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KP Galaxy Sept 2021

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'KP Galaxy' is an attempt to provide a valuable insight

and fine articles on KP Astrology. Content of the
magazine exclusively caters for KP Astrologers and KP
Enthusiast, providing them a platform to read and gain
knowledge from the experience and expertise of fellow
astrologers and benefit from it. Many eminent writers
have shared their practical experience and
understanding of KP Astrology that makes the magazine
an amazing and enriching read. As you flip through the
pages of KP Galaxy, I sincerely hope that it adds
significant value to your vast pool of KP Knowledge. I
ensure that many such topics will be discussed further
in the upcoming edition of the magazine. Our special
thanks and regards to all the esteemed writers who
contributed towards making KP Galaxy an enriching

Achintya Karmakar

Nikhil Shukla

We have been blessed to have an extraordinary

support team of esteemed writers who played the role of
advisors in making KP Galaxy a success. Ragvendra Rao
Desai, Kalavati Prakash, Kalyani Koduri, Subbarao are
the people who deserve deep thanks and real
appreciation. Special thanks and regards to our Cheif
Advisor A V N Rao who despite his busy schedule took
out time to serve as the Cheif advisor and contributed
immensely to the magazine. We express our gratitute to
the complete team.

Achintya Karmakar

Nikhil Shukla
1. When will child birth take place? Nikhil Shukla 1.1 - 1.6
2. When will I get married ?
3. What can be the outcome of the Achintya Karmakar 2.1 - 2.6
court case? Shri Shrikant Shukla 3.1 - 3.5
4. Will I be able to recover the lost Shri M V Gupta
documents? 4.1 - 4.5
5. Kundli milan by KP astrology. Mrs Kalyani Kaduri
6. When will my son get a job? Shri M V Gupta 5.1 - 5.5
7. Will UCC bill be passed by the Achintya Karmakar 6.1 - 6.5
parliament in monsoon session? 7.1 - 7.4
8. Predicting Intellectual disabilty Shri M V Gupta
9. My marriage? Shri Shiv Prasad 8.1 - 8.6
10. Sale of company with or without Shri M V Gupta 9.1 - 9.4
employee 10.1 - 10.4
KP astrologer

3. Jupiter (putra karka) plays an
Aisha contacted me in July and
important role for progeny and
was married for more than three
must have connection with 5th
years and now wants to have
children but due to some
complications she was unable to
4. In females moon signifies
conceive children so she
fertility and mars signifies
contacted me, if she will be able
to get children and when?

5. In males Venus is fertility and

sun is vitality.
1. Primary house :
5th (progeny) for female and
6. Fruitful planets (moon, venus,
11th for male chart.
Jupiter) in fruitful signs (Cancer,
2. Supporting house :
Scorpio, Pisces) presage fertility
2nd (Increase in family
and barren planets (Sun, Mars,
members), 11th (Fulfilment of
Saturn) in barren signs (aries, MOON SIGNIFICATION:
gemini, leo, virgo, Aquarius) Moon placed in 5th house and the
shows infertility. ascendent sublord mercury placed
in 11th house signifies that query
7. Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Sign is genuine.
of ascendent and sign of 5th
cusp is barren sign then high CALCULATIONS:
chances of infertility. 1. According to the horary
number 100 the ascendent is 144
8. The event will take place degree Leo (barren sign) whose
during the time period of joint sign lord is sun, star lord is venus
signification of 2,5 and 11. and sublord is mercury.
Name : Mrs Aisha Bains 2. 5th CSBL is mercury(2,11)
Date : 24 July 2021 whose starlord is Jupiter(5,6,8)
Time : 17:08:24 and sub lord venus(3,10,12).
Horary number : 100 {Positive}
Place : Kanpur
(Lat 26 N 28’, Long 80 E 19’) 3. 5th cusp is Sagittarius
KP new ayanamsa 24°55’17’’ (semi fruitful sign) and
Jupiter (Putrakarka) is signlord of
5th house.(Positive}

4. Moon placed in and Jupiter (putrakarka)
Capricorn(semi fruitful) and mars connection with the 5th cusp
placed in cancer(fruitful) sign. shows that the person will be
(Positive} blessed with children.
5. Sun placed in cancer(fruitful)
sign and venus placed in 3. Connection of Sun, Moon,
Leo(barren sign).{neutral} Jupiter with fruitful signs confirms
that event will take place.
6. 5th csl is not retro but placed
in the star of retro planet. 4. Connection of negative houses
{Negative} (6,8 and 12) and venus in barren
sign signifies that the couple will
ANALYSIS: face some problem during the
1. Query genuine due to moon period of pregnancy and during
and ascendent sublord delivery. So the couple was guided
signification. to be cautious during complete
period of pregnancy.
2. As 5th csl mercury is
untenanted and is sublord of 5th DBA:
and 11th cusp so strongly To find the timing of event we will
connected with 2,5 and 11 take the help of ruling planets
which are Saturn, moon and

Dasha: Running dasha through its sub a strong
moon and Moon is sitting in the significator of 5th house promises
5th house in own star and rahu child birth. Saturn sitting in 5th
sub. Here moon dasha is house and lord of 6th and 7th
signifying 4,5,9,12. Here moon house is strongly signifying child
being very strong significator of birth and is also in ruling planets.
5th house promises child.


Rahu bhukti denies child birth as Here child birth can take place in
it’s a strong significator of 4th saturn antara between 8 august
and 12th house. Next bhukti is 2022 and 24 oct 2022.
Jupiter bhukti ,here Jupiter is in
mars star and moon sub which ACKNOWLEDGMENT:
shows 4,5,6 ,8,9 and 12th house. This Prediction is given with the
As Jupiter is also in ruling planets blessings of "Goddess Durga” and
and moon we have already taken Sri Late KSK sir who is founder of
in dasha and Jupiter. KP system.


KP astrologer

Horary astrologer



Roshni came to me and was If the 7th Cuspal sublord
concerned about his marriage so I signifies 2, 7, 11 and Venus is
took his birth details and prepared not afflicted, it indicates good
a natal chart according to KP. married life.

For love marriage, both 5th and

QUERY: 7th cuspal sublord must signify
When will my marriage take place? 5, 7, 11 then it promises love
Date= 24th Spetember 1992
Time= 15:59 Before proceeding correctness
Place = Bangalore Urban. of the time has to be verified.

Ruling Planet at the time of Judgement
ASC sign lord:- Me
Moon sign lord:- Ju
Moon star lord:- Sa
Day Lord:- Su
In this horoscope Ascendant and Moon script are as follows

As Ketu is Mercury's agent and occupied at 7 but connected with

Mercury is appearing twice in 8 again lord of 7. Saturn in sub of
RPs, so the time can be taken as Mercury, Mercury is lord of 5, 6
correct. and 8. Mercury occupied in 8th
7th Cusp: 7th Cuspal Sublord is 5TH Cusp- 5th cuspal sublord is
Saturn. As no planet in Saturn Venus and no planet in star of
Star, Saturn is untenanted. Venus. Here Venus get a
Saturn is cuspal Sublord of 1,2,8 positional status. Venus
house. Saturn occupied in 1st occupied in 9th house but closely
house, also the lord of lagna connected to 8th house. Venus in
Saturn in star of Moon, Moon star of Mars and Mars

occupied in 6th house and lord 4. Ego clash with spouse can take
of 3rd and 10th. Venus in sub of place.
Sun, Sun signifying 8th and 9th
house. 5. Anger must be kept under
check as it may lead to tussles.
11th Cusp:- 11th cuspal sublord
is Sun. Sun is connected with Timing of the event can be
8th and 9th house. Sun in Star of calculated with the analysis of
Sun, sub of Venus which signify Dasha, Bhukti and Antara.
4,8 and 9 houses.
Moon Lord of 7th House occupied
1. Marriage will be delayed as in 8th, Moon in the star of Ketu.
Saturn is connected with Moon. Ketu in 4th House representing
Venus, signify 9,4,8 houses, Moon
2. Marital life is showing some in the sub of Saturn occupied in
disappointments. Lagna, lord of 2nd House. So
Dasha is favourable as it signifies
3. Arrange Marriage will be more 2ndand 7th house. For selecting
favourable for the native. the bhukti and antara period, I
have to do more calculation.


RP AT THE TIME OF Jupiter bhukti (upto 25 november

JUDGMENT. 2024) Jupiter occupied in 7th
ASC sign lord:- Me house lord of 11th house, Jupiter in
Moon sign lord:- Ju star of Sun, Sun occupied in 8th
Moon star lord:- Sa and Jupiter in sub of Moon.
Day Lord:- Me
Asc Star Lord-Su Saturn antara(upto 14th December
COMMON FRUITFUL Saturn occupied in 1st cusp and
SIGNIFICATOR Lord of 1 and 2. Saturn in star of
Me, Ju Sa, are common fruitful Moon occupied at 8th, Lord of 7th
significator. house. Saturn in Sub of Mercury.
Mercury signifying 5,6 and 8
I took jupiter Bhukti. houses.

MY PREDICTION:- consultation before finalizing the
Marriage can take place between marriage.
04.11.2023 and 25.12.2024.

As chart shows some negativity Pranam to Lord Gopala. Pranam
so it is recommended to the native to Guruji KSK and Pranam to
that she should take astrological Kanak Bosmia Sir.


KP astrologer
Horary astrologer
INTRODUCTION: Time : 11:53:34
Mr Rishi is our neighbour and Horary number : 11
came to us to ask that a case has Place : Kanpur
been filed against him in Canada (Lat 26 N 28’, Long 80 E 19’)
in an accident which took place KP new ayanamsa
two years ago. In the accident
there was no physical damage RULES:
but the vehicle got damaged and 1. 6th cusp is the primary
the claimant wants house for litigation.
compensation for his damages
now. He wanted to know that 2. Positive house for victory are
what can be the outcome and by 1,3,4,6,10 and 11.
what time he will get cleared
from the case . 3. Victory in court case is shown
when 6th house is connected to
QUERIENT DETAILS: 10th cusp or 11th cusp.
Name : Mr Rishi 4. Significator of 6th cusp
Date : 18 July 2021 must
be a significator of 11th cusp. lord is Moon(4,6) and sublord is
saturn (10,11) 11th csl is Mer (3,6)
and its star lord is Rahu(1,4,8) and
5. Loss is shown when 6th house
is connected to 8th house and sublord is venus (2,5,7)Saturn is a
significator of all the three houses
12th house or same planet is a
6,10 and 11 and is also sublord of
significator of negative houses.
10th house which is important for
Moon placed in the 6th house ANALYSIS:
signifies the query and star lord We can see that Positive

of moon rahu is agent of mars signification (1,2,3,4,6,10,11)

signifying 1,4 and 8 placed in Negative signification (5,7,8). As

most of the cusps are showing
ascendent shows that the person
positive signification and there is
is involved in court case. Moon
signification shows 1(self), no presence of 12th cusp so
4(vehicle), 6(litigation) and victory is confirmed but due to
8(difficulty) and involvement of negative houses the route will be
rahu shows that query is genuine. difficult.


6th csl is Mer (3,6) and its star 6th house

: Sat, Rahu,

lord is Rahu(1,4,8) and sublord is Moon, Mars, Mer

venus (2,5,7) 10th csl is Saturn 10th house
: Ket, Sat
11th house : Sun, Ketu,
(3,6) and its star
Significators of victory are Sat, BHUKTI:
Rahu, moon, mars, Mer, Sun and Bhukti running is Mer which is a
Ketu. again a strong significator
Ruling planets during the analysis ofvictory(3,6)
were Rahu, Mercury, mars and ANTARA:
sun. Ketu and Venus are not in
So the fruitful significators will be significators so not in the there
Rahu, Mer, Mars and Sun. antara.
The victory will take place during Sun Antara will be fruitful so I
joint signification of 6,10 and11. predicted that you can positive
result between 4 feb 2022 and 23
DASHA: Mar 2022.
Ruling planets during the analysis
were Rahu, Mercury, mars and Acknowledgment: This Prediction
sun. is given by with the Blessings of
Dasha running is Rahu: "Goddess Durga” and Sri Late KSK
As rahu is strong fruitful sir who is founder of KP system.
significator so the victory willtake
place in the rahu dasha period.


KP astrologer
Horary astrologer


Name: Sri. Ch.Nageswararao Recovery of Misplaced item:
Document Misplaced / Not If the 11th cuspal sublord
Found? Recovery Possible? signifies 5 (Opponent's Gain,
Horary Number: 123/249 Success, fulfillment of desire), 8
Date Of Judgement: 31.07.2021 (Hindrances, Obstacles,
Time Of Judgement: 05.15.56 Difficulties), 12 (Quernt's loss) in
PM Place Of Judgement: Kavali the DBA of significators of 5,8,12
14.57 N 80.02 E recovery of lost or missing
Ayanamsa: 24.04.05 document is not possible.

MATTERS SIGNIFIED BY CUSPS/ Venus is in positional status.
HOUSES: Venus is CSL 6.
1st Cusp: Self Moon signifies 2-6-7-9-11.
2nd Cusp: Liquid assets/ Hence Moon clearly indicates
document, etc. genuineness of query.
3rd Cusp: Self efforts
4th Cusp: House, Flat, comforts NOTE:
5th Cusp: Opponent's Succes Here Moon does not indicate
6th Cusp: Servant, opponent loss 12(Querent's Loss) or 5
7th Cusp: Opponent (Opponent's Success) so it may
8th Cusp: Hindrances, Difficulties, be assumed that querent is sure
Obstacles in mind that document is not lost
9th Cusp: Luck, Prosperity and may be misplaced at home.
10th Cusp: Name & Fame, One's
11th Cusp: Success, Fulfillment of The Divine Power for the
desire Judgement of Forecast in KP
12th Cusp: Loss, Expenses Astrology. Asc. Ju - Ve - Me
Moon. Ma-Ve-Ve. Day Lord. Sat.
Moon (Aries 13.44.21): Moon is in Jupiter: Occupant od 5th
the star of Venus Sub of Venus. Venus: Occupant of 11th
Moon is occupant of 7 owns 11 Mercury: Occupant of 10th
Star lord and Sublord Venus Mars: Occupant of 11th -
occupant of 11 owns 2 and 9. Saturn: Occupant of 4.
Except Jupiter remaining 6Rp's Ketu is in the star of Saturn sub of
are favourable. Rahu.Ketu occupant of 2 ketu
agent of Mars (3-8-11) star lord
11th Cusp(Cancer 25.37.43): Saturn occupant of 4 owns 5 and
11th cuspal sublord is Rahu. 6.Sublord Rahu occupant of 8
Rahu is in the star of Moon sub of (Rahu agent of Venus 2-6-9-11).
Rahu is in positional status. 2nd Sublord Ketu signifies 2-3-4-5-
Rahu is CSL 3-5-9-11. 6-7-8-9-11.So recovery is possible.
Rahu occupant of 8 star lord
Moon occupant of 7 owns 11 Coming to DBAS:
sublord jupiter occupant of 5 Venus Dasa Venus Bhukthi Sun
owns 4 and 7. anthara Rahu Sookshma
25.07.2021 to 03.08.2021.
Rahu is agent of Venus.
Venus is in positional status. Dasa and Bhukti lord Venus:
Venus is CSL 6. Venus is in own star Venus sub of
Moon. Venus is in positional
11th cuspal sublord signifies 3-4- status.Venus is CSL 6 Venus
5-6-7-8-9-11. occupant of 11 owns 2 and 9.
So Recovery is possible. Sublord Moon occupant of 7 owns
11. Venus signifies 2-6-7-9-11.So
2nd Cusp (Libra 25.51.57 ): 2nd Dasa and Bhukti lord Venus
Cuspal Sublord is Ketu. signifies 2-6-7-9-11.
There is a possibility recovery of Venus 2-6-11). So Anthara lord
the document is possible. Sun is favourable for recovery of
Anthara lord Sun:
Sun in the star of Saturn sub of Sookshma Rahu:
Rahu.Sun occupant of 10th Already explained above.
house owns 12 star lord Saturn So I told to the native recovery of
occupant of 4 owns 5 and 6 document is possible tomorrow
sublord Rahu occupant of 7 * (01.08.2021)
(Rahu agent of Venus.


KP astrologer

Marriages are made in heaven, Both the boys and girls chart
and destiny has its significant should be birth time rectified, if the
role whether one observes match correction in birth time found if
making rules or not. This opinion necessary and erect both charts
is based on my personal duly observing the ruling planets.
experience. In these modern days
of competitive world, it is 1. Ascendant Sub Lords in the
necessary to check the charts of the boy and the Girl
compatibility of the boy and girl should be natural friends or
for them to lead a happy life after natural enemies
the wedding thereafter. 2. Ascendant Sub Lords and the
7th Cusp Sub Lords in the
However if one has to know how respective charts of the Boy and
to check match making in KP the Girl should be natural friends
system here is the method. or equals not natural enemies.

This brings happiness in respective Planets. If the aspects
married life. thus formed in respect of (i) and (ii)
above are favorable it shows good
3. The Ascendant Signs of compatibility, good understanding
the Boy and the Girl should be between them.
compatible i.e. should be Fire
and Fire, Water and Water, Fire 5. Birth Star Lord of the Boy
and Air, Water and Earth and Air should occupy a favorable house
and Water . i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 in the Girls
chart and vice versa.
4. Work out the Aspects
formed (by taking into account 6. 7th Cusp Sign, Star and Sub
the orb of the respective Lord of Boy should be the Ruling
Planets) between the 7th Cusp Planets of the Girl at the time of
Sub Lords of the Boy and the birth and similarly the 7th Cusp
Girl, in their respective charts. ii) Sign, Star and Sub Lords of the Girl
See where the 7th Cusp Sub should be the Ruling Planets of the
Lord in the Girls chart is Boy at the time of his birth. The
occupying in her chart. Similarly occupant of the 7th in the
find out the placement of the respective charts can be taken as
7th Cusp Sub Lord in the boys an R.P. for this purpose.1. The
chart and work out the Aspect Ruling Planets of the Boy should be
formed between these two by the significators for 2, 7 or 11 for
taking into accounts the orbs of the Girl and vice versa.
7. See whether the 11th Cusp ii) The Planets deposited in the
Sub Lords in the chart of the constellation of above A, B,
Boy and the Girl are in any way Planets will be the Ruling Planets
connected to houses 6, 8 and at the time of birth of the other.
12 in any manner in their Either (i) or (ii) above should be
respective Charts. If they are there for a certainty and in no
not connected it will indicate case it will fail.
harmony, happiness and
pleasurable life. Here I illustrate with an example
of both boy and a girl whose
8. At the time of matching, if marriage is fixed analyzed as per
either is running Dasa, Bukthi KP method of compatibility:
and Anthara note whether A, B, Male and Female particulars as
C are the Ruling Planets at the Follows:
time of birth of the other.


DATE OF BIRTH: 23/02/1996 15/12/1995
TIME 3:15 TIME 14:53

In the male chart BTR has been done and in the female chart it was
not necessary.

Hence it’s concluded that the compatibility of both has matched,
and if married can lead a happy married life. The same has been
conveyed to the parents of bride and groom.

KP astrologer
Horary astrologer

The native of his father called me When My Son Will Get Job ?
over phone on 21.04.2021 Horary Number: 137/249.
discussed about the job of his Date of judgement : 22.04.2021
son. and I told him to pray your Time of judgement: 09.29.56 AM
favourite God and give one Place of judgement: 14.57 N 80.02
random number. He pray the god E Ayanamsa: 24°.3¹.52"
and has given number 137/249.
When my son will get job? When KP RULE:-
the query is asked with an urge If the cuspal sublord of the 6th or
there is no need to move the 10th be the significator of 2,6, or
cusp. Said by Sri. Kanak Kumar 10, service of earnings is promised
B.Bosmia. during the joint period of the
significators of 2,6 and 10.

CUSPAL SUBLORD:- Mercury is in the star of ketu Sub
Cusp 6th (Piscies 20.02.32): 6th of Mercury.
cuspal sublord is Venus. Venus
in the star of Venus sub of Mercury is in positional status.
Venus. Venus is CSL 6-9 Mercury is CSL 2-10.
Venus sign lord star lord and Mercury sign lord and sublord
sublord occupant of 7 owns 8. occupant of 6 owns 9 and 12.
Venus is associated sun and Star lord ketu occupant of 2.
10th cuspal sublord signifies 2-6-
Sun and Mercury are in 10. So Job is promised.
positional status. Sun occupant
of 6 owns 11. Mercury CSL 2-10. SIGNIFICATORS OF JOB:-
2. Su-Mo-Ma - Me - Ju -Ke
Mercury occupant of 6 owns 9 6. Su-Ju- Ke
and 12. Venus signifies 6-7-8-9. 10 Mo-Sat - Ra
So Su-Mo-Ma-Me-Ju-Sat-Rah-Ket
So 6th cuspal sub lord Venus are significators.
signifies 2-6-10-11. So job is
promised. COMING TO DBA
The native running Ketu dasa
10TH CUSPAL SUBLORD Venus bhukti Venus Anthara
(CANCER 17.27.17): 22.04.2021 to 02.07.2021.
10th cuspal sub lord is Mercury.
DASA LORD KETU:- Rahu is in the star of Moon
Ketu is in the star of Mercury sub Saturn is also in the star of Moon.
of ketu. Among 3 significators of 10th
house Rahu is strong.
Ketu occupant of 2,star lord So l select Rahu Sookshma
mercury occupant of 6 owns 9 17.05.2021 to 28.05.2021
and 12 and also sublord of 10th
cusp. I told to the native's father in the
above period 100% the native get
So Dasa lord ketu signifies 2-6- job. Actual outcome: The native
10. Ketu is favourable for getting get job on 24.05.2021. Sun is
job. transiting Moon star .Moon is
transiting in Rahu star on
BHUKTI AND ANTHARA:- LORD 24.05.2021.The native got Job.
Venus is own star and own Sub. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:-
Venus is associated with sun This is the greatness of KP. This
and Mercury. Prediction is given by with the
Blessings of "Lord
DISCUSSED ABOVE:- Mahaganapathi and Sri Late KSK
Venus signifies 2-6-10-11. So sir who is founder of KP system
Bhukti and Anthara lord Venus is and also My Guru Sri.M.R.Prasad.


KP astrologer


INTRODUCTION:- signify 7,9,11 so the bill will be

As Monsoon session of passed in the joint signification of
Parliament of India will be upto DBA 7, 9,11.
13th August, there is a chance of
passing of Uniform Civil code bill. DETAILS OF THE QUERY:-
But, as a KP practitioner I want to Date : 28, JULY 2021
check this astrologically. Time:08:06am
Place: Kolkata, West Bengal
RULE:- KP Horary No: 89
According to astrologer Kanak
Bosmia 11 the cusp represents GENUINENESS OF QUERY:-
parliament and 9th from 11th is As moon occupied in 7th House, it
7th cusp is the view of indicates view of parliament, so
parliament. 11th cuspal Sublord the query is genuine.

ANALYSIS:- signify 1,9,4.Rahu Bhukti (up to 6th
7th Cusp: As 7th Cuspal Sublord March 2023)7 Rahu in 10th house
Moon here, Moon occupied in 7th rahu agent of venus signify 1, 3, 10
House lord of 12. Moon in star of House. Saturn Antara (Upto 3rd
Jupiter which signify 5, 8, 7 Nov 2021) Saturn in 6th House
House. Moon in sub of rahu and lord of 6 and 7. Saturn in star of
Rahu occupied in 10 th House. Moon signify 7 and 12 house.
Rahu represents Venus which
signify 1,3,10 house. So 7th CONCLUSION:-
cuspal sublord not signifying As bill passing not promises by
7,9,11 house. So, chances are 7th Cuspal Sublord and DBA also
negligible to pass the bill. negative, Bill passing very difficult.


PERIOD:- Pranam to Guruji KSK and lord
Jupiter Dasha (up to 6th March gopala.
2023) +Jupiter signify 5,7,8
house Jupiter in star of mars


KP astrologer
Horary astrologer
INTRODUCTION: Male: 7 August, 1991 @ 07:10:00
Intellectual disability or Mental Hrs, Bangalore (Karnataka).
retardation is characterized by Longitude: 77º 33' 10.44" E,
below-average intelligence or Latitude: 13º 1' 18.43" N.
mental ability and a lack of skills
necessary for day-to-day living. RULE:
People with intellectual 1. Houses: Lagna, 6th house, 8th
disabilities can and do learn new and 12th houses.
skills, but they learn them more
slowly. The Native is mental 2. Planets: Moon, Mercury and
retarded person. But he is Jupiter
healthy and doing his work on
his own.He is not depending on 3. Lagna is the main pillar of a
anyone. He is not able to speak horoscope and apart from other
also. Most of the planets in his things it also indicates whether
horoscope is signifying 11th the person will be hale and
house. So, he is not sick also.
phealthy or sickly. Lagna lord 6. Jupiter is seen for maturity
certainly play a vital role in and wisdom.
shaping the mental health of a
erson. Lagna represents the 7. The 5th house in a horoscope
prime functional organ of the stands for wisdom, power of
body. understanding analysis and
4. Moon is the karaka of the
mind. It rules attachments, 8. The 3rd house indicates
feelings, sentiments, mental and communication.
emotional states of mind, etc.
Hence, it acquires importance 9. The 2nd house indicates
while deciding about mental speech.
malfunctioning also.
10. 6th house: It is known as
5. Mercury represents logic, ‘house of sicknesses’. This house
intelligence, skill and indicates the nature of disease
communications, nervous system also it indicates disease and
and brain nerve function. When it sickness.
is seriously afflicted then the 11. 8th house: This house is
native suffers or results in low called the ‘house of death’, the end
levels of intelligence and of life in this world. It has to do
concentration, comprehension with misfortune, mental anxiety,
nervousness, depression and accident, surgery, suicide, and
restlessness, etc. danger from disease.
12. 12th House: This is the 19. The fatal disease is shown by
house of hospitalization, defect the 8th house.
and loss of any kind.
20. The planets will give adverse
13. If the 6th CSBL is results for health only when they
connected to Lagna in any way, will have some connection with the
then the native will suffer from 6th (disease), 8th (danger or
upset of health disease and be surgery) and 12th (defect,
sickly. hospitalization and medical
14. To know the nature of
disease we should check 6th 21. One will suffer when the
CSBL. significators of 6, 8 and 12
15. Then nakshastra in which
the 6th CSBL is posited. 22. Planets for cure are the
significators of 5 and 1.
16. Then the sign where the
nakshastra lord is posited. 23. Affliction of Lagan by malefic
planets like Mars, Saturn and Rahu,
17. Then the sign where the 6th Ketu.
CSBL is posited.
24. The affliction of Lagan Lord,
18. We have analyse all these Moon, Mercury and Jupiter by
thoroughly. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
25. Lagan Lord, 3rd and 5th house. Also 12th house is Mute
Lord to be in 6th, 8th, or 12th Sign.
house or 6th, 8th and 12th Lord in
lagan, 3rd, or 5th house and also 3. Both lagna lord and 6th CSBL
afflicted by malefic planets. are in 12th house.

26. Mute Signs: Cancer, 4. Mercury and Sun is conjoined

Scorpio, and Pisces are Mute with Rahu and aspected by Ketu
Signs. also.

ANALYSIS: 5. Moon is lord of 12. Moon is in

1. 1st CSBL is Mars. Mars is in Rahu Star and Mercury Sub. Rahu
Rahu Star and Own Sub. Mars is is signifying 6, 8 and 12 house
signifying 12th house. If 1st CSBL through its Star lord and Sub lord.
is connected to 6, 8, 12 then the And Rahu is posited in 12th house.
native will have face problems
related to mental issues but 6. Mercury is posited in 12th
about health issues he is fine house. Mercury is both lord 6th
because Mars is posited in 11th and 12th CSBL.
7. Jupiter is lord of 8. Jupiter is in
2. 6th CSBL is Mercury. Mercury Moon Star (12) and Rahu Sub (6, 8,
is in Own Star and Sub. Mercury 12).
is signifying 12th house because
he is posited in 12th
8. Dasa: At the time of birth the born mental retarded. Because all
native was running Jupiter (2, 3, DBAS lords are signifying 6, 8
8,12) / Jupiter (8,12) / Saturn (2, and 12.native will face problems
3, 6, 12) / Mercury (2, 12) / related to mental issues but
Mercury (2, 12) / Saturn (2, 3, 6, about health issues he is fine
12) because Mars is posited in 11th
9. Even the above Dasa house.
indicates that why the native is


KP astrologer
Horary astrologer
INTRODUCTION: Time: 8-00 pm
The chart belongs to a boy Place: Narasapuram (W.G.Dist)
residing opposite to my A.P
residence. He has studied RULES:
Mechanical Engineering and If cusp 7th signifies 2 or 7 or 11
doing job since more than 3 marriage is promised. If it signifies
years. His marriage has not come 1,6,10,12 in addition to 2,7,11
up so far even after 32 years of either marriage might have been
age. During our discussions with delayed or separation takes place
his mother I have asked to after marriage.
furnish the birth details of his son The chart under study shows that
for study. She has furnished the the 7th cuspal sublord is Saturn in
details as under: the star of venus and sub of rahu.
Saturn deposited in 6th house lord
QUERY: of 8,9. Venus the starlord of
When will my marriage take Saturn, is in 7th lord of 7,12
place?Date: DOB: 3-12-1989 conjunct with moon lord of 2.
Rahu deposited in 8.Rahu venus and moon occupied its own
represents Saturn being in the star. So Jupiter, mars, moon, venus
sign of Capricorn. Saturn is also and Saturn are the significators of
aspected by Jupiter lord of 7. As 7th house.
Saturn signifies 2,7 marriage is 11th house ruled by mars. Rahu is
promised and also separation in the star of mars. No planet is
due to signification of 6,8,12. occupied 11th house. So mars and
Now we will find out the rahu are the significators of 11th
significators of marriage as house. During February, 2021 the
detailed under. native is running the DBA of jup-
jup-rah and at that time I told his
2nd house is ruled by moon. mother that her son’s marriage will
Moon occupied its own star be settled between May and
sravanam and and no other August 2021 when the bhukthi of
planet occupied the star of Saturn operates. When Saturn is a
moon. Kethu deposited in 2nd significator of marriage houses it
house. Mercury posited in the gives result during its period. The
star of kethu. So moon, kethu marriage has been settled during
and mercury are the this month as predicted.
significators of 2nd house. Now the native is running the DBA
7th house is ruled by Jupiter. of jup-sat-sat. Dasalord Jupiter is
Mars occupied the star of in 12 lord of 7,10 in the star of rahu
Jupiter. Moon and venus in 8 and in the sub of kethu in
posited in seventh house. 2.Rahu represents Saturn in the
Saturn occupied the star of star of
venus lord of 7th. As Jupiter marriage. The marriage may not
signifies 2,7 it is favourable for takes place till the end of October
conducting marriage.Bhukthi 2021 as the transit of Jupiter and
and anthara lord Saturn is in 6 sun are not agreed. The marriage
lord of 8,9 in the star of venus in takes place in the DBA of jup-sat-
7th lord of 7,12 in the star of mer when the sun transits star of
rahu who represents Saturn is Jupiter in the sign Libra between
favourable for conducting the 6th and 16th November 2021.


KP astrologer

QUERY:- employees during joint period of

Sale of Company with employees 3,5,6& 10.
/ Without employees? Note: This Rule i discussed with
Date of query: 19.07.2021 Sri.V.S.N.Murthy's sir.
Time of query: 12.00 pm
Place of judgement: Rajahmundry. MOON:
In this horary chart Moon is
KP RULE: occupant of 1 owns 10 in the
10th cusp sublord should be the star of jupiter (jupiter occupant
significator (in the star of the of 5 owns 3 and 6) sub rahu
occupant or owner) of 3 (12th occupant of 8 representing
from 4th), 5 ( fulfillment of desire Venus occupant of 11.
of opponent, 11th from 7th), 6th Moon signifies 1-3-5-6-8-10-11.
house (service/Employees )one Hence it clearly shows that the
will be able to ell company with query regarding selling of the
company with employees.

Cuspal sub lord Moon anthra up to 27.09.2021.
Dasa lord jupiter in the star sub
10th Cusp (Cancer 00.33'): 10th of Rahu. Jupiter occupant of 5
cusp sublord is Moon. owns 3 and 6. Star lord Rahu
We already discussed. occupant of 8 and also
11th cusp (Leo 01°.33'): significator for 10. Dasa lord
11th cusp sublord is Venus. Jupiter signifies 3-5-6-8-10. Dasa
is favourable
Venus in the star of ketu sub of
Venus. Venus occupant of 11 Bhukti lord Venus. Venus
owns 1 and 8. Star lord ketu already explained as 11th cusp
occupant of 2.Sub lord is Venus. sublord. Venus is in positional
11th cusp signifies 1-2-8-11. status. Bhukti is favourable.
3 Su-Mo-Ju
5. Su-Mo-Ju Antara lord Moon already
6. Su-Mo-Ju discussed, favourable. Sooksma
10 Su-Mo-Sat-Ra is Rahu I selected 30.07.2021.
Rahu in the star moon sub of
So Su-Mo-Ju-Sat-Ra are the jupiter. Rahu occupant of 8 star
significators. lord moon occupant of 1 owns
10. Sub jupiter occupant of 5 and
JOINT PERIOD: owns 3 and 6.
Now Jupiter dasa Venus bhukti

Sookshma lord signifies 1-3-5-6-8- This Prediction is given with the
10-11. On or before the employees blessings of "Lord
in the company news will Mahaganapathi and Late Sri
announce officially
KSK Sir and also My Guru Sri.
My Prediction comes true
Company sold with employees.

Raghvendra Rao Desai
Phone no: 9480525955
Email: vanitharrao@gmail.com

Nikhil Shukla
Phone no: 8688293550
Email: jyotishnirnayy@gmail.com

Achintya Karmakar
Phone no: 6291415841
Email: achintyakarmakar61127@gmail.com

M V Gupta
Phone no: 9247826145
Email: mvguptha2015@gmail.com

Shiva Gantha
Phone no: 9440152397
Email: siva.gantha@gmail.com

Kalyani Koduri
Phone No: 9963911455

Books recommended for KP Enthusiasts

KP astrology : The Hidden Secrers


Nakshatra explorartion

Easy way to learn KP


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