Reactjs: Guidebook
Reactjs: Guidebook
Reactjs: Guidebook
Anurag Singh
As the author of this book, I've been on my own adventure in the realm of web
development for many years. React.js has been a game-changer, a magic wand, and
a trusted companion throughout my journey. It has allowed me to craft interactive
and visually stunning web applications, and I want to share the joy and power of
React.js with you.
This book was born out of a desire to simplify the learning process, provide clear
guidance, and make React.js accessible to developers of all levels. Whether you're a
complete beginner or a seasoned coder, you'll find valuable insights and practical
knowledge within these pages.
This book is for anyone passionate about web development or looking to enhance their skills
in creating modern, dynamic web applications. Whether you're a student, a professional
developer, a freelancer, or simply someone with a curiosity for technology, you'll find
valuable insights and guidance here.
Writing this book has been an incredible journey, and I couldn't have
done it without the support, guidance, and inspiration of many people in
my life.
Lastly, to the readers of this book, thank you for choosing to embark on
this React.js journey with me. I hope this book serves as a valuable
resource on your path to mastering React.js and that it brings you as
much joy and fulfillment as it has brought me in creating it.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: A Grand Entry into React World
Welcome, dear reader! Prepare to dive into the enchanting realm of React.
We'll introduce you to the magical world of components, show you how to
cast your first "Hello World" spell, and reassure you that React isn't as
dramatic as its name suggests.
So, what exactly is React? Imagine you're hosting a house party, and you've got tons
of guests. React is like the super-smart butler who knows exactly when to serve
appetizers, bring in the dancing bear (metaphorically, of course), and make sure your
party runs smoothly without any chaos. It's a JavaScript library that helps you build
user interfaces with ease and elegance.
Picture this: your app is a big, fancy cake, and components are the delicious layers
that make it truly scrumptious. Components are like building blocks for your app's
user interface. They're reusable chunks of code that you can easily snap together to
create your app's look and feel. Think of them as Lego bricks for grown-up digital
Replace 'my-awesome-app' with whatever fantastic name you desire for your
creation. Hit Enter, and voila! React will spin its wheels and generate all the
boilerplate code you need to start building your web app. It's like having a trusty
wizard assistant who takes care of all the boring setup for you.
Now, you might wonder, "Where's the unicorn?" Sorry, no unicorns, but you do get a
folder filled with treasures!
1. src: This is where the real magic happens. All your source code, like the spells
in a wizard's grimoire, goes here. The index.js file is your spellbook's cover,
the entry point for your app.
2. public: Think of this as your storefront window. It contains the HTML file
(index.html) where your app is displayed to the world. Customize it like you're
decorating a cake for a princess!
3. node_modules: This mystical forest is where all the sorcery happens. It holds all
the packages and libraries that React depends on. Don't venture in there
unless you're a brave adventurer with a penchant for chaos.
4. package.json: This is your magical scroll, listing all the spells (dependencies)
your app needs. Don't forget to install these spells with npm install or yarn
5. package-lock.json or yarn.lock: These files keep track of the exact versions of
your spells to ensure consistency across your team of wizards.
6. public/favicon.ico: The tiny icon that appears in your browser tab, much like a
wizard's personal emblem.
7. This is your adventurer's journal, where you document your journey
through the code wilderness. Share your wisdom with future developers who
dare to follow your path!
And there you have it, the magical folder structure of your React app! Now, you're
armed with knowledge and your trusty spell, npx create-react-app, ready to embark
on your coding adventure.
Ready for some magic tricks? Don't worry, we won't pull a rabbit out of a hat (that's
too cliché). Let's start with the classic "Hello World" example, but with a React twist.
Imagine you're a digital wizard with a wand (keyboard). You'll use a bit of JSX (weird
acronym, we know) to create a virtual spell that turns into a web page. Here's the
In this mystical incantation, we're using JSX to create an element that looks like
HTML, but it's actually JavaScript in disguise. When the React spell is cast, the virtual
DOM (a magical clone of the real DOM) updates, and your incantation comes to life
as a beautiful "Hello, React Wizards!" message on your web page.
So, in this first chapter, you've taken your first steps into the React realm. You've met
React, made friends with components, and even performed a bit of web sorcery with
JSX. The journey has just begun, and we promise to keep the drama low and the
learning high. Onward to the next chapter, where we'll demystify JSX and reveal how
HTML and JavaScript decided to have a cup of coffee together!
Chapter 2: Unmasking JSX: Where HTML Meets JavaScript in
a Coffee Shop
In this chapter, we're diving into the delightful world of JSX, where HTML and
JavaScript cozy up for a cup of coffee and have a chat. Don't worry, we'll help you
navigate this charming coffee shop with ease. ☕️
Imagine if HTML and JavaScript decided to go on a blind date and ended up getting
along like old pals. That's JSX for you! It's like HTML with a dash of JavaScript
superpowers. You can mix your UI components with dynamic JavaScript right within
your JavaScript code. It's like the ultimate fusion cuisine for web development.
Elements and components are the stars of your web app's show. Elements are like
the building blocks, while components are like mini superheroes that you create
using JSX. Think of elements as ingredients, and components as the recipes you use
to whip up your app's UI dish.
Ever wondered how you can add JavaScript to your HTML-like JSX? Enter curly
braces! These magical brackets allow you to sprinkle JavaScript goodness wherever
you want inside your JSX. And those familiar HTML tags you know and love? They're
totally welcome here, too!
Imagine HTML and JavaScript having a coffee date, and instead of arguing over their
differences, they decide to create something awesome together. That's JSX for you—
proof that even unlikely pairs can be a dynamic duo!
So there you have it, JSX decoded in a way that even your pet hamster could
understand! Now you're ready to sprinkle some JSX magic into your React app and
make your UI come alive. Don't worry; HTML and JavaScript won't bicker—they'll be
too busy sipping their coffee in harmony! ☕️🍪
Chapter 3: Componentology: The Art of Building React
Welcome to the most dramatic part of React—where components take center stage
and steal the show without any diva behavior!
Imagine your app is a blockbuster movie, and components are the talented actors
who bring it to life. Each component is like a character with its own lines and quirks.
Just like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, these components can team up and create
scenes that make your app unforgettable.
Props: The Love Letters Between Components
Props are like secret admirer notes that components pass to each other. They're like
ingredients in a recipe—the chef (component) uses them to cook up a perfect dish
(UI). Imagine a Card component receiving a "title" prop like a movie star receiving a
script—this prop tells the component what title to display!
Remember, components are the stars of your app's show. They make your app
interesting, and props and state are like their backstage buddies, helping them shine
and bring the house down. So go ahead, build your app with the confidence of a
director, and watch your components perform like Hollywood legends! 🎭🎬
Chapter 4: Styling in Style: Glamming Up Your
Alright, fancy coder, it's time to add some pizzazz to your components. We're diving
into the magical world of styling, where your app goes from drab to fab. Think of it
as giving your components a new set of clothes, but without the fashion police.
You might think CSS is just a random jumble of letters and squiggles, but it's actually
the language that gives your app its style. And when it's paired with JavaScript, it's
like a dynamic duo ready to conquer the UI world. Imagine CSS and JavaScript
holding hands and strolling through your app's garden of colors and layouts.
Example Code:
Styled Components are like the superheroes of CSS-in-JS. They make your styles
more readable and reusable. It's like having a personal stylist for each of your
components. You define your styles right where you use them, and the magic
Example Code:
Not everyone has a knack for design, but that's where libraries like Material-UI come
to the rescue. They offer pre-styled components that make your app look polished
without you having to wrestle with color palettes and margins.
Example Code:
So there you have it, style virtuoso! You've learned how to bring your components to
life with CSS-in-JS, charm them with Styled Components, and even impress with pre-
styled libraries. Now, go forth and make your app the belle of the UI ball! 🎉👗🕺
Chapter 5: Let's Get Clicky: Handling Events Like a React
Welcome to the party where components dance, buttons sing, and events are the life
of the code! 🎉 Time to unleash your inner React rockstar and master the art of
handling events like a pro. Let's dive in and discover how to make your app
interactive and lively.
Events are like invitations to your app's party. They include things like button clicks,
mouse movements, and keyboard taps. But who's managing the guest list? That's
where event handlers come in. Think of them as the bouncers who decide what
happens when an event occurs.
Let's start simple with button clicks. Imagine you have a button that says "Click Me."
You want something fun to happen when it's clicked, right? Here's how you'd do it in
Now, whenever you click the button, it changes the message below it. Simple, right?
But don't stop at buttons; you can apply this logic to various elements, like images,
inputs, and more.
Imagine you're at a dance party, and you want to change your dance moves as the
music shifts. That's a lot like changing your app's state in response to events. React's
"hokey-pokey" dance involves updating state, re-rendering components, and
showing the updated content.
Let's say you're building a counter that increases with every button click:
With every click of the "Increment" button, the count goes up. It's like doing the
hokey-pokey with your app's state!
In a Nutshell:
Handling events in React is like throwing a grand party for your app. Events are the
guests, event handlers are the bouncers, and state updates are the dance moves. So,
go ahead, make your components dance to the beats of your clicks and actions. It's
the React rockstar way of having fun with your code! 🕺💃
Takeaway Tips:
• Event Trigger: Think of events as actions that happen in your app, like button
clicks or mouse movements.
• Event Handlers: These are functions that respond to events. When an event
happens, the corresponding event handler gets called.
• Updating State: Use state to keep track of dynamic changes in your app.
When you update state, React does the magic dance of re-rendering your
Remember, events and handlers are your app's DJ and dance instructor rolled into
one. So, get ready to throw an eventful coding party! 🎈🎶
Chapter 6: The Great State Adventure: Exploring React
State Management
Welcome to the realm of state, where components experience mood swings and
you're the therapist trying to keep them in check. Don't worry, we've got your back,
and we promise to make state management less daunting than deciphering ancient
Picture this: Your component is like a moody teenager, and state is their ever-
changing emotions. State is what makes your app dynamic; it's where you store and
manage data that can change over time. Think of it as React's version of a notepad
where it jots down its feelings.
Example: Let's say you're building a "Mood Tracker" app. The current mood of the
user is a perfect candidate for state. Happy? Sad? Hangry? React's got your emotions
Meet your new best friend, useState. It's a hook that takes your component's
emotional state to a whole new level. With just a sprinkle of code, you can create and
manage state like a pro.
Here, we've used useState to create a currentMood state variable. When the button is
clicked, the mood changes from "Happy" to "Sad." Magic? Nah, just some React
Imagine your mood changes, and you want to tell the world about it. That's where
the useEffect hook comes in. It's like a news reporter that watches for changes in
your state and does something in response.
Example: Let's modify our "Mood Tracker" to display a message whenever the mood
Now, whenever the mood changes, React will shout it out in the console. Don't
worry, it won't embarrass you in front of your friends.
Remember, state isn't just for moods; it's for anything that changes in your app. From
user input to game scores, React's state management has your back.
Example: Let's create a simple "Counter" app that keeps track of button clicks.
With just a few lines of code, you're counting clicks like a pro.
So there you have it, brave adventurer! You've survived the great state adventure and
emerged victorious over changing emotions and dynamic data. With useState and
useEffect as your trusty sidekicks, you'll navigate the ups and downs of state
management with a smile. Remember, React state may be moody, but with a bit of
humor and practice, you'll be the state master your app deserves! 🎭🎉
Chapter 7: Routing Without Roadblocks: Navigating with
React Router
Ahoy, fellow traveler of the digital realms! 🗺️ Get ready to embark on a journey
through the virtual highways of your app with none other than React Router. No
need for a compass – we'll guide you through every twist and turn, without any
pesky detours.
Imagine your app is a grand mansion with many rooms. Single-page apps (SPAs) are
like magical houses that teleport you from one room to another without ever leaving
the comfort of the mansion. No more loading entire pages just to see a new section;
React Router keeps things sleek and snappy.
Now, imagine you're the captain of a ship (your app) and React Router is your trusty
navigator. In your app's main entry point (usually index.js), wrap your ship with a
BrowserRouter like so:
See, you're building routes with the elegance of a grand maze, but without the
So, there you have it! React Router is like your app's personal GPS, guiding users
through its nooks and crannies. With routes and links at your disposal, your app will
be as navigable as a well-marked treasure map. Don't fear the maze – conquer it with
React Router!
Imagine you're building a pirate-themed app. When users click on different links,
they'll explore different parts of your ship. The "Home" link takes them to the ship's
deck, "About" lets them visit the captain's quarters, and "Contact" allows them to
send messages using a magical parrot. React Router ensures they sail smoothly
between these locations without getting lost at sea!
Avast, matey! You're now navigating the high seas of React Router. So set your
compass, secure your sails, and guide your users through the treasures of your app,
one link at a time. 🏴☠️🗺️
Chapter 8: Hooks and Crooks: Diving Deeper into React
Welcome to the land of hooks, where React's complexity meets its match in
simplicity! Hooks are like those Swiss Army knives—versatile, handy, and with a touch
of magic. Buckle up, because we're about to take you on a hook-filled adventure
that's as smooth as a dance move and as funny as a cat wearing sunglasses.
Alright, let's talk about hooks. Remember the times when managing state or lifecycle
in class components felt like herding cats? Say hello to hooks, your new best friends.
They were introduced in React 16.8 and changed the game. But wait, what's the hook
in this? 🎣
Imagine hooks as special functions that let you "hook into" React state and lifecycle
features right from functional components. No more class components, no more
"this" confusion—just plain functions and the magic of hooks!
Custom Hooks: Building Your Own React Gadgets
Feeling crafty? Want to create your own hook? Well, you can! Custom hooks are like
crafting a potion—a mix of logic, state, and whatever sorcery you need. They let you
reuse stateful logic across components without duplicating code. Think of them as
your secret weapon against code repetition.
Rules of Hooks: Avoiding the Hooky Horror Show
Just like every superhero has rules, hooks have their own set too. The Rules of Hooks
ensure your app stays stable and doesn't turn into a horror show. These rules are like
the rails on a rollercoaster—they keep the ride exciting without letting things go off
the rails.
1. Top-Level Only: Hooks can't be used in nested functions or loops. Keep them
at the top level of your functional components.
2. Call Order Matters: Always call hooks in the same order. You can't be mixing
useState with useEffect willy-nilly!
3. Hooks in Functional Components: Hooks only work inside functional
components or other custom hooks. Sorry, class components, you're not
invited to this party.
Remember these rules, and your React app will stay on the sunny side of life without
any hooky shenanigans!
In Conclusion
Hooks are like React's Swiss Army knives, but without the risk of accidentally cutting
yourself. They're your tickets to a world of streamlined code, reusable logic, and
smoother state management. Whether you're using the built-in useState and
useEffect or crafting your own custom hooks, hooks are here to make your React life
better—without any crookery involved!
So go on, embrace the hooky magic and dance your way through React components
like a pro!
(Note: The explanations and examples provided are fictional and meant for
humorous and illustrative purposes.)
Chapter 9: Context is King: Global State Management
Made Simple
Once upon a time, in the bustling kingdom of React, there was a powerful tool called
Context. It wasn't a wizard's spellbook, but it did have the magical ability to share state
across your app. Let's join the Context Gala and uncover the secrets of global state
jsxCopy code
Imagine your kingdom divided into districts, each with its own gossip corner.
Multiple Contexts are like these districts. You can create different Contexts to share
specific state information. No more confusing mix-ups! Each component can choose
which Context to eavesdrop on.
Context Caveats: When to Avoid the Royal Gala
While Context is pretty amazing, don't let the royal gala get out of hand. If your
components only need a small piece of state, using Context might be like
summoning a dragon to light a candle. Context is best suited for sharing state that
many components across your app need.
Context.Consumer is like an exclusive invite to the royal gala. It lets your components
access Context's magic without needing to be nestled within a Provider's embrace.
It's the way to go when your components don't fit neatly into the Context-Provider
And so, dear Reactor, with the power of Context, you've learned how to share state
across your app like a true monarch. No more message owls or endless prop-passing
carriages. It's time to reign over your state, spread the gossip, and watch your
components communicate without a fuss. Onward, to your crowned coding adventures!
Chapter 10: Testing Times: Taming Your React Beast with
Welcome to the glamorous world of testing, where bugs are the villains and your
code is the hero. In this chapter, we're going to equip you with the superpower of
testing, making sure your React app shines brighter than a disco ball.
Testing is like checking for hidden monsters under your bed before you sleep. It
ensures your app behaves as expected, saving you from embarrassing "Oops, it
broke!" moments. Think of tests as your personal army of code-checkers, ready to
squash any mischievous bugs.
🦠 Bugs Are Sneaky Monsters: Bugs are like those prank-loving imps who mess up
your code. Testing is your way of putting them in their place.
Before you start testing, you need a playground where you can let your code run
wild. We'll introduce you to popular testing libraries like Jest and testing tools like
React Testing Library, turning your coding environment into a glitzy circus tent.
🎪 Jest: The Ringmaster of Testing: Jest is like the ringmaster who keeps your
tests organized and the show running smoothly.
Writing tests is like creating a script for your code to follow. We'll show you how to
write tests for components, events, and states, ensuring that your app behaves as
beautifully as a well-practiced dance routine.
🎭 Event Tests - Applause Please: Just like you want your audience to cheer at the
right moments, you'll test that your events trigger the correct reactions.
🎭 State Tests - Mood Swings Under Control: Testing state is like checking if your
app's mood swings are under control. You'll make sure it responds properly to
different situations.
Congratulations! You're now the proud owner of a testing toolkit that can catch
bugs better than a net catches butterflies. Remember, testing isn't just about
catching errors; it's about making sure your code performs like a rock star on stage.
Just like choosing a vacation spot, you have choices when it comes to
deploying your app. Two popular options are Netlify and Vercel. They're
like magical travel agents that make deploying a breeze. Or if you're more
adventurous, you can go for the classic GitHub Pages. No matter the
choice, your app is about to embark on a grand adventure!
The big day has arrived! It's time for the grand launch party. But before you
roll out the red carpet, you need to follow a few steps:
3. GitHub Pages Grandeur: If you're going with GitHub Pages, it's like
throwing a cool DIY party. Upload your build files to the gh-pages
branch and GitHub will host your app.
1. Sign Up and Connect: Create a Netlify account and link it with your
GitHub account.
2. Pick Your Repo: Choose the repository you want to deploy.
3. Configure Your Settings: Netlify will detect your app and suggest
build settings. Click that "Deploy" button, and watch the magic
4. Live Link Awesomeness: Once the build is complete, you'll receive a
live link to your deployed app. Share it with the world, and get ready
to be amazed by your own creation.
Launching your app is a big deal, just like a space shuttle taking off.
Celebrate this momentous occasion by sharing your achievement on social
media, treating yourself to your favorite snack, or doing a happy dance.
You've earned it!
And there you have it—a deployed React app that's ready to shine like a
star! Your code is now on its own adventure, showing off its talents to the
world. So go ahead, raise your virtual glass, and cheers to your coding