Interchange Ramp Characteristics (Selection and Design) : David L. Heavey, P.E
Interchange Ramp Characteristics (Selection and Design) : David L. Heavey, P.E
Interchange Ramp Characteristics (Selection and Design) : David L. Heavey, P.E
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................4
LOOP RAMPS...................................................................................................................................15
GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................36
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................37
The purpose of this paper is to provide an interchange designer with information to aid in the
selection of the type of ramp to use, that may best fit a specific project.
It is suggested that the designer acquire the references listed, for a through treatment of
interchange ramps. These references are available on the internet, at no cost, except for the
AASHTO Greenbook.
Also included is a section on the role the ramp geometry plays on vehicle performance, that is
the, acceleration, deceleration and rollover, of tractor-trailer trucks.
Two types of ramp terminals used on freeways for both the exiting and entering process, are the
parallel type and the taper type. State Departments of Transportation have their preferred types.
In a survey conducted by the Transportation Research Board, they reported, that forty-one of
forty-five states responding to the survey, use a taper type for exits and thirty-four of forty-five
use the parallel type for entrances.
The most important requirement of a ramp terminal is that diverging and merging maneuvers be
accomplished safely, orderly and comfortably. Exiting drivers should not be forced to begin
breaking until they are clear of the mainline. Entering drivers should be able to merge into gaps
on the mainline, at speeds that are close to the through traffic speeds.
Primary guidance for all ramp terminal selection and design is from the current edition of “A
Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”, and the State’s Highway Design Manual,
where the project is located.
A few State Departments of Transportation use the tapered type entrance ramp terminal, this type
is merged with the mainline using a 50:1 or 70:1 taper rate. AASHTO and FHWA recommend
that the entering vehicle be at a speed that is at least within 5 mph of the operating speed of the
mainline, at a point where the left edge of the ramp travel way has joined the right edge of the
mainline travelway.
Tapered acceleration ramps operate best under free-flow or lightly congested traffic conditions.
Tapered entrance ramps function best under free-flow or lightly congested traffic
A 50:1 taper design led to drivers using a greater portion of the ramp than a parallel
design of the same length.
A tapered ramp led to a more effective process allowing an increase in the ability to
determine an acceptable gap.
Behavior studies in Nebraska indicated that drivers took a tapered merging path on
parallel ramps when available gaps in right-lane through traffic were available.
Tapered ramps are preferred on roadways designed for a design speed of 65 mph or
The above indicates using tapered entrance ramps in rural locations where traffic is light and
speeds are high.
The FHWA, in Ref. (1), states that there are safety and operational benefits of long acceleration
lengths provided by the parallel type entrance ramp and recommends their use in new
interchanges and for reconstruction or reconfiguring existing interchanges. A length of 1200-
feet is desirable for parallel entrance ramps, (longer if there is a plus-grade, greater than 2-
percent). The acceleration lane should end with a taper 300-feet long.
FHWA reports that studies have shown that parallel entrance ramps are safer than the tapered
The majority of State D.O.T.’s use the parallel design for entrance terminals.
The preferred approach curve to the parallel acceleration lane should have a curve radius of
1000-feet and a length of at least 200-feet. When a smaller radius curve is used, drivers tend to
go directly onto the mainline and not use the acceleration lane. This could create an undesirable
merging situation.
A parallel entrance terminal should be considered when: (Ref. 2)
Under moderate to heavy traffic conditions, either due to peak-hour traffic or the
potential for frequent traffic delays. In this condition merging into a gap is the primary
purpose, rather than acceleration, since through speeds would be lower due to congestion.
Where the entrance carries a large volume of trucks. (New York D.O.T. considers 2-
percent or less truck traffic to be a very low percentage. A high percentage of trucks is
10-percent or more. For Interstates and freeways a DDHV of 250 trucks also indicates a
high percentage.)
Where there is a large volume of trucks and the entrance is located on a steep up-grade.
The mainline roadway has a design speed of 60 mph or less.
The Highway Design Handbook for Older Drivers recommends the use parallel entrance
ramps (Ref. 3).
Parallel entrance terminals provide a longer, full lane width, in which drivers can
accelerate or find an acceptable gap in the mainline traffic. During congested traffic
conditions, this can be an advantage.
The majority of State DOT’s use the taper design for exit terminals. Research performed on
existing exit ramps has determined that:
The majority of drivers take a tapered path when exiting the mainline, regardless if the
ramp is the tapered or parallel type.
The tapered design tends to cause driver to use the speed change portion of the ramp
An advantage of the tapered exit, is that it encourages drivers to maintain their speed until
they clear the mainline.
Where an exit must be located on an existing mainline, beyond the crest of a vertical
Parallel exit terminals provide a better delineation of an exit location. This can prevent the
accidental use of the ramp by drivers who want to remain on the mainline.
Where the exit must be located beyond the crest of a vertical curve.
If the ramp is subject to heavy traffic conditions, such as occurs during peak hours.
Parallel ramps should be considered when the mainline speed is 60 mph or less.
If the capacity of the ramp intersection is not sufficient, and the ramp traffic backs up on
the mainline.
Figure A-1, on page 816, of the 2004 Greenbook depicts a tapered two lane entrance. The left
lane of the ramp is merged into the mainline, before the right lane is merged. In reference (16)
this type of merging situation is discouraged, this inside merge does not meet driver exceptions,
because lanes are merged or dropped on the outside or right and not on the left. For a two lane
entrance the parallel type would operate better.
An auxiliary lane should be added to the mainline, in advance of a two lane exit. Tapered exits
with adequate deceleration lengths are preferred. If required, an auxiliary lane of the appropriate
length and with the required advance signing should be used.
Two types of directional ramps (Figures 2 and 3) are used to connect the crossing of two high
speed highways, Direct Connection and Semi-Direct connection. Connection ramps are designed
for higher speeds, usually with a 50 mph design speed.
Direct connection ramps exit on the left side of the high speed highway and enter the crossing
high speed highway on either the left side or right side. These ramps are normally two lanes and
therefore the left side exit should be designed as a major fork and the entrance as a branch
Semi-direct connection ramps exit on the right side and enter the crossing mainline on the right
side or left side. They are also normally two lanes wide. The two lane exit is usually developed
using an auxiliary lane. The entrance, depending on volume, can be a typical two lane entrance.
Texas Transportation Research Institute, Evaluation of Vehicle Speeds on Freeway to Freeway
Connector Ramps, 2002. (Ref. 6), states that:
Provide adequate deceleration and acceleration distances for tractor-trailers and other
heavy vehicles. Designers should consider increasing the AASHTO lengths by 30 to 50
percent. This lengthening would assist truck drivers in exiting and entering the mainline
Since all directional ramps require at least a one level grade separation, the distance required to
effect the seperation can be found using Exhibit 10-8, on page 768, of the 2004 edition of the
Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, (The AASHTO Greenbook).
The following can be used to determine a rough estimate of the bridge structure depth, which
would be added to the required vertical clearance which yields the “Profile Rise” to be used in
Exhibit 10-8.
40’ – 60’ 3’ 0”
55’ – 80’ 3’ 9”
70’ – 100’ 4’ 6”
90’ – 120’ 5’ 3”
110’ – 140’ 6’ 0”
For Bridge Spans greater than 140’ and depths greater than 6’ 0” use:
Span = Girder Depth
Girder Depth plus 2” for Haunches and an 8” Slab Thickness would be the total Structure Depth
Loop ramps can be designed with one circular arc (Figure C) or composed of two or three
compounded arcs (Figure B). The three arc loop is sometimes referred to as a “tear drop”. The
sequence of curves in a tear drop should be a flat curve followed by a sharper curve and the third
curve should also be flat (flat/sharp/flat). The first and third curves could be spiral curves.
A sharp/flat/sharp, curve sequence should not be used. This type of arc arrangement will
mislead the driver to thinking the low advisory speed was only warranted by the first curve
(sharp), the driver will therefore begin accelerating in order to merge at the end of the ramp.
When the vehicle arrives at the third curve (sharp), there could be loss of control, skidding, and
in the case of a truck, a rollover could occur.
The Georgia Department of Transportation performed the initial research on two-lane loop ramps
in 1988 (Ref 7). Currently the Transportation Research Board is soliciting proposal for research
for two-lane loops. In metro Atlanta two-lane loop ramps have proven to be safe and efficient.
Georgia DOT constructed two-lane loops at two locations in 1988.
1. Georgia 400 exit to Holcomb Bridge Road. This is a suburban location, has 2,000
vehicles in the P.M. peak. The ADT at this location is over 14,000. The total paved
width including shoulders is 38’-6”, the outside shoulder is 10’-8” wide and the inside
shoulder is 4’-4” wide and the travel way width is 23’-6”.
For a two-lane loop ramp that would service passenger cars and an insignificant amount of trucks
the travelway width could be as shown in Exhibit 3-51, Page 220, of the 2004 AASHTO
If there is a high truck ADT or if this two-lane loop was connecting two freeways, the extra wide
lanes used in No. 2 above, may be the best solution.
The two-lane loop connecting I-75 to I-285, is an economical substitute for a direct or semi-
direct ramp.
Ample distance must be provided to correctly design the exit. An additional lane of from 1,300
feet to 1,500 feet should be used. Consult the State’s Highway Design Manuel for specific
requirements for a two-lane exit. The Indiana DOT uses a total length from the beginning of the
first taper to the gore nose of 2500 feet for volumes of 1500 vph and 3500-feet for turning
volumes of 3000 vph.
The I-75 to I-285 ramp has been used as an economical replacement for Direct or Semi-Direct
Connection ramp.
Left hand exit and entrance ramps are considered less desirable, because they do not meet
driver expectancy. With the preponderance of right-hand exits and entrances, left side
“moves” tend to confuse and surprise drivers, even with the proper signing.
Some reasons for avoiding the use of left hand moves are:
Trucks, which may be restricted to the right side mainline lanes, are forced to
cross several traffic lanes to reach the left hand exit, or to return to the right side
lane from a left hand entrance.
There is a reduced visibility for drivers when they are forced to merge to their
right, from a left hand entrance. This problem is magnified when the entering
vehicle is a truck.
Since left hand ramps are less desirable, published design parameters are not available.
If an existing left hand ramp cannot be removed, the following can be used to help
mitigate this condition.
It is possible for some types of heavy trucks, with certain loading conditions to rollover while
traveling at speeds below the design speed of the curve.
When a vehicle travels along a curved roadway or makes a turn, centrifugal and centripetal
forces act on it. The amount of the centrifugal force, or lateral acceleration is generated by the
vehicles speed and degree of curvature (sharpness). The centripetal force, which is also a
function of the vehicle speed and sharpness of the curve that must counteract the centrifugal
force comes from the friction developed between the vehicle’s tires and the roadway pavement.
The superelevation of the roadway provides an additional retarding effect on the lateral
acceleration, and therefore lessens the side friction demand. Both forces act through the center
of gravity of the vehicle.
The “Simplified Curve” equation from Ref. (8), which is used to determine the side friction
factor is:
f e (1)
15 R
In highway design the side friction factor is considered to be equivalent to the lateral
acceleration. The angular difference, created by the superelevation, between the lines of action
of the two forces acting on the vehicle is small, and therefore is not considered relevant in
highway curve design.
The equation to determine the lateral acceleration which is equivalent to the “simplified curve”
equation is:
a e (2)
15 R
To convert equations (1) and (2) to the metric system, replace the 15 with 127, meters for feet
and km/h for mph.
Side friction factors values used in highway design are based on providing a feeling of comfort
to the driver and occupants of passenger cars. These values may not be satisfactory for heavy
trucks, especially at low design speeds.
The center of gravity of a loaded heavy truck is much higher than that of a passenger car. The
centrifugal force acting on a truck produces an overturning moment before the truck would begin
to skid. The opposite is true of passenger cars, they will skid long before they overturn.
SunCam Course No. 170, “Horizontal Curve Design to Prevent the Rollover of Heavy Trucks”,
provides a comprehensive treatment of heavy truck rollover.
The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, (UMTRI) has been researching
how highway geometry relates to the characteristics of heavy trucks, since 1970. Their research
has yielded peak values of lateral acceleration a heavy truck can withstand. Values greater then
these peak values will cause the truck to rollover.
The equation developed by UMTRI to determine this peak value is:
RT = The rollover threshold value for a specific truck and loading condition.
SM = UMTRI arbitrarily set the Safety Margin at 0.10 g’s, which would cover the contingency
of a heavy truck going 40 mph on a curve with a design speed of 30 mph.
1.15 provides a tolerance corresponding to the level of steering fluctuations, which have been
measured in tests of the normal driving of a tractor trailer through interchange ramp curves.
Since lateral acceleration is equivalent to side friction factor, the value of “a” determined in
equation (3) should be substituted for “f” in equation (1).
For superelevation, most State D.O.T.s use the two-thirds/one-third rule, that is, two-thirds of the
transition from the normal cross slope (after any crown has been removed) to full superelevation,
is placed on the tangent prior to the beginning of the curve (PC) and the remaining one-third is
accomplished on the curve. There are some D.O.T.s that use 80-percent of the transition on the
tangent and 20-percent on the curve. If a spiral curve is used, the full superelevation will be at
the beginning of the circular curve (S.C.). Placing all of the transition on the tangent, so there
would be full superelevation at the P.C. is not recommended by AASHTO.
Studies of driver characteristics have shown that most drivers enter curves at speeds above the
posted speed, and they begin accelerating as they approach the end of the curve. Therefore the
rollover of heavy trucks should be checked at the beginning of the circular curve, the P.C. and at
the end of the curve, the P.T., since these locations will have less than the full amount of the
required superelevation.
Rollover Threshold Values for a tractor with a trailer 46-feet long (from Ref. 9), for double
trailers, see page 22 of Ref. (9)
The New York D.O.T. uses a rollover threshold value of 0.36 g’s for tractor trailers with
a gross vehicle weight of 80,000 lbs. or more. For high center of gravity tanker trucks
they use 0.22 g’s. (Ref 10)
The Institute of Transportation Engineers, in Ref. (11), uses the rollover threshold values
from Ref. (9)
Equation (3) and the rollover threshold values from Ref. (9) were incorporated into an automatic
warning system to prevent truck rollover on curved ramps, installed on the Capital Beltway in
Maryland and Virginia Ref. (13).
A ramp is to be designed for a design speed of 45 mph, a superelevation rate of 0.08 ft./ft. The
minimum allowable radius is 587 feet, and the selected rollover threshold is 0.28.
0.28 0.10
a 0 .16
Using the two thirds – one third method of superelevation transition, the superelevation at the
P.C. would be 0.06, check the rollover speed at the P.C., and using “a” for the required side
friction factor.
V 15R(e f )
V 15 * 587(0.06 0.16)
V 44mph
If 80-percent of the superelevation is placed on the tangent and 20-percent in the curve, the
superelevation rate at the P.C. would be 0.07 and the rollover speed at the P.C. would be 45 mph.
Another solution would be to determine the radius required to comply with the design speed of
45 mph, with the rollover threshold of 0.28
15(e f )
15(0.06 0.16)
R 614'
Using the 614 feet radius combined with the 80-percent of the superelevation transition on the
tangent would yield a rollover speed of 46 mph. So, if there is available right-of-way for a radius
of 614 feet and sufficient tangent length available to use, the 80/20 transition method, that would
be a better solution.
Selecting a rollover threshold value of 0.28 would provide for a tractor trailer that is 8.5 feet
wide with low density freight. It would also cover a “Typical Freight Load” and gasoline tanker
trucks. This rollover threshold value would also be the most conservative. From Table 2 it can
be seen that the 614 foot radius at speeds of 45 mph or less would have to be increased; only 59-
feet at 30 mph and 27-feet for a design speed of 45 mph. If increasing the radius did not increase
right-of-way requirements then the 0.28 value would be a good choice.
As in all highway design the driver should not be surprised, this is especially true for truck
drivers, since their vehicle is more difficult to control then a passenger car.
The following highway locations where the designer should be aware of the needs of heavy
trucks are:
Exit and Entrance Ramps
Loop Ramps
Compound Curves
Sharp curves at the end of steep down grades
Reverse Curves
Broken Back Curves
All locations where minimum curve criteria is used, along with low design speeds
Design Minimum Super- Rollover Speed (mph)
Speed Radius (ft.) elevation at RT = 0.28 RT = 0.31 RT = 0.34 RT = 0.36
(mph) the PC
30 214 0.06 26 28 29 30
35 314 0.06 32 34 36 37
40 444 0.06 38 40 42 44
45 587 0.06 44 46 49 50
50 758 0.06 50 53 55 57
Design Super- Super- AASHTO Radius Required for Specific Rollover
Speed elevation elevation Min. Radius Thresholds
(mph) (ft./ft.) at the PC (ft.) RT = 0.28 RT = RT = RT =
(g’s) 0.31 0.34 0.36
30 0.08 0.06 214 277 247 223 210
35 0.08 0.06 314 376 336 304 286
40 0.08 0.06 444 492 439 397 373
45 0.08 0.06 587 622 556 502 472
50 0.08 0.06 758 768 686 620 583
The more the difference in speed between the tractor-trailer merging onto a freeway and the
speed of the vehicles on the freeway, the greater the chances for a collision (Ref. 17). This
research shows that those large speed differentials do exist and therefore longer acceleration lane
lengths are needed, so that the majority of tractor-trailer trucks can accelerate and merge into the
traffic flow at speeds closer to the operating speed of the mainline.
When there is a high volume of trucks entering the mainline, where the speed limit is 65-mph, an
acceleration lane length of 2,700 feet is required, just to allow an average vehicle, traveling on a
level grade, to get within 10-mph of the mainline posted speed.
Designer should consider using a 30 to 50-percent increase in the acceleration and deceleration
lengths as shown in the “Greenbook” to accommodate heavy trucks (Refs. 2, 5 and 6). This
would better enable the truck driver when in exiting and entering mainline traffic.
The graphs on the following two pages were generated from an Excel spreadsheet, which is
provided by the FHWA.
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Distance (ft)
30 to 50 mph: 200 lbs/HP @ 1% Up-Grade
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Distance (ft)
30 to 50 mph: 220 lbs/HP @ 1% Up-Grade
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Distance (ft)
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Distance (ft)
40 to 65 mph: 200 lbs/HP @ 1% Up-Grade
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
40 to 65 mph: 220 lbs/HP @ 1% Up-Grade
Distance (ft)
Speed (mph)
0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0
Distance (ft)
The Federal Highway Administration has adopted the AASHTO publication, “A Policy on
Design Standards Interstate Standards”. These standards are applicable to the National Highway
System, including the Interstate System. These standards also reference “A Policy on Geometric
Design of Highways and Streets” (Greenbook).
The Greenbook (Chapter 10, Grade Separations and Interchanges) provides the standards that
should be met for interchange ramps. Most State Departments of Transportation have developed
their own standards that meet or exceed the AASHTO standards.
This Design Review will be based on the “13 Controlling Criteria” that have been established by
the FHWA, which are listed below:
1. Design Speed
2. Lane Width
3. Shoulder Width
4. Bridge Width
5. Horizontal Alignment
6. Superelevation
7. Vertical Alignment
8. Grade
9. Stopping Sight Distance
10. Cross Slope
11. Vertical Clearance
12. Lateral Clearance
13. Structural Capacity
1. Design Speed
Design speeds should not be less than those shown in Exhibit 10-56, Page 826, of the AASHTO
The desirable design speed for ramps should be 70 to 85-percent of the mainline design speed.
The minimum design speed should be at least 50-percent of the mainline.
For Directional ramps the design speed should be at least 85-percent of the mainline.
For Loop ramps the design speed can be in the low range, that is within 50-percent of the
mainline design speed.
Not meeting the low range (50-percent) speeds in Exhibit 10-56 may require a design exception.
The correct deceleration length is dependent on the design speed of the mainline and the first
controlling factor on the exit ramp, which could be a horizontal curve, stopping sight distance of
a vertical curve or the end of a traffic queue.
2. Lane Width
All State DOT’s have their preferred ramp travelway width. The width may have to be increased
along a curve to provide for passing a stalled vehicle, or to provide horizontal stopping sight
The range in ramp widths for a one lane ramp, per the AASHTO Greenbook, for both rural and
urban locations, is 12 to 30-feet. A formal design exception is required if this width is not
3. Shoulder Width
States have their specific shoulder widths for all ramp types. The minimum shoulder width per
the AASHTO Greenbook is from 1 to 10-feet.
On ramps, the widest widths, per State standards should always be considered first. Shoulders
provide important functions, a place for disabled vehicles, a place for police enforcement
activities, maintenance activities, where drivers can move around crash sites, a clear recovery
area, and shoulders can be widened beyond minimums to improve the stopping sight distances
along horizontal curves.
The State in which the project is located, has their required shoulder widths. The width of the
inside shoulder may have to be increased to provide horizontal stopping sight distance. Check
the State’s requirements for any increase in shoulder width when concrete barriers or guardrail
are used, generally the shoulder width is increased 2-feet, when this occurs.
4. Bridge Width
The width of the ramp travelway plus the width of the two paved shoulders should be carried
across the bridge. State D.O.T.’s have their specific requirements. A design exception is required
when a ramp bridge is proposed with narrower travel lanes and shoulders.
5. Horizontal Alignment
Horizontal alignment refers only to the horizontal curvature of the ramp. The Design Speed
determines the minimum radius, the maximum superelevation and the stopping sight distance.
The ramp alignment before a curve influences the approach speed. The crash frequency
increases as the speed differential from the approach on a tangent section to the curve. This may
happen if the approach is on a downgrade or if the curve is not apparent to the driver on the
approach. At ramps, especially loop ramps, if there is insufficient deceleration length can cause
vehicles to run off the road and heavy trucks to overturn. Research has confirmed that some
heavy trucks can overturn at speeds slightly below the design speed.
When compound curves are used the ratio of the larger radius to the smaller radius should not
exceed 2:1.
The inside shoulder width or lane width may have to be increased to provide the required
stopping sight distance along a curve. This should be checked where guardrail or concrete
barrier is located on the inside of a ramp curve. The tangent distance between reverse curves
must be long enough to provide for the correct superelevation transition.
6. Superelevation
State D.O.T. criteria controls the maximum rate of superelevation to be used. Superelevation is
used to counteract the lateral acceleration, caused by the vehicle traveling along the curve. A
design exception is required if the State’s superelevation standards are not met. If the designer
selects a maximum rate that is higher than the State’s maximum rate, a design exception is still
Prior to the publication of the 2001 Greenbook, rates of superelevation used for ramps could be
based on the “rates for turning roadways”. This provided the designer with a range in
superelevation rates that were useable for ramp design. This no longer applies; ramp
superelevation rates are now the same as those for all highways, that are “open road conditions”.
In the 1990 Greenbook, rates for ramp superelevation are taken from Table 1X-12. If the radius
of the ramp curve is 600-feet and the design speed is 40-mph, the superelevation rate for the
ramp could range from 7-percent to 9-percent, regardless of the State’s maximum superelevation
rate. The designer may find when reconstructing an existing interchange, some substandard
superelevation will exist.
7. Vertical Alignment
Vertical Alignment relates only to the crest and sag vertical curves. The “K” values used to
determine the lengths of the vertical curves are based on grade and design speed, which are
covered separately.
The vertical alignment should provide Decision Sight Distance to exit ramps. Also the
“breakover’ between the mainline and the ramp travelway should comply with the project’s
criteria. This criteria must comply with the maximums and minimums stated in the Greenbook.
8. Grade
The State D.O.T.’s criteria for maximum and minimum grades must be adhered too. These
grades comply with the AASHTO criteria, and therefore if they are not complied with, a Design
Exception will be required.
A safety concern is that drivers of tractor-trailer trucks can lose control on steep down-grades.
This problem is compounded when there is a horizontal curve at the end of the steep down-
grade. On steep up-grades, slow moving trucks create a safety and operations problem.
Stopping Sight Distance must be provided at all horizontal and vertical curves. If the ramp is
lighted, the length of sag vertical curve can be based on the “comfort” equation (see page 274 of
the 2004 AASHTO Greenbook). The curve lengths using the “comfort” equation result in sag
vertical curves being about one-half of the minimum curve length of those based on headlight
On horizontal curves, where guardrail and concrete barriers are required on the inside of the
curve, the lane width and/or shoulder width may have to be increased to provide the required
stopping sight distance. Also stopping sight distance should be checked where retaining walls,
bridge piers, cut-slopes, etc. may obstruct sight distance.
Decision Sight Distance (page 116, 2004 AASTO Greenbook) should be used at exit ramps and
lane drops. When stopping sight distance is not provided at all locations along the ramp, a
Design Exception is required. If lighting is provided vertical curves meeting the “comfort”
criteria do not require a Design Exception. A Design Exception is not required if Decision Sight
Distance is not provided.
Ramp travelway cross slopes should be a minimum of 1.5-percent and desirably 2-percent. In
States with intense rainfall the cross slope could be increased to 2.5-percent. The cross slopes on
paved shoulders should be from 2 to 6-percent, but should never be less than the cross slope of
the travelway.
The cross slope break-over between the ramp travelway and the shoulder, on the high side of
superelevation, should be less than 8-percent. If this break over exceeds 8-percent a Design
Exception is required. If the design vehicle is a WB-60 or if there is a substantial amount of
heavy truck traffic, consideration should be given to crowning the shoulder or sloping the
shoulder in the same direction and rate as the superelevated travelway.
The minimum vertical clearance from the highest point on the ramp are: to the bottom of a
bridge 16-feet, to the bottom of a sign truss and pedestrian bridge, 17-feet. Additionally, an
allowance of at least 0.5-feet should be added for future resurfacing. The minimum vertical
clearance to falsework is 14.4-feet (Ref. 17)
Horizontal clearance is defined as the lateral offset to an obstruction. Lateral offset is not the
Clear Zone, which is the clear recovery area, free of obstacles and steep slopes, that allows
vehicles to safely recover after they have run off the roadway. Lateral offset to obstructions is
one of the 13 controlling criteria, Clear Zone is not.
The lateral offset to obstructions is generally not applicable to interchange ramps, since there
will be an established Clear Zone for the ramp, and any obstructions within the Clear Zone will
be shielded. There may be above ground utilities at the intersection of the ramp and the cross
road, and the lateral offset distances would apply.
Reference (1) and Reference 14 provide a very comprehensive review of design requirements.
85th Percentile Speed- A speed value that is exceeded by 15-percent of the vehicles in a traffic
Falsework - Temporary work that may include forms, shoring, form travelers,
temporary bridges, etc.
1. FHWA Design Discipline Support Tool, Interchange Design (New Construction and
3. Highway Design Handbook For Older Drivers and Pedestrians, Federal Highway
Administration, May 2001
4. Design Guidance for Freeway Mainline Ramp Terminals, NCHRP Report 730, 2012
11. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Geometric Design and Operation for Trucks,
15. Highway Safety Design and Operations Guide, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, 1997