H-046-000340-00 D-Bil (VOX)
H-046-000340-00 D-Bil (VOX)
H-046-000340-00 D-Bil (VOX)
By the action of inhibitor and vanadic acid ion at pH 3.0, direct bilirubin is
specially oxidated to dehydrobilirubin, and the absorbency decrease at 450
nm is directly proportional to the concentration of direct bilirubin.
Components and Concentrations
R1: Tartrate buffer 100 mmol/L
Phosphate buffer 10 mmol/L
Vanadiate 4 mmol/L
Warnings and Precautions
1.For in vitro diagnostic use.
2.Take the necessary precautions for the use of laboratory reagents.
3.Preservative contained. Do not swallow. Avoid contact with skin and
mucous membranes.
4.Disposal of all waste material should be in accordance with local
Сопоставление методов
Сравнение системы Mindray (анализатор серии BS/реагент Mindray Bil-D)
(y) и Hitachi/Wako (Hitachi/Wako Bil-D) (x) на 40 пробах дало следующую
корреляцию (мкмоль/л): y=0.9104x+1.8142, R2 = 0.9993
Более подробная информация об исследованиях корреляции
предоставляется по запросу.
1.Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3rd edition. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER,
WB Saunders Co., 1999.
2.Tietz NW. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests. 3rd ed.Philadelphia, Pa: WB
Mediante la acción del inhibidor y del ión de ácido vanádico con pH 3,0, la
bilirrubina directa se oxida en deshidrobilirrubina y la disminución de la
absorbancia a 450 nm es directamente proporcional a la concentración de
bilirrubina directa.
Componentes y concentraciones
R1: Tampón de tartrato 100 mmol/l
Tampón de fosfato 10 mmol/l
Vanadato 4 mmol/l
Advertencias y precauciones
1.Para diagnóstico in vitro.
2.Tome las precauciones necesarias para la utilización de reactivos de
Yöntem Karşılaştırma
40 numune kullanılarak yapılan Mindray sistemi (Mindray BS serisi
analizörler /Mindray Bil-D reaktifi) (y) - Hitachi/Wako sistemi (Hitachi/Wako
Bil-D) (x) karşılaştırmasında şu korelasyon elde edilmiştir
(umol/L):y=0,9104x+1,8142, R2 = 0,9993
Karşılaştırma deneylerinin ayrıntıları istek üzerine temin edilir.
1.Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3rd edition.Burtis CA, Ashwood
ER.WB Saunders Co., 1999.
2.Tietz NW.Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests.3rd ed.Philadelphia, Pa:WB
Saunders Co; 1995:88.
3.National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, How to Define,
Determine, and Utilize Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory,
Approved Guideline, CLSI publication C28-A, Villanova, PA(1995).
4.Tietz, N. W., ed., Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, 3 rd Edition, W.B.
Saunders, Philadelphia, PA (1987).
5.CLSI.Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantitative Measurement
Methods; Approved Guideline-Second Edition.CLSI document EP5-A2
[ISBN 1-56238-542-9. CLSI, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne,
PA 19087 USA, 2008.
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