Act2cl en Col11
Act2cl en Col11
Act2cl en Col11
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SAP Activate Phases (New Implementation On-Premise Project – Core Phases) ......................................... 65
Additional Phases ............................................................................................................................................ 70
Workstream Description .................................................................................................................................. 77
Key SAP Best Practices and Methodology Accelerators by Phase (PREPARE)............................................ 79
Key SAP Best Practices and Methodology Accelerators by Phase (EXPLORE) ............................................ 81
Key SAP Best Practices and Methodology Accelerators by Phase (REALIZE) .............................................. 82
Key SAP Best Practices and Methodology Accelerators by Phase (DEPLOY) .............................................. 83
Flexible Methodology Suitable for all Projects ................................................................................................. 84
Flexible Methodology Suitable for all Projects ................................................................................................. 85
Lesson Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 86
Lesson 3 - Quality Built-In ............................................................................................................................ 87
Lesson Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Quality Built-In ................................................................................................................................................. 88
Quality Principles Four Characteristics............................................................................................................ 89
Quality Principles Ensuring Successful Customer Implementations ............................................................... 90
Quality Principles Ensuring Successful Customer Implementations ............................................................... 91
Quality Principles Ensuring Successful Customer Implementations ............................................................... 92
Quality Built-In – SAP Activate Project Quality ................................................................................................ 93
Project Quality Gates Value Proposition ......................................................................................................... 94
Four Mandatory Project Quality Gates ............................................................................................................ 95
Quality Gate Checklist, Excel Matrix ............................................................................................................... 96
Lesson Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 97
Lesson 4 - SAP Best Practices ..................................................................................................................... 98
Lesson Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 98
SAP Best Practices Content in Three Layers .................................................................................................. 99
SAP Best Practices Content – Bill of Materials ............................................................................................. 100
SAP Best Practices Content – Bill of Materials ............................................................................................. 101
SAP Best Practices Explorer ......................................................................................................................... 102
SAP Best Practices Explorer – SAP S/4HANA ............................................................................................. 103
Download SAP Best Practices Content from SAP Service Marketplace ...................................................... 104
Download SAP Best Practices Content from SAP Software Download Center on the Web ........................ 105
Lesson Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 106
Lesson 5 - Access SAP Activate via Roadmap Viewer............................................................................ 107
Lesson Objective ........................................................................................................................................... 107
Navigate through the methodology content inside the Roadmap Viewer tool............................................... 108
Roadmap Viewer ........................................................................................................................................... 109
Roadmap Viewer Navigation (by Phase or Workstream) .............................................................................. 110
Deliverable in Roadmap Viewer .................................................................................................................... 111
Published SAP S/4HANA and SAP Activate Roadmaps............................................................................... 112
Lesson Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 113
Unit 2 - Knowledge Check........................................................................................................................... 114
UNIT 3 - GOVERNANCE, ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................... 117
Unit Objective ............................................................................................................................................... 118
Lesson 1 - Team Structure and Leadership .............................................................................................. 119
Lesson Objective ........................................................................................................................................... 119
Two Teams Working Together ...................................................................................................................... 120
Team Structures ............................................................................................................................................ 121
Implementation Leadership ........................................................................................................................... 123
Implementation Leadership ........................................................................................................................... 124
Lesson Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 125
Lesson 2 - Implementation Roles & Responsibilities .............................................................................. 126
Lesson Objective ........................................................................................................................................... 126
Implementation Roles & Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 127
Customer Team ............................................................................................................................................. 128
Course Overview
Target Audience
This course is intended for the following audiences:
Application Consultant
Business Process Owner/Team Lead/Power User
Program/Project Manager
Unit Objective
Lesson Summary
Review Questions
Lesson Summary
What are the names of the core phases of SAP Activate Methodology?
Choose the correct answers. There are four correct answers.
Unit Objective
Lesson Summary
Additional Phases
The table, Workstreams Description, shows some of the SAP Activate methodology
workstreams and their description. Those familiar with ASAP and SAP Launch should
review the workstream descriptions as they have changed significantly from the previous
The workstreams are optimized and aligned with various implementation scenarios. They
are also adjusted based on feedback from initial projects that used SAP Activate
methodology content.
The first workstream is Project Management that covers all the aspects of setting up the
project, running it, and delivering on the project objectives. The Project Management
workstream is structured around the fundamentals of agile project delivery and is aligned
with Project Management Institute standard, the PMBOK (PM Body of Knowledge).
There are a set of Application workstreams that are dealing with different aspects of the
application itself. This includes design, configuration, testing, and integration. These
workstreams cover the core of the work done on the solution to adjust it to fit customer
needs. This includes the design and configuration activities, such as running the fit/gap
workshops or configuring the system. It also covers the development of extensions, testing
including integration, performance and system tests or regression, and User Acceptance
Testing (UAT).
The Solution Adoption workstream deals with what was previously covered in the OCM
stream and training stream in ASAP - the adoption activities enabling the organization and
end users to use the solution in their daily work. The deliverables and tasks guide the
project team in ensuring a smooth transition to operations, post go-live support, and
change management.
Workstream Description
The figure, Workstreams Description (4/4), continues the SAP Activate Methodology
workstream descriptions.
The last workstream from the set of Application workstreams is focused on Customer
Team Enablement. Its goal is to enable the customer project team on the implementation
approach, the solution and technology that will be implemented. It occurs early in the
project to get the team ready for the fit/gap analysis and equip them with knowledge to
design and configure the solution.
The Custom Code Extensions workstream covers design, development, and deployment
of system functionality that cannot be provided by the standard product and needs to be
custom developed. It also covers the custom code analysis and clean-up in the system
conversion transition scenario. Note that the traditional RICEFW (or in-app extensions) are
covered in the ‘Application: Design & Configuration’ workstream.
The System and Data Migration workstream deals with the discovery, planning, and
execution of moving legacy data to the new system and the archiving of legacy data. This
workstream also covers cutover planning, preparation, management, and execution of
activities to cutover the system into production. In the system conversion scenario, the
activities to convert the current environment to the new solution are covered in this
The Technical Architecture and Infrastructure workstream deals with the solution
landscape, deployment concept, system architecture, technical system design,
environment (development, testing, production, failover) setup, technology operations
standards and process. It is very much focused on everything from sizing, planning,
building the technical environment for the solution.
Some roadmaps may have only a subset of these workstreams and there may be new
workstreams added for new topics and areas in the future.
Lesson Summary
Quality Built-In
Lesson Summary
Lesson Summary
Roadmap Viewer
Lesson Summary
SAP only provides core foundation best practices and does not deliver a set of
integration and migration best practices.
Which of the following is not a characteristic that the quality principals are based
Match the terms in the first column to the corresponding item in the second column.
An outcome
delivered during
the course of a
A work to be
Stage of the
Collection of
Task related
Match the SAP Best Practices content layer to the correct definition.
Match the terms in the first column to the corresponding item in the second column.
Represent the
Solution Package
Scope Items
A work to be
Building Block performed
A selection of
scope items that
cover the scope
Task of pre-configured
Unit Objective
Team Structures
Implementation Leadership
Implementation Leadership
Lesson Summary
Customer Team
Lesson Summary
Lesson Summary
Lesson Summary
Lesson 5 - Governance
Lesson Objective
Implementation Governance
Lesson Summary
Identify the three customer roles that are typically a part of the SAP SuccessFactors
implementation project team.
How often should an Executive Steering Committee meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
How often should the Project Management Office meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
Unit Objective
Lesson 1 - Overview
Lesson Objective
Lesson Summary
Lesson Objective
Deliverable Information
Lesson Summary
Lesson Objective
Level 1: Self-Enablement
Lesson Summary
Lesson Objective
Execution/Monitoring of Project
Configuration Definition
Integration Preparation
Value Determination
Lesson Summary
Lesson Objective
Solution Configuration
Cutover Plan
Cutover Plan
Lesson Summary
Lesson Objective
Lesson Summary
Unit Objective
Workstream Description
Lesson Summary
Case Study
Case Study Objective
List two items that are included with SAP Best Practices for SAP SuccessFactors
How often should an Executive Steering Committee meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
How often should the Project Management Office meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
Cutover Plan
Integration Setup in Test
Solution Testing Preparation & Execution
Solution Walkthrough
Configuration Definition
Enhancement Requests
Solution Validation
Migration Plan & Data Preparation
Kickoff Workshop
Project Initiation
Sales Handover
Term Description
Configuration Guides Configuration Guides contain step by step instructions on how
to configure the best practices.
Configuration Workbooks Configuration Workbooks have been completed with the Best
Practices configuration settings.
Customer Team Covers the enablement of the customer project team to work
Enablement Workstream on the project effectively. This include standard product
orientation to prepare the customer for product requirements
and design discussion, as well as key user and admin training
to prepare the customer for test case development and test
Cutover Management Covers planning and execution of activities to cutover the
Workstream application into production including the hyper-care support
period shortly after cutover.
Data Migration Workstream Covers the discovery, planning and execution of moving data
to the new application.
Deliverable A Deliverable is an outcomes that is delivered during the
course of the project. Several deliverables are included within
a workstream.
Demonstration Scripts Demonstration scripts and demonstration tenants can be used
during the Explore Phase to identify additional configuration
that is needed beyond the Best Practices content.
Enhancement Management Covers the processes to request SAP SuccessFactors
Workstream product development changes to incorporate customer needs.
Go Live The implementation roadmap consists of one or more Go
Lives. Each Go Live may correspond to the productive use of
a new SAP SuccessFactors module, an extension of
functionality of an existing module, or a roll out of functionality
to additional countries, departments, etc.
Term Description
• Deliverables are usually tangible and can be clearly
verified as to whether the deliverable is complete or
not. To achieve deliverables, team members work on
tasks to complete the deliverable.
• Tasks should have finite start and end dates and be
short in duration to ensure status of the task can be
readily determined.
Implementation Roadmap The highest level of the SAP Activate methodology is the
implementation roadmap and consists of one or more Go
Integration Preparation Covers identification of integration requirements, integration
Workstream points, integration approach, and integration solution design.
Integration Setup Covers the setup of integration environment and middleware
Workstream between the solution and any external systems.
Phase(s) Phases are stages of the project. At the end of each phase, a
quality gate exists to verify the completion of the deliverables.
Project Preparation During this workstream, the Development / Test tenant is
Workstream secured. Best Practice content is installed or configured in
Development or Test tenant.
Project Management Covers planning, scheduling, governance, controlling and
Workstream monitoring the execution of the project.
Quality Gate Quality Gates ensure that all stakeholders agree that the
activities of the phase have been completed and the project
can go onto the next phase. Stakeholders include the
members of the implementation team as well as steering
committee members, Quality Gates occur at the end of each
Sample HR Forms Sample HR forms are provided so that the testing process can
be accelerated.
Sample Test Data Sample test data is provided so that the testing process can
be accelerated.
Solution Adoption Covers value management, organization change
Workstream management, and user training.
Solution Configuration Covers the configuration and unit testing of the system to fulfill
Workstream the solution design. Items that can be configured include but
Term Description
not limited to: forms, workflows, user permission/security,
screen layout, reports, master data setup, notifications, etc.
Solution Design Covers the validation of scope, identification of detailed
Workstream business process requirements, fit-gap analysis, positioning of
best practices, and functional design of the solution.
Solution Testing Covers test strategy, planning, test case development, and
Workstream execution of User Acceptance Test, Integration Test,
Performance Test, and/or System Test.
Solution Walkthrough Covers the demonstration of the configured/developed
Workstream solution to the customer project team after each iteration cycle
for customer acceptance and identification of adjustments
needed for the next iteration.
Support Readiness Covers the establishment and setting up of the helpdesk
Workstream process, incident management process, post go-live change
management process, & user related operations standards
and process.
Task A task is work to be performed. One or several tasks comprise
a deliverable.
Workstream A workstream is a collection of related deliverables that show
time relationships within a project and among other streams.
Streams can span phases and are not necessarily dependent
on phase starts and end.
During the course, we discussed lots of material that would be helpful on SAP
SuccessFactors Implementations.
Listed are some of the URLs for key content that can be found on the internet.
(additional source)
For SAP employees only: Listed are URLs for key sets of additional content that can be
found on the intranet for SAP employees.
Unit 1
What are the 3 pillars of SAP Activate?
What are the names of the core phases of SAP Activate Methodology?
Choose the correct answers. There are four correct answers.
X Prepare
X Explore
X Realize
Unit 2
Which of the following statements are correct?
SAP only provides core foundation best practices and does not deliver a set of
integration and migration best practices.
Which of the following is not a characteristic that the quality principals are based
Match the terms in the first column to the corresponding item in the second column.
Stage of the
Collection of
Workstream related
An outcome
delivered during
the course of a
A work to be
Match the SAP Best Practices content layer to the correct definition.
Match the terms in the first column to the corresponding item in the second column.
A selection of
scope items that
cover the scope
Solution Package of pre-configured
Represent the
Scope Items
Building Block
A work to be
Unit 3
What are three responsibilities of the Executive Steering Committee?
Identify the three customer roles that are typically a part of the SAP SuccessFactors
implementation project team.
How often should an Executive Steering Committee meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
How often should the Project Management Office meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
Unit 4
Unit 5
What are the four core phases of the SAP Activate methodology?
List two items that are included with SAP Best Practices for SAP SuccessFactors
How often should an Executive Steering Committee meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
How often should the Project Management Office meet for SAP SuccessFactors
implementation projects?
Cutover Plan
Integration Setup in Test
Solution Testing Preparation & Execution
Solution Walkthrough
Configuration Definition
Enhancement Requests
Solution Validation
Migration Plan & Data Preparation
Kickoff Workshop
Project Initiation
Sales Handover