PSYCH Reviewer 07-07-23 PDF
PSYCH Reviewer 07-07-23 PDF
PSYCH Reviewer 07-07-23 PDF
07/07/23 – sir archie
● Psychiatric nursing
○ Nurse-client relationship – it means two way process which there is give and
take. Such as if the nurse will share something the patient should be able to
share also. It is not a therapeutic relationship kapag isa lang ang nag sasalita.
■ It is a series of interaction between the nurse and the client it means
constanct communication. (consistency)
■ goal : positive behavioral change for example this is a change in the
behavior of the client from being uninteractive to interactive, from being
quiet to being able to share.
- Q1: when does the therpeutic relationship begins? Ans: it begins
in orientation phase ito yung unang pag tatagpo with the client.
- Q2: the only tool available for the nurse? Ans: SELF it is because
in psychiatric nursing we give ourselves to the client. It is
important to have SELF-AWARENESS
○ Elements of Nurse Client Relationship
■ T – trust makuha yung tiwala ng client; always protect the trust of the
client once nurse were able to build this rapport.
■ R – Rapport establishing the rapport it means
■ U – unconditional postive regards accept the client for who they are.
(acceptance should be there)
■ S – setting-limits it is because the client is the leader between the
client-nurse relationship.
■ T – therapeutic use of self we will use ourselves towards the client.
(therapeutic communication is used here).
- Q3: when is the trust established? Ans: when the patient starts
sharing to the nurse
○ Therapeutic Behaviors
■ Genuineness – there should be sincerity and honesty
■ Concreteness – ability to identify client’s feelings (we should be
■ Respect – consideration of patient as unique.
○ Phases:
1. Pre interaction/preorientation
a. No contact with the client at this point.
b. Secondary sources which includes the charts, relatives of the
c. The best to conduct the self-awareness
2. interaction/orientation
a. Establish trust
b. Assess client
Cute si dims :)
c. Mutual agreement
d. Informing about termination
3. Working
a. Longest phase
b. Achieveing goals
c. Sharing facts
d. Resolve the problem
4. Termination
a. Moving towards independence
b. Ending the therapeutic relationship
c. Observe for regressive behaviors.
○ Therapeutic communication (theracomm)
■ Dynamic process of exchange information you adopt what the client says.
■ Verbal and non verbal
○ Theracomm: ELEMENTS
■ sender /encoder – the source of the message
■ Message – actual information being transmitted
■ Reciever – recepient of the message
■ Feedback – recivers of the message
- Barriers – factors inhibits the transfer of
information/communication process
○ Non-verbal communication
■ Proxemics – physical space between the nurse and the patient. (3-6 feet
or one arm and half.)
■ Kinetics – body movement such as rhe gestures, facial expressions, and
■ Touch – intimate physical touch → but have consent first. Touch the
shoulder part only, palm, do not touch the area that are sensitive.
■ Silence – conveys listening, interest, agreeing, encourages the patient to
■ Paralanguage – voice quality (tone, inflection) how the message is
delivered. It improves the credibility of what you’re saying.
○ Verbal communication
■ It should be therapeutic, appropriate, simple, adaptive, concise, and
■ Therapeutic techniques MUST DO!!
1. Offering self – let me sit here with you for 5 mins which is
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time bounded
2. Active listening – ah huh, yes, no
Cute si dims :)
3. Exploring – you said hannah was the best, can you describe
her? There is exploration on this example such as si hannah
because the nurse is asking the significant of hannah to the life of
the patient.
4. Broad openings – where would like to begin? By broad opening
we are giving the patient to start the topics that he/she wants to
talk about.
5. Making observations – to start a conversation and conveys that
you are interested to the client as you can also see the small
details. This will increase the self-esteem of the patient as it shows
you are interested.
6. Summarizing – it comes from the root word “summarize”;ex. In
the past 15 minutes we have talked about.. Also It is important to
summarize in the theracomm with the client because you will be
able to know what was discussed and not yet discussed between
the client.
7. Encouraging description of perception
8. Presenting reality
- ex. “I am hearing voices..”
a. EDP: “what are the voices telling you?” – here by
using the encouraging description of perception you are given
the chance to assess the hallucination.
b. PR: “i know that the voice seems real to you, but i
dont hear any voices.” – this is way of presenting reality,
always say the reality to the client
- Recap for no.7 and no.8 as both of the are used when there is illusion
and hallucination: Illusion (with stimuli) vs hallucination
(without stimuli) – difference is the presence of stimuli; ex.
If ilusion if you see the fan as monster which is ang fan
yung stimuli. For hallucination is that nakaka kita ka ng
halimaw pero walang fan.
- Types of hallucination
1. Visual – you see it (vision)
2. Auditory – you can hear it (hearing) – it is
considered dangerous because it has command.
3. Tactile – you can feel it in your skin (feeling)
4. Gustatory – you can taste it (taste) – it is
uncommon among the types of hallucination
9. Seeking clarification – “do you mean?...” also remember when
charting it should be verbatim it means ilagay mo kung ano ang
sinabi ng patiente; if there are words that are unclear always
clarify it with the client.
10. Reflecting – you make the patient answer her own question; let
the patient reflect. Do not answer the problem of the client instead
Cute si dims :)
assist the patient; this will help the client become more
11. Restating – rephrase what the patient has said; ensure you dont
use the same word that the client used.
12. General leads – “ go on../Tell me more…”
13. Focusing – “let is look at more closely..” it will let the client feel
that you are interested.
■ Non therapuetic techniques AVOID!!
1. Giving advice – becasue we will not solve the problem of the
client but rather help them
2. Talking about self – it is because we are patient-centered.
3. Telling the client is wrong – it will stimulate dispute and can
result to loss of trust
4. False reassurances – results also to loss of trust due to false
hope. kasi iisipin niya na di totoo mga sinabi mo.
5. Asking why – this implies demands an answer → arouses deep
seated feelings
- Exemption: suicidal → can be direct quesitoning
■ Spheres
1. ID – PLEASURE principles, irrational thoughts; hindi
makdahilanan na iniisip natin; you dont think if its right or wrong.
(increased ID = antisocial)
2. EGO – reality based, this maintains the SANITY.
3. SUPER EGO – it balances the ID, this are the conscience, EGO
IDEAL, this is the moral. (increased Super ego = OCPD)
○ Defense Mechanisms
■ Repression – unconsciously forgetting (di sidaya) – such as traumatic
experiences from childhood, so when get older you forget most of your
childhood becasue of how traumatic the event is.
■ Suppression – conciously forgetting (sadya) – yung utang mo bhie!.
■ Reaction formation – plastic/plastic usually common with people who
has bipolar when you are sad deep inside but you show people that you
are happy.
■ Rationalization – reasoning out or making excuses – convincing yourself
using your own reason.
■ Projection – blaming others
■ Introjecton – blaming self
- Two types of introjection:
1. Blaming yourself
2. Exact replica of other person
■ Compensation – weak on one aspect → but you’ll be strong on another
■ Denial – unacceptance of the truth. One of the common is when you
cannot move on from your ex..luh siya!
Cute si dims :)
○ Disturbance in perception
■ Delusion
- fixed false belief
■ Magical thinking
- naniniwala sila sa mahika or magic.
■ Paranoia
- extreme suspiciousness
■ Religiosity
- obssession in religious ideas
■ Phobia
- irrational fear
■ Obsession
- repititive thoughts kapag asa isip mo lang; merong specific goal or
■ Compulsion
- repetitive actions kapag ginagawa mo na.
■ Preoccupation
- idea with the intense desire no specific goal but rather no
■ thought broadcasting
- others know what i am thinking.
■ Delusions/ideas of reference
- talk of the town/main character; yung feeling mo na patungkol
sayo ang lahat ng bagay.
○ Affect → emotions/expression
■ Inappropriate – incongruent of emotions; usually seen to patient with
schizophrenia; yung masaya ka pero umiiyak incongruency.
■ Blunted – little response
■ Restricted – display one type of expression either happy or sad.
■ Labile mood – these are mood swings or unpredictable
■ Apathy – absence of emotions; no emotions or flat affect only.
■ Ambivalence – opposing feelings; two contradicting feelings.
■ Anhedonia – absence of pleasure
■ Euphoria – feeling of extreme pleasure
○ Stress
■ Stages of stress
1. Stage I – alarm reaction: you have determine that there is stress
2. Stage II – stage of Resistance: you will utilize all resources to
solve the problem
—-----------------------------problem solved—---------------------------------
3. Stage III – stage of Exhaustion: you have utilized all of your
resource but the problem is not solved.
Cute si dims :)
○ Anxiety VS Fear
■ Anxiety
- It is the fear of the unknown
- Levels of anxiety
1. Mild: highest level of thinking or logical thinking; increase
concentration; increased alertness. (problem solving
2. Moderate: increased irritability, decreased attention span,
selective inattentiveness (relaxation techniques: DBE,
encourage verbalization of feelings.)
- As early as moderate is there should be medication
as it helps to prevent and stop it from being severe.
- Medications:
a. Anxiolytic or benzodiazepines – medication
that has pam/lam.
3. Severe: extreme muscle tension, loud rapid speech,
diffculty of focusing even with assistance, distorted
perception (remain with the client)
4. Panic: suicidal attempts, fixed eyes, hysterical/mute,
incoherence (decrease stimuli, stay with the client, assist in
relaxation techniques, paper bag for hyperventilation)
■ Fear
- Known fear.
○ Panic Disorder
■ Recurrent
■ Unpredictable
■ Panic attacks such as
1. Trembling
2. Racing heat (tachycardia)
3. Chest pain
4. DOB
5. Choking – ito yung feeling na parang na bubulol
6. Numbness
■ Management
1. Assist in problem solving
2. Teaching of coping behaviors for the patient – so that we can built
a new coping mechanism for the patient which can be effective
and modify the ineffectve coping mechanism.
3. Drug of choice
a. Benzodiazipines – if with addiction to benzodiazepines →
substitute → antihistamines
b. Primary: anti allergic reaction
c. Secondary: sedative
d. Other meds: betablocks – nakakapag relax ang beta
blockers and it helps in tachycardia. – “olol”, SSRI’s,
○ Acute stress Disorders
■ Signs and symptoms are after 2 days to 4 weeks (less than 1 month)
■ Management:
1. Progressive review of the trauma (acceptance)
2. Drug of choice:
a. Benzodiazepines
○ Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
■ Signs and symptoms are more than 4 weeks after acute stress disrder
(more than 1 month)
■ Recurrent flashbacks – there are the intrusive thougths or mga
nakakapag-papagabag na memories.
- Re-experience of trauma happens because of flashback.
■ Defense mechanism: Displacement
■ Signs and symptoms
1. General numbness → somatic (bodily) symptoms
a. Irritability
b. Aggresiveness
c. Depression
d. Anger
e. Social withdrawal
Cute si dims :)
■ Management:
1. Assist in gaining control over angry impulses (Acceptance)
2. Drug of choice
- During acute attacks: benzodiazepine