Difference Between Research Paper and Term Paper
Difference Between Research Paper and Term Paper
Difference Between Research Paper and Term Paper
academic writing. Many students struggle to differentiate between a research paper and a term paper,
often using the terms interchangeably. However, there are distinct differences between the two types
of papers that students need to understand in order to produce high-quality work.
Purpose: The main purpose of a research paper is to contribute new knowledge or insights to
a particular field of study. A term paper, on the other hand, aims to demonstrate the student's
understanding of the course material.
Length: Research papers are typically longer than term papers, ranging from 10-20 pages or
more. Term papers are usually 5-10 pages in length.
Scope: Research papers have a broader scope and require extensive research, while term
papers focus on a specific topic or concept.
Level of Analysis: Research papers require a high level of critical thinking and analysis,
while term papers may only require a basic understanding of the course material.