A Survey On Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAI Toward Medical XAI
A Survey On Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAI Toward Medical XAI
A Survey On Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAI Toward Medical XAI
Abstract— Recently, artificial intelligence and machine performance in performing medical tasks, they are hardly
learning in general have demonstrated remarkable performances perfect [1]–[9].
in many tasks, from image processing to natural language Interpretability and explainability of ML algorithms have
processing, especially with the advent of deep learning (DL).
Along with research progress, they have encroached upon many thus become pressing issues: who is accountable if things go
different fields and disciplines. Some of them require high level of wrong? Can we explain why things go wrong? If things are
accountability and thus transparency, for example, the medical working well, do we know why and how to leverage them
sector. Explanations for machine decisions and predictions are further? Many articles have suggested different measures and
thus needed to justify their reliability. This requires greater frameworks to capture interpretability, and the topic explain-
interpretability, which often means we need to understand
the mechanism underlying the algorithms. Unfortunately, able artificial intelligence (XAI) has become a hotspot in
the blackbox nature of the DL is still unresolved, and many ML research community. Popular DL libraries have started
machine decisions are still poorly understood. We provide a to include their own XAI libraries, such as Pytorch Captum
review on interpretabilities suggested by different research works and tensorflow tf-explain. Furthermore, the proliferation of
and categorize them. The different categories show different interpretability assessment criteria (such as reliability, causal-
dimensions in interpretability research, from approaches that
provide “obviously” interpretable information to the studies ity, and usability) helps ML community keep track of how
of complex patterns. By applying the same categorization to algorithms are used and how their usage can be improved,
interpretability in medical research, it is hoped that: 1) clinicians providing guiding posts for further developments [10]–[12].
and practitioners can subsequently approach these methods with In particular, it has been demonstrated that visualization is
caution; 2) insight into interpretability will be born with more capable of helping researchers detect erroneous reasoning
considerations for medical practices; and 3) initiatives to push
forward data-based, mathematically grounded, and technically in classification problems that many previous researchers
grounded medical education are encouraged. possibly have missed [13].
The above said, there seems to be a lack of uniform
Index Terms— Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), inter-
pretability, machine learning (ML), medical information system, adoption of interpretability assessment criteria across the
survey. research community. There have been attempts to define
the notions of “interpretability,” “explainability” along with
“reliability,” “trustworthiness,” and other similar notions with-
I. I NTRODUCTION out clear expositions on how they should be incorporated
into the great diversity of implementations of ML mod-
M ACHINE learning (ML) has grown large in both
research and industrial applications, especially with the
success of deep learning (DL) and neural networks (NNs),
els; consider [10] and [14]–[18]. In this survey, we will
instead use “explainability” and “interpretability” interchange-
so large that its impact and possible after-effects can no longer ably, considering a research to be related to interpretability
be taken for granted. In some fields, failure is not an option: if it does show any attempts: 1) to explain the decisions
even a momentarily dysfunctional computer vision algorithm made by algorithms; 2) to uncover the patterns within the
in autonomous vehicle easily leads to fatality. In the medical inner mechanism of an algorithm; and 3) to present the
field, clearly human lives are on the line. Detection of a disease system with coherent models or mathematics, and we will
at its early phase is often critical to the recovery of patients or include even loose attempts to raise the credibility of machine
to prevent the disease from advancing to more severe stages. algorithms.
While ML methods, artificial NNs, brain–machine interfaces, In this work, we survey through research works related to
and related subfields have recently demonstrated promising the interpretability of ML or computer algorithms in general,
categorize them, and then apply the same categories to inter-
Manuscript received October 15, 2019; revised June 7, 2020 and August 10, pretability in the medical field. The categorization is especially
2020; accepted September 24, 2020. Date of publication October 20, 2020;
date of current version October 28, 2021. This work was supported by the aimed to give clinicians and practitioners a perspective on the
Health-AI Division, DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., through use of interpretable algorithms that are available in diverse
the Alibaba-NTU Talent Program. (Corresponding author: Erico Tjoa.) forms. The tradeoff between the ease of interpretation and the
Erico Tjoa was with the HealthTech Division, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.,
Hangzhou 311121, China. He is now with the School of Computer Sci- need for specialized mathematical knowledge may create a
ence and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 bias in preference for one method when compared to another
(e-mail: ericotjo001@e.ntu.edu.sg). without justification based on medical practices. This may
Cuntai Guan is with the School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798. further provide a ground for specialized education in the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3027314 medical sector that is aimed to realize the potentials that
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
reside within these algorithms. We also find that many journal integrated interpretability [16] by including considerations for
articles in the ML and AI community are algorithm-centric. subject-content-dependent models. Compared to [17], we also
They often assume that the algorithms used are obviously overview the mathematical formulation of common or pop-
interpretable without conducting human subject tests to verify ular methods, revealing the great variety of approaches to
their interpretability (see column HSI of Tables I and II). It is interpretability. Our categorization draws a starker borderline
noted that assuming that a model is obviously interpretable between the different views of interpretability that seem to be
is not necessarily wrong, and, in some cases human tests difficult to reconcile. In a sense, our survey is more suitable for
might be irrelevant (for example, predefined models based on technically oriented readers due to some mathematical details,
commonly accepted knowledge specific to the content-subject although casual readers may find useful references for relevant
may be considered interpretable without human subject tests). popular items, from which they may develop interests in this
In the tables, we also include a column to indicate whether young research field. Conversely, algorithm users that need
the interpretability method applies for artificial NN, since the interpretability in their work might develop an inclination to
issue of interpretability is recently gathering attention due to understand what is previously hidden in the thick veil of math-
its blackbox nature. ematical formulation, which might ironically undermine relia-
We will not attempt to cover all related works many bility and interpretability. Clinicians and medical practitioners
of which are already presented in the research articles and already having some familiarity with mathematical terms
survey we cite [1], [2], [15]–[30]. We extend the so-called may get a glimpse on how some proposed interpretability
methods might be risky and unreliable. The survey [30] views This article is arranged as the following. Section II intro-
interpretability in terms of extraction of relational knowledge, duces generic types of interpretability and their subtypes.
more specifically, by scrutinizing the methods under neural- In each section, where applicable, we provide challenges and
symbolic cycle. It presents the framework as a subcategory future prospects related to the category. Section III applies the
within the interpretability literature. We include it under verbal categorization of interpretabilities in Section II to medical field
interpretability, though the framework does demonstrate that and lists a few risks of machine interpretability in the medical
methods in other categories can be perceived under verbal field. Before we proceed, it is also imperative to point out that
interpretability as well. The extensive survey [18] provides a the issue of accountability and interpretability has spawned
large list of researches categorized under transparent model discussions and recommendations [31]–[33], and even entered
and models requiring post hoc analysis with multiple subcat- the sphere of ethics and law enforcements [34], engendering
egories. Our survey, on the other hand, aims to overview the movements to protect the society from possible misuses and
state of interpretable ML as applied to the medical field. harms in the wake of the increasing use of AI.
Fig. 2. (a1) Using LIME to generate explanation for text classification. Headache and sneeze are assigned positive values. This means both factors have
positive contribution to the model prediction “flu.” On the other hand, weight and no fatigue contribute negatively to the prediction. (a2) LIME is used to
generate the super-pixels for the classification “cat.” (a3) ADC modality of a slice of MRI scan from ISLES 2017 segmentation competition. Reddish intensity
region reflects a possible “explanation” to the choice of segmentation (segmentation not shown). (b) Optimized images that maximize the activation of a
neuron in the indicated layers. In shallower layer, simple patterns activate neurons strongly while in deeper layer, more complex features such as dog faces
and ears do. Figure (b) is obtained from https://distill.pub/2018/building-blocks/ with permission from Chris Olah.
Fig. 3. Overview on perceptive interpretability methods. (a) Saliency method with decomposition mechanism. The input which is an image of a cat is fed
into the model for processing along the blue arrow. The resulting output and intermediate signals (green arrows) are decomposed and selectively picked for
processing, hence providing information for the intermediate mechanism of the model in the form of (often) heatmappings, shown in red/orange/yellow colors.
(b) Saliency method with sensitivity mechanism. The idea is to show how small changes to the input (black figures of birds and ducks) affect the information
extracted for explainability (red silhouette). In this example, red regions indicate high relevance, which we sometimes observe at edges or boundary of objects,
where gradients are high. (c) Signal method by inversion and optimization. Inverses of signals or data propagated in a model could possibly reveal more
sensible information (see arrow labeled “inverse”). Adjusting input to optimize a particular signal (shown as the ith component of the function f 1 ) may provide
us with x1 that reveals explainable information (see arrow labeled “optimization”). For illustration, we show that the probability of correctly predicting duck
improves greatly once the head is changed to the head of a duck which the model recognizes. (d) Verbal interpretability is typically achieved by ensuring that
the model is capable of providing humanly understable statements, such as the logical relation or the positive words shown.
framework [55], though, as we speak, many versions of LRP methods that have been developed include, DeepLIFT and gra-
are being developed. The code implementation can also be dient*input [57], prediction difference analysis [58] and [41].
found in the aforementioned website. Peak response mapping [59] is generated by backpropagating
Automatic concept-based explanations (ACEs) algorithm peak signals. Peak signals are normalized and treated as
[56] uses super-pixels as explanations. Other decomposition probability, and the method can be seen as decomposition
into probability transitions. In [60], removed correlation ρ patch that a human could roughly discern as a detected
is proposed as a metric to measure the quality of signal feature. Sometimes, these discernible features are considered
estimators. And then it proposes PatternNet and PatternAt- interpretable, as in [72]. However, they might be too distorted.
tribution that backpropagate parameters optimized against ρ, Then, how else can a feature map be related to a humanly
resulting in saliency maps as well. SmoothGrad [61] improves perceptible feature? An inverse convolution map can be
gradient-based techniques by adding noises. Do visit the defined: for example, if feature map in layer 2 is computed
related website that displays numerous visual comparison of in the network via y2 = f 2 ( f 1 (x)) where x is the input,
saliency methods; be mindful of how some heatmaps highlight f 1 (.) consists of 7 × 7 convolutions of stride 2 followed
apparently irrelevant regions. by max-pooling and likewise f2 (.). Then [72] reconstructs
For NLP or sentiment analysis, saliency map can also take an image using a deconvolution network by approximately
the form of “heat” scores over words in texts, as demonstrated inversing the trained convolutional network x̃ = deconv(y) =
by Arras et al. [62] using LRP and by Karpathy et al. [63]. fˆ2−1 fˆ1−1 (y) which is an approximation, because layers such
In the medical field (see later section), Irvin et al. [6], as max-pooling have no unique inverse. It is shown that x̃
Zhao et al. [44], Paschali et al. [64], Couture et al. [65], does appear like slightly blurred version of the original image,
Li et al. [66], Qin et al. [67], Tang et al. [68], Papanas- which is distinct to human eye. Inversion of image representa-
tasopoulos et al. [69], and Lee et al. [70] have studied tions within the layers has also been used to demonstrate that
methods employing saliency and visual explanations. It is CNN layers do store important information of an input image
noted that we also subcategorize LIME as a method that uses accurately [73], [74]. Guided backpropagation [75] modifies
optimization and sensitivity as its underlying mechanisms, the way backpropagation is performed to achieve inversion by
and many researches on interpretability span more than one zeroing negative signals from both the output or input signals
subcategories. backwards through a layer. Indeed, inversion-based methods
a) Challenges and future prospects: As seen, the formu- do use saliency maps for visualization of the “activated”
las for CAM and LRP are given on a heuristic: certain ways signals.
of interaction between weights and the strength of activation b) Activation optimization: Besides transforming the acti-
of some units within the models will eventually produce the vation of neurons, signal method also includes finding input
interpretable information. The intermediate processes are not images that optimize the activation of a neuron or a collection
amenable to scrutiny. For example, taking one of the weights of neurons. This is called the activation maximization. Starting
and changing its value does not easily reveal any useful with a noise as an input x, the noise is slowly adjusted to
information. How these prescribed ways translate into inter- increase the activation of a select (collection of) neuron(s)
pretable information may also benefit from stronger evidences, {ak }. In simple mathematical terms, the task is to find x 0 =
especially evidences beyond visual verification of localized argmax ||{ak }|| where optimization is performed over input x
objects. Signal methods to investigate ML models (see later and ||.|| is a suitable metric to measure the combined strength
section) exist, but such methods that probe them with respect of activations. Finally, the optimized input that maximizes the
to the above methods have not been attempted systematically, activation of the neuron(s) can emerge as something visually
possibly opening up a different research direction. recognizable. For example, the image could be a surreal
fuzzy combination of swirling patterns and parts of dog faces,
2) Signal Method: Methods of interpretability that observe
as shown in Fig. 2(b).
the stimulation of neurons or a collection of neurons are called
Research works on activation maximization include [76]
signal methods [71]. On the one hand, the activated values of
on MNIST data set, [77] and [78] that uses a regularization
neurons can be manipulated or transformed into interpretable
function. In particular, Olah et al. [38] provides an excel-
forms. For example, the activation of neurons in a layer can
lent interactive interface (feature visualization) demonstrating
be used to reconstruct an image similar to the input. This
activation-maximized images for GoogLeNet [79]. GoogLeNet
is possible because neurons store information systematically
has a deep architecture, from which we can see how neurons
[36], [72]: feature maps in the deeper layer activate more
in deeper layer stores complex features while shallower layer
strongly to complex features, such as human face, keyboard,
stores simple patterns [see Fig. 2(b)]. To bring this one step
etc., while feature maps in the shallower layers show simple
further, the “semantic dictionary” is used [39] to provide a
patterns such as lines and curves. An example of feature
visualization of activations within a higher level organization
map is the output of a convolutional filter in a convolutional
and semantically more meaningful arrangements.
NN (CNN). Network dissection procedure evaluates neuronal c) Other observations of signal activations: Ablation
unit’s activation by computing its IoU score that is relevant to studies [80], [81] also study the roles of neurons in shallower
a concept in question [36], [37]. On the other hand, parameters and deeper layers. In essence, some neurons are corrupted and
or even the input data might be optimized with respect to the the output of the corrupted NN is compared to the original
activation values of particular neurons using methods known network.
as activation optimization (see a later section). The following d) Challenges and future prospects: Signal methods
are the relevant subcategories. might have revealed some parts of the black-box mechanisms.
a) Feature maps and inversions for input reconstructions: Many questions still remain which are as follows.
A feature map often looks like a highly blurred image with 1) What do we do with the (partially) reconstructed images
most region showing zero (or low intensity), except for the and images that optimize activation?
2) We might have learned how to approximately inverse a summary of why the rating is justified. The subset can be
signals to recover images, can this help improve inter- expressed as the binary sequence (z 1 , . . . , z l ) where z k = 1(0)
pretability further? indicates x k is (not) in the subset. Then z follows a probability
3) The components and parts in the intermediate process distribution with p(z|x) decomposed by assuming indepen-
→ ←
− −
that reconstruct the approximate images might contain dence to k p(z k |x) where p(z k |x) = σz (W z [ h k , h k ] + b z ),
→ ←
− −
important information; will we be able to utilize them with h t , h t being the usual hidden units in the recurrent cell
in the future? (forward and backward, respectively). Similar segments are
4) How is explaining the components in this “inverse generated using filter-attribute probability density function to
space” more useful than explaining signals that are improve the relation between the activation of certain filters
forward propagated? and specific attributes [87]. Earlier works on visual question
5) Similarly, how does looking at intermediate signals that answering (VQA) [88]–[90] are concerned with the generation
lead to activation optimization help us pinpoint the role of texts discussing objects appearing in images.
of a collection of neurons? a) Challenges and future prospects: While texts appear
6) Optimization of highly parameterized functions notori- to provide explanations, the underlying mechanisms used to
ously gives nonunique solutions. Can we be sure that generate the texts are not necessarily explained. For example,
optimization that yields combination of surreal dog NNs and the common variants/components used in text-related
faces will not yield other strange images with minor tasks such as recurrent NN (RNN), long short-term mem-
alteration? ory (LSTM) are still black boxes that are hard to troubleshoot
In the process of answering these questions, we may find in the case of wrong predictions. There have been less works
hidden clues required to get closer to interpretable AI. that probe into the inner signals of LSTM and RNN NNs. This
3) Verbal Interpretability: This form of interpretability is a possible research direction, although similar problem as
takes the form of verbal chunks that human can grasp naturally. mentioned in Section II-A2d may arise (what to do with the
Examples include sentences that indicate causality, as shown intermediate signals?). Furthermore, while word embedding
in the examples below. is often optimized with the usual loss minimization, there
Logical statements can be formed from proper concatena- does not seem to be a coherent explanation to the process
tion of predicates, connectives, etc. An example of logical and shape of the optimized embedding. There may be some
statement is the conditional statement. Conditional statements clues regarding optimization residing within the embedding,
are statements of the form A → B, in another words “if A and thus successfully interpreting the shape of embedding may
then B.” An ML model from which logical statements can be help shed light into the mechanism of the algorithm.
extracted directly has been considered obviously interpretable.
The survey [30] shows how interpretability methods in general
can be viewed under such symbolic and relational system. B. Interpretability via Mathematical Structure
In the medical field, see [82], [83]. Mathematical structures have been used to reveal the mech-
Similarly, decision sets or rule sets have been studied for anisms of ML and NN algorithms. In the previous section,
interpretability [84]. The following is a single line in a rule set deeper layer of NN is shown to store complex information
“rainy and grumpy or calm → dairy or vegetables,” directly while shallower layer stores simpler information [72]. Testing
quoted from the article. Each line in a rule set contains with concept activation vector (TCAV) [96] has been used to
a clause with an input in disjunctive normal form (DNF) show similar trend, as suggested in Fig. 4(a2). Other methods
mapped to an output in DNF as well. The example above include clustering, such as t-distributed stochastic neighbor
is formally written (rainy ∧ grumpy) ∨ calm → dairy ∨ embedding (t-SNE) shown in Fig. 4(b) and subspace-related
vegetables. Comparing three different variables, it is suggested methods, for example correlation-based singular vector canon-
that interpretability of explanations in the form of rule sets ical correlation analysis (SVCCA) [97] is used to find the
is most affected by cognitive chunks, explanation size and significant directions in the subspace of input for accurate
little effected by variable repetition. Here, a cognitive chunk prediction, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Information theory has
is defined as a clause of inputs in DNF and the number been used to study interpretability by considering Information
of (repeated) cognitive chunks in a rule set is varied. The Bottleneck principle [98], [99]. The rich ways in which
explanation size is self-explanatory (a longer/shorter line in a mathematical structures add to the interpretability pave ways
rule set, or more/less lines in a rule set). MUSE [85] also to a comprehensive view of the interpretability of algorithms,
produces explanation in the form of decision sets, where hopefully providing a ground for unifying the different views
interpretable model is chosen to approximate the black-box under a coherent framework in the future. Fig. 5 provides an
function and optimized against a number of metrics, including overview of ideas under this category.
direct optimization of interpretability metrics. 1) Predefined Model: To study a system of interest, espe-
It is not surprising that verbal segments are provided cially complex systems with not well-understood behavior,
as the explanation in NLP problems. An encoder-generator mathematical formula such as parametric models can help
framework [86] extracts segment like “a very pleasant ruby simplify the tasks. With a proper hypothesis, relevant terms
red-amber color” to justify 5 out of 5-star rating for a product and parameters can be designed into the model. Interpreta-
review. Given a sequence of words x = (x 1 , . . . , xl ) with x k ∈ tion of the terms come naturally if the hypothesis is either
Rd , explanation is given as the subset of the sentence that gives consistent with available knowledge or at least developed
Fig. 4. (a1) TCAV [96] method finds the hyperplane CAV that separates concepts of interest. (a2) Accuracies of CAV applied to different layers supports
the idea that deeper NN layers contain more complex concepts, and shallower layers contain simpler concepts. (b) SVCCA [97] finds the most significant
subspace (direction) that contains the most information. The graph shows that as few as 25 directions out of 500 are enough to produce the accuracies of the
full network. (c) t-SNE clusters images in meaningful arrangement, for example, dog images are close together. Figures (a1) and (a2) are used with permission
from the authors Been Kim; figure (b) and (c) from Maithra Raghu and Jascha Sohl-dickstein.
the linear probe f k at layer k is defined as a linear classifier 2) Feature Extraction: We give an intuitive explanation
f k : Hk → [0, 1] D that is, f (h k ) = softmax(W h k + b). via a hypothetical example of a classifier for heart-attack
In another words, the probe tells us how well the information prediction. Given, say, 100-D features including eating pattern,
from only layer k can predict the output, and each of this job, and residential area of a subject. A kernel function
predictive probe is a linear classifier by design. The article can be used to find out that the strong predictor for heart
then shows plots of the error rate of the prediction made by attack is a 100-D vector which is significant in the following
each f k against k and demonstrates that these linear classifiers axes: eating pattern, exercise frequency, and sleeping pattern.
generally perform better at deeper layer, that is, at larger k. Then, this model is considered interpretable because we can
b) General additive models: Linear model is generalized link heart-attack risk with healthy habits rather than, say
by the generalized additive model (GAM) [102], [103] with socio-geographical factors. More information can be drawn
standard form g(E[y]) = β0 + f j (x j ) where g is the from the next most significant predictor and so on.
link function. The equation is general, and specific imple- a) Correlation: The methods discussed in this section
mentations of f j and link function depend on the task. The include the use of correlation in a general sense. This will
familiar general linear model (GLM) is GAM with the specific naturally include covariance matrix and correlation coefficients
implementation of linear f j and g is the identity. Modifications after transformation by kernel functions. A kernel function
can be duly implemented. As a natural extension to the model, transforms high-dimensional vectors such that the transformed
interaction terms between variables f i j (x i , x j ) are used [104]; vectors better distinguish different features in the data. For
we can certainly extend this indefinitely. ProtoAttend [105] example, the principal component (PC) analysis transforms
uses probabilities as weights in the linear component of the vectors into the PCs that can be ordered by the eigenvalues of
NN. Such model is considered inherently interpretable by the singular-value-decomposed (SVD) covariance matrix. The PC
authors. In the medical field, see [82], [100], [106], [107]. with the highest eigenvalue is roughly the most informative
feature. Many kernel functions have been introduced, includ-
c) Content-subject-specific model: Some algorithms are ing the canonical correlation analysis (CCA) [113]. CCA pro-
considered obviously interpretable within its field. Models are vides the set of features that transforms the original variables
designed based on existing knowledge or empirical evidence, to the pairs of canonical variables, where each pair is a pair
and thus interpretation of the models is innately embedded into of variables that are “best correlated” but not correlated with
the system. ML algorithms can then be incorporated in rich other pairs. Quoted from [114], “such features can inherently
and diverse ways, for example, through parameter fitting. The characterize the object and thus it can better explore the
following lists just a few works to illustrate the usage diversity insights and finer details of the problems at hand.” In the
of ML algorithms. Deep Tensor NN is used for quantum previous sections, interpretability research using correlation
many-body systems [108]. Atomistic NN architecture for includes [60].
quantum chemistry is used in [109], where each atom is like SVCCA combines CCA and SVD to analyze interpretability
a node in a graph with a set of feature vectors. The specifics [97]. Given an input data set X = {x 1 , . . . , x m } where each
depend on the NN used, but this model is considered inherently input x i is possibly multidimensional. Denote the activation
interpretable. NN has been used for programmable wireless of neuron i at layer l as z li = (z li (x 1 ), . . . , z li (x m )). It is
environments (PWEs) [110]. TS approximation [111] is a noted that one such output is defined for the entire input
fuzzy network approximation of other NNs. The approximate data set. SVCCA finds out the relation between two layers
fuzzy system is constructed with choices of components that of a network lk = {z lik |i = 1, . . . , m k } for k = 1, 2 by
can be adapted to the context of interpretation. The article itself taking l1 and l2 as the input (generally, lk does not have to
uses sigmoid-based membership function, which it considers be the entire layer). SVCCA uses SVD to extract the most
interpretable. A so-called model-based reinforcement learn- informative components lk and uses CCA to transform l1 and
ing (RL) is suggested to be interpretable after the addition l2 such that l¯1 = W X l1 and l¯2 = W X l2 have the maximum
of high-level knowledge about the system that is realized as correlation ρ = {ρ1 , . . . , ρmin(m 1 ,m 2 ) }. One of the SVCCA
Bayesian structure [112]. experiments on CIFAR-10 demonstrates that only 25 most-
d) Challenges and future prospects: The challenge significant axes in lk are needed to obtain nearly the full
of formulating the “correct” model exists regardless of accuracy of a full-network with 512 dimensions. Besides,
ML trend. It might be interesting if a system is found the similarity between two compared layers is defined to be
that is fundamentally operating on a specific ML model. ρ̄ = (1/(min(m 1 , m 2 )))i ρi .
Backpropagation-based DNN itself is inspired by the brain, The successful development of generative adversarial net-
but they are not operating at fundamental level of similarity works (GANs) [115]–[117] for generative tasks have spawned
(nor is there any guarantee that such model exists). When many derivative works. GAN-based models have been able
interpretability is concerned, having fundamental similarity to to generate new images not distinguishable from synthetic
real, existing systems may push forward our understanding of images and perform many other tasks, including transferring
ML model in unprecedented ways. Otherwise, in the standard style from one set of images to another or even producing new
uses of ML algorithm, different optimization paradigms are designs for products and arts. Studies related to interpretabili-
still being discovered. Having optimization paradigm that is ties exist. For example, [118] uses encoder–decoder system
specialized for specific models may be contribute to a new to perform multistage PCA. Generative model is used to
aspect of interpretable ML. show that natural image distribution modeled using probability
density is fundamentally difficult to interpret [119]. This is a model f (.) predicts f (x) accurately for some x. Denote x +δ
demonstrated through the use of GAN for the estimation as a slightly noisy version of x. The model is locally faithful
of image distribution density. The resulting density shows if f (x + δ) produces correct prediction, otherwise, the model
preferential accumulation of density of images with certain is unfaithful and clearly such instability reduces its reliability.
features (for examples, images featuring small object with Fong and Vedaldi [126] introduces meta-predictors as inter-
few foreground distractions) in the pixel space. The article pretability methods and emphasizes the importance of the
then suggests that interpretability is improved once it is variation of input x to NN in explaining a network. They define
embedded in the deep feature space, for example, from GAN. explanation and local explanation in terms of the response
In this sense, the interpretability is offered by better correlation of blackbox f to some input. Amongst many of the studies
between the densities of images with the correct identification conducted, they provide experimental results on the effect of
of the objects. Consider also the GAN-based works they cite. varying input such as via deletion of some regions in the input.
b) Clustering: Algorithm such as t-SNE has been used Likewise, when random pixels of an image are deleted (hence
to cluster input images based on their activation of neurons the data point is shifted to its neighborhood in the feature
in a network [77], [120]. The core idea relies on the distance space) and the resulting change in the output is tested [57],
between objects being considered. If the distance between two pixels that are important to the prediction can be determined.
objects are short in some measurement space, then they are In text classification, Alvarez-Melis and Jaakkola [127] pro-
similar. This possibly appeals to the notion of human learning vides “explanations” in the form of partitioned graphs. The
by the Law of Association. It differs from correlation-based explanation is produced in three main steps, where the first step
method which provides some metrics that relate the change of involves sampling perturbed versions of the data using VAE.
one variable with another, where the two related objects can TCAVs has also been introduced as a technique to inter-
originate from completely different domains; clustering simply pret the low-level representation of NN layer [96]. First,
presents their similarity, more sensibly in similar domain or in the concept activation vector (CAV) is defined. Given input
the subsets thereof. In [120], the activations { f fc7 (x)} of 4096- x ∈ Rn and a feedforward layer l having m neurons,
D layer fc7 in the CNN are collected over all input {x}. Then the activation at that layer is given by fl : Rn → Rm .
{ f fc7 (x)} is fed into t-SNE to be arranged and embedded into If we are interested in the concept C, for example “striped”
two dimensions for visualization (each point then is visually pattern, then, using TCAV, we supply a set PC of examples
represented by the input image x). Activation atlases are intro- corresponding to “striped” pattern (zebra, clothing pattern,
duced in [121], which similarly uses t-SNE to arrange some etc.) and the negative examples N . This collection is used to
activations { f act (x)}, except that each point is represented train a binary classifier v Cl ∈ Rm for layer l that partitions
by the average activations of feature visualization. In meta- { fl (x) : x ∈ PC } and { fl (x) : x ∈ N}. In another words,
material design [122], design pattern and optical responses are a kernel function extracts features by mapping out a set of acti-
encoded into latent variables to be characterized by variational vations that has relevant information about the “stripe”-ness.
auto encoder (VAE). Then, t-SNE is used to visualize the latent CAV is thus defined as the normal vector to the hyperplane
space. that separates the positive examples from the negative ones,
In the medical field (also see later section), we as shown in Fig. 4(a1). It then computes directional derivative
have [123], [124] (uses Laplacian eigenmap (LE) for inter- Sv,k,l (x) = ∇h l,k ( fl (x)) · v Cl to obtain the sensitivity of the
pretability), and [125] (introduces a low-rank representation model with respect to the concept C, where h l,k is the logit
method for autistic spectrum diagnosis). function for class k of C for layer l.
c) Challenges and future prospects: This section exem- LIME [14] optimizes over models g ∈ G where G is a
plifies the difficulty in integrating mathematics and human set of interpretable models G by minimizing locality-aware
intuition. Having extracted “relevant” or “significant” fea- loss and complexity. In another words, it seeks to obtain the
tures, sometimes we are left with still a combination of optimal model ξ(x) = argming∈G L( f, g, πx ) + (g) where
high-dimensional vectors. Further analysis comes in the form is the complexity and f is the true function we want to
of correlations or other metrics that attempt to show simi- model. An example of the loss function is L( f, g, πx ) =
larities or proximity. The interpretation may stay as math- z,z ∈Z πx (z)[ f (x) − g(z )]2 with πx (z) being, for example,
ematical artifact, but there is a potential that separation of Euclidean distance and Z is the vicinity of x. From the
concepts attained by these methods can be used to reorganize equation, it can be seen that the desired g will be close to
a black-box model from within. It might be an interesting f in the vicinity Z of x, because f (z) ≈ g(z ) for z, z ∈ Z .
research direction that lacks justification in terms of real-life In another words, noisy inputs z, z do not add too much losses.
application: however, progress in unraveling black-boxes may Gradient-based explanation vector ξ(x 0 ) = (∂/∂ x)P(Y =
be a high-risk high-return investment. g(x 0 )|X = x) is introduced in [128] for Bayesian classifier
3) Sensitivity: We group together methods that rely on g(x) = argminc∈{i,...,C} P(Y = c|X = x), where x, ξ are
localization, gradients, and perturbations under the category d-dimensional. For any i = 1, . . . , d, high absolute value of
of “sensitivity.” These methods rely on the notion of small [ξ(x 0 )]i means that component i contributes significantly to
changes d x in calculus and the neighborhood of a point in the decision of the classifier. If it is positive, the higher the
metric spaces. value is, the less likely x 0 contributes to decision g(x 0 ).
a) Sensitivity to input noises or neighborhood of data ACE algorithm [56] uses TCAV to compute saliency score
points: Some methods rely on the locality of some input x. Let and generate super-pixels as explanations. Grad-CAM [43] is
a saliency method that uses gradient for its sensitivity mea- that f (z) ≈ ξ(z ) for z, z ∈ Z where Z is the vicinity of
sure. In [129], influence function is used. While theoretical, x, so that local fidelity is said to be achieved. Concurrently,
the article also practically demonstrates how understanding the the complexity (ξ ) is minimized. Minimized means the
underlying mathematics will help develop perturbative training model’s interpretability is maximized. MUSE [85] takes in
point for adversarial attack. blackbox model, prediction and user-input features to output
b) Sensitivity to data set: A model is possibly sensitive to decision sets based on optimization with respect to fidelity,
the training data set {x i } as well. Influence function is also used interpretability, and unambiguity. The available measures of
to understand the effect of removing x i for some i and shows interpretability that can be optimized include size, featureover-
the consequent possibility of adversarial attack [129]. Studies lap, etc. (refer to Table II of its Appendix).
on adversarial training examples can be found in the article b) Activation optimization: Activation optimizations are
and its citations, where seemingly random, insignificant noises used in research works such as [38] and [76]–[78] as explained
can degrade machine decision considerably. The representer in the previous section. The interpretability relies on direct
theorem is introduced for studying the extent of effect x i has observation of the neuron-activation-optimized images. While
on a decision made by a DNN [130]. the quality of the optimized images are not evaluated, the fact
c) Challenges and future prospects: There seems to that parts of coherent images emerge with respect to a (col-
be a concern with locality and globality of the concepts. lection of) neuron(s) does demonstrate some organization of
As mentioned in [96], to achieve global quantification for information in the NNs.
interpretability, explanation must be given for a set of exam-
ples or the entire class rather than “just explain individual data
inputs.” As a specific example, there may be a concern with C. Other Perspectives to Interpretability
the globality of TCAV. From our understanding, TCAV is a There are many other concepts that can be related to
perturbation method by the virtue of stable continuity in the interpretability. Selvaraju et al. [43] conducted experiments
usual derivative and it is global because the whole subset of to test the improvements of human performance on a task
data set with label k of concept C has been shown to be well after being given explanations (in the form of visualization)
distinguished by TCAV. However, we may want to point out produced by ML algorithms. We believe this might be an
that despite their claim to globality, it is possible to view the exemplary form of interpretability evaluation. For example,
success of TCAV as local, since it is only “global” within each we want to compare ML algorithms MLA with MLB . Say,
label k rather than within all data set considered at once. human subjects are given difficult classification tasks and
From the point of view of image processing, the neighbor- attain a baseline 40% accuracy. Repeat the task with different
hood of a data point (an image) in the feature space poses set of human subjects, but they are given explanations churned
a rather subtle question; also refer to Fig. 5(c) for related out by MLA and MLB . If the accuracies attained are now 50%
illustration. For example, after rotating and stretching the and 80%, respectively, then MLB is more interpretable.
image or deleting some pixels, how does the position of the Even then, if human subjects cannot really explain why
image in the feature space change? Is there any way to control they can perform better with the given explanations, then
the effect of random noises and improve robustness of machine the interpretability may be questionable. This brings us to
prediction in a way that is sensible to human’s perception? The the question of what kind of interpretability is necessary in
transition in the feature space from one point to another point different tasks and certainly points to the possibility that there
that belongs to different classes is also unexplored. is no need for a unified version of interpretability.
On a related note, gradients have played important roles in 1) Data-Driven Interpretability:
formulating interpretability methods, be it in image processing a) Data in catalog: A large amount of data has been
or other fields. Current trend recognizes that regions in the crucial to the functioning of many ML algorithms, mainly
input space with significant gradients provide interpretability. as the input data. In this section, we mention works that
Deforming these regions quickly degrades the prediction; put a different emphasize on the treatment of these data
conversely, the particular values at these regions are important arranged in catalog. In essence, Doshi-Velez and Kim [10]
to the reach a certain prediction. This is helpful, since calculus suggests that we create a matrix whose rows are different
exists to help analyse gradients. However, this has shown to real-world tasks (e.g., pneumonia detection), columns are
be disruptive as well. For example, imperceptible noises can different methods (e.g., decision tree with different depths)
degrade prediction drastically (see manipulation of explana- and the entries are the performance of the methods on some
tions under Section III-D). Since gradient is also in the core end-task. How can we gather a large collection of entries into
of loss optimization, it is a natural target for further studies. such a large matrix? Apart from competitions and challenges,
4) Optimization: We have described several researches that crowd-sourcing efforts will aid the formation of such database
seek to attain interpretability via optimization methods. Some [148], [149]. A clear problem is how multidimensional and
have optimization at the core of their algorithm, but the gigantic such tabulation will become, not to mention that the
interpretability is left to visual observation, while others opti- collection of entries is very likely uncountably many. Formal-
mize interpretability mathematically. izing interpretability here means we pick latent dimensions
a) Quantitatively maximizing interpretability: To approx- (common criteria) that human can evaluate for example, time
imate a function f , as previously mentioned, LIME [14] constraint or time-spent, cognitive chunks (defined as the basic
performs optimization by finding optimal model ξ ∈ G so unit of explanation, also see the definition in [84]), etc. These
dimensions are to be refined along iterative processes as more applied on guided backpropagation (proposed in [75]) of
user inputs enter the repository. AlexNet CNN and VGG. The produced visualizations are
b) Incompleteness: In [10], the problem of incomplete- used to help human subjects in Amazon mechanical turks
ness of problem formulation is first posed as the issue in identify objects with higher accuracy in predicting VOC
interpretability. Incompleteness is present in many forms, from 2007 images. The human subjects achieved 61.23% accuracy,
the impracticality to produce all test cases to the difficulty in which is 16.79% higher than visualization provided by guided
justifying why a choice of proxy is the best for some scenarios. backpropagation.
At the end, it suggests that interpretability criteria are to be b) Human-based: This evaluation involves real humans
born out of collective agreements of the majority, through a and simplified tasks. It can be used when, for some reasons
cyclical process of discoveries, justifications, and rebuttals. or another, having human A give a good explanation X A is
In our opinion, a disadvantage is that there is a possibility challenging, possibly because the performance on the task
that no unique convergence will be born, and the situation cannot be evaluated easily or the explanation itself requires
may aggravate if, say, two different conflicting factions are specialized knowledge. In this case, a simplified or partial
born, each with enough advocate. The advantage lies in the problem may be posed and X A is still demanded. Unlike
existence of strong roots for the advocacy of certain choice of the application-based approach, it is now necessary to look
interpretability. This prevents malicious intent from tweaking at X A specifically for interpretability evaluation. Bigger pool
interpretability criteria to suit ad hoc purposes. of human subjects can then be hired to give a generic valuation
2) Invariances: to X A or create a model answer X̂ A to compare X A with, and
a) Implementation invariance: Sundararajan et al. [94] then a generic valuation is computed.
suggests implementation invariance as an axiomatic require- Now, suppose A is an ML model, A is more interpretable
ment to interpretability. In the article, it is stated as the compared to another ML model if it scores better in this
following. Define two functionally equivalent functions as generic valuation. In [146], an ML model is given a document
f 1 , f2 so that f 1 (x) = f x (x) for any x regardless of their containing the conversation of humans making a plan. The
implementation details. Given any two such networks using ML model produces a “report” containing relevant predi-
attribution method, then the attribution functional A will map cates (words) for the task of inferring what the final plan is.
the importance of each component of an input to f 1 the The metric used for interpretability evaluation is, for example,
same way it does to f 2 . In another words, (A[ f 1 ](x)) j = the percentage of the predicates that appear, compared to
(A[ f 2 ](x)) j for any j = 1, . . . , d where d is the dimension human-made report. We believe the format of human-based
of the input. The statement can be easily extended to methods evaluation needs not be strictly like the above. For example,
that do not use attribution as well. hybrid human and interactive ML classifiers require human
b) Input invariance: To illustrate using image users to nominate features for training [147]. Two different
classification problem, translating an image will also standard MLs can be compared to the hybrid, and one can be
translate super-pixels demarcating the area that provides an said to be more interpretable than another if it picks up features
explanation to the choice of classification correspondingly. similar to the hybrid, assuming they perform at similarly
Clearly, this property is desirable and has been proposed as acceptable level.
an axiomatic invariance of a reliable saliency method. There c) Functions-based: Third, an evaluation is function-
has also been a study on the input invariance of some saliency ally grounded if there exist proxies (which can be defined
methods with respect to translation of input x → x + c for a priori) for evaluation, for example, sparsity [10]. Some
some c [71]. Of the methods studied, gradients/sensitivity- articles [2], [5], [42]–[44], [96], [97], [144], and [145] use
based methods [128] and signal methods [72], [75] are input metrics that rely on this evaluation include many supervised
invariant while some attribution methods, such as integrated learning models with clearly defined metrics such as: 1) dice
gradient [94], are not. coefficients (related to visual interpretability) and 2) attribution
3) Interpretabilities by Utilities: The following values, components of canonically transformed variables (see
utilities-based categorization of interpretability is proposed for example CCA) or values obtained from dimensionality
in [10]. reduction methods (such as components of principal compo-
a) Application-based: First, an evaluation is nents from PCA and their corresponding eigenvalues), where
application-grounded if human A gives explanation X A interpretability is related to the degree an object relates to a
on a specific application, so-called the end-task (e.g., a doctor feature, for example, classification of a dog has high values
performs diagnosis) to human B, and B performs the same in the feature space related to four limbs, shape of snout and
task. Then A has given B a useful explanation if B performs paws, etc. Which suitable metrics to use are highly dependent
better in the task. Suppose A is now an ML model, then on the tasks at hand.
the model is highly interpretable if human B performs the
same task with improved performance after given X A . Some III. XAI IN M EDICAL F IELD
medical segmentation works will fall into this category ML has also gained traction recently in the medical field,
as well, since the segmentation will constitute a visual with large volume of works on automated diagnosis, prog-
explanation for further diagnosis/prognosis [144], [145] (also nosis [150]. From the grand-challenge.org, we can see many
see other categories of the grand challenge). Such evaluation different challenges in the medical field have emerged and
is performed, for example, in [43]. They proposed Grad-CAM galvanized researches that use ML and AI methods. Amongst
from several methods, including DeepLIFT [57]. Comparison is often sent directly to the intensive care unit (ICU) rather
between four different visualizations is performed in [158]. than a standard ward. Obviously, if there is a variable ICU =
It shows different attributions between different methods, and 0 or 1 that indicates admission to ICU, then a better model
concluded that LRP and guided backpropagation provide the can provide more coherent explanation “asthma → ICU →
most coherent attribution maps in their Alzheimer’s disease lower risk.” In the article, the model appears not to identify
study. Basic tests on GradCAM and SHAP on dermoscopy such variable. We can see that interpretability issues are not
images for melanoma classification are conducted, concluding always clear-cut.
with the need for significant improvements to heatmaps before Several researches on VQA in the medical field have also
practical deployment [160]. been developed. The initiative by ImageCLEF [165], [166]
The following includes slightly different focus on appears to be at its center, though VQA itself has yet to gain
methodological improvements on top of the visualization. more traction and successful practical demonstration in the
Respond-CAM [44] is derived from [42] and [43], and pro- medical sector before widespread adoption.
vides a saliency map in the form of heat-map on 3-D images a) Challenges and future prospects: For perceptive inter-
obtained from cellular electron cryo-tomography. High inten- pretability in medical sector. In many cases, where saliency
sity in the heatmap marks the region where macromolecular maps are provided, they are provided with insufficient evalua-
complexes are present. Multilayer CAM (MLCAM) is intro- tion with respect to their utilities within the medical practices.
duced in [91] for glioma (a type of brain tumor) localization. For example, when providing importance attribution to a CT
Multiinstance (MI) aggregation method is used with CNN to scan used for lesion detection, are radiologists interested in
classify breast tumor tissue microarray (TMA) image’s for heatmaps highlighting just the lesion? Are they more interested
five different tasks [65], for example the classification of the in looking for reasons why a hemorrhage is epidural or
histologic subtype. Super-pixel maps indicate the region in subdural when the lesion is not very clear to the naked eyes?
each TMA image where the tumor cells are; each label cor- There may be many such medically related subtleties that
responds to a class of tumor. These maps are proposed as the interpretable AI researchers may need to know about.
means for visual interpretability. Also, see the activation maps
in [66] where interpretability is studied by corrupting image
B. Interpretability via Mathematical Structure
and inspecting region of interest (ROI). The autofocus module
from [67] promises improvements in visual interpretability for 1) Predefined Model: Models help with interpretability by
segmentation on pelvic CT scans and segmentation of tumor in providing a generic sense of what a variable does to the
brain MRI using CNN. It uses attention mechanism (proposed output variable in question, whether in medical fields or
in [92]) and improves it with adaptive selection of scale with not. A parametric model is usually designed with at least
which the network “sees” an object within an image. With the an estimate of the working mechanism of the system, with
correct scale adopted by the network while performing a single simplification and based on empirically observed patterns. For
task, human observer analyzing the network can understand example, Ulas et al. [131] uses kinetic model for the cerebral
that a NN is properly identifying the object, rather than blood flow in ml/100g/min with
mistaking the combination of the object plus the surrounding
6000β M exp PLD T1b
as the object itself. CBF = f ( M) (1)
There is also a different formulation for the generation 2αT1b (SIPD ) 1 − exp − Tτ1b
of saliency maps [70]. It defines a different softmax-like
formula to extract signals from DNN for visual justification which depends on perfusion-weighted image M obtained
in classification of breast mass (malignant/benign). Textual from the signal difference between labeled image of arterial
justification is generated as well. blood water treated with RF pulses and the control image.
2) Verbal: In [82], a rule-based system could provide the This function is incorporated in the loss function in the
statement “has asthma → lower risk,” where risk here refers training pipeline of a fully CNN. At least, an interpretation
to death risk due to pneumonia. Likewise, Letham et al. [83] can be made partially: the NN model is designed to denoise
creates a model called Bayesian rule lists that provides a perfusion-weighted image (and thus improve its quality) by
such statements for stroke prediction. Textual justification considering CBF. How the network “understands” the CBF is
is also provided in the LSTM-based breast mass classifier again an interpretability problem of a NN which has yet to be
system [70]. The argumentation theory is implemented in the resolved.
ML training process [156], extracting arguments or decision There is an inherent simplicity in the interpretability of
rules as the explanations for the prediction of stroke based on models based on linearity, and thus they have been considered
the asymptomatic carotid stenosis and risk of stroke (ACSRS) obviously interpretable as well; some examples include linear
data set. combination of clinical variables [100], metabolites signals for
One should indeed look closer at the interpretability in [82]. magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), [106] etc. Linearity
Just as many MLs are able to extract some humanly nonintu- in different models used in the estimation of brain states
itive pattern, the rule-based system seems to have captured the is discussed in [107], including how it is misinterpreted.
strange link between asthma and pneumonia. The link becomes It compares what it refers to as forward and backward
clear once the actual explanation based on real situation is models and then suggested improvement on linear models.
provided: a pneumonia patient which also suffers from asthma In [82], a logistic regression model picked up a relation
between asthma and lower risk of pneumonia death, that fMRI is analyzed using correlation-based functional graphs.
is, asthma has a negative weight as a risk predictor in the They are then clustered into super-graph, consisting of sub-
regression model. Generative discriminative machine (GDM) networks that are defined to be interpretable. A convolutional
combines ordinary least square regression and ridge regression layer is then used on the super-graph. For more references
to handle confounding variables in Alzheimer’s disease and about NNs designed for graph-based problems, see the article’s
schizophrenia data set [100]. GDM parameters are said to be citations. The following are further subcategorization for meth-
interpretable, since they are linear combinations of the clinical ods that revolve around feature extraction and the evaluations
variables. DL has been used for PET pharmacokinetic (PK) or measurements (such as correlations) used to obtain the
modeling to quantify tracer target density [132]. CNN has features, similar to the previous section.
helped PK modeling as a part of a sequence of processes a) Correlation: DWT-based method (discrete wavelet
to reduce PET acquisition time, and the output is interpreted transform) is used to perform feature extraction before even-
with respect to the golden standard PK model, which is tually feeding the EEG data (after a series of processings)
the linearized version of simplified reference tissue model into a NN for epilepsy classification [135]. A fuzzy relation
(SRTM). DL method is also used to perform parameters fitting analogous to correlation coefficient is then defined. Further-
for MRS [106]. The parametric part of the MRS signal model more, as with other transform methods, the components (the
specified, x(t) = am x m (t)e αm t +2πi fm t , consists of linear wavelets) can be interpreted componentwise. As a simple
combination of metabolite signals x m (t). The article shows illustration, the components for Fourier transform could be
that the error measured in symmetric mean absolute percentage taken as how much certain frequency is contained in a time
error (SMAPE) is smallest for most metabolites when their series. Zhang et al. [136] mentioned a host of wavelet-based
CNN model is used. In cases like this, clinicians may find feature extraction methods and introduced maximal overlap
the model interpretable as long as the parameters are well-fit, discrete wavelet package transform (MODWPT) also applied
although the NN itself may still not be interpretable. on EEG data for epilepsy classification.
The models above use linearity for studies related to brain or Frame singular value decomposition (F-SVD) is introduced
neuro-related diseases. Beyond linear models, other brain and for classifications of electromyography (EMG) data [114]. It is
neuro-systems can be modeled with relevant subject-content a pipeline involving a number of processing that includes
knowledge for better interpretability as well. Segmentation DWT, CCA, and SVD, achieving around 98% accuracies on
task for the detection of brain midline shift is performed classifications between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myopa-
using using CNN with standard structural knowledge incor- thy, and healthy subjects. Consider also CCA-based articles
porated [133]. A template called model-derived age norm is that are cited in the article, in particular citations 18–21 for
derived from mean values of sleep EEG features of healthy EMG and EEG signals.
subjects [157]. Interpretability is given as the deviation of the
features of unhealthy subject from the age norm. b) Clustering: VAE is used to obtain vectors in 64-D
On a different note, RL has been applied to personal- latent dimension to predict whether the subjects suffer from
ized healthcare. In particular, Zhu et al. [134] introduces hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) [124]. A nonlinear trans-
group-driven RL in personalized healthcare, taking into con- formation is used to create LE with two dimensions, which is
siderations different groups, each having similar agents. suggested as the means for interpretability. Skin images are
As usual, Q-value is optimized with respect to policy πθ , clustered [139] for melanoma classification using k-nearest-
which can be qualitatively interpreted as the maximization of neighbor that is customized to include CNN and triplet loss.
rewards over time over the choices of action selected by many A queried image is then compared with training images ranked
participating agents in the system. according to similarity measure visually displayed as query-
a) Challenges and future prospects: Models may be result activation map pair.
simplifying intractable system. As such, the full potential of t-SNE has been applied on human genetic data and shown
ML, especially DNN with huge number of parameters, may to provide more robust dimensionality reduction compared
be under-used. A possible research direction that taps onto to PCA and other methods [137]. Multiple maps t-SNE
the hype of predictive science is as the following: given (mm-t-SNE) is introduced in [138], performing clustering on
a model, is it possible to augment the model with new, phenotype similarity data.
sophisticated components, such that parts of these components c) Sensitivity: Regression concept vectors (RCVs) is
can be identified with (and thus interpreted as) new insights? proposed along with a metric Br score as improvements to
Naturally, the augmented model needs to be comparable to TCAV’s concept separation [140]. The method is applied
previous models and shown with clear interpretation why on breast cancer histopathology classification problem. Fur-
the new components correspond to insighs previously missed. thermore, unit ball surface sampling (UBS) metric is intro-
Do note that there are critiques against the hype around the duced [141] to address the shortcoming of Br score.
potential of AI which we will leave to the readers. It uses NNs for classification of nodules for mammographic
2) Feature Extraction: Vanilla CNN is used in [142] images. Guidelinebased Additive eXplanation (GAX) is intro-
but it is suggested that interpretability can be attained duced in [93] for diagnosis using CT lung images. Its
using a separable model. The separability is achieved by pipeline includes LIME-like perturbation analysis and SHAP.
polynomial-transforming scalar variables and further process- Comparisons are then made with LIME, Grad-CAM, and
ing, giving rise to weights useful for interpretation. In [123], feature importance generated by SHAP.
d) Challenges and future prospects: We observe popular interpretable. However, in the example, the statement indicates
uses of certain methods ingrained in specific sectors on the that a patient with asthma has lower risk of death from
one hand and, on the other hand, emerging applications of pneumonia, which might be strange without any clarification
sophisticated ML algorithms. As medical ML (in particular from the intermediate thought process. While human can
the application of recently successful DNN) is still a young infer that the lowered risk is due to the fact that pneumonia
field, we see fragmented and experimental uses of existing or patients with asthma history tend to be given more aggressive
customized interpretable methods. As medical ML research treatment, we cannot always assume there is a similar humanly
progresses, the tradeoff between many practical factors of inferable reason behind each decision. Furthermore, inter-
ML methods (such as ease of use, ease of interpretation of pretability method such as LRP, deconvolution, and guided
mathematical structure possibly regarded as complex) and backpropagation introduced earlier are shown to not work for
its contribution to the subject matter will become clearer. simple model, such as linear model, bringing into question
Future research and application may benefit from a prac- their reliability [60].
tice of consciously and consistently extracting interpretable
information for further processing, and the process should be IV. C ONCLUSION
systematically documented for good dissemination. Currently,
We present a survey on interpretability and explainability of
with feature selections and extractions focused on improving ML algorithms in general, and place different interpretations
accuracy and performance, we may still have vast unexplored suggested by different research works into distinct categories.
opportunities in interpretability research. From general interpretabilities, we apply the categorization
into the medical field. Some attempts are made to formalize
C. Other Perspectives interpretabilities mathematically, some provide visual expla-
1) Data-Driven: Case-based reasoning (CBR) performs nations, while others might focus on the improvement in task
medical evaluation (classifications etc.) by comparing a query performance after being given explanations produced by algo-
case (new data) with similar existing data from a database. rithms. At each section, we also discuss related challenges and
Lamy et al. [143] combines CBR with an algorithm that future prospects. Fig. 6 provides a diagram that summarizes
presents the similarity between these cases by visually provid- all the challenges and prospects.
ing proxies and measures for users to interpret. By observing
these proxies, the user can decide to take the decision sug- A. Manipulation of Explanations
gested by the algorithm or not. The article also asserts that
Given an image, a similar image can be generated that is
medical experts appreciate such visual information with clear
perceptibly indistinguishable from the original, yet produces
decision-support system.
radically different output [95]. Naturally, its significance
attribution and interpretable information become unreliable.
D. Risk of Machine Interpretation in Medical Field Furthermore, explanation can even be manipulated arbitrar-
1) Jumping Conclusion: According to [82], logical state- ily [167]. For example, an explanation for the classification of
ments such as has asthma → lower risk are considered a cat image (i.e., particular significant values that contribute
to the prediction of cat) can be implanted into the image of a unified notion of interpretability is elusive. For medical
a dog, and the algorithm could be fooled into classifying the ML interpretability, more comparative studies between the
dog image as a cat image. The risk in medical field is clear: performance of methods will be useful. The interpretability
even without malicious, intentional manipulation, noises can output such as heatmaps should be displayed and compared
render “explanations” wrong. Manipulation of algorithm that clearly, including poor results. In the best case scenario,
is designed to provide explanation is also explored in [168]. clinicians and practitioners recognize the shortcomings of
interpretable methods but have a general idea on how to
B. Incomplete Constraints handle them in ways that are suitable to medical practices.
In [131], the loss function for the training of a fully convo- In the worst case scenario, the inconsistencies between these
lutional network includes CBF as a constraint. However, many methods can be exposed. The very troubling trend of journal
other constraints may play important roles in the mechanism of publications emphasizing good results is precarious, and we
a living organ or tissue, not to mention applying kinetic model should thus continue interpretability research with a mindset
is itself a simplification. Giving an interpretation within limited open to evaluation from all related parties. Clinicians and
constraints may place undue emphasis on the constraint itself. practitioners need to be given the opportunity for fair judgment
Other works that use predefined models might suffer similar of utilities of the proposed interpretability methods, not just
problems [100], [106], [132]. flooded with performance metrics possibly irrelevant to the
adoption of medical technology.
C. Noisy Training Data Also, there may be a need to shift interpretability study
The so-called ground truths for medical tasks, provided away from algorithm-centric studies. An authoritative body
by professionals, are not always absolutely correct. In fact, setting up the standard of requirements for the deployment
news regarding how AI beats human performance in medical of model building might stifle the progress of the research
imaging diagnosis [169] indicates that human judgment could itself, though it might be the most efficient way to reach
be brittle. This is true even of trained medical personnel. This an agreement. This might be necessary to prevent damages,
might give rise to the classic garbage-in-garbage-out situation. seeing that even corporate companies and other bodies nonaca-
The above risks are presented in large part as a reminder of demic in the traditional sense have joined the fray (consider
the nature of automation. It is true that algorithms have been health-tech start-ups and the implications). Acknowledging
used to extract invisible patterns with some successes. How- that machine and DL might not be fully mature for large-scale
ever, one ought to view scientific problems with the correct deployment, it might be wise to deploy the algorithms as a
order of priority. The society should not risk over-allocating secondary support system for now and leave most decisions
resources into building machine and DL models, especially to the traditional methods. It might take a long time before
since due improvements to understanding the underlying sci- humanity graduates from this stage, but it might be timely:
ence might be the key to solving the root problem. For we can collect more data to compare machine predictions with
example, higher quality MRI scans might reveal key informa- traditional predictions and sort out data ownership issues along
tion not “visible” with current technology, and many models the way.
built nowadays might not be very successful because there is
simply not enough detailed information contained in currently
available MRI scans. The Alibaba-NTU Program is a collaboration between
Alibaba and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
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