An Apple A Day, Grammar
An Apple A Day, Grammar
An Apple A Day, Grammar
C Pragmatic
O (spoken 1.1 to use adverbs of frequency and time expressions appropriately in spoken interactions.
M interaction)
M 1.2 to understand and interpret adverbs of frequency and time expressions in listening, reading, and written interactions.
U Communicative
N (listening, reading,
I written
C interaction)
T Linguistic
I (grammar,
V phonetic)
Learning Objectives to practice adverbs like "sometimes," "usually," and "every day" in conversations about their daily routines.
to ask and answer questions using past time expressions like "yesterday," "last week," and "last Sunday" to talk about past
II. Presentation of grammar (Revise previous grammar) 1. Methods: Reading
Realization Direct Writing
of Sense/ Grammar translation Listening
Information Let's review the adverbs of frequency The students answer the questions and Speaking
1.1 2 min we know. take notes. 2. Techniques:
Materials: The teacher writes the adverbs on the Brainstorming
Textbooks blackboard and translates them.
Then, draw an arrow of time and ask 3. Forms:
the students to come up and write Whole class work
sentences that include adverbs of Individual work
frequency. (App 1)
1.2 2 min
App 1
0% 100%
App 2