Voice - Assistant - Research Paper
Voice - Assistant - Research Paper
Voice - Assistant - Research Paper
Literature Survey—
Voice assistants are becoming very popular these
days, many big tech companies are investing big
to improve and innovate their voice assistances
like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa to name a
It was the Siri (Apple’s voice assistant) in 2011,
which has reached to a wide audience. It can
convert speech to text or text to speech and take
actions accordingly. Since, then voice assistants
are becoming a trending software in the field of
Nowadays, voice assistants are not only available 1. Speech Recognition module: Speech
in our smartphones but also available in Recognition module is the module which converts
smartwatches, smart televisions, or even in smart the speech or human voice into text. We have
cars. Voice assistants are dominating various used the Google cloud API to convert human
electronics devices. speech into text. Once, the human speech is
converted into text, now we can process this text
Companies today are also integrating different into a desired outcome.
technologies with voice assistants like Amazon
has integrated IoT with its voice assistant Alexa to 2. Python Backend: Once the speech is converted
make smart home appliances, and Google into text, the Python Backend come into action.
Assistant is now available in more than 14 Indian The Python process the text, it matches the text
languages. Many companies are using data with the predefined instructions and decides
science, and machine learning with voice whether to use a system call, or an API, or use a
assistants to understand the behavior of their web scraping library, or an in-built module of
customers and serve them accordingly. Python.
So, indeed voice assistant are now becoming an 3. API: API stands for Application Programming
integrated part of our daily lives and impacting Interface used as the bridge between two
our lives directly or indirectly on daily basis. applications or this is the way for one program to
interact with another program. APIs call, basically
when a user application submitted a request, and
Methodology— APIs call to retrieve that request and send it back
to the user. API calls are the medium by which
they interact.