boring. For these reasons, they have developed a technology who shows how Thai students faced particular difficulties
based learning method designed to enhance students‟ related to socio-cultural factors peculiar to Thailand which
interest and the learning experience. In this program students inhibited their oral communication skills. She claims that these
are required to develop a story telling technique which makes factors of constraint are a result of Thailand never having
use of windows movie maker. This use of technology has been colonized, resulting in psychological attitudes of anxiet y,
been found to increase the students‟ interest in the learning uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension, fear of
process encouraging them to become more active and self- mistakes, shyness, lack of confidence and motivation. If her
motivated. Recommendations made for teachers as a result findings are correct this may have wide ranging implications
of this experience are that every effort should be made to for developing positive psychological approaches to study
increase the use of web-based computer technology to methods for Thai foreign language students.
enhance the students‟ learning experience.
Teaching methods have also been discussed by Scott [8] C. Exposure to Speaking Situations
who identifies the idea that study techniques have Numerous researchers have identified the need for
traditionally emphasized memorization of grammar rules to the students to have a greater opportunity to practice speaking in
detriment of the spoken word. class and in real life situations.
In addition, Kamprated [9] describes how students suffer The need to adopt maximum speech time in learning
from anxiety due to the fear of making mistakes and being situations has been identified by Scott [8]. He finds that
laughed at by their peers or receiving negative feedback from pronunciation is a big issue owing to a number of the English
the teacher. This in turn has a negative impact preventing sounds not being found in Thai. Secondly grammar is a
them from openly taking part in speaking practice. difficulty as English has a very different grammar structure to
Saengpakdeejit [10] raises the issue of the importance of Thai. He suggests that these difficulties can best be overcome
vocabulary learning in language acquisition. He shows how by increasing speaking practice. This point is also made by
developing vocabulary is crucial to understanding and calls Somdee [7] who describe how students lack the confidence to
for teachers to focus more on this issue in classroom speak in class and the opportunity to speak regularly with
situations. foreigners. These two factors of speaking skills and
The need for a higher proficiency among English language motivation are key ideas discussed by Ali [15]. In his study he
teachers is also recognized by Khunsamrong [11] as an shows again that Thai students‟ biggest obstacles lie in
important factor relating to students‟ progress. On a positive overcoming problems relating to speaking skills. He focuses
note, Noom-ura [12] has described how teachers showed on the difficulty of pronunciation which Thai s tudents face as
openness to possibilities of developing their careers through English demands pronunciation of certain sounds that Thai
teacher training programs that would improve their teaching doesn‟t use. He also finds that Thai students lack motivation
proficiency. in learning English as they find the subject matter boring and
B. Individual Personality it has little use in their daily lives.
Cubalit [16] describes how university students in Thailand
Personal skills and needs are commonly seen to impact on
have very little opportunity to practice spoken English
students‟ abilities and capacities to study. In regard to this,
resulting in very poor listening and speaking skills. He calls
Pawapatcharaudom [4] makes some important observations. for teachers to enhance listening skills practice to assist their
Her studies show that writing skills, particularly when under students in developing their listening skills.
time pressure are seen as being the biggest obstacle faced by The requirements of first year English major and non-
students. An interesting observation made here is that she English major university students have been highlighted by
claims many students prefer to write in Thai and then translate Khunsamrong [11] who emphasizes the need for students to
into English. Such practices are sure to present obstacles to have the opportunity to practice with native speakers.
natural fluency. To help overcome problems associated with Noom-ura [12] has also shown how high school teachers
writing particularly grammar difficulties. Peer feedback and generally consider that students should seek more
advises continued ongoing monitoring of students‟ opportunities to practice the language and develop their
individual needs [4]. confidence levels. It was a lack of students‟ opportunities to
Watcharapunyawong and Usaha [13] also highlight the use English, along with a limited background in the language
problem of Thai university students applying Thai grammar that were seen as the greatest inhibiting factors towards
and modes of writing when composing essays in English. It is students‟ learning.
seen as important here for students to overcome the strong The conclusion of the study by Jindathai [1] was that, in
tendency to relate to their first language while writing in a order to increase students‟ exposure to real speaking
second one. situations and thereby increase their confidence, trips should
In the same way, Khan, & Khan [14] also address the be arranged to visit tourist areas and interviews should be
problem of EFL students unconsciously using their first arranged with tourists. Another recommendation was that
language. Learners can easily get into the habit of using their English camps should be organized to provide a supportive
mother tongue, and in this way they face further obstacles in atmosphere whereby students could be encouraged to speak
learning English. without fear of making mistakes. Jindathai [1] also
This idea of personal needs has been linked in part to recommends that students travel abroad to other ASEAN
contributing cultural factors. This is described by Yusica [3] countries to study in language schools. As for changes to
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2018
classroom teaching he advises activities such as storytelling the experiment. Students were asked for their opinions on
and role-plays to enact real life situations and increase problems and obstacles in learning English in terms of
students‟ confidence. motivation, opportunity and attitude. The interviews were
Clearly the opportunity to practice with native speakers recorded, transcribed and coded with similar themes
would be motivational. It should be emphasized that this categorized.
needs to be done on a regular basis and in a structured way Examples of research questions and instruments
that would reinforce lessons previously covered in class. In
this way students would develop more complete language
skills giving a practical aspect to lessons previously studied. TABLE I: EXAMPLES OF RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS
D. Summary Questions Instruments
1. What are the problems and obstacles faced Questionnaire
The various studies outlined above have contributed a
by the first year non English major students
number of useful considerations to the discussion relating to in learning English?
problems faced by Thai EFLstudents. The problems identified 2. What are the factors affecting the students‟ Semi structured
are of various types, from pronunciation and speaking skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing? interview
to grammar, writing capabilities, socio-cultural issues,
Table I provides some examples of the research questions
teaching methods and opportunities to practice in real life.
and instruments used in this study.
Most of these studies have focused on specific groups of
students in certain study situations. It can be expected C. Data Analysis
therefore that conclusions would differ to a certain extent.
The researcher analyzed the data by using a program called
Perhaps an area of attention that has been underplayed in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Also the means
these studies is that of student motivation. When we begin to (M), and standard deviation (SD) were the basic descriptive
understand what really motivates students to succeed and statistical analysis to describe the outcome of students‟
performto their highest ability, then we will be in a position to problems and obstacles in the four language skills.
approach the issues of particular language skills and needs on
a more secure footing. It is our hope in this study of the needs TABLE II: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPANTS
of English non-major students at Kasetsart University to Faculty Number of students Percentage
identify their particular needs and motivations and to make Arts and Science 194 37.3
recommendations concerning them. Fishery 34 6.5
Sports Science 56 10.8
Engineering 165 31.7
Agriculture 71 13.7
Total 520 100.0
This section will include details on the participants, being
students at Kasetsart University; the instruments, being a
Table II shows that the majority of students who
questionnaire and follow-up interviews; the method of data
participated in this study were from two faculties. Firstly, the
analysis; and the findings.
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science. Secondly, the Faculty of
A. Participants Engineering. The remaining students were from three other
The participants consisted of 520 first year non English faculties at the university, namely the Faculties of Agriculture,
major students including 292 females and 228 males. They Sports Science and Fishery.
were from the faculties of Liberal Arts and Science, Fishery,
Sports Science, Engineering and Agriculture at Kasetsart
Number of years Number of students Percentage
University, Kamphaeng Saen campus. The participants were
11 years 29 5.6
selected through simple random sampling. The recruited
12 years 60 11.5
participants formally indicated their consent to participate as
13 years 86 16.5
respondents in this study. All students were also informed
14 years 232 44.6
that their identity would be kept anonymous. 15 years 55 10.6
B. Instruments 16 years 42 8.1
17 years 8 1.5
This study used a questionnaire to survey problems and
18 years 4 0.8
obstacles found by the first year non English major students
Others 4 0.8
who studied Foundation English 1 at Kasetsart University,
Total 520 100
Kamphaeng Saen Campus. The questionnaire was divided
into 2 parts. The first part was general questions about the
Table III indicates that all of the students in the survey had
participants‟ English language skills and background. The
studied English for a minimumof 11 years, while
second part was an assessment of the participants‟ difficulties
approximately two-thirds of the students had studied a
in the four language skills based on a five-point Likert scales.
minimum of fourteen years.
To provide further support, 50 students from 5 faculties were
randomly selected for a semi-structured interview at the end of
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2018
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2018