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Iso 16967 2015

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First edition

Solid biofuels — Determination of

major elements — Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K,
Si, Na and Ti
Biocombustibles solides — Détermination des éléments majeurs — Al,
Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Si, Na et Ti


ISO 16967:2015

Reference number
ISO 16967:2015(E)

© ISO 2015
ISO 16967:2015(E)


ISO 16967:2015


© ISO 2015
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Published in Switzerland

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ISO 16967:2015(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 Symbols.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Reagents......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Apparatus...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
8 Preparation of the test sample................................................................................................................................................................ 4
9 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9.1 Digestion....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9.2 Detection methods................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
9.3 Calibration of the apparatus......................................................................................................................................................... 6
9.4 Analysis of digests................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Blank test...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
10 Calculations................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(standards.iteh.ai) 7
11 Performance characteristics..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ISO 16967:2015
12 Test report.https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/795ebae3-04b5-475a-9160-
................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex A (informative) List of conversion factors..................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex B (informative) Performance data.....................................................................................................................................................10
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

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ISO 16967:2015(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 238, Solid biofuels.
ISO 16967:2015

iv  © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved

ISO 16967:2015(E)

The elements described as major elements of solid biofuels are in fact major elements of the fuel ashes
more than of the fuels. The determination of these elements can be used to assess ash behaviour in a
thermal conversion process or to assess utilization of ashes. Moreover, fuel contamination or process
additives are indicated by high values of certain elements. Contamination of fuel with sand or soil is
indicated by high values of several elements.
In this International Standard, wet chemical methods are described.


ISO 16967:2015

© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved  v

ISO 16967:2015

Solid biofuels — Determination of major elements — Al,

Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Si, Na and Ti

1 Scope
This International Standard describes methods for the determination of major elements of solid
biofuels respectively of their ashes, which are Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Si, Na, Ti. The determination of other
elements such as barium (Ba) and manganese (Mn) is also possible with the methods described in this
International Standard.
This International Standard includes two parts: Part A describes the direct determination on the fuel,
this method is also applicable for sulfur and minor elements, Part B gives a method of determination on
a prepared 550 °C ash.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 7980, Water quality — Determination of calcium and magnesium — Atomic absorption spectrometric
method (standards.iteh.ai)
ISO 9964-1, Water quality — Determination of sodium and potassium — Part 1: Determination of sodium
by atomic absorption spectrometry ISO 16967:2015
ISO 9964-2, Water quality — Determination of sodium and potassium — Part 2: Determination of potassium
by atomic absorption spectrometry
ISO 9964-3, Water quality — Determination of sodium and potassium — Part 3: Determination of sodium
and potassium by flame emission spectrometry
ISO 11885, Water quality — Determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
EN 147801), Solid Biofuels — Sample preparation
ISO 16559, Solid biofuels ― Terminology, definitions and descriptions
ISO 16993, Solid biofuels — Conversion of analytical results from one basis to another
ISO 17294-2, Water quality — Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) —
Part 2: Determination of 62 elements
ISO 181222), Solid biofuels — Determination of ash content
ISO 18134-32), Solid biofuels ― Determination of moisture content ― Oven dry method ― Part 3: Moisture
in general analysis sample

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 16559 and the following apply.

1) To be replaced by ISO 14780.

2) To be published.

© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved  1

ISO 16967:2015(E)

reference material
material or substance one or more of whose property values are sufficiently homogeneous and well
established to be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement method, or
for assigning values to materials
certified reference material
reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose property values are certified by
a procedure which establishes traceability to an accurate realisation of the unit in which the property
values are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty at a stated
level of confidence
NIST standard reference material
CRM issued by NIST that also meets additional NIST-specific certification criteria and is issued with
a certificate or certificate of analysis that reports the results of its characterisations and provides
information regarding the appropriate use(s) of the material

4 Symbols and abbreviated terms


Al Aluminium
Ca Calcium ISO 16967:2015
Fe Iron 04ba89771e0d/iso-16967-2015

Mg Magnesium

P Phosphorus

K Potassium

Si Silicon

Na Sodium

Ti Titanium

4.2 Abbreviated terms

CRM Certified Reference Material

ICP-OES Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry

ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry

FAAS Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

FES Flame Emission Spectrometry

SRM Standard Reference Material

2  © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved

ISO 16967:2015(E)

NBS National Bureau of Standards

NIST The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), known between 1901 and
1988 as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), is a measurement standards laboratory,
also known as a National Metrological Institute (NMI), which is a non-regulatory agency of
the United States Department of Commerce.

5 Principle
The sample is digested in a closed vessel by the help of reagents, temperature, and pressure. The digestion
is either carried out directly on the fuel (part A) or on a 550 °C prepared ash (part B).
The detection of the elements can be done by ICP-OES, ICP-MS, FAAS, or FES.

6 Reagents
All reagents should be of analytical grade or better. If minor elements are also to be determined, the best
qualities should be used.

6.1 Water, containing negligible amounts of major elements, i.e. amounts that do not contribute
significantly to the determinations. Deionised water will normally fulfil this requirement.

6.2 Nitric acid (HNO3), ≥65 % (w/w), ρ = 1,41 g/ml.

6.3 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O(standards.iteh.ai)
2), 30 % (w/w), ρ = 1,11 g/ml.

6.4 Hydrofluoric acid (HF), 40 % (w/w), ISOρ16967:2015

= 1,13 g/ml.
CAUTION — Hydrofluoric acid might lead to health hazards.

6.5 Boric acid (H3BO3), 4 % (w/w).

6.6 Use of certified reference materials (CRM or SRM).

Use certified reference materials, issued by an internationally recognized authority, to check if the
accuracy of the calibration meets the required performance characteristics. Examples of certified
reference materials are: NBS 1570 spinach leaves, NBS1571 orchard leaves, NBS 1573 tomato leaves,
and NBS 1575 pine needles.
When, due to matrix effects or concentration range limitations, no good recoveries for the certified
reference materials can be obtained, calibration with at least two CRM or SRM materials can solve
these problems. In that case, CRM or SRM materials other than used for the calibration shall be used for
verification purposes.
NOTE A CRM or SRM is prepared and used for three main purposes: (1) to help develop accurate methods
of analysis; (2) to calibrate measurement systems used to facilitate exchange of goods, institute quality control,
determine performance characteristics, or measure a property at the state-of-the-art limit; and (3) to ensure the
long-term adequacy and integrity of measurement quality assurance programs.

7 Apparatus

7.1 Heating oven or heating block suitable for the decomposition system in use, resistance heated
oven or heating block that can be used at a temperature of at least 220 °C with an accuracy of ±10 °C.

7.2 Microwave oven, intended for laboratory use and equipped with temperature control.

© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved  3

ISO 16967:2015(E)

7.3 Sample digestion vessels, intended for the heating system used, normally made of a fluoro plastic.

7.4 Balance.

7.4.1 Part A, balance with a resolution of at least 1 mg.

7.4.2 Part B, balance with a resolution of at least 0,1 mg.

7.5 Plastic volumetric flasks.

8 Preparation of the test sample

The test sample is the general analysis test sample with a nominal top size of 1 mm or less, prepared in
accordance with EN 147803).
The moisture content of the test sample shall be determined as described in ISO 18134-3.

9 Procedure

9.1 Digestion

9.1.1 Part A: Direct determination on the fuel

or in a microwave oven.
The decomposition shall be carried out in closed vessels. It can be done in a heating oven, a heating block

— Mix 500 mg of ground and homogenized sample, ISO 16967:2015

weighed to the nearest 1 mg, with 3,0 ml H2O2
(30 %), 8,0 ml HNO3 (65 %), and 1,0 ml HF (40 %) in a closed digestion vessel. A reaction time of
minimum 5 min shall be kept before closing 04ba89771e0d/iso-16967-2015
the vessel. Closing the digestion vessel too early can
result in a fast pressure build up, sometimes exceeding the maximum pressure limit of the vessel.
If the sample is expected to have an ash content above 10 %, 2,0 ml HF (40 %) should be used.
— The heating of the vessel shall not be too fast. Heat the sample according to the following heating
programmes for digestion:
Resistance heating4):        Step 1: Ramp to 220 °C over 1 h
                                                 Step 2: Hold for 1 h at 220 °C
Microwave heating5):      Step 1: Ramp to 190 °C over 15 min
                                                Step 2: Hold for 20 min at 190 °C
If the maximum pressure limit of the vessel is exceeded during the digestion and by that an opening
of the relief valve has occurred, the digestion should be discarded due to possible loss of Si (in form of
gaseous SiF4).
NOTE Some available digestion bomb systems use fluoropolymer vessels, which cannot withstand
temperatures above 170 °C. In such cases, this lower temperature can be used, provided that the sample is held
longer at this temperature and that comparable results can be obtained, e.g. by the use of equivalent biomass
reference materials.

3) To be replaced by ISO 14780.

4) The stated temperature refers to heating device (e.g. oven).
5) The stated temperature refers to digest solution.

4  © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved

ISO 16967:2015(E)

— After cooling to room temperature, HF is neutralised by adding 10 ml H3BO3 (4 %).

If 2,0 ml HF (40 %) was used for the digestion, 20 ml H3BO3 (4 %) should be used for the neutralization.
—   Reheat the sample according to the following heating programmes for neutralization:
Resistance heating4): Step 1: Heat rapidly to 180 °C

Step 2: Hold for 15 min at 180 °C

Microwave heating5): Step 1: Heat rapidly to 150 °C

Step 2: Hold for 15 min at 150 °C

— After cooling, transfer the digest to a volumetric flask. Rinse the digestion vessel carefully and
transfer the rinse solution to the volumetric flask. Add deionised water to the digest to an appropriate
volume, depending on the detection method to be used.

9.1.2 Part B: Determination on a prepared 550°C ash

— Heat the sample according to the procedure described in ISO 18122 to obtain ash. Make sure that
the ashing procedure is performed exactly according to this procedure as deviations in ashing
temperature, time, and air refreshing rate will influence the results. In deviation of ISO 18122, only
crucibles made of platinum or graphite can be used for the preparation of the ash, but larger types of
crucibles can be used. The use of the stated additives in ISO 18122 to ensure complete combustion
is not allowed in the preparation. Also a continuous ashing by refilling of the sample on the previous
ash in the crucible is not allowed.
To prepare a sufficient amount of ash for the digestion of larger amounts of sample, compared to the
procedure given in ISO 18122, often ISO will16967:2015
be necessary. The ash percentage on dry basis obtained
for the prepared ash, thus, shall be calculated and compared to obtained results for the ash content
on dry basis determined exactly according to ISO 18122. If the ash content for the prepared ash is
also known, the results for major elements determined for the prepared ash can be calculated to
fuel basis.
— Homogenize the prepared ash in an agate mortar and reignite the homogenized ash at 550 °C for
30 min.
NOTE 1 The weighing of the test portion of the ash for the digestion has to be carried out immediately after the

For the digestion of the ash similar working steps, as for the digestion of the fuel, are evident:
— Mix 50 mg of ground and homogenized ash, weighed to the nearest 0,1 mg, with 2,0 ml H2O2 (30 %),
3,0 ml HNO3 (65 %), and 2,0 ml HF (40 %) in a closed decomposition vessel. A reaction time of
minimum 5 min shall be kept before closing the vessel.
— Digest the sample following one of the heating programmes described in 9.1.1 for digestion.
If the maximum pressure limit of the vessel is exceeded during the digestion and by that an opening
of the relief valve has occurred, the digestion should be discarded due to possible loss of Si (in form
of gaseous SiF4).
— After cooling to room temperature, the HF is neutralized by adding 20 ml H3BO3 (4 %) and 10 ml
deionised water.
NOTE 2 The water is necessary to keep K in solution for bio-ashes with high KCl content.

— Reheat the sample according to the heating programmes for neutralization described in 9.1.1.

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