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Group 1 Syllabus

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Group -1 Prelims syllabus




1. Indus Valley Civilization: Features, Sites, Society, Cultural History, Art and Religion.
2. Vedic Age- Mahajanapadas,
3. Religions-Jainism and Buddhism.
4. The Maghadas,
5. the Mauryan
6. the Kushans.
7. The Sathavahanas
8. the Sangam Age,
9. the Sungas,
10. the Gupta Empire –

For 4-9 Empires

 Administration-
 Social, Religious and Economic conditions-
 Art, Architecture,
 Literature, Science and Technology.

11. Foreign invasions on India and their impact

B. Least priority due to lack of time

1. The Kanauj and their Contributions,

2. South Indian Dynasties - The Badami Chalukyas,
3. the Eastarn Chalukyas,
4. the Rastrakutas,
5. the Kalyani Chalukyas,
6. the Cholas,
7. the Hoyasalas,
8. the Yedavas,
9. the Kakatiyas and
10. the Reddis.

C. Administration, Economy, Society, Religion, Literature, Arts and Architecture.

1. The Delhi Sultanate,

2. the Vijaynagar Empire and
3. the Mughal Empire,
4. the Bhakti Movement and Sufism –

1. The European Trading companies in India- their struggle for supremacy-with special
reference to Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Mysore, Andhra and Nizam,
2. Governor- Generals and Viceroys.
3. Indian War of Independence of 1857 - Origin, Nature, causes, consequences and
significance with special reference to Concerned State,
4. Religious and Social Reform Movements in 19th century in India and
Concerned State,
5. India's Freedom Movement, Revolutionaries in India and Abroad.
 Mahatma Gandhi, his thoughts, Principles and Philosophy. Important
 Role of Sardar Patel,
 Subash Chandrabose in Freedom Movement and Post - independence
 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, his life and contribution to making of Indian
7. India after Independence - Reorganization of the States in India.
History Questions Decoding

1.IVC-Beading manufacturing located in which site / Not an IVC Site (Difficult type questions)
2.Vedic Age-Correct statement about religious beliefs/ Inscriptions mention names of Vedic gods(G2)
3.Schools of philosophies and Theories
4,5 Inscription-Rulers/Details
Hatigumpha inscription by which ruler
Ashokan Inscription Details -correct statements/ Which pillar mentions land revenue rate reduced..
6.Books and Authors matching type/ Ancient Scholas and their filed (Varahamihra-Astronomy..
7.Not feature of Guilds during Gupta period
8.About Greek/Yavana invasion mentioned in which author book
9.Correct statement about Nalanda University during Harshavardhana/Books not written by
10.Temples of Ellora in chronological order of construction
11.Cholas Village administration -Terms and Meaning Matching qtn
Jainism and Buddhism-Buddhist monuments integral parts ..Not touched much

1.Incidents during the reign of Jahangir/Statements about Mughal painting
2.Jhangir revenue officials and duties/Delhi or Mughal rulers and their reforms
3.Longest trunk road by Sherhshah is from …
4,5 Books and Authors matching
6.Tajmhal is combination of ..
7.Match the following on Taxes and its name …Difficult qtn
8.Kakatiya’s- which highways existed during their rule
9.Bhakti and Sufi Movement -common principles Matching qtn
10.Vijayanagara Period-Foreign chronicles Matching Qtn
11.Vijayanagara ruler who permitted Jesuits to build churches.. Difficult Qtn
Maratha- Shivaji Ashtapradhana’s and Tasks(G2)
Officers and roles-Mauryan officer incharge of weights and Measures

1.Chronolgy of British Acts Matching/Correct statement about lex loci Act(G2)/Which Act Introduced
communal Electorate system
British Wars-correct pair regarding carnatic wars (G2)
2.Rebellion against British in Hyderabad ..chronology
3.INC Presidents and Meetings Matching
4.Book translated by Gandhi with title Sarvodaya
5.persons and Newspaper Matching
6.Idea of Indian constituent assembly put forward first time by
7.Indian Independence Bill introduced on which date
8.Not established during NCM
Socio-religious reform movements-Vaikom satyagaraha started as (G2)/Muslim movements and leaders
matching (G2)/Organisation and person Matching
India liberation of Goa ..code name (G2)
Moderates and Extremists-Indian society of oriental founded by(G2)
Jallianwala Massacare-who resigned from Executive council(G2)
Advent of Europeans-Blue water policy(G2)
1857 Revolt and Leaders(G2)
Governor Generals and Treaties
British Committes-Lottery committee related to
British statements -Single shelf of European library was worth whole of India and Arabia literature

Study Plan
Study Indian Independence
Regional rulers focus on Maratha/Vijayanagara/kakatiya

1. Indian Constitution:
i. Evolution, features,
ii. Preamble,
iii. Fundamental Rights,
iv. Fundamental Duties,
v. Directive Principles of State Policy,
vi. Amendments, Significant Provisions and
vii. Basic Structure.

2. Union and State

I. Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States,
II. Parliament and State Legislatures:Structure, Function, Power and
III. Issues and challenges pertaining to Federal Structure:
IV. Devolution of Power and Finances up to local levels and Challenges

3. Constitutional Authorities: Powers, Functions and Responsibilities –

4. Panchayati Raj –

5. Public Policy and Governance.

Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on Governance

6. Statutory, Regulatory and Quasi-judicial bodies.

7. Rights Issues (Human rights, Women rights, SC/ST rights, Child rights) etc.

8. India's Foreign Policy — International Relations — Important Institutions, Agencies

and Fora, their structure and mandate

9. Important Policies and Programmes of Central and State Governments.

1. Preamble-statements
2. Fundamental Rights-which Article no denies rights for foreign aliens
3. Fundamental Rights-which Article no provides right to education and prohibition of child
4. Fundamental Duties-statements
5. Constitutional Amendments for Job reservation
6. Constitutional Entries -Higher education institutions
7. Supreme court -Provisions to safeguard autonomy
8. Supreme court -Not included in original jurisdiction
9. President - A&R Type question
10. Parliament -Not power of speaker
11. Parliament- A&R Type question
12. Panchayat Raj-11TH Schedule(Panchayat) -which subjects are listed

13. Finance commission statements

14. State Finance commission statements

15. Election commission powers

16. UPSC-not function

17. Competition Commission of India- statements

18. National commission for SC-statement about powers

19. National commission for SC-not function
20. National commission for Minorities-statements
21. NHRC-Statements about 2019 amendment

22. Central Admin Tribunal statements

23. National Green Tribunal statements
24. Government schemes-PM CARES
25. Statement about India and person name -India not nation in traditional western sense...
26. Statements about GST and GST constitutional amendment no
27. Recently term Chieng convention in news relates to
28. NABARD established on which committee recommendations
29. World Competitiveness Index released by whom
30. Kautilya -Dandapala relates to which head

i. Basic characteristics of Indian Economy as a developing economy –
ii. Economic development since independence 1 Mark
 objectives and achievements of planning - 5 Year Plans -
 NITI Ayog and its approach to economic development – Growth and
distributive justice

iii. Economic Reforms – Liberalisaion, Privatisation and Globalization

iv. Economic development Human Development Index – India’s rank in the

world –
v. Environmental degradation and challenges - Sustainable Development
- Environmental Policy…Can be covered in Environment

vi. International Trade and Balance of Payments – India and WTO

2. National Income and its concepts and components –India’s National Accounts
2 Marks …Assertion and Reason type questions

3. Demographic issues -
 Poverty and Inequalities –
 Occupational Structure and Unemployment -
 Various Schemes of employment and poverty eradication – 1 Mark

4. Issues of Rural Development and Urban Development

5. Indian Agriculture ––

 Inputs of agriculture
 Irrigation and water
 Agricultural Strategy and Agricultural Policy –
 Agrarian Crisis and land reforms –
 Agricultural credit –
 Minimum Support Prices -
 Malnutrition and Food Security –

6. Indian Industry -
 Industrial Policy –
 Make-in India –
 Start-up and Stand-up programmes –
 SEZs and Industrial Corridors –

7. Energy and Power policies –

8. Financial Institutions –

 RBI and Monetary Policy –

 Banking and Financial Sector Reforms –
 Commercial Banks and NPAs
 Financial Markets –Instabilities -
 Stock Exchanges and SEBI – 5-6 Marks

9. Indian Tax System and Recent changes –

 GST and its impact on Commerce and Industry – Centre, States
financial 1-2 Marks
 Financial Commissions – Sharing of resources and devolution
…Previous FC Charimans
10. 1-2 Marks
Public Debt and Public Expenditure - Fiscal Policy and Budget
11. i) The characteristics/ basic features of Andhra Pradesh economy after
bifurcation in 2014
I. Impact of bifurcation on the endowment of natural resources and
state revenue –
II. disputes of river water sharing and their impact on irrigation –
III. new challenges to industry and commerce –
IV. the new initiatives to develop infrastructure –power and transport -
information technology and e-governance –
V. Approaches to development and initiatives in agriculture, industry and social
sector – Urbanisation and smart cities – Skill development and
employment – social welfare programmes

ii) A.P. Reorganisation Act, 2014 – 4-5 Marks

i. Economic Issues arising out of bifurcation –
ii. Central government’s assistance for building a new capital, compensation
for loss of revenue, development of backward districts –
iii. Issues such as Vizag railway zone, Kadapa steel factory, Dugarajapatnam
airport, Express ways and industrial corridors etc., -
iv. Special Status and Special Assistance- Controversy - Government’s stand
and measure
Economy Questions Decoding Assertion and Reasoning(A&R) Type Questions

1.GST-A&R Type qtn

2.Finance Commission-Matching previous charimans
3.Budget-Defecit financing A&R Type Qtn
4.National Income-4 qtns
i)Not included in National Income
ii)National Income -A&R Type Qtn
iii)Per Capita Income- A&R Type Qtn
iv)National income and Agri growth- A&R Type Qtn
8.Banks and FI -6 Qtns
i)SLR Ratio maintained in form
ii)Impact of increase in CRR ration
iii)Gilt edged security means
iv)NPA means
v)Committee on banking and financial sectors 1991
vi)Para banking services include

14.Five year Plan-Highest rate in which plan

15.Demographic Dividend-Age group of working population
16.Sectors-Matching Types Qtn
17.Industry Types-Location Matching qtn
18.Economists statement-Net social product and Social Income are one and the same

19.AP Reorg Act 4marks

i)Part V deals with
ii)Polavaram project
iii)How many schedules
iv)Apex council of Krishna-Godavari -who are members

23.AP Schemes 4 marks

i)Rythu bharosa amount
ii)Not part of navaratnalu
iii)App for women in distress
iv)CCRC stands for
v)Ap smallest district
vi)weight lift champion from AP

29.India Schemes
i)Not feature of MGNREGS
ii)Objective of Beti Bacho, Beti Padhao

1. General Geography:
i. Earth in Solar system,
ii. Motion of the Earth, Concept of time, Season,
iii. Internal Structure of the Earth,
iv. Major landfornns and their features.
v. Atmosphere-structure and composition, elements and factors of Climate,
Airmasses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances, climate change.
vi. Oceans: Physical, chemical and biological characteristics, Hydrological
Distasters, Marine and Continental resources.
2. Physical: World, India and concerned State :
i. Major physical divisions,
ii. Earthquakes, landslides,
iii. Natural drainage,
iv. climatic changes and regions, Monsoon,
v. Natural Vegetation, Parks and Sanctuaries,
vi. Major Soil types,
vii. Rocks and Minerals.

3. Social: World, India and concerned State :

i. distribution, density, growth,
ii. Sex-ratio, Literacy, Occupational Structure,
iii. SC and ST Population,
iv. Rural-Urban components, urbanization, migration and metropolitan regions.
v. Racial, tribal, religious and linguistic groups,

4. Economic: World, India and concerned State:

i. Major sectors of economy, Agriculture, Industry and Services, their salient
ii. Basic Industries-Agro, mineral, forest, fuel and
manpower based Industries, Transport and Trade, Pattern and Issues.

World Geography
1. Statement about World Population -It took more than million years for 1billion ..
2. Type of Grassland seperates Cold Asia from Dry Asia
3. Greaty variety of animal and plant species found in which type of forests
4. Seasonal differences are maxiumum in Low/High/Mid latitudes..
5. Descending order of constituents in atmosphere

Indian Geography
1. Census 2011, States/UT with no SC Population
2. Sex Ratio states-match the following
3. % of rail routes electrified by 2019 ?
4. Coal based thermal power plants and states -match the following
5. Degree of protection btw diff forest types
6. 1st pipeline constructed for crude oil transportation btw
7. Reasons for higher surcane production in tropical compared to sub-tropical
8. Statements about Indian Steel Industry
9. Geographical Heritage Sites and States location
10. Series not related to Vindhayan system
11. Result of depositional activity of Himalayas
12. Which South state shares boundries with maximum no of Indian states
13. Time computation btw East and west differences
14. Irrigation projects and Indian states
15. India-States ,latitudes and geographical extent
16. Tiger reserves and states
17. Biggest Thermal plant in India
18. Indus rivers order from North to South
AP Geography
1. How many ST tribes in AP
2. Species not found in SVCC National park,A.P
3. A.P is sole producer of

Marks: 120 No. of Questions: 120 Time: 120 Minutes


60 Marks
1. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
2. Number Series,
3. Coding —Decoding.
4. Problems Related to Relations. Done
5. Shapes and their Sub-sections,
6. Venn Diagram.
7. Problems based on Clocks and Calendar (3 Marks)
8. Problems based on Age. Done
9. Number system and order of Magnitude.
10. Ratio, proportion and variation.
11. Central Tendencies - mean, median, mode including weighted mean.
12. Power and exponent, Square, Square Root, Cube Root,
13. H.C.F. and L.C.M. 1mark Done
14. Percentage,
15. Simple and Compound Interest,
16. Profit and loss.
17. Time and Work,
18. Time and Distance, Speed and Distance.
19. i)Area and Perimeter of Simple Geometrical Shapes,
ii)Volume and Surface Area of Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, cubes
and Cuboids.
20. Lines, angels and common geometrical figures —
properties of transverse and parallel lines,
properties of triangles, quadrilateral, rectangle, parallelogram and
21. Introduction to algebra — BODMAS, simplification of weird symbols.
22. Data interpretation, Data Analysis, Data sufficiency, and
23. Concepts of Probability…..Permutation and combination also.. 2Marks Done

24. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and analyzing emotions,

Dimensions of emotional intelligence, coping with emotions,
empathy and coping with stress.
Social Intelligence, interpersonal skills, Decision making, Critical
thinking, problem solving and Assessment of personality. 5

1. Science and Technology:

i) Nature and Scope of Science & Technology;
ii) Relevance of Science & Technology to the day to day life;
iii) National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation;
iv) Institutes and Organization in India promoting integration of Science,
Technology and Innovation, their activities and contribution;
v) Contribution of Prominent Indian Scientists.

2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT):

i. Nature and Scope of ICT;
ii. ICT in day to day life;
iii. ICT and Industry;
iv. ICT and Governance – E-Governance programmes and services;
v. Various government schemes promoting use of ICT,
vi. Cyber Security Concerns - National Cyber Crime Policy.

3. Technology in Space & Defence:

i. Evolution of Indian Space Programme;
ii. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) — it's activities and
iii. Various Satellite Programmes —
 Satellites for Telecommunication,
 Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS),
 Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites;
 Satellites for defence, Eduset or Satellites for academic
iv. Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)- vision,
mission and activities.

4. Energy Requirement and Efficiency:

i. India's existing energy needs and deficit;
ii. India's Energy Resources and Dependence,
iii. Energy policy of India Government Policies and Programmes.
iv. Solar, Wind and Nuclear energy

5. Environmental Science:
i. Issues and concerns related to environment;
ii. Its legal aspects, policies and
iii. Treaties
iv. for the protection of environment at the national and the
international level;
v. Biodiversity- its importance and concerns;
vi. Climate Change, International Initiatives (Policies, Protocols)
and India's commitment; National Action plans on Climate Change
vii. Forest and Wildlife - Legal framework for Forest and Wildlife
Conservation in India;
viii. Environmental Hazards, pollution, carbon emission, Global
ix. Disaster management.
x. Biotechnology and Nanotechnology; Nature, Scope and
application, Ethical, Social, and Legal issues, Government
xi. Genetic Engineering; Issues related to it and its impact on
human life. Health & Environment.


International(3 intl,4 environment, 3general)

1. SWIFT -which of the following are correct statements (Founded in ,HQ, Imp features
2. G20 SUMMIT- Place held(Current, Previous and next) ,Theme and other
3. I2U2 new partnership -which countries

4. Cop 27- which of the following are correct statements

Place held ,Previous Cop place and imp things about COP 27
5. Mangrove Alliance for Climate- which of the following are correct statements
Member countries ,when launched …
6. Glolitter plastic project-Whose Initiative and objective
7. Agriculture orientation index- correct statements

8. Ramon Magsaysay Awardees

9. China’s chang’s 5 lunar probe statments
10.Keiv city(Ukraine Capital) located on following rivers

1. Statements about AP externally aided projects
2. Status of Andhra Aqua culture -Statements
3. VCIC Industrial corridor statements
4. Sea ports of Ap -Statements
5. Which minority special Budget cover in A.P
6. statements about AP-Women and child development department intiatives
7. Statements about AP -World economic forum 2022..about MOU’s
8. Recent news which bird mass moratality Srikakulam
9. Statement about A.P making Urdu 2nd official language

India(Awards-2, Env-2
1. Swachh Survekshan Awards-All Awards categories and ranks also
2. Arjuna Awards Sprots man and discipline -remember all
Sahitya Academy Awards
Padma Awards

3. PM-DevNE initiative statements

4. E-RUPI statements
5. Vande-Bharat Express statements
6. Vikram-S staements
7. Satkoshi Tiger reserve statements(Environment C.A)
8. Crimson Rose Butterfly statements(Environment C.A)
9. National War memorial statements (History C.A)
10. PM tribute to velu nachayiar ,statements about her (History C.A)
11. PMLA Act statements

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