This document outlines the daily ritual practices of a Buddhist community. It lists the beings that practitioners bow to and make offerings to, including various Buddhas like Sakyamuni and Maitreya, bodhisattvas, gods, ancestors, teachers and more. It describes bowing to them and asking for their blessings and protection. The rituals involve repentance, praying for wisdom and an end to suffering in the world.
This document outlines the daily ritual practices of a Buddhist community. It lists the beings that practitioners bow to and make offerings to, including various Buddhas like Sakyamuni and Maitreya, bodhisattvas, gods, ancestors, teachers and more. It describes bowing to them and asking for their blessings and protection. The rituals involve repentance, praying for wisdom and an end to suffering in the world.
This document outlines the daily ritual practices of a Buddhist community. It lists the beings that practitioners bow to and make offerings to, including various Buddhas like Sakyamuni and Maitreya, bodhisattvas, gods, ancestors, teachers and more. It describes bowing to them and asking for their blessings and protection. The rituals involve repentance, praying for wisdom and an end to suffering in the world.
This document outlines the daily ritual practices of a Buddhist community. It lists the beings that practitioners bow to and make offerings to, including various Buddhas like Sakyamuni and Maitreya, bodhisattvas, gods, ancestors, teachers and more. It describes bowing to them and asking for their blessings and protection. The rituals involve repentance, praying for wisdom and an end to suffering in the world.
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Ritual Kebaktian Sehari-hari
Cuo yi, kuei
Ming Ming Shang Ti (Tuhan Yang Maha Esa) she khou shou Chi, cuo yi, kuei Thien ti ciin chin she (Langit, bumi, pemimpin negara, orang tua, guru) wu khou shou Cu Thien Shen Sheng (Para Buddha Bodhisatva) wu khou shou She Cia Wen Fo (Buddha Sakyamuni) wu khou shou Mi Le Cu She (Buddha Maitreya) wu khou shou Nan Hai Ku Fo (Buddha Kwan Im) wu khou shou Ke wei Sheng Ren (Nabi 5 Agama) wu khou shou Huo Fo She Cun (Buddha Ci Kung) wu khou shou Yue Hui Phu Sa (Bodhisatva Dewi Bulan) wu khou shou Ke Wei Fa Lii Cu (Para Bodhisatva Penegak Hukum) wu khou shou Chang Sheng Ta Ti (Bodhisatva Panjang Usia) wu khou shou Cao Ciin (Dewa Dapur) san khou shou She Cun (Bapak Guru Agung) san khou shou She Mu (Ibu Guru Suci) san khou shou Cen Tien Yuen Shuai (Jendral Pengaman Altar) san khou shou Cen Tien Ciang Ciin (Jendral Pengaman Altar) san khou shou Ciao Hua Phu Sa (Bodhisatva Pendidik) san khou shou Ke wei Ta Sien (Para Maha Dewa) san khou shou Tao Cang (Pemimpin dimasa Bapak Guru Agung) yi khou shou Tien chuan she (Pandita) yi khou shou Yin pao she (Guru pengajak dan penanggung) yi khou shou Chien sien ta cong (senior/arif budiman) yi khou shou Ce ci cu sien (leluhur sendiri) yi khou shou Kuei song yuen chan wen, yii yiin ke pao ke ming (sebut nama) ~ Chien sin kuei cai Ming Ming Shang Ti lien sia, sing shou cen chuan san khou shou (dengan penuh ketulusan bersujud kehadapan Tuhan YME, bersyukur telah mendapatkan Ketuhanan) ~ Mi Le Cu She miao fa wu pien, hu pi cong sheng, chan hui Fo chien, kai kuo ce sin, thong cu thien phan san khou shou (Buddha Maitreya dengan dharma gaib tiada tara melindungi umat manusia, hamba bertobat kehadapan-Mu, berjuang memperbaiki diri, untuk ikut serta dalam misi-Mu) ~ Fan si fo thang tien tao chuo luan, wang chi Cu She she cui rong khuan she khou shou (Apabila terjadi kericuhan/kekacauan di vihara, mohon Buddha Maitreya mengampuni) ~ Nan Wu A Mi She Fo Thien Yuen she khou shou (Terpujilah Buddha Maitreya)
Chi, cuo yi, kuei
Khou chiu Lao Mu ta che ta pei Tao yiin hong chang, chien thu kuang ming, chen she mien cie san pai khou shou (Mohon rahmat kasih Tuhan, Wadah Ketuhanan berkembang jaya, masa depan gemilang, dunia dibebaskan dari bencana)
chi, cuo yi, kuei
Cin Kong Cu She (Buddha Cin Kung, patriat 17) ciu khou shou Tao Thong Cu She (Para Patriat Ketuhanan) wu khou shou Thien Ran Ku Fo (Bapak Guru Agung) wu khou shou Yue Hui She Mu (Ibu Guru Suci) wu khou shou San Thien Cu Khao (Bodhisatva Penguji) san khou shou Chi, cuo yi, kuei Cong Thien Yii Huang Ta Ti (Bodhisatva Kumala Raja,Kwan Kong) wu khou shou Tong Yue Ta Ti (Bodhisatva Tong Yue, tugas di neraka) wu khou shou Ti Cang Ku Fo (Bodhisatva Ksitigarbha, tugas di neraka) wu khou shou She Tien Yen Ciin (10 Raja Yama/neraka) san khou shou Chi, cuo yi kuei Cin Kong Cu She li tai cu sien (Leluhur Cin Kong Cu She) ciu khou shou Tao Thong Cu She li tai cu sien (Leluhur para patriat) wu khou shou Thien Ran Ku Fo li tai cu sien (Leluhur Bapak Guru Agung) wu khou shou Yue Hui She Mu li tai cu sien (Leluhur Ibu Guru Suci) wu khou shou Hao Che Ta Ti (Buddha Hao Che) wu khou shou Ke wei Ku Fo (Para Buddha) san khou shou Ke wei Thien Cun (Para Buddha) san khou shou Ke wei Ta Ti (Para Buddha) san khou shou Ke wei Ti Ciin (Para Buddha) san khou shou Ke wei Phu Sa (Para Bodhisatva) san khou shou Ke wei Cen Ciin san khou shou Ke wei Yuen Ciin san khou shou Ke wei Ta Sien (Para Maha Dewa) san khou shou Ke wei lao chien ren (Para Sesepuh) san khou shou Ce ci fu chin (Ayah sendiri) yi khou shou Ce ci mu chin (Ibu sendiri) yi khou shou Chi, cuo yi, kuei Sie sie Laomu ta che ta pei yi pai khou shou Sie sie Mi Le Cu She che pei ciu khou shou Sie sie Nan Hai Ku Fo che pei wu khou shou Sie sie Huo Fo She Cun che pei wu khou shou Sie sie Yue Hui Phu Sa che pei wu khou shou Sie sie Ke wei Fa Lii Cu che pei wu khou shou Sie sie San Thien Cu Khao che pei wu khou shou Sie sie Ke wei Ta Sien che pei san khou shou Chi, cuo yi, cao/wu/wan siang li pi