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Literature Review Vs Environmental Scan

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When it comes to conducting research, two commonly used methods are literature reviews and

environmental scans. Both techniques play crucial roles in gathering information and understanding
existing knowledge within a particular field or topic. However, they differ significantly in their
approach and scope.

A literature review involves systematically examining scholarly sources such as books, journals, and
articles to identify and synthesize existing knowledge, theories, and research findings relevant to a
specific research question or topic. This process requires critical analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of
the literature to identify gaps, contradictions, and areas for further investigation. Literature reviews
are essential for establishing the theoretical framework of a study, providing context for research
findings, and identifying research gaps that warrant further exploration.

On the other hand, an environmental scan involves collecting and analyzing data from various
sources to assess the external factors and trends that may impact an organization, industry, or
community. Environmental scans typically include gathering information from sources such as news
articles, reports, government publications, and social media to identify emerging trends,
opportunities, threats, and challenges. This process helps organizations stay informed about changes
in their operating environment and make informed decisions to adapt and respond effectively.

While both literature reviews and environmental scans serve important purposes in research and
decision-making, they require different skills, approaches, and methodologies. Literature reviews
require a thorough understanding of research methods, critical thinking, and analytical skills to
evaluate and synthesize existing literature effectively. On the other hand, environmental scans require
proficiency in data collection, analysis, and interpretation to identify relevant trends and patterns in
the external environment.

Writing a literature review or conducting an environmental scan can be a challenging and time-
consuming task, requiring extensive research, analysis, and writing skills. Many individuals and
organizations struggle to effectively conduct these tasks due to time constraints, lack of expertise, or
difficulty accessing relevant resources.

To alleviate these challenges, many people turn to professional writing services like ⇒ StudyHub.vip
⇔ for assistance. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers expert assistance in conducting literature reviews,
environmental scans, and other research-related tasks. Their team of experienced writers and
researchers can help individuals and organizations gather, analyze, and synthesize relevant
information to produce high-quality literature reviews and environmental scans tailored to their
specific needs and requirements.

By outsourcing these tasks to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, individuals and organizations can save time,
reduce stress, and ensure that their literature reviews and environmental scans are comprehensive,
well-researched, and effectively communicate their findings and insights. Whether you need
assistance with literature reviews, environmental scans, or other research-related tasks, ⇒
StudyHub.vip ⇔ is here to help you succeed.
However, in laboratory and field experiments, it has been seen to produce increased plant growth (
78 ). Summarizing the aforementioned in order to design an effective air quality control strategy,
several aspects must be considered: environmental factors and ambient air quality conditions,
engineering factors and air pollutant characteristics, and finally, economic operating costs for
technological improvement and administrative and legal costs. Quantitative and qualitative research
methods: Surveys, Interviews, Focus Groups, Participant Observations, Document Reviews. The
conflict imperative and the slow fight against environmental injustice in northern Peruvian Amazon.
It must operate continuously in order to keep track of the rapid pace of development. Consider
venues for discussing this information and reflecting on its meaning with an eye toward identifying
the next step. 3. Capture any questions that arise in the conversations and let’s pursue them.
Environmental pollution is not a new phenomenon, yet it remains the worlds's greatest problem
facing humanity, and the leading environmental causes of morbidity and mortality. Section 3
introduces the data collection, empirical methods, and variables. Still exporting it according to the
indicator of betweenness centrality, the detailed information we get is shown in table 9. Table 9.
Literatures listed by betweenness centrality indicators (Top 10). We used the Lancet Commission's
definition of pollution (Landrigan et al. 2018 ). In the context of this paper, “impacts” are
understood as any noticeable effects or changes wholly or partially resulting from the spread of
environmental pollution. Available online at: (accessed October 6, 2019). 124. CopenhagenClimate
Change Conference (UNFCCC). Among them, the size of the font indicates the volume of articles
published by the author or the importance of the author (the same below), and the line between the
authors indicates the cooperative relationship between each other. I knew that there must be an
interdisciplinary solution to such a complex problem. The mechanisms in the development of
neurodegenerative disease include oxidative stress, protein aggregation, inflammation, and
mitochondrial impairment in neurons ( 104 ) ( Figure 1 ). Figure 1. Impact of air pollutants on the
brain. Mobile sources include automobiles, cars, railways, airways, and other types of vehicles. On
the one hand, given the population explosion and rapid urbanization, energy consumption and the
volume of long-distance energy transnational transportation has increased rapidly, and energy
accidents, such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and the nuclear leak of Fukushima
Daiichi in Japan, are occurring frequently. Loss of hunting or fishing activities can mean loss of
physical activity as well, with resulting health impacts (Hoover 2013 ). Yang X, Wang L (2008)
Spatial analysis and hazard assessment of mercury in soil around the coal-fired power plant: a case
study from the city of Baoji, China. The development of environmental governance, along with
technological progress, has initiated the deployment of a dialogue. Moreover, there is a
supplementary risk in case of existing respiratory disease such as asthma ( 98 ). Examples include a
literature review, and ecological literature reviews that. Environmental scans cover everything from
casual discussions to formal programs of market research and organizational planning. Air pollution
and non-respiratory health hazards for children. Pruss-Ustun A, Fewrell L, Landrigan PJ, Ayuso-
Mateos JL. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Diseases associated with air
pollution have not only an important economic impact but also a societal impact due to absences
from productive work and school. The study also highlights the strengthening effect of government
environmental regulation on the impact of public environmental concern. Particulate matter contains
tiny liquid or solid droplets that can be inhaled and cause serious health effects ( 55 ). For
determining the field survey, are in applied forest edges associated. Once called upon, the selected
team must provide an answer immediately.
The lack of diversity in decision-making processes often sidelines the concerns of marginalized
communities. Due to its fast industrial development and overpopulation, China is one of the Asian
countries confronting serious air pollution problems ( 10, 11 ). For more information about PLOS
Subject Areas, click here. Further research can explore this aspect with available data. But the key is
to sort through the list quickly and identify the important factors, explore those in depth. Electric
vehicle rule emerges as political tightrope for Biden The car pollution rule, from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), is currently under White House review and is scheduled to be finalized
next month — though it could come out later. The results of keyword clustering and co-citation
information in the literature indicate the natural-social dimensions of LP research, such as the use
and quality of air, land, and water, as well as urbanization and environmental policies. Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be induced following air pollution, increasing morbidity
and mortality ( 99 ). In China, public participation mechanisms in environmental governance are still
in the early stages of development. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Diao X, Yuan C-G, Wu J, Zhang K, Zhang C, Gui
B (2018) Mercury fractions in gypsum and estimation of mercury emission from coal-fired power
plants. Front center is Reverend Joseph Lowery of Atlanta, who heads the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference founded by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to global policy
advocacy, indigenous communities have also worked for policy changes to gain local control over
natural resource management, which has been argued to increase IPs' abilities to address pollution
more effectively (Verbrugge 2015; Dare and Daniell 2017 ). For example, many IPs participated in
Canada's Arctic Environmental Strategy to include a Northern Contaminants Program (Selin and
Selin 2008 ). Although the recent focus on institutional and policy reforms has led to a higher focus
on environmental discussion, little is known about the status of research on the Pollution. (PDF)
Environmental Pollution: A Brief Review Present article presents a brief review on air pollution,
global warming, green house effect, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog, water
pollution, waste water treatment. Unfortunately, stratospheric ozone is gradually damaged by ozone-
depleting substances (i.e., chemicals, pesticides, and aerosols). The clustering results of LP studies
are summarized as shown in table 8. Table 8. Clustering results based on LLR algorithm. Are you
searching for high-quality Digital Standee products in India. The affinity of carbon monoxide to
hemoglobin is much greater than that of oxygen. Human activities introduce pollutants by polluting
the water, air, and soil. More specifically, devices with online capabilities such as computers or
mobile phones are being used as a way to pursue change in political and social affairs ( 30 ). Use of
this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Employment Law
Solution. Produced by Mr Nicol’s Year 10 Science Class. Kununurra. Kununurra isn’t a very large
town, the population of the town is approximately 6000 people but it is the second largest town in
the Kimberley. Several techniques such as company records, spying, publication and verbal talks
with the customers, employees, dealers and suppliers are the main sources of collecting data.
Definition, Features, Process, Types, and Importance. Neil Waggoner is Sierra Club's Federal Deputy
Director for Energy Campaigns. Indigenous Peoples are amongst the populations at highest risk of
impact by pollution of water, land and biota through both exposure and vulnerability. Seasonal
fluctuation of bacterial indicators in coastal waters. Second, government environmental regulation
strengthens the impact of public environmental concern on environmental pollution. However, our
study shows that integrated studies emphasizing the natural and human dimensions of land
contamination are clearly lacking.
Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Brown TD, Smith DN, Hargis RA, O’Dowd WJ (1999)
Mercury measurement and its control: what we know, have learned, and need to further investigate.
Unless you have received such written confirmation, we will not consider any correspondence you
send us as confidential. Since the 1960s, the problem of land pollution (LP) has gradually attracted
widespread attention. Emissions estimates of PAH from biomass fuels used in rural sector of Indo-
Gangetic Plains of India. Detail several authors; reviews from an example, randomized clinical trials
with the field. Available online at: (accessed August 15, 2019). 74. Thiele JJ, Traber MG, Tsang K,
Cross CE, Packer L. Based on agricultural straw burning satellite data, He et al. (2020) use non-local
straw burning as an instrumental variable for air pollution to estimate the impact of straw burning on
air pollution and health. Column (1) shows the results of the univariate analysis, indicating that the
estimated coefficient of public environmental awareness is -0.009, which is statistically significant at
the 1% level. Air pollutants absorbed by the human skin may contribute to skin aging, psoriasis,
acne, urticaria, eczema, and atopic dermatitis ( 111 ), usually caused by exposure to oxides and
photochemical smoke ( 111 ). In so doing, there is the need for certain forecasting activities to be
undertaken to ascertain the future worth of projects and the returns they would yield. In their work,
the scholars, Emily North and Rolf Halden of Arizona State University, summarize relevant research
findings on the benefits, dangers, disposal of, and future innovative potential for plastics.
Synopsizing, a global prevention policy should be designed in order to combat anthropogenic air
pollution as a complement to the correct handling of the adverse health effects associated with air
pollution. Specifically, a 1% increase in public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in
environmental pollution. A bibliographical survey was undertaken to systematically review the
journal articles devoted to environmental pollution in geoparks. A positive relation was shown
between both short-term and long-term exposures of PM 2.5 and acute nasopharyngitis ( 56 ).
Climate and weather affect the duration, timing, and intensity of outbreaks strongly and change the
map of infectious diseases in the globe ( 45 ). Zhao Y, Mann MD, Olson ES, Pavlish JH, Dunham
GE (2006) Effects of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide on mercury oxidation and reduction under
homogeneous conditions. Moreover, residents in such cities may be more concerned about economic
and quality-of-life issues, with limited awareness and understanding of environmental pollution
risks. It arises in the stratosphere, but it could also arise following chain reactions of photochemical
smog in the troposphere ( 63 ). In order to understand the impact of global forces on regional land
pollution, it is necessary to capture visible or invisible information related to LP using information
geography and statistical methods or approaches, which include information geography methods
such as remote sensing, GIS, and also methods such as qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). Yet
instead of spending taxpayer time and money determining how to address smog impacting local
communities, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has teamed up with several industry groups and
Indiana and West Virginia attorneys general to attempt to block implementation of U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s rule. Furthermore, using a difference-in differences approach, the
authors find that China’s recent straw recycling policy has effectively improved the country’s air
quality. III. Impacts of energy policies and regulations on pollution and health Due to the negative
impacts of energy accidents and consumption on pollution and health, more and more energy-related
policies and regulations are established by governments to alleviate the negative effects of air quality
on health. Flow for the literature review example humphreys cites a recent, impact. Conducting an
environmental scan is a five-step process. The burden of lung cancer mortality attributable to fine
particles in China. Furthermore, heterogeneity analysis shows that the weakening effect of public
environmental concern on environmental pollution is more pronounced in cities with low economic
pressure. Li X, Li Z, Fu C, Tang L, Chen J, Wu T, Lin C-J, Feng X, Fu X (2019b) Fate of mercury in
two CFB utility boilers with different fueled coals and air pollution control devices. Sources of
Exposure It is known that the majority of environmental pollutants are emitted through large-scale
human activities such as the use of industrial machinery, power-producing stations, combustion
engines, and cars. Plastics manufacture makes up 4.6% of the annual petroleum consumption in the
U.S., using roughly 331 million barrels per year. Have a look so that all your doubts and queries
regarding Environmental Scanning could be solved.
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Why you need them and how to do them well Introduction to C Programming Language
Introduction to C Programming Language The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and
Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. From the perspective of research objects, the current research
on LP mainly presents two types of characteristics: one part of the literature takes LP as an
independent variable to explore the impact of LP on social and economic development and
ecosystem services, and the other part of the literature takes LP as the dependent variable to explore
the impact of spatial environmental factors on LP. Climate is the other side of the same coin that
reduces the quality of our Earth ( 44 ). Air pollution and autism spectrum disorders: causal or
confounded. Q Value: Modularity, which means the value of clustering module. The relevant
statistical information is shown in table 7. For land contaminated by domestic pollution sources,
combined phytoremediation-microbial remediation and combined microbial-Earthworm remediation-
phytoremediation remediation techniques are generally used (Wu et al 2022 ). While the case was
not successful, her legal theory would lay the groundwork for environmental justice cases to come.
As stated already, long-term exposure is associated with deleterious effects on the cardiovascular
system ( 3, 5 ). Beyond the devastating public health impacts this pollution causes, emissions from
upwind states can make it nearly impossible for downwind states to meet the health-based national
air quality standards. From the perspective of the time evolution of keywords, if the frequency of
occurrence of a keyword in a certain year increase, it means that the topic represented by the
keyword is a hot spot in that year. The change or deterioration of the natural environment poses
challenges to human survival, social production, social life, and related governance, and we can exert
our agency and take corresponding scientific measures to deal with these major challenges.
Environmental Pollution in Geopark Management: A Systematic Review of Dozens of geoparks have
been created in the world since the beginning of the 21st century. Specifically, a 1% increase in
public environmental concern leads to a 0.009% reduction in environmental pollution. Long- term air
pollution exposure and diabetes in a population-based Swiss cohort. A ruling that weakens or
overturns this rule would not just be a legal setback; it would be a public health crisis. In a rare
move, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear these challengers out in court, and oral arguments
are set for Wednesday. Recognizing the importance of public participation in environmental
governance, this study explores the influence of public pressure on environmental pollution and its
implications for China’s long-term environmental management efforts. Li X, Li Z, Fu C, Tang L,
Chen J, Wu T, Lin C-J, Feng X, Fu X (2019b) Fate of mercury in two CFB utility boilers with
different fueled coals and air pollution control devices. For example, 71.76% of all oil blocks in the
Ecuadorian Amazon overlap with IP lands (Codato et al. 2019 ), and around 60% of all areas
identified in mining applications in the Philippines are within ancestral homelands of IPs (Aytin 2015
). Important when considering business Changes cause investors to be wary New laws can form. The
current statewide API performance target for all schools is 800. Outdoor air pollution: nitrogen
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide health effects. The rise of the new information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are many times examined as to whether and in which way they
have influenced means of communication and social movements such as activism ( 28 ). Traditional
On-line Next line of inquiry: if the recent growth in on-line enrollments continues how might that
impact the success rates of various cohorts. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Here you only use your intuition without the use of any direct evidence,
thus, it is also called the opposite of the extrapolation method. A study of short-term exposure of
mice to high levels of ozone showed malondialdehyde formation in the upper skin (epidermis) but
also depletion in vitamins C and E. Dr. Bullard's groundbreaking work in Houston laid the
foundation for recognizing and addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on
Black communities. Major sources include the emission of pollutants from power stations, refineries,
and petrochemicals, the chemical and fertilizer industries, metallurgical and other industrial plants,
and, finally, municipal incineration.

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