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THE PORTER CABLE RANDOM ORBITAL tion will be. Try not to lean into the machine
The PORTER CABLE RANDOM ORBITAL is a until you feel comfortable with this system.
professional duty machine. It’s perfect for the
weekend user or the professional detailer. It was Different polishes and waxes will require
designed with enough torque so it won’t bog different speeds. For example, GRIOT’S GARAGE
down and stall like other random orbitals. MACHINE POLISH 1 has more “bite”. To remove
deep swirl marks, it may be necessary to increase
Before You Machine Polish the speed to six. Your final waxes, on the other
Always start off by using GRIOT’S GARAGE PAINT hand, may only require speeds 3 or 4.
CLEANING CLAY (Item 11153) before machine
polishing. PAINT CLEANING CLAY will remove Make an imaginary square on the panel
contaminants embedded in the paint that even a (normally I start with a 1/4 of a hood) and start in
machine polish may have trouble removing. This the upper left hand corner. Go across to the
way you aren't relying on the polishes to clean right (see diagram A) then drop down and go to
Start the paint. Polishes are designed to reduce and the left. When you reach the left side, drop down
remove swirl marks, light scratches and paint and go to the right. When you can’t go across
blemishes. the panel anymore, start going up and down in
the same fashion.
Analyze Your Paint Before Starting
Before polishing, start by analyzing your paint. What you are trying to do is distribute the
Look at the swirl marks and scratches in the polish or wax evenly and cover every part of the
paint. How deep are they? Do they go into the panel. Keep going in this motion until all of the
primer, do they go half way down into the paint, liquid is evenly distributed and has just about
or are they just light surface swirls caused by disap-peared. I like to pass over an area six to
normal wear and tear? Keep in mind, to remove eight times. (Complete the imaginary square three
a swirl mark you must polish the paint in the or four times.) Wipe off the excess with a 100%
surrounding area down to the base of the scratch. cotton towel, our 100% COTTON POLISHING CLOTHS
Diagram A, Imaginary Square In many cases, if not all, it is much better to (Item 14600) or our DISPOSABLE WAX REMOVAL
polish out the minor scratches while reducing the TOWELS (Item 14805) and then examine your
visibility of the deep ones. We have certain paint.
products that contain special fillers and waxes
that do their best to fill in deeper scratches. Which Polish Should You Start With?
Always start with GRIOT’S GARAGE MACHINE
The Smooth Foam Pad POLISH 3. It is a final polish that will remove many
Our specially developed foam pads, combined imperfections on the first pass. If you would like
with our machine polishes and waxes, allow the to remove even more imperfections, use MACHINE
paint to remain cool. Cool paint eliminates the POLISH 3 one more time. You may use MACHINE
fear of burning through your finish. It is POLISH 3 as often as you want. It is the most
important to use a separate pad for each machine foolproof way of polishing your paint.
polish or wax. This way, no contamination
occurs between the pads. (You wouldn’t want to Once you get used to your machine, you may
use a polish pad to apply a final coat of wax!) want to start off with MACHINE POLISH 2 or 1 to
The pads can be marked on the side with a remove deeper scratches and swirl marks. After
permanent felt pen to keep them separated. using MACHINE POLISHES 1 & 2, you may see
minute scratches. This is normal. Remember, to
How to Use Your Orbital Polisher remove a scratch, you have to get down to the
Start by centering the pad on the orbital’s hook bottom of the scratch, and that means removing
and loop backing plate. Apply your wax or paint (microns at a time) in the surrounding area.
polish to the pad as you would spread butter on Your subsequent steps (Polish 1 to 2, then 2 to 3)
a piece of bread. Spread it out with your finger will remove the minute scratches.
over the entire surface. (If you apply the polish
to the pad in thin rings, the polish will leave thin GRIOT'S GARAGE MACHINE POLISHES are designed
"polished" rings over the surface of the paint, to work in steps. If you start out with MACHINE
while other areas will remain unpolished.) POLISH 1, you must follow up with MACHINE POLISH
2 to remove the minute scratches left behind by
To get comfortable using the PORTER CABLE MACHINE POLISH 1. After using MACHINE POLISH 2,
RANDOM ORBITAL , I recommend setting the speed use MACHINE POLISH 3 to remove the minute
to three and then turn it on as the pad comes in scratches left behind by MACHINE POLISH 2. At this
contact with the paint's surface. Increase the point you may want to use MACHINE POLISH 3
speed gradually to four or five so that the again to further enhance the paint.
backing plate is rotating at approximately one
revolution per one or two seconds. The more Finishing Up
you lean into the machine, the slower the rota- After completing these steps, you have fully
polished your paint and it is ready for wax for subsequent panels. Make sure you fully work GRIOT’S GARAGE MACHINE POLISH 3
protection. Now is the time to apply GRIOT’S the polish in so when it comes to the wiping it To be used as a final polish after your paint
GARAGE BEST OF SHOW WAX ® in the same manner off it is much easier. As for BEST OF SHOW WAX ® a has been cleaned with PAINT CLEANING CLAY or as
as the polishes. Not much wax is needed on the little goes a long way. a follow up after MACHINE POLISH 2. May be used
pad, and it is important to work the wax in two, three, or four times in a row for ultra-safe
evenly, using the same imaginary square ● Do not use any wool pads with this machine. swirl removal. Each time you use it, you will
technique (see diagram A). You will notice even Wool pads (and synthetic wool) should only be see more and more paint imperfections
more swirl marks disappear, the paintwork will be used to "knock down" paint after it has been disappear. Always start with the least abrasive
deeper in color, and the gloss will be enhanced. freshly painted. Using a wool pad with the wrong polish possible. If you can’t take out the swirls
Work the wax in until you can hardly see any compound can seriously damage otherwise good and other contaminants you want, go on to
haze. Now buff it out by hand with a 100% cotton paint. Also, steer away from cotton pads. MACHINE POLISH 2. Follow up with machine
towel, our 100% COTTON POLISHING CLOTHS (Item Polishing compounds can load up on a cotton applied BEST OF SHOW WAX ® for maximum
1600) or our DISPOSABLE WAX REMOVAL TOWELS pad, causing it, in some cases, to introduce new surface protection. 16 fl.oz.
(Item 14805) for a haze-free finish. swirl marks! 11163 MACHINE POLISH 3 $14.95

For improved depth, color and gloss, apply BEST ● Regardless of what type of paint you have GRIOT’S GARAGE BEST OF SHOW WAX ®
OF SHOW WAX ® again in the same manner. BEST OF (from ultra-hard urethanes and newer clearcoats A natural, carnauba based, liquid wax that offers
SHOW WAX ® will take your paint to the next level to softer enamels and other single stage paints), unmatched depth, color enhancement, ease of use,
of perfection. This is the wax concours you will be able to remove most any paint and the ability to layer up to five coats at a time!
participants use to obtain unmatched results. imperfection you desire. Our process may take May be used by machine or by hand. Lasts at least
When you are done, you will have a flawless you longer than other machine applied systems, three to four months. For the finest possible finish,
finish that lasts longer and looks better than any but it is totally safe, and produces a finish free of this is the wax to use. 16 fl.oz.
other machine applied product on the market. burn marks and other swirls typically associated 11171 BEST OF SHOW WAX ® $19.95
with other machine applied polishing systems.
After you have fully polished your paint, you may ● If any hazing has occurred, mist the surface A 6" diameter pad perfect for use with the
only need to use BEST OF SHOW WAX ® to maintain with distilled water and buff out with a 100% Porter Cable Random Orbital. Allows you to lean
your paint's impeccable finish throughout the year. cotton towel, our 100% COTTON POLISHING CLOTHS into the machine more to remove even deeper
To do this, just use the PAINT CLEANING CLAY first, (Item 14600) or our DISPOSABLE WAX REMOVAL scratches. Safe for clearcoats and all other types
follow up with the BEST OF SHOW WAX ®, and you're TOWELS (Item 14805). of paint.
done! For fast clean-ups between waxes, try GRIOT’S 10626 ORANGE FOAM POLISHING PAD $10.95
GARAGE SPEED SHINE®. ● To keep your paint looking sharp between
Cleaning Your Foam Pads 11146). It is important to remove tree sap, bird A 6" diameter pad that is softer and gentler for
Cleaning your foam orbital pads is simple! First droppings, acid rain and other contaminants as waxing with our BEST OF SHOW WAX ®.
wet your pads with lukewarm water. Take some soon as possible. 10628 RED FOAM WAXING PAD $12.95
GRIOT’S GARAGE CAR WASH and put a small amount
on the pad. Take your fingers and lather up the ● After your first experience you will see how WAX REMOVAL BONNET
pad, then squeeze the pad together, freeing the easy it is to maintain your paint with the random A safe, micro fiber bonnet specifically designed
pad of the compounds and waxes. Rinse orbital and you will become an expert for your for use with our MACHINE POLISHING SYSTEM. Fits over
thoroughly and wring out. Dry out the pad by car’s particular paint condition. one of our thin red or orange pads and eliminates
standing it up on its side. the need to remove wax by hand.
Other Tips To Help You
● Always start with the least abrasive polish and GRIOT’S GARAGE MACHINE POLISH 1 ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS
work down. If your paint is in excellent shape, Our most aggressive polish that is still safe for
you may only need to use MACHINE POLISH 3 or any paint surface. I would not recommend Should you want to order any of these fine
just BEST OF SHOW WAX ®. For paint that has been going to a stronger compound than this. polish and wax products, or for a complete
left to the elements for over a year or has mild Removes moderate oxidation, water spots, deep selection of quality GRIOT’S GARAGE car care
oxidation, you may want to start off with MACHINE swirl marks, stains and other paint defects. Use products, tools and automotive accessories,
POLISH 2 and then follow up with MACHINE POLISH this product only after MACHINE POLISH 2 has please call us toll-free at 800-345-5789 or visit
3. Only use MACHINE POLISH 1 when you are been tried. Follow up with MACHINE POLISH 2 us online at www.griotsgarage.com.
dissatisfied with the results of 2 & 3 and are trying and 3 for a show finish. 16 fl.oz.
to remove deep scratches. 11161 MACHINE POLISH 1 $12.95 Have fun in your garage! ™

● Try not to bear down on the orbital; let the GRIOT’S GARAGE MACHINE POLISH 2
machine and the polishes do the work. Start with A mild polish. Use MACHINE POLISH 2 when
a table spoon of product to moisten the pad MACHINE POLISH 3 can't remove the deeper swirl
initially, the a 1 teaspoon to keep the pad moist marks. If you still can’t take out heavy swirl GRIOT’S GARAGE, INC.
marks and other paint imperfections, go on to 3500-A 20th Street E., Tacoma, WA 98424
MACHINE POLISH 1. Removes light oxidation, mild 800-345-5789
water spots, swirls, stains and other minor paint www.griotsgarage.com
defects. 16 fl.oz.
11162 MACHINE POLISH 2 $12.95  2000 GRIOT’S GARAGE, INC.

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