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Methodlogi Approach For Osh Improvement

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DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.


Provisional chapter

Chapter 9

Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach

for Occupational
Biogas ProductionHealth
Plants:and Safety Improvement
A Methodological Approach
for Occupational Health and Safety Improvement
Biancamaria Pietrangeli and Roberto Lauri
Biancamaria Pietrangeli and Roberto Lauri
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter



Existing lessons on public safety, referred to as new biotech plants, suggest that the devel-
opment of effective, responsive and responsible safety standard can improve the trust of
the public in the new generation plants such as biorefineries. This implies the need for
specific risk assessment aimed at defining the mitigation measures, which can minimize
the impact of hazards on workers’ health. The main hazards, referred to biogas produc-
tion process, are biohazard, fires and potentially explosive atmospheres. In particular, the
last two hazards strictly depend on the presence of methane in the biofuel. This chapter
presents the results of a work aimed at providing the biogas industry with a practical
tool, which can be used to carry out the analysis of hazards of biogas plants. The adopted
method for developing the tool is based on the well-known checklist approach. The
checklist is a valuable support for the plant operator to evaluate periodically the actual
effectiveness of the overall safety measures and ensure a safer management of the biogas
plant. The checklist can meet these requirements. This chapter reports the main preven-
tive, protective and managerial measures, which can be adopted to decrease the hazard-
ous outcomes on workers’ health and safety.

Keywords: biogas, biohazard, potentially explosive atmospheres, fire, checklist

1. Introduction

The renewable energy sources, that have been well developed in Italy, include biogas, which
is mainly obtained from the anaerobic digestion (AD) of agricultural and livestock biomasses.
Italy is the second biogas producer in Europe, after Germany, and by the end of 2015, about
1555 biogas plants were operating, of which 77% were powered by agricultural matrices [1].
Biomethane production from biowaste is also an important contributor to reach the objec-
tives established by the European Directive 2009/28/EC on renewable energies [2]. The Italian

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184 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

decree on incentives for producing biomethane opens new development perspectives for
renewable energies from biowaste, as this biofuel could be used in vehicles as a substitute for
fossil fuel and replace the natural gas dependence in domestic, commercial as well as indus-
trial consumptions [3]. Most of the biogas production plants are of small or medium size,
therefore, falling below the thresholds for the application of legislation aimed at the control of
major accidents, as the Seveso Directive [4]. In Italy, in 2010, there were approximately 100,000
workers in green industries, and it is expected that the number will reach 250,000 units in
2020 and most of them will be involved in bioenergy industry. Green jobs are activities char-
acterized by previously evaluated risks but with a different scope and exposition in connec-
tion with newly applied technology [5]. However, it is important to complete an evaluation
process with respect to new or re-emergent risks in the biorefineries [6]. The transformation
of such plants, from only agricultural and livestock to energy production, introduced a dif-
ferent risk profile for the operators. This aspect is generally underestimated for occupational
health and safety (OHS) management, and the large number of plants maintain the same
individual risk evaluation that they followed for the operators before transforming the plant.
A European database of accidents (mainly explosions), related to biogas production, has been
recently created and data on about 170 accidents have been collected from different literature
sources [7]. It is necessary to integrate the OHS issues at an early stage of development of
the industrial process [8]. The principal reason behind any OHS risk assessment activity is to
undertake a proactive and systematic analysis of health hazards in the workplace in order to
appropriate the control measures. The management of OHS must be in accordance with the
general principles, which should be applied to control workplace hazards in order to:

(a) eliminate the risks;

(b) assess the risks, which cannot be avoided;

(c) reduce the risk at source;

(d) give priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures;

(e) adapt the work to the individual, especially with regard to the design of workplaces and
the choice of work equipment and production methods;

(f) adapt working methods to technical progress;

(g) develop a coherent overall prevention policy, which covers technology and work organi-
zation and

(h) give appropriate instructions to employees.

Even though biogas plants are considered quite simple in installation, they feature a vari-
ety of items. As there are many feedstock types, which are suitable to anaerobic digestion
(AD) in the biogas plants (biomass from dedicated crops, vegetable waste, sludge, residues
of livestock farming such as manure or slurry, organic fraction of municipal solid waste, etc.),
there are various techniques for treating these feedstock types and different digester construc-
tions and systems of operation. This implies the need to carry out a specific risk assessment
in order to define risk prevention and mitigation measures aimed at minimizing the impact
of biohazard on workers’ health. In the biogas production supply chain, various work-linked
Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 185

risks can be identified such as explosion, fire and biological risks. In connection with used
materials, including vegetables, food production residuals and animal biomasses, as well as
with the properties of fermentation, biological risk deserves particular attention. Fermentation
biomass is rich in microorganisms, including pathogens and opportunistic pathogens, and
anaerobic processes could lead to the selection of microbial flora, which can promote the pres-
ence of anaerobic microorganisms, for example, Clostridia, that initially are less represented
[9]. Epidemiological data in the field of workers’ exposure to the organic dust showed specific
occupational diseases, such as respiratory tract disorders (airways inflammation, bronchitis,
asthma); gastrointestinal problems (from nausea to diarrhoea) and skin, eyes, nose and air-
ways allergic reactions. In the 1990s, for example, it was found that gastrointestinal diseases
were more common among workers of refuse-derived fuel plants [10]. This chapter presents
the results of a work aimed at providing the biogas industry with a practical tool, which is able
to protect its workers. Biological contamination, fire and potentially explosive atmospheres are
the main hazards referred to the biogas production. On this subject, it is essential to take into
account that the typical culture of farming is far enough from industrial approach and there-
fore it requires clear and useful tools, which are able to address both elements—maintenance
and operation. The work has allowed to define technical and organizational measures aimed
at preventing and mitigating the hazards. From this analysis, a structured safety checklist has
been derived. This checklist is a valuable support for the plant operator to evaluate periodi-
cally the actual effectiveness of the overall safety measures and to ensure a safer management
of the biogas plant.

2. Material and methods

The adopted method for developing the required tool is based on the well-known checklist
approach. At the beginning, the initial events (biological contamination, fire and explosion),
which could cause an adverse effect on workers (injuries or diseases), were identified. The
next step was focused on identification of measures aimed at preventing the workers from
getting affected by a potential ‘initial event’. In succession, protection measures were subse-
quently identified to reduce the ‘dose’, which is received by the worker exposed to the initial
event. The event mitigation was aimed at:
• minimizing the amount of hazardous agent;

• protecting workers from hazardous phenomenon and

• minimizing the duration of exposure.

The ‘safety checklist’ has been derived from organizational and procedural measures and
technical systems. The discrimination of protective and preventive measures are highly valu-
able to define the safety devices’ importance; assess and monitor safety levels and take ade-
quate decisions about training, maintenance schedule and safety investments. The checklist
has been divided into three sections referred to as biohazard, fire and explosion risk. Each
section reports preventive, protective and managerial measures. The checklist has to be con-
sidered as a very important tool aimed at evaluating the actual efficiency of safety measures.
186 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

3. Biohazard

Biohazard in the production of biogas may be related to feedstock and digestate. Wastes of
animal and human origin contain various pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Salmonella, Enterobacter,
Clostridia, Listeria), parasites (e.g. Ascaris, Trichostrongylidae, Coccidae), fungi, viruses [11, 12]
and could represent an occupational biohazard. In the biogas production from co-digestion
of animal manure and biogenic wastes, the microbiological quality of raw materials of animal
origin is guaranteed only through the application of specific veterinary and sanitary mea-
sures (e.g. control of livestock health, hygiene control of raw materials entering the digester).
High-risk biomasses such as those from sick animals must be excluded from use; for biomass
categories such as slaughterhouse residues, pre-sanitation measures are required through
pasteurization or sterilization as stipulated by European Regulation EC 1069/2009 [13]. In
case of feedstock categories, which do not require separate pre-sanitation, the combination
of AD process temperature and a minimum guaranteed retention time provides an effective
pathogen reduction/inactivation in the digestate [14]. In Italy, the digestate quality standard is
monitored by several checkpoints [15]. In a biogas plant, exposure levels to biological agents
are highly dependent on site activities and tasks undertaken by workers. It is the site opera-
tor’s responsibility to identify potential hazards, carry out suitable risk assessments and pro-
vide adequate protection to their workforce to control such risks. During AD, the microbial
reactions take place inside the digester under containment conditions and, therefore, there
is no workers’ exposure. However, activities such as inoculation, sampling and harvesting
the microbial flora during the monitoring of the fermentation process, could involve worker
exposure and, therefore, the workers’ activities should be checked to define the exposure char-
acteristics. According to European classification, the microorganisms with infection potential,
which take part in the anaerobic fermentation process, are mainly assigned to the risk group
1 and to a small extent to the risk group 2 [16]. Some of these microorganisms should be con-
sidered opportunistic agents, which do not cause any infections in healthy employees, but
they can lead to diseases when body defences are defective. In general, good work practices
and simple but effective personal hygiene measures are sufficient to prevent workers from
infection risk, including provision of adequate hand-washing facilities. Biological risk assess-
ment should take into account that specific activities, such as biomass reception, temporary
storage, biomass handling, digestion drainage and maintenance work, may pose exposure
risks to organic dust, bioaerosol and biological components conveyed such as particulates (i.e.
bacterial endotoxins, fungal spores). Evidence from epidemiological data shows that these
biological agents can cause allergic reactions such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic
rhinitis, some types of asthma and organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) [17]. In Italy, the
biogas industry expansion is quite recent, and there are not many data available on biological
risk in these plants. Recent findings on airborne workers’ exposure in two full-scale plants of
anaerobic digestion in North Italy showed different biological contamination levels in relation
to the involved biomasses (silage, vegetable waste, animal slurry and biomass from dedicated
crops) and to the technological and building characteristics [18]. This evidence suggests that
every biogas plant requires a specific approach. Contamination and occupational risk must be
evaluated individually for each plant, because numerous variables influence risk magnitude,
with particular regard to digested sludge treatments, such as input biomass nature, storage,
Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 187

movement conditions, building configuration and technological processes [18]. The results of
the air microbiological monitoring, performed during the biomass movement in some biogas
plants investigated in Italy, showed that organic dust (PM10) and its endotoxin content are
limited [18] and widely below the occupational safe guidelines [19, 20]. The particulate is not
a relevant risk for workers in the plants monitored, because it reached rural environmental
levels recorded in North Italy [18].

3.1. Biological risk assessment

The assessment of biological risks is seriously hampered, since neither universally approved
criteria for assessing exposure to biological agents nor agreed dose-response estimates and
occupational exposure limits (OELs) are yet available. Lack of a standardized sampling
methodology has made it difficult to compare data derived from different studies and relate
exposure levels to effects on health. Potential seasonal variation of microbial exposures also
adds difficulties in comparing data. Establishing the prevalence and incidence rates of dis-
eases related to exposure to biological agents is not easy: data on occupational diseases from
biological agents are difficult to collect, because the infections could often be in subclinical
form, with atypical incubation periods and/or transmission routes [21]. Moreover, the exact
role which, is played by biological agents in the development or aggravation of symptoms
and diseases, is only poorly understood. Human response to exposure to biological agents
depends on the organic material involved and individual’s susceptibility to infections and
allergies. In addition, microorganisms constantly interact with the environment and are able
to modify their pattern of gene expression rapidly in response to the environmental signals
[21]. A variable human response has also been described, following the exposure to organic
dust in different workplace settings, and it was shown that the composition of the dust may
play an important role in determining the potency [22]. The assessment of biological risk
in the biogas sector is a complex task, even considering that the biogas industry is still in
its infancy in some countries such as Italy. Limited public domain information is also avail-
able from ongoing health and injury surveillance of biogas workers, particularly for health
outcomes of highest concern (e.g. respiratory, irritation, sensitization). There is a need for
improving the collection of work-related diseases in the biogas sector, and an ad-hoc accident
reporting system should be created.

The proposed approach for biological risk assessment is that certain areas or activities, result-
ing from the biogas industry, could be categorized using fairly simple descriptive expressions
of risk and a corresponding set of control measures, which depend on the perceived risk asso-
ciated with the area or the activity. The qualitative checklist approach can represent a reason-
able tool in order to overcome the current knowledge gaps in establishing agreed monitoring
protocols and developing reliable dose-response data. In absence of such information, the
potential risk should be managed in a precautionary manner. Exposure levels to biological
agents are highly dependent on site activities and tasks undertaken by workers, and an ade-
quate workers’ protection requires a detailed site and task risk assessment. Potential exposure
can be controlled by changing the work process to minimize the generation of bioaerosols
or dustiness. In order to achieve compliance, employers should demonstrate that adequate
control measures have been developed in accordance with the hierarchy of controls, detailed
188 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

in the Directive 2000/54/EC [16]. Examples of control measures are exhaust ventilation to pre-
vent exposure, adequate filters on the air intakes of vehicles (such as tractors used to move
biomass) and personal protective equipment, such as suitably fitted respiratory devices, when
working in areas close to where bioaerosols are generated.

3.2. Prevention and protection measures for occupational biohazard

Design of workplaces and work processes, the choice of adequate equipment and working
methods allow the control of occupational biohazard in the biogas plants. Any activities
involving the movement of biomass and/or waste should be controlled, and site design and
activities should be managed to avoid organic dust and/or bioaerosol release in the work-
place. In particular, the biomass, such as silage, should be stored in closed silos or in platforms
provided with containment walls and covered by a plastic material wrap. Livestock slurry
storage tank should be equipped with immersion agitators to avoid air contamination, and
moreover, the automatic transfer of slurry into the digester should be guaranteed by a pump-
ing system. Working areas, where biomass is moved, should be considered as potential high
exposure zones. An efficient system of forced ventilation is required if high-exposure activi-
ties are conducted within a confined space and, where practicable, employees should only
work in these areas within a suitably controlled environment, such as a vehicle cab, or wear
appropriate respiratory protective equipment (RPE). It is recommended that for exposure to
bioaerosols, RPE is provided with the highest efficiency filters (P3). The replacement of the
filters in the vehicle cabs’ air handling system, cleaning of vehicle cabs and the instructions
given to operators not to open cab doors and windows and remain in the vehicle have a signif-
icant effect on workers’ exposure levels. These rules should be applied within a radius of 50 m
from the operational areas, considering that bioaerosol levels typically return to background
concentrations within this distance [23]. Such requirements clearly have an impact on site
design and layout. In order to achieve these targets, the employers should amend working
practices and operations and relocate office accommodation and welfare facilities to an area
outside the potentially high-exposure zones. Dust control from the movement of vehicles is
also recommended, and roadways should be properly constructed so that they can be cleaned
and a vehicle wheels washing system should be planned. The workplace should be provided
with adequate hand-washing and shower facilities and ‘clean areas’ in order to ensure that no
contamination can affect external places. Employers should undertake an appropriate health
surveillance of their workforce to ensure that early signs and symptoms of diseases, related
to exposure to biological agents, are managed and reported. This may involve simple health
screening or more detailed assessments, involving health questionnaires, lung function and
blood serum test. All employees, who have undertaken health surveillance, should have a
personal health record and the information must be kept for a period of 40 years and the find-
ings of any health surveillance should be communicated to employees and any adverse find-
ings should be deeply investigated and appropriate controls should be adopted. The training
of site managers and personnel is a fundamental topic in order to verify the design and imple-
mentation of these prevention measures. It must be stressed that appropriate instructions,
information and training, referred to the potential risks to their health and how they should
be controlled, must be given to employees. Employers should also develop procedures for
people who do not comply with the procedures and site rules.
Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 189

4. Explosion risk: formation of potentially explosive atmospheres

Because of the presence of methane in its composition, biogas in combination with air can form
potentially explosive atmospheres (Table 1). In Europe, safety measures against explosion risk
are stipulated in Atex Directives 99/92/EC [24] and 2014/34/EU, which have inspired the prepara-
tion of checklist section, referred to the explosion risk. A crucial topic, reported in safety checklist,
is the classification of plant areas [25], where explosive mixtures could be generated by biogas
releases. This classification has to be carried out in terms of zones (Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2),
geometrical characterization (extent and volume) of hazardous areas [26] and persistence time:

1) Zone 0: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present for long periods;

2) Zone 1: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere can periodically occur during the
normal operation and

3) Zone 2: an area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected during the normal
operation, but if it should occur, it would exist for a short period.

Directive 99/92/EC states that, places where potentially explosive atmospheres can occur are
marked with specific signs (Figure 1), which are characterized by the following distinctive
• triangular shape and

• black letters on a yellow background with black edging

In Figures 2 and 3, the classification procedure of hazardous areas (outdoor and indoor place)
is shown. It may be used as a basis to support the proper selection and installation of work
equipments in hazardous zones. Classification of indoor places is particularly important
because ventilation system design plays a fundamental role in order to dilute the potentially
explosive atmosphere in the shortest times.
The first step of classification procedure consists of locating the potential sources of biogas
release. On this subject, it has to be remembered that catastrophic elements failures are not
considered as potential sources because they are beyond the concept of abnormality [27],
reported in Technical Standards.

A plant component, such as valves, flanges, pumps, compressors, and so on, is considered
as a potential source when its failures are expected during the operation. Zone classifica-
tion depends on source release grade, ventilation degree and availability. Release grade

Unit Biogas (60% CH4, 40% CO2) Methane Natural gas

Heat value kWh/m3 6 10 10

Ignition temperature °C 700 600 650

Explosion range Vol (%) 7.3–28.3 4.4–16.5 4.4–15

Table 1. Properties of gases.

190 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

Figure 1. Sign (zone where potentially explosive atmospheres can occur).

(continuous, primary, secondary) is determined by the analysis of element operating condi-

tions [28]. On the contrary, ventilation degree depends on the volume of explosive atmo-
sphere, which is strongly influenced by biogas mass flow. This last parameter depends on
gas outflow typology (sonic or subsonic), which is determined by the comparison between
critical pressure (pcr) and atmospheric pressure (pa):

• pcr > pa → (sonic outflow)

• pcr < pa → (subsonic outflow)

Ventilation degree can be high or medium for outdoor places, whereas it can be high or
medium or low for indoor places. Three levels of ventilation availability are reported in
Technical Standard (EN 60079-10-1):

Good: ventilation is continuously present;

Fair: ventilation is expected to be present during normal operation and its discontinuities are
permitted, but they have to occur infrequently or for short periods and

Poor: ventilation, which does not meet the standard of fair or good.

Ventilation availability can be good or fair for outdoor zones, whereas it can be good or fair or
poor for indoor areas. For outdoor places, this parameter depends on local minimum wind speed.
If wind speed is bigger than 0.5 m/s, ventilation availability can be considered as good. For indoor
areas, in order to assess ventilation availability, reliability of artificial ventilation system and pres-
ence of standby fans or an emergency ventilation plant has to be ensured. In case of fan failure,
good availability usually requires automatic start-up of standby fan(s). Indoor areas are the most
Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 191

Figure 2. Classification of an outdoor place.

hazardous places with regard to formation of explosive mixtures. In a biogas production plant,
a potentially dangerous zone is the container (indoor place), which includes combined heat and
power (CHP) unit (Figure 4). In indoor places, in order to assess the ventilation degree, sources
emission contemporaneity must be considered. This is a necessary condition aimed at calculating
average biogas concentration (Xm%) in indoor areas. Xm% depends on source release grade and
can be calculated according to IEC 31-35 (Technical Standard). In case of continuous grade emis-
sions (temporary period can be negligible), Xm% is calculated by the following equation:
​ ​
​Xm​ ​% = _______
​ ​​Q​​⋅ ​ρ​ ​​⋅ 100​ (1)
a gas

• Mgas (kg/s) is biogas mass flow;
• Qa (m3/s) indicates ventilation air flow; and
• ρgas (kg/m3) is the biogas density.
In case of primary and secondary grade releases (temporary period is considered), Xm% is
calculated by the following expression:
192 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

​ ​
​Xm​ ​% = _______
​ ​​Q ​ ​⋅ ​ρ​ ​​⋅ ​(1 − ​e​−C⋅​t​ ​​)​⋅ 100​ E (2)
a gas


• C (s−1) represents the number of fresh air changes per time; and

• tE (s) is the release duration.

Table 2, which is reported [26] in EN 60079-10-1, is used to classify the hazardous zones.

Figure 3. Classification of an indoor place.

Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 193

Figure 4. Combined heat and power unit (indoor place)—Source: Maccarese S.p.a.

Release grade Degree
High Medium Low

Good Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Good, fair or

Continuous (Zone 0 NE) (Zone 0 NE) (Zone 0 NE) Zone 0 Zone 0 Zone 0 Zone 0

Non-hazardous Zone 2 a
Zone 1 a
+ +
Zone 2 Zone 1

Primary (Zone 1 NE) (Zone 1 NE) (Zone 1 NE) Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 or
Zone 0b
Non-hazardous Zone 2 a
Zone 2 a
+ +
Zone 2 Zone 2

Secondary (Zone 2 NE) (Zone 2 NE) Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone 1 or
Zone 0b
Non-hazardous Non-
zonea hazardous

Glossary: ‘+’ means ‘surrounded by’.

Zone 0 NE, 1 NE or 2 NE indicate areas, which have negligible extents.
Zone 0 can be generated in poor states of ventilation.

Table 2. Classification of hazardous zones.

194 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

5. Fire risk

In order to reduce the fire risk, the safety checklist suggests several recommendations and
actions, which consist of prevention, protection and managerial measures. By reason of space,
the checklist only shows the most important points related to fire risk. In order to minimize the
fire effects, biogas production plant has to be divided into fire protection sectors [29], for exam-
ple, the anaerobic digester, the biogas holder and CHP unit. Certain distances must be main-
tained among these sectors. In particular, during the biogas holder construction, specific safety
distances must be ensured (internal and external safety distance and protection distance).

6. Results and discussion

By reason of space, the safety checklist only reports the most important bullet points referred
to as the three examined hazards (Tables 3–5).

The safety checklist for the biogas industry can support the hazards identification and the def-
inition of the prevention and protection measures and, if used in the right way, forms a basic
part of risk assessment. It is essential that the checklist is used as a means of development

Biohazard assessment

Are there operations/tasks, which may result in bioaerosol, organic dust or particulate dispersion (biomass reception,
its storage, grinding, shredding or other pre-processes of the biomass, digester loading operations, digestion
drainage, sampling activity or maintenance work)?
Are high-exposure activities performed within indoor places?
Are the work processes designed to reduce the releases of organic dust and bioaerosol in the workplace?

Is the biomass stored in closed containers/tanks?

Are there leakages of solids or leachate during the handling phases of the materials entering and leaving the system?

Do workers have direct contact with manure, slurry or other organic waste?

Are there risks of splashes and spills contaminated with biological agents?
Are workers particularly subject to the risk of infective or immunological diseases (workers with particular allergies
or asthma, low immune system, pregnant women)?

Prevention and protection measures

In indoor places, are collective protection measures applied to the source of the biohazard, such as ventilation
systems and appropriate work organization procedures?
Is the workplace regularly cleaned? Are operating procedures defined?

Is the workplace provided with hand-washing and shower facilities and ‘clean areas’?
Is eating and drinking forbidden in the workplace?
Are warning and safety signs used at the workplace? Do workers have difficulty of national language
Do workers receive information on biohazards and protective measures before assuming their tasks?
Are vehicles, circulating in the biogas plant, subjected to regular washing?
Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 195

Is the vehicle cab equipped with dedicated ventilation systems? Is the monitoring of the door seals and the filter
maintenance provided?

Are workers provided with respiratory protective equipment (RPE) during high-exposure activities?

Do workers carry out trainings focused on the right use of individual protection devices?

Is it verified that the defined procedures are actually observed by the workers?

Are workers under health surveillance?

Are workers informed of the significance of health assessments and their outcomes?

Is there a system which reports the accidents and records the episodes of contamination with biological agents (even

Are workers aware of the importance of recording any contamination episodes?

Table 3. ‘Safety checklist’ extract: biohazard.

Explosion risk
Prevention measures

Are places with explosion risk classified into zones (0, 1 and 2) according to the probability of occurrence of
potentially explosive atmosphere?

Are hazardous zones (0, 1 and 2) characterized in terms of volume and extent?

Is persistence time of explosive atmosphere calculated?

Are suitable ventilation rates ensured in indoor places in order to dilute biogas concentration below lower explosive

Are standby fans or an emergency ventilation system installed in indoor workplaces (container of CHP unit)?

Are there adequate openings aimed at ensuring a good natural ventilation in indoor workplaces?

Are wind action and stack effect taken into account for dimensioning the openings of indoor workplaces (natural

Are work equipments and protective devices selected on the basis of categories set out in Directive 2014/34/EU?

Is all process control equipment classified according to European Standards?

Is the air flow, injected for biological desulphurization, matched with the current rate of biogas production (max. 6%

Protection measures

Can a biogas release be diverted or removed to a safe place or, if that is not practicable, safely contained by other
suitable methods?

Are flame arresters installed in biogas pipes?

Are biogas holders equipped with positive (hydraulic seal) and negative pressure protection devices?

Is the water filling of pressure safety devices daily controlled and is the correct water level maintained?

Are all closed tanks, in which fermentation can occur, provided with pressure safety devices?

Managerial measures

Are workers equipped with working clothes which do not generate electrostatic charges?
196 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

Explosion risk
Are hazardous areas indicated by specific signals?

Is there an obligatory journal for the documentation of all daily measurements, controls and maintenance works as
well as failures?

Is there a plan indicating the explosion protection zones?

Is it certain that an operational manual is available before any work is done?

Is it established in the manual that safety devices have to be checked at least once a week and after any failure?

Is the engine (CHP unit) maintained according to the timetable given by the manufacturer?

Is the CHP unit maintained or checked by specialized companies?

Are all parts of the biogas plant, containing a gas flow, regularly checked and submitted to a pressure test at least
every year?

Are operating instructions readily available, easy to see and read by the operators during their work?

Is artificial ventilation system of container, which includes CHP unit, maintained and checked according to the
timetable given by the manufacturer and if necessary is it maintained or checked by specialized companies?

Table 4. ‘Safety checklist’ extract: explosion risk.

Fire risk
Prevention measures

Are biogas holder membranes made of fire-resistant materials?

Do biogas holder membranes avoid the formation of electrostatic charges?

Are electrical equipments designed in accordance with Regulations and Technical Standards?

Are electrical equipments provided with protective grounding?

Are biogas holders protected from lightning?

Is the storage of flammable materials, flammable liquids and gases limited to small amounts?

Protection measures

Are biogas pipes insulated to give protection against fire and provided with fire protection flaps?

Is the protection distance respected during the biogas holder placing?

Is the internal safety distance respected during the biogas holder placing?

Is the external safety distance respected during the biogas holder placing?

Are there enough fire extinguishers on plant site?

Are there gas/fire detectors, which sound an alarm in case of fire?

Are the hydrants chosen in accordance with Technical Standards in terms of flow and pressure?

Is an additional generator, aimed at ensuring electric delivery in case of failures, installed?

Managerial measures

Is a responsible person designated for all fire protection measures?

Are fire protection exercises regularly carried out?

Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for Occupational Health and Safety... 197

Fire risk
Are smoking, naked flames and storage of flammable materials forbidden in the plant area?

Is firefighting system maintenance regularly carried out in accordance with the reported directions?

Are maintenance operations reported in a specific register?

Is electrical equipment maintenance regularly carried out?

Are there adequate and well-marked routes for fire brigade vehicles?

Are fire protection posts set up and suitable fire extinguishers made available when works (welding, abrasive
cutting, etc.), which involve a fire risk, are carried out?

Are firefighting systems periodically checked?

Are gas sensors/fire detectors periodically checked?

Is it certain that the operation and maintenance of biogas plant is done by reliable and qualified persons?

Table 5. ‘Safety checklist’ extract: fire risk.

support and not simply as a ‘tick off-the-box’ exercise. A specific sector guidance, referred to
the potential risks to biogas plants workers health and their assessment and management, is
required, and it is likely that site operators will be in need of specialist advice to carry out an
effective risk assessment and develop risk control procedures. In this context, the reported
checklist can improve the safety culture in the biogas field. In conclusion, it has to be stressed
that the safety checklist has been tested in some biogas production plants, where inspections
and audit activities were simulated in order to verify its real feasibility.

7. Conclusions

Countries of the European Union (EU) have agreed on a new 2030 Framework for climate
and energy, which includes targets and policy objectives for the period between 2020 and
2030. These targets are aimed at achieving a more competitive, secure and sustainable energy
system. A specific target has established that at least a 27% share of renewable energy con-
sumption must be achieved. In this context, biogas/biomethane production plants can be stra-
tegic, and therefore particular attention has to be paid for their safe operation. In fact, biogas
industry is experiencing fast growth worldwide. However, the number of accidents in biogas
production is growing even faster. The estimated risk profile of biogas production confirmed
that its production process presents a non-negligible risk. Accident analysis can improve the
safety of such plants. In particular, creation of an accidents report can be strategic in order to
individualize the more hazardous operations and elements which require a specific mainte-
nance schedule. Indeed the decrease of number of accidents, which occurred in the biogas pro-
duction plants, could be easily achieved by adapting the process safety experience acquired in
other industrial sectors. With regard to this topic, it is important to remember that the typical
culture of the farming is far enough from industrial approach and therefore it requires clear
and useful tools, which are able to address both elements—maintenance and operation. The
safety checklist can meet these requirements, because it is a practical tool, which can be used
198 Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

to carry out the analysis of hazards of biogas plants. Starting from a scientific analysis of pre-
ventive and protective measures, the checklist has been designed to assess the actual safety
levels of the biogas plant and to support the operators in order to improve the safe process
management. Furthermore, the development and application of specific safety standards to
the biogas sector would be beneficial to avoid design and operational errors.

Author details

Biancamaria Pietrangeli* and Roberto Lauri

*Address all correspondence to: b.pietrangeli@inail.it

INAIL, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Human
Settlements, Rome, Italy


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