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they.~themselveS: =---
iwhich individuals and their behavi~_.w --- --0-- ---- -0------ ...

'.'), . . The other form of biopower is a regulatory power inscribed in policies and
'interventions governing the population. This so-called 'biopolitics of the
DISCIPLI ING MOTHERS: population' is focused on the 'species body', the body that serves as the basis
of biological processes affecting birth, death, the level of health and longevity.
D THE N It is the target of state interventions and the object of study in demography,
public health agencies, health economics and so forth.
REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES . If, as Foucault claimed, bio er w s an indispensa ment in the
develo12ment of capitalism insofar as it made 20ssible a 'controlled insertion
~~machinerx of production', then it ~st also h~ been
Jana Sawicki indi~' al wer insofar as it rovided instruments for the
insert"on of women's bodies into the m . ert' 0 . And if
claiming a right to one's body only makes sense against the background of
these new life-administering forms of power and knowledge, then the history
of modern feminist struggles for reproductive freedom is a key dimension of the
history of biopower.
[ ... ]

Although he intended to, Foucault never wrote a history of women's bodi Told from a Foucauldian perspective, the history of women's procreative
Yet, had he proceeded according to his original plan, he would have writte bodies is a history with multiple origins, that is, a history of multiple centers
volume in the History of Sexuality entitled Woman, Mother and Hysteric. of power, multiple innovations, with no discrete or unified origin. It is a history
was to be a study of the sexualization of women's bodies and of concepts" marked by resistance and struggle. Thinking specifically about the history of
pathology related to it such as hysteria, neurasthenia, and frigidity. Fouca childbirth in America, a Foucauldian feminist does not assume a priori that the
intended to locate the processes through which women's bodies were co new reproductive" technologies are the product of a long standing male 'desire'
trolled through a set of discourses and practices governing both the individua to control women's bodies or to usurp procreation. This does not mean that
body and the health, educatio~elfare of the population, namely, such motives do not playa role in this history of medicalization, but it does
discourses and practices of' }OPoW ,,:1 deny that they direct the historical process overall. 3
In contrast to the often sp ic, violent power over a relatively anonymo Foucault described the social field as a network of intersecting practices and
social body exercised under older, monarchical forms of power, biopo discourses, an interplay of non-egalitarian, shifting power re1arions.~­
emerges as an apparently benevolent, but peculiarly invasive and effective fo duals and gr~not possess power but rather occupy various and shifting
of social control. It evolved in ~related forms. One of the poSitions in this network of relations - positions of power and resistance. Thus,
d ~ is £knowledge of and power over the individual body-
----- ---.:::----=-----
although policies governing reproductive medicine and new reproductive
capacities, gestures, movements, location, and behaVIOrs. DIsciplinary pra technologies in the United States today are indeed largely controlled by non-
tices represent the body as a machine. They aim to render the individual bot feminist and anti-feminist forces, it is plausible to assume that women and
more powerful, productive, useful and docile. They are located withininstit,u feminists have played a role in defining past and curren:p:l:~eif5S,for better or
tions such as hospitals, schools, and prisons, but also at the· micrdleveIio worse. It is also the case that these non- and anti-feminist;f6~ces:arenot unified
society in [he everyday activities and habits of individuals. They~ect:2~F~~i or monolithic. Their control is neither tctainor centr~J1Xi?~~ll~strated.
hold not through the threat of violence or force, but~her by creadn~~esii~ Employing a bottom-up analysis, a Foucauldian ferninist~:wou,Id describe the
attaching individuals to specific identities, and establishing norms'agaiIls present situation as the outcome of a myriad of micro'-ptattites, struggles,
---.::::-- ..

tactics and counter-tactics among such agencies. Conseque~tly, in describing

the ~th practjces 2 she would focus nor only on rh€l domi~
From: ]. Sa\vicki, Disciplining Foucault. Feminism, Power and the Body, New York: Routledge
discourses and practices, namely, those of medical ex e s and the so-called


'technodocs' but n the moments of re . es ite, upper middle-class, heterosexual scientific and medical establishments.
trans orming these practices over the years. 4 Indeed, there are many di~' example, many natural childbirth classes offered in hospitals continue to
and pfacfiEeS in the contexts of medicine, law, religion, familyp in women to expect and accept medical interventions such as fetal monitors,
agencies, consumer protection agencies, the insurance and pharma avenous drugs, labor induction, forceps, pain medication, and even Cae-
n sections. The ideolog~ th~ ~::' has seen tls@d..iQ.the send
industries, the women's health movement, and social welfare agenci
struggle to influence reproductive politics and the social construe th feminist and a';;r;-feminiSt~;n':l:g§l~R~gardless,identifying such struggles
motherhood. As Paula Treichler states: de;;;; assumptions that the medical control of childbirth is one-dimen-
The posltIon of modern medicine was not monolithic but hnal or total.
gradually in the course of key debates, federal initiatives, strains be DISCIPLINING MOTHERS
private practitioners and academic physicians, and debates within
I have indicated, Foucault identified the history of women's bodies as a key
icine over what its professional hierarchy was to be ... Physicians d
ension of the history of biopower. Understood as part of this history, new
uniformly declare a war on nature, nor decide that they should adS
'eproductive technologies represent the most recent of a set of discourses
ideology of intervention and subordination. 5
(systems of knowledge, classification, measurement, testing, treatment and so
Medicalized childbirth has come under attack from many camps since the h forth) that constitute a disciplinary technology of sex that was developed and
of modern medicine. Individual men and women as well as organized gr, implemented by the bourgeoisie at the end of the eighteenth century as a means
representing scientific, economic and feminist interests have consistently.c. of 'consolidating its power, improving itself, 'maximizing life'. Disciplinary
lenged the Western medical model of childbirth. In the second half of technologies are not primarily repressive mechanisms. In other words, they do
century there have been continual demands for alternatives to the ot operate primarily through violence against or seizure of women's bodies or
mOdei of chil~fe~orldWar II, Grantly Read, a odily processes, but rather by producing new objects and subjects of knowl-

obstetnclan critlclzwp!iYSiCtans for ignoring women's subjective experie
childbirth and for interfering with the natural birthing process. Lamaz
introduced and became increasingly popular. l:J~hildbirth was rei
duc~~PE?n and a h9~birth ~~ La Leche Le
encouraged women to disregard m~ advice that favored bottle feeding
dge, by inciting and channeling desires, generating and focusing individual
nd group energies, and establishing bodily norms and techniques for obser-
ving, monitoring, and controlling bodily movements, processes, and capacities.
Disciplinary technologies control the body through techniques that simulta-
neously render it more useful, mOI;e powerful and more docile.
encouraged them to return to breastfeeding. In addition, there were prop New reproductive technologies represent one of a series of types of body
to admit fathers into delivery rooms, to eradicate the routine use 0 management that have emerged over the past two decades rendering women's
lithotomy position, and to stop separating mothers and babies at birth. bodies more mobilizable in the service of changing utilities of dominant
feminists and non-feminist critics have challenged the routine use of episiot, -agencies. 7 Their aim is less to eliminate the need for women than to make
and of drugs for pain and the induction of labor. Furthermore, indivi their bodies even more useful. They enhance the utility of women's bodies for
women attempt to control the terms of their own hospital childbirths by sti . . multiple shifting needs. As Linda Singer aptly noted:
home longer before going into the hospital and thereby avoiding unnecessa'
The well managed body of the 80s is constructed so as to be even more
sections due to prolonged labor, by demanding that they have an advo
multifunctional than its predecessors. It is a body that can be used for
present during the birthing process, by finding physicians who support t
wage, labor, sex, reproduction, mothering, spectacle, exercise, or even
desire to minimize medical intervention, and so forth. Such resistance has se
invisibility, as the situatioU-deme:nds.8
as the basis of forms of client resistance and has worked to counter tenden
toward depoliticizing motherhood and childbirth. Singer points out that f~echIlOlo~sca~~~_~
Highlighting the struggles surrounding the definition of childbirth·; consolidati~.--f.~~andclass privilege or for elimi~~.!i.D.g-.LOmpeti:riem--ffi:-..the
motherhood does nOl suggesl that medicine has not had a monopoly.a iabor rn~jEQrrl..__~~.-uppeI:---miGale-ela~~~;@~-I1- ..whG-..ha¥~yed
childbirth during this century, but rather that this control was not siro pregnancy fOL~
imposed from the top down. It had to be won and continually faces resistan New re roductive technologies clearly fit the model 'sci lina ower.
Nor do I mean to imply that challenges to medicine such as those advoca . They involve sophisticated tec niques of surveillance and examination (for
'natural' childbirth have not been coopted to some extent. After all, someti instance, ultrasound, fetal monitors, amniocentisis, antenatal testing proce-
resistance is wholly neutralized by the counter strategies of the hegemo' dures) that make both female bodies and fetuses visible to anonymous agents

192 193

in ways that facilitate the creation of new objects and subjects of ~ r subject themselves to it willingly? On the other hand, if it also Qperates by
well as legal and state intervention. Among the individuals created inciting desire, attaching individuals to specific identities, and addressing real
new' technologies are infertile, surrogate and genetically impaired needs, then it is easier to understand hQW it has been so effective at getting a
mothers whose bodies are not fit for pregnancy (either biologically or grip Qn us.
mothers who are psychologically unfit for fertility treatments, mothe5 Moreover, although the model of patriarchy as violence against women is
wombs are hostile environments to fetuses, mothers who are deetnf:rl ~. apprQpriate in many contexts, I questiQn its use in the context Qf critiques of
gent' for not choosing to undergo tests, abort genetically 'deficient' fe:iI5eS" medicine. Are all fQrms of objectification, even those that invQlve inequalities
consent to Caesarean sections. As these medical disciplines isolate specifi; of power, inevitably viQlent? While many forms Qf surgical intervention are
types of abnormality or deviancy, they contruet new nQrms Qf bealIhy a~ experienced as traumatic, are they best described as a fQrm of 'violence against
r~spo~sible mQtherhood. AdditiQnalry:insQfar as the new technologies iocatl the body'? Emily Martin has written that Foucault was wrong to claim that the
the problem of infertility within individuals, ~ d~ttention and eneq viQlent tactics of juridical Qr monarchical power have been replaced by the
that could be used t..Q~f'''t:mmental eaHses sf ia,tgrtility. Hence" more subtle tactics of disciplinary power. She states: 'dismemberment is with
the~ty. They. link up with the I.Qgic Qf consumerisri us still, and the "hold on the body" has not so much slackened as it has mQved
and commodlhcatlQ~ymCltmg the desIre for' etter babIes an y creating from the law to science.,9 Without suggesting that there have nQt been many
market~tive body arts, namely, eggs, wQmbs, and embryQs:. incidences of unjust or callQus use of power over women in medical contexts, it
Finally,..-£hey make wome ' d is impQrtant to aVQid reducing all of Western medical science and technology
coordinate populations. to anQther example of violence against women. Many Qf its practices are
At thesame fim~~'ilie~~ . s cre e new subject that is, fiuj. clearly distinct from sadistic or coercive viQlence. At the very least the rhetoric
mothers~nfit.!!~~:~~ile,,~~~~, a~~~i~E!!i=-.EY create tn:epossJ of viQlence is likely to be pQlitically ineffective since it does not resonate with so
bility Qf new sites Qf resistance. Lesbians and single women can challenge thes many of the women who must rely Qn medical institutions for health care.
no~Ydemandingacce~;ro infertility treatments. Women whQ have unde This is only Qne Qf several political disadvantages Qf the repressive model of
gone infertility treatment can share their experiences and demand improvement power with which radical feminists have operated. AnQther related difficulty is
or expose inadequacies in the mQdel Qf treatment. The9uestiQ!lis"nQL~p.ethe that it employs a binary model of alternatives, either repressive technology or a
these women - - are
--- victims _._
- - , -Qf false consciQusness insO"f~;a:S't~d~o.-b· liberatQry one, either a masculinist science Qr a feminist Qne, either mechanistic
biologlCarmothers, as

mucnasltls Qne

Qy~~tw defi~Qmen's needs~~_~~~~~~~.§2;~!ie<!:


Qf devising feminist
- _ _-
strategies in struggle
~~-~ _-~~ . . -..

materialism or naturalism, either a technQIQgical approach Qr a natural Qne.
This pQlitically and cognitively restrictive binary logic stems in part frQm the
To suggest that the new reproductive technQlogies 'produce' problems an tendency to portray patriarchal pQwer in monQlithic, essentialist and totalistic
desires and thereby cQntribute tQ the further medicalizatiQn of mothers' bodie terms. It is limiting because it detempQralizes the process of sQcial change by
) is not tQ suggest that these problems (fQr instance, infertility) are not real, tha cQnceiving of it as a negation of the present rather than as emerging from
the experts are charlatans, and that those who seek their advice are blinded b possibilities in the present. In so dQing, it restricts Qur political imaginations
the ideology of medical science. It does not imply that things were better befor. and keeps us frQm looking for the ambiguities, cQntradictions and liberatQry
these technQlogies appeared. It does suggest, hQwever, that part of the attrac possibilities in the technological tranformatiQns of cQnception, pregnancy and
tiQn of the new technologies is that many women perceive them as enabling. 0 childbirth.
course, referring to them as disciplinary technQlogies does highlight their The repressive mQdel of pQwer assumes that all women and men occupy
controlling functiQns. Yet, this contrQI is nQt secured primarily through essentially the same pQsition in relation to patriarchy, namely, that of victims
violence or coercion, b~ather by producing new nQrms of motherhood, bYi~ whQ are blinded by the ideology Qf science Qr perpetrators of violence,
attachin women tQ their identities as mQthers, and by offering women ~cific respectively. Like the discourses and practices they criticize, radical feminist
kinds of tiQns to roblems the face. In fact there rna e etter solutions;' discQurses Qften position women as passive subjects not potential activists, as
and ~e may be better ways o~fining the problews. There is the danger tat.' causally conditioned not self-determining, 25 morally or politically corrupted.
medical sQl.utiQns will become the only opes and that other ways of defining Thus, they fail to take some women's expr6ssed'needs' (for fertility treatment,
them will be eclipsed. fQr genetic screening) seriously.lO They provide inadequate explanations of
This emphasis Qn normalizatiQn as QppQsed to violence represents a major how SQme wQmen's interests appear to bebQund up with the system of male
advantage of the disciplinary model Qf power. If patriarchal power Qperated. dominatiQn. They alsQ ignore the fact that some men, even physicians, are
primarily through violence, QbjectificatiQn and repressiQn, why would women pQtential allies in struggles against domination.

194 195

In contrast, there are significant political advantages to adopting Foucau hood. This is the group of women who are most likely to become agents of fetal
disciplinary model of power for a feminist critique of new reproduc quality control. In her studies, Rapp found that the interpretations given of
technologies. Operating with a model of the social field as a field of stru positive test results for Down's syndrome varies with differences in class, race
consisting of multiple centers of power confronting multiple centers of r or ethnicity. For example to a Hispanic woman in the urban ghetto whose
tance prompts us to look for the diverse relationships that women occup 'normal' children confront serious obstacles to self-actualization, the meaning
relation to these technologies, and for the many intersecting subject positi of being 'disabled' may be different. She may be more likely to opt to have a
constituting the social field. We become focused on the pregnant or infe disabled child than her white middle-class counterpart.
woman in all of her social relationships, not simply her relationship to Thus, although new reproductive technologies certainly threaten to repro-
physician. She may be a working woman, a welfare mother, a woman of colo duce and enhance existing power relations, they also introduce new possibi-
a drug addict, a physician, a lawyer, a feminist. By directing our attenti lities for disruption and resistance. 13 Using Foucault's model of power as a
to the differences among women and to the intersecting social relationsi shifting and unstable set of relations, and his understanding of discourses as
which women are situated, we are more likely to locate the conflicting mea' ambiguous and polyvalent, we are encouraged to look for such possibilities in
ings and contradictions associated with the technological transformation the present and to mobilize them as a means of challenging hegemonic
pregnancy. reproductive relations on a variety of political fronts. As reproductive issues
Although it is crucial to continue to identify the ways in which ne are increasingly taken up as cultural, not simply biological issues, more space is
reproductive technologies threaten to erode women's power over their repro opened up for politicizing them. For example, Rapp suggests that the idea of
ductive lives, it is also important to locate the potential for resistance in th quality control of fetuses can be used to support demands for adequate
current social field, that is, what Foucault refers to as 'subjugated knowledges prenatal care for all women. And, ultimatel)!, as these technologies destabilize
- forms of experience and knowledge that 'have been disqualified as inade current conceptions of motherhood, opportunities for identifying and legit-
quate ... or insufficiently elaborated: naive knowledges, located low down·iJ imating alternative forms of motherhood are presented.
the hierarchy beneath the required level of cognition or scientificity.'ll Thi 'Motherhood' and 'technology' are highly contested concepts in contem-
means looking not only at the discourses of the men who develop an porary America. As an identity, an ideology and an institution, motherhood
implement the technologies, but also at the different ways in which worne has been both a source of power and enslavement for women. But it is
are being affected by them, that is, the material conditions of their lives, the" important for feminists not to assume that anyone aspect of female practice
own descriptions of their needs, and of their experiences of pregnancy an is central to partriarchal control. We must not conflate motherhood and
childbirth. -Not all women have equal access to the most advanced medic' femininity, or motherhood and childbirth. Motherhood has biological mean-
technologies. For the majority of women, withdrawal from medical insti ings, but also many social ones. In arguing that new reproductive technologies
tions is not an option. Indeed, inadequate access to health care and t l may lead to the elimination of women altogether, Corea and others ignore the
information is the key issue for a majority of women in the United States toda' many, often conflicting, roles and positions that women occupy in contem-
Despite her rejection of Foucault's position on violence, Emily Marti porary society, the many services they provide, the many other ways in which
provides an example of such an approach in her book The WOl11.an in th their bodies are disciplined as mothers, workers, housewives, sexual beings,
Body. She explores differences between middle-class and working-class w and so forth. Sandra Bartky suggests that normative femininity - a set of
men's experiences of pregnancy and childbirth and juxtaposes them wi disciplinary practices regulating the body, its gestures, appetite, shape, size,
dominant mechanistic scientific and medical accounts of these same processes. movement, appearance and so forth - has come to center more on sexuality
She concludes that the dominant ideology is partial, that middle-class wome and appearance than on the maternal body.14 Whether this is the case or not, it
are more inclined toward the medical view of themselves, and that working;;.' highlights the fact that women's bodies have many uses. Feminists must resist
class women described their experiences more in terms of non-medical aspects those forces that aim to enlist such practices in the service of docility and
of their lives. She suggests that there is liberatory potential in resurrecting these gender normalization and struggle to define them differently. But this is not
subjugated discourses of bodily experience - that they might serve as critical tantamount to rejecting them entirely.
feminist standpoints on medical discourse and practice. Similarly, there are many possibilities for a technological transformation of
Martin's observations are consistent with those of Rayna Rapp in pregnancy that might benefit women. Of course, we cannot overlook the fact
writings on amniocentesis and genetic counselling. 12 Rapp observes that the that scientific and technological practices are largely controlled by men.
group best served by advances in reproductive medicine - white middle-class Nevertheless, there are good reasons to avoid reducing patriarchal domination
women - are also the most vulnerable to its powerful definitions of mother- to its technologies. As history reveals, technological developments are many

196 197
epti/ De-med icalizati on is also not sufficient as a strategy for reslstmg
edged. Who, in retrospect, would deny women many of the contrac hal capitali sm. De-
ed and introduc ed in this century? Both fe' hegemonic forces that govern our bodies under patriarc
technologies ·that were develop and
the legaliza tion of birth control. Feminis ts sa' medicalizing childbir th does remove it from this authori tarian context
inists and anti-feminists resisted ng its meaning . Neverth eless, as Paula
for men to escape their respons ibility to women. An'- open up more possibilities for contesti
birth control as a means th in the
al repr: Treichler notes, de-medi calizatio n also brings risks. It places childbir
feminists feared that if women had more control over their biologic it 'can more easily be represen ted as a commo dity, not
roles as mothers and wiv' public sphere where
duetive processes, they would reject their social econom ic marketp lace but in the ideologi cal and social marketp lace
tended to conflate control overt only in the
(Like some radical feminists today, they for exploi-
itself.) as well.,19 Moreov er, an open marketp lace provide s opportu nities
biological process of motherh ood with control over motherh ood cy, and childbir th m'e partly
control has been a progress ive develop ment fd tation and abuse. After all, infertility, pregnan
Linda Gordon points out, birth them from medical control, we can support
that the women' s moveme nt has continua U medical issues. Rather than remove
women only to the extent ons that enable women and those whom
But rath efforts to build health care instituti
struggled to define policies regulating their develop ment and e childbea ring around their own needs. This will surely
multipl they love to structur
than reject newly emerging technologies outright , feminists can meet expandi ng access to a variety of reprodu ctive services that are currentl y
response s. We can resist the dange include
edged developments with multiple-edged that we
depoliti cization , privatiz ation, decrease made available only to privileged women, but will also require
ous trends, the tendencies toward entation .
the proces question current uses and modes of implem
autonom y, and the elision of women' s experiences and interests in women is
ctive technolo gies and the laws an What makes new reprodu ctive technologies especially dangero us to
of develop ing and implem enting reprodu t bodily processe s, but that they are
utopia not so much that they objectif y and fragmen
policies regulating them. We can also allow ourselves 16 to envision and medical
designed and implem ented by experts in context s where scientifi c
possibilities for technologically transfor ming reprodu ction. isites for demo-
e ne authorit y is wielded with insufficient attentio n to the prerequ
Finally, at the same time that people in developed countrie s embrac nged authori ty of experts
e, there is also evidenc e in film, literatur e and cratic or shared decision-making. The often unchalle
technologies with little resistanc dangero us
T makes possible an imposit ion of treatme nts and regimes that is in fact
media of increasing cultural anxiety about the pace of technolo gical change. health care practict ioners must be exhorte d to further
in the coUecti· to women. Physicians and
prospects of nuclear accidents or nuclear warfare loom large that women are not treated solely as bodies, but also as subjects
to dem efforts to ensure
psyche. This ambivalence about technology can be tapped in efforts desires, fears, special needs, and so forth. Of course, asI have attempt ed to
ion, design and impleme ntation i'~ with
cratize the process of technological innovat operate through modes of
Harawa y argues that images of the cyborg, show, many of the new reprodu ctive techologies do
In an intriguing essay, Donna identify ing subjects in efforts to
;fl 'subjectification', that is, by classifying and
couplings between organism and machine, provide an imagina tive resource g to subjecti vity is not a sufficie nt conditio n
t either wholly natural or technol further control them. So, attendin
contemp orary feminist politics. Withou of Western models of medicin e are
for ensuring that the pernicio us effects
gical origins, cyborgs over how
combatt ed. But it is necessary if individuals are to have more control
at medicin e has been
are not afraid of their joint kinship with animals and machine s, not their medical needs are satisfied. The authorit y of Western
ints. . Memori es of thalidom ide
of permanently partial identities and contrad ictory standpo challenged increasingly during the past three decades
individu als and groups
political struggle is to see from both perspectives at once because babies and the scandal of DES can be redeploy ed. Many
reveals both domina tions and possibilities unimagi nable from the resist medical authorit y and treatme nt everyday, for better or worse.
18 mobiliz ed in efforts to eradicat e the non-rec iprocal relation s
vantage point. resistance can be
myriad of power so often still characte ristic of the physici an-patie nt relation
Similarly, Foucaul t's understa nding of power as decentralized, as a develop -
the extreme s of dystopi an or utopi As I have already suggested, feminists are not the only ones resisting
shifting relations, enables us to avoid also coalesce with other movem ents
many positive and negative politica l ments in reprodu ctive medicine. We can
political critique in favor of locating organiz ation and authorit y within health care
present. From a Foucaul dian perspec ti challenging current forms of
strategic possibili ties presente d in the naturali zed
Appeals to am institutions. We can build political unities not Or} the basis of some
every strategy or counter -strateg y is potentially dangero us. women, or mothers , but on the basis of commo n politica l opposi-
childbi identity as
holistic, unified, natural' , 'matern al', or 'feminin e' experience of tion and affinities with other political struggles. We can also continu e to make
s that we might deploy in efforts to res'
become merely one of several strategie informa tion, and for more
s bodies. In themsel ves, they are no d demands for equal access to health care, for better
the medical takeover of women' democratic processes of developing, designin g, implem enting and regulati ng
high technolo gy approac hes. Indeed, holism and naturali
cooptab le than new technologies.
can and have been used for patriarc hal as well as feminist ends.

Analyses that simply reject new reproductive technologies reproductive technologies clearly threaten to make women'sprocreative
women in making choices.. Nor do they lead to creative politicaLs. ie~ more effective targets for the intervention of hegemonic patriarchafand
We must provide analyses that enable women to assess risks andh italist forces in contemporary America.. As disciplinary teclmologies'they
both individual'and social, and that facilitate feminist and other opp ., feSent a potentially insidious form of social control since they operate by
struggles that are already ongoing in the context of health care institutig iting the desires of those who seek them out. But the question whether these
must provide analyses that bolster feminist political struggles for·ec hniques also offer more liberatory possibilities will depend on the ex~ent to
resources, information, access to health care, shared decision-making~; 'lch mechanisms for resisting their pernicious disciplinary implications are
build alliances across race, class, sexual differences and differences in. :Vised. Feminist efforts to identify strategies of resistance will be aided by
On the basis of the Foucauldian analysis suggested here, one might COli alyses that move beyond moralism, or nostalgia for a more female-centered
that some of the budding biotechnological developments should be rd hI of 'natural' childbirth, and begin to look for the complex connections
altogether at the present time. Up to this point I have treated new reprodu! ietween the power/knowledge relations of biopower and other factors influen-
technologies as a whole, primarily for the sake of a more general metath, !irig sexual struggle. I have argued that a Foucauldian feminist approach is
tical analysis. Still, any adequate feminist analysis of new reproductive, ° ore likely to produce such analyses. 2o
nologies must treat them separately. Of course, one must also pay attentic
the ways in which they overlap and reinforce one another. Use of one tech NOTES

ogy often leads to or even requires use of another. Accordingly, if one opts f~' 1. See Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Int1'Oduction, trans.
vitro fertilization, one is also likely undergo the whole range of antenatal te Robert Hurley (New York: Pantheon, 1978), pp. 140ff.
1. Ibid., p. 141.
procedures as well as Caesarean section. But this does not mean that each q As Susan Bordo points out in her feminist appropriation of Foucault, denying that
procedures carries the same dangers or offers the same possibilities to WQ' the history of women's bodies is the product of patriarchal conspiracies
We may ultimately want to preserve some and eliminate others.
does not mean that individuals do not consciously pursue goals that advance
In vitro fertilization is especially suspect. Success rates are exceedingly their own positions, and advance certain power positions in the process. But it
the procedures are physically and psychologically gruelling, and the health does deny that in doing so they are directing the overall movement of relations, or
they pose to women have not been adequately measured. Most import engineering their shape. They may not ever know what the shape is. Nor does the
because in vitro techniques require significant expertise and are very expe fact that power relations involve the domination of particular groups - say,
prisoners by guards, females by males, amateurs by experts - entail that the
much of the control over how they are implemented and who is eligibl dominators are in control of the s~tuation, or that the dominated do not some-
receive them is monopolized by the scientists, technicians and administn:( times advance and extend the situation themselves.
who offer them. At present, in vitro fertilization is available primaril
See her 'Anorexia Nervosa: Psychopathology as the Crystallization of Culture', in
married, white, upper middle-class women who perceive biological mo
Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance, eds Irene Diamond and Lee
hood as very desirable and who convince practitioners that they desire a:i¢ Quinby (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988), p. 91.
enough to withstand the treatment. The criteria for eligibility reinfor,
4. See especially the work of Teresa de Lauretis.
traditional classist, racist, and heterosexist ideology of fit motherhood. 5. Paula A. Treichler, 'Feminism, Medicine and the Meaning of Childbirth', in Body/
over, these women have little control over the process once they agre Politics: Women and the Discourses of Science, eds Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox
undergo treatment. Finally, given that in vitro fertilization could be descri Keller, and Sally Shuttleworth (New York: Routledge, 1990), p. 118.
6. See D. A. Sullivan and R. Weitz, Labor Pains: Modem Midwives and Homebirths
as a failure due to such low success rates, we might ask what function (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988), p. 38.
failure is serving. Scientists interested in research on human embryos hav See Susan Bordo's 'Anorexia Nervosa' and Sandra Bartky's 'Foucault, Femininity
vested interest in promoting the benefits of in vitro fertilization partly beca' and Patriarchal Power', in Foucault and Feminism for two examples of analyses of
the techniques employed yield 'surplus' embryos. As I am writing this, ther how disciplinary practices produce specifically feminine forms of embodiment
through the development of dietary and fitness regimens, pathologies related to
pressure on Congress to lift the ban on human embryo research. In short, the:, them, and expert advice on how to walk, talk, dress, wear make-up, and so forth.
are ,reasons to believe that in vitro clinics are not really serving women at 8. Linda Singer, 'Bodies, Pleasures, Powers', differences, Vol. 1 (Winter 1989), p. 57.
BUt, in general, our conclusions about the value of these technologies will 9. Emily Martin, The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction
reached on the basis of a different analysis - one that is more inclusive: (Boston: Beacon Press, 1987), p. 21.
10. For a fascinating account of a specific set of struggles over the interpretation of
pluralistic, and complex, one that looks for their ambiguous implication needs, see Nancy Fraser, 'Women, Welfare and the Politics of Needs Interpreta-
and identifies the many agencies struggling to define motherhood and child tion', in Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social
birth in contemporary America in an effort to mobilize oppositional forces; Theory (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), pp. 144-60.

200 201

11. Michel Foucault, 'Two Lec:tures', in Power/Knowledge: Selected

Intervie~s:.~ 3.7
1972"""71977, ed. Colin Gordon (New York: Pantheo n B(
Other Writings, ",'-t
1980), p. 82.' " " ' > ,,' ' ,
orary Am
12. 'Reprod uetionan dGender Hierarch y: Amniocentesis in Contemp
presente d at an Internati onal Symposi um of the Wenner- Gren Foun
for Anthropological Research , January 10-18, 1987, Mijas, Spain. THE BIOPOLITICS OFP OST MOD ERN
13. Ibid., p. 2 4 . "
14. See Sandra Lee Bartky, 'Foucault, Femininity and the Modernization
of Patria.
for Reprodu ctive Freedom : Three Stages of Fe
15. Linda Gordon, 'The Struggle
, ed. Zill
ism', in Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism
Eisenstein (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979), pp. 107-32.
Piercy, Woman on the Edge of Time (New York: Knopf, 1976);fo t'
16. See Marge
futuristic model of high technolo gy childbirt h that embodie s feminist principle " Donn a Haraway
gy and Soci
17. Donna Haraway , 'A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technolo "
Feminism in the 1980s', Socialist Review, Vol. 80 (1985), p. 66.
18. Ibid., p. 72.
p. 131.
19. Treichler, 'Feminism, Medicine and the Meaning of Childbirth',
20. Earlier versions of this paper were presented to audiences at Vassar
them f,"
Northwestern University, and Notre Dame University. I wish to thank
question s and commen ts. Special thanks go to Iris Young, Lin(
their helpful
of Sofplr"
Singer, Nancy Fraser, Linda Nicholson, Sharon Barker and members
(Socialist Feminist Philosophers) for helpful conversations and comme
previous drafts.
For Robert Filomeno, who loved peace and died of AIDS, and with thanks
Scott Gilbert, Rusten Hogness, Rayna Rapp, and Joan Scott.
If Koch's postulates must be fulfilled to identify a given microbe with a
it would be helpful, in rewriting the AIDS text, to take
disease, perhaps
; 2)
'Turner's postulates' into account (1984: 209): 1) disease is a language
the body is a representation; and 3) medicine is a political practice.
(Treichler 1987: 27)
Non-self: A term covering everything which is detectably different from
animal's own constituents. (Playfair 1984: 1)
... immune system must recognize self in some manner in order to react
something foreign. (Golub 1987: 482)
become commo nplace to emphasize the multiple and specific cultural
dialects interlaced in any social negotia tion of disease, illness, and sickness
worlds marked by biologic al research , biotechn ology, and
the contem porary
field of
scientific medicine. The language of biomedicine is never alone in the
flow from a consens us about
empowering meanings, and its power does not
g. Paula Treichle r's excellen t phrase
symbols and actions in the face of sufferin
as an
in the title of her essay on the constan tly contested meanings of AIDS
ation' could be applied widely to the social text of sickness .
'epidemic of signific
images, archi-
The power of biomedical language - with its stunning artifacts,

From: differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1 (1): 3-43,


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