Dissertation Concept Map
Dissertation Concept Map
Dissertation Concept Map
It demands
exhaustive research, critical analysis, and meticulous organization of thoughts. As doctoral
candidates navigate through complex theories, methodologies, and empirical data, they often find
themselves lost in a labyrinth of ideas.
One effective strategy to overcome this academic challenge is to create a dissertation concept map. A
concept map serves as a visual representation of the intricate web of ideas and concepts that underpin
a dissertation. It helps to clarify the relationships between different elements, identify gaps in
knowledge, and streamline the overall structure of the research.
However, constructing a dissertation concept map is no easy feat. It requires a deep understanding of
the subject matter, excellent analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize vast amounts of
information into a coherent framework. Many students struggle to conceptualize their research
effectively, leading to frustration and procrastination.
Don't let the complexity of dissertation writing deter you from achieving your academic goals. Trust
⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ to provide the guidance and support you need to navigate this challenging
journey with confidence. Order now and take the first step towards realizing your academic
Today, we will add words or phrases to those concepts and make propositions. Compared to texts
involving its grammatical structure, concept maps emphasize the macrostructure of the information
more clearly (O’Donnell et al., 2002 ). In this vein, meta-analytical findings from Nesbit and
Adesope ( 2006 ) revealed that students with low prior knowledge benefitted most from learning
with concept maps. After that, students were directed to the website with the learning material.
GSlides can create concept maps using their Diagram feature. Bibliography:, signup for email alerts.
270 IMAGES How to Master at Literature Mapping: 5 Most Recommended Tools to Use Literature
Map Template Creswell Concept map literature Literature Mind Map, Education Concept for
Presentations and Reports 6 ways to use concept mapping in your research Concept Mapping to
Write a Literature Review VIDEO Class 10 English Poem 7: Fog Part 2 Writing the Review of
Literature What Would Happen if 99.9% of the World's Population Died. Concept mapping was
developed in the 1970s by joseph d. Adapt your concept map as you go along, and once you have
the final version of your literature review, add your concept map as a figure to your literature review
chapter. The explanation of these methods of analysis is provided after Table 2. Download those
articles and save them in your Mendeley library or at your desired location. Category representation
was calculated by the number of nodes per category and was also referred to as knowledge richness,
frequencies of themes, presence of systems, representational level or category distribution (Cakmak
2010; Kostromina et al. 2017; Ritchhart et al. 2009; Tripto et al. 2018; Yaman and Ayas 2015 ).
Effects of text structure and prior knowledge of the learner on navigation in hypertext. In addition,
this study will investigate whether there is a difference in efficacy of still pictures versus motion
video clips. These characteristics were only considered when meaningful categories were present and
interconnection of these categories was convenient, for instance, in the case of systems thinking. In
line with Sweller ( 2010, p. 124) an element can be defined “as anything that needs to be or has been
learned, such as a concept or a procedure”. While previous reviews by Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson (
1996 ), Anohina and Grundspenkis ( 2009 ) and Strautmane ( 2012 ) explored aspects of the process
of analysis separately, or related the method of analysis applied to the level of openness of the
concept map task, this review examined three aspects of the analysis process in coherence. A map of
literature is a “graphical plan”, “diagrammatic representation”, or a “geographical metaphor” of the
research topic. Feature Mapping: Argument structures developed from summary registration pages. 2.
Topic Tree Mapping: Summary maps showing the development of the topic in sub-themes up to any
number of levels. 3. Content Mapping: Linear structure of organization of content through
hierarchical classification. 4. Taxonomic Mapping: Classification through standardized taxonomies. 5.
Concept Mapping: Linking concepts and processes allows procedural knowledge from declarative
information. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to create a concept map with Lucidchart.
Source: d3n817fwly711g.cloudfront.net The arrows on the lines show what is acting on what.
Overall, 56 points could be maximally achieved by the participants in the retention test. Thus, it is
possible that those students will benefit from educational video clips adapted to their abilities and
needs. Sitemap case study cover letter creative writing presentation problem solving rewiew prompts
websites tips. This will give you a bird’s eye view of all the moving parts associated with the chosen
research topic. This particular study described the main themes based on qualitative analysis of the
terms used, without interpreting this as development. Smart Citations allow users to see how a
scientific paper has been cited by providing the context of the citation and a classification describing
whether it provides supporting or disputing evidence for the cited claim. Based on the snowballing
technique with these reviews, 85 additional studies are included, and 1316 in total, as depicted in
Fig. 2. The first review by Anohina and Grundspenkis ( 2009 ) presented manual methods of
analysis, and addressed the feasibility of automating these methods. MindMeister Free version
allows 3 mind maps, sharing, collaborating, and importing. For perceived disorientation, while
learning, an ANOVA was calculated. Hitchhock, Dowrick and Prater (2003) presented a review of
18 articles examining the effects of video self-modeling in school-based settings. First, the open-
answer question “What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?” was given to the
Either way picture symbols can enhance any material including video. This attempt was not
successful and is intended to serve as an incentive to become more familiar with possibilities of
helping learners to handle a high element interactivity. Mind mapping can help keep you awake and
interested in your subject. They are useful in both academic and industry related research projects to
help gain traction and market interest. The structure in which information is organized crucially
affects learning and can be changed by the instructional designer in order to prevent disorientation
perceptions while learning. Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool.
Alternately called a thesis focus point or broad topic the first step to concept map development is to
identify the question or area of study you will be exploring. Novak and his team to represent
students' emerging science knowledge. These connections can be explored manually in a database
such as Scopus or by the use of free browser-based tools such as Connected Papers, L itMaps, and
Open Knowledge Maps. Literature Review Basics This 2 page guide from the U. Subsequently,
patterns among these aspects are explored and interpreted, leading to considerations for future
studies concerning these three aspects and their methodological coherence. 2.1 Selecting articles
(inclusion) This review applies a comprehensive search strategy to include all relevant studies
(Verhage and Boels 2017 ). It uses cards (like the icons on your desktop) and allocates identifiers to
the cards including different colours as well as other key information points. Cognitive architecture
and instructional design: 20 years later. In addition, the paper examines associations between the
three aspects of the studies and provides guidelines for methodological coherence in the process of
such analysis. They explain that “This web app aims to help scientists with their literature review
using metadata from Microsoft Academic and Crossref. In terms of the cognitive load facets, the
same conclusion can be drawn, since significant effects could not be observed. Twenty-five studies
that used open-ended concept maps as a research instrument were found eligible for inclusion. There
might be learner who achieved the same score in a learning test but in a different amount of time.
These two sub-concepts can also be combined in one node due to their thematic proximity. More
precisely, concept mapping is a technique to visualize relationships between different concepts.
Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. Three reviews of
concept maps studies are used in a selective search strategy: the open-ended concept map studies
described in these reviews are included in this study (Anohina and Grundspenkis 2009; Ruiz-Primo
and Shavelson 1996; Strautmane 2012 ). Regardless of controversial findings, the use of picture-
based captioning in video clips is worth exploring. Source: upload.wikimedia.org A concept map is a
valuable integration tool, it is a quick approach to. A central activity in these is to make sure you
know what the current literature, articles and books are in the relevant strategic arena. Quantitative
analysis is based on an evaluative approach which assesses knowledge or growth based on specific
measures or characteristics, such as size or complexity. The aggregation entails the representation of
clusters for each aspect based on cross-case analysis, as presented in the results. Think about
definitions and examples that are meaningful to you. Make a map. Make a map that starts with your
topic. The question to my map (above) was: “What variables influence the audio, visual, and
performer mapping?” I’ll explain what this question means. It seems like common sense, but it can be
difficult to bridge the connection between parents and teachers to help students become successful.
For each subtopic, decide on a few crucial points of research and one by one, write them down
below the relevant subtopic, as shown in Figure 1. First, the open-answer question “What is the
difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?” was given to the participants. Sowa (1976),
conceptual graphs for a data base interface, ibm journal of research and development. If you are a
(post)graduate student working on a masters or doctoral research project, and you are passionate
about life, adamant about completing your studies successfully and ready to get a head-start on your
academic career, this opportunity is for you. Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and
representing knowledge. At a bar with loud music may not work well, and on a first date may also
not be a good idea. How to Create a Concept Map Credit: Penn State Libraries ( CC-BY ) Run
Time: 3:13 Bubbl.us Free version allows 3 mind maps, image export, and sharing. A concept map is a
visual presentation of concepts as shapes, circles, ovals, triangles or rectangles, and the relationships
between these concepts are presented by arrows. Concept Mapping to Write a Literature Review
RoadMonkey Updated: Sep 12, 2023 2:21 PM EDT Concept mapping is a useful tool when writing
a literature review. The method of analysis applied, concept map characteristics measured, and
conclusions drawn, and the associations between these aspects are explored (Chenail, Duffy, George
and Wulff 2011; Coombs 2017 ). For instance, they are used in chemistry (Talbert et al., 2020 ),
operations management (Essila et al., 2021 ), and pharmacy courses (Carr-Lopez et al., 2014 ).
Cognitive processes while learning with concept maps While learning several processes take place
within the learner. The dissertation will unpack that diagram and explain it in further detail. Concept
mapping is basically a way of visually representing the relationship between interrelated concepts.
For instance, in cases of quantitative analysis, Fig. 4 suggests that no conclusions can be drawn about
correctness or quality, only about the extent of domain knowledge, and an increase or decrease in
repeated measures. Source: learningcenter.unc.edu Basically, a concept map organizes your thoughts
and ideas in a wonderful way. Your lit map looks great, but please make sure you use the problem
statement from Assignment 1 (not the need for. The results of this study could be different when
reviewing studies that apply more closed concept maps, or studies that combine the application of
concept maps with other research instruments. I also got my PhD student to use it and they also
found it invaluable, finding several gaps they missed” Varun Venkatesh Austin Health, Australia
Mastering Literature Reviews with Litmaps An official website of the United States government
The.gov means it’s official. To create a concept map, pick out the main concepts of your topic and
brainstorm everything you know about them, drawing shapes around your concepts and clustering
the shapes in a way that's meaningful to you. Revisiting the use of concept maps in a large
enrollment general chemistry course: Implementation and assessment. Existing research of the
cognitive overload theory and multimedia learning allows suggesting that students, especially those
with intellectual disabilities, may demonstrate a better comprehension of the content when it is
presented in the form of still picture clips with captioning as compared to motion video clips with
captioning. Evaluating the terms used and categorizing or unifying them was a necessary preliminary
step for calculating other concept map characteristics, namely: category representation, interlinkage
and complexity index. Having a question will keep your Conceptual Map and propositions focused
on the topic. Similar articles are often linked by citations, authors, funders, keywords, and other
metadata. Over time, several validated instruments were developed for measuring the different types
of cognitive load along with the ECL (Eysink et al., 2009; Klepsch et al., 2017; Leppink et al., 2013
). However, these measurements capture extraneous processing while learning relatively unspecific.
A concept map is a great way to present all the moving parts of your research project in one visually
appealing figure. I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Compared to texts
involving its grammatical structure, concept maps emphasize the macrostructure of the information
more clearly (O’Donnell et al., 2002 ). In this vein, meta-analytical findings from Nesbit and
Adesope ( 2006 ) revealed that students with low prior knowledge benefitted most from learning
with concept maps. Mediation model More complex models, such as serial mediation, can include
more than one mediator (Hayes, 2013 ). Therefore, the conclusion that an increase is always better is
contradicted by many studies of expertise development in the field of cognitive science (Chi, Glaser
and Farr 1988 ).
According to Besterfield-Sacre and colleagues ( 2004, p. 113), quantitative analysis “fails to capture
the quality of that content. Based on the information on guide to thesis and dissertation writing by
mauch and park. Conclusions about an increase or growth, are mainly based on counting structural
concept map characteristics, or applying quantitative analysis. Concept maps have a hierarchical
structure from top to bottom so the concepts at the top of the concept map form the headings and
the concepts lower on the map form the subheadings. CONCEPT MAPPING: A TOOL FOR
LITERATURE REVIEW Authors: Maizam Alias Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Zurinah
Suradi Abstract and Figures Conducting a systematic literature. From a descriptive point of view,
there is hardly any difference between the four groups in terms of the two factors. One scours
journal articles for practical clues to what is. How are they different (could be scope, methods, year
of publication etc.). Draw your conclusions on the state of the literature on the topic. The expertise
reversal effect is a variant of the more general element interactivity effect. When participants were
confronted with a difficult-to-encode map (low-salience), they felt more disorientated while
learning. Once again video was found to be an effective tool for teaching conversational, shopping,
and other daily living skills to students with autism. You'll make lists of words and try to memorize
them, but you won't see how the whole thing fits together. Source: learning.northeastern.edu A
concept map or conceptual diagram depicts relationships between concepts. In 154 studies, at least
one of the aspects of the concept mapping task was instructor-directed. A concept map is a visual
presentation of concepts as shapes, circles, ovals, triangles or rectangles, and the relationships
between these concepts are presented by arrows. How the design and complexity of concept maps
influence cognitive Learning with concept maps. This showed that quantitative analysis was
concerned with specific concept map characteristics, e.g. size, structural complexity, category
representation, interlinkage or complexity index. Most likely you will not use all the literature you
have read. The first author coded the data from the remaining 22 articles included in the review and
consulted the co-authors when in doubt. For instance, in cases of quantitative analysis, Fig. 4
suggests that no conclusions can be drawn about correctness or quality, only about the extent of
domain knowledge, and an increase or decrease in repeated measures. However, with numerous
options available online, it does get difficult for researchers to select one tool that is efficient. Thus, a
cognitive overload can be avoided (Schroeder et al., 2018; Sweller et al., 2019 ). Moreover, it is
assumed that concept mapping reduces extraneous cognitive processing due to its simpler structure
than is the case when studying or writing texts. Then, once you have all your thoughts on paper, see
if you can identify some relationships between the concepts which you noted down. I'm not sure I
see the relevance there given your topic. It may be in a park, in your garden, at a restaurant, in the
library or in your own study. In addition, this study will investigate whether there is a difference in
efficacy of still pictures versus motion video clips. The utility of concept maps to facilitate higher-
level learning in a large classroom setting. Make a map that highlights varsity terms, varsity
psychologists and your personal examples. In another task, learners were asked to explain the
possible consequences of a defective cell membrane. This raises the question whether all
development is interpreted as development, and whether an increase in nodes and links represents
better understanding or not.
Rate this article Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Examples of events or
objects may be included to clarify the meaning of a concept and to terminate a branch in the tree
structure. For instance respondents think of concepts themselves, or are provided a list of concepts
they can use for their concept map. Lastly, what are the strategies and methods you use for literature
mapping. In comparison to the concepts of geography or setting, literary cartography has been far
more sporadically practiced. At a bar with loud music may not work well, and on a first date may
also not be a good idea. It is useful to debunk complex information on a large scale. The Literature
Map helps researchers review literature for gaps and points of impact. Concerning the efficiency,
learners with the rather unstructured concept map (low salience) were more efficient than learners
with a high salience indicating that learners took less learning time to achieve the same performance
in the test. For instance Ifenthaler, Masduki and Seel ( 2011 ) asked respondents to create a concept
map to depict their understanding of research skills, Beyerbach ( 1988 ) asked students to draw a
concept map for teacher planning and Cakmak ( 2010 ) asked respondents to generate a concept
map concerning teacher roles in teaching process. LibGuides: NSED 150 (Sinha) 2024: Literature
Review Process Basic Literature Review Source Template from Walden University Writing Center to
help record the main findings and concepts from different articles. Each item was rated on a 7-point
scale ranging from (1) “not applicable at all” to (7) “fully applicable”. This is problematic for our
research purposes, as this study is concerned with concept map analysis and conclusions based on
concept maps analysis, and not analysis and conclusions based on other instruments. You will notice
that the related work section is very similar yet not identical to your literature mind map. Technical
Report. Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Florida. The complexity of the learning
material is described with the element interactivity on a continuum between low and high. Moreover,
disorientation and extraneous cognitive load correlate very highly with each other. Instructional
materials, such as concept maps, also induce a certain amount of cognitive load. Using concept maps
in research. (the companion documents, what is a concept. As the first step towards conducting a
successful and impactful research is completed, what follows it is the gruesome process of literature
review. Four categories of methods of analysis were identified, namely: (1) quantitative analysis
based on counting concept map characteristics; (2) similarity analysis based on a comparison with a
referent map; (3) holistic analysis that entails the scoring of maps as a whole based on a rubric; and
(4) qualitative analysis that involves describing characteristics, for instance the terms used. However,
a conclusion concerning counting different concept map characteristics was that it has shown
opposing results within several studies: “While cross link scores were lower in some cases, hierarchy
scores increased dramatically demonstrating that students were seeing each proposition in greater
depth” (Blackwell and Williams 2007, p. 6). Or in the study of Freeman and Urbaczewski ( 2002 ),
where structural complexity scores decreased while all other scores increased. The concept maps
used in this study were developed with the free software tool CmapTools (cf. Publisher's Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
institutional affiliations. Literary maps have, nevertheless, appeared in a variety of literary periods,
genres, and schools of literary. He is interested in learning with concept maps, the design of
animations and the measurement of cognitive load. Source: methods.sagepub.com In addition,
research shows that our brain prefers to organize information in the hierarchical structure
characteristic of concept mapping. Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool. It
is useful to debunk complex information on a large scale. In 154 studies, at least one of the aspects
of the concept mapping task was instructor-directed.