Dumping Syndrome Concept Mapping
Dumping Syndrome Concept Mapping
Dumping Syndrome Concept Mapping
Concept Mapping for Dumping Syndrome
Definition - Gastric & Esophageal surgeries
Pathophysiology (gastric bypass, gastrectomy,
Assessment and Diagnosis pyloroplasty, vagotomy,
Nursing Management esophagectomy, nissen is common complication of Weight loss and
Medical/ Surgical Management fundolplication) Dumping Syndrome may cause Malnutrition (avoid
Forms eating)
Risk Factors is potentially caused by
- Disease-related causes such as has two forms
DM, Exocrine pancreatic
defined as happens when
insufficiency, duodenal ulcers, is diagnosed by
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, and Early Late
Functional Dyspepsia.
Dumping Dumping
syndrome syndrome
Dx tests: Oral glucose tolerance test, A collection of symptoms
Eating a meal
Hydrogen breath test, under endoscopy, that occur when your
Upper GI series, gastric emptying test. stomach empties its
S&S: Early dumping syndrome- Nausea, contents too rapidly into
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain and your small intestine. It is Undigested food Symptoms
cramping, Distended abdomen, feeling in the stomach occuring within Symptoms 1 to
bloated, dizziness, lightheadedness, also known as rapid 3 hours after
10-30 minutes
increase HR, fainting. gastric emptying and after eating a eating a meal
Late dumping syndrome- Weakness, causes large amounts of Pyloric sphincter
is removed or meal
Fatigue, Jitters, Rapid or irregular HR, undigested food to flood damaged
cold sweats, confusion, hunger. your small intestine.
Undigested food
dumps (moves
quickly) to the
small intestine
10-30 minutes
after eating the
fluid from the 1-3 hours after
bloodstream eating, rapid
-Teach how to maintain a symptom journal that moves into sugar absorbtion
provides dietary instruction, and promoting intestine is increased
-Educate the patient to eat small frequent
Meds: Octreotide and meals and no fluid intake with meals and avoid
Distended Reduce blood
Acarbose simple sugars.
intestine volume
Tube feeding: Enteral -Encourage the patient to eat proteins and add
jejunostomy thickening agents to increase food consistency. Pancreas to
Corrective surgeries: -Patients experiencing early dumping should be produce more
Stomal revision, placed in the low Fowler?s position for 20 to insulin
Conversion of Billroth II to 30 minutes after a meal to help delay gastric
Billroth I anastomoses, emptying and minimize symptoms.
The pancreas
Pyloric reconstruction, -Patient exhibiting symptoms of late dumping, may overreact
Jejunal interposition, give him or her a small amount of fast-acting and produce too
Roux-en-Y conversion. carbohydrates, such as fruit juice or regular much insulin
soda (symptoms typically subside 10 to 15
minutes after consumption)
-Warn patients that they?re at risk of falling if
they feel dizzy, weak, or lightheaded and need Hypoglycemia
to rush to the bathroom. Aways raise the bed
-Ensure that the formula is at room
temperature, instill the feeding slowly or via
continuous I.V. drip, and keep the patient in
semi Fowler?s position for 1 hour after the
-Assess the needs of the patient with Dumping
syndrome and provide gen.recommedations.
-Make a referral to a dietitian or healthcare
provider who can offer individual assistance
with dietary or medical treatments.