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7T04 CS 00 PC 001 Environmental Plan

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SGsesc ‘> arrsuiaco, ir. PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN Doe No : 7104-CS-00-PC-001 Rev, Page: 10f27 Date: 13 Mar. 2008 PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN FOR ERC REFINERY PROJECT CONTRACTOR JOB NO. 7104 PROJECT NAME ERC Refinery Project COMPANY Egyptian Refining Company S.A.E. SITE Mostorod, Egypt 0 | 13 Mar2008 For Approval sR bye prerp | CHKD | CHKD | {yn | REVD | DATE REY.| DATE DESCRIPTION CONTRACTOR CLIENT GS Ss Engineering & Construction SEOUL, KOREA, ~~ Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 Ss GS Esc PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL | jRev. 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 20f27 Samreuieco,t75, Date _+ 13 Mar 2008 BLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE SCOPE RESPONSIBILITIY 3.1 Project Manage (PM). 3.2 Environmental Control Supervisor (ECS). 3.3 Section Managers (SM). DEFINITIONS PROCEDURES 5.1 Project Environmental Management System (PEMS) 5.1 Overview 5.1.2 Environmental Policy & Objectives 5.1.3 Project Environmental Management System 5.14 Environmental Organization 5.1.5 Compliance with Legal Requirements 5.1.6 Environmental Aspects Identification & Assessment 5.1.7 Evaluation, Selection & Control of Subcontractors 5.1.8 Environmental Meeting & Committee 5.1.9 Environmental Training 5.1.10 Emergeney Preparedness 5.1.11 Environmental Incident Investigation & Analysis 5.1.12 Environmental Inspection 5.1.13 Environmental Audit 5.1.14 Environmental Improvement Plan 5.2 Dust Control Doe No : 7104-CS-00-PC-001 GGSSEsc | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Re :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 30f 27 © mrsuraco, tro. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 5.2.1 Objectives 5.2.2 Dust Control 5.2.3 Specific Control Actions 5.3 Noise Control 5.3.1 Objectives 5.3.2 Noise Control 5.3.3 Specific Control Actions 5.4 Wastewater Control 5.4.1 Objectives 5.4.2 Wastewater Control 5.4.3 Specific Control Actions 55 Waste Control 55.1 Objectives 5.5.2 Waste Control Plan 5.5.3 Specific Control Actions 5.6 Pollutants Spillage Control 5.6.1 Objectives 5.6.2 Pollutants Spillage Control Plan REFERENCES 6.1 The GSE&C Corporate HSE Policy Document. 62 The GSE&C Corporate HSE Manual. 63 The GSE&C Corporate HSE Procedures. 64 ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) Requirements. _ DocNo : TTO#-CS-00-FC-001 GGSSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL Rev. :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 40f27 }mrsuiaco,er0, Date + 13 Mar 2008 34 PURPOSE. The purpose of this plan to minimize the adverse impacts on the environment by establishing and maintaining the effective mitigation plans against environmental problems that may arise during the project construction. SCOPE. This Project Environmental Protection Plan applies to ERC Refinery Project carrying out by GS Engineering and Construction Corp. (GSE&C). ‘As work progresses, this plan shall be amended as necessary and further developed. ‘And this plan will incorporate the conditions and mitigation measures contained in the final Environmental Impact Assessment Report. GSE8C shall develop and implement an intemationally recognized Environmental Management System (EMS) for all activities related to the project construction activities in line with the GSE&C Corporate Environmental Management System and ISO 14001 Standards Requirements. During the construction period, appropriate measures for environmental conservation and protection shall be continuously and strictly taken. All measures shall be in accordance with the contract specification and current applicable laws and regulations. Some important items that shall be considered in order to minimize the environmental impacts are as follows, but not limited to: © Dust control Noise contro! * Wastewater quality control © Waste management control * Pollutants Spillage control, etc. RESPONSIBILITY Site Manager. (SM) Environmental responsibilities of SM in general are given below, but not limited to: * Review and approve strategic Project HSE Policy and Objectives * Approve the project environmental protection plan and other procedures * Define roles, responsibilities and provide resources for ensuring that environmental requirements are implemented and maintained in all areas of project activities, * Ensure that Project Environmental Management System is managed in a Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSSEEC | PROIECTENVIRONMENTAL Re. <0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: Sof 27 mrsuiaco, io. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 3.2 3.3 structured manner throughout the site organization. * Ensure sufficient resources are available to support the implementation of the Project Environmental Management System Review suitability and effectiveness of the Project Environmental Management System, etc. Environmental Control Supervisor GSE&C shall appoint a qualified Environmental Control Supervisor (ECS). ECS must be aware of the information and knowledge of Environmental Management System (EMS) and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report). Itis the ECS responsibility to advise the Site Manager on the following main areas: + Proper management and disposal of wastes * Control of noise and dust pollution + Sewage water and drainage control * Air and water pollution control * General housekeeping. Environmental responsibilities of ECS in general are given below, but not limited to: * Ensure that the environmental requirements are established, implemented and maintained across the Project Site activities, specifically including; - Identification and assessment of environmental aspects. - Environmental objectives, targets and environmental management program. * Develop and maintain environmental documents (¢.g. project environmental plan and control plans or procedures) and records. * Monitor adherence to the project environmental policy & objectives, alerting management of non-compliance, and providing advice on remedial actions, through environmental audits, reviews, inspections etc. ‘Monitor and verify closeout of actions arising from environmental audits. «Report periodically to the project management on the performance of the project environmental management system. Environmental responsibilities of DM in general are given below, but not limited to: Fully aware of project environmental policy, objective & targets and management programs. * Understand and apply responsibilities specified in the environmental management system documentation. « Ensure that the environmental requirements are established, implemented and a Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 eS GSEsc PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL |Rev. = 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 6 0f27 Senreutece,ire, Date: 13 Mar 208 maintained across the responsible section activities, specifically including; - Identification and assessment of environmental aspects. - Environmental objectives, targets and environmental management program. * Coordinate Project Environmental Control Supervisor. * Support & monitor the implementation, performance and effectiveness of the environmental management system. * Participate in HSE Committee meetings and take every opportunity to talk to his team about environmental issues. ‘© Support & ensure that supervisors or foremen are working to focus attention on supervising the most hazardous and significant activities. « Ensure all corrective actions assigned to his team arising from audits, incidents and environmental reviews are implemented on time. DEFINITIONS. Audit Systematic examination to determine whether activities and related results conform to planned procedures and whether these procedures are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving carried the organization's policy and objectives. Continual Improvement Process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance in line with the organization’s environmental policy. Environment. Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation. Environmental Aspects Element of an organization's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment. Environmental Impacts ‘Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization's activities, products or control Environmental Management System The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, ‘Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 SGsesc PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL Rew: 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 7 0f27 Smwrsutaco, 7D. Date = 13 Mar 2008 51 5.1.1 planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining environmental policy. Environmental Objectives Overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve, and which is qualified wherever practicable. Environmental Performances Measurable results of the Environmental Management System related to the Organization's control of environmental aspects, based on Environmental policy and objectives. Environmental Targets Detailed performance requirement, quantified wherever practicable, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. HSE Management System. Part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the Health, Safety and Environmental risks associated with the activities of GSE&C, Sub- contractors and Vendors. HSE ( or Environmental) Policy ‘Statement by the organization of its intentions and principal in relation to its overall HSE (or Environmental) performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its HSE (or Environmental) Objectives and Targets. PROCEDURES. Project Environmental Management System (PEMS). Overview The management of all environmental aspects of the project activities shall be developed through a comprehensive Project Environmental Management System (PEMS). The PEMS is underpinned by the GSE&C Corporate HSE Management System providing a high level of environmental standards. Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [rev 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 8 of 27 } mrrsuiaco,tro. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 52 5.1.3 5.1.4 The PEMS shall be designed and implemented in accordance with GSE&C Corporate HSE Management System and aligned to the KSA / ISO 14000 series principles for environmental management system. The PEMS shall address the management actions and commitments associated with environmental matters specific to ERC Refinery Project. Environmental Policy & Objectives GSE&C shall establish Project Environmental Policy and Objectives in line with GSE&C Corporate HSE policy statement. Project Environmental Management System (PEMS) The PEMS shall be developed to provide a systematic and structured approach to comprehensively cover all significant environmental aspects of the project. It will be based on GSE&C Corporate HSE Procedures and will cover all relevant laws and regulations for the protection of the environment. Essentially the PEMS shall provide Project with the structure for : ‘© Managing the operations in a way that ensures that continual improvement in environmental performance and compliance with legislation is achieved. Establishing and assessing performance against its commitments * Setting environmental objectives and targets * Developing and effectively implementing appropriate plans and procedures. Primary outcomes of the PEMS are to ensure that all activities associated with the design, construction of the project are planned and performed so that adverse effects on the environment are either avoided or kept to an acceptable level while meeting all statutory requirements. Obligations to fulfil the responsibilities and accountabilities across all elements of the PEMS involves the participation of both GSE&C and various subcontractors involved with the Project. Environmental Organization GSE&C shall establish project environment organization and appoint Environmental Control Supervisor to comply with relevant laws and legislation and to implement Environmental Management System on site. The Environmental Management System ensures that the Project Environmental Objectives are met through implementation of technical activities and procedures, a Project HSE Team shall be appointed to perform all the technical activities included in this Environmental Protection Plan and the Corporate HSE Manual. Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Rew :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 90f27 Sarrsuiaco, tp. Date _: 13 Mar.2008 5.1.5 5.1.6 The GSE&C Head Office Safety and Environment Department supports the Project Management Team with specialist advice, consultation, inspection, auditing and directions for the execution of the tasks to comply with relevant laws and legislation and to implement Project Environmental Management System on site. Compliance with Legal Requirements GSE&C shall be responsible for all impacts on the environment which result form project construction activities. Such impacts include any form of pollution and excessive noise affecting those outside the site boundary. GSE&C shall comply with all relevant Regulations including any amendments or reenactment thereto including but not limited to: National and Local government regulations relevant to the project shall be identified and complied with. Newly legislated and revised environmental laws shall be examined in order to determine whether those have an influence over project activities. Environmental laws and other requirements shall be kept up-to-dated. Environmental Aspects Identification & Assessment A wide range of potential environmental impacts is foreseeable from the identification of environmental aspects and assessment of environmental impacts, and many impacts relate directly to construction activities on site. At the beginning of the project, GSE&C will carry out Environmental Aspects Identification & Assessment in accordance with Corporate Environmental Aspects Identification and Assessment procedure. GSE&C shall review the following data for identification and assessment of environmental aspects : * Asimilar site’s environmental aspects identification and assessment report. * Construction methods and public complaints that are arise or are expected to arise during construction. * Heavy equipment and materials used for construction. * Utilities and facilities related to the construction * Environmental Impact Assessment, if available * Project specification + Current applicable laws and regulations, work practice, etc. The expected adverse (significant) environmental impacts are as follows ; * Earth littering and dusts * Noise & Vibration * Contamination of Groundwater Seseac mrsuiaco, tp. PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN ‘Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 Rev. :0 Page: 100f27 Date: 13 Mar. 2008 ‘* Contamination or disturbance of watercourses and sea water Soil erosion and silt of watercourses Loss of disturbance of natural habitat ‘* Improper waste disposal * Emissions to atmosphere / Fugitive dust * Damage to Public health * Silt, Coloration and Increases of Turbidity in watercourse. 5.1.7 Evaluation, Selection and Control of Subcontractors. GSE8C shall be responsible for ensuring project subcontractors’ good environmental performance. GSE&C shall; = Request environmental information from each prospective subcontractor and evaluate it during the selection process. - Stipulate environmental performance in the contractual agreements between the GSE8C and subcontractors. - Establish specific training requirements for subcontractors. - Conduct pre-job meetings to address environmental expectation. = Require formal subcontractor environmental induction course for all new employments at the site. - Review the environmental performance of the subcontractors. 5.1.8 Environment Meeting & Committee. GSE&C shall conduct regular environmental meetings and committee with internal organization and subcontractors to ensure that works are carried out on site with minimum adverse impacts to environment / workers and to the public. This environmental meeting will be incorporated in the Safety Meeting & Committee meeting where safety, health and environmental matters are to be discussed at the same time. (1) Environmental Weekly Meeting The Environmental Weekly Meeting shall be held weekly, so far is reasonably practicable. Its purpose to: - Review and discuss environmental generated from project activities within one week. - Review and discuss all site environmental matters. incidents and non-conformances - Review environmental performance of environmental protection plan and Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Rev :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 11 of 27 @ mreuiaca, tro. Date: 13 Mar 2008 5.1.9 other control plans - Review training requirement and practice. (2) Environmental Committee Meeting The Environmental Committee Meeting shall be consist of the Site Manager who shall be the chairman, the Registered Safety Manager, Environmental Control Supervisor as the secretary, Discipline Managers and site manager of subcontractors. All members shall be given appropriate training to enable them to carry out their duties. GSE&C shall adopt the following format as Environmental Committee Meeting agenda in the notice of meeting to all members. = Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting - Chairman's review of site safety and environment performance / condition ~ Report from Environmental Control Officer - Site environment inspection report = Incident and accident investigation / analysis - Safety and environment talk by committee members - Any other business. Environmental Training GSEAC shall establish procedures to ensure that all personnel and in particular new personnel, or personnel transferred to new assignment are given proper environmental training relevant to their duties. GSE&C shall ensure that all personnel are provided with basic training (i.e. Environmental Induction Course (incorporates environment matters), environmental laws and regulations, project rules on working in site, emergency evacuation procedures). And GSE&C shall keep signed records of attendance training. GSE&C shall ensure that all managers, supervisory personnel including those of subcontractors and trained in environmental management system. GSE&C shall be responsible for identifying environmental training which may be required for the performance of the work and ensure that such training is provided for the personnel concemed to mitigate adverse environmental impact. Environmental training will include, but are not limited to: - Project HSE (Environmental) policy and objectives - Significant environmental aspects identified - Environmental management program - Emergency preparedness and response plan / drill - Dust control plan ~ Doe No : 7T04-C8-00-PC-001 Ss GSEsc PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL _ [Rev 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 12 0f 27 anrsuiaco, ip. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 = Noise control plan - Wastewater control plan = Waste control plan - Pollutants spillage control plan - Current applicable environmental laws and regulations - MSDS contents of hazardous materials, etc. All training information, records and certificates shall be properly documented, kept and made available for verification. 5.1.10 Emergency preparedness GSE&C shall establish an emergency plan to respond effectively to emergency situations on the site to include, but not limited to, fire, spills. The emergency plan shall: - Establish evacuation procedures. - Assign responsibilities to specific individuals. - Provide notification to the Authority and outside agencies such as fire station, hospital, etc. - Establish means of communications. - Assign locations for emergency centers. - Provide in-house emergency responses - Include site security and controlled access The information developed shall be documented and communicated as appropriate within the site to ensure that the site organization can respond to emergency situations. GSE&C shall establish a program of training, drills and exercises to test and evaluate the preparedness for emergency actions. GSE&C shall, once every six months, organize emergency exercises based on likely site scenarios in which the key site personnel work through their emergency response roles. 5.1.11 Environmental Incident Investigation and Analysis GSE8C shall establish procedure to identify, record, investigate and analysis any environmental incidents that occur on site. The investigation and analysis shall identify the root cause and contributory causes of the incidents and formulate measures accordingly to prevent future recurrence of similar incident. The investigation of the incident or non-conformance shall include: * Identifying and handling any legislative compliance issues associated with the environmental incident or non-conformance. Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Rev :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 13 0f 27 @ mrsuiaco,iro. Dae 13 Mar 2008 5.1.12 5.1.13, ‘Identifying root causes and taking appropriate action to manage the resulting environmental impact occurring from the incident or non-conformance. * Initiating any corrective and preventive actions and confirming effectiveness of actions taken. Any actions taken will be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the environmental risk. GSE8C shall establish procedures to ensure that all personnel including the subcontractors’ workers have the skills to report safety incidents. GSE&C shall keep records of all incidents reports, investigation, analysis and counter measures taken and shall submit details of this in Safety Monthly Report, if required. Environmental Inspection Project key performance indicators shall be developed to monitor environmental performance prior to construction activities. Monitoring environmental incidents and the close-out of audit and incident action items will be included. The key performance indicators will be regularly monitored, recorded, tracked and communicated. GSE&C shall establish procedure to carry out internal environmental inspections at least once per shift. In addition, informal spot checks will be carried out more frequently on critical site activities. Awritten record shall be kept of the daily inspection findings and the results of the inspections should be brought to the attention of the Environmental Control ‘Supervisor and the Section Managers having responsibility in the area concerned, together with the necessary remedial action and due date for completion. Any corrective action should be immediately implemented by the Discipline Manager, and followed up by the environment staff, with regular monitoring by Safety and Environment department on site. GSE8C shall ensure that inspections are carried out at a specified frequency which will ensure a high level of compliance with the provisions of the EMS. Inspections which are requested by the statutory requirements shall be carried out at a frequency and in accordance with any procedure given in the relevant legislation. Inspection records and follow up action plan shall be properly documented. In addition, following any regulatory inspection, GSE&C shall submit a written report to the Client which shall provide details of all aspects of the inspection, if required. Environmental Audit GSE&C Corporate Safety & Environmental Management Office shall appoint an independent internal environmental audit team to audit the EMS of the site at least once every sit months. The following items should be inspected during intemal audits; - Current environmental laws & regulations: Doc No : 7104-CS-00-PC-001 GSSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL |e. :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 140f27 mrrsuiaco, trp. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 5.114 5.2 5.24 = Responsibilities of project organization - Results of environmental aspects identification & assessment = Subcontractors and purchase control = Operational control of environmental protection - Training and competence - Emergency preparedness - Incidents and corrective actions - Audits and inspections - Environmental improvement plan, etc. GSE&C shall periodically review and evaluate the efficiency of the project EMS in place by the members of Safety Committee Meeting. The audits and possible corrective actions should be carried out in accordance with the documented procedures of GSE&C Corporate Intemal HSE Audit Procedure. All corrective actions for deficiencies identified during audit shall be implemented by the site to verify the satisfaction of the EMS. In addition, the results of audits and corrective actions should be kept and submitted to the Client, if required Environmental Improvement Plan. GSE8C shall establish environmental objectives and improvement plans based on incident analysis, audit results and results of environmental aspects identification / assessment, in order to raise the project EMS. Project environmental improvement plan will cover at least the following; - Achievement of environmental objectives - Corrective actions following environmental incidents - Corrective actions regarding not-conformities observed during internal or extemal audits, self and imposed inspections = Review of training and emergency drills, - Environmental aspects identification & assessment and preventive actions = Complaints from local inhabitants or local authorities. GSE&C shall review project environmental improvement plan with GSE&C Corporate Safety & Environmental Management Office periodically during the construction period. Dust Control Objectives Doc No : 7104-CS-00-PC-001 GSsesc | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL |r. :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 15 of 27 amrrsuisco, 7D. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 - To minimize the nuisance impact on surrounding communities of dust generation during construction activities. - To minimize potential risks from dust generation for vegetation and animals such as livestock. 5.2.2 Dust Control The following key issues shall be considered for Dust Control: Avoidance of unnecessary removal of vegetation. Routine spraying of unpaved site roads and access roads with water Limiting vehicle-entrained dust from unpaved roads through traffic control measures e.g. limiting vehicle speeds and restricting traffic volumes. Covering of materials with potential to results in dust and air contamination during transportation. Abstain from undertaking cement stabilization during windy periods. Use motorized sweeper or vacuum vehicle on surfaced roads to reduce the presence of sand. Where possible, cover construction areas that generate dust with temporary shade-cloth or plastic sheeting to minimize dust generation. 5.2.3 Specific Control Actions 1) Drilling Where breaking of rock/conerete is required, watering shall be implemented to control dust, water sprays shall be used during the handling of excavated material at the site and at active cuts excavation and fill sites where dust is likely to be generated. Where drilling of rock is required, dust controls, including watering prior to drilling to wet down the rock face, shall be implemented to control fugitive dust 2) Material Handling The heights from which excavated materials are dropped shall be controlled to a minimum practical height to limit the fugitive dust generation from unloading. All stockpiles of aggregate shall be enclosed or covered entirely by impervious sheeting or sprayed with water or dust suppression chemical so as to maintain the entire surface wet. 3) Vehicle Dust Effective water sprays shall be used on the site to dampen potential dust Doc No : 7104-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Re :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 16 0f 27 > aursuieco, 7D. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 4) 5) emission sources such as unpaved areas used by site traffic and active construction area. Vehicles transporting materials that have the potential to generate dust shall have properly fitting side and tail boards. Materials transported by vehicles shall be covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting, with the cover properly secured and extended over the edges of the side and tail boards to ensure that the materials do not leak from the vehicle. Materials shall also be dampened, if necessary, before transportation. In order to prevent earth movement from the site due to construction activity and run off onto public road, drains, the site shall be inspected regularly. On-site vehicle speeds shall be controlled to reduce dust re-suspension and dispersion by traffic within the sites. By using water-spraying car upon the unpaved road, fly of dust can be prevented. Wheel washing facilities shall be provided at the exit of the site to prevent dusty material from being carried off-site on vehicles and deposited on public roads. Excavation - The working area of any excavation or earth moving operation shall be sprayed with water before and after the operation so as to maintain the entire surface wet = The amount of soil exposed and the dust generation potential shall be kept as low as possible, this can be accomplished by surface compaction, temporary fabric covers, minimizing the extent of exposed soil and the prompt re- vegetation of completed earthworks Site Clearance The working area for the uprooting of trees, shrubs, or vegetation or for the removal of boulders, poles, pillars or temporary or permanent structures shall be sprayed with water before and after the operation so as to maintain the entire surface wet. 5.3 Noise Control 5.3.1 Objectives To adhere to the noise regulations as implemented within the noise impacted Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [rev :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page =: 17 0f 27 } mrrsuiaco, Lp. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 areas. ‘As a minimum, ambient noise levels emanating from the noisy equipment must not exceed 70 dB at the site boundary. To comply with the occupational noise regulations 5.3.2 Noise Control The Noise Control shall include the following measures for good practice: All equipment shall be kept in good working order. Equipment shall be operated within specifications and capacity (e.g. Don't overload machines) Equipment shall be operated with appropriate noise abatement accessories such as sound hoods and GSE&C shall ensure that these accessories are correctly maintained. Equipment shall be operated in as diversified a manner as possible (ie. if possible, spread operation of equipment throughout working periods rather than operating several items simultaneously). Equipment shall be turned off when not in use. Pumps, generators, compressors and saws shall be positioned in sheltered locations. Partly finished buildings shall be used to accommodate pumps, generators, compressors and saws. When using pile drivers, jack hammers, rock drills and for blasting activities, times when the environment is least sensitive to noise impact shall be selected, preferably during daytime hours and during normal working days. 5.3.3 Specific Control Actions Noise emissions from construction sites can be minimized through good site practice, selecting quiet plant and quiet working methods and through the use of temporary barriers. To reduce impact of noise to the residential area from operation of vehicles and equipment for site, the speed of vehicles and other equipment shall be limited and noise from operation of the equipment shall be minimized. 1) Noise-producing Equipment Control Only well-maintained plant shall be operated on-site and plant shall be serviced regularly during the construction works Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use shall be shut down between work periods or shall be throttled down to a minimum Plant known to emit noise strongly in on direction shall, where possible, be Doo No | 7104 68007C201 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [re 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 18 of 27 Smrsuiaco, iD. ee ie ae oriented so that the noise is directed away from noise sensitive receivers = Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment shall be utilized and shall be properly maintained during the construction works - Mobile plant shall be sited as far away from noise sensitive receivers as possible. 2) Temporary noise barriers - In general, noise barriers located between noisy construction activities and noise sensitive receivers can provide noise reduction form screening. - Movable noise barriers can be located close to noisy plant or between noisy construction activities and noise sensitive receivers in order to achieve a certain level of noise reduction. = Material stockpiles and other structures shall be effectively utilized, where practicable, to screen noise from on-site construction activities. 3) Scheduling of construction activities = Activities may be scheduled to minimize noise generated at certain areas during periods which may be particularly sensitive to noise - Works using machines or vehicles that generate noise shall be prohibited in the midnight and the dawn. 4) Others - Explosion works produce noise and vibration. The preventive measure shall be taken. Selection of proper grade of explosives and limit of using amount shall be assured. - When blasting, it is good practice to give local residence advanced waning of blasting periods, and use screen, curtains and/or mats whenever possible. 5.4 Wastewater Control 5.4.1 Objectives - To minimize deterioration of ground water and surface water quality 5.4.2 Wastewater Control The Wastewater Control shall include the following details: - The control plan for wastewater generated from concrete batching plant Doc No | TTO4-€S-006-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Rex :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 190f27 Semin: Date _: 13 Ma 208 operation. = Water from washing large concrete-mixing equipment (mixers and the like) shall no be discharged overland, Such water shall be removed and disposed of in the correct manner. GSE&C will consider recycling this water to minimize discharges. = All washing operations shall take place at a location where wastewater can be disposed of in the correct manner. = All washing of equipment or machinery shall be undertaken in designated areas (e.g. workshop or maintenance areas), and these areas must be equipped with a suitable impermeable floor and sump/oil trap. The use of detergents for washing shall be restricted to low phosphate and nitrate containing. - Workshops, refueling depots and washing areas shall be bunded. = Oil collected in grease traps shall be collected by the appointed waste disposal contractor. - Any wastewater or spilled fuel collected within bunded area around the refueling area shall be disposed of as hazardous waste. 5.4.3 Specific Control Actions 1) At the start of site establishment - Perimeter cut-off drains to direct off-site water around the site shall be constructed and intemal drainage works and erosion and sedimentation control facilities implemented. Channels, earth bund walls or sandbag barriers shall be provided on site to direct storm water to silt removal facilities. 2) Debris in Water Courses and River water - Any oil, solid, noxious or floating materials shall not be discharged into watercourses. And all water discharged shall be reasonably free of impurities. 3) Soil erosion and Sedimentation control - Construction works shall be programmed to minimize surface excavation works during the rainy season. All exposed earth areas shall be completed and vegetated as soon as possible after earthworks have been completed. = If excavation of soil cannot be avoided during the rainy season, or at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, exposed slope surface shall be covered. - The overall slope of the site shall be kept to a minimum to reduce the erosive potential of surface water flows, and all trafficked areas and access roads Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSsesc | PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL [Re :0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 200f27 Smrsuiaco, ip. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 4) protected by coarse stone ballast. - Sediment tanks of sufficient capacity are recommended as a general mitigation measure which can be used for settling wastewater prior to disposal. - All drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly following rainstorms. Deposited silt and grit shall be removed regularly and disposed of by spreading evenly over stable, vegetated areas. - Measures shall be taken to minimize the ingress of site drainage into excavation. If the excavation of trenches in wet periods is necessary, they shall be dug and backfil in short sections wherever practicable. Water pumped out from trenches or foundation excavation shall be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities. = Open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates, sand and fill material) shall be covered during rainstorm. Measures shall be taken to prevent the washing away of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system. = Manholes shall be always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris being washed into the drainage system and storm runoff being directed into foul sewers. Particular attention shall be paid to the control of silty surface runoff during storm events, especially for areas located near steep slopes. - All vehicles and plant shall be cleaned before leaving a construction site to ensure no earth, mud, debris and the like is deposited by them on roads. An adequately designed and sited wheel washing bay shall be provided at every site exits and wash-water shall have sand silt settled out and removed at least on a weekly basis to ensure the continued efficiency of the process. Fuel tanks - All fuel stored on site shall be kept in drums or in bulk tanks which in either case shall be located at a designated place away form any source of ignition or open drain which does not lead to an interceptor, and shall be properly labeled. A “No Smoking’ sign shall be displayed at the storage location and a charged fire extinguisher of the correct type kept on standby. = Any spillage of fuel shall straight away be absorbed using sand or other absorbent materials, which shall be disposed of as contaminated waste. - All fuel tanks and storage areas shall be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank to prevent spilled fuel oils from reaching water systems. Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 GSGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL |Rev. 0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 21 of 27 arrsuiaco, tro. Date _: 13 Mar. 2008 55 5.5.1 55.2 5) Sewage Disposal / holding tanks Sewerage treatment system will be designed and installed to carry all wash and domestic wastewater, sewage, etc. Where a public sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures and sewers shall be connected to it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Sewage shall be collected and treated prior to disposal. Effluent shall comply with legal guidelines for emissions into the environment, as appropriate. Where a treatment system cannot be provided, appropriate mobile treatment facilities must be considered wherever possible, even in the case of temporary portable cabin or jobsite and the collected sewage regularly collected by a reputable sewage collector for disposal. Waste Control Objectives To maximize the internal and external recycling of materials. To minimize the volume of solid waste requiring disposal by landfill Waste Control Plan Waste Control Plan shall be designed and implemented for the construction activities. This plan shall: Record quantities and composition of waste streams, sources of waste streams, length of storage on site, and final destinations. This would constitute the basis for a continuous improvement programme in waste minimization. Incorporate the following waste control hierarchy to mitigate environmental impacts: + Minimize the generation of waste + Re-use the waste during construction * Re-use or recycle waste streams to other users at other locations * Dispose unusable waste streams at permitted waste disposal facilities. The system for collecting, sorting, disposal and recycling of waste shall be clearly described in the waste control plan. This shall include: Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 SGSEsC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL [Re +0 PROTECTION PLAN Page: 22 0f 27 Sarrsuiaco, tro. Date _: 13 Mar.2008 * A separate waste disposal area shall be designated on the construction site, which contains clearly demarcated skips and bins to allow different types of waste to be segregated at source : domestic, metal scrap, used oil, paper, hazardous etc. In addition, separation along the lines of potential re-use and recycling opportunities shall be undertaken. * GSE&C shall provide sufficient bins with lids to store the solid waste produced on a daily basis. Bins shall not be allowed to become overfull and shall be emptied as a minimum on a weekly basis. The waste may be temporarily stored on site in a central waste area that is weatherproof and scavenge-proof. * No on-site burning, burying or dumping of any waste materials, vegetation, litter or refuse shall occur. Moved earth and the associated rubbles is unlikely to be contaminated and require disposal. This could therefore potentially be re-used on site to construct landscape features and thereby minimize the amount of waste requiring disposal by landfill. The amount of waste sent to landfill can be further reduced by investigating opportunities for recycling or re-use of waste. The investigation shall include potential treatment options which would increase the recyolability and re- usability of these waste streams. The waste sorting and temporary storage area shall be permanently controlled by a dedicated waste control officer to ensure compliance with the waste sorting and disposal requirement. GSE&C shall ensure that the waste control subcontractors are suitably qualified and equipped to manage the waste generated during construction. GSE&C shall ensure that disposal facilities (whether landfill, or processing plants) have the necessary permits required in order to process the waste or by-product received from the construction site. All wastes shall be disposed of off site at an approved landfill site. 5.5.3 Specific Control Actions 1) Excavated inert materials Excavated materials are not considered likely to cause adverse impacts, since they may be possible to be used as reclamation fill, which is considered a useful reuse of the material. Any uncontaminated inert material may be delivered to public fill site. ‘Surplus excavated material, quarry overburden, rock rejected for aggregate, Doc No : 7T04-CS-00-PC-001 G_ESEC | PROJECTENVIRONMENTAL Re. <0 PROTECTION PLAN Page =: 23 of 27 > mrsuiaco, trp. Date: 13 Mar. 2008 2) 3) 4) aggregate surplus to the requirements and the like shall not be discarded indiscriminately. - Different types of surplus excavated materials shall be deposited separately in the spoil dumps designated for the purpose outside the project site. Construction and demolition waste - Careful planning and good site management can minimize over ordering and waste of materials such as concrete, mortars and cement groups. If feasible, the noise enclosure shall be designed so that the materials are reusable after it has been dismantled and removed. The design of formwork could maximize the use of standard wooden panels so that high reuse levels can be achieved. Altematives such as steel formwork or plastic facing could be considered to increase the potential for reuse. = Disposal of construction waste can either be at a specified landfill, or a public dump. Waste from vessels (Dredgers, barges, boats, etc) - All the construction vessels are equipped with wastewater and solid waste handling facilities. - There will be no disposal of waste into the aquatic environment. - Oily wastewater and oil contaminated material generated from the construction machinery during the construction activities will be collected and transferred back on shore for treatment/disposal. - Solid construction wastes generated during offshore construction works will be collected and transferred onshore for disposal onshore. - Sanitary sewage on vessels and ships used in the marine construction works will be collected in marine sanitation devices. This waste will be disposed of in an approved sewage disposal system onshore or discharged to the sea after treatment if meet the discharging standards. Hazardous (chemical) waste - For the process which generate chemical waste, it may be possible to fine alternatives which generate reduced quantities or even no chemical waste, or less dangerous types of chemical waste. The management of hazardous waste causes number of problems in practice. The wide range of materials and chemicals involved such as oil, lubricants, cutting oils, sludge, paints etc. Hazardous waste shall be identified, classified, handled and disposed of safely. - Types of hazardous waste: * Fuel, waste oil, paints and contaminated material with oil

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