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IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System

Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · July 2021
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0707002


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IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System
Pooja1 | Shraddha2 | Priyanka3| A. D. Sonawane4

1,2,3E&Tc Dept. JSPM’S RajarshiShahu College Of Engeering, Pune.

4 AssistantProfessor E&Tc Dept. JSPM’S RajarshiShahu College Of Engineering, Pune.

Abstract: The increasing air and sound pollution is one of the significant issue now days. As the pollution increasing it is giving
rise number of diseases so, it has become essential to control the pollution for better future and healthy life .here we propose an air
quality as well as sound pollution monitoring system that allows us to monitor and check live air quality as well as sound
pollution monitoring in particular areas through IOT . System uses air sensor to detect or sense presence of harmful gases,
compounds in the air and constantly transmit data to microcontroller. Also system keeps measure soundlevel and report it to the
online server over IOT. The user friendly and easy handling of the system technology is such that it can be installed in houses,
schools and in smallplaces.

KEYWORDS: AurduinoUno,Gas Sensor MQ135,Sound Sensor LM393,Wifi Module

DOI of the Article: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0707002

Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol7issue07.html

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Pooja; Shraddha; Priyanka and A. D. Sonawane. IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution
To Cite this Article: Monitoring System. International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7,
0706228, pp. 12-16. https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0707002

Article Info. Received: 21 May 2021; Accepted: 24 June 2021; Published: 2 July 2021

Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN : 2455-3778 http://www.ijmtst.com
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7, 0706228 13


The main objective of IOT based air and noise pollution There are numerous works that have been done related
monitoring system is that the air pollution is a rising to IOT based Projects.
issue these days. As a human we need fresh air to Kavitha.B.C¹, Deepa Jose²,Vallikannu.r KCG College of
survive. Air is most important factor in humanslife.If Technology, Chennai, India.[1] The idea can be realized
there is any kind of air pollution it’s harmful for human. by introducing raspberry pi & IOT shield . This project
Air pollution kill more than seven million people uses 3 different gas sensors, namely mq7, mq135 & DHT
worldwide every year. Pollution is very harmful for 11the air quality can be displayed on and as well as
those people who have any kind of internal diseases on monitoring easy.Lcd display webpage whichmakes.
this type of people pollution affect veryfastly.In Ajitesh Kumar, Mona Kumari, Harsh Gupta, GLA
atmosphere is the full of air which contain monoxide, University Mathura, India.[2] They used nodemcu to
smoke, alcohol, benzene, methane etc. monitoring air and noise which present in atmosphere
Between this gases some are good and some are harmful MQ 2 gas sensor used to sense the smoke and MQ9 gas
for environment for certain level some gases are good sensor used to sense carbon monoxide . PMS3003 G3
for human, animals, plants but beyondcertain level particle they used pm2.5 giving reading to node mcu
these created problem for services to overcome these processor and data to the rends. The dada internet. They
problem system is useful because of this we can analyse also used a tod converter a dc to convert and leg data.
the air and noise pollution means how many pollution To digital. They used OLED display, to display the
level in atmosphere in three different levels.We use pollution condition. All sensors will sends data to node
Internet Of Things (IOT). In this we use thingspeak we mcu and and they node mcu send to think speak then
can analyse previous data also using this platform in graph shows on think speak and also data show
graphical form. onOLED.
V. Karthika1 S. Nandhini2, P. Preethy3 S. Sivapriya4,
PROBLEM STATEMENT M.Thangabrindha5[3] In this system used PIC 16F877
An effective natural observing framework is essential to Module for the Industrial Air monitoring system. The
screen and estimate the conditions in the event of remote monitoring & controlling of Air quality of the
surpassing endorsed level of parameter (for example, room inside a building can designed the main purpose
commotion, COand radiation levels). At the point of constructing the proposed system.
whenthe items like condition furnished with sensor BLOCK SCHEMATIC &WORKING
gadgets, smaller scale controller and different
programming application turn into a self-securing and Power
self-observing condition. Supply

Display Cloud
Air Quality
1. To study the existingsystem.
2. To design the blockdiagram. Sound uno Buzzer

3. To decide the components specification &device


4. To design the circuit diagram and simulate it using
suitablesoftware. Fig. Block Diagram
5. To design the PCB and implement hardware.
6. To test the circuit and observe the result. As shown in fig. in system we use arduino as main
7. To preparereport. controller. In system we use MQ135 gas sensor for
detecting or sensing gases and also use sound sensor
LM393 module for detect the sound pollution. Sensed
data of sensor given to analog pin of the arduino then

Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN : 2455-3778 http://www.ijmtst.com
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7, 0706228 14

digital output pin are connected to LCD, buzzer and Feature

LED. If air pollution is there then buzzer will start • Operating voltage is5v.
beeping and if sound pollution is there then LED will • DC current per input pin is 40mA.
glow. All condition of pollution display on LED and we • Clock speed16MHz.
can also analyze past data using thingspeak in graphical • DC current for 3.3v pin is 50mA.
form. • SPAM 2 KB
Arduino is an open source prototype. Software will • EEPROM 1KB
operate in Arduino IDE Computer code can be written
and upload to the physical board. Arduino board is a  MQ135 Gas Sensor
board that can be functioned via Arduino IDE by
sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on it.
For controlling Sensors. For arduino programming we
are going to use Embedded C. We are going to build
project in Embedded C and for monitoring that project
we are using Cloud.

The MQ135 is a gas sensor it used for detecting or

sensing harmful gases in the atmosphere. It has wide
detecting scope. It gives fast response and also it it high
1. ArduinoUNO
sensitivity sensor. It is simple and long life device. They
2. MQ135 (Gassensor)
are used in air quality control equipment for building
3. LM393 (Noisesensor)
offices are suitable for detecting of NH3, alcohol,
4. ESP8266 WIFIModule
benzene, smoke CO2 etc.
5. 16*2 LCDDisplay
6. LED
7. Buzzer
• Wide detecting scope
• Fast response and High sensitivity
 Arduino UNO
• Stable and long life
• Operating Voltage is +5V
• Detect/Measure NH3, NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke,
CO2, etc.
• Analog output voltage: 0V to 5V

 LM393 Sound Sensor

Arduino is 8 bit microcontroller board based on the

ATmega328P. The operating voltage is 5V. It has 14 pins
digital input output pins (Of which can be used 6 as
PWM output) The sound sensor module provide an easy way to

Oscillator frequency is 16 MHz It contains everything detect sound and it generally used for detecting sound

needed to support the microcontroller simply connect it intensity. Module detect the sound has exceeded a

to a computer with USB cable. It has 6 analog input threshold value. Sound is detected via microphone and
pins. fed into an LM393 opamp. The sound level adjust

Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN : 2455-3778 http://www.ijmtst.com
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7, 0706228 15

through pot. The sound increases set value output is Feature

low.  Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V
These module work on DC 3.3-5 voltage.  Current consumption is 1mA without backlight
 Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can
Feature display alphabets and numbers
• Operating voltage 3.3V-5V  Consists of two rows and each row can print 16
• Output model: digital switch outputs (0 and 1, high characters.
or low level)  Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box
• Voltage Gain 26dB  Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
• Microphone Impedance 2.2kΏ
• Microphone Frequency 16.20 kHz

 ESP8266 WIFI Module

The esp8266 WIFI module is a self containedsoc with

integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any
microcontroller access to your WIFI network. The ALGORITHM
esp8266 is capable of either hosting an application or
offloading all WIFI networking functions from another 1. Start Arduino UNO.
application processor. 2. initialize LCD, gas sensor & noise sensor
3. Establish WITI connections.
Feature 4. If connection successful. next step else go to step 1
 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n supporting WPA/WPA2). 5. Read sensor values.
 General-purpose input/output (16 GPIO). 6. If Sensor value available establish TCP connection
 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) serial communication else read values again.
protocol. 7. Establish TCP connection
 Analog-to-digital conversion (10-bit ADC). 8. If TCP connections successful. send data to server
 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial communication (Thingspeak). else set go to step 7
protocol. 9. If TCP connections successful. send data to server
(ThingSpeak). else set gob to step 7
10. Check for acknowledgement.
 16*2 LCD Display 11. If acknowledgement received. go to step some time
& else wait for go to step no 5.

1. Sensors are easily available.
2. Sensors are effortlessly accessible.
3. Detecting of wide range of gases.
4. Simple, compact and easy to handle.
5. Sensors have long life time.
6. Low cost
LCD is used for to display the condition there are three 7. Data can be used to control pollution.
conditions in air pollution and three conditions in noise
pollution means air and sound is clear, moderately APPLICATIONS
polluted or highly polluted that is displayed on LED. 1. To estimate the pollution.
2. Indoor Air Quality Monitoring.

Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN : 2455-3778 http://www.ijmtst.com
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 2021, 7, 0706228 16

3. To design server and upload data on that server with EraHttps://Ieeexplore.Ieee.Org/Abstract/Document/86633

date and time. 67

4. We can use it at industrial area as there is lot of noise 5. KB Shaban A Kadri, E Rezk - IEEE Sensors Journal, A
System For Monitoring And Forecasting Urban Air
Pollution Is Presented In This Paper. The System Uses
5. In city roads traffic noise.
Low-Cost Air-Quality Monitoring Motes That Are
6. Activities like shooting, open air events, football and
Equipped With An Array Of Gaseous And
cricket matches. Meteorological Sensors.
7. At small level, in schools and colleges we can use this 6. Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System Using IOT
device. International Research Journal of Engineering and
8. Automation Automation. Technology (IRJET e-ISSN: 2395-0056

In future we modify the system to notify a user about
the air quality and noise level it reaches beyond
permissible level through sms or app.
We can monitor air and sound pollution level at any
place of the world.

By using this project each and every variation we can
analyze and inform nearby people in time. We can also
analyze data form home using thingspeak.
The most important factor of this system is that it is
small, cost efficient and portable. Sensors are available
easily anywhere.
This system fully helpful to save the lives and overcome
all the problem related to environment.

1. IOT based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO
3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Website:
www.ijareeie.com Vol. 6, Issue 3, March 2017 Copyright
2. Iot Based Air And Sound Pollution Monitoring System
International Journal Of Innovative Research Explorer
Volume 5, Issue 4, April/2018 Issn No: 2347-6060
3. Design And Analysis Of Iot Based Air Quality
Monitoring System 2020 International Conference On
Power Electronics &Iot Applications In Renewable
Energy And Its Control (PARC) GLA University,
Mathura, UP, India. Feb 28-29, 2020
4. S Dhingra, RbMadda, Ah Gandomi - Ieee Internet Of
Things (Iot) Is A Worldwide System Of “Smart Devices”
That Can Sense And Connect With Their Surroundings
And Interact With Users And Other Systems. Global Air
Pollution Is One Of The Major Concerns Of Our

Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN : 2455-3778 http://www.ijmtst.com

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