History Paper 1 - 2 MTS Ans Key
History Paper 1 - 2 MTS Ans Key
History Paper 1 - 2 MTS Ans Key
PAPER - 1_2
Q1) Akbar was the first person who led the Q3) Bengal was the cradle of nationalism in
foundation of composite culture in India, India. Discuss.
Describe his religious policy? (200 words/12.5 marks)
(200 words/12.5 marks) If India broken the shackles of the British Govt. &
Answer: Discussed in class got freedom it was because of nationalistic feelings
imbibed in people. This nationalistic feeling started
Q2) On many occasions, Nehru and Patel had the journey with Bengal & soon whole nation got
different views but in spirit their ideas always influenced & started riding on these waves. If
favored national integration and unity. Bengal was the epicentre of nationalism, its
Comment. because Bengal was the main economic & political
(200 words/12.5 marks) center of British govt.
Both Nehru and Patel were public leader in their Nationalism fueled in Bengal by following factors:
own rights. Nehru was a Western educated and • Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Debendara Nath Tagore and
lawyer by profession. Patel, a farmer, went on from others focused on removing evils prevalent in the
being a grassroot leader to a national level leader. society. Diminishing inequality in society resulted
As such differences were bound to exist. in unity in society
For example, on Kashmir issue Patel favored no • Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand
special constitutional privilege to Jammu and restored the heritage of India and instilled the
Kashmir and be granted equal parity with other sense of confidence that Indians are not supposed
states unlike Nehru who favored the state special to be suppressed & no race is superior to rule over
privilege as per instrument of accession. other race.
• On fates of princely states: Patel was ready to go • Rabindra Nath Tagore's Shanti Niketan focus on
for any measure to integrate princely states - hard Indianisation of education & national anthem
(as seen in Hyderabad) or soft approach. Nehru given a boost to citizens.
however wanted integration through persuasion. • Partition of Bengal culminated with Swadeshi
Patel is known as Bismark of India for his iron fist movement, boycott of foreign goods, liquor
approach. hampered the British economy.
• On economic policies: Nehru was impressed with • INC leadership was in the hand of WC Bannerjee,
state led centralized planned economy of Soviet Surendranath Banerjee that became one of the
Union; Patel was more of capitalist in his vision. prominent factor in rising nationalism.
• On foreign policies: Patel seemed to have • Journals, newspapers like Bengalee, Amrita Bazar
cautionary approach towards China, Nehru on Patrika, and Bengal gazette helped widening
other hand, placed China as a friendly feelings of nationalism in nooks and corners.
neighbourhood in his calculation, which turned • British Govt. ruled from Bengal and exploited
wrong in 1962. peasantry & artifact class, exploitation &
Thus, difference between Patel and Nehru can be inequality imbibed the feelings for self rule.
seen as difference between Pragmatism and Though all the parts of the country contributed
idealism. equally in freedom struggle, It was Bengal which
However, as public leader their end result was became the prominent center of nationalism's
always a united and prosperous India. Similarities: birth. Later nationalism got nourished by whole
• No changer: When NCM was suddenly withdrawn India & we became independent ultimately in
and pro changers decided to enter legislative 1947.
Assembly they were opposed by Gandhi's Q4) Discuss the context in which ‘Quit India
supporters, like Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal movement’ was launched. What was its impact?
Nehru and Rajendra Prasad, who became known Discuss.
as the No Changers as opposed to the Swarajist (200 words/12.5 marks)
Changers. Quit India Movement, launched on 9th august
• On state reorganization: under JVP committee, 1942, was the last Gandhian movement for the
they held language cannot be the criteria for state independence. It was launched after the failure of
reorganization as it could hamper national Cripps Mission. It is also called as leaderless
integration and unity. movement as all the leaders like Gandhi, Nehru
• On communist movement: both opposed were arrested and it was all managed and carried
communist ideology. out by common people. Gandhi gave the slogan for
Thus, though differing in views there were enough "do or die" in the attempt to attain freedom from
common grounds between two and more the foreign power. It was a different movement as
importantly had high mutual respect for each various kinds of activities such as underground
other which made them work towards development radio station, disrupting channels of
and integration of India. communication paralyzing the control efforts of
Britishers. Its impact was great as it was launched
against the backdrop of world war-II where allied