Cysteine Fermentation
Cysteine Fermentation
Cysteine Fermentation
DOI: 10.1007/10_2016_29
© Springer Japan KK 2016
Published online: 22 November 2016
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
2 Conventional Processes for L-Cysteine Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2.1 Extraction from Human Hairs and Animal Feathers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2.2 Asymmetrical Hydrolysis of DL-2-Amino-Δ2-Thiazoline-4-Carboxylic Acid . . . . . . 132
3 L-Cysteine Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3.1 L-Cysteine Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
3.2 L-Cysteine Biosynthesis in Other Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
4 L-Cysteine Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5 L-Cysteine Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6 Direct Fermentation of L-Cysteine from Glucose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.1 Enhancement of L-Cysteine Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.2 Weakening of L-Cysteine Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.3 Enhancement of L-Cysteine Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7 Novel Pathways of L-Cysteine Metabolism in Escherichia coli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.1 Thioredoxin/Glutaredoxin-Mediated L-Cysteine Biosynthesis from S-Sulfocysteine 142
7.2 Involvement of the yciW Gene in L-Cysteine
and L-Methionine Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
8 L-Cysteine/L-Cystine Shuttle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
9 Conclusions and Future Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
1 Introduction
and dietary supplement), and cosmetic (perm assistant and whitening agent) indus-
tries. L-Cysteine represents a global market of approximately 5,000 tons per year
and is now supplied by a combination of different production technologies, which
include the hydrolysis of keratin, enzymatic synthesis, and fermentation [3–5].
However, extraction methods result in low yields and cause unpleasant odors and
problems of waste treatment [6]. Although L-cysteine is considered a substance that
is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), synthetic or biotechnological products are presently preferable for con-
sumers because of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) problem in
animal-origin products [7].
The metabolic pathway of L-cysteine has been well studied in E. coli; however,
studies of other microorganisms remain limited. This chapter focuses on the recent
findings on L-cysteine metabolism and advances of biotechnological production
(including both enzymatic and fermentation processes) of L-cysteine. We also
discussed the metabolic regulation of L-cysteine and sulfur compounds including
novel sulfur metabolic pathways found in microorganisms.
The protein primary amino acids are all manufactured on an industrial scale. The
production methods fall into three classes: extraction from protein hydrolysates,
fermentation processes, and chemical synthesis. However, most of the amino acids
can now be prepared by fermentation or synthesis, although extraction remains
important for L-histidine, L-leucine, L-cysteine, and L-tyrosine [3, 8].
L-Cysteine has been obtained from acid hydrolysates of keratin, which is the key
structural protein with abundant L-cysteine of human hairs and animal feathers.
Prior to electrolysis, L-cysteine is extracted through a chemical process that
includes treatments with activated charcoal and concentrated hydrochloric acid.
This process is the simplest and easiest method for L-cysteine production, but it has
drawbacks such as a low yield and unpleasant odor and also includes serious
environmental and safety problems, the disposal of hydrochloric acid-containing
waste liquid and the use of animal-derived raw materials, respectively.
132 H. Takagi and I. Ohtsu
D-ATC L-ATC L-Cysteine
3 L-Cysteine Biosynthesis
metE or metH
Fig. 2 Biosynthesis of L-cysteine and L-methionine in Escherichia coli. For L-methionine bio-
synthesis, Corynebacterium glutamicum has the direct sulfhydration pathway other than the
transsulfuration pathway. The cysE, cysK, metA, metB, metC, metE, or metH gene encodes L-serine
O-acetyltransferase (SAT), O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase-A (OASS-A), L-homoserine
O-succinyltransferase, L-cystathionine γ-synthase/O-succinyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase, L-
cystathionine β-lyase (CBL), and L-methionine synthase (vitamin B12-dependent or -indepen-
dent), respectively
Outer membrane
Periplasmic space
Enhancement of biosynthesis inner membrane
Ser + Acetyl-CoA
Cys Yfik
TolC Export
Fig. 3 Rational approach for L-cysteine fermentation by enzyme, protein, and metabolic engi-
neering. Ser L-serine, Cys L-cysteine, SAT L-serine O-acetyltransferase, CD L-cysteine
desulfhydrase, TNA tryptophanase, CBL L-cystathionine β-lyase, OASS-A OAS sulfhydrylase-A,
OASS-B OAS sulfhydrylase-B
134 H. Takagi and I. Ohtsu
Thiosulfate Sulfate
pathway pathway
S2O32- out SO42- out
Outer membrane
CysP Sbp
L-Glutathione biosynthesis
Fig. 4 Overall sulfur metabolism in E. coli [19]. Sulfate and thiosulfate are imported from the
outside to the cytoplasm through common transporter CysTWA. GSH glutathione, Trx
thioredoxin, Grx glutaredoxin, APS adenosine 50 -phosphosulfate, PAPS 30 -phosphoadenosine
50 -phosphosulfate
OAS and sulfide (S2) into L-cysteine. In the sulfate pathway, while in the thiosul-
fate pathway, OAS sulfhydrylase-B (OASS-B; EC, the cysM gene product)
produces S-sulfocysteine (SSC) from OAS and thiosulfate. SSC is reductively
divided into L-cysteine and sulfite (SO32) with NrdH and Grx1 [19]. Sulfate
transport into cell is dominantly mediated by Sbp-CysTWA and thiosulfate trans-
port is dominantly mediated by CysP-CysTWA complex on the inner membrane
[20–22]. It is noteworthy that the inner-membrane channel part consisting of
CysTWA is common for both uptakes (Fig. 4).
Corynebacterium glutamicum and related bacteria are Gram-positive and non-
pathogenic and are known as coryneform glutamic acid-producing bacteria. Their
derivatives have been used in industry for the production of various amino acids
by means of fermentation. The precursor of L-cysteine is also L-serine as in the case
of E. coli. L-Serine is synthesized from 3-phosphoglycerate, the glycolytic inter-
mediate, via a three-step pathway same as E. coli [23]. In C. glutamicum, L-cysteine
is synthesized through basically the same pathway as E. coli. However,
C. glutamicum has the direct sulfhydration pathway (Fig. 2) other than the
transsulfuration pathway for L-methionine biosynthesis [24]. Both SAT and
OASS-A of C. glutamicum have been partially purified and characterized
[25, 26]. The Ki for L-cysteine of C. glutamicum SAT is also estimated to be of
136 H. Takagi and I. Ohtsu
4 L-Cysteine Degradation
Cys Cys
Periplasm Cys Cys Cys Cys AcrE
AcrA EmrA
Cys Cys
H+ MacA
Cys Cys
YdeD CydDC AcrF
Inner membrane AcrB EmrB
YfiK Bcr MacB
Cys Cys
Fig. 5 L-Cysteine export systems in E. coli. It is known that the outer membrane channel TolC
forms various types of tripartite efflux pump in Gram-negative bacteria (dashed box), and serves as
an essential element of some mechanisms responsible for tolerance to various compounds,
including hydrophobic antibiotics and organic solvents [43]. TolC interacts with an inner-
membrane transporter, AcrB, which provides export energy, and a protein of the adaptor family,
AcrA, which brings TolC and the inner-membrane transporter together. In addition, the TolC
channel also exports L-cysteine from the periplasm to outside the cell [44]. In contrast, both major
(YdeD and YfiK) and minor (CydDC and Bcr) L-cysteine transporters once export L-cysteine from
the cytoplasm to the periplasm, and then the periplasmic L-cysteine diffuses to outside the cell
through TolC [44]
5 L-Cysteine Transport
Export systems for L-cysteine in E. coli were also well studied. Previously, two
transporter proteins, YdeD and YfiK, have been identified as L-cysteine exporters in
E. coli (Fig. 5) [45, 46]. Both YdeD and YfiK are membrane-integral proteins and
belong to different protein families. Overexpression of either YdeD or YfiK led to
parallel secretion of OAS and L-cysteine by E. coli cells [47]. L-Cysteine is also
exported from the E. coli cytoplasm to the periplasm by CydDC, which is an
ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-type transporter required for cytochrome assembly
[48]. CydDC overexpression conferred resistance to high extracellular L-cysteine
concentrations. However, CydDC was shown to have higher transport activity with
L-glutathione than with L-cysteine as the substrate [49].
In addition to these transporters, there are 37 open reading frames assumed to be
drug transporter genes on the basis of sequence similarities in E. coli, although the
transport abilities of most of them have not yet been established [50]. Five families
of drug extrusion translocases have been previously identified based on sequence
similarity, including the major facilitator (MF) family, the small multidrug resis-
tance (SMR) family, the resistance nodulation cell division (RND) family, the ABC
family, and the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family. Among
the 33 putative drug transporter genes tested, Yamada et al. [51] reported that the
multidrug transporter Bcr in the MF family is involved in the export in E. coli cells
(Fig. 5). Amino acid transport assays showed that Bcr overexpression conferring
bicyclomycin and tetracycline resistance specifically promotes L-cysteine export
driven by energy derived from the proton gradient.
Recently, the tolC gene encoding the outer membrane channel TolC was iden-
tified as a novel gene involved in L-cysteine export using a systematic and com-
prehensive collection of gene-disrupted E. coli K-12 mutants (the Keio collection)
(Fig. 5) [44]. Gene expression analysis revealed that the tolC gene is essential for
L-cysteine tolerance, which is not mediated by TolC-dependent drug efflux systems
such as AcrA and AcrB, in E. coli cells. It also appears that other outer membrane
porins including OmpA and OmpF do not participate in TolC-dependent L-cysteine
L-Cysteine Metabolism and Fermentation in Microorganisms 139
are therefore expected to use an engineered SAT, which shows a higher level of
feedback desensitization and a higher catalytic activity. Previously, the three-
dimensional structure of SAT from E. coli with its inhibitor L-cysteine was deter-
mined by X-ray crystallography at a 2.2-Å resolution [58]. The crystal structure and
the reaction mechanism of SAT from E. coli have shown that SAT is a trimeric
structure, which is likely to interact with another SAT trimer at N-terminal ends,
and that the substrate L-serine and the inhibitor L-cysteine bind to the identical
region in SAT. To decrease the affinity for L-cysteine alone, Kai et al. [59] built the
first structure model of L-serine-binding SAT on the basis of the crystal structure
with bound L-cysteine and compared these two structures (L-serine- and L-cysteine-
binding SAT). The comparison showed that the Cα of Asp92 underwent a substan-
tial positional change upon the replacement of L-cysteine by L-serine. Then, various
amino acid substitutions at positions 89–96 around Asp92 were introduced by
randomized, fragment-directed mutagenesis to change the position of the Asp92.
As a result, SAT variants, which have both extreme insensitivity to inhibition by
L-cysteine (IC50 ¼ 1,100 μM) and extremely high enzymatic activities, were suc-
cessfully obtained [59]. Such structural information is a powerful tool for breeding
an L-cysteine overproducer.
In addition, further improvement in L-cysteine productivity might be possible
using SAT with high stability. Thus, a thermostable SAT of T. thermophilus HB8
[37] should be engineered to desensitize it to feedback inhibition based on our
previous reports [52–54].
A decrease in the degradation activity for the desired amino acid is also a promising
approach to further improving amino acid production by means of fermentation.
The gene disruption for each protein (TNA, CBL, OSAA-A, OASS-B, and MalY)
was significantly effective for overproduction of L-cysteine. The single or quintet
gene mutants transformed with the plasmid containing the cysE gene for feedback-
insensitive SAT exhibited higher L-cysteine productivity than the wild-type strain
[39, 40]. The amounts of L-cysteine produced after 72 h of cultivation increased by
a factor of 1.8–2.3. However, L-cysteine productivity decreased significantly after
96 h of cultivation in all the strains, probably because of the remaining CD enzyme
(s). It is also noteworthy that the quintet gene-disrupted strain (ΔtnaA, ΔmetC,
ΔcysK, ΔcysM, and ΔmalY) in the presence of L-cysteine showed higher CD
activity than that observed in the absence of L-cysteine. It appears that other CDs,
in addition to the five proteins identified, could be induced by L-cysteine in
E. coli [40].
L-Cysteine Metabolism and Fermentation in Microorganisms 141
For effective amino acid production, not only the biosynthetic pathway of target
amino acid but also its efflux from the cell is important. For example, L-lysine
exporter, LysE, is reported to be essential for L-lysine production by C. glutamicum.
In the absence of LysE, L-lysine can reach an intracellular concentration of more
than 1,100 mM, which prevents cell growth [60]. High concentrations of L-cysteine
have been also reported to be inhibitory or even toxic to E. coli cells [61, 62]. To
produce such a toxic compound as L-cysteine by fermentation, the use of an
L-cysteine efflux system could be promising, as in the case of other amino acids
[63]. Yamada et al. [51] reported that the multidrug transporter Bcr is involved in
overproduction of L-cysteine in E. coli. When the bcr gene was overexpressed in
tnaA-disrupted cells expressing the cysE gene for feedback inhibition-insensitive
SAT, the L-cysteine level was approximately fivefold higher than that of the cells
harboring the vector only. It was also concluded that the outer membrane TolC
plays an important role in L-cysteine tolerance probably due to its export ability and
that TolC overexpression is effective for L-cysteine production in E. coli [44]. To
improve L-cysteine production, plasmid pDES carrying the wild-type ydeD gene
and mutant cysE and serA gene, which encodes feedback inhibition-insensitive
SAT and PGDH, respectively (personal communication), was introduced into tnaA-
disrupted cells. The transformant cells produced approximately 20% higher amount
of L-cysteine than cells carrying the vector only.
Although there is insufficient information for achieving L-cysteine fermentation,
two worldwide companies (Wacker Chemie AG, Germany and Ajinomoto Co.,
Inc., Japan) independently began to supply L-cysteine and its derivatives produced
by a microbial fermentation process developed in 2001 and 2014, respectively
Cysteine_Derivatives.pdf). These companies could successfully optimize the orig-
inal metabolism of their private bacterial strains. In particular, Wacker Chemie AG
announced that a large quantity of L-cysteine was secreted into the culture medium
from bacterial cells, as 90% of pure L-cysteine ends up in the final product, which
fulfills the quality standards for foods and pharmaceutical industries (Wacker [64]).
Of all the L-cysteine manufactured worldwide in 2004, only 12% were
fermentation-origin products. Annual growth rate for the market share for microbial
L-cysteine was estimated at 10% [5].
142 H. Takagi and I. Ohtsu
E. coli has two enzymes which assimilate inorganic sulfur sources, OASS-A
(CysK) and OASS-B (CysM) (Fig. 5). While the former enzyme utilizes sulfide
(S2) as a sulfur donor, the latter enzyme uses thiosulfate (S2O32). CysK
synthesizes L-cysteine from OAS and sulfide, but the CysM protein differs in
that it can also utilize thiosulfate instead of sulfide. The product formed by the
CysM activity, SSC, is converted into L-cysteine and sulfite by an
uncharacterized reaction [65]. The E. coli sulfite reductase consists of the
alpha subunit protein (the cysJ gene product) and the beta subunit protein (the
cysI gene product). The “sulfate pathway” spends two molecules of ATP and
four molecules of NADPH as a reducing power to make one molecule of
L-cysteine from a sulfate and OAS molecule. On the other hand, the thiosulfate
pathway has the advantage that two molecules of L-cysteine can synthesize from
a thiosulfate molecule by consuming only four molecules of NADPH. As
thioredoxins (Trx1 and Trx2) and glutaredoxins (Grx1, Grx2, Grx3, Grx4, and
NrdH) are known as reductases of peptidyl disulfides [66], overexpression of
these reductases might contribute to improving L-cysteine production by accel-
erating the reduction of SSC.
To test whether these enzymes catalyze the reduction of SSC to L-cysteine, all
His-tagged recombinant enzymes, except for Grx4, efficiently convert SSC into
L-cysteine in vitro [19]. Overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH enhanced a 15%–40%
increase in L-cysteine production in E. coli. On the other hand, disruption of cysM
cancelled the effect caused by the overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH, suggesting
that its improvement was due to the efficient reduction of SSC. Moreover,
L-cysteine production in knockout mutants of the sulfite reductase genes (ΔcysI
and ΔcysJ) and the OASS-A gene (ΔcysK) each decreased to about 50% of that in
the wild-type strain. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in L-cysteine
production between wild-type strain and gene deletion mutant of the upstream
pathway of sulfite (ΔcysC or ΔcysH), indicating that sulfite generated from the
SSC reduction is available as the sulfur source to produce additional L-cysteine. It
was finally found that the E. coli L-cysteine producer that co-overexpresses Grx
(NrdH), sulfite reductase (CysI), and OASS-A (CysK) exhibited the highest amount
of L-cysteine produced per cell, proposing that the enhancement of Trx/Grx-
mediated L-cysteine synthesis from SSC is a novel method for improvement of
L-cysteine production [19].
L-Cysteine Metabolism and Fermentation in Microorganisms 143
[L-Cysteine biosynthesis]
Sulfate Sulfite
ATP cysC [L-Glutathione biosynthesis]
PAPS L-Glutathione
L-Serine cysH Na2SO4 Cysteine
S source
cysE Sulfite Sulfide
O-Acetyl-L-serine (cysG)
Na2SO4 Cysteine
Sulfide S source
cysK Na2SO4 Cysteine L-Glutathione
S source
L-Cysteine L-γ-Glutamylcysteine
Na2SO4 Cysteine
S source
[L-Methionine biosynthesis]
L-Homoserine metB
metA YciW? L-Homocysteine
metC Na2SO4 Cysteine
metE S source
Fig. 6 The possible function of YciW in E. coli by sulfur metabolome [71]. YciW seems to
metabolize L-cysteine and O-succinyl-L-homoserine to L-homocysteine via L-cystathionine. The
graphs of the measured sulfur compound contents are shown in the metabolic pathway map. The
metabolites represented by inverted style are the targets of LC-MS/MS analysis. The content of
each metabolite in wild-type cells carrying the empty vector and overexpressing the yciW gene is
shown by open and closed bar, respectively
sequence for the CysB-binding motif in the upstream of the yciW gene, which is
suggested to be a new member of the CysB regulons.
Interestingly, yciW conferred tolerance to L-cysteine on E. coli cells, suggesting
that the yciW gene product (YciW) converts L-cysteine to L-methionine or L-gluta-
thione. Actually, the intracellular contents of all sulfur metabolites relatively
increased regardless of yciW overexpression, suggesting that excess L-cysteine
was degraded by enzyme such as L-cysteine desulfhydrases to protect E. coli cells
from L-cysteine toxicity. After 72 h of cultivation, ΔyciW strain carrying pDES
produced about 2.4-fold higher amount of L-cysteine per cell than wild-type strain,
when sulfate was used as sulfur source. Also, when thiosulfate was used, disruption
of yciW significantly increased L-cysteine production of E. coli. In contrast,
overexpression of yciW significantly decreased total amount of L-cysteine in wild-
type cells in the presence of sulfate and thiosulfate. From these results, disruption of
yciW, one of the CysB regulons, enhances L-cysteine production. In silico gene
screening is an effective method for improvement of L-cysteine production [68].
Kawano et al. [71] also analyzed a sulfur index of E. coli cells using LC-MS/MS
combined with thiol-specific derivatization by monobromobimane. The obtained
sulfur index was then applied to evaluate the L-cysteine producer. E. coli cells
overexpressing yciW accumulated L-homocysteine, suggesting that YciW is
involved in the biosynthesis of L-methionine rather than L-glutathione. From the
metabolome analysis of sulfur compounds in E. coli, YciW seems to metabolize
L-cysteine and O-succinyl-L-homoserine to L-homocysteine via L-cystathionine
(Fig. 6).
Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) are cytotoxic molecules, which result in
the oxidation of DNA, proteins, and cellular membrane lipids [72]. Inside the cell, it
generates from their respiration chain and various redox reactions, which results in
the exchange of one or two electrons to molecular oxygen [73]. Most organisms
acquire various ROS-scavenging strategies for their survival and conservation of
the species. For example, E. coli possesses ROS-scavenging enzymes such as
superoxide dismutase (2O2 + 2H+ ! O2 + H2O2), catalase (2H2O2 ! O2 + 2H2O),
and peroxidase (ROOR’ + 2e + 2H+ ! ROH + R’OH). Superoxide dismutases
exist both in the cytoplasm (SodA and SodB) and the periplasm (SodC), whereas
catalase is present only in the cytoplasm (KatE) but not in the periplasm. Unlike the
cytoplasm, the mechanism underlying the process for scavenging periplasmic H2O2
generated from the SodC reaction has remained unclear [44].
Recently, the E. coli mutants lacking the L-cysteine exporter YdeD or the
L-cystine-binding protein FliY increased sensitivity to H2O2 [2]. It was also
shown that FliY is involved in the uptake of L-cystine from the periplasm to the
cytoplasm. Moreover, the expressions of the ydeD and fliY genes were dramatically
L-Cysteine Metabolism and Fermentation in Microorganisms 145
L-cysteine out
H2O2 H2O
Inner membrane YfiK YdeD YecS YdjN
shuttle system
GSH or Trx, Grx ?
L-cysteine in L-cystine in
Fig. 7 Proposed L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle system [2, 74]. The L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle
system participates in preventing membrane lipids or controlling the level of membrane peroxi-
dation products
increased upon treatment of the cells with H2O2 [2]. From these findings, it was
proposed that E. coli removes the periplasmic H2O2 using L-cysteine supplied to the
periplasm from the cytoplasm by “L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle system” (Fig. 7)
[2]. In this system, however, it remains questionable: (1) whether ΔydeD mutant
cells actually accumulate H2O2 in the periplasm, (2) what is the FliY-dependent
L-cystine importer, and (3) whether the L-cystine importer cooperatively operates
with YdeD. In addition to them, the question arises as to whether endogenous
L-cysteine de novo synthesized from inorganic sulfur source serves the function of
L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle system.
Thus, not only L-cysteine exporter such as YdeD but also an L-cystine importer
such as the FliY-dependent protein is critical for protecting cells from oxidative
stress into the periplasm due to quality control of the membrane. Ohtsu et al. [74]
recently identified two different L-cystine importers, YecS and YdjN, which indeed
function against H2O2 stress in E. coli (Fig. 7). These L-cystine importers cooper-
atively function with the L-cysteine exporter YdeD to scavenge the periplasmic
H2O2. Furthermore, endogenous L-cysteine de novo synthesized from inorganic
sulfur source was shown to eliminate the periplasmic H2O2. Thus, it was proposed
that H2O2-inducible L-cysteine/L-cystine shuttle system has an important role for
quality control of the plasma membrane in E. coli. In addition, the yfiK gene
encoding another major L-cysteine transporter, YfiK, is induced by H2O2, although
both the genes encoding Bcr and CydDC are not upregulated.
146 H. Takagi and I. Ohtsu
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