
scraping library of Python, it is not an in-built
library, we have to download it from pip
package manager. Web scraping is the process
of extracting data from HTML and XML
codes. It is generally used to extract data from

Result and Output—

This section of the paper describes the working of
the voice assistant. This voice assistant first
converts the voice of the user into a text and then
takes the actions according to the pre-coded
We have used various modules from pip package
manager to provide a voice to the assistant,
speech-to-text, and text-to-speech. Retrieving
information from Wikipedia. Along with this, we
have used a web scraping library of python called
Beautiful Soup to display the news headlines.
Used os library to get access to the operating
system applications like chrome, power point,
Fig.2 Telling the time, cracking a random joke,
retrieving information using Wikipedia,
Calculating numbers all this using single voice Fig.4 Playing music with single voice
command. command.

Fig.5 Displaying weather reports, and news


Fig. 3 Opening google search for the desired


Fig.6 Displaying notes, calendar, opening

Conclusion— References—
This research paper describes a virtual voice 1. https://www.ijres.org/papers/Volum
assistant for windows using Python programming e-10/Issue-2/Ser-3/C10021520.pdf
language with the use of Artificial Intelligence
technology This voice assistant can perform some 2. https://www.ijeat.org/wp-
basic tasks like opening google and YouTube, content/uploads/papers/v10i4/D2425
weather forecasting, talking about recent news
headlines, setting remainders, perform some basic
calculation of mathematics, tell some random 3. https://www.irjmets.com/uploadedfil
jokes, retrieve information from Wikipedia. This
virtual voice assistant used automation of daily es/paper/volume3/issue_7_july_202
basic tasks just by giving voice commands and in 1/14275/1628083554.pdf
this way, it will save a lot of time for the user and
it will help the user to enhance his/her efficiency.
At this point, we are limited to just desktop-based
assistance, but in the future, we can integrate it
with IoT to make smart home assistance.

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