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Datasheet Workday Cloud Connect Platform

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Workday Integration Cloud

Workday’s Integration Cloud Platform is a complete Integration Platform- Key Benefits

as-a–Service (iPaaS) for building, deploying, and managing integrations • Build, launch, monitor, and manage

to and from Workday. It provides a proven, enterprise-class platform Workday-related integrations directly
within the Workday UI
that consists of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) embedded as part of the
Workday platform with associated tools directly within the Workday UI • Leverage a powerful and productive
development environment optimized
for managing and monitoring integrations. The Workday Integration Cloud
for building sophisticated and highly
also provides pre-built and delivered connections to non-Workday systems, customizable integrations

as well as tools for developing custom integrations. All integrations are • Deploy all integrations to the
deployed to and run on Workday without the need for any on-premise Workday Cloud, powered by a proven
enterprise-class integration platform
• Eliminate the need to own or
manage any on-premise integration
A Complete Integration Platform-as-a-Service middleware or servers
The Workday Integration Cloud provides a flexible platform for easily
integrating with Workday. Workday provides hundreds of web services
for seamlessly integrating with Workday, giving organizations the choice
to build their own integrations using Workday’s public web service API’s.
Alternatively, Workday offers a suite of self-service integration tools,
complete with pre-built integrations, which enable both business users and
IT developers to build, configure, test, and deploy custom integrations.

Integration Cloud Platform

From the beginning, Workday has believed
integration should be a native part of the
application platform, not a bolt-on. Workday’s Workday Cloud
Integration Cloud Platform is based on an
Workday Applications
enterprise-class ESB that is embedded as part of
Public Web Service APIs Custom APIs
the Workday platform, enabling integrations
to be surfaced through the application. This
Workday Integration Cloud
enables integrations to participate in the
Integration Cloud Platform
Business Process Framework (BPF), allows
users to orchestrate integrations using the Connectors and Toolkits Management and Monitoring

BPF for approvals and other workflow steps,

and provides users the ability to manage
and monitor integrations from within the
Cloud On-Premise Benefits Payroll
Workday UI. Applications Applications Providers Providers LDAP/AD
Pre-built Integrations Integrations completed using toolkits run inside the

To simplify the implementation effort of integrating with Workday cloud, and all toolkits are managed, maintained,

Workday and speed time to value, Workday provides a and supported by Workday.

series of pre-built integrations in the form of connectors

and toolkits. Enterprise Information Builder
The Workday Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) tool
provides an easy-to-use graphical and guided interface
Connectors are pre-built interfaces designed, to define inbound and outbound integrations without
implemented, and supported by Workday and Workday’s requiring any programming. Used by the majority of
partners. They drastically reduce the implementation Workday customers, the EIB can be used by both business
time required to complete an integration by providing the and IT users to address a variety of integration needs.
processing logic, data transformation, and error handling
routines required to integrate a third-party system with
Workday Studio
Workday. All connectors are configurable to accommodate
Workday Studio is a powerful development tool enabling
differences in customer situations and run in the
customers and partners to build sophisticated and highly-
Workday cloud, releasing you from the burden of having
customizable integrations to and from Workday. Aimed
to maintain separate integration infrastructure.
at skilled developers, Workday Studio offers a rich,
Connectors are managed just like any other Workday graphical development environment. You can drag and
application and are kept up to date with the same overall drop a variety of re-usable components that handle the
Workday update schedule. Updates include reacting to plumbing aspects of integration building, freeing you to
Workday core applications—for compliance and additional focus on critical business logic.
application features—as well as updates to the latest
tooling and infrastructure. In addition, Workday works
ESB Enterprise Grid
with the third-party partner to manage a joint roadmap
Powering all of Workday’s integration capabilities is a
to ensure the integration is kept up to date as the third-
best-of-breed ESB architecture that empowers Workday’s
party application evolves.
integrations to scale, interconnect, and support the latest

Toolkits industry standards, protocols, and formats. Workday’s ESB

In cases where a connector does not exist to a specific is a core component of the Workday Cloud and provides

third-party application, Workday provides a collection universal and open standards-based connectivity for

of toolkits for speeding implementation of custom virtually all types of business applications, information,

integrations to third-party systems. Each toolkit contains and processes.

a collection of connectors for orchestrating an end-

Workday Integration Tools
to-end integration with the processing logic and error Design, Build, Test, & Deploy

handling required on the Workday side of the integration. Enterprise Class ESB Grid

Customers are responsible for completing the integration Transport Mediate Route

Transform Orchestrate Secure

by implementing the logic necessary to tie it to the
third-party system they want to integrate with Workday. Workday UI
Manage & Monitor
Customers also have the flexibility to customize the
orchestration of services within the toolkit to match their
specific requirements for the integration.
Management and Monitoring Integration Cloud Connect
Within the Workday UI, you can manage and monitor Integration Cloud Connect represents a portfolio of
integrations built with EIB and Studio. Both business integration products designed to complement Workday
users and IT developers can: core business applications by providing pre-built
connections to third-party applications and services.
• Launch and schedule integrations
Each integration is deployed in the Workday Cloud, which,
• View and manage past, running, and scheduled in turn, gives you all the benefits of a fully hosted and
integrations managed application. Customers can enjoy integration
solutions that are versioned and stable, as well as kept up
• Create and maintain email notifications based
to date with the latest infrastructure, tooling, application
on integration events, such as when integrations
changes, and vendor changes (where applicable).
launch, complete, or fail

• Configure integration security to control which Integration Cloud Connect provides two types of

users can launch, build, and view integrations packaged content: connectors and toolkits. In each

and their data case, the content provided is managed, maintained,

and supported by Workday.
Workday’s integration tools are widely proven in a
variety of demanding situations and offer a lower-cost,
lower-risk path to delivering needed integrations in
support of your specific business needs.

Connectors and Toolkits

Human Resources Financials Expenses and Procurement

Management Connectors Connectors
Connectors • Salesforce Sales Cloud • American Express
• Cornerstone OnDemand • Cybersource • Bank of America Visa
• Lumesse TalentLink • ADP Check Printing • Citibank Visa
• Chatter • Payments • Punchout
• Kronos • Check Print • Supplier Network
• E-Verify • Electronic Payments
• AngelPoints • Travel Booking Custom Development
• SSN Verification
• Directory Services
Payroll • Worker Sync
• Jobvite*
Connectors • Organization
• Saba*
• ADP Tax Filing • Talent
• Globoforce*
• Ceridian Tax Filing • Location
• Nettime Solutions*
• ADP Check Printing • Worker Organization

Toolkits • Ceridian Check Printing Assignment

• Kronos • Competency Model
• Cloud Connect for Benefits
• Canadian Tax Revenue Agency • Job Profile and Job Family
• Cloud Connect for LMS
• Quebec Tax Revenue Agency • Worker Time Block
• Payments • Positions
• Payroll Inputs
*Delivered by Workday Partners

• Cloud Connect for 3rd
Party Payroll
Enterprise Interface Builder • Data Formats

Features ›› XML

• Solves many of the common integration use ›› Excel

cases traditional ERP customers face today ›› CSV

›› JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
• No programming required—appropriate for
›› Google Data (GData)
business users and analysts
›› Really Simply Syndication (RSS)

• Easy-to-use, form-based graphical tool ›› HTML

• Other
• Export data out of Workday on a one-time or
›› File compression
scheduled basis (e.g., send weekly list of new
›› Document retention policy
hires to third-party training vendor)
›› Filename sequence generator
• Bulk perform a large number of tasks or load
large amounts of data into Workday using Excel Workday Studio
spreadsheets (e.g., hiring employees, bonus data) Features

• Delivered on-demand directly within Workday • Solves sophisticated and highly customizable

applications integration needs to and from Workday applications

Technical Specifications • Rich, graphical development environment,

including a drag-and-drop palette of purpose-built
• Transports
packaged components
›› FTP/SSL • Unified framework for building, launching,
›› FTP debugging, monitoring, and troubleshooting
›› Email
• Scalable and efficient processing of large data sets
(up to tens of gigabytes)
›› WebDAV
›› AS/2 • Advanced message processing capabilities,
›› Workday Attachment including change detection, complex looping,
›› SOAP and branching logic based on dynamic data or
›› REST external variables

• Security
• Database Loader for loading large volumes of data from
›› PGP (encryption, decryption, & digital signatures) relational database to Workday during implementation
›› X509 (AS/2 encryption & digital signatures)
• Customizable with Java, Spring, or third-party services
• Data Sources

›› Excel spreadsheet • Tight incorporation with Workday, including

›› Workday web service API direct access to Custom Reports, CRFs, and

›› Workday custom API Workday Web Services

• Data Transformations • Integrations built in Studio can be published to and

›› XSLT made available from within Workday applications
›› Visual Transformer for configuring fixed-width
outbound files
Technical Specification • Productivity Tools

• Transports ›› Web service message builder and tester

›› SOAP ›› WSDL and XML schema explorer

›› REST ›› XPath expression builder

›› HTTP/SSL • Security
›› FTP ›› PGP (encryption, decryption, & digital signatures)
›› SFTP ›› x509 (AS/2 encryption & digital signatures)
• Other
›› Email
›› File compression
›› AS/2
›› Document retention policy
›› Google Cloud Storage
›› Filename sequence generator
›› Database storage & retrieval
›› Custom
›› Validation
• Data Transformations ›› Error handling
›› XSLT ›› Logging
›› Text-to-Excel and Excel-to-Text ›› In-memory tables
›› Text-to-XML and XML-to-Text
›› XML-to-Java and Java-to-XML
›› XML-to-x12 and x12-to-XML
›› XML-to-CSV and CSV-to-XML
›› XML-to-JSON and JSON-to-XMLFormatting
Objects Processor for PDF & RTF
›› File character conversions
›› Base64-encoding & decoding

Workday, Inc. | 6230 Stoneridge Mall Road | Pleasanton, CA 94588 | United States
1.925.951.9000 | 1.877.WORKDAY (1.877.967.5329) | Fax: 1.925.951.9001 | www.workday.com

© 2014. Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are registered trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 20140619INTEGCLOUD-ENUS

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