Your deposit is classed as an eligible deposit for the purposes of the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
MR A M NOOR IBAN: GB85MYMB23058017923714
23 WENTWORTH HILL Account No: 17923714
WEMBLEY Sort Code: 23-05-80
Statement No:
Current Statement Period: 01 JAN 2024 - 31 JAN 2024
Opening Balance: £682.64
Total Money In: £27,147.52
Total Money Out: £3,575.81
Closing Balance: £24,254.35
Your transactions
*Does not include charges for additional account services, please see the "Important Information Summary" for a full list.
**The rate of interest that applies to arranged and unarranged overdraft balances. The Overdraft Rate of Interest may vary from time to time giving
you not less than two months written notice. Please refer to "Our Service Relationship with Personal Customers" for more information.
***Interest and charges will normally be deducted from your account on the 28th day of the following month. If the 28th is not a banking weekday,
the deduction will occur on the next banking weekday. A 'Banking Weekday' is Monday to Friday, excluding bank or public holidays. The monthly
cap on unarranged overdraft charges for your current account is £60. Further details can be found overleaf.
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Personal Current Account Statement
Your deposit is classed as an eligible deposit for the purposes of the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
hollyfields farm
MBS1C_10716039@00052187 1001
Personal Current Account Statement
Your deposit is classed as an eligible deposit for the purposes of the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Your deposit is classed as an eligible deposit for the purposes of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Deposits held with us are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), subject to eligibility criteria.
We will provide you with an information sheet and exclusions list every year.
For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at www.FSCS.org.uk
(a) interest and fees for going over/past your arranged overdraft limit;
(b) fees for each payment your bank allows despite lack of funds (Metro Bank does not charge for this); and
(c) fees for each payment your bank refuses due to lack of funds (Metro Bank does not charge for this)
If deducting interest causes you to go overdrawn or increases your overdraft, we'll only charge interest on the new balance. Interest will
accrue daily on the overdraft balance (excluding any default sums) and will be applied to your account monthly.
We may introduce new charges under this agreement on giving you not less than two months' written notice. For more information please
see sections 3 and 10 of "Our Service Relationship with Personal Customers".
Dispute resolution
If you have a problem with your agreement, please try to resolve it with us in the first instance. If you are not happy with the way in
which we handled your complaint or the result, you may be able to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you do not take up
your problem with use first you will not be entitled to complain to the Ombudsman. We can provide details of how to contact the
MBS1C_10716039@00052187 1001