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Applied Energy 100 (2012) 41–46

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Applied Energy
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Biodiesel production by enzymatic transesterification catalyzed by Burkholderia

lipase immobilized on hydrophobic magnetic particles
Chien-Hung Liu a, Chien-Chang Huang b, Yao-Wen Wang a, Duu-Jong Lee c,d, Jo-Shu Chang a,e,f,⇑
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
University Center for Biotechnology and Biosciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

h i g h l i g h t s

" Burkholderia lipase was successfully immobilized on hydrophobic magnetic particles.

" The immobilized lipase could be repeatedly used six times without severe activity loss.
" Biodiesel conversion catalyzed by immobilized lipase reached nearly 70% within 12 h.
" The transesterification conditions with the immobilized lipase was optimized by RSM.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biodiesel is a promising substitute for petroleum diesel, and has been commercialized and utilized in
Received 25 March 2012 many countries. Conventional chemical or physical methods used for biodiesel production face the draw-
Received in revised form 2 May 2012 backs of high energy consumption or intensive use of chemicals. In contrast, using lipase-catalyzed
Accepted 6 May 2012
transesterification for biodiesel synthesis is clean, effective, and water tolerance. Therefore, in this work,
Available online 23 June 2012
a self-developed Burkholderia lipase was immobilized onto hydrophobic magnetic particles (HMPs) for
biodiesel production. Transesterification with the immobilized lipase could be repeatedly carried out
six times without severe activity loss. The optimal conditions for the enzymatic transesterification were
identified as: room temperature, 200 rpm agitation, 10% water content, and a methanol-to-oil molar ratio
Immobilized enzyme of 4:1. Under these conditions, the conversion of oil to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) reached nearly
Biodiesel 70% within 12 h, giving a biodiesel production rate of 43.5 g/L/h.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Transesterification is conventionally performed by alkaline or acid

catalysis, which is restricted by impurities such as water and free
Due to the rise in demand for energy and the limited supplies of fatty acids [7–10]. Another method to produce biodiesel is to use
fossil fuel available, more attention has recently been focused on supercritical reactions, although these are usually performed at
developing clean and renewable sources of alternative energy high temperature and pressure, thus requiring significant energy
[1,2]. Among the possible candidates for an alternative energy consumption and high operating costs. A last method is to utilize
source, biodiesel has attracted much attention because its physical enzymatic reactions by using lipase. Lipase can perform the ester-
and chemical properties and energy content are similar to those of ification of free fatty acids and transesterification of triglycerides
petroleum diesel [3]. In addition, the emission of particulates, CO, without the formation of soaps. The main products when using li-
and unburned hydrocarbons from biodiesel combustion in a diesel pase as the catalyst in transesterification are biodiesel and glycerol,
engine are all lower than that those from petroleum diesel [4–6]. resulting in the easy removal of lipase [11,12], which is an impor-
Biodiesel could be produced by transesterification of triglycerides. tant issue when choosing a catalyst.
The major barrier to the wider use of enzymatic transesterifica-
tion is the cost of lipases, but the enzyme cost can be reduced by
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng
the enzyme immobilization, which enables repeated uses of the
Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan. Fax: +886 6 2357146/2344496.
E-mail address: changjs@mail.ncku.edu.tw (J.-S. Chang).
enzyme [13]. Moreover, the stability, activity, and reusability of

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 C.-H. Liu et al. / Applied Energy 100 (2012) 41–46

enzymes can also be improved by immobilization [14]. Literature 2.5. Immobilization of lipase
shows that lipases strongly adsorb on the hydrophobic interfaces
by their lids and protein chains [15,16]. For this reason, hydropho- In our previous work, the Burkholderia lipase was immobilized
bic interaction has became the most popular method for lipase by membrane [24] and Celite carriers [25], but the transesterifica-
immobilization, and various hydrophobic materials have been tion activity of using the two types of immobilized lipase was
used to achieve this, such as Accurel EP-100, Octyl agarose, PSLG- quite low. Thus, in this study, a new approach was used for lipase
modified PPMM, and polysulfone nanofibrous membranes [17– immobilization. The immobilization procedures are described as
20]. However, better immobilized lipase systems with characteris- follows. In general, 15 g of HMP was added to the 2 L culture
tics of being more effective, more durable, and less expensive are supernatant at room temperature. The pH of the mixture was con-
still of great demand to facilitate the commercialization of enzy- trolled at 6.5. After 8 h, the immobilized lipase (HMP-lipase) was
matic biodiesel synthesis processes. harvested prior to washing with 10 mM HEPES solution several
Therefore, in this work, the lipase produced by an isolated Burk- times. After that, the particles were lyophilized at 55 °C and
holderia sp. strain [21–23] was immobilized onto magnetic parti- 10 Pa for 24 h. The resulting particles were stored at 20 °C before
cles by hydrophobic adsorption approaches. The immobilized they were used.
lipase was characterized in terms of its enzymatic activity and
the reusability. The conditions for transesterification catalyzed by
the immobilized lipase were also optimized to assess the feasibility 2.6. Measurement of hydrolytic activity of lipase
of using the developed immobilized lipase in practical applications.
Fifteen milliliters emulsified substrate (10 mL olive oil and 5 g
gum arabic mixed with 100 mL osmosis water) was diluted with
2. Materials and methods 35 mL osmosis water. HMP-lipase and the diluted solution were
placed in a 100 mL vial prior to the analysis. The free fatty acid pro-
2.1. Strains and cultivation duced from the hydrolysis of olive oil was titrated by 0.1 N NaOH
at pH 9.0 and 55 °C.
The lipase-producing strain was identified as Burkholderia sp.
which was isolated from food wastes in central Taiwan [22]. The
culture medium consisted of (per L): olive oil, 10 mL; yeast extract, 2.7. Transesterification catalyzed by the immobilized lipase
2.175 g; (NH4)2SO4, 6 g; HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-1-
ethanesulfonic acid), 2.4 g; KCl, 4.45 g; CaCl2, 0.02 g; hexadecane, Ten milliliters olive oil (ca. 9.1 g), 1.66 mL methanol (ca. 1.33 g),
10 mL; and MgCl2, 0.2 g. Burkholderia sp. was cultivated in a 5 L fer- and 1.5 mL water were mixed with HMP-lipase of 300 U to perform
mentor at 30 °C and 400 rpm for 30 h for the production of lipase transesterification. The initial condition was methanol to oil in the
[21–23]. molar ratio of 4 to 1, 30 °C, and 600 rpm. For the optimization of
transesterification, the temperature of 20–60 °C, agitation rate of
2.2. Preparation of hydrophobic magnetic particles (HMPs) 200–650 rpm, water content of 5–40%, and methanol concentra-
tion of 0–36% were investigated. For the stepwise addition experi-
Two hundred milliliters 8.85% FeSO4 solution was mixed with ments, methanol was added into the solution with the methanol to
100 mL KNO3 prior to heating to 90 °C. After this, 27.62% KOH oil molar ratio of 1.33 to 1 at the 6th hour, 10th hour, and at the
50 mL was added to the solution before incubating at 90 °C for beginning of the reaction.
2 h. The magnetic particles collected from the solution were
washed by osmosis water until the pH of the decanted water be- 2.8. Estimation of the conversion of transesterification
came neutral. Magnetic particles were then covered with a silica
layer by silication. The mixture for silication was 10 g magnetic A gas chromatograph equipped with a Rtx-Biodiesel TG column
particles, 30 mL TEOS (tetraethoxysilane), 80 mL ethanol, 24 mL and flame ionization detector (FID) was used to analyze the prod-
osmosis water, and 28 mL NH4OH. The solution was kept at room ucts resulting from lipase-catalyzed transesterification of olive oil
temperature for 12 h. HMP was prepared by the following steps. with methanol. Methyl oleate and methyl palmitate were used as
15 g silicated magnetic particles were mixed with 150 mL ethanol the standards. The temperature for injection and FID was 350 °C.
and 150 mL glycerol prior to incubating at 85 °C. After that, 10 mL The temperature of the column was initially maintained at 80 °C
[3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl] octadecyldimethylammonium chlo- for 5 min. Following this, the temperature was increased to
ride was added to the solution. After 2 h, the resulting particles 380 °C at the rate of 15 °C/min and kept on 380 °C for 5 min. The
were collected prior to being dried. conversion of transesterification occurred based on the following
2.3. Adsorption curve of lipase on HMP
The concentration of FAME
Conversionð%Þ ¼
A 0.55 g HMP was placed into the 50 mL broth containing 25 U/ The concentration of FAME obtained from chemical catalysis
mL crude lipase. The conditions were room temperature and
600 rpm with the solution pH controlled at 6.5. The residual activ-
ity of the lipase in the mixture was determined at 2, 4, 8, or 24 h. 2.9. Reusability of HMP-lipase

2.4. Langmuir isotherm of lipase adsorption on HMP The HMP-lipase was repeatedly used when the transesterifica-
tion was conducted using a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 4 to 1.
Forty milliliters crude enzyme solution with the initial lipase Before the addition of 1000 U HMP-lipase, 9.1 g olive oil, 1.33 g
activity of 3–40 U/mL was prepared in advance. 0.048 g HMP was methanol, and 1 mL RO water were mixed. The conditions were
placed into the enzyme solution with pH controlled at 6.5 at room 30 °C and 600 rpm. When the conversion of olive oil achieved
temperature and 600 rpm. After 4 h, the lipase activity of the solu- 60%, HMP-lipase was harvested from the solution by magnets.
tion and immobilized enzyme were determined to obtain the Lang- Fresh reagents were subsequently mixed with the harvested
muir isothermal adsorption curve. HMP-lipase for the next experiment under the same conditions.
C.-H. Liu et al. / Applied Energy 100 (2012) 41–46 43

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Characterization of immobilized lipase (HMP-lipase)

3.1. Langmuir adsorption isotherm of immobilized lipase As indicated in Fig. 2a, the production of FAME (fatty acid
methyl ester) by free lipase was slightly higher than that by
In order to find out the adsorption capacity of HMP (hydropho- HMP-lipase. It is likely that the mass transfer resistance of metha-
bic magnetic particles) for the lipase, the Langmuir adsorption iso- nol moving to immobilized lipase might increase due to the reten-
therm (Eq. (3.1)) was employed, as follows: tion of oil on the hydrophobic surface of HMP. This increase in
mass transfer resistance led to the lower transesterification rate,
qmax C e thereby leading to lower FAME production. Although the free li-
q¼ ð3:1Þ
K d þ Ce pase had slightly higher activity, the high enzyme cost hinders
the commercialization of the lipase-catalyzed biodiesel synthesis
where q is the adsorption capacity (U/g), Ce is the equilibrium con- process as the free lipase cannot be used repeatedly. One way of
centration of protein (U/mL), qmax is the maximum adsorption reducing the enzyme cost is to enhance the stability and/or reus-
capacity (U/g) and Kd is the dissociation constant. Based on the re- ability of lipase by immobilization technology to allow easy reuti-
sult of the regression analysis, the maximum lipase adsorption lization of the lipase. Therefore, the reusability of HMP-lipase was
capacity of HMP is 4619 U/g, and the dissociation constant is also examined in this work. The results (Fig. 2b) show that HMP-li-
2.16 U/mL (Fig. 1a). This indicates that HMP has a promising affin- pase can be repeatedly used for six runs of transesterification with-
ity for the lipase due to its high adsorption capacity to lipase. out the loss of its activity. The conversion of olive oil can still reach
Fig. 1a also shows that the experimental data fit perfectly to the 60% within 12 h at the 6th batch run. The transesterification by
Langmuir isotherm model. Moreover, the adsorption dynamics re- HMP-lipase was also compared with that by a commercial lipase
sults (Fig. 1b) show rapid adsorption of the lipase on the hydropho- Novozyme 435 [26] as indicated in Table 1. It shows that the FAME
bic group (i.e., HMP) for the first 3 h, after which the adsorption production rate of HMP-lipase (42.1 g/L/h) and Novozyme 435
began to slow down and gradually reached saturation. The initial (41.2 g/L/h) are quite similar, but the cost for HMP-lipase
adsorption rate of lipase on HMP was 6250 U/h/L when initial li- (1.07 US$/kU) is lower than that for Novozyme 435 (3.2 US$/kU).
pase concentration was 25 U/mL and loading of the HMP matrix
was 11 g/L.
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) produced (g)

Free lipase
q (U/g)

2000 3

qmax = 4619 (U/g) 1
Kd = 2.16 (U/ml)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 2 4 6 8 10
Incubation time (h)
Ce (U/ml)
100 (b)
(b) HMP
FAME conversion (%)

80 60
Residual activity (%)




0 0 20 40 60 80
0 5 10 15 20 25 Incubation time (h)
Incubation time (h)
Fig. 2. (a) Production of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) via transesterification of
Fig. 1. Adsorption of Burkholderia lipase on HMP matrix. (a) Langmuir isotherm olive oil with methanol catalyzed by free and HMP-immobilized lipase and (b) the
(lipase loading: 3–40 U/mL; HMP loading: 1.2 g/L) and (b) time-course adsorption reusability of HMP-immobilized lipase in the transesterification reaction (lipase
profiles (lipase loading: 25 U/mL; HMP loading: 11 g/L). The operating temperature loading: 300 U/mL; methanol-to-oil molar ratio: 4:1; water content: 10%; temper-
was 30 °C). ature: 30 °C; agitation rate: 600 rpm).
44 C.-H. Liu et al. / Applied Energy 100 (2012) 41–46

Table 1
Comparison of the transesterification conditions and performance with HMP-immobilized lipase and with other lipase systems reported in the literature.

Lipase type Enzyme loading Optimal methanol- Water Methanol FAME production Cost Reference
(U/g oil) to-oil ratio content (%) addition strategy rate (g/L/h) (US$/kU)
HMP-immobilized lipase 220 4:1 10 One step 42.1 1.07 This study
Novozyme 435 400 1:1 0 Stepwise 41.2 3.2b [26]
Lipase AK 330 4.5:1 0 Stepwise 3.48 0.17a [36]
Novozyme 435 1000 3:1 2.53 Stepwise 34.9 3.2b [37]
Chirazyme L-2 44.3 3:1 0 Stepwise 0.87 NA [38]
Candida sp. 99–125 3000 3:1 0 Stepwise 16.67 NA [39]
Rhizopus oryzae + Chirazyme L-2 54 4.5:1 10 Stepwise 36.79 NA [40]
Rhizopus oryzae supported by NA 3:1 12.6 Stepwise 8.99 NA [41]
polyurethane foam

FAME: fatty acid methyl ester.

NA: not available.
Calculated by the market price of lipase AK.
Calculated by the market price of Novozyme 435.

This suggests that HMP-lipase seems to be suitable for industrial 160

applications. (a)

Relative transesterification rate (%)

3.3. Effects of environmental factors on HMP-lipase catalyzed
Literature shows that the performance of lipase-catalyzed
transesterification is mainly affected by temperature, agitation 80
rate, water content, and methanol/oil ratio [27–32]. Therefore, ef-
fects of the forgoing four factors on transesterification catalyzed 60
by HMP-lipase were investigated. As shown in Fig. 3a, the maxi-
mum initial rate occurred at 40 °C and decreased as the tempera-
ture was higher or lower than 40 °C. However, although the rate 20
at 40 °C was slightly higher than that at room temperature (RT,
about 30 °C), the energy consumption at 40 °C was markedly high- 0
20 30 40 50 60
er than at RT. Hence, considering both performance and energy
Temperature (°C)
consumption, the following experiments in this study were all per-
formed at RT.
Fig. 3b shows the influence of agitation rate on transesterifica-
tion. The initial transesterification rate did not vary significantly
Relative transesterification rate (%)

when the agitation rate was increased from 200 to 650 rpm, indi- 100
cating that the agitation rate, over the range of 200–650 rpm,
was not an important factor affecting the transesterification rate. 80
To lower the energy consumption, an agitation rate of 200 rpm is
considered as the preferable condition.

3.4. Effects of water contents and methanol loading on HMP-lipase

catalyzed transesterification

The amount of water associated with the enzyme is usually a 20

key factor in the process of lipase-catalyzed transesterification
[33]. Thus, the effect of water content on transesterification was 0
also examined in this study. As indicated in Fig. 4a, when the water 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
content was less than 10%, the transesterification rate tended to in- Agitation rate (rpm)
crease with increasing water content. However, the transesterifica-
tion rate decreased when the water content exceeded 10%, Fig. 3. Effects of (a) temperature (agitation rate at 600 rpm) and (b) agitation rate
(temperature: 30 °C) on transesterification activity of the HMP-immobilized lipase
suggesting that a water content of 10% was sufficient for the
(immobilized lipase loading 300 U/mL; methanol-to-oil molar ratio: 4:1; water
HMP-lipase to carry out the transesterification reactions. The rea- content: 10%).
son why higher water contents resulted in a lower reaction rate
might be because hydrolysis of oil to fatty acids was activated
when the water is abundant [34] due to the increase in the avail- HMP-lipase-catalyzed transesterification was investigated. As
able interfacial area. As lipase usually catalyzes hydrolysis of oil shown in Fig. 4b, the maximum transesterification rate (43.5 g/l/
in the aqueous solution, the increase in interfacial area would stim- h) occurred for the methanol concentration range of 6–13% (repre-
ulate the competing hydrolysis reaction, thereby retarding the senting a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 1.8 to 4.1). This maximum
transesterification reactions [34]. transesterification rate is higher than that obtained from using
Moreover, the ratio of the two reactants of transesterification, other types of lipases, including commercial enzymes such as
namely methanol and oil, is also recognized as a crucial factor that Novozyme 435 [4] (Table 1). Moreover, the high optimal metha-
needs to be optimized. The effect of methanol-to-oil molar ratio on nol-to-oil ratio of 4.1 implies that HMP-lipase can tolerate a high
C.-H. Liu et al. / Applied Energy 100 (2012) 41–46 45

120 100
Relative transesterification rate (%)

Stepwise addition
100 One-step addition

FAME conversion (%)




0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 10 20 30 40 50
Water content (%) Incubation time (h)

Fig. 5. Conversion of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) by one-step and stepwise
50 addition of methanol. The arrows indicate the addition of methanol (immobilized
(b) Experimental data
lipase loading 300 U/mL; methanol-to-oil molar ratio: 4:1; water content: 10%;
Transesterification rate (g/h/L)

temperature: 30 °C; agitation rate: 600 rpm).

30 could indeed tolerate high methanol concentration in transesterifi-

cation, and thus the stepwise feeding strategy is no longer needed.
In addition, due to a higher initial methanol concentration, using
20 one-step addition significantly shortened the time required to
achieve the maximum conversion. This is another way to reduce
10 the operation costs for the enzymatic biodiesel synthesis.

0 4. Conclusions
0 10 20 30 40
Methanol concentration (%) Burkholderia lipase was successfully immobilized onto self-
synthesized hydrophobic magnetic particles (HMPs). The immobi-
0 5 10 15 20
lized lipase could be repeatedly used six times for transesterifica-
Methanol-to-oil molar ratio
tion without loss of its activity. The optimal conditions for
Fig. 4. Effects of (a) water content (methanol-to-oil molar ratio at 4/1) and (b) transesterification by the developed HMP-immobilized lipase were
methanol-to-oil molar ratio (water content at 10%) on transesterification activity of room temperature, 200 rpm, 10% water content, and a methanol to
the HMP-immobilized lipase (immobilized lipase loading 300 U/mL; temperature: oil molar ratio of 4:1. Under these conditions, the conversion of oil
30 °C; agitation rate: 600 rpm). to fatty acid methyl esters was about 70% and the biodiesel a pro-
duction rate was 43.5 g/L/h.
concentration of methanol, which is known to repress the transe-
sterification activity when free lipase is used [12]. Table 1 shows Acknowledgements
the comparison of the transesterification performance of using
HMP-lipase and of using other lipase systems in related studies. This study was financially supported by the Research Grants
It shows that the proposed HMP-immobilized lipase has advanta- from Taiwan’s National Science Council under Grant Numbers:
ges of higher methanol and water tolerance with a comparable NSC100-3113-E-006-016-, NSC100-2218-E-126-002-, and NSC99-
or higher transesterification activity when compared with other li- 2221-E-006-137-MY3. The support from top university Grant of
pase systems. Hence, the HMP-lipase seems to be a promising bio- National Cheng Kung University (known as 5-year-50-billion
catalyst for enzymatic synthesis of biodiesel. Grant) is also appreciated.

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