Managment of Acute Pancreatitis ACGG 2024
Managment of Acute Pancreatitis ACGG 2024
Managment of Acute Pancreatitis ACGG 2024
Allison Yang, MD, MPH5, Darwin L. Conwell, MD, MSc, FACG6, Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MHS, FACG7 and Timothy B. Gardner, MD, FACG8
Acute pancreatitis (AP), defined as acute inflammation of the pancreas, is one of the most common diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract leading to hospital admission in the United States. It is important for clinicians to appreciate that AP is
heterogenous, progressing differently among patients and is often unpredictable. While most patients experience symptoms
lasting a few days, almost one-fifth of patients will go on to experience complications, including pancreatic necrosis and/or
organ failure, at times requiring prolonged hospitalization, intensive care, and radiologic, surgical, and/or endoscopic
intervention. Early management is essential to identify and treat patients with AP to prevent complications. Patients with
biliary pancreatitis typically will require surgery to prevent recurrent disease and may need early endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography if the disease is complicated by cholangitis. Nutrition plays an important role in treating patients
with AP. The safety of early refeeding and importance in preventing complications from AP are addressed. This guideline will
provide an evidence-based practical approach to the management of patients with AP.
Am J Gastroenterol 2024;119:419–437.
State University of New York, Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA; 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA; 3Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 4University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; 5Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York, USA; 6University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA; 7University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, USA; 8Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New
Hampshire, USA. Correspondence: Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, MACG. E-mail:
Received June 8, 2023; accepted December 8, 2023; published online November 7, 2023
Copyright © 2024 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
420 Tenner et al
Table 1. PICO questions that served as the basis for recommendations and key concepts
At admission
1. In patients with AP complicated by the SIRS and/or organ dysfunction, does admission to a monitored/ICU bed decrease mortality, the development of severe
disease, and/or decrease the LOS?
2. In patients with AP, will making patients NPO compared with allowing patients to eat and drink as tolerated result in a decreased risk of complications, prevent
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AP, acute pancreatitis; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CT, computed tomography; ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; HCT,
hematocrit; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; MRCP, magnetic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; NPO, nothing by mouth; SIRS, systemic inflammatory
response syndrome.
important impact on the confidence in the estimate and would Summary of evidence
likely affect the conclusions. Very low-quality evidence indicates The diagnosis of AP most often is established by identification of 2 of
very little confidence in the effect estimate and that the true effect the 3 following criteria: (i) abdominal pain consistent with the dis-
is likely to be substantially different from the estimate effect. ease, (ii) serum amylase and/or lipase greater than 3 times the upper
Key concepts are statements that are not amenable to the limit of normal, and/or (iii) characteristic findings from abdominal
GRADE process or when there are limitations in the available imaging (5). Patients with AP typically present with epigastric or left
evidence from the literature but may be valuable to clinicians upper quadrant pain. The pain is usually described as constant with
caring for patients with AP. In some instances, key concepts are radiation to the back, chest, or flanks, but this description is non-
derived using a combination of extrapolation from the literature specific. The intensity of the pain is usually described as severe but
and expert opinion. Key concepts are listed in Table 3. can be variable. The intensity and location of the pain do not cor-
relate with severity. Pain described as dull, colicky, or located in the
lower abdominal region is not consistent with AP and suggests an
DIAGNOSIS alternative etiology. Abdominal imaging is often helpful to determine
Key concepts the diagnosis of AP in patients with atypical presentations. While the
laboratory diagnosis of AP has historically relied on elevations of the
1. We suggest that early/at admission routine computed tomography amylase and lipase, many patients with AP are not correctly di-
(CT) not be performed for the purpose of determining severity in agnosed (6). Due to limitations on sensitivity and negative predictive
AP and should be reserved for patients in whom the diagnosis is value, serum amylase alone cannot be used reliably for the diagnosis
unclear or who fail to improve clinically within the first 48–72 of AP, and serum lipase is preferred.
hours after hospital admission and intravenous hydration. Amylase in patients with AP generally rises within a few
hours after the onset of symptoms and returns to normal values
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Management of Acute Pancreatitis 421
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422 Tenner et al
Key concepts
1. We suggest that early/at admission routine CT not be performed for the purpose of determining severity in AP and should be reserved for patients in whom the
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diagnosis is unclear or who fail to improve clinically within the first 48–72 hr after hospital admission
2. In the absence of gallstones and/or significant history of alcohol use, serum triglyceride should be obtained and considered the etiology, preferably if greater
than 1,000 mg/dL
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3. In patients older than 40 years in whom an etiology is not established, a pancreatic tumor should be considered as a possible cause of AP
4. Following a second episode of AP with no identifiable cause, in patients fit for surgery, we suggest performing a cholecystectomy to reduce the risk of recurrent
episodes of AP
Initial assessment and risk stratification
5. Hemodynamic status and risk assessment should be performed to stratify patients into higher-risk and lower-risk categories to assist consideration of
admission to a nonmonitored bed or monitored bed setting, including the intensive care setting
6. Patients with organ failure and/or the SIRS should preferably be admitted to a monitored bed setting
7. Scoring systems and imaging alone are not accurate in determining which patients with AP will develop moderately severe or severe AP
8. In patients with mild disease, clinicians should remain vigilant for the development of severe disease and organ failure during the initial
48 hr from admission
9. Risk factors for the development of severe disease (Table 4) include elevated BUN, HCT, the presence of obesity, comorbidities,
and the presence of SIRS
Initial management
10. While we suggest all patients with AP receive moderately aggressive intravenous hydration of isotonic crystalloid, caution is needed if a cardiovascular and/or
renal comorbidity exists. Patients should be monitored for volume overload
11. Fluid resuscitation in patients with AP is likely more important early in the course of the disease (within the first 24 hr)
12. Fluid volumes need to be reassessed at frequent intervals within 6 hr of presentation and for the next 24–48 hr with a goal to decrease the BUN
13. In patients with AP complicated by cholangitis, early ERCP within the first 24 hr has been shown to decrease morbidity and mortality
14. In the absence of cholangitis and/or jaundice, if a common bile duct stone is suspected, MRCP or EUS should be used to screen for the presence of common
bile duct stones before the use of ERCP, and diagnostic ERCP should be avoided
The role of antibiotics in AP
15. While antibiotics should not be used in patients with sterile necrosis, antibiotics are an important part of treatment in infected necrosis along with
16. In patients with infected necrosis, antibiotics known to penetrate pancreatic necrosis should be used largely to delay surgical, endoscopic, and radiologic
drainage beyond 4 wk. Some patients may avoid drainage altogether because the infection may completely resolve with antibiotics
17. Routine administration of antifungal agents along with prophylactic or therapeutic antibiotics is not needed
Nutrition in AP
18. Enteral nutrition in patients with moderately severe or severe AP seems to prevent infectious complications
19. Parenteral nutrition should be avoided, unless the enteral route is not possible, not tolerated, or not meeting the caloric needs
20. Using a nasogastric rather than nasojejunal route for delivery of enteral feeding is preferred because of comparable safety and efficacy
The role of surgery in AP
21. Patients with mild acute biliary pancreatitis should undergo cholecystectomy early, preferably before discharge
22. Minimally invasive methods are preferred to open surgery for debridement and necrosectomy in stable patients with symptomatic
pancreatic necrosis
23. We suggest delaying any intervention (surgical, radiological, and/or endoscopic) in stable patients with pancreatic necrosis, preferably 4 wk, to allow for the
wall of collection to mature
AP, acute pancreatitis; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CT, computed tomography; ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; HCT, hematocrit; MRCP, magnetic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
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Management of Acute Pancreatitis 423
low quality of evidence). TG should rise above 1,000 mg/dL to be considered the cause of
2. In patients with idiopathic AP (IAP), we recommend additional AP (36,37). There is little information about the risk of AP due to
diagnostic evaluation with repeat abdominal ultrasound, MRI, high TG at a population level. A sophisticated analysis suggested
and/or endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) (conditional that the risk of AP increased by 4% for every 100 mg/dL of TG
recommendation; very low quality of evidence). above the normal limit, even higher when TG levels are above 500
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424 Tenner et al
the etiology has not been identified (53,54). Despite extensive Summary of evidence
evaluation, many patients with IAP will have no objective evi- Definition of severe AP. Almost a third of patients with AP will
dence of gallstones, even microlithiasis (55). Stevens et al (54) develop severe disease or moderately severe disease (65). Severe
retrospectively followed up 2,236 patients with IAP who did and AP is defined by the presence of persistent organ failure (fails to
did not undergo cholecystectomy. They found a significant re- resolve within 48 hours) and/or death (5). Organ failure is defined
duction in recurrent pancreatitis in those patients with normal in simple clinical terms as shock (systolic blood pressure less than
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gallbladders who underwent cholecystectomy. In a small ran- 90 mm Hg), pulmonary insufficiency (PaO2 less than 60 mm Hg),
domized prospective trial in patients with idiopathic pancreatitis, renal failure (creatinine .2 mg/dL after rehydration), and/or
laparoscopic cholecystectomy was found to be highly effective in gastrointestinal bleeding (.500 mL/24 hours) or modified
preventing recurrent AP with a number needed to treat to prevent Marshall score of 2 or more in the 3 accepted organ systems (5).
1 attack being 5 persons (56). Patients with IAP who have ab- Moderately severe disease is defined as transient organ failure
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normal LFT on the first day of their presentation may be more (resolves within 48 hours) and/or the development of local
likely to benefit (57). A recent meta-analysis in patients with IAP complications (acute pancreatic and/or peripancreatic fluid col-
after extensive testing including EUS and ERCP found signifi- lections, acute necrotic collections, pseudocyst or walled-off
cantly fewer recurrences of AP after cholecystectomy, 11% vs 39% pancreatic necrosis). While the above is a severity classification,
(58). Based on the available evidence, we conclude that following the morphologic classification describes necrotizing AP (usually
an episode of AP with no identifiable cause, in patients who are synonymous with moderately severe and severe disease) vs
surgical candidates, cholecystectomy should be performed to interstitial/edematous AP (usually mild in severity). Pancreatic
reduce the risk of recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. necrosis is defined as diffuse or focal areas of nonviable pancreatic
Anatomic and physiologic anomalies of the pancreas occur in parenchyma greater than 3 cm in size or greater than 30% of
10%–15% of the population, including pancreas divisum and the pancreas (66). Necrotizing pancreatitis includes pure
sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) (59). It remains unclear peripancreatic necrosis (approximately 45%), pancreatic and
whether these disorders cause AP (60). Endoscopic therapy, fo- peripancreatic necrosis (approximately 45%), and rarely pure
cusing on treating pancreas divisum and/or SOD, carries a sig- pancreatic necrosis (approximately 5%). Pancreatic necrosis can
nificant risk of precipitating AP and should be performed only in be sterile or infected (discussed further). In the absence of pan-
specialized units (61). The landmark EPISOD trial ruled out the creatic necrosis and/or organ failure, in mild disease, the edem-
role of endoscopic sphincterotomy in SOD type 2 and SOD type atous pancreas is defined as interstitial pancreatitis. Although
3 (62). there is some correlation between pancreatic necrosis, hospital
While the role of genetic defects contributing to this disorder length of stay, and organ failure, patients with sterile necrosis and
has become increasingly recognized and may be a contributory infected necrosis are as likely to have organ failure (67,68).
cause in patients with anatomic anomalies (63), it is not clear Most episodes of AP are mild and self-limiting, needing only
how this can be used effectively in most patients with idiopathic brief hospitalization. However, 20% of patients develop a moder-
pancreatitis. Genetic testing may be useful in patients with more ately severe or severe disease requiring a prolonged hospitalization
than 1 family member with pancreatic disease (64). Patients (69). Most patients with severe disease present to the emergency
with true recurrent IAP should be evaluated at centers of ex- department with no organ failure or pancreatic necrosis. The fact
cellence focusing on pancreatic disease, providing advanced that most patients who develop a complicated course initially
endoscopy, genetic testing, and a combined multidisciplinary present to the emergency department appearing to have mild
approach. disease, without organ failure or necrosis, has led clinical scientists
to recommend intensive early supportive care with aggressive or
moderately aggressive intravenous hydration (70,71).
Predicting severe disease. Moderately severe and severe AP
Key concepts
constitute approximately 15%–25% of all cases of AP and prac-
5. Hemodynamic status and risk assessment should be performed
tically account for all the morbidity and mortality of this disease.
to stratify patients into higher-risk and lower-risk categories to While a small proportion of patients with AP can be diagnosed as
assist consideration of admission to a nonmonitored bed or moderately severe AP during the first 24 hours based on the
monitored bed setting, including the intensive care setting. presence of any organ failure by accepted criteria and or (peri)
6. Patients with organ failure and/or the systemic inflammatory necrotizing pancreatitis on CT scan, a substantial proportion of
response syndrome (SIRS) should preferably be admitted to a patients cannot be reliably classified into mild, moderate, or se-
monitored bed setting. vere during the first 24–48 hours and sometimes up to 72 or 96
7. Scoring systems and imaging alone are not accurate in hours. This is the basis for several years of description of nu-
determining which patients with AP will develop moderately merous clinical markers, laboratory markers, and or scoring
severe or severe AP. systems to predict the future development of 1 of the 3 types
8. In patients with mild disease, clinicians should remain vigilant for during the initial 24–48 hours. The main purpose of predicting or
the development of severe disease and organ failure during the identifying those with increasing morbidity and mortality is to
initial 48 hours from admission. triage them into high-level care and select them for newer
9. Risk factors of the development of severe disease (Table 4) interventional trials such as drug trials (sparing patients with mild
include elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN), hematocrit (HCT), AP, who may not require such agents with the attendant side
the presence of obesity, comorbidities, and the presence of the effects). However, the main problem with all the predicting
SIRS. markers and systems is the inability to predict moderately severe
and severe types with high degree of accuracy. At best, 50% of the
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Management of Acute Pancreatitis 425
Obesity (BMI .30 kg/m2) (93) termining moderately severe and severe disease. Such elevated
Altered mental status (79,95) values are based on the hemoconcentration, which occurs due to
Comorbid disease (69)
multiple causes such as nausea and or vomiting, third-space
losses, and others. There is one report of decreased hospital stay
The systemic inflammatory response syndrome (99,100)
when a paging system alert and a web-based instrument was
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Defined by the presence of .2 of the following criteria: available to the clinicians to treat AP, when compared with the
Pulse .90 beats per minute outcomes from a historical control (78). In another study, a BUN
#22 mg/dL or falling BUN called for reducing the intravenous
Respirations .20 per minute or PaCO2 ,32 mm Hg
fluids to 1.5 mL/kg per hour from 3 mL/kg per hour and if no such
Temperature .38 °C or .36 °C reduction is observed, to re-bolus. The presence of organ failure,
WBC count .12,000 or ,4,000 cells/mm3 or .10% immature SIRS, or Bedside Index for Severity Scoring System score of 3 or
neutrophils (bands) more suggested to the treating physicians to consider intensive
Laboratory findings care unit (ICU) treatment (79). While the study showed a re-
duction in the length of stay with this intervention, no effect on
BUN .20 (79,92)
other important outcomes was noted. In addition, it was also
Rising BUN (79,92) difficult to assess which of the components of the intervention
HCT .44 (83) contributed to the clinical outcome.
Rising HCT (83)
In a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCT)
on goal-directed intravenous hydration in AP, there was found to
Elevated creatinine (214)
be insufficient evidence to state that goal-directed therapy, using
Radiology findings various parameters to guide fluid administration, reduces the risk
Pleural effusions (94) of persistent single or multiple organ system failure, infected
pancreatic necrosis, or mortality from AP (77). The various pa-
Pulmonary infiltrates (69)
rameters that were described in those studies for goal-directed
Multiple or extensive extrapancreatic collections (16) intravenous hydration included HCT, creatinine, BUN, and
AP, acute pancreatitis; BMI, body mass index; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; HCT, others. Similarly, another systematic review found scant high-
hematocrit; WBC, white blood cell. quality evidence for the numerous goal-directed methods or
The presence of organ failure and/or pancreatic necrosis defines severe AP. combinations (80).
AP is an unpredictable disease early in its course. Clinicians
must recognize the inability to predict the development of severe
cases predicted to be moderately severe or severe by any pre- disease in patients presenting with AP within the first 24–48
dicting system turn out to be such cases, while the prediction for hours after admission. Despite intense research, severity scoring
mild AP is highly reliable and only approximately 3% progress to systems are cumbersome, typically require 48 hours to become
moderately severe or severe. Hence, currently, the systems are accurate, and when predictive of severity, the patient’s condition
only useful to predict the mild type, which helps in earlier dis- is obvious regardless of the score. This is especially true for the
charge of such patients. These limitations of all different type of Ranson, Imrie, and APACHE scoring systems. The Bedside Index
predictors have been highlighted for the past few years (72,73). for Severity Scoring System score, which includes BUN and the
Novel pathogenesis markers, next-generation genetic tests iden- presence of SIRS, has been consistently shown to be superior but
tifying polymorphisms, and artificial intelligence analysis of large may be no more accurate than simply monitoring patients for
repositories of data may identify effective predictors (74). An both BUN and/or the development of SIRS (81,82).
expert review suggested that expert clinician judgment and sim- Although numerous laboratory tests have been studied to
ple SIRS score is as good as any complex scoring system or any predict severity in patients with AP (83–85), no single laboratory
other predictor (75). In a recent editorial, there was a plea to stop test is consistently accurate to predict severity in patients with AP
looking for more predictors and instead focus on the etiology and (86–88). Several investigators have found a rise in HCT and/or
pathogenesis of severe AP with a view to develop specific treat- rising BUN at 24 hours to be a reliable test in predicting mortality
ments for AP (76). and persisting multiorgan failure in patients with AP (83,84,89).
There have been no studies that looked at applying any of the A rising BUN within the first 24 hours has been shown to be
predictors resulting in a clinical impact compared with routine associated with increased morbidity and mortality in patients
care. The reason for this is mainly 2-fold: the inability of accurate with AP (84). This is likely due to its indirect correlation with
prediction and the lack of specific treatment, besides supportive decreased intravascular volume and decreased perfusion of the
care, to prevent severe disease. A recent technical review found no pancreas.
studies using severity prediction tools to demonstrate an impact While many studies, especially from Europe, have used the
on the clinical outcomes of AP using severity prediction tools acute-phase reactant C-reactive protein to determine severity, it is
(77). The review recommended for future clinical trials there is a not practical because it takes 48–72 hours to become accurate in
need for measuring clinical outcomes in groups with and without predicting necrosis and/or death (90). By that time, most patients
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426 Tenner et al
have already developed obvious mild or severe disease. CT and/or has been controversy over the timing, type, and degree of the
MRI also cannot reliably determine severity early in the course of benefit of early hydration, there is a general consensus that
AP because necrosis usually is not present on admission and may treating a patient with mild disease early in the course of the
develop after 24–48 hours (20,91). Thus, close examination to disease with early aggressive or moderately aggressive hydration
assess early fluid losses, hypovolemic shock, and symptoms is beneficial (71,111).
suggestive of organ dysfunction is crucial. Patients with AP have marked systemic endothelial injury and
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Rather than depending on a single laboratory test or scoring increased vascular permeability leading to fluid shifts into the
system to predict the severity of AP, clinicians need to be aware of interstitial space and peritoneum (112). This leads to decreased
the multiple risk factors of severe disease (Table 3). These include intravascular volume. In addition to these third-space losses,
the following: the presence of SIRS (92), signs of hypovolemia, patients presenting with AP are also hypovolemic due to vomit-
such as an elevated BUN (84) and an elevated HCT (83), obesity ing, reduced oral intake, increased respiratory losses, and di-
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(93), presence of pleural effusions and/or infiltrates (94), and aphoresis. Direct evidence of hypoperfusion of the pancreas
altered mental status (95). The presence of SIRS at admission has leading to cell death and necrosis has been shown (113). The
been found to be highly predictive of the development of organ rationale for early intravenous hydration is based on the hy-
failure/severe disease (96). pothesis that clinicians can reverse the decreased perfusion of the
During the early phase of the disease (within the first week), pancreas from third-space losses and microangiopathic effects.
death occurs because of the development, persistence, and pro- Intravenous hydration can promote blood flow preventing pan-
gressive nature of organ dysfunction (97,98). The development of creatic cellular death, necrosis, and the ongoing release of pan-
organ failure seems to be related to the development and per- creatic enzymes activating the numerous cascades characteristic
sistence of SIRS. The reversal of SIRS and early organ failure has of pancreatic sepsis. In addition, intravenous hydration prevents
been shown to be important in preventing morbidity and mor- the ongoing inflammation that leads to a cycle of increased vas-
tality in patients with AP (99–102). While the presence of SIRS cular permeability leading to increased third-space fluid losses
during the initial 24 hours has a high sensitivity for predicting and worsening the pancreatic hypoperfusion that leads to pan-
organ failure (85%) and mortality (100%), this finding lacks creatic necrosis (Figure 1).
specificity for severe disease (41%). Clinicians need to recognize While there is no marker for decreasing pancreatic perfusion,
that the presence at admission or early development of SIRS in a the rise in BUN reflects decreased renal perfusion. This can be
patient with AP warrants aggressive hydration, support, and interpreted as a marker for decreased pancreatic perfusion. In
monitoring. For this reason, such patients should be admitted to a addition, as the intravascular fluid leaks to the peritoneum, the
monitored bed or, if organ failure is already present, the ICU as HCT rises as hemoconcentration develops. Early intravenous
the outcome appears improved (103). resuscitation is essential in correcting hypovolemia, supporting
the macrocirculation and microcirculation of the pancreas to
INITIAL MANAGEMENT prevent serious complications such as pancreatic necrosis (114).
Recommendations On an initial review of clinical trials, conflicting conclusions
may be found regarding the benefit of early aggressive in-
3. We suggest moderately aggressive fluid resuscitation for patients travenous hydration. However, profound differences in study
with AP. Additional boluses will be needed if there is evidence of design explain the findings. The negative studies typically en-
hypovolemia (conditional recommendation, low quality of rolled only patients with severe disease and/or well beyond the
evidence). time where early aggressive intravenous hydration would have
4. We suggest using lactated Ringer solution over normal saline for been effective (115–117). While these studies raise concerns about
intravenous resuscitation in AP (conditional recommendation, the continuous use of aggressive hydration beyond 48 hours, and
low quality of evidence). in patients with severe disease, the role of early hydration (within
the first 6–12 hours) was not addressed in these negative studies.
In general, the human studies that enrolled patients with mild
Key concepts disease and provided early aggressive intravenous hydration
within the first 24 hours have shown a benefit, decreasing both
10. While we suggest all patients with AP receive moderately
morbidity and mortality (3,110,118,119). When a benefit was not
aggressive intravenous hydration of isotonic crystalloid, caution
is needed if a cardiovascular and/or renal comorbidity exists. appreciated, there were too few patients included (low power) in
Patients should be monitored for volume overload. the study and/or there was not a significant difference in the
11. Fluid resuscitation in patients with AP is likely more important amount of fluids provided to the 2 groups during the first 24 hours
early in the course of the disease (within the first 24 hours). (92,120).
12. Fluid volumes need to be reassessed at frequent intervals within Lactated Ringer solution is preferred to normal saline in the
6 hours of presentation and for the next 24–48 hours with a goal resuscitation and early aggressive hydration of patients with AP.
to decrease the BUN. The benefit of using lactated Ringer solution in large-volume
resuscitation has been shown in other disease states, leading to
better electrolyte balance and outcomes (121,122). Khatua et al
Summary of evidence (123) found that lactated Ringer solution early benefits in sys-
The initial treatment of AP depends on intravenous hydration. temic inflammation are by providing calcium that binds ionically
This recommendation is based on expert opinion (10,104), lab- with nonesterified fatty acids that are associated with severe
oratory experiments (105,106), clinical indirect evidence disease in AP. Lactate has also been shown to reduce pancreatic
(83,84,107–109) epidemiologic studies (79), and both retro- injury in AP by decreasing inflammation (124). There are addi-
spective and prospective clinical trials (3,53,92,110). While there tional theoretical benefits to using the more pH-balanced lactated
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Management of Acute Pancreatitis 427
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Figure 1. Role of moderately aggressive intravenous hydration in acute pancreatitis. Figure designed by Jasmine Saini, MD. BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
Ringer solution for fluid resuscitation compared with normal sa- Monitoring patients with early aggressive intravenous hy-
line. Although both are isotonic crystalloid solutions, normal saline dration depends on observation of clinical parameters such as
is more acidic with a pH of 5.5 and is associated with the de- heart rate, blood pressure, and urine output. In general, in-
velopment of a nonanion gap hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis travenous hydration providing for a decrease in the HCT (he-
and renal injury when large volumes are given (125). This has modilution) and/or decreased BUN (increased renal perfusion)
relevance in AP where the process is premature trypsinogen acti- have been shown to be associated with decreased morbidity and
vation that also requires a low pH. In addition, infusion of large mortality (83,84). Although the precise timing of laboratory
volumes of normal saline has been associated with abdominal testing and numbers for which the HCT and BUN should de-
discomfort in healthy volunteers. Thus, normal saline may exac- crease have not been established, the latest evaluation should be
erbate the symptoms of abdominal pain associated with AP. 6–8 hours after admission (111). If an adjustment is to be made to
In 3 well-designed prospective randomized trials, lactated the rate of hydration, it will need to be determined within this
Ringer solution has been shown to be more beneficial than nor- time frame to assure the patient the benefit.
mal saline (53,92,119). Wu et al (92) found patients were less A recent, elegant-designed, randomized prospective study by
likely to develop SIRS, a predictor of severe disease in patients de-Madiera et al (116) has shown that moderate intravenous hy-
treated with lactated Ringer solution compared with those treated dration the first 24–48 hours may be equally effective as aggressive
with normal saline. Lee et al (53) showed that patients who were hydration. In this study, moderate hydration was less likely to cause
given lactated Ringer solution were less likely to be admitted to volume overload when compared with early aggressive intravenous
the critical care unit and had a shorter hospitalization compared hydration. From this study, we can conclude that in patients with
with patients with AP given normal saline. In patients who are in no evidence of hypovolemia, an initial resuscitation rate of no more
the emergency department for a long period and inadequately than 1.5 mL/kg of body weight per hour should be administered.
treated with early aggressive hydration, the benefit may not exist However, in patients with hypovolemia, clinicians should admin-
and may be harmful when transferred to the floor or ICU (126). ister a bolus of 10 mL/kg (71). While the presence of hypovolemia
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428 Tenner et al
might demand higher amounts and rates of hydration, most pa- Summary of evidence
tients with AP will likely benefit from 3–4 L the first 24 hours, The role of ERCP. The pathophysiology of gallstone pancreatitis
depending on body mass index. Close observation is ultimately the involves the obstruction of the pancreatic duct by a gallstone that
key in managing patients with AP early in the course of the disease. passes from the bile duct into the common channel as it opens
It is important to recognize that certain groups of patients, such as into the duodenum. A persistent CBD stone (choledocholithiasis)
the older individuals and those with a history of cardiac and/or renal can lead to persistent pancreatic duct and/or biliary tree ob-
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disease, will need caution when applying hydration. Close moni- struction, leading to necrosis and/or cholangitis (129). Although
toring for reported complications such as volume overload, pul- intuitively, removal of obstructing gallstones from the biliary tree
monary edema, and abdominal compartment syndrome is needed in patients with AP should reduce the complications, most gall-
(126,127). Use of central venous pressure measurement through a stones readily pass to the duodenum and are lost in the stool
centrally placed catheter is commonly used to determine volume (130). Most patients with gallstone pancreatitis will not benefit
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status in this clinical setting. However, recent data indicate that the from ERCP, including early ERCP.
intrathoracic blood volume index may have a better correlation with Schepers et al (131) performed a multicenter trial to determine
cardiac index than central venous pressure, allowing more accurate whether patients with gallstone pancreatitis and predicted severe
assessment of volume status for patients managed in the ICU. AP (APACHE .8, Imrie .3, or C-reactive protein .150 mg/dL)
Once a patient has severe disease, there seems to be no benefit of would benefit from early (within 24 hours) ERCP. Early ERCP
early aggressive hydration (115). Intravenous hydration in patients was not found to decrease complications, including mortality in
with AP has been shown to be most effective early in the course of the these patients. Yet, patients who underwent urgent ERCP were
disease (110). When severe disease develops and/or after 24 hours, less likely to be readmitted for subsequent AP or cholangitis. The
aggressive hydration may actually be harmful (111,116,126,128). authors concluded that urgent ERCP is indicated in this situation
While other experts and guidelines have advocated for using a term only for cholangitis or progressive cholestasis defined by a rising
goal-directed hydration, clinicians often miss the goal failing to bilirubin in the setting of severe or moderately severe AP (bili-
provide adequate hydration during the initial 24 hours when the rubin .3–5 mg/dL).
moderately aggressive intravenous hydration is most important
(10,110). Keeping in mind that most patients with AP seem to have PREVENTING POST-ERCP PANCREATITIS
mild disease, clinicians often do not appreciate the need to treat AP Recommendations
with early hydration because the patients do not appear ill, often
having normal HCT and BUN. The goal in these patients seems to 6. We recommend rectal indomethacin to prevent post-ERCP
have been met. The problem is that AP results in an early extrava- pancreatitis (PEP) in individuals considered to be at high risk of
sation of intravascular fluid into the peritoneum averaging 2–4 L PEP (strong recommendation, moderate quality of evidence).
over the first 48 hours (109). If early moderately aggressive in- 7. We suggest placement of a pancreatic duct stent in patients at
travenous hydration is not provided to these patients with initially high risk for PEP who are receiving rectal indomethacin
appearing mild AP and the disease progresses, because the BUN and/ (conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence).
or HCT rise during the first 24–36 hours, the goal is missed, and the
risk of necrosis and/or organ failure increase (108,109). Rather than
goal-directed therapy, the role of intravenous hydration is better Summary of evidence
thought of as do not miss the goal therapy, that is, do not allow the AP remains the most common complication of ERCP. The in-
BUN and HCT to rise within the first 24–48 hours and do not let cidence of AP varies widely 1%–30%, depending on a variety of
SIRS and/or renal insufficiency to develop. Because once these de- factors, including patient demographics, intraendoscopy proce-
velop, the goal of hydration was missed, and mild disease may be dures performed, and whether the patient has received pro-
progressing to severe disease. phylaxis (132–134). Although most patients with PEP have mild
disease, some patients have severe disease and a complicated
course, including death. There has been significant interest in
identifying interventions that can reduce PEP.
Recommendations In general, diagnostic ERCP should be avoided in most pa-
tients and, if needed, should be performed in Centers of Excel-
5. We suggest medical therapy over early (within the first 72 hours) lence. Clinicians must recognize that the risk of PEP is greater in
ERCP in acute biliary pancreatitis without cholangitis (conditional the patient with a normal caliber CBD and normal bilirubin (odds
recommendation, low quality of evidence). ratio 3.4) when compared with a patient who is jaundiced with a
dilated CBD (odds ratio 0.2) (135). In these patients, noninvasive
MRCP or less-invasive EUS should be used because these
Key concepts methods of evaluating the CBD are as accurate and pose no risk of
pancreatitis (136).
13. In patients with AP complicated by cholangitis, early ERCP Interventions shown to prevent PEP include the following: (i)
within the first 24 hours has been shown to decrease morbidity guidewire cannulation compared with contrast-guided cannula-
and mortality. tion, (ii) pancreatic duct stents in the appropriate patient, (iii) rectal
14. In the absence of cholangitis and/or jaundice, if a CBD stone is indomethacin suppositories, and (iv) preprocedure intravenous
suspected, MRCP or EUS should be used to screen for the hydration (137). Guidewire cannulation, in which the bile duct and
presence of CBD stones before the use of ERCP, and diagnostic pancreatic duct are cannulated by a guidewire inserted through a
ERCP should be avoided. catheter (e.g., a sphincterotome), has been shown to decrease the
risk of pancreatitis (138). This is likely by avoiding hydrostatic
Copyright © 2024 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Acute Pancreatitis 429
injury, but other factors may be involved. Providing clarity, in a indomethacin and periprocedural hydration should be used in all
recent systematic review involving 15 trials, avoiding cannulation patients before ERCP (137).
with radiocontrast agents decreased the risk of AP in most trials. Patients undergoing ERCP who are at high risk for PEP will
The use of guidewire cannulation compared with contrast-guided likely benefit from both rectal indomethacin and a pancreatic duct
cannulation also seems to decrease the risk of severe AP and other stent. While a large-scale multicenter RCT showed that patients
complications, including bleeding and perforation (139). who received rectal indomethacin alone were less likely to develop
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In the appropriate patients undergoing ERCP, such as those pancreatitis following ERCP than patients who received both rectal
with an ampullary tumor undergoing snare resection and those indomethacin in combination with a pancreatic duct stent (152), a
undergoing endoscopic sphincterotomy, the use of a pancreatic well-designed NIH-sponsored multicenter trial recently showed
duct stent has been shown to decrease the risk of severe PEP. the opposite results (153). In this large trial conducted at 20 centers
Prophylactic pancreatic duct stenting is a cost-effective strategy in the USA and Canada, 1950 patients at high risk for PEP were
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for the prevention of PEP for high-risk patients (140); higher randomly assigned to receive rectal indomethacin alone or in
incidence of severe pancreatitis has been reported in patients with combination with a pancreatic duct stent. Patients at high risk were
failed pancreatic duct stenting (141). Yet, it is recognized that less likely to have PEP when provided both rectal indomethacin
pancreatic duct stenting is not always technically feasible with and a pancreatic duct stent. Therefore, prophylactic pancreatic
reported failure rate ranging from 4% to 10% (141). In addition, duct stent placement is generally recommended in addition to
these studies supporting stent placement were unblinded and rectal indomethacin in select patients at high risk for PEP. How-
performed by highly skilled therapeutic endoscopist, thus in- ever, recognizing that this study was performed at tertiary care
troducing bias in favor of stenting into the results. Of more im- centers of expertise, clinicians need to recognize the possible dif-
portance, these studies were performed before the widespread use ficulty of placing a pancreatic duct stent in all patients at high risk
of rectal indomethacin (see further). for PEP. A case by case approach is needed.
Multiple studies have shown that a single dose of 100 mg of
rectal indomethacin before or immediately after ERCP will pre- THE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN AP
vent PEP in patients at high risk (134,142,143). However, in a Recommendations
consecutive series of high-risk and low-risk patients at a single
center, no benefit to periprocedural rectal indomethacin sup- 8. We suggest against prophylactic antibiotics in patients with severe
positories was observed (144). While the benefit may not have AP (conditional recommendation, very low quality of evidence).
been observed because of the inclusion of many patients at low 9. We suggest against fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in patients with
risk, the number needed to treat low-risk patients to prevent AP suspected infected pancreatic necrosis (conditional
and severe AP may be still within the cost-effective range. Thus, recommendation, very low quality of evidence).
rectal indomethacin suppositories (100 mg) should be used in all
patients undergoing ERCP, unless contraindicated (137).
In addition to rectal indomethacin, the use of a periprocedural Key concepts
hydration with lactated Ringer solution has been shown to prevent
AP (145–147). Buxbaum (147) found that no patients developed 15. While antibiotics should not be used in patients with sterile
necrosis, antibiotics are an important part of treatment in
PEP when provided lactated Ringer solution at 3 mL/kg/hr during
infected necrosis along with debridement/necrosectomy.
the ERCP, a 20 mL/kg bolus after the procedure, followed by an 8-
16. In patients with infected necrosis, antibiotics known to penetrate
hour infusion at 3 mL/kg/hr. Similarly, 2 other randomized con-
pancreatic necrosis should be used largely to delay surgical,
trolled clinical trials showed a benefit to periprocedural intravenous endoscopic, and radiologic drainage beyond 4 weeks. Some
hydration. Park et al (148) in a prospective randomized multicenter patients may avoid drainage altogether because the infection
clinical trial showed that lactated Ringer solution at rate of 3 mL/mg may completely resolve with antibiotics.
during the procedure and then 20 mL/kg bolus after the procedure 17. Routine administration of antifungal agents along with
significantly decreased the risk of PEP in average-risk to high-risk prophylactic or therapeutic antibiotics is not needed.
patients. Similarly, Choi et al (149) found vigorous periprocedural
intravenous hydration with lactated Ringer solution reduced the
incidence and severity of PEP in average-risk and high-risk cases. Summary of evidence
While these studies show a benefit to periprocedural infusion Infectious complications. Infectious complications are a major
of lactated Ringer solution, the timing and additional benefit of cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with AP, including
rectal indomethacin remains controversial. Mok et al (142) cholangitis (154), urinary tract infections (155), infected pseu-
conducted a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled docysts (abscesses), fluid collections (156), and infected pancre-
trial on patients at high risk of PEP, the use of a liter of intravenous atic necrosis. SIRS that develops early in the course of AP may be
lactated Ringer solution pre-procedure with 100 mg of rectal indistinguishable from sepsis because of fever, tachycardia,
indomethacin led to a significant decrease in postprocedure tachypnea, and leukocytosis. When an infection is suspected,
pancreatitis. However, a larger volume of fluid and ongoing ag- antibiotics should be given while the source of the infection is
gressive hydration post-ERCP has been shown to be not effective being confirmed. However, once blood and other cultures are
in reducing PEP when rectal indomethacin suppositories are also found to be negative, when no source of infection is identified,
used (150). Despite the evidence of the benefit of using rectal antibiotics should be discontinued.
indomethacin suppositories, in a large study of more than 30,000 Sterile necrosis. The paradigm shift and controversy of using
patients, only one-third of patients were provided this method antibiotics in AP has centered on pancreatic necrosis. When
of prophylaxis (151). When considering the costs, risks, and compared with patients with sterile necrosis, patients with
potential benefits in light of the published literature, rectal infected pancreatic necrosis have a higher mortality rate (mean
Copyright © 2024 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
430 Tenner et al
30%, range 14%–69%) (69). For this reason, preventing infection is suspected. An immediate review of the Gram stain will often
of pancreatic necrosis is important. While some investigators establish a diagnosis. However, it may be prudent to begin anti-
found that infection is rare in the first week after the onset of AP biotics while awaiting microbiologic confirmation. If culture re-
(157), others have found that as many as 25% of all patients with ports are negative, the antibiotics can be discontinued.
infected necrosis developed the infection in the first week (158). There is some controversy as to whether a CT-FNA is necessary
Hypotension, early in the course of AP, has been believed to lead in all patients. In many patients, the CT-FNA would not influence
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to ischemia of the bowel and allow bacterial translocation from the management of a patient (174). Many patients with sterile or
the colon leading to infection of necrosis (159). Alternatively, line infected necrosis either improve quickly or become unstable, and
infections occurring after the first week have also been shown to decisions on surgical intervention will not be influenced by the
lead to infection of necrosis (160). results of the aspiration. In addition, antibiotics can be started for
Although early unblinded trials suggested a benefit in providing suspected infection on clinical grounds even without the FNA of
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antibiotics to patients with sterile necrosis by preventing infectious the pancreatic necrosis because a negative aspiration would still
complications (155,161,162), subsequent better-designed trials have make the antibiotic use necessary due to clinical suspicion (175). In
consistently failed to show a benefit (163–166). There have been 11 proven infection by blood or other body fluid cultures or by the
prospective randomized trials of evaluating the use of prophylactic presence of gas in the pancreatic necrosis, the need for antibiotics is
antibiotics in severe AP, with rigorous study design, participants, and clear. Because the infection will likely seed the necrosis, and the
outcome measures since 1993. Similarly, there were 10 meta-analyses necrosis will be difficult to penetrate, antibiotics chosen should be
reported since 2006 describing the abovementioned RCT, although known to penetrate the necrosis, such as carbapenems, quinolones,
the number of RCT in each meta-analysis varied depending on the cephalosporins, and metronidazole (67,155,160,161). Routine
year of publication of meta-analysis and the selection criteria used for administration of antifungal agents along with prophylactic or
choosing the RCT in each meta-analysis. Of interest, earlier meta- therapeutic antibiotics is also not needed.
analyses and RCT reported a benefit with prophylactic antibiotic use
in terms of mortality, infection of pancreatic necrosis, and extrap- NUTRITION IN AP
ancreatic infections; however, all the 3 placebo-controlled, double- Recommendations
blind RCT, 5 of the 9 meta-analyses published after 2006, and 2 of the
recent guidelines (British Society of Gastroenterology and ACG 10. In patients with mild AP, we suggest early oral feeding (within
guidelines) (104,167) did not recommend the use of prophylactic 24–48 hours) as tolerated by the patient compared with the
antibiotics because of lack of benefit in the abovementioned traditional nothing-by-mouth approach (conditional
outcomes. recommendation, low quality of evidence).
Infected necrosis. The role of antibiotics in patients with necro- 11. In patients with mild AP, we suggest initial oral feeding with low-
tizing AP now focuses on the presence of infection. The concept fat solid diet rather than a stepwise liquid to solid approach
that infected pancreatic necrosis requires prompt surgical de- (conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence).
bridement has also been challenged by multiple reports and case
series showing that antibiotics alone can lead to resolution of in-
Key concepts
fection and, in select patients, avoid surgery altogether (168–170).
Pooling 11 studies that include 1,136 patients, there is a significant 18. Enteral nutrition in patients with moderately severe or severe AP
correlation between the timing of surgery and mortality. In general, seems to prevent infectious complications.
in clinically stable patients, it seems that postponing necrosectomy 19. Parenteral nutrition should be avoided, unless the enteral route
in stable patients with antibiotics until 30 days after initial hospital is not possible, not tolerated, or not meeting the caloric needs.
admission is associated with a decreased mortality. 20. Using a nasogastric rather than nasojejunal route for delivery of
Current consensus is that surgery should be performed on enteral feeding is preferred because of comparable safety and
clinically unstable patients with infected necrosis. However, in efficacy.
most patients, those clinically stable, the initial management of
infected necrosis should be a 30-day course of antibiotics before
surgery to allow the inflammatory reaction to become better or- Summary of evidence
ganized (171). At this time, for a necrotic collection with a well- Nutrition in mild AP. The long-held opinion that patients with AP
defined wall and liquefied material within, the decision and should be nothing by mouth was based on the experience from other
method of drainage can be considered, including endoscopic, acute abdominal conditions. The idea was to avoid food-induced
radiologic, and/or surgical intervention. If there is no response to stimulation of pancreatic exocrine function, to decrease in-
such antibiotics in a short time or if the clinical situation deteri- flammation and hasten recovery, and to place the pancreas at rest.
orates, necrosectomy/debridement should be performed. The The historical practice was to wait until pain is minimal and enzymes
concept that urgent surgery is required in all patients found to normalize or trend downward before oral feeding can be started. Oral
have infected necrosis is no longer valid. feeding was gradually increased from clear liquid diet to soft and then
The role of CT-guided FNA. The technique of CT-guided FNA to low-fat solid diet before discharge. It has been subsequently rec-
(CT-FNA) has proven to be safe, effective, and accurate in dis- ognized that oral feeding maintains gut mucosal integrity and pre-
tinguishing infected and sterile necrosis (172,173). Because patients vents translocation of bacteria from the gut lumen into the inflamed/
with infected necrosis and sterile necrosis may appear similar with necrosed pancreatic tissue, predisposing to the serious complication
leukocytosis and fever and organ failure (67,68) it is impossible to of infected pancreatic necrosis. This led to the concept of gut rousing
separate these entities without CT-FNA. Because the role of anti- as opposed to gut resting (176).
biotics is best established in clinically proven infection, CT-FNA Interest developed in early oral feeding (immediate or within
should be considered when pancreatic or extrapancreatic infection 24, 48, or 72 hours after admission) without waiting for the pain
Copyright © 2024 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Acute Pancreatitis 431
and pancreatic enzymes to normalize (177–183). While most of important in patients with AP, especially in the intensive care
these studies were conducted in patients when the treating team setting. Nasojejunal tube placement requires interventional ra-
allowed the patients to start oral feeding, some studies applied a diology or endoscopy and thus can be expensive. For these rea-
novel approach of starting the feeds based on hunger experienced sons, nasogastric tube feeding maybe preferred (195).
by patients. The results of this approach seem identical The timing of initiating enteral feeding in patients with severe
(181,184,185). For such early feeding, it is important to have disease is controversial. While studies initially suggested a benefit
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bowel sounds present and no significant nausea, vomiting, or in preventing infectious complications, more recent studies
ileus. While most of these studies were performed in cases with suggest that early (within the first 24 hours) initiation of enteral
mild AP, there were some studies performed in both cases with feeding is not beneficial. Bakker et al performed a large ran-
moderately severe and severe types of disease showing a benefit to domized trial in patients with predicted severe AP (196) and
early oral feeding (181,185,186). found that early enteral tube feeding within 24 hours did not
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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCT have highlighted reduce the rate of infection (25% vs 26%) when compared with
the benefit of early oral feeding in patients with mild, moderately on-demand feeding. In addition, early enteral tube feeding did
severe, and severe types of AP, without the need to advance the diet not reduce mortality (11% vs 7%).
slowly from clear liquids to solids (187,188). The universal finding
in these studies demonstrate the safety of initiating early oral
feeding in mild and moderately severe AP without any increase in
important clinical outcomes, such as the development of necrosis, Key concepts
organ failure, and/or other local complications. Such an approach
is beneficial by reducing the time to initiate solid feedings, thus 21. Patients with mild acute biliary pancreatitis should undergo
reducing the hospital stay and costs. In mild AP, oral intake should, cholecystectomy early, preferably before discharge.
in general, be restored quickly. A low-fat solid diet has been shown 22. Minimally invasive methods are preferred to open surgery for
to be safe compared with clear liquids, providing more calories debridement and necrosectomy in stable patients with
(178). Similarly, in other randomized trials, oral feeding with a soft symptomatic pancreatic necrosis.
diet has been found to be safe compared with clear liquids and 23. We suggest delaying any intervention (surgical, radiological,
shorten the hospital stay (189,190). A desire for food, simple and/or endoscopic) in stable patients with pancreatic necrosis,
hunger, can help guide clinicians’ decision when to start feedings preferably 4 weeks, to allow for the wall of collection to mature.
(185). Based on these studies, oral feedings introduced in patients
with mild AP do not need to begin with clear liquids and increase in
a stepwise manner but may begin as a low-residue, low-fat, soft diet. Summary of evidence
However, clinicians should be aware that discharging a patient with Cholecystectomy. In patients with mild gallstone pancreatitis,
persistent nausea despite early eating can result in readmission for same-admission cholecystectomy has been shown to decrease
recurrent AP (191). recurrent gallstone-related complications, with a very low risk of
Nutrition in those with moderately severe and severe AP. There cholecystectomy-related complications (198). When evaluating
is compelling data that patients with sepsis, in general, benefit from the literature, including 8 cohort studies and 1 randomized trial
early refeeding (192). In general, parenteral nutrition should be describing 998 patients who were discharged rather than undergo
avoided. There have been multiple randomized trials showing that cholecystectomy compared with early cholecystectomy, 95 (18%)
TPN is associated with infectious and other line-related compli- were readmitted for recurrent biliary events (18% vs 0%, P ,
cations (69). Because enteral feeding maintains and prevents dis- 0.0001), including recurrent biliary pancreatitis (n 5 43, 8%)
ruption of the gut mucosal barrier, prevents disruption, and (197). Many of these patients experienced severe disease. In ad-
prevents the translocation of bacteria that seed pancreatic necrosis, dition to a benefit in morbidity, same-admission cholecystectomy
enteral nutrition should be begun in patients with severe AP, es- results in substantial cost savings to the health care system (199).
pecially pancreatic necrosis (175,193). A meta-analysis of 8 ran- Patients with pancreatic necrosis complicating biliary pan-
domized controlled clinical trials involving 381 patients found a creatitis will require complex decision-making between the sur-
decrease in infectious complications, organ failure, and mortality in geon and gastroenterologist. In these patients, cholecystectomy is
patients with severe AP provided enteral nutrition compared with typically delayed to a later course in the typically prolonged
those given TPN (193). If enteral nutrition is administered by tube hospitalization, as part of the management of the pancreatic ne-
feeds, continuous infusion is preferred over cyclic or bolus ad- crosis if present and/or to a later date after discharge (200).
ministration (192). In addition, a small peptide-based medium- In most patients with gallstone pancreatitis, the CBD stone
chain TG oil formula may improve tolerance (193). passes to the duodenum. Routine ERCP is not appropriate unless
Although the use of a nasojejunal route was preferred to avoid there is a high suspicion of a persistent CBD stone, manifested by
the gastric phase of stimulation, nasogastric enteral nutrition an elevation in the bilirubin (201,202). Patients with mild AP,
seems safe. A systematic review describing 92 patients from 4 whose bilirubin is normal, can undergo laparoscopic cholecys-
studies on nasogastric tube feeding found that nasogastric feeding tectomy with intraoperative cholangiography, and any remaining
was safe and well tolerated in patients with predicted severe AP bile duct stones can be dealt with by postoperative or intra-
(194). There have been some reports of a slight increase in the risk operative ERCP. In patients with low to moderate risk, MRCP can
of aspiration with nasogastric feeding. These patients should be be used preoperatively; however, routine use of MRCP is un-
placed in a more upright position and be placed on aspiration necessary. In patients with mild AP who cannot undergo surgery,
precautions. Evaluating for residuals, retained volume in the such as older individuals and/or those with severe comorbid
stomach, is not likely to be helpful. Compared with nasojejunal disease, biliary sphincterotomy has been shown to be effective to
feeding, nasogastric tube placement is far easier, which is prevent recurrent biliary AP (69).
Copyright © 2024 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
432 Tenner et al
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Management of Acute Pancreatitis 433
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