Art 1o1 Week 3
Art 1o1 Week 3
Art 1o1 Week 3
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ELEMENTS OF FORM: LINE Date/Time November 2, 2011 at 2:42 Submitted: AM (UTC/GMT)
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 6 Scored items: 6 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0% More information about scoring
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations >
Summary of Results
75% Correct of 4 Scored items: 3 Correct: 75% 1 Incorrect: 25% 2 questions not scored. 4 scored questions.
on Site: ORGANIZING SPACE: LINEAR Date/Time November 2, 2011 at 5:33 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
What is a vanishing point? Your Answer: the place where the vectors in a picture come together at the horizon line
Can a picture have more than one vanishing point? Your Answer: Yes it can, It can have as many as you need it to for what your drawing. Many would recommend only going with two, but it depends on what kind of picture you're doing.
What is foreshortening? How does it work? Your Answer: Foreshortening refers to the visual effect or optical illusion that an object or distance appears shorter than it actually is because it is angled toward the viewer. But there is both perspective and non perspective foreshortening. It makes objects appear closer than they are to the viewer.
A linear composition often has a strong sense of: Your Answer: solidity Correct Answer: movement
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ORGANIZING SPACE: SPATIAL Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 11:54 Submitted: AM (UTC/GMT)
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 5 Scored items: 5 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0% 2 questions not scored. 5 scored questions. More information about scoring
1 .
Looking at the three versions of the photograph, which do you think suggests the greatest depth? Your Answer: I think photo number one has the most depth and detail.
2 .
How does the contrast between an object and the background in a picture affect the appearance of depth? Your Answer: the closer in tone, the flatter the appearance
3 .
Can you change the relationship between object and background by changing their colors? What happens? Your Answer: Yes, If you make the colors related more closely to each other (light blue and light green) they will seem closer together. If you use more contrast, they will seem further apart. If you make the closer shape larger, it will seem closer to the viewer. The smaller you make it, the further away it will seem to be. Two very bright colors a yellow vase and a red background, will seem right up close, right in your face. A pale gray background with that yellow vase will push the vase forward while making the background less important.
4 .
Two kinds of shapes that are created when an object is placed in a picture plane are: Your Answer: positive and negative
5 .
A shape can be set off from its surroundings using changes in: Your Answer: all of the above
6 .
A shape placed on a two-dimensional surface establishes a: Your Answer: color figure-ground relationship
7 .
In art, the term "scale" refers to: Your Answer: relative size
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author:
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 3 Scored items: 3 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0%
Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ORGANIZING SPACE: DIRECTIONAL Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 12:08 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
When two-dimensional images are made to look three dimensional, it is called: Your Answer: illusion
What kind of light brings the greatest appearance of depth in a photo? Your Answer: two lights, shining on the side of the object, one closer than the other
An object will seem to pop out of a picture more if it has: Your Answer: sharp, crisp edges
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations >
Summary of Results
87% Correct of 15 Scored items: 13 Correct: 87% 2 Incorrect: 13% 1 question not scored. 15 scored questions.
on Site: ORGANIZING SPACE: TEST Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 12:47 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
What is a vanishing point? Your Answer: point in perspective drawing where the sight lines come together
What is linear perspective? Name the two common techniques for showing linear perspective. Your Answer: (blank)
The horizon line is located Your Answer: level with the viewer's eyes
All horizontal vectors in Two-Point Perspective: Your Answer: vanish to the horizon line
Foreshortening is: Your Answer: none of the above Correct Answer: arranging forms in relation to a point of view
The maximum effect of foreshortening occurs Your Answer: in the background Correct Answer: at eye level with the feet of a figure, looking up
In figure/ground relationships Your Answer: strong contrast sets the figure off from the ground
How do artists convey a sense of 3-dimensional or illusionary space? Your Answer: all of the above
The surface of a painting or drawing is called_____________. Your Answer: the picture plane
A picture drawn in perspective that employs a single point of vision is called _____________. Your Answer: one-point perspective
When an object is placed on a picture plane, how many shapes are created? Your Answer: two
In art, the term "scale" refers to: Your Answer: relative size
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ELEMENTS OF COLOR AND LIGHT: FUNCTIONS Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 12:56 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 5 Scored items: 5 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0% More information about scoring
Atmospheric perspective is a way to: Your Answer: show spatial depth by making distant things hazy
What is contrast? Your Answer: the difference between light and dark in an image
What is high contrast? Your Answer: When there is more dark and more light and very little middle tone
At night, or in a fog, the amount of contrast between tones: Your Answer: gets stronger, with lots of bright and dark tones
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre Author: Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ELEMENTS OF COLOR AND LIGHT: PROPERTIES Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 1:07 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 4 Scored items: 4 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0% 1 question not scored. 4 scored questions. More information about scoring
When colors are complementary, they: Your Answer: cancel each other out
One way to decrease a hue's intensity or saturation is to: Your Answer: all of the above
When a figure has strong color saturation, and its ground color changes from lighter to darker, the figure: Your Answer: all of the above
The closer the colors of the figure and ground, the more the figure: Your Answer: seems to blend into the background
How does a change in contrast change the expressive qualities of a picture? Your Answer: (blank)
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Site Title: MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e Book Title: A World of Art Book Sayre
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 4 Scored items: 4 Correct: 100%
Author: Location Resources > Simulations > on Site: ELEMENTS OF COLOR AND LIGHT: EXPRESSIVE Date/Time November 3, 2011 at 1:20 Submitted: PM (UTC/GMT)
0 Incorrect: 0% 1 question not scored. 4 scored questions. More information about scoring
What is Pop Art? Your Answer: art dealing with popular subjects
Blues and greens are usually thought of as: Your Answer: cool colors
Color schemes that include colors that are close together on the spectrum of light are called: Your Answer: analogous
How does changing brightness affect the impact of the image? Your Answer: (blank) Print this page The Print feature requires scripting to function. Your browser either does not support scripting or you have turned scripting off. To print this page, first highlight the text, then select Print from the File menu.
Summary of Results
100% Correct of 6 Scored items: 6 Correct: 100% 0 Incorrect: 0% More information about scoring
Mixing all of the different spectrum colors of light together makes: Your Answer: white
Mixing all the different pigments together makes: Your Answer: dull, muddy black
Why is mixing blue and yellow pigment to create green called subtractive mixing? Your Answer: the more colors mixed, the less light reflects back
The additive primary colors are: Your Answer: red, green, and blue
The subtractive process refers to: Your Answer: creating color by mixing pigments such as paints or pastels