Cambridge University Press Economic History Association
Cambridge University Press Economic History Association
Cambridge University Press Economic History Association
Success Illgotten? The Role of Meiji Militarism in Japan's Technological Progress Author(s): Kozo Yamamura Reviewed work(s): Source: The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 37, No. 1, The Tasks of Economic History (Mar., 1977), pp. 113-135 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Economic History Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 03/11/2011 07:27
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HE central goal of this brief essay is to argue that Meiji Japan's sustained efforts to build "a strong army" and its -decision to wage a war with China in 1895, and another with Russia in 1904, contributed in substantive ways to building the technological foundation for Japan'ssuccessful industrialization. The argument is based on two closely related hypotheses. First, the "strong army" policy, combined with the wars, was the principal motivation behind creating and expanding the arsenals and other publicly-financed shipyards and modern factories which acted as highly effective centers for the absorption and dissemination of Western technologies and skills. The other hypothesis is that the "strong army" policy and the wars provided, at crucial junctures, the demand necessary for assuring the survival and for aiding the growth of often financially and technologically struggling private firms in the shipbuilding, machinery, and machine-tool industries. Moreover, it was on the technological and productive foundation established in these industries that Japan was able to benefit to the extent it did from the opportunities offered during the First World War and to continue, through the interwar years, to transform its economy by expanding its heavy electric machinery and chemical industries. The body of this essay presents the historical evidence needed to support these two hypotheses. The remaining few pages examine the views of other scholars on the effects, beneficial or detrimental, of Meiji militarism on Japan'seconomic performance. Readers' attention is also directed to the insights gained from this study and to the potential usefulness of further studies of the role of the "strong army" policy and the wars for increasing our knowledge of Japanese economic history of the Meiji and interwar periods.
After being forced to sign the humiliating unequal treaties with the Western powers and witnessing also the fate of China, the new Meiji Journal of Economic History, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 (March 1977). Copyright ? The Economic
History Association. All rights reserved. This essay is an abbreviated version of the first half of my study on processes of technological change in prewar Japan. 113
government hastened to expand Japan's military capabilities. Thus, within a dozen years of the Meiji Restoration, four majorarsenals with satellite plants and three government shipyards were fully engaged in supplying the needs of a modern military force. Two of the arsenals, located in Tokyo and Osaka, were for the army. In 1877 the Tokyo arsenal was equipped to repair small arms and cannons, and to produce explosives and simpler hand-operated machinery for its own use.1 Only seven years later, in 1884, the arsenal had Belgian, French, and German engineers and foremen, imported machinery, 2,094 workers, and was capable of producing small arms and shells and of repairing larger cannon. The Osaka arsenal was established even earlier, as it had the benefit of the skilled men and tools employed at Osaka castle and the Bakufu's Nagasaki ironworks.2 By 1870 it was already repairing small arms and producing guns of a French design from copper processed domestically. By 1883, the Osaka arsenal had succeeded in building a reverberatory furnace and, with imported machinery and the assistance of an Italian artillery major, it began to produce one year later a large quantity of explosives and large shells and a variety of larger cannon. The number of workers employed at the arsenal stood at 925 in 1884. The navy's arsenals in Yokosukaand Tsukiji were no less ambitious. The Yokosuka arsenal took over the Bakufu's ironworks at Yokosuka immediately following the Restoration, and by the end of 1871 it had a completed dock, "116 pieces of machinery," and "50 melting furnaces."3 When in 1882 a decision was made to discontinue the production of wooden ships and to produce iron ships exclusively, three 12-ton steam hammers were imported for this purpose and a blast furnace of 5-ton capacity was constructed in the same year. In 1884, when an unspecified number of skilled workers and a 12-ton crane arrived from England, the arsenal was ready to carry out its earlier decision to build iron ships. The Tsukiji arsenal, begun with the
1 Among a dozen Japanese sources on the development of the arsenals and other government-owned plants which were established mainly for military purposes, the following two works by Hirotake Koyama are most useful: Kinsei Nihon gunjishi gaisetsu (A survey of the military history of modern Japan), (Tokyo, 1944); and Nihon gunji k6gy6 no shiteki bunseki (A historical analysis of Japanese military industries), (Tokyo, 1972). Facts contained in this and the following paragraphs are obtained from pp. 64-70 of the latter. 2 Despite several isolated efforts made by a few domains (han) during the last decades of the Tokugawa period, technological capabilities attained in metallurgy and machine-making before the Restoration were clearly insufficient for meeting the needs of a modern army as envisioned by the Meiji leaders. See Koyama, A historical analysis, pp. 100-02; and Terutomo Makino, Meiji-Taisho-shi, (A history of the Meiji-Taisho periods), vol. 3, Keizai-hen (Volume on economy), (Tokyo, 1930), pp. 282-87 and pp. 303-06. 3 Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 69.
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machineryacquiredfrom two Bakufushipyards,was repairingships and cannonby 1874. The arsenalwas designatedto concentrateon steel making,and in 1882 succeeded in constructing"a Krupp-type crucible"and began to produce the first "Westernsteel." Providing were two Japanesewho the needed expertisefor the accomplishment had been sent to Englandand Germanyto acquirethe metallurgical knowledge.4By 1884the arsenalwas employing720 workersand was producingmachineguns, cannons,gun carriages,shellcasepulleys, and numerousother requirementsof a modern army. It is importantto note that the efforts made to import Western metallurgicaltechnology by the Bakufuand a few large domains were "hardlyuseful"in meeting the needs of before the Restoration the Meiji military.The technologyavailablein 1868 was insufficient to producetempered and cast iron in the large quantityneeded for or modernmachinery militaryordnance,anda rollingpress imported by the domainof Sagaremainedunused by the time of the Restoration.5 Also, for most of the Meiji period only the arsenals were blast furnaces. The Meiji successfullyable to use "Western-type" government'sefforts, beginning in 1874, to build and operate two large blast furnacesat Kamaishiproved unsuccessfulfrom the start, despite an investmentof 2.5 millionyen and the guidanceof English specialists.In 1882 the venture was declareda total failurewith the in blameplacedon the difficulty obtainingsuitableore and a principal sufficientamountof coke, as well as on the inexperienceand incompetence of the personnelinvolved. No privatebuyerscould be found when the Kamaishiplant was placed on sale in 1883. Three machine-tool factories-cum-shipyards were begun in Nagasaki,Hyogo, and Akabane,all in 1871, under the jurisdictionof Their taskwas to meet "in all spheres, the Ministryof Construction. the needs of public bodies and private firms"by "learningfrom left Their initialduties and performance little doubt that England."6 their primaryresponsibilityin fact was to meet the needs of the shipyardhad acquireda dock, plants military.By 1884 the Nagasaki and tempering, a "copper plant," a 50-ton crane, for iron casting steam hammers, riveting machines, and a French advisor. Having
4 On the technological changes in the iron and steel industry during this period see Seiichi Kojima, Nihon tekk5-shi (A history of iron and steel in Japan), Meiji-hen (the Meiji volume), (Tokyo, 1945), pp. 155-82. 5 Ibid., p. 155. 6 This is from an 1875 report of the Ministry of Construction (K6bush6) as quoted in Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 74.
acquired the capability to repair many ships and to produce "many types of machines," the shipyard was willing to overstate its ability in 1884 and claim that the quality of the boilers it produced was "widely known even by foreigners." The Hyogo shipyard, which came into being by acquiring ironworks from an American trading company, built a dock and steadily bought "more machinery required in building iron ships" in order to specialize in the repair and construction of ships. The Akabane machine factory, begun with the machinery imported by the domain of Saga, imported a variety of machinery to produce steam engines. By 1883 it had produced the first 40-HP steam engine; in the same year, this factory was transferred to the navy "along with its 139 pieces of installed machinery." In 1883 the total number employed by these three factory-shipyards was about 1,200, exclusive of foreigners and administrative personnel.7 These arsenals and the government shipyards which spearheaded Meiji Japan's technological progress were important both because they were large by Meiji standards and because many of them aided private, nonmilitary shipyards and factories. In the early 1880s, when the cotton textile industry had yet to make its presence felt in the Meiji economy, these arsenals, shipyards, and their satellite plants together employed about 10,000 workers compared to fewer than 3,000 in the small private shipyards producing wooden ships and in the factories "still primarily using or making machinery of a 'premachine age.' "8 Fourteen private "shipyards" together employed 1,076 and many aspiring "modern" factories, each with less than 10 workers, employed the remainder of this 3,000. That these technologically advanced arsenals and government shipyards actively aided the private sector can be shown readily. From the late seventies to the early eighties the Osaka arsenal is known to have produced a "large number" of "machines" used with steam engines, lathes, planers, grinding machines, gears and a variety of other "machinery"for private firms, as well as to have constructed an iron bridge in Tokushima using iron produced and worked at the arsenal. And, in 1882, the arsenal supplied gears for the first largescale cotton textile company, which was beginning operation in Osaka, because "those produced for the company by a private firm broke into pieces on first use."9
7 Mitsubishi Nagasaki Z6sensho, Mitsubishi Nagasaki zosensho-shi (Tokyo, 1928), pp. 18-20, and Koyama, A historical analysis, pp. 73-74. 8 Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 75. 9 Ibid., p. 79.
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The Yokosukaarsenal, too, is known to have produced mining and other machinery as well as repaired twice as many foreign and privately-owned Japanese ships as navy ships. With its heavy machinery the arsenal constructed lighthouses and participated in the construction of government buildings, private factories, roads, and harbors. Though rarely noted by economic historians, six of the ten private cotton textile firms, which began operation in the early 1880s using spindles imported by the government, relied on steam engines produced at the arsenal. Many of the satellite, specialized plants of the arsenal produced numerous simple machine tools and more explosives for mining than for military use. Akabane and other factories, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction, were even more actively engaged in aiding the private sector by producing boilers, steam engines, and several dozen other types of machinery used in the mining, textile, machine-tool industry and others, as well as by the railroads.10 These examples, and numerous others which could be added, provide ample evidence that during the initial years these arsenals and government shipyards played the crucial roles of technological pathfinders and conveyors of Western technology to a fledgling industrial nation. It is important to remember what these arsenals and shipyards had already accomplished by the time the cotton textile industry began to stir. The four arsenals and government-owned shipyards continued to provide technological leadership in the machinery, machine-tool, shipbuilding, and iron and steel industries into the decade between the early 1880s, when the rapid growth of the cotton textile industry was beginning, and the eve of the Sino-Japanese war. With a goal of "weapons independence" earnestly pursued by the military starting in the early 1880s, an increasing variety of larger and better weapons began to be made. In 1890, the army, too, in addition to the navy, began to produce steel, and the technological capabilities of building and equipping iron ships rapidly began to approach Western standards. Important also was the sale of several government plants which resulted in the sharply increased technological competence of certain private machine producers and shipyards.1" By 1877 the army was producing rapid-fire rifles of Japanese design at the high rate of 30,000 per year. To reduce the dependence on
10 Ibid., pp. 74, 80. 1 For an elaboration and some useful data, see Koyama, A survey, pp. 251-74.
importedsteel, the army in 1891 tripled its steelmakingcapacityto 600 tons. The use of copper in cannon was discontinued and an increasingvariety of better and larger guns was made of tempered iron and steel. The army'sability to producea wide varietyof powered machineryand machine tools also steadily increased, but the navy'stechnologicalcapabilitiesadvancedeven more visibly. By imand portingmore machinery recallingthe workerssent to Kruppand Creusot,the navywas able by 1890to buildlargerwarshipsequipped with the larger guns, boilers, and other machineryand fittings rewar, quiredby these warships.Thus, on the eve of the Sino-Japanese the the navycouldsay that"indesigningand supervising construction of warships,virtuallyno assistancefrom foreignerswas required." Much heavy machinery that had depended on imports-drilling machines, steam hammers, large cranes, and the like-was then being producedat navy arsenals,along with locomotives, steam engines, larger boilers, torpedoes, and a yet larger quantityof explosives.12 machineryand buildingson very Purchaseof government-owned termsmarkedthe beginningsof a few privateshipyards that favorable industrywithina decade. Ishikawajima were to lead the shipbuilding Shipyard,establishedin 1876,hadproducedonlywoodenships, most of whichwere equippedonly with sails. In 1884,however, it beganto make iron ships fully equipped with boilers and other "Western fromthe navy'sTsukijiarsenalon fixtures" afteracquiringmachinery three-yearcreditat no interestand with the navy's"encouragement." consistedof an orderfor an iron ship, technical This encouragement land the advice, and only nominal rent for the government-owned shipyard occupied. No less important was the fact that this assistanceenabled the shipyardto produce, bemilitarily-motivated ginning in 1885, boilers for textile factories, stone crushers, iron machines,printingpresses, and a varietyof bridges, carpet-weaving other machinery,all to meet orders placed by private firms.13 of The Nagasaki Hyogo shipyards the Ministryof Construction and were sold in the early eighties respectively to Yatar6Iwasaki,the founder of the Mitsubishizaibatsu, and to Sh6z6 Kawasaki,which enabled them to start what came to be two of the largest shipyardcum-machine factoriesin Japanfor decadesto come. As the company historiesof these firms evince, their growth, allowingthem to pro12 13
Meizi Militarism
duce a variety of machineryto meet the increasingdemand then arisingin the privatesector, cruciallydependedon the navyorders. 14 We should also note that the first step toward rapid growth by Hisashige Tanaka'ssmall "machine-making factory,"established in 1873, was made possible by the navy's1882 order for torpedoesand the technicalassistancewhich came with it.15 On the other hand, the Ikegai Ironworkswhich, as we shall see shortly, grew to be the leading producerof lathes and other machine tools after the Sinoand machines" subsistJapaneseWar, was still using "hand-operated ing on small militaryorders as it had done since 1889 when it was
16 established.
While the cotton textile industrywas beginning to grow rapidly during the decade preceding the Sino-Japanese War, the military arsenalsand government-owned factory-shipyards, along with their privatecounterparts (establishedwith the aid of the militaryand the Ministryof Construction), were providingsteamengines, manytypes of machinery,and machinetools in orderto enable the cotton textile and other industries to take the critical initial steps toward rapid growth.Those familiarwith the repeated scenes of the tragicomedy the early textile firms enacted in their search for machineryand advice can hardlyfail to appreciatethe significanceof the growing technological competence then becoming available to emerging Japaneseindustrialfirms.17Reexaminingthe Meiji industrialization process, a Japanesehistorianwrote of the early 1880s:
The technological level of the arsenals, as evidenced by the large numbers of workers and horse-power, was distinctly superior to that of other government-owned plants and private machine and shipbuilding firms. Thus . .. the arsenals were producing
See the company histories cited in nn. 19 and 34 below. Yasuichi Kimura, ed., Shibaura seisakusho 65-nen-shi (A 65-year history of the Shibaura machine works), (Tokyo, 1940), pp. 16-17. Tanaka's "factory"became the Shibaura Machine Works in 1893 with the infusion of capital from Mitsui. 16 Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 106. Noda writes of the Ikegai Ironworks of the period: "At the Ikegai, the machines were still operated by manpower, i.e., apprentices were turning flywheels by hand. The ironworks had about ten employees and had not yet succeeded in selling even a single machine in the market." Kazuo Noda, Nihon kaisha-shi (A history of companies in Japan), (Tokyo, 1966), p. 243. 17 Though spindles and mules were imported, the emerging cotton textile firms experienced serious difficulties in obtaining competent advice for operating the machinery and in finding Japanese producers capable of providing them with suitable steam engines and various other machinery and parts. A detailed account of the above can be found in Taichi Kinukawa, ed., Itd Denhichi 0 (The venerable Denhichi It6), (Tokyo, 1936) and T6y6 Boseki Kabushiki Kaisha, Tdy6 B6seki 70-nen-shi (A history of the 70 years of T6yo Textiles Company), (Tokyo, 1953). See also Kozo Yamamura,A Study of Samurai Income and Entrepreneurship (Cambridge, Mass., 1974), pp. 178-83.
14 15
not only weaponsbut also manytypes of machinery requiredby privatefirmsand minesin orderto assistandsupplement yet low technological the level of the latter.18
Both the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars had a profound effect on the technological and productive capabilities of the arsenals and private firms in the shipbuilding, machinery, and machine-tool industries. The impact of the war with Russia, a much stronger foe than China, was especially wide-ranging. By the fall of 1893, when the decision to wage war with China was made, the arsenals had gone into a twenty-four-hour production schedule to increase the output of ships, guns, shells, and other military needs, and the largest private shipyards, such as Ishikawajima and Kawasaki, were also called upon to upgrade their technological competence and increase production. Ishikawajimaimported 23 grinders for shellmaking and Kawasakiwent on a crash program to build eight warships that were completed within two months of the beginning of the war.19 The Sino-Japanese War, however, was basically within Japan'smilitary capacity in 1894, and thus it did no more than strain her technological and productive abilities. The war lasted for only eight months and during this time the navy, with warships faster than those of the Chinese navy and armed with larger guns, easily won crucial battles.20 The defeat of China and the expansion of Japan'spolitico-economic sphere of interest into her newly acquired colonies and into China shifted the power balance in eastern Asia. If Japanwere to continue to exert her power into Korea and northern China, a confrontation with Russia was only a matter of time. Under the circumstances, the military raced to increase Japan's ability to equip and supply her military forces so that they would be capable of challenging the Russian forces. To cite only a few examples of the actions taken between 1895 and 1903: in 1895 the arsenals succeeded in producing smokeless powder required for rapid-fire guns; and the navy's Kure
18 Tetsuo Kond6, "Shokusan kogy6 to zairai sangy6" (Promotion of industries and traditional industries) in Naohiro Asao et al., eds., Iwanami k6za Nihon rekishi, vol. 14 (Kindai, I), (Tokyo, 1975), p. 239. 19 Ishikawajima-HarimaJuik6gyoKabushiki Kaisha, Ishikawajimajukogyo kabushiki kaisha 108-nen-shi (A 108-year history of the IshikawajimaHeavy Industries Company), (Tokyo, 1961). 20 Mikio Sumiya, Dai-Nihon teikoku shiren(The trials of the Japanese Empire), Nihonno no rekishi (A history of Japan), vol. 22 (Tokyo, 1966), pp. 20-25.
Meiji Militarism
shipyard,opened in the sameyear, was rapidlyexpandedinto a large arsenal so that by the end of 1896 it had two blast furnaces, "248 and pieces of large machinery," a twenty-tonsteam hammerused in producingsteel, plus a full line of ordnancerangingfrom shells and The torpedoesto largeguns andwarships.21 arsenalsbeganin 1897to mass-produce muchimprovedrifles,the so-called1897-type,and the hammersanda production moreefficientand heaviersteam-driven of varietyof specialpurposelatheswas begun in 1898/99.The shellmaking capacitycontinued to increase between 1895 and 1900, and by 1901 the newly acquiredabilityto producealloy steel and extremely enabled Japanto large (up to 1,200-ton)forgingmachines(tanrenki) produce large and specialized artillery pieces and their shells.22 Though the total tonnage of foreign-madewarshipsexceeded that produced domesticallyuntil 1914, Japanese capacity to build and equip larger warships continued to improve following the SinoJapaneseWar. By the turn of the century, the navy arsenalswere capable of producingwarshipsharnessed by 20,000-HP steam engines and guns as largeas those found on most Westernwarships.23 Warwas to increasethe If the principaleffect of the Sino-Japanese technologicalcapabilities of the arsenals and a few large private War shipyards, the most significanteffects of the Russo-Japanese of were the rapiddissemination moderntechnologyto a largenumber of privatefirms and a suddenly acceleratedgrowthin the fledgling and often strugglingprivate machineand machine-toolmakerswho received increased and timely military demand and technological assistance.The rapidityof the disseminationof technologyand the sudden placing of orders to many private modern firms were the results of an urgent necessity born out of the war being foughtwith Russia. The urgency can perhapsbest be typified by the following crisis which the Japanesearmyfaced in the winter of 1904/05. Deoperationof the arsenalsthe army, spite the sustainedfull-capacity whichhad calculatedthe estimatedneed for shells and other supplies usingexamplesof Europeanwarsfoughtduringthe secondhalfof the nineteenth century, began to face criticalshortagesof shells by the
fall of 1904.24 The division then fighting in Sha Ho, which was
Kojima, A history of iron and steel, p. 161, and Kodama, A survey, p. 454. Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 117. 23 Ibid., p. 126. 24 Since "the Sino-Japanese War did not furnish a useful example because of the weakness of China," the calculations "estimating the consumption of shells and explosives was made using data obtained from the Franco-Prussian War and the Russo-Turkish War." Such efforts, however, resulted in a serious underestimate of the needs in the Russo-Japanese War; Koyama, A
21 22
keeping a close count of rapidly dwindling supplies of all types of ammunition into October, found that its "supply was virtually exhaustedon October16."The division'sdesperateplea for resupply remainedunanswered becauseproductionat the arsenalsand a small number of private firms could no longer be increased. Under the circumstances, best the divisioncoulddo was to hold the line over the the winter and hope that the Russianswould not mount a major 25 assault. Faced with this crisis, the only course open to the militaryfor increasingthe output of ammunition other weaponsneeded was and to place urgentorderswith privatefirms. Given the wide technological gap then existing between the arsenalsand privatefirms, however, these orders could be filled only if the militaryalso provided requisite machinery,experiencedpersonnel, and technical supervision. Thus, in order to assure that "detonators detonatedand guns fired properly," armyoften had to providemachinery technithe and cal personnelwith the orders.26 some cases, such as with the Oki In Electricand the HattoriSeiko, a watch manufacturing company,not much technical assistancewas needed for them to produce detonators;but in others, such as in the makingof shells and shell-casings by the largerlocalironpotfactories,extensivetechnicalassistanceand machineryhad to be borrowedfrom the army. A majorproblemin expandingoutput, in all instances,was the trainingof a largenumber of workersnewly recruited by the private firms.27For example, a majorgeneraldescribedhis experiencein recruitingworkersfor private firms that had been enlisted to produce small arms in 1905:
By the end of the war the output of small arms was nearly ten times as large as at the beginning of the war. This meant that the number of workers making small arms increased by a similar magnitude, and the newly engaged workers numbered almost 10,000. The most difficult task was to train these temporary employees quickly. We somehow and barely managed to succeed by making experienced workers instant instructors and by recommending the use of milling machines.28
Under such pressure the arsenalsthemselves were unable to adopt new technology during the war, but they rapidly increased their capacityto producemost requiredtypes of lathes and other machine
survey, p. 475. This source also contains revealing observations and data attesting to the shortage of many types of guns, detonators, and other military supplies in 1905, pp. 475-83. 25 Ibid., p. 477. 26 Ibid., p. 478. 27 Further details and several quotations from contemporary military sources concerning these observations are found in ibid., pp. 476-77. 28 Ibid., p. 478.
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tools and several types of gauges and measuringdevices (including slide caliperswhich were as yet little knownamongprivatefirms)to be loaned to the instant private arsenals.29 Anothervisible impact of the war was the criticalassistancethat war-related orders renderedto the many machineand machine-tool makers who were still, financiallyand technologically,struggling. One such firm, Ikegai Ironworks,the oldest private machine-tool makingfirm, began to grow rapidlyduringthe war, aided by a large military order for machine tools and the technologicalassistance which accompaniedit. By 1906 this firm was producing "Ikegai lathes"(soon to become widely known for their efficiency and low cost) and gasolineengines.30Manyother machineand machine-tool producers,includingsuch future leaders in this industryas Niigata, Okuma,Kubota,and Wakayama, cameinto being duringthe warand grew rapidlyduringthe subsequentyears,benefitingfromthe timely large military ordersand the model machinesand guidancefurnished by the anxiousmilitary.31 Japanese One worksummarized impact the of the war on the machine-toolindustryas follows:
Because of the war, the importance of the domestic production of machine-tools was realized for the first time. The navy allowed the machinery which it had imported to be examined and copied by [private firms].... To encourage domestic production, the navy chose to buy some types of domestically produced machinetools. Aided by such active assistance, what could be called "a machine-tool" industry gradually emerged.32
Japan's shipbuilding capacityalso tooka large strideduringthe war and in the decade following. While the navy arsenalsgrew visibly both in technologicalcompetence and in productivecapacity,33 the most significantchange observed during this period was the rapid growth of large private shipbuildingfirms such as Ishikawajima, Afterservingduringthe waras arsenalsand and Kawasaki, Nagasaki. producingwarships,specializedlathes, shells, and "alargenumberof
A Koyama, historicalanalysis,p. 147. Ibid. For a good description of the underdeveloped state of the machine-tool industry during this period, see also Minoru Toyosaki, Nihon kikai k6gy6 no kiso k5z6 (The basic structure of Japanese machine industries), (Tokyo, 1941), pp. 25-44. 31 Koyama, historical analysis,p. 149, and Toyosaki,The basic structure,pp. 43-44. A 32 The Heavy Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Nihon no kikai kogy6: sono seich6 to k6z6 (Japan's machine industries: their growth and structure), (Tokyo, 1960). p. 36. 33 Excluding smaller military ships such as torpedo boats and submarines, 21 "large" warships with a total tonnage of 23,772 tons were produced during the 1896-1905 period. But production rose to 58 "large" warships with a total tonnage of 293,278 tons for the 1906-1915 period. Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 121. The technological progress made by the navy arsenals is described in ibid., pp. 120-27.
conthese privateshipyards sets of machineryfor shell-production," tinued after the war to make advances in their technological of and both in shipbuilding in the production a wide range capabilities of machinery.34Such advances were made possible by the large assistancereceived profitsearnedin the war years, the technological effortsto absorbWesterntechnolfromthe navy, and the shipyards' ogy. By the end of the Meiji era (1912),these largershipyardswere able to claim with considerablejustificationthat their technological in were "atparwith anylargeshipyard Europe,"andthey capabilities were able to produce locomotives, railroadcars, turbines, and an increasingquantityof machineryto meet the rapidlyrising demand for these in the private sector.35The growth of the shipbuilding capacityboth in the arsenalsand in the private shipyardswas such that by the end of the Meiji period more than 80 percent of Japan's total tonnage consisted of ships built in Japan.36 To review the relativeimportanceof the arsenals(withtheir satelestablishmentscreated basilite plants and other publicly-financed vis-a-visthe privateshipyardsand factocally for militarypurposes) ries in the shipbuilding, machinery(including rolling stock), and machine-toolindustries, let us present Table 1.
NUMBER OF WORKERS AND PRIME-MOVER CAPACITY (IN HORSE POWER) IN SHIPBUILDING, MACHINERY, MACHINE-TOOL, AND WEAPONS INDUSTRIES Army and Navy Arsenals Year 1899 1903 1907 1910 1912 Workers(A) 25,074 53,593 93,704 68,605 76,526 Prinemovers(B) 8.438 19.843 68.403 97.063 129.590 (B)KA) 0.337 0.370 0.730 1.415 1.693 Workers(C) 20,872 32,029 55,829 46,834 69,810 Private Firms Primemovers(D) 4.054 5.494 15.469 29.904 53.515 (D)I(C) 0.194 0.172 0.277 0.639 0.767
Source: Koyama Hirotake, Nihon gunj kdgyd no shiteki bunseki (A historical analysis of Japanese military industries), (Tokyo, 1972), p. 105.
The totalnumberof workersin the arsenals(andthe satelliteplants can and related governmentestablishments) be estimatedat approximately 13,000;the numberin privatefirmsin shipbuilding,machin34 Gensui Arai, Tokyo Ishikawajima 50-nen-shi (A 50-year history of Tokyo Ishikawajima), (Tokyo, 1930), p. 36. This source, with Ichisuke Abe, ed., Kawasaki z6senjo 40-nen-shi (A 40-year history of the Kawasaki Shipyard) (Tokyo, 1926) contains many descriptions of a wide range of activities that these firms undertook for the navy during this period. 35 Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 142. 36 Ibid., p. 124.
Meizi Militarism
ery, and machine-tool industries was less than 6,000 for the 1888-1890 period. This being the case, the data for 1899 clearly show the rapid growth of these industries both in the public and private sectors. 37 As described, the principal reasons for this rapid growth were the "weapons independence" policy, the Sino-Japanese War, and the buildup of Japan's military capacity. The rapid growth of the number of workers in the arsenals from 1899 to 1907 requires little explanation. We note, however, two important facts. The first is that nearly 25,000 workers who left the arsenals between 1907 and 1910 must have taken their newly acquired skills, whether as specific as the ability to use lathes or as general as an increased familiarity with machinery and factories, to private industries in related areas. Either they replaced less skilled workers in private firms or, much more likely, went to the cotton textile industries which were demanding an increasing amount of machinery and prime movers, or to the iron and steel mills which appeared after 1907 (as will be discussed), or to the many other industries that were being rapidly mechanized. The second important fact is that as late as 1912 both the total and per worker capacity of prime movers of the arsenals were at least twice those of private firms, indicating the technological superiority of the former.38 Another way of appreciating the significance of the data is to realize that in 1907, only a generation after the Meiji Restoration, Japan had nearly 150,000 workers who were qualified in various degrees to work in industries that were essential in increasing the technological capabilities of Japanese industry.39 Our examination of the impacts of the wars on the technological progress made during the Meiji period cannot be concluded without a brief discussion of the Yawata Ironworks, a large governmentfinanced steel mill constructed and expanded primarily for military
37 For both the bases of these estimates and further quantitative evidence of the growth of these industries, see Koyama, A survey, pp. 483-95; id., A historical analysis, pp. 110, 129; and Koyima, A history of iron and steel, pp. 272-75. 38 Though the difference in horsepower per worker cannot by itself serve as a measure of the technological gap, the private firms' slower rate of increase in, and the low level attained even in 1912 of horsepower per worker reflected the smallness of the scale of operation and the relatively low degree of mechanization achieved by these firms. 39 Serious shortages of skilled workers, especially in the industries discussed in this essay, continued to be a major problem facing Japanese industries, and even more acutely during the First World War years. For example, Toyosaki wrote that a constant shortage of "good engineers and skilled workers" was one of the main reasons why "the machine tool industry remained technologically backward" in comparison to those in the West; Toyosaki, The basic structure, p. 293.
purposes.40 From the late 1880s the military was very much interested, as an integral part of its weapons independence program, in building a large mill capable of producing steel and wrought iron in large quantities in order to reduce its steadily growing reliance on imports. Thus, in 1891 the navy proposed a plan for such a mill, but it failed to win the necessary political support, mostly on the grounds that it would impose a considerable economic burden on the already strained Meiji coffers and that domestically produced steel would probably have a high unit cost in comparison to imported steel. Despite the military pleas repeated in 1892 and 1893 and the steadily increasing demand for steel and iron, the Diet continued to refuse to fund the proposed mill.41 A change in government policy finally came about in 1895. Following the Sino-Japanese War political support for the military was easier to win, especially for the navy which now had the task of defending the newly acquired colonial possessions. There also were other significant factors contributing to the change. First, the demand, of necessity to be supplied by imports, for iron and steel continued to rise as the result of the persistent military buildup and an increase in demand from the private sector. Second, in 1888 a group of private individuals established Nihon Steel (which was capitalized at one million yen, a huge sum by the standard of the day), but this effort ended in bankruptcy in 1891 and no other private efforts were on the horizon.42 And, third, Japan had just won reparations of 365 million yen from the Chinese, and its earmarking 4.09 million of the sum in
40 Kojima quotes the following speech made in the 1891 session of the Diet by Prime Minister Masayoshi Matsukata in support of the navy proposal for a large steel mill: "To meet the needs of our national defense, the army urgently requires more weapons, better explosives, and the construction of batteries, and the navy is in dire need of warships. However, as of this time, we heavily depend on imported iron and steel in producing weapons and ships. This is not only extremely costly, but also exposes us to a high risk of not being able to obtain required [iron and steel] in the event of national emergency" (Kojima,A history of iron and steel, p. 189). Also, for a description of the explicit military motivation, see Makino, A history of the Meiji-Taisho periods, p. 306. 41 Kojima, A history of iron and steel, p. 190. 42 The Nihon Steel failed principally because the financial backers seriously underestimated the large initial capital requirement and were unable, owing to the recession of 1891, to borrow needed funds during the critical first year. Contributing causes of the failure included unanticipated technological difficulties and speculative investors who chose to withdraw their financial support as soon as it became clear that no chance for a quick profit-takingwas in the offing. For a full discussion of this episode see Kojima, A history of iron and steel, pp. 162-68. Before deciding to support a government-financed steel mill, Kentar6 Kaneko, then Vice Minister of Commerce, is known to have approached both Mitsui and Mitsubishi to see if they were interested in starting a steel mill either independently or jointly. Kaneko was informed that neither was interested in the venture "because of the extreme difficulties involved in such an undertaking," ibid., p. 234.
Mez'i Militarism
1896 for the initial budget of the new steel mill met little political opposition.43 The mill was legally charged with "meeting the needs of the military as its primary objective" and planned to produce 60,000 tons of steel (of which 4,500 was wrought iron).44 The road between the planning and the actual production, however, was fraught with difficulties. Even though the total budget was grudgingly raised to 25 million yen by the end of 1898, problems encountered prevented the production of steel until 1901. The major problems were the acquisition of a site and the assurance of an adequate quantity of suitable Chinese ore on a long-run basis, plus numerous technological diffikulties faced in constructing a large mill which required almost complete reliance on German engineers and foremen.45 In 1901 the administrative head of the mill reported:
Since the beginning of operation, we produced 18,880 tons of iron, 3,753 tons of Siemens steel, and 24 tons of Bessemer steel. The future depends on the training of workers. As they become better accustomed to the furnaces and machines and their skills improve, we should soon be able to produce 45,000 tons of steel at the mill.48
His assessment proved to be optimistic; the mill's capacity in 1904, before the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, failed to exceed 40,000 tons. The nation's total demand, however, neared 310,000 tons of steel because of the naval expansion plan of 1903, the continuing buildup of the army, and the growing demand by the rapidly expanding railroad network and other industries. The total output of all military furnaces and Yawata combined failed to exceed 60,000 tons, so that still more reliance had to be placed on imported steel to meet the demand.47
43While the fact that the Chinese reparations aided the yen in achieving a fully convertible status is often recognized, little attention has been paid to the specific disposition of the huge windfall. Of the 364,868,586 yen, as much as 53.8 percent was allocated to "the expansion costs" of the military, with the navy taking a lion's share of 38.2 percent. Furthermore, the military received an additional 32.6 percent for "emergency expenditures," "improvement of the transportation capacity," and "a supplement to the construction of torpedo ships" (Koyama, A historical analysis, p. 465). To the extent that such expenditures aided the rapid growth of Japan's technological capabilities as its by-product, one is perhaps justified in arguing that the Sino-Japanese war both stimulated and financed Japan'stechnological progress following 1895. A history of companies, p. 194. 4Noda, The story of the Yawata, including the problems relating to its establishment and 4 technological and labor difficulties experienced before the First World War, is fully told in Masaki Hitotsuyangi, Kan'ei seitetsujo monogatari (A story of the government-operated ironworks), vol. I (Tokyo, 1958). The most relevant pages concerning the observations made in the text are pp. 209-25, 305-19, and 511-24. 4" Kojima, A history of iron and steel, p. 249. 47 Imports of iron also rose similarly. For the data on total demand and on imports of iron and steel, see ibid., pp. 293-94.
The coming of the Russo-Japanese War demonstrated that the military campaigns against a well-supplied enemy and an emergency buildup of naval powers could not be pursued if Japan had to depend so heavily on imports."8 Thus, Yawata's capacity was steadily increased from 1904 in order to reduce the reliance on imports. Under the circumstances, the government was willing to cover Yawata's continuing losses and to appropriate the funds needed for expansion. In 1905 Yawata's steel producing capacity reached 41,000 tons, and rose rapidly to 46,000 and then to 70,000 tons during the following two years. The output of pig iron also rose from 33,000 tons in 1905 to
101,000 tons in
As output continued to rise, through economies of scale and the accumulation of experience, the per ton cost of pig iron became competitive with that imported from the West. For example, by 1909 a ton of pig iron imported from the U.S. was around 28.2 yen plus about 10 yen for shipping costs, tariff, and forwarding charges, while Yawata'spig iron was being sold at about 28.4 yen. Though no simple price comparison is possible for steel, which varied widely in price depending on the product, one can generally say that on the eve of the First World War Yawatawas competitive with imported steel in simpler product lines (such as round and sheet) but was still unable to compete with foreign firms in many processed lines (such as galvanized steel, pipes, rails, and a variety of alloyed steel and construction materials) despite the protection offered by tariffs and shipping and forwarding costs. Yawatafinally reported a modest profit in 1910, the first of the profitable years to follow, due mostly to its competitive ability which continued to increase and then virtually to overtake the Western firms in an increasing number of specialized steel products.50 Paralleling the growth of Yawata was the birth of several large, private iron and steel companies after the end of the Russo-Japanese War. Such large postwar firms as Nihon Seik6sh6, Sumitomo, and Kobe were established with the well-justified assumption that a large portion of their products would be sold to the navy, which was then in the process of rapidly increasing the number of warships, and to the
48 Revealing quotations, relating to the tactical and supply problems created by the delayed delivery of guns and shells ordered from Krupp, are found in ibid., pp. 360-62. 49 Ibid., pp. 438-44 and Hitotsuyanagi, A story, pp. 449. 50 The data and observations in this paragraphare taken from Kojima, A history of iron and steel, pp. 455-72. These pages also include detailed discussions of import prices, competitive pricing by German, U.S., and English exporters during the first decade of this century, and the technological disadvantages Yawata still suffered vis-a-vis its Western competitors.
the importance of the military in aiding the growth of Yawata and these new private iron and steel firms during this period.
One shouldat no time forgetthe crucialroleplayedby the military,especiallythe navywhichwas embarking a largebuild-upprogram, promoting,directlyand on in indirectly,the growthof the iron and steel industryduringthis period[1905-1911]. The aid given by the militarywas not limited to buying the productsat highly favorableprices. All the producers,such as Yawata,Muroran[Nihon Seik6sh6], Sumitomo, Kobe, Kawasaki and many others received assistancein solving the technological and other problemswhich they encountered.52
Because of such encouragement provided by the military and because of its increasing demand, as well as that of the Railroad Bureau and the private sector, the private firms in Japan's iron and steel industry were able to weather the initial difficulties facing an infant industry. By the time of the First World War these firms were ready and able to expand their capacity, thereby rapidly to increase their competitive ability.
A brief review of the literature on the Meiji economy reveals that no consensus has yet been reached on the effects of the Meiji preoccupation with "a strong army" on the economic performance of the period. Though Lockwood wrote in 1954 that "the drain of empire building went far to nullify the more constructive use of state power to mobilize saving for investment in productive enterprise,"53 Rosovsky, who also recognized "competitive and deterrent aspects" of the military investments, was willing to say in 1961 that such an investment "has multiplier and accelerator effects and its impact on the heavy industry must be profound."54 Emi, going further than Rosovsky, concluded his 1963 analysis of the war-generated demand and output, and of war-induced changes in fiscal and taxation policies: "Military expenses naturally contracted to a peacetime level after
51 The importance of the navy order is demonstrated, for example, in Kihachir6 Okura's decision to abandon his plan to start a firm specializing in steel pipes when he discovered that he was unable to obtain from the navy a prior commitment for the purchase of his products. Ibid., p. 473. 52 Ibid., p. 473. 5 William W. Lockwood, The Economic Development of Japan: Growth and Structural Change, 1868-1938 (Princeton, 1954), p. 577. The quoted passage is his observation on the entire 1868-1938 period and is not limited to the Meiji period. 5" Henry Rosovsky, Capital Formation in Japan, 1868-1940 (Glencoe, Ill., 1961), pp. 22-23.
of the economy."55
each war, which, however, was alwayshigher than the prewarlevel. . . . War seems to have been the greatest stimulusto the expansion In reactionto the views expressedby Rosovskyand Emi, Oshima argued in 1965 that "these massive military expenditures"in the Meijiperiod"formed major the impetusto the inflationary tendencies of the era"ratherthan contributing economicgrowthsince "there to was nothingin the characterof the underdevelopedMeiji economy which resembleda Keynesianworld continuallymovingtowardsan under-consumptionequilibrium with sizable unemployment."56 Oshima been joinedrecentlyby KelleyandWilliamson argue, has who on the basis of their careful counterfactualstudy of the Meiji economy, that "militaryexpendituresretardedgrowthin the Meiji economyandthus retardedimprovement realwageand earningsas in
well. "57
With the exception of Rosovsky,who explicitly stated that the governmentproductionand purchaseof "vast quantitiesof military equipment . . . must have been a tremendousstimulus"to pnvate
heavy industry,58 all of the other authors plus many more base their
conclusionsas to the effects of Meiji Japan's"empirebuilding"and "militaryadventurism"primarily, and often exclusively, on their analysesof the more readilyquantitatively tractablemacro-economic
M K6ichi Emi, Government Fiscal Activity and Economic Growth in Japan, 1868-1960 (Tokyo, 1963), p. 33. " Harry T. Oshima, "Meiji Fiscal Policy and Economic Progress," in W. W. Lockwood, ed., The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan (Princeton, 1965), p. 372. Oshima, who did not explicitly refer to the views of Rosovsky and Emi, went on in support of his view to cite a 1922 study sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace which examined the impact of Meiji militarism on "prices, taxes, money and credit, public debt, foreign trade, and wages" (p. 376). Like most other authors, nowhere did he consider the effects of the Meiji militarism on technological change. Similarly, many non-Marxist Japanese economic historians generally stress the negative effects of Meiji militarism on these macro-economic grounds. See, for example, TakafusaNakamura'sSenzenki Nihon deizai seich6 no bunseki (An analysis of the prewar Japanese economic growth), (Tokyo, 1971), pp. 13-14, which emphasized the effects of war-related taxes in depressing private consumption. He notes, however, the possible importance of military demand as "a factor in economic growth" (p. 26)' 57 Allen C. Kelley and Jeffrey G. Williamson, Lessons from Japanese Development (London and Chicago, 1974), p. 127. 58 Rosovsky, Capital Formation, p. 27. Rosovsky chose not to speculate on the magnitude of this "tremendous stimulus." The full passage reads: "ThroughoutJapanese industrialization,the government was ready to buy and produce vast quantities of military equipment. It is, of course, impossible to say precisely what effects this policy had on private heavy industry, but it must have been a tremendous stimulus." He continued: "Military demand probably became more important as technology developed, and military demand undoubtedly played a larger role in countries which industrialized after the new technology reached a certain state of maturity." In the context of these quotations the purpose of this essay has been to suggest the desirability of making more precise the "tremendous stimulus," placing a special emphasis on the technological impact of the policy which was not considered by Rosovsky.
Meiji Militarism
changes resultingfrom the war-inducedshifts in taxation,expenditures, investments,and savings.In notingthe above, my intent is not to criticizethese scholarswhose maininterestswere macro-economic analysesof MeijiJapanandits militaryexpenditures,but to stressthe need for a fresh re-examination the possible substantivegrowthof promotingeffects of the "strongarmy"policy in reassessingtheir views. If my argumentis correctthe statementsof Emi and Rosovsky, for example, could be strengthened while those of Lockwood, Oshima, and Kelley and Williamsonmust be modified or revised. I am fullyawarethat the absenceof quantitative evidence to justify adjectivessuch as "substantive" "significant," and used frequentlyin the preceding pages, seriously weakens my argument. Clearly the next task is to make every effort to obtain as much quantitative evidence as possible in order to measure the net effect of the growth-promoting growth-retarding and aspectsof Japan's militarism. As the task is pursued and the evidence obtained from such an endeavorcombinedwith the findingsfrommicro-economic examinations of industries, firms, governmentalpolicies, zaibatsu, and the other facets of the Japaneseeconomydescribedearlierin this essay, we will then be able to fill the gaps left by the basicallyquantitative macro-economic analysismade of MeijiJapanto date, and to provide crucialinputfor a better understanding the economichistoryof the of Meiji and interwarperiods. Beyondthe potentialusefulnessof my argumentin reassessingthe effects of Meiji militarism on the performanceof the Japanese economyat such a generallevel, what I have presented may also be usefulin clarifying in sheddingadditional or light on the analysesthat rely basicallyon macro-economic theory and data. Let me cite only two examplesof such instances. In criticizingthe recent work of Rosovskyand Ohkawathat identified a Meijigrowthspurtfrom 1905to 1918, Kelley and Williamson wrote:
Ohkawa and Rosovsky postulate that the investment spurt after 1905 was induced by a "higher-than-average rate of return on capital so that the incentive to invest remained] strong." They then confront the critical issue: Why was the investment incentive so strong? First, borrowed technology flooded Japanese industry after 1905. (Its timing is not wholly explained.) This had two effects. On the one hand, the new technology raised potential rates of return and induced new investment. On the other hand, investment demand was reinforced by the increased capital-intensity inherent in the new technology. Ohkawa and Rosovsky view the cotton textile industry, with its modernization and the development of large integrated spinningweaving establishients, as a prime example of the process. Second, the investment
spurt "during the 'teens' of this century was certainly affected by the bonanza atmosphere" of the Japanese economy around World War I. Some difficulties with this argument should be noted. Why 1905?59
In view of the argument advanced in this essay, I believe that Rosovsky and Ohkawa could have deflected, at least in part, the criticism had they also noted the demonstrably accelerated diffusion of technology beginning in 1904 from the arsenals and other government-owned plants to private firms in such key industries as shipbuilding, machinery, and machine tools; the increased ability of these industries to provide machinery and equipment which promised a higher productivity of and return to capital; and the stimulating effects of war-related demand on many segments of the economy including watchmakers and local producers of iron pots.60 Though space does not permit here, one can readily cull quotations from numerous company histories which quickly convince readers that a major effect of the Russo-Japanese war was "to begin domestic production of machinery in earnest. "61 Kelley and Williamson, too, had they been familiar with the facts and the argument of this essay, would probably have moderated their criticism which is principally based on the difference in the "actual" and the counterfactual "peacetime" saving ratio. To argue that "a key distinction between the late nineteenth century aggregate growth experience is the lack of military adventurism" by emphasizing the growth-retarding effects of the Meiji military expenditure to the extent they did is to overemphasize the results of their counterfactual exercise and to reduce the appeal of their important contributions for many historians familiar with Meiji Japan.62
59 Kelley and Williamson, Lessons from Japanese Development, p. 109. It should be pointed out that their criticisms are not directed to the most recent work, H. Rosovsky and K. Ohkawa, Japanese Economic Growth-Trend Acceleration in the Twentieth Century (Stanford, Cal., 1973), but to their earlier works, "PostwarJapanese Growth in Historical Perspective: A Second Look," in L. Klein and K. Ohkawa, eds., Economic Growth: The Japanese Experience Since the Meji Era (Homewood, Ill., 1968). As indicated in the title of their book, the 1973 work by Rosovsky and Ohkawa no longer contains the observations and analyses criticized here by Kelley and Williamson. 60 The full-length version of this essay will include an examination of the roles played by the machine and machine-tool industries as the "conveyers" of new technologies. As one can readily envision, assisted by Rosenberg's insights, the impact and implications of the ready availability of low-priced domestic lathes and steam engines, for example, were large and wide-ranging in promoting technological levels of the users of these products. See Nathan Rosenberg, Change in the Machine Tool Industry,"this JouRNAL, 23 (Dec. 1963), 41443. "Technological 61 Mitsubishi Jak6gy6 Kabushiki Kaisha, Shin-Mitsubishi ijkogy5 kabushiki kaisha-shi (A history of the new Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Company) (Tokyo, 1967), p. 6. The quoted statement applies to the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., the Meiji forerunner of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. 62 Kelley and Williamson, Lessons of Japanese Development, p. 126.
Mei:i Militarism
In the work of Rosovsky and Ohkawa the "social capability to import technology" or "the ability to absorb technology" is offered as a key component in their explanation of long swings and trend acceleration. For example, they suggest that this capability may have been increasing over time to generate trend acceleration and that "social capability grows more smoothly than capital formation" and "downswings are periods of adjustment in which reserves of capabilitycan be built up." What is the "social capability" that performs such a crucial role in their analysis? They define the term as "factors constituting a country's ability to import or engage in technological and organizational progress." Their discussion of "factors"for the Meiji period is virtually absent and for the interwar years is limited to general observations on the zaibatsu, permanent employment, cartelization, and "an increasing emphasis on military-related heavy industry."63 Given the importance of the concept in their analysis as well as in our understanding of Japanese economic growth, apparently our future task must be to enhance the empirical content of what Rosovsky and Ohkawa called "social capability." In doing so, further efforts must certainly be made to increase our knowledge of the role Japan's military played in adopting and disseminating Western technology. Since the central interest of these authors, however, was a macroexamination of trend acceleration, the preceding comments should perhaps be more appropriately directed to all specialists of Japanese economic history as a call for further study of the effects of Japan's militarism on its prewar economic history. I believe such studies must include an examination of the following: the extent to which the growth-promoting effects of Meiji militarism contributed to building the technological foundation which enabled Japan to exploit the opportunities offered during and after the First World War;64 the effects of the increased access (and at lower cost) to Western capital markets which Japanenjoyed as the results of its victory over Russia and of the enhanced credit worthiness that resulted from the economic growth made possible because of the First World War;85the continued role
Rosovsky and Okawa, Japanese Economic Growth; pp. 212, 216, and 218-21. One can show, I believe, that the rapid transformationof the Japanese economy during the First World War years and the growth of electric machinery, electric power, and heavy machinery industries during the interwar years owed a significant debt to the technological foundation built during the Meiji era. See Kozo Yamamura,"The Decade of Sowing: Absorption of Western Technology by the Electric Machinery and the Machine Tool Industries of Japan During the 1920's," paper presented at the Conference on Japanese-American relations during the 1916-1931 period, held under the auspices of the Social Science Research Council in Kauai, Hawaii, Jan. 1975. a See, for example, Mitsuhaya Kajinishi et al, Nihon shihonshugi no hatten (The development of Japanese capitalism), vol. II (Tokyo, 1957), p. 307, for the decline in interest rates
" "
the military,especiallythe navy, playedin importing disseminatand ing technologies(a limited list of examples:ball bearings,micrometers and other precisionmeasuringmachinesand instruments,pressure gauges, cutting machines for hard metals, lenses, wires and wireless communication, aluminum, trucks, automobiles and airplanesduring the war years);66 wide-rangingeffects of cothe the lonialism;67 significance the basicallymilitarilymotivatedsubof
sidies;68 and- numerous other ways through which the Japanese economy was affected because of decisions made primarily on political-military grounds. Since one can show with little difficulty that the wars, especially the First World War, played a demonstrably major role in the growth of the zaibatsu, we must, in discussing the effects of wars in Japanese economic history, also examine the role which the zaibatsu were able to play in advancing technology in prewar Japanthrough their ability to pool their capital and managerial talents, to assume risks involved in importing new and "lumpier" technology, to coordinate the adoption of new technologies among the firms within the zaibatsu, and to carry out many other measures
observed before and after the victory over Russia. A neglected but important topic for future research is the contribution made by foreign capital in increasing the total electric generating capacity in Japan. Since the reduced cost of electricity during the interwar years played a significant role in the growth of the chemical industry and others, one should not, as we have often done, neglect the importance of foreign capital simply because the total amount was relatively small. For both a good description and relevant data concerning the role of foreign capital in the electric power industry during the interwar years, see Haruaki Miyake, Denryoku kontserun dokuhon (A reader on electric power konzern), (Tokyo, 1937), pp. 85-118. On the close relationship that existed between the declining cost of electricity and the growth of the chemical industry, see Sh6sabur6 Fujino, Nihon no keiki junkan (Business cycles in Japan), (Tokyo, 1965), 435-49. " For detailed descriptions, see The Heavy Industries Bureau, Japan's machine industries, cited in n. 32. The effects of the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars on the machine, machine-tool, and shipbuilding industries are discussed on pp. 103-06, 110, and 125-27. 67 This is another important topic that has long been neglected by non-Marxist economic historians. In English, good studies on the topic are limited to the effects of Japanese colonialism and its contribution to the agricultural productivity in Korea and Taiwan. For an example of such works and for citations of the related literature, see James I. Nakamura, "Incentives, Productivity Gaps, and Agricultural Growth Rates in Prewar Japan, Taiwan and Korea," in Bernard Silberman and Harry Harootunian, eds., Crisis in Japan (Princeton, 1974), pp. 329-73. " Emi, in agreement with Lockwood, wrote that the subsidies were relatively unimportant because they were "limited in scope and usually confined to a short period of years" (Emi, Government Fiscal Activity, p. 76, and Lockwood, The Economic Development, p. 528). Rosovsky noted that "a subsidy is an official vote of confidence in an enterprise: It may mean additional investment funds from private sources, better banking connections, and perhaps even a larger share of the private market" (Capital Formation, p. 22). In several important industries, such as the shipbuilding, machine-tool, and chemical industries, what was crucial was the effect of subsidies in enabling the firms to survive and to adopt new technologies despite the limited scope and duration of the funds provided. In this essay I can only suggest the importance of the topic in relation to technological change.
Mei[i Militarism
that effectivelyreducedthe costs and risksinvolvedin aidingJapan's technologicalprogress.69 When such studies are continued, one of the important byproductsmay very well be the realizationon the part of many students of Japaneseeconomic historythat they (includingthe present writer)have misallocatedtheir researcheffortsin frequentlyasking how important consciouseffortsof the government,especiallythe the We Japan"fromabove."70 Meiji government,were in industrializing mayfindthata questionwhichshouldhave been pursuedis: In aiding were the politicaldecithe industrialization Japan,how important of interestsin sions to have a strongarmy,to attemptto expandJapan's East Asia, and to preparefor an envisioned conflictwith the West? Further studies could show that the Meiji government's slogan, fukokukyohei(a rich nationand a strongarmy),which has oftenbeen accused of being inherently contradictory,was more maligned by thanit deserved.They mayshowthat, in fact, the economichistorians medicine administeredto hasten the growthof Japaneseindustryin the form of pilot plants in the silk industry, loans to the fledgling cotton textile firms, and an invitationto foreigntechnicaladvisorsall of which have been fully documented-may have been much less effective than the unintended benefits of technological progress which resulted from political and military incantationswith their accompanying blood-sheddingsacrifices. Finally, I shouldadd explicitlythat the goal of this essay has been of to suggesta re-examination the role of the warsand the militaristic the policiesof prewarJapanso thatwe will better understand process by which Japanwas able to adopt and disseminateWestern technology, one of the most importantingredients in Japan'ssuccessful industrialization. The counting of technologicalblessings resulting justifiesJapan's politicalpast no more than fromJapanesemilitarism the finding that slaverywas profitablecondones that odious institution.
Universityof Washington
69 For the rapid and measurable increase in the financial power of the zaibatsu resulting from the First World War see Kozo Yamamura, "Japan, 1868-1930: A Revised View" in Rondo Cameron, ed., Banking and Economic Development: Some Lessons of History (New York, 1972), pp. 186-97. 70 For the focus of and literature on this debate, see Kozo Yamamura,A Study of Samurai Income, pp. 137-62.