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Unit - V - Satellite - Applications ....

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5.1 INTELSAT Series :

INTELSAT stands for International Telecommunications Satellite. The organization was

created in 1964 and currently has over 140 member countries and more than 40 investing entities
(see http://www.intelsat.com/ for more details).

In July 2001 INTELSAT became a private company and in May 2002 the company began
providing end-to-end solutions through a network of teleports, leased fiber, and points of presence
(PoPs) around the globe.

Starting with the Early Bird satellite in 1965, a succes- sion of satellites has been launched at
intervals of a few years. Figure 1.1 illustrates the evolution of some of the INTELSAT satellites. As the
figure shows, the capacity, in terms of number of voice channels, increased dramatically with
each succeeding launch, as well as the design lifetime.

These satellites are in geostationary orbit, meaning that they appear to be stationary in
relation to the earth. At this point it may be noted that geostationary satellites orbit in the earth’s
equatorial plane and their position is specified by their longitude.

For international traffic, INTELSAT covers three main regions—the Atlantic Ocean Region
(AOR), the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), and the Pacific Ocean Region (POR) and what is termed
Intelsat America’s Region.

The INTELSAT VII-VII/A series was launched over a period from October 1993 to June 1996. The
construction is similar to that for the V and VA/VB series, shown in Fig.

in that the VII series has solar sails rather than a cylindrical body.
Here are extended descriptions of the Intelsat satellite series, including information about
their capacity and bandwidth:

1. Intelsat 6 Series (I-6):

- Range: These satellites cover vast distances, ensuring global communication.
- Establishment Year: Launched in the 1980s, they brought advanced global connectivity.
- Capacity & Bandwidth: I-6 satellites have impressive capacity and bandwidth, like
superhighways in the sky, handling massive amounts of data and voice transmissions.

2. Intelsat Epic Series:

- Range: Epic Series provides internet access everywhere, even in remote areas.
- Establishment Year: Introduced in the 2010s, they revolutionized satellite internet.
- Capacity & Bandwidth: These satellites offer massive capacity and bandwidth, enabling
lightning-fast internet connections with spot beams focusing the signal where it's needed most.

3. Intelsat Galaxy Series:

- Range: Galaxies deliver TV signals to entire continents.
- Establishment Year: Since the 1990s, they've been a key part of broadcasting.
- Capacity & Bandwidth: These satellites have ample capacity and bandwidth for high-definition
TV and video services, ensuring top-notch entertainment.

4. Intelsat Flex Series:

- Range: Flex Series satellites are adaptable, fitting various communication needs.
- Establishment Year: Evolving since the 2000s, they cater to changing demands.
- Capacity & Bandwidth: These satellites boast flexible capacity and bandwidth, like versatile
tools for different communication tasks, including broadband data services.

In summary, Intelsat satellites come in various series, each with its unique abilities, but they all offer
substantial capacity and bandwidth to meet the growing demands of global communication.
Figure 5.1 INTELSAT Series

The INTELSAT VIII-VII/A series of satellites was launched over the period February 1997 to June
1998. Satellites in this series have similar capacity as the VII/A series, and the lifetime is 14 to 17

It is standard practice to have a spare satellite in orbit on high reliability routes (which can
carry preemptible traffic) and to have a ground spare in case of launch failure.

Thus the cost for large international schemes can be high; for example, series IX, described
later, represents a total investment of approximately $1 billion.
Figure 5.2 Region of glob

5.2 INSAT :

INSAT or the Indian National Satellite System is a series of multipurpose geo-stationary

satellites launched by ISRO to satisfy the telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology, and
search and rescue operations.

Commissioned in 1983, INSAT is the largest domestic communication system in the Asia
Pacific Region. It is a joint venture of the Department of Space, Department of
Telecommunications, India Meteorological Department, All India Radio and Doordarshan. The
overall coordination and management of the INSAT system rests with the Secretary-level INSAT
Coordination Committee.

INSAT satellites provide transponders in various bands (C, S, Extended C and Ku) to serve the
television and communication needs of India. Some of the satellites also have the Very High
Resolution Radiometer (VHRR), CCD cameras for metrological imaging.

The satellites also incorporate transponder(s) for receiving distress alert signals for search and
rescue missions in the South Asian and Indian Ocean Region, as ISRO is a member of the
Cospas-Sarsat programme.
5.2.1 INSAT System:

The Indian National Satellite (INSAT) System Was Commissioned With The Launch Of INSAT-1B
In August 1983 (INSAT-1A, The First Satellite Was Launched In April 1982 But Could Not Fulfill The

INSAT System Ushered In A Revolution In India’s Television And Radio Broadcasting,

Telecommunications And Meteorological Sectors. It Enabled The Rapid Expansion Of TV And
Modern Telecommunication Facilities To Even The Remote Areas And Off-Shore Islands.

5.2.2 Satellites In Service :


INSAT-3A was launched in 2003 and was a part of the INSAT-3 series. This satellite served
various purposes, including telecommunications, television broadcasting, meteorology, and
search and rescue operations. It had 24 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders, providing wide
coverage over the Indian subcontinent. INSAT-3A played a crucial role in improving
communication services and weather forecasting in the region.

A CCD Camera Provides 1x1 Km Ground Resolution, In The Visible (0.630.69 µm), Near
Infrared (0.77-0.86 µm) And Shortwave Infrared (1.55-1.70 µm) Bands.


Launched in 2013, INSAT-3D was primarily a meteorological satellite. It carried advanced

instruments for weather monitoring, such as an imager and a sounder to study the atmosphere's
temperature and humidity profiles. This data helped in accurate weather forecasting, including
cyclone tracking and monsoon predictions, benefiting agriculture and disaster management.

Bangladesh, Bhutan,Maldives, Nepal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka And Tanzania For Rendering Distress
Alert Services.

INSAT-3E, launched in 2003, was another satellite in the INSAT-3 series. It had 24 C-band and
2 S-band transponders, enhancing telecommunication services. Additionally, it contributed to
meteorology by providing valuable data for weather forecasting, especially during critical events
like cyclones and monsoons.


Launched in 2002, Kalpana-1 was a specialized meteorological satellite. It was named after
Kalpana Chawla, the first woman of Indian origin in space. The satellite provided critical weather
information, including cloud cover and temperature, aiding in weather forecasting and disaster


Configured For Audio-Visual Medium Employing Digital Interactive. Classroom Lessons And
Multimedia Content, EDUSAT Was Launched By GSLV In September 2004. It facilitated distance
education by broadcasting educational content to schools and institutions across India. This
satellite played a vital role in expanding access to quality education, especially in remote areas..
Its Transponders And Their Ground Coverage Are Specially Configured To Cater To The Educational


Launched By The Second Flight Of GSLV In May 2003, was part of the GSAT series. It served
communication purposes, offering C-band and Ku-band transponders. GSAT-2 contributed to
improving telecommunication services and expanding satellite-based internet connectivity in

Each of these satellites had its unique mission and contributed significantly to various
aspects of communication, meteorology, education, and disaster management in India and its
neighboring regions.
INSAT-4 Series :

Figure 5.3 INSAT 4A

The INSAT-4 series is a set of advanced geostationary communication satellites operated by the
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). These satellites were designed to significantly
enhance India's telecommunications, television broadcasting, and broadband internet services.
The series consists of several satellites, with each generation offering improved capabilities. Let's
delve into an easy-to-understand description of the INSAT-4 series:

INSAT-4A was the first satellite in the INSAT-4 series, launched in December 2005. This satellite
featured 12 high-power Ku-band transponders, which greatly expanded the country's
direct-to-home (DTH) television broadcasting services. It provided a boost to the quality and
quantity of television channels available to Indian viewers, making satellite TV more accessible
across the country.

Launched in March 2007, INSAT-4B was the second satellite in the series. It continued the mission to
enhance satellite-based television broadcasting and telecommunications services. Like its
predecessor, INSAT-4B carried a payload of 12 Ku-band transponders, further improving the reach
and quality of DTH services in India.

INSAT-4CR was launched in September 2007 as the third satellite in the series. It had 12 high-power
C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders. This satellite played a vital role in augmenting
telecommunication and broadcasting services, especially in remote and rural areas of India.
INSAT-4CR helped bridge the digital divide by bringing connectivity to underserved regions.
Although not officially part of the INSAT-4 series, GSAT-4 was a geostationary satellite launched in
April 2010. It carried a payload of C-band and Ku-band transponders, supporting a range of
communication services. GSAT-4 contributed to expanding satellite-based communication,
including internet connectivity, and supported government and military applications.

Launched in September 2007, INSAT-4G was the fourth satellite in the series. It featured 12 Ku-band
transponders and was primarily focused on providing broadband and multimedia services,
including satellite-based internet. INSAT-4G played a significant role in improving internet access in
remote and rural areas of India, where terrestrial infrastructure was limited.

INSAT-4F, launched in August 2013, continued the mission of enhancing telecommunications and
broadcasting services. It carried 12 Ku-band transponders and provided a boost to DTH television
broadcasting. The satellite contributed to the growing demand for high-quality television content
in India.

The INSAT-4 series collectively revolutionized communication and broadcasting in India. These
satellites not only expanded the reach of television services but also played a pivotal role in
improving internet connectivity, especially in remote areas where terrestrial infrastructure was
lacking. They bolstered India's position in the field of satellite communication and demonstrated
ISRO's commitment to bridging the digital divide in the country.

The INSAT-4 series exemplifies the importance of space technology in facilitating communication,
entertainment, and access to information in a vast and diverse country like India. These satellites
have left a lasting impact on the lives of millions of people by bringing them closer to the world of
information and entertainment.
5.3 VSAT :

VSAT stands for very small aperture terminal system. This is the distinguishing feature of a
VSAT system, the earth-station antennas being typically less than 2.4 m in diameter (Rana et al.,
1990). The trend is toward even smaller dishes, not more than 1.5 m in diameter (Hughes et al.,

In this sense, the small TVRO terminals for direct broadcast satellites could be labeled as
VSATs, but the appellation is usually reserved for private networks, mostly providing two-way
communications facilities.

Typical user groups include bank- ing and financial institutions, airline and hotel booking
agencies, and large retail stores with geographically dispersed outlets.

Figure 5.4 VSAT Block Diagram

5.3.1 VSAT network :

The basic structure of a VSAT network consists of a hub station which provides a broadcast
facility to all the VSATs in the network and the VSATs themselves which access the satellite in some
form of multiple- access mode.

The hub station is operated by the service provider, and it may be shared among a number
of users, but of course, each user organ- ization has exclusive access to its own VSAT network.

Time division mul-tiplex is the normal downlink mode of transmission from hub to the VSATs,
and the transmission can be broadcast for reception by all the VSATs in a network, or address
coding can be used to direct messages to selected VSATs.

A form of demand assigned multiple access (DAMA) is employed in some systems in which
channel capacity is assigned in response to the fluctuating demands of the VSATs in the network.

Most VSAT systems operate in the Ku band, although there are some Cband systems in
existence (Rana et al., 1990).

5.3.2 Applications :

1. Supermarket shops (tills, ATM machines, stock sale updates and stock ordering).

2. Chemist shops - Shoppers Drug Mart - Pharmaprix.

3. Broadband direct to the home. e.g. Downloading MP3 audio to audio players.

4. Broadband direct small business, office etc, sharing local use with many PCs.

5. Internet access from on board ship Cruise ships with internet cafes, commercial shipping
5.4 Mobile satellite services:

5.4 GSM :

5.4.1 Services and Architecture :

If your work involves (or is likely to involve) some form of wireless public communications, you
are likely to encounter the GSM standards. Initially developed to support a standardized approach
to digital cellular communications in Europe, the "Global System for Mobile Communications"
(GSM) protocols are rapidly being adopted to the next generation of wireless telecommunications
systems. In the US, its main competition appears to be the cellular TDMA systems based on the IS-54
standards. Since the GSM systems consist of a wide range of components, standards, and

The GSM and its companion standard DCS1800 (for the UK, where the 900 MHz frequencies
are not available for GSM) have been developed over the last decade to allow cellular
communications systems to move beyond the limitations posed by the older analog systems.

Analog system capacities are being stressed with more users that can be effectively
supported by the available frequency allocations. Compatibility between types of systems had
been limited, if non-existent.

While the frequencies and link characteristics of these systems differ from the standard GSM
air interface, all of these systems must deal with users roaming from one cell (or satellite beam) to
another, and bridge services to public communication networks including the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN), and public data networks (PDN).
The GSM architecture includes several subsystems:

The Mobile Station (MS) -- These digital telephones include vehicle, portable and hand-held
terminals. A device called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) that is basically a smart-card
provides custom information about users such as the services they've subscribed to and their
identification in the network

The Base Station Subsystem (BSS) -- The BSS is the collection of devices that support the
switching networks radio interface. Major components of the BSS include the Base Transceiver
Station (BTS) that consists of the radio modems and antenna equipment.

In OSI terms, the BTS provides the physical interface to the MS where the BSC is responsible for the
link layer services to the MS. Logically the transcoding equipment is in the BTS, however, an
additional component.

The Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS) -- The NSS provides the switching between the
GSM subsystem and external networks along with the databases used for additional subscriber
and mobility management.

Major components in the NSS include the Mobile Services Switching Center (MSC), Home
and Visiting Location Registers (HLR, VLR). The HLR and VLR databases are interconnected through
the telecomm standard Signaling System 7 (SS7) control network.
5.4.2 Global Positioning System (GPS) :

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system that can be used
to locate positions anywhere on earth. Designed and operated by the U.S. Department of
Defense, it consists of satellites, control and monitor stations, and receivers. GPS receivers take

information transmitted from the satellites and uses triangulation to calculate a user’s exact
location. GPS is used on incidents in a variety of ways, such as:

​ To determine position locations; for example, you need to radio a helicopter pilot the
coordinates of your position location so the pilot can pick you up.

​ To navigate from one location to another; for example, you need to travel from a lookout
to the fire perimeter.

​ To create digitized maps; for example, you are assigned to plot the fire perimeter and hot

​ To determine distance between two points or how far you are from another location.

Figure 5.5 GPS Block Diagram

The purpose of this chapter is to give a general overview of the Global Positioning System,
not to teach proficiency in the use of a GPS receiver. To become proficient with a specific GPS
receiver, study the owner’s manual and practice using the receiver.

The chapter starts with a general introduction on how the global positioning system works.
Then it discusses some basics on using a GPS receiver.

Three Segments of GPS:

Space Segment — Satellites orbiting the earth

The space segment consists of 29 satellites circling the earth every 12 hours at 12,000 miles in
altitude. This high altitude allows the signals to cover a greater area. The satellites are arranged in
their orbits so a GPS receiver on earth can receive a signal from at least four satellites at any given
time. Each satellite contains several atomic clocks.

Control Segment — The control and monitoring stations

The control segment tracks the satellites and then provides them with corrected orbital and
time information. The control segment consists of five unmanned monitor stations and one Master
Control Station. The five unmanned stations monitor GPS satellite signals and then send that
information to the Master Control Station where anomalies are corrected and sent back to the
GPS satellites through ground antennas.

User Segment — The GPS receivers owned by civilians and military

The user segment consists of the users and their GPS receivers. The number of simultaneous
users is limitless.

How GPS Determines a Position:

The GPS receiver uses the following information to determine a position.

Precise location of satellites

When a GPS receiver is first turned on, it downloads orbit information from all the satellites called
an almanac. This process, the first time, can take as long as 12 minutes; but once this information is
downloaded, it is stored in the receiver’s memory for future use.

Distance from each satellite

The GPS receiver calculates the distance from each satellite to the receiver by using the distance
formula: distance = velocity x time. The receiver already knows the velocity, which is the speed of
a radio wave or 186,000 miles per second (the speed of light).

Triangulation to determine position

The receiver determines position by using triangulation. When it receives signals from at least three
satellites the receiver should be able to calculate its approximate position (a 2D position). The
receiver needs at least four or more satellites to calculate a more accurate 3D position.

Using a GPS Receiver :

There are several different models and types of GPS receivers. Refer to the owner’s manual for
your GPS receiver and practice using it to become proficient.

When working on an incident with a GPS receiver it is important to:

1. Always have a compass and a map.

2. Have a GPS download cable.
3. Have extra batteries.
4. Know memory capacity of the GPS receiver to prevent loss of data, decrease in accuracy

of data,or other problems.

5. Use an external antennae whenever possible, especially under tree canopy, in canyons, or

while flying or driving.

6. Set up a GPS receiver according to incident or agency standard regulation; coordinate

system. Take notes that describe what you are saving in the receiver.
5.5 Mobility Management:

One of the major features used in all classes of GSM networks (cellular, PCS and Satellite) is the
ability to support roaming users. Through the control signaling network, the MSCs interact to locate
and connect to users throughout the network.

"Location Registers" are included in the MSC databases to assist in the role of determining how,
and whether connections are to be made to roaming users. Each user of a GSM MS is assigned a
Home Location Register (HLR) that is used to contain the user's location and subscribed services.

Difficulties facing the operators can include;

Remote/Rural Areas. To service remote areas, it is often economically unfeasible to provide

backhaul facilities (BTS to BSC) via terrestrial lines ( fiber/microwave ).

Time to deploy. Terrestrial build-outs can take years to plan and implement.

Areas of ‘minor’ interest. These can include small isolated centers such as tourist resorts, islands,
mines, oil exploration sites, hydro-electric facilities.

Temporary Coverage. Special events, even in urban areas, can overload the existing

5.5.1 INMARSAT :

Inmarsat-Indian Maritime SATellite is still the sole IMO-mandated provider of satellite

communications for the GMDSS.

• Availability for GMDSS is a minimum of 99.9%

Inmarsat has constantly and consistently exceeded this figure & Independently audited by
IMSO and reported on to IMO.

Now Inmarsat commercial services use the same satellites and network. Inmarsat A closes at
midnight on 31 December 2007 Agreed by IMO – MSC/Circ.1076.

Successful closure programme almost concluded Overseen throughout by IMSO.

Figure 5.6 INMARSAT Satellite Service

5.6 LEO:

Low Earth Orbit satellites have a small area of coverage. They are positioned in an orbit
approximately 3000 km from the surface of the earth

​ They complete one orbit every 90 minutes

​ The large majority of satellites are in low earth orbit

​ The Iridium system utilizes LEO satellites (780 km high)

​ The satellite in LEO orbit is visible to a point on the earth for a very short time

5.7 MEO:

Medium Earth Orbit satellites have orbital altitudes between 3,000 and 30 ,000 km.

■ They are commonly used used in navigation systems such as GPS

5.8 GEO:

Geosynchronous (Geostationary) Earth Orbit satellites are positioned over the equator. The orbital
altitude is around 30,000-40 ,000 km

​ There is only one geostationary orbit possible around the earth ⚫ Lying on the earth’s
equatorial plane.

​Figure 5.7 LEO, MEO & GEO range

​ The satellite is orbiting at the same speed as the rotational speed of the earth on its

​ They complete one orbit every 24 hours. This causes the satellite to appear stationary
with respect to a point on the earth, allowing one satellite to provide continual
coverage to a given area on the earth's surface

​ One GEO satellite can cover approximately 1/3 of the world’s surface
They are commonly used in communication systems

​ Advantages:

​ Simple ground station tracking.

​ Nearly constant range ⚫ Very small frequency shift

​ ⦿ Disadvantages:

​ Transmission delay of the order of 250 msec. ⚫ Large free space loss.
​ No polar coverage

​ Satellite orbits in terms of the orbital height:

​ According to distance from earth:

​ Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) ,

​ Medium Earth Orbit (MEO),

​ Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Figure 5.8 LEO, MEO & GEO Orbits

GEO: 35,786 km above the earth, MEO: 8,000-20,000 km above the earth & LEO: 5002 ,000 km

above the earth.

5.9 Satellite Navigational System:


• Enhanced Safety

• Increased Capacity

• Reduced Delays


• Increased Flight Efficiencies

• Increased Schedule Predictability

• Environmentally Beneficial Procedures

Figure 5.9 Direct Broadcast satellites (DBS):

Satellites provide broadcast transmissions in the fullest sense of the word, because antenna
footprints can be made to cover large areas of the earth.

The idea of using satellites to provide direct transmissions into the home has been around for
many years, and the services pro- vided are known generally as direct broadcast satellite (DBS)
services. Broadcast services include audio, television, and Internet services.
5.10 Bit Rates for Digital Television:

The bit rate for digital television depends very much on the picture format. One way of
estimating the uncompressed bit rate is to multiply the number of pixels in a frame by the number
of frames per second, and multiply this by the number of bits used to encode each pixel.

5.11 Direct to Home Broadcast (DTH):

DTH stands for Direct-To-Home television. DTH is defined as the reception of satellite
programmes with a personal dish in an individual home.

​ DTH Broadcasting to home TV receivers take place in the ku band(12 GHz). This service is
known as Direct To Home service.

​ DTH services were first proposed in India in 1996.

​ Finally in 2000, DTH was allowed.

Working principle of DTH is satellite communication. Broadcaster modulates the received

signal and transmits it to the satellite in KU Band and from the satellite one can receive the signal
by dish and set top box.

5.11.1 DTH Block Diagram:

​ A DTH network consists of a broadcasting center, satellites, encoders, multiplexers,

modulators and DTH receivers

​ The encoder converts the audio, video and data signals into the digital format and the
multiplexer mixes these signals.

It is used to provide the DTH service in a high populated area A Multi Switch is basically a
box that contains signal splitters and A/B switches. The outputs of a group of DTH LNBs are
connected to the A and B inputs of the Multi Switch.
Figure 5.10 DTH Service

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how Direct-to-Home (DTH) television works, broken

down into simple terms in around:

Step 1: Broadcasting Signals from Space

Imagine that DTH is like magic TV beamed down from space. To make this happen, TV channels
send their programs to satellites in orbit around the Earth. These satellites act like giant mirrors,
reflecting these TV signals back to Earth.

Step 2: The Satellite Dish

To catch these signals from space, you need a satellite dish. This dish looks like a big, round plate
made of metal or fiberglass. You usually install it on your rooftop, high above the ground. The dish is
like a catcher's mitt for TV signals.
Step 3: Aligning the Dish

Properly aligning the dish is crucial. It needs to point directly at the satellite in the sky that's
broadcasting the channels you want to watch. To do this, the dish is mounted on a bracket that
can be adjusted. It's essential to aim precisely to get the best signal.

Step 4: The Low-Noise Block Downconverter (LNB)

The dish isn't the only part of the setup. There's also something called an LNB, which stands for
Low-Noise Block Downconverter. This small device is located on the arm of the dish, and it plays a
vital role. It captures the signals reflected by the dish and converts them into a form that can be
sent to your TV.

Step 5: The Coaxial Cable

The LNB connects to a cable called a coaxial cable. This cable carries the signals from the LNB into
your house. It's a thick cable designed to handle these signals without any loss of quality.

Step 6: The Set-Top Box

Inside your house, the coaxial cable connects to a device known as the Set-Top Box (STB). This box
is like the brain of your DTH setup. It takes the signals from the LNB and decodes them. The STB is
also where you control your TV channels. Most modern STBs come with remote controls for easy

Step 7: Decoding the Signals

When the signals from the satellite reach your STB, they are still in a coded form. The STB's job is to
decode these signals, so you can watch your favorite shows. It does this by using special software
and hardware.

Step 8: Display on Your TV

After decoding, the STB sends the TV signals to your television. This is usually done using an HDMI
cable or older TVs may use composite or component cables. The TV displays the signals as moving
images and sound.

Step 9: Remote Control

To change channels, adjust the volume, or access other features, you use your DTH remote control.
This remote sends signals to the STB, telling it what you want to do. The STB then carries out your
command, changing channels or performing other functions.

Step 10: Enjoying Your Favorite Shows

That's it! You're now set up to enjoy your favorite TV programs. You can surf through a variety of
channels, catch up on the latest news, watch movies, or enjoy sports events, all thanks to your DTH

Step 11: Paying for DTH

To access these channels, you usually need a subscription. DTH providers offer various subscription
plans with different channel packages. You select the plan that suits your preferences and pay the
subscription fee regularly.

Step 12: Technical Support

If you encounter issues with your DTH setup, most providers offer technical support. They can help
you troubleshoot problems with your dish, STB, or signal reception. They might even send a
technician to your home to fix any issues.

Step 13: Maintenance

It's essential to keep your DTH equipment in good condition. This means occasionally cleaning your
satellite dish to ensure it's free from dirt or debris that could block the signals. Also, ensure your
cables are in good shape, as damaged cables can affect the signal quality.

In conclusion, Direct-to-Home television is a technology that brings TV signals from satellites in

space to your home through a satellite dish, LNB, coaxial cable, and a Set-Top Box. It's a
convenient way to access a vast array of TV channels and services, giving you the flexibility to
choose what you want to watch. Remember to align your satellite dish properly, maintain your
equipment, and pay for your subscription to continue enjoying this service.

5.11.2 Advantage:

1. DTH also offers digital quality signals which do not degrade the picture or sound quality.

2. It also offers interactive channels and program guides with customers having the choice to
block out programming which they consider undesirable

3. One of the great advantages of the cable industry has been the ability to provide local
channels, but this handicap has been overcome by many DTH providers using other local channels
or local feeds.
4. The other advantage of DTH is the availability of satellite broadcast in rural and semi-urban areas
where cable is difficult to install.

5.11.3 Disadvantage:

There are several disadvantages associated with Direct-to-Home (DTH) television services:

1. Cost: DTH services often require the purchase of specialized equipment such as a satellite dish
and set-top box, which can be expensive upfront. Additionally, there are monthly subscription fees
that can add to the cost.

2. Limited Local Channels: DTH services may not offer as many local or regional channels
compared to cable or terrestrial broadcasting, which can be a drawback for viewers who want
access to local programming.

3. Weather Interference: DTH signals can be affected by adverse weather conditions such as
heavy rain, storms, or snow, which may lead to signal disruptions and reduced viewing quality.

4. Channel Packages: Subscribers may be forced to choose from predefined channel packages,
which may include channels they don't want, leading to higher costs and less flexibility in channel

5. Installation Challenges: Proper installation of the satellite dish and set-top box requires
professional expertise, and misalignment or improper installation can lead to signal issues.

6. Limited Interactive Services: DTH services typically offer fewer interactive features compared to
IPTV or cable services, limiting options like video-on-demand and interactive gaming.

7. Location Dependency: DTH services may not be available or may have limited coverage in
remote or rural areas where satellite signals are difficult to receive.

8. Bandwidth Limitations: DTH systems have limited bandwidth, which can affect the quality of
high-definition or 4K content, especially when multiple channels are broadcasting simultaneously.

9. Potential for Service Interruptions: DTH services can be vulnerable to interruptions caused by
satellite maintenance, solar interference, or other technical issues.

10. Lack of Internet Connectivity: DTH services primarily deliver television content and do not
provide internet connectivity, unlike some other technologies like IPTV or cable, which offer
bundled services.
It's important to consider these disadvantages when choosing a television service to ensure it aligns
with your viewing preferences and needs.

5.12 Worldspace services :

WorldSpace (Nasdaq: WRSP) is the world's only global media and entertainment company
positioned to offer a satellite radio experience to consumers in more than 130 countries with
five billion people, driving 300 million cars. WorldSpace delivers the latest tunes, trends and
information from around the world and around the corner.

WorldSpace subscribers benefit from a unique combination of local programming, original

WorldSpace content and content from leading brands around the globe, including the BBC,
CNN, Virgin Radio, NDTV and RFI. WorldSpace's satellites cover two-thirds of the globe with six

Each beam is capable of delivering up to 80 channels of high quality digital audio and
multimedia programming directly to WorldSpace Satellite Radios anytime and virtually
anywhere in its coverage area. WorldSpace is a pioneer of satellite-based digital radio services
(DARS) and was instrumental in the development of the technology infrastructure used today
by XM Satellite Radio. For more information, visit http://www.worldspace.com.
5.13 Business Television (BTV) - Adaptations for Education:

Business television (BTV) is the production and distribution, via satellite, of video programs for
closed user group audiences. It often has two-way audio interaction components made through a
simple telephone line. It is being used by many industries including brokerage firms, pizza houses,
car dealers and delivery services.

BTV is an increasingly popular method of information delivery for corporations and

institutions. Private networks account for about 70 percent of all BTV networks. It is estimated that
by the mid-1990's BTV has the potential to grow to a $1.6 billion market in North America. with more
and more Fortune 1,000 companies getting involved. The increase in use of BTV has been
dramatic. Institution updates, news, training, meetings and other events can be broadcast live to
multiple locations. The expertise of the best instructors can be delivered to thousands of people
without requiring trainers to go to the site. Information can be disseminated to all employees at
once, not just a few at a time. Delivery to the workplace at low cost provides the access to
training that has been denied lower level employees. It may be the key to re-training America's

Television has been used to deliver training and information within businesses for more than
40 years. Its recent growth began with the introduction of the video cassette in the early 1970s.
Even though most programming is produced for video cassette distribution, business is using BTV to
provide efficient delivery of specialized programs via satellite.
The advent of smaller receiving stations - called very small aperture terminals (VSATs) has
made private communication networks much more economical to operate. BTV has a number of
tangible benefits, such as reducing travel, immediate delivery of time-critical messages, and
eliminating cassette duplication and distribution hassles.

The programming on BTV networks is extremely cost-effective compared to seminar fees

and downtime for travel. It is an excellent way to get solid and current information very fast. Some
people prefer to attend seminars and conferences where they can read, see, hear and ask
questions in person. BTV provides yet another piece of the education menu and is another way to
provide professional development.

A key advantage is that its format allows viewers to interact with presenters by telephone,
enabling viewers to become a part of the program. The satellite effectively places people in the
same room, so that sales personnel in the field can learn about new products at the same time.

Speed of transmission may well be the competitive edge which some firms need as they
introduce new products and services. BTV enables employees in many locations to focus on
common problems or issues that might develop into crises without quick communication and

BTV networks transmit information every business day on a broad range of topics, and
provide instructional courses on various products, market trends, selling and motivation. Networks
give subscribers the tools to apply the information they have to real world situations.

ISRO has come up with the concept of dedicated GRAMSAT satellites, keeping in mind the
urgent need to eradicate illiteracy in the rural belt which is necessary for the all round
development of the nation.

This Gramsat satellite is carrying six to eight high powered C-band transponders, which
together with video compression techniques can disseminate regional and cultural specific
audio-visual programmes of relevance in each of the regional languages through rebroadcast
mode on an ordinary TV set.

The high power in C-band has enabled even remote area viewers outside the reach of the
TV transmitters to receive programmers of their choice in a direct reception mode with a simple
.dish antenna.

The salient features of GRAMSAT projects are:

i. Its communications networks are at the state level connecting the

state capital to districts, blocks and enabling a reach to villages.

ii. It is also providing computer connectivity data broadcasting, TV-

broadcasting facilities having applications like e- governance, development information,

teleconferencing, helping disaster management.

iii. Providing rural-education broadcasting.

However, the Gramsat projects have an appropriate combination of following activities.

(i) Interactive training at district and block levels employing suitable


(ii) Broadcasting services for rural development

(iii) Computer interconnectivity and data exchange services

(iv) Tele-health and tele-medicine services.

5.15 Specialized services:

5.15.1 Satellite-email services:

The addition of Internet Access enables Astrium to act as an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
capable of offering Inmarsat users a tailor-made Internet connection.

With Internet services added to our range of terrestrial networks, you will no longer need to
subscribe to a third party for Internet access (available for Inmarsat A, B, M, mini-M, Fleet, GAN,
Regional BGAN & SWIFT networks).

We treat the Internet in the same way as the other terrestrial networks we provide, and thus
offer unrestricted access to this service. There is no time consuming log-on procedure, as users are
not required to submit a user-ID or password.

Description of Email Service:

Astrium's EMail service allows Inmarsat users to send and receive email directly through the
Internet without accessing a public telephone network.

Features and Benefits

​ No need to configure an e-mail client to access a Astrium email account

​ Service optimized for use with low bandwidth Inmarsat terminals

​ Filter email by previewing the Inbox and deleting any unwanted emails prior to

​ No surcharge or monthly subscription fees

​ Service billed according to standard airtime prices for Inmarsat service used
5.15.2 Video Conferencing (medium resolution):

Video conferencing technology can be used to provide the same full, two-way interactivity
of satellite broadcast at much lower cost. For Multi-Site meetings, video conferencing uses bridging
systems to connect each site to the others.

It is possible to configure a video conference bridge to show all sites at the same time on a
projection screen or monitor. Or, as is more typical, a bridge can show just the site from which a
person is speaking or making a presentation.

The technology that makes interactive video conferencing possible, compresses video and
audio signals, thus creating an image quality lower than that of satellite broadcasts.
5.15.3. Satellite Internet access:

Satellite Internet access is Internet access provided through communications satellites.

Modern satellite Internet service is typically provided to users through geostationary satellites that
can offer high data speeds, with newer satellites using Ka band to achieve downstream data
speeds up to 50 Mbps.

Satellite Internet generally relies on three primary components: a satellite in geostationary

orbit ( sometimes referred to as a geosynchronous Earth orbit, or GEO), a number of ground
stations known as gateways that relay Internet data to and from the satellite via radio waves
(microwave), and a VSAT (very-small aperture terminal) dish antenna with a transceiver, located
at the subscriber's premises.

Other components of a satellite Internet system include a modem at the user end which
links the user's network with the transceiver, and a centralized network operations center ( NOC)
for monitoring the entire system.

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