New Guidance Services Action Plan Sy 2023-2024
New Guidance Services Action Plan Sy 2023-2024
New Guidance Services Action Plan Sy 2023-2024
Individual Let students realize Set an School head MOEE Effective profiling, Sept to
Inventory the benefit they can enrichment period Guidance monitoring, and Oct
get from their to discuss the teacher and evaluation in terms of 2023
individual records importance of Advocates Copy their academic and
individual record to Parents production personal-social
students Teachers and of forms development.
Orientation for Advisers Folders
parents, Students Filing
students, and Folders
teacher Orientatio
n Materials
Counseling and Conduct individual Inform students, School head MOEE Improved Year-
Follow-up and Group Counseling faculty, and Guidance communication round
Services personnel that the teacher and Copy and interpersonal
office is always Advocates production skills.
open for counseling Parents of forms Greater self-
sessions Teachers and Folders acceptance and
Orientation for Advisers Filing self-esteem.
parents, Students Folders Ability to change
students, and HPTA and Orientatio self-defeating
teacher LGU n Materials behaviors/habits
documents on
Testing Service Render different tests Research School head MOEE Obtain information in Year-
to interested students for personality and Guidance meaningful terms round
IQ tests. Use teacher and Copy through quantitative
available published Advocates production description.
materials or Type A Parents of forms
Psychological Tests Teachers and Folders
Career Advisers Filing
Guidance – Students Folders
Thurstone HPTA and LGU Orientatio
Interest Test n Materials
Career Guidance Explore and plan for Career Guidance School head Incorporating career- Dec To
future career Plan Guidance MOEE related June
endeavors based on Career Guidance teacher and learning outcomes int 2023
their individual Orientation Advocates Copy o courses and
interests, skills and Student Career Parents production academic advising
values. Orientation Teachers and of forms sessions that will
Career Influencer Advisers Folders allow teachers to
Career Students Filing proactively address
Information HPTA and Folders the career planning
Service LGU Orientatio needs
Career Guidance External n Materials
Caravan Linkages
Career Talk
Survey Form
School Linkages
Homeroom Provides wholesome Implementing the School head MOEE Students be able to Year-
Guidance learning experiences program properly to Guidance face the challenges of round
Program in the classroom that support the teacher and Copy the future and learn
will foster positive learners’ Advocates production life skills of learning,
attitudes, behaviors development. Parents of forms career self-
and values and Providing Teachers and Folders management, and
improve relationship systematic process Advisers Filing social interaction.
between teachers and in the overall Students Folders
students. conduct of Orientatio
Homeroom n Materials
Child Protection Protecting children's Localized Guidance SDO Legal MOEE Having zero- Year-
Administrativ rights and their best Forms School head tolerance for child round
e procedures interests. Placing the Re-establishment Guidance Copy abuse.
of CPP and child as the first of Child Protection teacher and production Protecting
other Deped priority when dealing Committee Advocates of forms children's rights
Orders with all identified or Reorientation on Parents Folders and their best
suspected cases of the Anti-Bullying Teachers and Filing interests.
child abuse. Policy- DepEd Advisers Folders Placing the child
Empowering Order No. 55, s. Students Orientatio as the first priority
and educating childre 2013 HPTA and n Materials when dealing with
n on their rights, Cybersafety all identified or
personal safety and Cyberbullying LGU suspected cases of
steps they can take, if LSWDO child abuse.
there is a problem External
Wellness Raise awareness about Psychosocial SDO and City MOEE Increase the chances Year-
Programs the mental health Support Health for early intervention, Round
School Mental continuum, reduce Mental Health School head Copy which can result in a
Health stigma associated with Awareness Guidance production fast recovery.
Program mental illness, Program teacher and of forms
promote help seeking Mental Well-Being Advocates Folders
behaviors on Focus Parents Filing
and emotional well- Teachers and Folders
being practices, and Advisers Orientatio
prevent suicide Students n Materials
through HPTA and
individual education LGU
and outreach events. External
Teenage Seeks to improve the Awareness SDO and City MOEE Reduced teen
Pregnancy lives of children, Programs Health pregnancy
Prevention families, and Preventive School head Copy Reduced sexual
communities by Programs Guidance production activity
helping to ensure that teacher and of forms Increased use of
children are born into Advocates Folders contraception
two-parent families. Parents Filing Reduced incidence
The goal is to make Teachers and Folders of STDs
sure parents are Advisers Orientatio Reduce cases of
informed about the Students n Materials Dropouts and level
challenges of raising HPTA and the age of students
children and are LGU accordingly
committed to the task External Significant
Linkages reduction of cases
Adolescent The broad aim of Adolescent SDO and MOEE of sexual
Reproductive adolescent Reproductive City harassment and
Health reproductive health Health Awareness Health Copy rape
interventions (ARHI) is ARH Survey Form School production
both to reduce the ARH Seminar/ head of forms
adverse consequences Responsible Guidance Folders
of sexual behavior and Parenthood for teacher Filing
to improve the quality Parents through and Folders
of sexual relationships Parent-Teachers Advocate Orientatio
for young people, both Association s n Materials
as young people today Activities Parents
and also in their Short Film Teachers
future life as adults. Viewing Activity and
and LGU
Research and Evaluation of the Evaluation of the Guidance MOEE Assess the Year-
Evaluations Guidance Program Guidance Program teacher and effectiveness of a round
and Services Advocates Copy program in producing
Prepare evaluation Parents production change
tool Teachers and of forms
Make revisions Advisers Folders
Students Filing
School Folders
Administration Orientatio
n Materials
Services for Provide simple, Guidance Staff SDO and City MOEE Demonstrate what the Year-
Faculty and universal access to Development Health administrative unit round
Administration information and through attending School head Copy is accomplishing to
services for all faculty, seminars, training, Guidance production students, faculty, staff Trainin
staff, and students. workshop and teacher and of forms and outsiders g – End
conducting a Advocates Folders of
Expand and enhance capability training Parents Filing School
technology support Teachers and Folders year
tools to meet the Advisers Orientatio
School of Education's Students n Materials
current needs and HPTA and
expectations LGU
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ESP Learning Area Coordinator
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