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### Device Information ###

Brand: realme
Model: RMX3191
Android SDK: 33
RAM: 3.68 GB
Free Space: 9.91 GB
--------- beginning of main
[ 01-06 20:54:53.440 24225:24225 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]
Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000

[ 01-06 20:54:53.440 24225:24225 I/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

Using CollectorTypeCC GC.

[ 01-06 20:54:53.448 24225:24225 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.

[ 01-06 20:54:53.454 24225:24225 W/ziparchive ]

Unable to open '/system/framework/mediatek-framework.dm': No such file or directory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.454 24225:24225 W/ziparchive ]

Unable to open '/system/framework/mediatek-framework.dm': No such file or directory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.460 24225:24225 I/OneTrace ]

Mark active for pid=24225? true

[ 01-06 20:54:53.460 24225:24225 D/cutils-dev ]

otrace_set_tracing_enabled? true

[ 01-06 20:54:53.461 24225:24241 D/cutils-dev ]

properties changed in otrace_seq_number_changed!

[ 01-06 20:54:53.462 24225:24241 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

Could not write anonymous vdex /system/framework/oat/arm64/mediatek-framework.vdex:
Could not open /system/framework/oat/arm64/mediatek-framework.vdex for writing

[ 01-06 20:54:53.491 24225:24225 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]

Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10256; state: ENABLED

[ 01-06 20:54:53.491 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]

get feature:IOplusAutoResolutionFeature

[ 01-06 20:54:53.491 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]


[ 01-06 20:54:53.497 24225:24225 I/OplusFeatureCache ]

Milliseconds spent on init(): 6

[ 01-06 20:54:53.498 24225:24225 D/CompactWindowAppManager ]

initCompactApplicationInfo CompactMode: , NormalMode:

[ 01-06 20:54:53.506 24225:24225 W/libc ]

Access denied finding property "ro.odm.prev.product.name"

[ 01-06 20:54:53.507 24225:24225 D/LoadedApk ]

mApplicationInfo overrideDisplayId:null

[ 01-06 20:54:53.514 24225:24225 D/nativeloader ]

Configuring clns-4 for other apk
base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=,

[ 01-06 20:54:53.527 24225:24225 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]

ANGLE Developer option for 'cyou.joiplay.rpgm' set to: 'default'

[ 01-06 20:54:53.528 24225:24225 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]

ANGLE GameManagerService for cyou.joiplay.rpgm: false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.528 24225:24225 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]

Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.

[ 01-06 20:54:53.531 24225:24225 D/NetworkSecurityConfig ]

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default

[ 01-06 20:54:53.532 24225:24225 D/NetworkSecurityConfig ]

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default

[ 01-06 20:54:53.532 24225:24225 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]

Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10256; state: ENABLED

[ 01-06 20:54:53.536 24225:24225 D/OplusActivityManager ]

get AMS extension: android.os.BinderProxy@5e7c7e9

[ 01-06 20:54:53.545 24225:24254 D/OplusGraphicsEvent ]

OplusGraphicsEventListener create now!

[ 01-06 20:54:53.546 24225:24254 D/OplusGraphicsEvent ]

addEventListener success!

[ 01-06 20:54:53.553 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]

Unknow feature:IOplusTextViewRTLUtilForUG

--------- beginning of system

[ 01-06 20:54:53.567 24225:24225 E/OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager ]
sInstance is null, start a new sInstance

[ 01-06 20:54:53.570 24225:24225 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]

Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10256; state: ENABLED

[ 01-06 20:54:53.577 24225:24225 V/TextView ]


[ 01-06 20:54:53.577 24225:24225 V/AutofillManager ]

notifyValueChanged(1073741824): ignoring on state UNKNOWN

[ 01-06 20:54:53.586 24225:24225 D/ScrollOptimizationHelper ]

can't find the config file for optimizaiton

[ 01-06 20:54:53.587 24225:24225 D/ScrollOptimizationHelper ]

will not debug for debug is false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.587 24225:24225 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]

Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10256; state: ENABLED
[ 01-06 20:54:53.587 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]
get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature

[ 01-06 20:54:53.587 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]

get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature

[ 01-06 20:54:53.594 24225:24257 I/PowerHalWrapper ]


[ 01-06 20:54:53.594 24225:24225 I/PowerHalWrapper ]


[ 01-06 20:54:53.595 24225:24225 I/MSYNC3-VariableRefreshRate ]

Variable refreshrate is disabled

[ 01-06 20:54:53.595 24225:24225 I/oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl ]

get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature

[ 01-06 20:54:53.616 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

createInstance(64bit) : createExtendedFactory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.616 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

Opened libSchedAssistExtImpl.so

[ 01-06 20:54:53.617 24225:24225 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

ofbOpen failed with error=No such file or directory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.617 24225:24225 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

sysOpen failed with error=No such file or directory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.617 24225:24225 E/ou.joiplay.rpgm ]

sharedImFd failed with error=Permission denied

[ 01-06 20:54:53.618 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodUtil ]

init sDebug to false, init sDebugIme to false, init sAlwaysOn to false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.618 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodUtil ]

updateDebugToClass InputMethodManager.DEBUG = false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.618 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodUtil ]

updateDebugToClass ImeFocusController.DEBUG = false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.618 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodUtil ]

updateDebugToClass BaseInputConnection.DEBUG = false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.618 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodUtil ]

updateDebugToClass ImeFocusController.sDebugIme = false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.623 24225:24225 I/SurfaceFactory ]

[static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@f210dbb

[ 01-06 20:54:53.629 24225:24260 I/OplusSlideAnimOptHelper ]

checkListMode: is blacklist mode = true

[ 01-06 20:54:53.629 24225:24225 D/WindowManager ]

Add to mViews: DecorView@1033631[LauncherActivity],pkg= cyou.joiplay.rpgm

[ 01-06 20:54:53.629 24225:24260 D/OplusSlideAnimOptHelper ]

cyou.joiplay.rpgm scrollEffectOpt enable = true
[ 01-06 20:54:53.629 24225:24254 D/ExtensionsLoader ]
createInstance(64bit) : createExtendedFactory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.631 24225:24254 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

Opened libhwuiextimpl.so

[ 01-06 20:54:53.631 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

createInstance(64bit) : createExtendedFactory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.631 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

Opened libSchedAssistExtImpl.so

[ 01-06 20:54:53.645 24225:24225 D/InputEventReceiver ]

Input log is disabled

[ 01-06 20:54:53.651 24225:24225 E/OplusBracketLog ]

[OplusViewMirrorManager] updateHostViewRootIfNeeded, not support

[ 01-06 20:54:53.720 24225:24225 D/BufferQueueConsumer ]

[](id:5ea100000000,api:0,p:-1,c:24225) connect: controlledByApp=false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.722 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

createInstance(64bit) : createExtendedFactory

[ 01-06 20:54:53.722 24225:24225 D/ExtensionsLoader ]

Opened libSchedAssistExtImpl.so

[ 01-06 20:54:53.725 24225:24225 V/ZoomWindowDecorView ]

setLastReportedMergedConfiguration mZoomDisplayHeight: 1600 getDecorView.16987697

[ 01-06 20:54:53.726 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.734 24225:24254 E/OpenGLRenderer ]

Device claims wide gamut support, cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS

[ 01-06 20:54:53.734 24225:24254 W/OpenGLRenderer ]

Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS

[ 01-06 20:54:53.737 24225:24254 D/skia ]

GrGLMakeAssembledInterface verStr OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r32p1-

[ 01-06 20:54:53.737 24225:24254 D/skia ]

GrGLMakeAssembledGLESInterface verStr OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r32p1-

[ 01-06 20:54:53.737 24225:24254 D/skia ]

extensions init verString=OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r32p1-

[ 01-06 20:54:53.764 24225:24254 D/hw-ProcessState ]

Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument

[ 01-06 20:54:53.767 24225:24254 I/mali ]

[DebugProp] GPU Debug-Mechanism Disable !
[ 01-06 20:54:53.872 24225:24254 D/BLASTBufferQueue ]
[VRI[LauncherActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=720x1600
mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=103099927144067(auto)
mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=104045582745603 transform=0

[ 01-06 20:54:53.872 24225:24254 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true

[ 01-06 20:54:53.875 24225:24254 W/Parcel ]

Expecting binder but got null!

[ 01-06 20:54:53.875 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

draw finished.

[ 01-06 20:54:53.877 24225:24225 I/DynamicFramerate [FRTCConfigManager] ]

levels: [120, 60, 40, 30]
thresholds: [400, 80, 30]
scrollbar fade frame rate: 0

[ 01-06 20:54:53.877 24225:24225 I/DynamicFramerate [FRTCConfigManager] ]

FRTCConfigManager: FRTC_CAPABILITY = 120, package name = cyou.joiplay.rpgm,

[ 01-06 20:54:53.877 24225:24225 I/DynamicFramerate [DynamicFrameRateController] ]

init info: mPackageName = cyou.joiplay.rpgm, mIsEnabled = false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.878 24225:24225 I/Quality ]

Skipped: false 12 cost 211.90009 refreshRate 16427361 bit true processName

[ 01-06 20:54:53.881 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false

[ 01-06 20:54:53.888 24225:24254 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=3 didProduceBuffer=true

[ 01-06 20:54:53.888 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

draw finished.

[ 01-06 20:54:53.903 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

onFocusEvent true

[ 01-06 20:54:54.904 24225:24225 D/OplusScrollToTopManager ]

DecorView@1033631[LauncherActivity] change focus to true

[ 01-06 20:54:56.327 24225:24225 V/AutofillManager ]

requestHideFillUi(null): anchor = null

[ 01-06 20:54:56.332 24225:24225 D/OplusSystemUINavigationGestureExtImpl ]

regionString = null

[ 01-06 20:54:56.397 24225:24225 D/OplusInputMethodManagerInternal ]

get inputMethodManager extension:
[ 01-06 20:54:56.398 24225:24225 I/Quality ]
Skipped: true 1 cost 24.75305 refreshRate 16666667 bit true processName

[ 01-06 20:54:56.399 24225:24225 V/AutofillManager ]

notifyValueChanged(1073741824): ignoring on state UNKNOWN

[ 01-06 20:54:58.230 24225:24225 V/AutofillManager ]

requestHideFillUi(null): anchor = null

[ 01-06 20:54:58.306 24225:24225 I/Quality ]

Skipped: true 2 cost 43.046436 refreshRate 16666667 bit true processName

[ 01-06 20:54:58.329 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

onFocusEvent false

[ 01-06 20:54:58.577 24225:24274 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

dispatchAppVisibility visible:false

[ 01-06 20:54:58.587 24225:24225 D/OpenGLRenderer ]

RenderProxy::destroy: this=0xb400007637f9e400, mContext=0xb4000075c1b13740

[ 01-06 20:54:58.587 24225:24254 D/OpenGLRenderer ]

SkiaOpenGLPipeline::setSurface: this=0xb400007615257000, surface=NULL

[ 01-06 20:54:58.595 24225:24225 D/BLASTBufferQueue ]

[VRI[LauncherActivity]#0](f:0,a:1) destructor()

[ 01-06 20:54:58.595 24225:24225 D/BufferQueueConsumer ]

[VRI[LauncherActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:5ea100000000,api:0,p:-1,c:24225)

[ 01-06 20:54:59.264 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

setWindowStopped stopped:true

[ 01-06 20:54:59.282 24225:24254 I/GED ]

ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 24, oppidx_max 24, oppidx_min 0

[ 01-06 20:54:59.330 24225:24225 D/OplusScrollToTopManager ]

DecorView@1033631[LauncherActivity] change focus to false

[ 01-06 20:55:02.261 24225:24225 D/ActivityThread ]

do gfx trim 40 success

[ 01-06 20:55:02.261 24225:24254 I/GED ]

ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 24, oppidx_max 24, oppidx_min 0

[ 01-06 20:55:03.844 24225:24274 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

dispatchAppVisibility visible:true

[ 01-06 20:55:03.865 24225:24225 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]

Compat change id reported: 78294732; UID 10256; state: ENABLED

[ 01-06 20:55:03.865 24225:24225 D/VRI[LauncherActivity] ]

setWindowStopped stopped:false

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