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History Paper 1 - 2 MTS Ans Key

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PAPER - 1_2

Q1) Akbar was the first person who led the Q3) Bengal was the cradle of nationalism in
foundation of composite culture in India, India. Discuss.
Describe his religious policy? (200 words/12.5 marks)
(200 words/12.5 marks) If India broken the shackles of the British Govt. &
Answer: Discussed in class got freedom it was because of nationalistic feelings
imbibed in people. This nationalistic feeling started
Q2) On many occasions, Nehru and Patel had the journey with Bengal & soon whole nation got
different views but in spirit their ideas always influenced & started riding on these waves. If
favored national integration and unity. Bengal was the epicentre of nationalism, its
Comment. because Bengal was the main economic & political
(200 words/12.5 marks) center of British govt.
Both Nehru and Patel were public leader in their Nationalism fueled in Bengal by following factors:
own rights. Nehru was a Western educated and • Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Debendara Nath Tagore and
lawyer by profession. Patel, a farmer, went on from others focused on removing evils prevalent in the
being a grassroot leader to a national level leader. society. Diminishing inequality in society resulted
As such differences were bound to exist. in unity in society
For example, on Kashmir issue Patel favored no • Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand
special constitutional privilege to Jammu and restored the heritage of India and instilled the
Kashmir and be granted equal parity with other sense of confidence that Indians are not supposed
states unlike Nehru who favored the state special to be suppressed & no race is superior to rule over
privilege as per instrument of accession. other race.
• On fates of princely states: Patel was ready to go • Rabindra Nath Tagore's Shanti Niketan focus on
for any measure to integrate princely states - hard Indianisation of education & national anthem
(as seen in Hyderabad) or soft approach. Nehru given a boost to citizens.
however wanted integration through persuasion. • Partition of Bengal culminated with Swadeshi
Patel is known as Bismark of India for his iron fist movement, boycott of foreign goods, liquor
approach. hampered the British economy.
• On economic policies: Nehru was impressed with • INC leadership was in the hand of WC Bannerjee,
state led centralized planned economy of Soviet Surendranath Banerjee that became one of the
Union; Patel was more of capitalist in his vision. prominent factor in rising nationalism.
• On foreign policies: Patel seemed to have • Journals, newspapers like Bengalee, Amrita Bazar
cautionary approach towards China, Nehru on Patrika, and Bengal gazette helped widening
other hand, placed China as a friendly feelings of nationalism in nooks and corners.
neighbourhood in his calculation, which turned • British Govt. ruled from Bengal and exploited
wrong in 1962. peasantry & artifact class, exploitation &
Thus, difference between Patel and Nehru can be inequality imbibed the feelings for self rule.
seen as difference between Pragmatism and Though all the parts of the country contributed
idealism. equally in freedom struggle, It was Bengal which
However, as public leader their end result was became the prominent center of nationalism's
always a united and prosperous India. Similarities: birth. Later nationalism got nourished by whole
• No changer: When NCM was suddenly withdrawn India & we became independent ultimately in
and pro changers decided to enter legislative 1947.
Assembly they were opposed by Gandhi's Q4) Discuss the context in which ‘Quit India
supporters, like Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal movement’ was launched. What was its impact?
Nehru and Rajendra Prasad, who became known Discuss.
as the No Changers as opposed to the Swarajist (200 words/12.5 marks)
Changers. Quit India Movement, launched on 9th august
• On state reorganization: under JVP committee, 1942, was the last Gandhian movement for the
they held language cannot be the criteria for state independence. It was launched after the failure of
reorganization as it could hamper national Cripps Mission. It is also called as leaderless
integration and unity. movement as all the leaders like Gandhi, Nehru
• On communist movement: both opposed were arrested and it was all managed and carried
communist ideology. out by common people. Gandhi gave the slogan for
Thus, though differing in views there were enough "do or die" in the attempt to attain freedom from
common grounds between two and more the foreign power. It was a different movement as
importantly had high mutual respect for each various kinds of activities such as underground
other which made them work towards development radio station, disrupting channels of
and integration of India. communication paralyzing the control efforts of
Britishers. Its impact was great as it was launched
against the backdrop of world war-II where allied

MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487

powers were experiencing defeats in the hands of • Limited to educated intelligentsia in the beginning
Axis powers. while ir encompassed all sections of population,
Quit India movement was mass based freedom mainly the poor in the west.
struggle movement. This was launched in following However, Nationalism in both places was preceded
context: by the intellectuals who enlightened the people
1) Failure of Cripps mission: Cripps mission was sent about the prevailing problems and gave a vision of
from Britain to negotiate with Indian leaders to better future For example, in west, philosopher like
support Britain in WW-2. Indian National congress Voltaire, Jefferson, Rousseau etc gave various
has declared Purna Swaraj as final goal in Lahore ideas like liberty, equality, fraternity, Social
session in 1928 and was not ready to concede on contract etc and in India, intellectuals like Dada
this. Britishers were promising only dominion after Bhai Naroji, Ram Mohan Roy etc who exposed true
war. nature of colonial rule and other problems.
2) Escalation of Prices and food shortage: WW-2 has Thus Rise of nationalism though different in the
increase demand of goods which lead to escalation east and west, was against the exploitation of the
of prices. Food and other good were supplied to citizens by authoritarian powers.
solders from India and common people have bear it Q6) Arts bring people belonging to different
repercussion in form of high prices. Public was classes and races together? Do you agree with
more ready for mass based movement than our the statement? In what ways art and
leaders. architecture helps in understanding any
3) Advancement of Japan: Japan was advancing period?
toward India after subjugating south East Asia. (200 words/12.5 marks)
Indian sees it as opportunities to over through • Introduction: The music, dance and drama festival
Britishers. known as Urur Olcott Kuppam Margazhi Vizha is
The movement was tried to brutally suppressed by held in an open area facing the sea with an aim to
Britishers and major leaders have been put behind recognize the power of art in evoking the oneness
bar. Large extent violence took place. of life and the samenesses of human societies. The
The impact of movement was as follows: festival is innovative is its approach as it also
• Quit India Movement demoralized Britishers to involves beach clean-up drives, crowd funding of
rule India. People participation without leaders costs, social-media promos and other
guides and authorities were attacked. Many places complimentary events.
self rule was established. This pressurized • Arts – Bridges the gap
Britishers to bend on demand of congress. So, • Platform to forgotten:-Opportunity for one
Britishers lifted Ban on Congress and National forgotten exquisite to perform alongside other
leaders were released from prison. exquisites – for Villupaattu (bow song) recited by
• It paved the way for constitutional proposal of the Carnatic artists, or Paraiattam (precurssion
Cabinet Mission. Latter Constituent assembly was instrument) setting the beat for Bharatanatyam
organized on the Mission’s recommendations. thus removing artistic barriers.
• British were in favor to punish every participant on • Non-exclusive audience:-Brings classical and non-
treason charges but due to Quit India Movement classical tradition to the rural areas (fishermen,
has forced Britishers to be relenting on trial. beach stall vendors, agriculturists etc) and offer
• Quit India Movement was final war for freedom them unique opportunity to savour these forms
struggle with do and die slogan. It has paved the which are generally enjoyed by urban elites
way for constitutional reforms and Independence • Promotes social cohesion:-Rural-Urban
of India. intermingling during festival given urban people an
Q5) The rise of nationalism in India during the opportunity to learn about how adjacent fishing
19th century was different in character than its villages have contributed to the heritage of the
western counterparts. Do you agree? Chennai.
Substantiate. • Celebrating life:-Collectively honors the good deeds
(200 words/12.5 marks) (rescue work during Chennai floods) while also
India witnessed rise of nationalism in the latter mourns for those who lost their lives thus
half of the 19th century. This was different in enhancing emotional connect and solidarity
character than its western counterpart in following between one another.
ways: • Entry to all:-The festival is held in the open, on the
• Nationalistic feelings were directed against the Urur Olcott Kuppam beach and the venue is not
autocracy and preferential treatment of some exclusive (Zero entry fees) and is accessible to all,
sections like in France it was because of the unjust thus promoting equality (Artists also perform for
treatment of the Third Estate while in USA it was free). Change in mindset:-Women volunteers and
due to economic suppression of the American artists eagerly participate, and play important role
English. Indian nationalism was against the in decision-making thus bridging the gender gap
colonial exploitation of its people. and change in patriarchal attitude.
• Western people were fighting against their own • Art used to develop crack in the bridge
people while Indian nationalism was against the • Aesthetic tension:-Race for recognizing one’s art as
foreign occupation. more superior than others, results into tension
• Indian nationalist favored constitutional means of between artists with dominant group trying to
agitation while those in west resorted to violence impose their form. Lack of promotion:-Except this
and war. event very less support (financially, politically) is
available for the marginalized art forms. Language

MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487

barrier:-Carnatic tradition is much diverse in itself, • Fellowship: Women musicians like C Sarashwati
with different small multi-lingual groups. Bai, Anjani Bai Malpekar, have been conferred
• Forgotten cultural identity:-Westernization of with Sangeet Natak Akademi fellowships.
culture has decreased the relevance of indigeneous • Anuradha pal has made a remarkable place in
Art forms where modern people see these forms as playing classical musical instrument widely known
sign of backwardness, thus limiting its capability. as male dominated field.BBC radio called among
Difference between artist and intellectual is that top 5 female musician of India.
‘An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. • Singers like Lata Mangeshgar are from Gwalior
An artist says a hard thing in a simple way’. Thus, Gharana has contributed as singer, composer has
Arts surpass the artificial barriers created by we promoted classical music and evolved it under
humans, and directly connects with one’s soul. different Bollywood songs which attracts world’s
The festival has a very noble cause, however attention in modern times.
additional efforts are needed to promote such • Veenai Dhanammal: She was a highly
indigenous forms which serve as a true hallmark accomplished Carnatic musician, and the
for ‘Unity in Diversity’. torchbearer of the school of Carnatic music that
Q7) Give an account of the contribution of goes by her name. She was both a vocalist and a
women to Indian classical music in the performer on the Saraswati veena. The prefix
twentieth century, especially in promoting “Veenai” in her name is an indicator of her
music related organizations. exceptional mastery of that instrument.
(200 words/12.5 marks) • Begum Akhtar: She was a well-known Indian
Introduction Indian classical music has got a long singer of Ghazal, Dadra, and a Thumri genre of
and rich history with its origin in Vedic period. In Hindustani classical music. She was given the title
society where male dominance was intrinsically of Mallika-e-Ghazal (Queen of Ghazals).
nurtured in every walk of life, music was no • Conclusion-Women have contributed immensely in
exception. Women had to break the customs and almost every aspects of Indian classical music and
fight rebelliously against the societal norms for the music still continues to evolve as a result of
rights and position in the sphere of Indian such contributions.
classical music. Q8) Gandhi transformed “imperialist India into
• A list of some of the prominent women musicians Nationalist India” comment.
in the 20th century is given below. (200 words/12.5 marks)
• Hindustani music (North India): Begum Akhtar, Answer: Discussed in class
Girija Devi, Gangubai Hungal, Kishori Amonkar,
• Parveen Sultana, Anurahda Pal Carnatic music Q9) The symbolic significance of the satyagraha
(South India): D. K. Pattammal, M. S. was much greater than what actually happened
Subbalakshmi, M. L. Vasantha Kumari in Champaran. Do you agree with the
• Sufi music: Abida Parveen, Shubha Mudgal statement? Justify.
• Bollywood music: Lata Mangeshkar (200 words/12.5 marks)
• Evolution and rise of women in music has greatly The Champaran Movement of Bihar in 1917 was a
contributed to the cause of popularization of result of the long colonial oppressive “teenkathiya
Indian classical music. In the twentieth century, system” where the planters forced cultivators to
with rise in constitutional and societal standards grow indigo in 3/20th parts of their lands.
of women, coupled with renewed interests in • Features: It was Gandhiji’s first movement in
history and classical art forms, more and more India based on his policy of truth and non-
women musicians and organizations with strong violence.
traditional links had flourished. • It was fought for the economic demands of the
• Contribution of some of them- peasants.
• Sabha Culture: Alamelu Jayarama Iyer was the • It was contributed by intelligentsia of the time
first woman to run a Sabha. She founded such as Rajendra Prasad, J.B. Kriplani etc.
Muthialpet Sri Venkatesa Bhakta Sabha for • He followed strategy of political persuasion to
providing the platform to young talent and eliminate this system instead of defying the
remunerating them. It was in 1920s and 1930s political establishment.
sabhas got popularity in Madras. The Music • Significance: It scaled up the local issue of
Academy, the RR Sabha and several others such peasants into widespread national struggle against
as the short-lived Vainika Gayaka Sabha, the the colonial govt.
Sangita Shala and the Jagannatha Bhakta Sabha Gandhi believed in attacking the symbolic
came up then. dominance of the planters rather than monetary
• Popularization: Singer like Begum Akhtar and MS. one. Ex-he settled with the Indigo Commission’s
Subbalaksmi popularized the music. Where Begum recommendations of returning 25% of illegal dues
Akhtar contributed towards popularization of to the peasants by the planters instead of full
Ghazals and Thumri, MS Subbalakshmi amount which was a big blow on planters prestige
popularized Carnatic music all over the world. and position.
• Research: E.g: Dr. Sumati Mutatkar apart from • Relevance: Constructive Politics: wherein the
being a vocalist from Agra Gharana also opposition parties’ opinion should be taken into
supervised numerous research programs in the account to resolve any issue instead of frequent
field of music, as well published several books on disruption. Ex-Parliament disruption on
the subject. demonetization issues.

MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487

• To bring in social reform being within the ambit of calling Russia a threat will be a one sided
law and order and cooperating with the govt. Ex judgment and hence not justified.
Naxalism, LWE, etc. • The USA , Europe and Russia are dominant
• Inclusive growth by taking every section of society powers and need to balance each others’ foreign
together involving marginalised groups. Thus, the interests to maintain peace- it will not only prevent
movement is of great relevance even after 100 future wars but also will de-escalate the world-
years in a complex political and democratic system wide arms race which stems over from their
in order to realize Gandhiji’s dream of India. intervention/proxy wars/ funding. A stable world
• Conclusion: – In this sense, the symbolic needs them to cooperate and contribute to
significance of the satyagraha was much greater common threats like climate change and
than what actually happened in Champaran. Along sustainability where emerging/ poorer nations find
with the Kheda Satyagraha of 1917-1918, the themselves incapable in the long run.
Champaran Satyagraha was the movement Q11) Answer the following questions:
responsible for putting Gandhi on the front seat of (a) Why did Congress accepted partition?
the Indian nationalist movement and making INC had worked hard to secure freedom but it
satyagraha a powerful tool of civilian resistance. came at the cost of partition. The INC accepted
Q10) Russia viewed as threat to world order, partition not because of its lust for immediate
especially by the US and other western powers? power but because of prevailing dynamics in India,
Do you think, in the post-Cold War era Russia which made acceptance the only practical decision:
is a major threat to world peace? Critically 1. Communal carnage raged in India and people were
examine. getting butchered in frenzy. The British
(200 words/12.5 marks) government was not doing anything to check
Introduction: Russia is viewed as a threat communalism. INC leaders felt that accepting
especially by the USA and other western powers Dominion status would at least give them some
because of traditional hostilities starting from power to check further riots.
October Revolution (1917), WWII and Cold War 2. The INC had to accept its failure in building a
and have been generally strained barring few strong base amongst the Muslims despite it being
alliances (eg-Gulf War). Recent dip in the relations a secular party. Thus failure was most evident in
and Russia being viewed as threat to world peace growing popularity of Jinnah and sweep of
due to following factors- electoral polls in Muslim areas by the League.
• Russia’s sustained bid in East Europe for 3. Failure of Cripps Mission, Shimla Conference,
maintaining her hegemony- Georgia war, Ukraine Cabinet Mission and the Interim government
crisis, Annexation of Crimea. convinced INC that Muslim League will not relent.
• Recent intervention in US – asylum to Edward Also British had given virtual veto to the League at
Snowden and alleged cyber intervention in US various stages of proposals.
elections of 2016. 4. Even graver threat to a future India's unity and
• Divergence in foreign policy in the ongoing Syrian integrity was secession of princely states. So it was
crisis as well as Russia’s negotiation with the more pragmatic to allow an obdurate leader have
Taliban in Afghanistan. his way and focus more on what could become a
• Nuclear issue: on the issue it brings suspicion on deep internal crisis in future India in form of
the policy of Russia because it supports peaceful Balkanisation. This is vindicated by British stand
uses of nuclear energy and condemns its that since INC had conceded its main demand-
destructive use against human but it is supporting avoiding partition- so its all other demands must
North korea to develop nuclear warheads. be met and attempt to retain maximum unity.
• Use of biological weapon: here also its role remain 5. Moreover, Gandhiji was also not able to contain
suspicious because it is supporting Syrian communal frenzy and Gandhi-Jinnah talks had
government which alleged of using biological failed as well, so INC had to bow.
weapon. 6. Sections of INC also believed that once the British
• Oceanic trade security: it seems like it is not in left, Indians could become united and blur the
support of freedom of navigation. On South China illogical lines drawn on map.
Sea it is in support of china even after 7. Sections of INC also believed that if Pakistan was
International court of justice ruling. formed once, there will be no more issues to fight
• Cyber security: it is alleged of various state for and peace would prevail.
sponsored cyber thefts in western countries. Thus, we can see that INC was forced against its
• Interference in the internal matters of countries: wishes to accept Partition of our land, against its
Russia recently interfered in US elections and wishes. It had already granted many concessions
played a central role in Crimea annexation. to Muslim League before.
• Arm race: both us and Russia signed strategic (b) “Caste movement was a product of the
arms reduction treaty but concrete achievements nationalistic democratic awakening during
could not be achieved by both the nations. British period”. Explain.
• While Russia pursues an aggressive foreign policy The Caste System in India is a system of social
especially in East European (erstwhile USSR) stratification, social restriction and a basis for
regions, USA and Europe have also Via NATO affirmative action in India. Historically,
forces intervened in Yugoslavia, Iraq (post 9/11) the caste system in India defined communities into
and allegedly in Russian elections, 2011 and thousands of endogamous hereditary groups
therefore have been equally responsible for called Jatis.
escalation of tensions and nuclear arms race • The Jātis were grouped by the Brahminical texts
(deployment of forces/warheads in Poland). So under the four well known caste categories (the
MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487
varnas): viz Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, • Gram Sabha/Maha Sabha- It was a large body
and Shudras. Certain people were excluded which had many responsibilities at its disposal. A
altogether, ostracized by the upper castes and Sabha consisted of thirty wards and one member
treated as untouchables. was selected from each ward and members were
• Although identified with Hinduism, caste systems elected through process of lottery system. Each
were also observed among other religions in the Sabha worked through its executive body called
Indian subcontinent, including some groups varian.
of Muslims, Buddhists and Christians. The later • Nagaram-It was local merchants guild which was
similar to the caste system reported in the Igbo- affiliated by large guilds at district level
Osu Christian community in Africa. Caste is (nagarattar). Its function was to promote trade and
commonly thought of as an ancient fact commerce, determination as well as collection of
of Hindu life, but contemporary scholars argue taxes on merchants and traders.
that the caste system was constructed by the • Though these assemblies were under supervision
British colonial regime. Caste is neither unique and general control of imperial officers called
to Hindu religion nor to India, caste systems have adhikarnis, which didn't interfered unless any
been observed in other parts of the world, for irregularity or unfair practice was noticed, till then
example, in Muslim community of they were free to manage their affairs which was
Yemen, Christian colonies of Spain, and Buddhist basically through wide scale people participation,
community of Japan. which clearly establishes the fact that chola village
• The Indian government officially recognizes administration was very much democratic.
historically discriminated lowest castes of India Q13) Briefly explain the trade, cultural
such as Shudras and Untouchables as Scheduled relations of the Indus Valley Civilization within
Castes. These Schedules Castes are sometimes and outside India and describe in detail any one
referred to as Dalit in contemporary literature. In of the Indus Valley sites within India.
2001, the proportion of Dalit population was 16.2 (200 words/12.5 marks)
percent of India's total population. The Harappans had established an extensive
• Since 1950, India has enacted and implemented network of inter-regional trade, inside and outside
many laws and social initiatives to protect and the Indian subcontinent. They had commercial
improve the socio-economic conditions of its Dalit links with Rajasthan, South India, Persia,
population. By 1995, of all jobs in India, 17.2 Mesopotamia and Afghanistan. The Harappan sites
percent of the jobs were held by Dalits, greater have yielded uniform system of weight and
than their proportion in Indian population. Of the measures.
highest paying, senior most jobs in government Many Harappan seals have been discovered in
agencies and government controlled enterprises, Mesopotamian cities of Ur, Umma, Susa, Nippur.
over 10 percent of all highest paying jobs were held The items of export from Meluha to Ur were ebony,
by members of the Dalit community, a tenfold copper, gold, precious stones, etc. Trading of
increase in 40 years. In 1997, India democratically several goods helped the Indus Civilization to
elected K.R. Narayanan, a Dalit, as the nation's expand its culture by coming in regular contact
President. In last 15 years, Indians born in with faraway places. The Indus Valley Civilization
historically discriminated minority castes have [IVC] extended from Jammu in the north to the
been elected to its highest judicial and political Narmada in the south and from the Makran coast
offices. The quality of life of Dalit population in of Baluchistan in the west to the Meerut in east.
India, in 2001, in terms of metrics such as access Some of the major sites of IVC are Harappa,
to health care, life expectancy, education Mohenjodaro, Kalibangan, Lothal, Banwali,
attainability, access to drinking water, housing, Surkotada, etc.
etc. was statistically similar to overall population Lothal-It is also known as mini Harappa. It is
of modern India. situated near river Bhogna, 80km south of
Q12) The Cholas are said to have established a Ahmedabad district.
strong and well organized administration with Evidences;
an element of self –government at the local • It was an important trade center of IVC.
level. Do you agree? Justify. • The city was divided into 6 sections and each
(200 words/12.5 marks) section was built on a white platform of unripe
Chola system of administration was unique and bricks. Each platform was separated by a road.
remarkable for its time. The unit of administration • Remains of rice Lusk has been found.
was village, whose affairs were conducted through • An artificial dockyard
popular assemblies and whatever the officers were • Evidence of double burial.
appointed by state had performed their duties in Q14) “In all the long annals of imperialism, the
observatory and advisory manner. partition of Africa is a remarkable freak.”
The famous Uttaramerur Inscriptions gives details Comment
of how the local self-government and village (200 words/12.5 marks)
administration functioned. In half a generation, Africa was split like a cake by
There were 3 type of village assemblies in chola six major European imperialist powers like
empire- England, Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal,
• Ur- open to all adult male tax payers, it has its Spain and other minor contending powers like
own executive body called ganam for routine works Austria-hungary, Italy (libya being the colony) to
which was paid for its services. The proposals of its avoid war. Though much of the African coast was
members were recorded and discussed. explored by Imperialist traders, it was the German
conference in 1884-85 which was the last nail into
MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487
the coffin by allowing internal expeditions and • The Indian capitalist class emerged in 19th
recognizing a politico-geographical boundary .This century and developed its positive attitude towards
conference granted Belgium the right to maintain national movement. Indian capitalist class was
CONGO as a neutral state. much concern about Drain of Wealth from India to
Though different European powers ruled Africa Britain.
according to their own domestic political • British capitalism did not permit Indian enterprise
environments, like British ruled were granted local to compete with it. Indian capitalism was therefore
governance and Spain ruled were repressed (spain weak. Indian cotton industries faced many
has dictatorship), Belgium embarked on a challenges. However, Indian industrialists stood
mercenary, evangelist, corporate, dictatorial rule their ground through their ingenuity and cost
that caused devastation in Congo. It forced natives reductions.
to grow wild rubber and hacked their limbs in case • The Swadeshi movement helped to give impetus to
of shortage of quota. Mercenaries were hired to Indian textiles and popularized Indian – made
force natives as slave in mines. goods. Being part of INC, movement was supported
Till Congo got freedom, more than 10 million from capitalist by and large became successful.
natives were murdered. • They faced a problem in Rupee-Pound ratios which
Thus, it could be concluded that though was arbitrarily fixed to their disadvantage. The
imperialist in their hegemony always created capitalist therefore supported INC and finance
political boundaries according to their convenience some of its programme and campaigns. They also
(ex. china boxer rebellion),it was the human needed indigenous capital instead of foreign
exploitation in Africa that went down as one of the capital.
most despicable act of imperialism in annals of • Indian industries understood that indigenous
Human History. industrial development depended on the success of
Q15) “Though the Permanent Settlement had India’s Freedom struggle. Leading industrialist in
serious defects, it gave tranquility to the the steel, jute and coal industries besides the
countryside and stability to the government.” textiles magnates by and large had good relations
Comment. with the leaders of the freedom movement.
(200 words/12.5 marks) • “Bombay Plan”, can be cited as an idea of capitalist
Permanent Settlement was brought by Cornwallis to support state led industrialization. Thus, we can
in 1793 with the dual aim of increasing the observe that Capitalist strategy was to support INC
revenue of the government and decreasing the and other peaceful entities to fight against
responsibility of revenue collection by the Imperialism; they provided funds and moral
government. Therefore the zamindars were made a support to all sectors without any communal
party to the settlement from whom the government distinction.
was to collect revenue. This brought many benefits Q17) Lucknow pact was adopted by congress to
for the government. While it got more revenue and involve minority Muslim in the national
more personnel at its disposal for major movement, but it would be graveyard for unity
operations, the zamindars were left to face the of Hindu and Muslim. Comment.
peasant's unrest resulting from the abnormal (200 words/12.5 marks)
increase in the land revenue. Also zamindars, and • Lucknow Pact of 1916 was signed without regard
not the government, were seen as major for its consequences. Muslim League and Congress
oppressors of the peasantry. This situation gave agreed to separate electorate which means
government the opportunity to bring in stability in congress formally reorganized communal political
its structure and operations in a fast and and tacitly gave recognition that India consisted of
comparatively peaceful manner different communities with separate interest of
But the settlement, in the long run, also brought their own. Then secondly, the weight age to
some relief to the zamindars and to an extent, to Muslim minority was recognized, the result was
the peasants. As the production increased that this left the way open to the future resurgence
overtime, both the zamindars and the peasants of communalism in Indian politics. Thirdly, the
were in a better position to meet the revenue Muslim member’s strength in legislature was laid
demands of the government. The government was down province by province, thus one of the most
in no position to revise the revenue because of the dangerous pacifist policies of congress not only
permanent nature of the settlement. This led to recognized communal representation but also
some improved conditions in the countryside recognized communal privileges. Fourthly, in the
resulting in a hint of tranquility. This was the imperial legislative council, Muslim representation
reason why extension of permanent settlement was was slated to be 1/3rd, although their population
a major Nationalist demand throughout the was not 1/3rd. And lastly, any legislature could
national movement. not work if on any more 3/4th member of any
Q16) Discuss the role played by Indian religion opposed it, its consequence was
industrialist in the national movement against introduction of communal veto in legislature. We
British rule? see that INC leaders though they are sacrificing
(200 words/12.5 marks) their seat in the legislature yet, they failed to
• Seems like their role was important. Because after understand its logical implications and partition in
freedom, Indian government became Industrialists the offing. But at that time it was called a symbol
government rather than people's government. of Hindu Muslim unity and Sarojini Nayudu hailed
Politicians are officially ruling India but they are all Jinnah as an “Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim
controlled by Business people and Industrialists. Unity”. The unity last a few years. Till Lucknow
pact, Muslim League was nowhere in the national
MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487
politics. By making this pact, the Congress Indian member of Governor General Executive
“recognized” that it is a political party that Council. He was given the law portfolio. K. G.
represents the Muslims of India. This was a Mehta and Sayyed Hussein Bilgrami became the
mistake, this was a wrong belief that showed its 1st members to enter in the Indian Council.
results very soon. • In Governor General Executive Council strength to
Q18) To what extent archaeological materials be not less than 16 and not more than 60
are useful in understanding the progress of members.. For legislative purpose 33 members
Neolithic man in India? (indirect election) i.e 27 officials, 3 non- officials, 3
(200 words/12.5 marks) from special category. For executive purpose 27
Pre-historic age was divided into 3 phases based members (direct election) i.e 12 from each
on the practices and materials used. They were:- presidency, 5 from Muslim community, 1 from
1. Paleolithic age bengali Muslim (but should be zamindar, 7 from
2. Mesolithic age zamindar community and 2 from trader’s
3. Neolithic age community.
Neolithic age is the modern of all the phases where (b) Montangue Chemsford act 1919
transition from food gathering to food producing • The Montagu declaration reads as: “Increasing
phase emerged. association of Indians in every branch of the
Archaeological evidences played a vital role in administration and the gradual development of
determining various aspects of Neolithic age. This self-governing institutions with a view to the
age lacked literary and numismatic evidences to progressive realization of responsible government
study. Few archaeological evidences which helped in India as an integral part of the British Empire“.
were; • The key phrase “ultimate self-government” was
1. Few evidences in Mehrgarh provided that it was removed but, still the another key phrase
the first site to cultivate wheat and barley in “responsible government” in this statement gave
Indian sub-continent. the inference for the first time that rulers are
2. The earlier Mesolithic age used microliths and answerable to the public. The declaration made the
other various stone tools for hunting whereas moderates happy and they said “It is Magna Carta
Neolithic people used bone tools. Few evidences of of India”. However extremists expressed that it fell
bone tools in Burzahom valley was found. short for legitimate expectations of India. After all,
3. Even Pit dwellings in Kashmir valley suggests total independence was what they wanted. The
people were aware of climatic conditions and were date was 20 August 1917 and it is also known as
protective in nature. “August Declaration” The Government of India act
4. First Pottery wheel was also found in Mehrgarh 1919 was passed on the basis of recommendations
which gives a evidence of lack of pottery in early of Lord Chelmsford and Samuel Montagu to
ages. Even Indus pottery was also found in introduce self-governing institutions gradually to
Kashmir valley which suggests trade relationship India.
of Neolithic age with Indus civilization. • This act covered 10 years from 1919 to 1929.
5. The evidences of tools and materials which were Salient Features: The Government of India act
buried along with dead suggests people had belief 1919 had a separate Preamble. This Preamble
in 'life after death'. declared that Objective of the British Government
6. Evidences of Agricultural practices and food is the gradual introduction of responsible
production characterizes the self-sufficiency government in India. The beginning was made.
nature of Neolithic age. • The beginning was introduction of Diarchy.
Thus Archaeological sources were the main and Preamble suggested for a decentralized unitary
primary sources in depicting Pre-historic age in form of government. Diarchy means a dual set of
general and Neolithic age in particular. governments one is accountable another is not
Q19) Answer the following questions: accountable. The Government of India Act of 1919,
(a) Marley-Minto act 1909 made a provision for classification of the central
The British Paramountacy enacted the Indian and provincial subjects. The provincial subjects
Council Act 1909 to carry forward the process of were divided into two groups: One was reserved
constitutional development. With the help of this and another was transferred. The reserved
act the British Government attempted to conciliate subjects were kept with the Governor and
the moderates because it was a part of British transferred subjects were kept with the Indian
policy of “Divide and Rule”. Ministers. This division of subjects was basically
• The strength of legislative council was enlarged what they meant by introducing the Diarchy. The
from 16 to 60 members. reserved subjects were the essential areas of law
• The functions were also expanded, now the non- enforcement such as justice, police, revenue. The
officials members were allowed to ask transferred subjects were such as public health,
supplementary questions. They could also move public works, education etc. The Indian executive
resolution regarding making any suggestions in comprised of the Governor General and his
the taxation system or could ask grant for council. No bill of the legislature could be deemed
development of local bodies. to have been passed unless assented to by the
• The act also granted separate electorate for governor general. The later could however enact a
Muslims and landlords. Bill without the assent of the legislature.
• The act also provided that Indians could also • This act made the central legislature bicameral.
become members of Governor General’s Executive The first house which was central legislature, with
Council and members of Indian Council too. Thus 145 members (out of which 104 elected and 41
lord Satyendra Prasanna Sinha became the 1st nominated) was called central Legislative Assembly
MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487
and second called with 60 members (out of which Q20) What are the reasons for decline of
33 elected and 27 nominated) was called Council Buddhism? Do you think that internal reasons
of States. The term of the assembly was fixed 3 are severe than external?
years and council 5 years. The central legislature (200 words/12.5 marks)
can be called a primitive model of today’s Lok The decline of Buddhism in India, the land of its
Sabha & council of states can be called a primitive birth, occurred for a variety of reasons and
model of Today’s Rajya Sabha. happened even as it continued to flourish beyond
• The act provided for the establishment of a Public the frontiers of India. There are two broad
Service Commission in India for the first time. categories of reasons for Buddhism’s decline in
• This act also made a provision in its part V, that a India
statutory commission would be set up at the end • Internal factors (e.g., laxity of monastic rules and
of 10 years after the act was passed which shall internal disputes, etc.)
inquire into the working into the system of the • External factors (e.g., Hinduism’s revival and
government. Islamic invasion, etc.)
• The Simon commission of 1927 was an outcome of Internal factors
this provision. The communal representation was 1. Shift from language from Pali to Sanskrit
extended and Sikhs, Europeans and Anglo Indians (Hinayana to Mahayana) ~ got distanced from
were included. The Franchise (Right of voting) was masses.
granted to the limited number of only those who 2. Corrupt practices amongst monasteries with time
paid certain minimum “Tax” to the government. like Receiving and saving valuable gifts like gold
The tenure of the central legislature was 3 years and silver.
• The seats were distributed among the provinces 3. Division into various splinter groups like
not upon the basis of the population but upon the ‘Hinayana’, ‘Mahayana’, ‘Vajrayana’, ‘Tantrayana’
basis of their importance in the eyes of the and ‘Sahajayana’ led Buddhism to lose its
government, on the basis of communities, and originality.
property was one of the main basis to determine a 4. Unable to maintain distinct identity in relation to
franchisee. Those people who had a property, Hindu cult and ‘degeneration’ brought in by tantric
taxable income & paid land revenue of Rs. 3000 influence.
were entitled to vote. External Factors
• The central legislature was empowered to consider, 1. Deteriorating political support: Monasteries were
pass or reject legislation on any of the subjects supported by the people and the Kings e.g.
enumerated in the Central list. But, the Governor- Ashoka. Now, when a dynasty fell or a king died,
General had the last word on any Bill passed by the next in line might not give the same degree of
the Legislature. support.
• He possessed the power to prevent the 2. The invasion of the Turks and Hunas and the
consideration of a Bill or any of its part, on the ruthless destruction of Buddhist monasteries
plea that it was injurious to the peace and extinguished the lamp of Buddhism in North India.
tranquility of the country. He could disallow a 3. The growth and revival of Hinduism, with its firm
question in the legislature. He had the power to roots in Indian society and freedom from the costly
withhold his assent to any Bill passed by the institution of the monastery, offered a colossal
legislature without which it could not become an challenge to Buddhism. .
Act. He also had the power to disallow an It is reasonable to suggest that Buddhism declined
adjournment motion or debate on any matter. He more for its own failures than for any external
could enact a law, which he considered essential causes.
for the safety and tranquility of the empire even if 1. Hinayana or Theravada advocated a dry, rational,
the legislature had refused to pass it. monkish creed which gradually lost its appeal to
The financial powers of the central legislature were the people in general. The common men failed to
also very much limited. The budget was to be comprehend the philosophical aspects of Buddha’s
divided into two categories, votable and non- teachings.
votable. The votable items covered only one third of 2. After the death of Buddha, various sects arose in
the total expenditure. Even in this sphere the the Buddhist church. They were opposed to each
Governor-General was empowered to restore any other and each of them claimed to be true
grant refused or reduced by the legislature, if in followers of Buddha’s doctrines. In the time of
his opinion the demand was essential for the Asoka, the Third Buddhist General Council was
discharge of his responsibilities. summoned at Pataliputra to resolve the disputes of
doctrine and schism. But it failed to make much
headway. The Theravada swayed the Third General
Council and the non-Theravada failed to make
much impact.

MTS GS 1_2 Answer Key Byju’s Classes: 9873643487


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