Ten Tribes and Saturn-Merged
Ten Tribes and Saturn-Merged
Ten Tribes and Saturn-Merged
Sanchuniathon was a Phoenician Historian from Beirut, Lebanon. According to Philo he lived in ca.
700 BCE. Fragments from his work were quoted by the Churchman Eusebius (265-340 CE).
Sanchuniathon identified Kronos (also called "Saturn") with Israel. Saturn was the 7th planet known
to the ancients and may have been associated with the Sabbath (day 7). Saturn according to the
Romans was supposed to have hid in Latium, Italy. "Lat" in Hebrew means "hidden" and has
connections to the word "Latent" through Latin. The Saturnalia was a Roman Festival.
The Welsh mythologists link their Trojan ancestors to Alba Longa in Latium. Some mythologists
identify Starne in Irish myth with Saturn. Starne or Sdairn was supposed to be the brother of Iar or
Iarbonel who settled Ulster. Sardain (Saturn) is a Welsh ancestor in the Irish translation of
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Nennius. Alba is linked to Scotland and Britain, viz, Albion. A good reference for Ba'al worship in
the British Islands is "The Golden Bough" by Fraser. Ba'al appears to have been worshipped in
Norway as Baldur, and fires were lit in honour of Baldur near the summer solstice. A funeral "Pyre"
in Swedish is translated as "bal". Old English called a pyre a "bael". The name " Kronos" (for
Saturn) may have originated from the Hebrew "Keren," a horn. Ba'al was often depicted with horns.
The Sardan Sea People of north central Israel [Manesseh hill country] wore helmets with Horns
curving outwards with a spire on top with a disk shape attached to it. An ancient Myceneaen vase
shows Mycenaean soldiers with a similar type of horned helmet. Another Irish history mentions
"Dardain" [founder of Troy] and "Sardain [Saturn]" in tandem as if they were connected. The Welsh
claim Trojan ancestry which seems to link them to Dardain and Sardain. The Irish chronicle, Leabhar
Gabala Eirinn, mentions Sardan as a linguist at the Tower [of Babel], but there was a Sardan sea
people living in the Manassite Hill country of North Central Israel during the Bronze Age. Some of
the Sardan served as mercenaries to the pharoahs of Egypt. The Sardan have been linked to Sardis,
Lydia [in present day southwestern Turkey] and to the island of Sardinia. An inscription from
Sardinia reads "Sard be the sweeper"[village of Nora inscription,written in a language probably
related to Basque], where "Sard" may refer to the Sardan and "sweeper" refers to their military
power-from sweeping the enemy out of their way? Some of the Sardan were at Ugarit [a possible
Israelite enclave on the coast of northern Syria] where they appear to have Hebrew names.
Also, they cried "Shalom" [peace] to Pharoah Merneptah when he defeated a sea people coalition
that attacked Egypt. The (northern) House of Israel worshipped Kaiwan (Amos 5:26) who is
associated with the planet Saturn. The ancestor of Odin is supposed to have been Saturn of Krit
[Saturn of Crete]. Krodo of the Saxons was equated with Saturn and Satar [a Saxon pagan god]. The
historian, Sharon Turner (1768-1847) said that an idol representing Krodo (i.e. Saturn) was found on
Mount Hercinius (southern Germany), in the fortress of Harsbourg, anciently called Satur-bourg. The
pagan English had a god "Satearne" which is the origin of the name "Saturday" [cf. Sharon Turner],
just as the god "Tiw" gave us Tiwes-day [Tuesday] and Odin or Woden gave us Wodens-day
[Wednesday]. This etymology is controversial since Saturday may not have been derived from the
Anglo-Saxon "Saetere" but rather derived from the Romans who also had a god named Saturn.
[Editor. At all events the Romans (like the Phoenician Sanchuniathon) identified Saturn with
Israel and Judah. They said that Saturn had been expelled from the east and had gone to live
in one of the Isles of Britain. Saturn was sleeping in this island while Briareus, one of his
Typhon-giant sons, watched over him. These equations correspond with the Israelites from the
Ten Tribes having been exiled and made their way to the British Isles]. We saw from our
previous article, "Saturn and Sambation" that the pagan Israelites conflated the God of Israel
with Baal and he too was identified with Saturn. We also see from the above that Saturn in one
form or other was important to both the Celtic Irish and the Anglo-Saxons].
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7. Saturn in Britain and the West, Saetre.
8. The Hidden God in the Bible. Is there a Connection?
10. Hidden in Plain View?
The following article finds support from pagan sources for the Lost Ten Tribes beign found in
Ancient Britain. It comes to supplement information already supplied on this issue from the Bible,
Rabbinical Traditions, and Secular Studies.
Torah Opinion is against mixing the studies concerning the God of Israel with pagan concepts. It is
firmly against it. Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Kook also spoke of this.
The discussion below alludes to pagan concepts and idols from an historical point of view. This is
how the pagans thought and expressed themselves. It helps us BUT it is NOT a major proof of ours.
It is not something we would rely on overduly. The ideas and information below border on
speculation but there may be something to them.
This type of study may help round out the general picture but not necessarily much more than that.
Exodus 22:
20 He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be utterly
Deuteronomy 4:
35 You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD, He is God;
there is no other besides Him.
2. Previous Articles on this Subject.
A Hidden God?
How Pagan Mythology located the Israelites in the British Isles
The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Mythology of Cronos, Saturn, Baal Tsaphon, Typhon, and
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The Identification of Israel with Saturn
by John R. Salverda
3. Israelite Idolatry
2-Kings chapter 17 describes the Exile of the northern Ten Tribes of Israel.
2-Kings 17:
6 In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and led the people
of Israel into exile to Assyria, and settled them in Halah and Habor, on the river of
Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
The passage continues and explains that they were being exiled for practising idolatry:
2-Kings 17:
7 Now this came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against the LORD their
God, who had brought them up from the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh,
king of Egypt; and they had feared other gods. 8 They also followed the customs of the
nations whom the LORD had driven out from the sons of Israel, and in the customs of
the kings of Israel which they had introduced. 9 And the sons of Israel did things
secretly against the LORD their God which were not right.
The Hebrew text along with tradition indicates that not only did they worship idols and follow pagan
practices but they also introduced ideas of their own and created a kind of synthesis of paganism and
Hebrew practice.
The passage continues and describes some of the things they did:
2-Kings 17:
9 And the sons of Israel did things secretly against the LORD their God which were not
right. Moreover, they built for themselves high places in all their towns, from
watchtower to fortified city. 10 And they set up for themselves memorial stones and
Asherim on every high hill and under every green tree, 11 and there they burned incense
on all the high places as the nations did that the LORD had taken into exile before them;
and they did evil things, provoking the LORD. 12 They served idols, concerning which
the LORD had said to them, 'You shall not do this thing.'...15 ...And they followed idols
and became empty, and followed the nations that surrounded them, about which the
LORD had commanded them not to do as they did. 16 And they abandoned all the
commandments of the LORD their God and made for themselves cast metal images: two
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calves. And they made an Asherah, and worshiped all the heavenlylights, and served
Baal. 17 Then they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and they
practiced divination and interpreting omens, and gave themselves over to do evil in the
sight of the LORD, provoking Him. 18 So the LORD was very angry with Israel, and
He removed them from His sight; no one was left except the Tribe of Judah.
The pagan practices described above such as worship of baal, sacred groves (Asherah), worshipping
metal bull calves, passing their children over the fire, and sometimes into it, divination, omens, and
so on were all to be found among the Druids in "Celtic" Ireland and Britain and the islands around
The exiled Israelites reached the West of Europe both by ship and overland. They came by boat
being taken by Phoenician, Philistine, and Idumaean (Edomite) proxies acting on behalf of Assyrian
and Babylonian-Edomite overseers. Others were taken overland and from there they moved in waves
of migration to Western Europe.
4. Baal Tsafon
Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - 636 CE) understood Saturn to be a form of the Babylonian "Bel"
meaning the Canaanite Baal.
One of the major gods of the Canaanites (whom the Israelites were influenced by) was Baal one of
whose manifestation was Baal Tsefon. The word "Tsefon" means "Hidden" and in Hebrew so does
the word "Saturn" from the Hebrew word root "SaTeR."
The Greek god Cronus was identified by the Romans as Saturn and was identifiable with the
Canaanite deity Baal Tsaphon. The Romans apparently took the name Saturn for Cronus from a
Phoenician or related source. The city of Ancient Rome was founded by descendants of Edom and
the Latin Language of Rome contains many words similar to Hebrew ones. The Edomites had
spoken a dialect of Hebrew.
Cronos-Saturn-Baal Zephon-Typhon- were all one and equated with the God of Israel in the eyes of
Classical Roman writers.
The name "Baal" in Hebrew connotes "lord, master husband, male sexual partner." It also meant a
specific idol named "baal" as well as in the plural being applied to a host of smaller deities
Hosea testifies that the Israelites had began to equate the God of Israel with Baal.
Hosea 2:
And it will come about on that day, declares the LORD,
That you will call Me "my husband "
And no longer call Me "My Baal."
17 For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth,
So that they will no longer be mentioned by their names.
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5. The Ten Tribes of Israel Worshipped Saturn
We saw how the god Baal Tsaphon was equated with both Cronos (Saturn) and a form of baal.
Saturn was represented by the planet of that name. It had astrological significance. Another name for
this planet was Chiun [Kiven]. The prophet Amos describes the Ten Tibes carrying an image of
Saturn-Chjiun with them when they went into Exile.
Amos 5:
26 You also carried Sikkuth your king
And Chiun, your idols,
The star of your gods [Hebrew: Kokav Elohaicem, i.e. Your god, the star]
Which you made for yourselves.
27 Therefore I will send you into captivity beyond Damascus,
Says the LORD, whose name is the God of Hosts.
[Damascus here probably refers to a location by the Chabor River in Northern Syria and not the
present city of Damascus in southern Syria].
The Lost Ten Tribes are here being addressed. One of the idols mentioned is Chiun (Kivun). This
has been identified with Saturn. Another name for Saturn was Cronos (Kronos). The name "Kronos"
derives from the Hebrew "Keren" meaning "horn."
The god baal was frequently depicted as a two horned deity. Similarly a horned god of the British
Celts was known as "Cernunnos," whose name is also derived from the same word-root.
6. The Scythians as Manda and Manasseh
John R. Salverda shows that Saturn was also known as "Manda" which name is also a form of the
name Manasseh and after the Israelites were exiled was applied to the Scythians. The name Manda
meaning both "Manasseh" and "Saturn" may be a coincidence yet the pagans may have attached
significance to it. The Exiled Israelties and the Scythians to some degree were the same people.
7. Saturn in Britain and the West, Saetre.
The Israelites fromt he Ten Tribes worshipped Baal one of whose permutations was Saturn.
The Prophet Amost (4:25) describes the Israelites from the 10 Tribes when they went into exile
as carrying a statue of their idol Kieven [Chiun] meaning Saturn. Saturn in Roman thought, probably
due to Phoenician influence, came to represent Israel. Plutarch wrote that Saturn had been banished far to the west to
one of the British Isles. This may have been the "Isle of the Blessed" near Britain. The Isle of the Blessed is usually
understood to refer to Ireland. In other words the Ten Tribes had been exiled and were believed to be somewhere in
the British Isles.
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One of the sons of Saturn was a giant named BRIAREUS. Saturn was considered to be in a
permanent state of sleep and Briareus on one of the Isles of Britain watched over him. BRIAREUS
may have been equated with Britain.
Isaiah 24:
14 These shall lift up their voice, they shall shout; for the majesty of the LORD they cry
aloud from the sea [west].
15 Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the Biurim, even the name of the LORD, the
God of Israel, in the isles of the sea.
The word Hebrew given here as Biurim is soemtimes translated as "in the east" is "biurim" []באורים.
it more correctly means "in the fires" or in the lights" or it may be another name for Britain. The
suggestion that Birum is another name fro Britain may be related to the Giant "Briareus" son of
Saturn who was in an island of Britain watching over his father.
In the Westphalian dialects of Low Saxon, in East Frisian Low Saxon and in the Saterland Frisian
language, Saturday is called Satertag, also akin to Dutch zaterdag, which has the same linguistic
roots as the English word Saturday. It was formerly thought that the English name referred to a
deity named Saetre who was venerated by the pre-Christian peoples of north-western Germany, some
of whom were the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons. Saetre was identified as either a god associated
with the harvest of possible Slav origin, or another name for Loki, a complex deity associated with
both good and evil; this latter suggestion may be due to Jacob Grimm. However, modern dictionaries
derive the name from [the Roman god] Saturn.
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Remark by TubalCain: Amos mentioned Sakkuth and Kaiwan [Saturn]. The ancient Saxons followed Krodo
and Satar, apparently Saturn. Adam Zertal mentioned the Sardan Sea People at Megiddo and they were [in
Ancient Israel] at Beth Shean and near Dor.
The Anglo-saxons before they invaded England may have worshipped a god name Sater and
also as Krodo. This may ahve been a gform of Kronos and Saturn.
Krodo according to the 1492 Saxon Chronicle incunable, probably written by the
Brunswick goldsmith Conrad Bothe (c. 1475, c. 1501) and printed in the studio of Peter
Schaeffer at Mainz, was a Germanic god of the Saxons. He is supposed to have been
similar to the Roman god Saturn. Modern historians characterize the figure of Krodo as
a fake (Janzen 2017).
From the book, "Divine Messengers: Roman Roots of Astrological Planet Symbols," By Hannelore
Goos, 2019:
# Konrad Both (1492) describes a god, Krodo, in east Westphalian Saxony [Medieval
Germany] who was also called Satar. His statue is said to have been destroyed during
the great Saxon wars of Charlemagne. #
A source used by Plutarch (Isolde and Osira 31, no.259) says that the Titan, Typhon, fathered
"Hierosolymus" [i.e. Jerusalem] and "Iudaeus" meaning Judah: Typhon is a form of the name
"Tsafon" when the Hebrew is transliterated into Greek. Typhon was a son of Cronus (Saturn) and
sometimes identified with him. This confirms the identification of Saturn and his sons with the
Ancient Israelites.
The Greek god Cronus was identified by the Romans as Saturn and was equatible with the Canaanite
deity Baal Tsaphon. Cronos-Saturn-Baal Zephon-Typhon- were all one and equated with the God of
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Israel in the eyes of Classical Roman writers.
They were quoting Phoenician (e.g. Sanchuniathon) and other pagan accounts concerning Israel.
The equation of Saturn with Israel may have been derived from memories of the Lost Ten Tribes.
[The Greeks adapted foreign gods and legends to their own terminology. Obviously we have been
looking for parallelisms to Hebrew and Canaanite sources and finding them but ignoring the rest.
This is not objective research but it is nevertheless pertinent and relevant to our reasearches.]
The pagan usage of the name "Saturn" (Hidden) for Cronus may have been borrowed from Israelite
The same root "sater" (to hide) as found in the name Saturn was also employed by the Prophet Isaiah
in connection with the God of Israel: The Prophet Isaiah in his prophecies uses expressions based on
the root "SaTeR" meaning "hide" or "hidden" in connection with the God of Israel and the People of
Isaiah (NASB) 8:
16 Bind up the testimony, seal the Law among my disciples. 17 And I will wait for the
LORD who is hiding [Hebrew "ha-ma-STiR"] His face from the House of Jacob; I will
wait eagerly for Him. 18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are
for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of armies, who dwells on Mount Zion.
Isaiah continues and speaks of both Israel (the Ten Tribes) and of Judah describing both his own
contemporary scene and the distant future.
Isaiah 45:
15 Truly You are God, who hide Yourself O God of Israel, the Savior!
[In Hebrew the expression translated as "who hide Yourself" is "miStaTeR" derived from the verb-
root SaTeR which is also the root of Saturn.
Isaiah continues:
# They shall be ashamed And also disgraced, all of them; They shall go in confusion
together, Who are makers of idols # (Isaiah 45:16).
The God of Israel had threatened the Israelites that if they departed from the Right Track HE would
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I have made with them. 17 Then My anger will be kindled against them on that day, and
I will abandon them and hide [Hebrew "HiSTaRti" from the root "STR"] My face from
them, and they will be consumed, and many evils and troubles will find them; so they
will say on that day, 'Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have
found us?' 18 But I will assuredly hide [Hebrew "HiSTaRti" from the root "STR"] My
face on that day because of all the evil that they will have done, for they will have
turned away to other gods.
In Muslim sources (probably derived from Jewish-Arabic folklore) the People of Ad the brother of
Hud (i.e. the Jews) were expelled and went to live in the Isles of the Dead in the west meaning
Britain. Other legends exist along the same lines, as we have shown.
Old Jewish tales traced the Children of Moses and the Rechabites (descendants of Jethro) to France
and Britain. These groups were associated with the Lost Ten Tribes.
The Ten Tribes in Rabbinical Tradition were exiled to Daphne of Antiochea, the Clouds of Darkness,
and to the Sambation River and/or Beyond it. These were known places whose location we have
discussed in precious articles. The Sambation seems to have been a name that travelled as the Ten
Tribes moved. At first it apparently meant the Little Zab River in present-day Iran near Armenia.
Later the name was applied to either the Don or Donetz Rivers (or both) in southern Russia a major
Scythian and Khazar area.
Could it also apply to Britain?
Britain was linked with Saturn.
Saturn, for astrological reasons, gave his name to Saturday. This is the Seventh Day otherwise
known as Shabat i.e. Sabbath. The name SAMBATION means Sabbath!
According to the Bible Codes the Hebrew name Sambation is linked in such a way that it connects
to the word "Daniah" meaning Denmark in Modern Hebrew which is juxtaposed between the word
"TEN" on one side and "TEN" again (i.e. the Same Word!) on the other side. The word "Ten"
suggests the Ten Lost Tribes who disappeared by, and beyond, the Sambation. We also found other
associations of SAMBATION with TEN TRIBES, with JOSEPH, and with AMERIKA.
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10. Hidden in Plain View?
If some of the above indications and observations seem far-fetched this is how things work.
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How else could the Lost Ten Tribes remain hidden in plain view?
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Hebrew Tribes
Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which tribe each
specific national group belongs to.
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Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which tribe each
specific national group belongs to.
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Hebrew Tribes
Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which tribe each
specific national group belongs to.
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Hebrew Tribes
Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which Tribe each
specific national group belongs to.
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The "ORIGIN" of several peoples in the west today is from Israel. The Bible tells us who really is
descended from the Lost Ten Tribes.
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The Blessings in the Bible given to the Children of Israel were epitomized most strongly in the
Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim dominates Britain and her daughters, Manasseh is pre-
eminent in the USA.
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The Bible in the Book of Genesis reveals to us the present-day identity of the Lost Ten Tribes. They
are identifiable with certain peoples amongst the Western Nation.
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Hebrew Warriors
The "KHAZARS" were a semi-nomadic people who became prominent in southern Russia and its
neighborhood in the 600s to 900s CE. They were quite powerful with a far-reaching influence and
well-developed civilization.
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How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel
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Chosen People
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Chosen People The Ancient Celts and related peoples referred to themselves as Hebrews.The
inhabitants of Britain pertained mainly to clans belonging to Joseph. The Jews need to believe in the
God of Israel and keep the Torah.
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Bible Basics
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Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):
by John D. Keyser
When the British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans uncovered the ruins of ancient
Minoan Crete, a remarkable object of worship came to light. At Knossos,
Phaestos and elsewhere in Crete, the archaeologists came upon
SUBTERRANEAN CRYPTS -- dark underground chambers, the central feature of
which was always a HEAVY STONE PILLAR!
It was noticed that many of these crypts lay beneath surface buildings; and a
number of experts claimed that the large CENTRAL PILLARS were supports for
the buildings above. Then the realization set in that these pillars were far more
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substantial than was needed to support the superstructure. The "support" theory
was finally thrown out of the window when an enterprising worker scaled one of
the pillars and discovered it to be freestanding -- there was a large GAP between
the top of the pillar and the building above.
"Such pillars as these, which are among the earliest examples of the
use of MONOLITHIC PILLARS in crypts, were later replaced by
columns made of separate blocks of stone neatly fitted together. The
striking thing about these particular pillars is that they, like many others
discovered in crypts, were MORE MASSIVE THAN THEY NEEDED TO
BE AS STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS. Scholars have often pointed this
out. They have also pointed out that some of the underground pillars,
whether monolithic or not, were obviously NOT EVEN INTENDED FOR
(The House of the Double Axe: The Palace at Knossos. Doubleday
& Co., N.Y. 1959, p. 177).
If these pillars were not supports for overhead buildings WHAT, then, was their
The archaeologists found a clue when they uncovered a crypt at Knossos -- the
royal capital of Crete: "In a pillar crypt belonging to a building on the Gypsades
Hill at Knossos, 200 small conical OFFERING CUPS were found, still containing
remains of vegetable matter. Under the floor of the pillar crypts in the West Wing
at Knossos were deposited the ashes of ANIMAL SACRIFICES: the pillars above
were incised repeatedly with the sacred double-axe symbol" (Minoans: Life in
Bronze Age Crete, by Rodney Castleden. Routledge, London & New York. 1993,
p. 149).
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coast of Crete), PILLARS are a part of the ritual. A bound BULL on an altar
seems to watch sadly his own life-blood drain away into a vessel below. A
priestess then pours the blood into a second vessel that stands between the
PILLARS. It has been suggested that her next act would be to EMPTY THE
The similarity between this scene and that depicted by Plato in his work Critias,
immediately comes to mind. In his depiction of the mythical ATLANTIS Plato
"In the sacred precincts of Poseidon there were BULLS at large; and
the TEN PRINCES, being alone by themselves, after praying to the
God that they might capture a victim well-pleasing unto him, hunted
after the bulls with staves and nooses but with no weapon of iron; and
whatsoever bull they captured they led up TO THE PILLAR and cut its
throat OVER THE TOP OF THE PILLAR, raining down blood on the
inscription. And inscribed upon the PILLAR, beside the laws, was an
oath which invoked mighty curses upon them that disobeyed. When
then, they had done sacrifice according to their laws and were
consecrating all the limbs of the bull, they mixed a bowl of wine and
poured in on behalf of each one a gout of blood, and the rest they
carried to the fire, when they had first purged the pillars round about." --
WHY were pillars a part of the ritual practiced by the ancient Minoans AND the
inhabitants of mythical Atlantis? WHERE did this custom come from? The answer
will surprise you!
Notice what Rodney Castleden says: "...we can only presume that the PILLAR
had a SYMBOLIC SIGNIFICANCE to the Minoans....Certainly, instances of
STONE WORSHIP are not unknown in antiquity, and they may preserve a
vestige of the even earlier belief-system of the megalith-builders. The Old
Testament speaks of A STONE RAISED BY JACOB on the spot where he
experienced a mystic vision; Jacob worshipped the STONE and ANOINTED IT
THE PILLAR CRYPTS by the Minoans...." (Minoans: Life in Bronze Age Crete,
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p. 149).
Going now to Stylianos Alexiou (Minoan Civilization) we find the same concept
expressed: "Evans and others indeed maintained that THE ACT OF WORSHIP
performed within the crypt was DIRECTED TOWARDS THE PILLAR. We know of
other instances of stone worship: the Baetyls and the Hermes of classical
antiquity, THE STONE OF ZEUS displayed at Delphi [in Greece], and THE
STONE PILLAR RAISED BY JACOB, according to the Old Testament, on the
spot where he saw the heavens open. JACOB WORSHIPPED THIS STONE BY
The great seven-year famine mentioned in Genesis 41 and 42 not only affected
Egypt, but also surrounding countries. Eventually Canaan was also languishing
under drought conditions and Jacob was forced to send his sons down to Egypt
to buy food. When Joseph, who was " A RULER THROUGHOUT ALL THE LAND
OF EGYPT," revealed himself to his brothers, he directed them to return to
Canaan and bring his father JACOB with them to Egypt.
"Hasten and go up to my father, and say to him, 'Thus says your son
Joseph: "God has made me lord of all Egypt; come down to me, do not
tarry. You shall dwell in THE LAND OF GOSHEN, and you shall be
near to me, you and your children, your children's children, your flocks
and your herds, and all that you have. There I will provide for you, lest
you and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty; for
there are still five years of famine" (Genesis 45:9-11).
When Jacob heard the news he could not believe that his son Joseph was still
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alive. But, when finally convinced, the 130-year-old Jacob exclaimed: "It is
enough. Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see him before I die" (Genesis
Later, on the way to Egypt with his household, Jacob had a vision from
YEHOVAH God at Beer-sheba. In the vision, YEHOVAH gave Jacob His divine
approval for the move and told him: "I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will
also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes"
(Genesis 46:4). Joseph, therefore, was to be the one to close Jacob's eyes after
his death. Since the FIRSTBORN customarily did this, YEHOVAH God thereby
revealed that Joseph was to receive THE RIGHT AS FIRSTBORN.
When Joseph was advised by Judah of his Father's arrival within the borders of
Egypt, he prepared his chariot and went to meet Jacob IN GOSHEN.
"Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. So he
came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun
AND PUT IT AT HIS HEAD, and he lay down in that place to sleep." --
Genesis 28:10-11.
During the night Jacob dreamed of a ladder going up to heaven with angels
ascending and descending on it. YEHOVAH God then made certain promises to
Jacob regarding the future of his descendants and the greatness they were to
"Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, 'Surely the Lord is in this
place, and I did not know it'....Then Jacob rose early in the morning,
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made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me, and keep me in this way
that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so
that I come back to my father's house in peace, then the Lord shall be
my God. And THIS STONE which I have SET AS A PILLAR shall be
God's house...." (Genesis 28:16, 18, 20-22).
According to John Michell and Christine Rhone, legend has it that "Jacob's
PILLOW WAS TAKEN TO EGYPT and thence, by way of Spain, to Ireland. There
it became the oracular CORONATION STONE OF TARA on which, for about a
thousand years, the kings of Ireland were crowned" (Twelve-Tribe Nations.
Phanes Press, 1991, p. 160).
Also, author Raymond F. McNair notes: "Tradition identifies this stone [the
Coronation Stone in Westminster Abbey, London] with the one upon which
EGYPT...." (Quoted in the manuscript "In Search of the Lost Ten Tribes" from the
Westminster Abbey Official Guide).
After Jacob and his household were settled in GOSHEN, tradition seems to
indicate that a building or temple was built to house the stone which, according to
the "Cronicon Rythmicum," became known as the "LAPIS PHARAONIS" or
Why was Jacob's pillow-stone known as "Pharaoh's Stone"? Because Jacob was
a KING in Egypt!
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O'Flaherty. Translated by James Hely. W. M'Kenzie, Dublin. 1793, pp. 66-68).
After greeting his father when he arrived in Goshen -- Joseph, along with five of
his brothers -- requested an audience with Pharaoh Achtoy.
The Bible dictionary Insight On the Scriptures relates what transpired in the
presence of the pharaoh:
Modern scholars try to tell us that "the best of the land" was a small, semi-
desolate region east of the Nile -- halfway between the Nile and the Suez Canal
today. More generous scholars, such as G. Ernest Wright, allow that it was the
Wadi Tumilat: "This Wadi (the Arabic for a river bed which is usually dry except in
MILES LONG, connecting the Nile with Lake Timsah. In both ancient and modern
times the area around the Wadi Tumilat, especially to the north of it, was one of
the richest sections of Egypt [outside of the Fayum], truly 'the best of the land,' as
it is described in Gen. 47:11. The great American explorer, Edward Robinson,
reported in 1838 that it yielded more revenue at that time than any other province
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in Egypt, and that there were more flocks and herds there than elsewhere. The
population was half migratory, large numbers of people still retaining their
nomadic habits. This was exactly the situation in Joseph's day, as we infer both
from the Bible and from Egyptian texts. If there is any place in Egypt where the
Hebrew shepherds should have settled, THIS was the region" (Biblical
Archaeology, p. 56).
The question is, how could an area such as this between the Nile and the Suez
Canal support a population of 600,000 Israelite men -- excluding women and
children -- at the time of the exodus? Similarly, how could a narrow wadi between
thirty and forty miles long support such a population? These areas probably could
not have sustained more than 6,000 men (exclusive of women and children)
along with all their cattle! So -- is the Bible wrong? No, the so-called scholars
simply have not understood WHERE the land of Goshen was!
Genesis 46:28 tells us more of the story. "And he (Jacob) sent Judah
before him unto Joseph, to direct his face unto Goshen." Jacob was
coming down from Beersheba in Palestine into Egypt. "And they came
into the land of Goshen. And Joseph made ready his chariot, and went
UP (NORTHWARD) to meet Israel his father, TO GOSHEN, and
presented himself unto him."
"Did you notice that Joseph was not in the land of Goshen? Joseph
dwelt where Pharaoh was. AND PHARAOH WAS AT MEMPHIS, the
[administrative] capital of lower Egypt. 'Joseph made ready his chariot,
AND WENT UP TO MEET ISRAEL his father.' He went up to Goshen.
He was going NORTH. Therefore, the land of Goshen was NORTH of
the capital of Egypt at this time. -- Compendium of World History,
vol. II. Ambassador College, 1963, pp. 224-225.
If we turn to Genesis 46:33 and 34 we read: "So it shall be, when Pharaoh calls
you and says, 'What is your occupation?' " Here Joseph instructs his father to
reply: "...you shall say, 'Your servants' occupation has been with livestock from
our youth even till now, both we and also our fathers'..." Why did Joseph tell
Jacob to say this? "...that you may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every
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shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians." The Egyptians quite often hired
foreigners to take care of their cattle; so the purpose was to have the children of
Israel live in the land of Goshen and tend the Pharaoh's cattle there.
The story continues in Genesis 47:5. "Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying,
'Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is before you.
Have your father and brothers dwell IN THE BEST OF THE LAND; let them dwell
in the land of Goshen. And if you know any competent men among them, then
make them chief herdsmen over my livestock."
Herman Hoeh asks: "did you notice that Pharaoh said to the children of Israel,
'The land of Egypt is before you, THE BEST OF THE LAND, the land of Goshen.'
This is the portion of Egypt that Pharaoh is actually turning over to the children of
Israel because of what Joseph did!"
We should recall that YEHOVAH God told Abraham (Gen. 15:18) that his
descendants were going to control land all the way to the river of Egypt -- the
Nile! YEHOVAH was now beginning to fulfill that promise.
So the land of Goshen was NORTH of Memphis and stretched all the way from
the Nile to the eastern border of Egypt. Since the river Nile had many branches
where it approached the Mediterranean, the land of Goshen must have stretched
included in the land of Goshen!
If we read verse 11 of Genesis 47, we learn that the land of Goshen was also
called "THE LAND OF RAMESES": "And Joseph situated his father and his
brothers, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the
land, IN THE LAND OF RAMESES, as Pharaoh had commanded."
The best of the land, in verse 6, is called "the land of Goshen," while in verse 11
the best of the land is called "the land of Rameses." Obviously, then, the land of
Goshen and the land of Rameses are the same! It is the ENTIRE delta region of
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One of the titles belonging to rulers of the Delta and the ISLAND OF CRETE was
"Rameses." This title was used by these rulers LONG BEFORE the pharaoh
"Rameses the Great" came on the scene, and can be found mentioned in the
Book of Sothis by Syncellus. Manetho (Egyptian priest and annalist during the
reigns of Ptolemy I and II) does not mention them because their SEAT OF
GOVERNMENT WAS ON CRETE. When Wah-ku-Re Achtoy IV pacified the
Delta region of Egypt he took control of Goshen away from "Rameses" and made
it his own personal property or estate. It was THIS land that he gave to the father
and brothers of Joseph!
Pharaoh naturally reserved the BEST land for himself -- the land of
was not taking land leased to his lords. He is granting this territory to
Joseph, who was next highest in the kingdom, for his services. The fee
for receiving the land of Goshen or Rameses is stated in verse 6: 'And
if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers
of MY cattle.' Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 227.
So by the command of Pharaoh Wah-ku-Re Achtoy IV all the land of Goshen (the
land of Rameses), including THE ISLAND OF CRETE, was given to the children
of Israel as partial fulfillment of YEHOVAH God's promise that Abraham's seed
should extend to the river of Egypt -- to the Nile!
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Egyptians (Gen. 10:13-14.) Ruling over the Egyptians and Philistines
IN CRETE AND THE...NILE DELTA was a little known dynasty of
Egyptian kings. They are mentioned in the "Book of Sothis" by
Syncellus. Manetho does not include them among true Egyptian
dynasties because their seat of government WAS ON CRETE. The
CRETAN KING of this dynasty, who was subject to the jurisdiction of
the great Pharaoh in Egypt, was RAMESES (1744-1715). Because of
Joseph's service to the Egyptian government, the Pharaoh
TRANSFERRED TITLE OF THE LAND from the line of Rameses TO
THE LINE OF ISRAEL -- and that included not only Goshen, but
ISLAND OF CRETE." -- Compendium of World History, pp. 45-47).
Not only did Jacob receive title to the land of Rameses, he also REPLACED the
then reigning king of the LINE of Rameses. He became the KING OF GOSHEN -
- the Delta region of Egypt and the island of Crete! And, it is more than likely his
sons also had rulership in the land of Atlantis!
Author Cyrus H. Gordon states that "at the beginning of MIDDLE MINOAN I, a
CENTRAL AND EASTERN CRETE, bringing with them a knowledge of art,
architecture and writing FROM THE NILE DELTA [LAND OF GOSHEN]" (The
Common Background of Greek and Hebrew Civilizations. W. W. Norton and
Co., N.Y. 1965, p. 206).
It is of more than passing interest that the beginning of Middle Minoan I (using
Arthur Evans chronology) is equivalent to the First Intermediate Period of Egypt --
the time when Jacob and his household arrived and started to multiply in the land
of Egypt!
The link between the land of Goshen and the island of Crete can be seen in the
words of the late Professor Percy Newberry. In a speech to the British
Association in 1923, he pointed out that at the time of Middle Kingdom the CULT
western GOSHEN) "included (1) THE HARPOON, (2) THE FIGURE OF EIGHT
SHIELD with crossed arrows, (3) the Mountain and probably, (4) THE DOUBLE
AXE and, (5) a Dove or Swallow. With the exception of the Harpoon ALL THESE
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have been later modified into the familiar MINOAN TRIDENT, which appears on
the walls of Knossos and Phaestos.
Jacob was a man of renown in Canaan, and scarabs (personal seals shaped like
a beetle) have been unearthed showing that he was a chief or king in the land.
One such scarab, unearthed in a Middle Bronze Age IIB tomb at Tell Shiqmona
near Haifa in Israel, has been dated to circa 1730 B.C. Allowing for error inherent
in the dating methods, this could place the scarab right in the time-frame of
Jacob's sojourn in Canaan!
When Jacob moved to Egypt and took up residence in Goshen, he also became
KING over the newly acquired territory!
"The king [of Egypt] with the unmistakable Hebrew name YAAKOV, as
JACOB is pronounced in Hebrew, PROVIDES A PARALLEL to the
biblical name of the father of Joseph. The name YAAKOV appears on
NUBIA (biblical Kush)...in the form of the Egyptian transliteration
Y'QBHR.... Another scarab, almost identical to that of the Shiqmona
[one], was published by Martin Pieper in 1930 and so closely
resembles the Shiqmona scarab it appears to be produced by the
SAME artisan. The SINGLE DIFFERENCE between the two scarabs
is, however, highly significant: THE NAME Y'QBHR IS FRAMED ON
IN EGYPT...."(The Eighth Day: The Hidden History of the Jewish
Contribution to Civilization, p. 67).
From the time of the First Intermediate Period comes an inscription that tells of
the terrible famine of Joseph's time. Called the "stela of the Butler Merer of Edfu"
it records a curious fact:
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"An offering which the king gives (and) Anubis, who is upon his
mountain and in the place of embalming, the lord of the necropolis, in
all his good and pure places: an offering for the revered one, the Sole
Companion, Butler and Overseer of the slaughterers of the House of
Khuu in its entirety, who says:
'I was the priest for slaughtering and offering in two temples on behalf
of THE ruler. I OFFERED FOR THIRTEEN RULERS without a mishap
ever befalling me....
I buried the dead and nourished the living, wherever I went IN THIS
DROUGHT WHICH HAD OCCURRED.' " -- Ancient Egyptian
Literature, p. 87.
Now the sentence "I offered for THIRTEEN RULERS without a mishap ever
befalling me" poses a problem for historians. Obviously, Butler Merer could not
have "offered" for 13 consecutive kings -- he would not have lived long enough!
The historians explain this away by saying: "The point Merer is making is that he
served his superiors without ever making a mistake. These superiors may have
been dead rulers for whom he performed funerary sacrifices."
As far as I am concerned the "historians" can explain it away any way they like --
the fact remains that Merer meant what he said! He offered for 13 rulers all right -
- not consecutive or dead rulers but 13 CONTEMPORARY ONES!
Who could these 13 rulers possibly be? They were JACOB AND HIS 12 SONS!!
Let's examine the evidence. The Icelandic LANGFEDGATAL, which traces the
ancestry of the famous Odin, shows that he was descended from KING
SATURNUS OF KRIT. Who was this Saturnus of Krit?
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Saturn is a Latin word derived from a root meaning TO FLEE INTO
HIDING. The Greek term was KRONOS. This particular SATURN OF
CRETE was so famous that the Phoenician historian Sanchoniathon
spoke of him. Fragments of his works have been preserved by
Eusebius in Preparation of the Gospel, book i, ch. x. Here are his
words: 'For Kronos or (Saturn), whom the Phoenicians call ISRAEL....'
("Corey's Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Carthaginian,
Babylonian, Egyptian and other Authors," by E. Richmond Hodges,
page 21.)
ISRAEL was the name of JACOB....But why was Jacob called Saturn?
Because Jacob became famous for fleeing or hiding from his enemies.
Jacob's mother warned him of his brother Esau's wrath: 'Now,
therefore, my son, hearken to my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban
my brother in Haran' (Genesis 27:43). 'And it was told Laban...that
Jacob was fled' -- this time back to Palestine. (Gen. 31:22).
But how is one to account for the title to Crete in Jacob's name?
Certainly Jacob did not have title to it prior to descending into Egypt.
Compendium of World History, vol. II, pp. 44, 45-46.
Since Crete was part of Goshen, JACOB WAS THEREFORE KING OF THIS
NEWLY ACQUIRED TERRITORY! He was the overall king, or HIGH-KING of
Now what about the other 12 KINGS mentioned by the Butler Merer of Edfu?
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Clearly, when Jacob and his 12 sons received title to the land of Goshen, Jacob
divided the land into 12 districts or nomes and placed his sons over each of the
divisions! It also seems evident that the Israelites built a TEMPLE in each of the
The memory of the rule of Jacob and his 12 sons over the land of Goshen was
incorporated into Egyptian folklore, with Jacob becoming known as
HEPHAESTUS (the god who limps) and Judah becoming known as the Egyptian
and Cretan ZEUS. According to Greek mythology Hephaestus became lame
because of a quarrel with Zeus about Heracles. "Zeus threw him down from
Olympus. Hephaestus' fall lasted for A WHOLE DAY: towards the evening, he hit
the ground in the island of Lemnos, was rescued by the Sintians and restored to
life, BUT HE REMAINED LAME" (The Penguin Dictionary of Classical
Mythology, London. 1991, p. 180).
Homer adds some detail when he says: "Once before, when I [Hephaestus] was
anxious to help you, HE SNATCHED ME UP BY THE FOOT and flung me
headlong down...." (The Iliad. Oxford University Press, N.Y. & Oxford. 1991, p.
This myth parallels the story of Jacob in Genesis 32, where he wrestled with an
angel for THE BEST PART OF A NIGHT and, as a consequence, became LAME
for the rest of his life! Not only that, but in Genesis 25 we read that JACOB, when
he was born, "TOOK HOLD OF ESAU'S [his twin brother] HEEL; so his name
was called Jacob," meaning "One Who Takes the Heel" (verse 26). The
similarities here are too great to be coincidental -- Hephaistos of Greek and
Egyptian legend WAS Jacob!
After Jacob
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After the death of Jacob the Egyptians (and probably some of the Israelites too)
began worshipping the mysterious stone he brought with him into Egypt. It is not
difficult to realize that a "vocal-stone" that "roared" when a prince of the royal line
of the Israelites sat or stood on it must have had a profound effect on the
superstitious Egyptians.
Poten further adds: "Isaiah's prophecy may well have inspired the Elephantine
Jews during the oppressive years of Manasseh's reign. I conjecture that a
SACRED PILLAR to the Lord, in fulfillment of this prophecy, may have stood in
the ADYTUM [INNERMOST SANCTUARY] of the Elephantine temple, just as a
SACRED PILLAR was placed in the adytum of the TEMPLE TO YAHWEH
Also, in the Mycenaean and Etruscan civilizations (both of which were Israelitish)
the PILLAR played a prominent part in their religion and symbolism. At Mycenae,
above the famous LION GATE, can be seen the symbol of the city and the royal
house -- a PILLAR mounted upon a Minoan style altar and flanked by protecting
LIONS. As all Bible students know, lions are the SYMBOLS of the royal tribe of
JUDAH! In northern Italy the ETRUSCAN PILLAR TOMBS of Casal Maritima, or
of the Pietrera at Vetulonia, contain a SQUARE PILLAR which was obviously the
center of worship in these areas.
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When Gathelus and his royal wife Scota took the stone of Jacob from Egypt in
the days of Moses (see our article The Stone That Roared -- The Incredible
Story of Lia Fail!) the children of Israel were without this symbol for many
centuries. The prophet Hosea speaks of this time when he wrote: "The children of
Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a sacrifice, and
WITHOUT AN IMAGE"" or, as the marginal reading gives it, "WITHOUT A
STANDING PILLAR." Young's Exhaustive Concordance gives "MEMORIAL
STONE" and "PILLAR" as definitions of the original Hebrew word, while other
authors give us "PILLAR-ROCK" and "PILLAR-STONE" as the correct rendering.
As the Israelites migrated from Egypt and Crete to Greece and Italy, and
eventually across Europe, they no longer had Jacob's pillow-stone with them.
However, they remembered it in their religious practices and symbolism.
One of the things that characterized the Minoan culture more than anything else
was their OBSESSION with the BULL. Arthur Evans and other archaeologists
found stylized BULL HORNS to be the predominant feature of Minoan
architecture; and many of the roofs were edged with the two-pronged SYMBOL of
bull-horns. Jewelry, too, DEPICTED THE BULL. BULL IMAGES appeared
repeatedly on Minoan pottery, and on frescoes decorating their buildings. At
Knossos they built multi-storied buildings containing courtyards and gardens,
storefronts and BULL ARENAS. Minoan tombs yielded teacup-shaped vessels
with scenes of BULL FIGHTS engraved on their sides. Similar scenes were
depicted on the palace walls of Knossos.
The pervasiveness of the bull horns in the royal city of Knossos impressed the
archaeologists uncovering the ancient city. Proclaims Agnes Carr Vaughan:
"Stylized HORNS formed the coping of the House of the Double Axe. In
the Miniature Frescoes they form the low parapets. They seem TO
HAVE RENDERED SACRED any building to which they were attached.
Part of the proof that the large building at the port of Nirou Khani
served a RELIGIOUS PURPOSE comes from the discovery there of a
great PAIR OF HORNS. Though the horns were in fragments it was
clear that they had stood on a kind of dais in a paved court around
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which the building had been constructed.
The strange thing is, the stylized or ritual BULL HORNS did not appear in Minoan
art or architecture BEFORE THE MIDDLE MINOAN AGE -- the time of the Middle
Kingdom in Egypt! According to archaeologists the BULL-CULT appeared full-
blown in Crete with the rise of the 11th Dynasty of Egypt. The 11th Dynasty was
the first dynasty of the Middle Kingdom during which time the ISRAELITES
WERE IN EGYPT! Was there any connection? Did the bull-cult arrive full-blown
in Crete FROM EGYPT?
Notice --
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to suppose that the Cretan developments DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY
Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, p.
It is interesting to note that "at or near the beginning of the 12th DYNASTY, the
Egyptian royal cult changed from that of the hawk/BULL MNTW to one of the ram
Amon" (ibid., p. 64). While CRETE kept the BULL-CULT as central to its religious
system for quite some time, EGYPT ABANDONED THE ROYAL CULT OF MONT
The fact that the 12th Dynasty was a "maverick" dynasty -- one that did not
conform to the royal blood line of the pharaohs -- was well known in the 18th
Dynasty. And, according to Josephus, the NEW line had "forgotten the benefits
they had received from Joseph." If the new dynasty forgot about Joseph or chose
to ignore the benefits the nation had received from him, they also forgot or
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ignored Jacob!
The pharaohs of the 11th Dynasty, in their very names, kept alive the memory of
Jacob! Notes Martin Bernal:
Now Rhea was the WIFE OF POSEIDON in Cretan mythology, so Mntw was the
EGYPTIAN EQUIVALENT of the Cretan Poseidon; and the BULL-CULT
introduced into Crete from Egypt was the SYMBOL of Mntw as it was the symbol
of Poseidon in Crete!
In the Heraklion Museum, on the island of Crete, can be seen a gem showing
TWO RAMPART LIONS with their forepaws perched upon an altar. At the center,
in place of the PILLAR found above the Lion Gate at Mycenae, is an
unmistakable RAYED SUN which is one of the manifestations of POTEIDAN.
In the underground crypts some of the pillars are incised with the SIGN OF THE
TRIDENT -- the insignia of the god POSEIDON, with whom the Greeks often
associated the BULL. Not only was Poseidon a principal god of Crete, but during
the Mycenaean period he was the principal god of mainland Greece where he
received large-scale sacrificial offerings at Pylos.
Actually, the names "POTEIDAN" and "POSEIDON" are the same -- Poteidan
being the earlier form. According to Martin Bernal, "the etymology...for
POSEIDON is p3(w) or Pr Sidon, 'HE OF' or 'HOUSE OF SIDON.' SID, the
patron god of Sidon, derived his name from the root Vswd, 'TO HUNT.' He was a
divinity of hunting, fishing, chariots and the sea...(Black Athena: The
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Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Rutgers University Press, N.J.
1987, p. 67).
This places Poseidon's origins in CANAAN where JACOB lived for many years
before going down into Egypt.
We have just seen that the Greeks often associated the BULL with Poseidon.
According to Alexander Hislop the word that signified a BULL, also signified A
RULER OR PRINCE -- "hence the 'HORNED BULL' signified 'THE MIGHTY
PRINCE' " (The Two Babylons, p. 33). Now KRONOS signifies "THE HORNED
ONE" and Kronos as the student of the classics is well aware, IS APPLIED TO
SATURN as the "father of the gods" -- a title applied to HEPHAISTOS, the god
who limped! And what name was Jacob known as in the ancient genealogies?
A further clue to the identity of Kronos or Saturn is found in a strange (if not
bizarre) legend mentioned by Agnes Carr Vaughan: "The parents of Zeus were
KRONOS and RHEA. Kronos had been in the habit of devouring his children as
TIME ZEUS WAS BORN" (The House of the Double Axe: The Palace at
Knossos, p.31).
Since tradition mentions Zeus was the LAST-BORN, Kronos and Rhea had a
total of 12 SONS -- the EXACT same number that Jacob sired! Mere
William F. Dankenbring, in his book Beyond Star Wars, early saw the connection
between POSEIDON and JACOB:
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POSEIDON; the firstborn was king over all the rest, and was named
Atlas. One of the sons named was GADEIRUS. It is interesting to note
that in Biblical antiquity, the patriarch JACOB had TEN SONS by his
wife Leah, her handmaid, and Rachel's handmaid, and one of them
NAME FOR JACOB, whose name was changed by God to 'Israel,'
meaning 'A PRINCE OF GOD,' or 'champion of God' (Genesis 32:24-
30)." -- Triumph Publishing Co., Altadena, CA 1978, p. 91.
Everything dovetails together! In the crypts of Crete the blood of BULLS (which
symbolize JACOB) was poured on, or at the foot of, the standing PILLARS which,
on the gem in the Heraklion Museum, was replaced by the RAYED SUN -- one of
the manifestations of POTEIDAN (POSEIDON) who was Saturn or Jacob! On the
sides of some of the pillars in Crete were incised TRIDENTS, the insignia of
POSEIDON who was Saturn or Jacob! Everything points back to JACOB. The
worship of the pillars in the Cretan crypts, along with the symbolism involved in
the ritual, clearly indicates that the ancient Minoans were WORSHIPPING
JACOB AND THE MYSTERIOUS STONE he brought from Canaan!
When the archaeologists uncovered the pillar crypts on the island of Crete, they
discovered that many of the pillars were incised with a DOUBLE-AXE. What did
this SYMBOL represent?
In Roman mythology JANUS was one of the oldest gods in their pantheon, and
was known as the god of doors and gateways, and also of beginnings -- which
the Romans believed ensured good endings. His principal temple in the Forum
had doors facing east and west for the beginning and ending of the day, and
between them stood his statue with TWO FACES -- ONE LOOKING
Now the SYMBOL of Janus was a CLUB, "and the name of 'A CLUB' in Chaldee
comes from the very word which signifies 'to break in pieces, or SCATTERER
ABROAD' " (The Two Babylons, p. 27). Hislop goes on to say: "The word there
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used for scattering abroad is HEPHAITZ, which in the Greek form becomes
HEPHAIZT, and hence the origin of the well-known but little understood name of
HEPHAISTOS... 'THE FATHER OF THE GODS.' " And who was known as
Hephaistos, the father of the gods? JACOB!
Taking this a step further, it can be shown that the word "club" from which the
name HEPHAISTOS is derived, can be rendered "BATTLE-AXE." In Proverbs
25:18 the Hebrew word for CLUB is "MEPHAITZ" (note how similar to
"HEPHAITZ" this is); and in Jeremiah 51:20 the EXACT SAME WORD, without
the Jod, is translated BATTLE-AXE.
Hislop further notes that "when TWO-HEADED JANUS WITH THE CLUB [ALSO,
"BATTLE-AXE"] is represented, the TWO-FOLD REPRESENTATION was
probably intended to represent old Cush, and young Cush or Nimrod, as
combined. But [and note this] the two-fold representation with other attributes,
had reference also TO ANOTHER 'FATHER OF THE GODS,' afterwards to be
noticed, WHO HAD SPECIALLY TO DO WITH WATER" (Ibid., same page).
WHO was known as "father of the gods" and was closely associated with water?
POSEIDON, of course! And who was Poseidon? JACOB!
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TO ATREUS, shepherd of the people. Atreus, dying,
And all of Argos. -- Translated by Ennis Rees. Oxford University Press, N.Y.
& Oxford. 1991, p. 26.
Rodney Castleden surmises that "perhaps the DOUBLE-AXE was like the
Greeks were later to picture BOTH ZEUS AND POSEIDON WIELDING A
DOUBLE-AXE...." (Minoan Life in Bronze Age Crete, p. 135).
Notes McDonald and Thomas in their book Progress into the Past: The
Rediscovery of Mycenaean Civilization, "Minos [mythical Cretan hero and
king] was above all the Priest-King....He is the representative of the BULL GOD
[JACOB], the incarnation of the Minotaur....The king, like the god, HAD AS
Bloomington & Indianapolis. 1990, p. 182).
Clearly, then, the double-axe is a SYMBOL of JACOB and the ROYAL HOUSE
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The whole religious structure of Crete, including the pillar-cult, the bull-horn
symbols, the double-axe and the preeminence of the Cretan Zeus and his
mother, developed after the death of Jacob and was built around the memory of
Jacob and his mysterious pillar, his son Judah (the Cretan Zeus) and his wife.
As a symbol of power, the BULL was worshipped above all others, and vestiges
of Bronze Age bull rituals were carried by the descendants of Jacob into Europe.
These rituals persisted in Europe for thousands of years and can be found today
in Italian jewelry's good luck charm -- a golden bull horn. Also, in Spain, we find
bullfights which have become a national pastime.
The Danites in particular carried the symbol of Jacob with them, and are pictured
in the reliefs of Ramesu II and Ramesu III as the SHERDEN wearing bull-horn
helmets. The SARDINIANS also wore bull-horn headgear; and their descendants
the VIKINGS continued the practice.
Among the "first inhabitants of Britain" were the KYMRY, a branch of the
KIMMERIANS who were themselves descended from Israel or Jacob. Sharon
Turner points out that "The Kymbri [Kymry] swore by a BRAZEN BULL, which
they carried with them" (History of the Anglo-Saxons, Vol. I, p. 34).
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Tribes, p. 100).
This clearly indicates that the roots of the British people are to be found in
ancient Crete and the Egyptian Delta; and as sons of Jacob they bear his sign
and symbol.
In Anatolia and in Caria in Asia Minor there was a ZEUS LABRANDEUS, who
was a representation of JUDAH wielding a double-axe. The Hittite weather-god
Teshub, adopted from the Hurrites, carried a double-axe in one hand; and
archaeological sites that have yielded similar deities MOUNTED ON BULLS
leave a migratory trail of dots across the map of Europe in a route that runs from
the Syro-Hittite area, along the Danube, to the Lower Rhine and the British Isles.
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Etruscans handed down to certain Roman magistrates as a SYMBOL
of their coercive power or IMPERIUM is well documented among the
oldest records in their history. According to a poet of the Flavian era...it
was the Etruscan city of Vetulonia that invented the curule chair, the
toga praetexta, the military trumpet and the FASCES:
Vetulonia, formerly the pride of the Lydian race, was the first city to
place THE TWELVE FASCES at the head of processions and to ADD
TO THEM the silent menace of the AXES.
Finally, the battle-axe, as a SYMBOL of the royal line of Judah, can be seen in
the history of Great Britain:
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and under the Statute of Winchester of 1285 CERTAIN CLASSES
century the classic example of its effective employment was when
ROBERT THE BRUCE felled Sir Henry de Bohun with a single blow
the day before the battle of Bannockburn (June 23, 1314). It was
sometimes the custom to secure the AXE to the wrist by a chain to
and for centuries all their duties were ordered to be carried out 'WITH
THEIR AXES' or 'with their pole-axes.' AT THE FUNERAL OF A
IRELAND' came into existence with duties similar to those of the
Yeoman of the Guard. It was disbanded in 1833. There is in the Royal
Artillery a battery known as 'THE BATTLE-AXE COMPANY' which is
the descendant of the Artillery Company which distinguished itself at
the capture of Martinique in 1809 and was granted a BATTLE-AXE in
commemoration of the service. The original axe is now in the
possession of the 25th Medium Battery, Royal Artillery, THE BATTLE-
AXE COMPANY." -- Encyclopedia Britannica, 1943 edition. Vol. 3, p.
They say "all roads lead to Rome"; so also do all the roads lead to Great Britain
from the island of Crete and the Egyptian Delta -- the land of GOSHEN
mentioned in the book of Genesis. Jacob's pillow-stone, the bull cult and the
double-axes are but a few of the customs or rituals that clearly and firmly stamp
the SYMBOL of Jacob upon his descendants in the United Kingdom and
Northwestern Europe -- and the nations or territories they spawned.
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Taking the Lead in the Search for Truth!
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Blog category
· Feb 20, 2023
by Derek Gilbert
We are sad to note
The <rst identity of this rebellious Watcher to appear in the the passing of our
friend, Bible scholar
historical record is not Saturn or his Greek analogue,
Dr. Michael Heiser.
Kronos. The Titan king and his Phoenician equivalent, Baal We will miss him,
Hammon, don’t appear until the <rst millennium BC. Enlil of but we look forward
Akkad and Sumer appears in the written record around the to a joyous reunion
one day.
end of the Uruk period, roughly 3200–2800 BC.[1] But there
is another identity worn by Saturn in ancient times that
predates even Enlil.
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Our good friend
Turkey. At its peak, during the time of the Mitanni kingdom Tom Horn was
(1600–1350 BC), the Hurrians extended their power well called home shortly
into what is now Turkey, Syria, and northwest Iran, and before Noon Central
Time today. We
there are some scholars who believe that the powerful
grieve for the Horn
Minoan civilization on the island of Crete may have been family but rejoice
Hurrian, or at least dominated by a Hurrian elite for a time. that Tom is now
with our Lord.
Scholars are still debating the origins of the Hurrians. Their
language was neither Semitic nor Indo-European, but an S… · Oct 20, 2023
isolate like Sumerian and Elamite—unrelated to anything Gone to
else, as strange as that seems. However, recent research Glory:
Thank you,
has led a few to suggest that Hurrian is, in fact, a Proto-
Tom Horn,
Indo-European (PIE) tongue that branched off before the for your …
Anatolian languages such as Hittite, Luwian, and Lydian.
57 541
Kumarbi’s story parallels those of several other entities
we’ll discuss in this book, and that is precisely the point. Der…
When you compare the broad outlines of the tales told · Nov 1, 2020
about the old god, you’ll see that they describe the same Replying to
entity who has been called by other names around the @mmam1111
@ZPostFacto and
world over the centuries.
Most of what we know about Kumarbi comes from Hittite No, because people
aren’t equally
texts, based on older Hurrian originals, excavated from the
gifted, or driven, or
ruins of Hattusa, the capital of the kingdom of the Hatti intelligent, etc.
near what is now Boğazkale, Turkey. The Hittites were
heavily ineuenced by Hurrian religion, and they seemed to What happens
under “equal
go to great lengths to please the gods of their neighbors.
outcome” systems
The Hittites apparently believed you could never have too is that people
much divine protection. generally work as
little as possible
Just as the stories of the storm-god of the West Semitic because there is no
people, Hadad (Baal in the Bible), have been preserved in incentive to work
harder or smarter.
what’s called the Baal Cycle, scholars dubbed the collection
Communism. It fails
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Page 2 of 36
of texts about the Hurrian creator-god the Kumarbi Cycle, Communism. It fails
because human
which has been more accurately renamed the Kingship in
Heaven Cycle. The most important of these texts is
11 315
the Song of Kumarbi, now more commonly called the Song
of Going Forth. It describes the cosmic transfer of power
from the sky-god, Anu, to Kumarbi, and from Kumarbi to
· Oct 13, 2023
the storm-god, Teshub.
Special request
If you’re familiar with Greek mythology and the background from SkyWatchTV:
Please pray for Tom
of Zeus’ rise to the top of the pantheon, the coneict
between Anu, Kumarbi, and Teshub will be familiar. Here’s
the outline of the story: y…
The primordial god Alalu reigned in heaven for nine ci…
years, after which his cupbearer, the sky-god Anu, Req
rebelled and took his place. Alalu escaped by eeeing into 67 339
“the dark earth.”
Nine years later, Anu was overthrown by his cupbearer, Der…
Kumarbi. Anu tried to get away to the sky, but Kumarbi · Jan 9, 2021
grabbed his legs and pulled him back to earth—and then As we look back on
castrated Anu by biting off his genitals. a chaotic week,
please remember:
This act had unintended consequences. Anu warned
We wrestle not
Kumarbi not to celebrate, because he was now against flesh and
impregnated with Anu’s children: the storm-god Teshub, blood.
the Tigris River, and two unnamed “terrible gods.” 20 322
Sure enough, after some discussion between characters
about where these gods were to be born, probably due to Der…
the obviously inappropriate physiology of the male deity, · Oct 15, 2023
the storm-god emerged through “the good place.” The Update from Joe
text (perhaps mercifully) never explains what “the good Horn two hours ago:
https://www.derekpgilbert.com/2021/12/10/the-second-coming-of-saturn-part-5-kumarbi/ 3/21/24, 3 32 AM
Page 3 of 36
are rushing around,
Hurrian pantheon. they’re talking very
quickly, I can’t be
The Song of Going Forth is dijcult to translate in detail sure what’s
because it’s been compiled from tablets that are heavily happening, please
pray for my father,
damaged. This isn’t surprising, considering their age. There
Tom Horn.
are other details that are hard to explain because of the
50 332
fragmentary nature of the source material, but one section
seems to depict Kumarbi demanding that the god of
wisdom, Ea (called Enki by the Sumerians), hand over the
· Apr 13, 2020
newborn storm-god so that Kumarbi can eat him. It
Just spitballing
appears that Kumarbi was given a stone instead, which
here, but maybe
causes the god great pain when he tries to
bite it. Then next time *don’t*
there is the mention of a kunkunuzzi-stone, and something feature the creepy
(presumably that stone) that’s to be venerated through “spirit cooking” lady
in your ad.
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Kumarbi, like Kronos, king of the Titans, was the son of
the sky-god. Like Kronos, he deposed and castrated his 14 306
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traveling from the Hurrian heartland to the Aegean, either · Dec 15, 2020
through Anatolia or the Levant. The time frame was That look I get when
roughly between the Exodus, around 1400 BC, and the someone says the
“sons of God” in
ministry of the prophet Isaiah in the late eighth/early
Genesis 6 were
seventh century BC, which is probably when Hesiod lived male descendants
and wrote. So, over a period of about seven hundred years, of Seth.
the origin story of the Hurrian pantheon was transmitted to
the Hittites, and either westward through Anatolia or
southward through the Neo-Hittite kingdoms of northern
Syria to what eventually became the Greek civilization of
the Archaic period.
29 216
Modern archaeology is shedding light on the question of
how these stories migrated from Mesopotamia to Greece. Der…
Archaeologists digging in the Amuq River valley in @…
· Feb 11
southern Turkey since the early 2000s have discovered Replying to
evidence of a powerful early Iron Age state called Palistin
Lacked context.
(or Walistin) based at a city called Kunalua about <fteen
Jesus washed the
miles southeast of Antioch. This may be the Calneh or feet of his disciples
Calno mentioned twice in the Bible (Amos 6:2 and Isaiah to set an example of
10:9).[2] Palistin emerged after the Bronze Age collapse how they were to
serve those they
around 1200 BC, when the Hittite Empire in Anatolia was
taught. He still said,
destroyed along with most of the kingdoms in the eastern “Repent, for the
Mediterranean. This new state survived from the eleventh kingdom of heaven
century BC down to about 700 BC, roughly from the time of is at hand.”
Samuel and Saul to the time of Isaiah and Hezekiah (and 9 221
Archaeologists <rst assumed that eleventh century BC · Jul 18, 2023
pottery found at Kunalua was Aegean, produced by the Replying to
remnant of the Mycenaean Greek civilization that had @GBNEWS and
waged the long war with Troy. However, that theory has @danwootton
been reconsidered. It’s now believed that the pots were Your monologue
tonight was one of
the most
https://www.derekpgilbert.com/2021/12/10/the-second-coming-of-saturn-part-5-kumarbi/ 3/21/24, 3 32 AM
Page 6 of 36
local copies of styles “not of Greece but rather of Cyprus the most
and south-west Asia Minor.”[3]That means these people
segments on
weren’t invaders, but descendants of the survivors of the television news I’ve
chaos and destruction scholars call the “Bronze Age ever seen. God
collapse.” bless you from the
Ozark Mountains in
You’ve surely noticed the similarity between “Palistin,” the US.
“Philistine,” and “Palestine.” Scholars are fairly certain it’s 85 187
the same name. Since the Philistines of the Bible occupied
the coastal area around Gaza, it’s fair to ask how these Der…
people moved an entire kingdom from the modern border · Jul 6, 2023
between Turkey and Syria down to the area between Israel Replying to
and Egypt.
Realistically, this
Egyptian records document several battles with the could have been
solved in hours, not
invading hordes they called the Sea Peoples between
days. We’re
about 1200 and 1150 BC. This coalition included groups watching a power
the Egyptians named the Ekwesh, Denyen, Sherden struggle play out
(probably Sardinians), Weshesh, Tjekker, and the Peleset, here over who takes
the fall.
who were almost certainly the Philistines. It’s been
assumed that these battles took place near the Egyptian 5 191
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Page 7 of 36
23 187
3. The “Sea-Peoples” were essentially north Levantine
(including western Anatolian) populations known as Der…
former allies of the Hittites. · Oct 7, 2023
Most relevant for our study here, this not only explains how And did Hamas
the Philistines moved from northern Syria to the coastal terrorists use US
plain bordering Egypt, it also identi<es the kingdom of weapons left behind
in Afghanistan?
Palistin as the mostly likely place where the Hittite and
Hurrian myths of Kumarbi were transmitted to Cyprus and
western Asia Minor, where, over the course of several
hundred years, they were transformed into stories of the
Greek Titan, Kronos.[5]
An additional piece of evidence may be found in the deity’s
Iranian president
name. “Kumarbi,” meaning “he of Kumar,” may refer to a says Tehran will …
north Syrian site identi<ed with modern Kīmār about spend the $6 billion
twenty-<ve miles northwest of Aleppo.[6] This was part of released
40 in175
exchange ‘wherever
the territory controlled by Palistin at its peak, during the
reign of one King Taita, who is known from an inscription Der…
· Sep 14, 2023
found in the temple of the storm-god at Aleppo.
We know the
The Hurrian myth also locates Kumarbi in the western part Waldens. This is a
of the Khabur River triangle, along the border between legit miracle. On
Friday, their son fell
Turkey and Syria, and at the ancient city of Tuttul, near
out of a tree onto
modern Raqqa. Tuttul was a major cult center of Dagan, his head on
concrete. Doctors
wanted to life-flight
https://www.derekpgilbert.com/2021/12/10/the-second-coming-of-saturn-part-5-kumarbi/ 3/21/24, 3 32 AM
Page 8 of 36
another name and identity used by this spirit that we’ll wanted to life-flight
him from the Four
discuss in an upcoming chapter. However, according to
Corners area to
texts found at Hattusa, a city farther east in Syria called Denver with a
Urkesh was believed to be the home of Kumarbi. That fractured skull and
makes the story of this “former god” absolutely critical to broken back.
18 185
· May 23, 2020
Biden: 'If You Don't
Let Me Sniff Your
Hair, You Ain't A
12 147
· Jun 21, 2020
A Happy Father’s
Day indeed.
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3 160
· Oct 18, 2021
· Oct 10, 2023
Allah is Molech.
https://www.derekpgilbert.com/2021/12/10/the-second-coming-of-saturn-part-5-kumarbi/ 3/21/24, 3 32 AM
Page 10 of 36
History of Religious Thought
(Verschieben nach…) ▼
Much of this depended on religious allegiance. While Jews wanted to distance themselves
from even Hebrew-language pagan terminology, pagan Phoenicians integrated themselves
into the religious landscape of pagan Aramaic-speakers or Syrians (consider the term
"Syrophoenician" in Mark 7:26, where Matthew 15:22 has "of Canaan"), even as they
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retained local traditions. To illustrate the latter: Philo of Byblos, writing in Greek but adapting
an Aramaic text either based on a Phoenician one or integrating Phoenician passages, uses
the divine name Beelsamēn, hewing closer to the Aramaic B‘elsh(am)mīn than to the
Phoenician Ba‘alšamēm, although he glosses it as meaning "'Lord of Heaven' in the
Phoenician language". When he talks about the deity Hypsouranios, however, he
transliterates its Semitic name as Samēm-roumos. Probably it was a deity unknown to the
Aramaeans and therefore adopted into Phoenician Aramaic in its original form, rather than
translated into a pre-existing analogue.
By Kingdoms_of_the_Levant_Map_830.xcf:
*Kingdoms_around_Israel_830_map.svg: *Kingdoms_of_Israel_and_Judah_map_830.svg:
The planets frequently take a title "star" of proto-Semitic origin. This is not usually applied to
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sun and moon, although that doesn't in itself mean they were not felt to be "stars". In Ugarit,
kbkbm, "stars" were worshipped side by side with sun and moon; but multiple sun deities
were also worshipped.
The Christian writer Epiphanius gives a list of Hebrew names of the planets current in his
time, and has the names of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all start with
Khokheb, reflecting Hebrew Kôkāb and resembling earlier Greco-Roman practice, when
Kronos and Saturn were called "star of Kronos" or "star of Saturn". Deuteronomy 4:19
mentions stars as objects of worship, and Amos 5:26 uses Kôkāb as the name of a deity or
to define the nature of another deity, Kaiwan (see under Saturn below).
Phoenician, like Hebrew, has kkb rather than kbkb; the first b became vocalized.
Both Hebrew and Aramaic had expressions along the lines of "star of the morning" for
-Ištanum was a (Hattic-)Hittite sun god (Hattic Eštan, Hittite Ištanu) worshipped in Ugarit.
-Thimegi(ni) was a Hurrian sun god (Hurrian Šimegi) worshipped in Ugarit.
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-However, Aramaic-speakers also brought in another word of the same
meaning, Sahrā (from proto-Semitic *ŝahr-), which was more widely used in Aramaic.
-Thirdly, Aramaic had borrowed the Akkadian Sîn, "moon god, moon", and both Western
and Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects have preserved side by side the synonyms Sīn
and Sahrā.
-(ha-)Ləbānāh (hellenized Albana), "the white one", is a Hebrew term that largely replaces
the more poetic (and more pagan) Yārēaḥ, but they are both used in the Hebrew Bible.
-Epiphanius, Panarion attests that Greek Mēnē also gained currency in Hebrew. Other
Greek planetary names are only very occasionally used in Syriac, and never in an extant
text written in Canaan.
-Kuḏuġ / Kuzuġ was a Hurrian moon god (Hurrian Kušuh) worshipped in Ugarit and
identified with Yariḥu.
-The Akkadian naming tradition is not well represented in Canaan in the case of Venus.
Aramaic Beltī, from Akkadian Bēltī, "lady" is only attested in Syria proper. Words from the
root *‘ṯtr(t) are also not very well attested in the meaning of Venus after Ugaritic, where both
the feminine ‘Aṯtartu and masculine ‘Aṯtaru were known (as different gods).
While ‘Aṯtartu and ‘Aṯtaru are Venus gods like the Akkadian Ištar, who can be male or
female, it is not entirely certain whether the meaning of "Venus" is a common inheritance or
was acquired from the Akkadian, with ‘Aṯtartu and ‘Aṯtaru serving as translations of the
cognate Akkadian word.
Note that, Ištar was (at least sometimes) distinguished from Astartu (borrowed from the
Canaanite) in Akkadian, and Aramaic borrowed ’štr / ’str from the Akkadian, which was
used beside the Canaanite / native Aramaic ‘štr(t) (note the different initial sounds:
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Akkadian had merged them both into <’>!). It is the former who appears in Mandaic (an
Aramaic language rooted in Akkadian culture) and the latter which would likely have been
used in the Phoenician-Aramaic text used by Philo. There, it would have been used to
translate the Phoenician descendent of Ugaritic ‘Aṯtartu, ‘štrt, still vocalized similarly, as the
Hellenization Astartē shows. The Hebrew vocalization was ‘Aštārōt (Hellenized Astarōth). It
is possible, but not necessary, that she was also the Queen of Heaven (Malkat ha-
šāmayim) whose worship is opposed by the Hebrew Bible. This is suggested by her astral
nature, but there is room for multiple female astral gods in any religion.
In summary, it is somewhat hard to judge the presence of Venus gods in Canaan, but it may
be said that, while some similarities were felt to exist (in Emar, Astartu is written using the
sign INANNA, also used to write Ištar), the Akkadian and the Canaanite deities were
different enough linguistically and in character to allow people to distinguish them, as well
as popular enough for each to maintain their popularity in the regions where they had first
been. The same cannot be said for Canaanite and Aramaic ‘štrt, who were treated as the
same word; similarly, the Hebrew Bible does not seem to distinguish between the
Phoenician and the Hebrew versions of the name.
The masculine ‘štr is apparently not found (in our very incomplete sources) after 840 BCE,
when the Moabite Mesha Stele mentions a god ‘štr-kmš. He is mentioned as a separate
object of cult from kmš, but his relation to that god (not to mention the planet Venus) is
The Hellenization Atharē probably reflects the root *‘ṯtr but is feminine; whether this means
that Canaanite/Aramaic ‘štr could also be feminine, or whether the word is based rather on
the Akkadian name is hard to say.
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Interestingly, Mercury is also sometimes called simply bibbu, "planet", in Akkadian, and
Saturn (but not Mercury) is also called Šamaš, "sun"; a Greek source (Diodorus Siculus)
says that the Mesopotamians call Saturn ("the star of Kronos") "the star of Helios", i.e. the
sun. But these are probably points of comparative interest, not the origin of the Hebrew
-Hebrew Nəbō, from Akkadian Nabû (via Aramaic nbw), is mentioned as a god of
Mesopotamian settlers in Israel in Isaiah 46:1. Whether the several places of the same
name mentioned in the Hebrew Bible are named after him (which would suggest
widespread worship throughout Canaan) is not clear; it should not be assumed lightly.
Either way, explicit astral connotations are not attested for Canaan.
-The Akkadian god, Nerigal, is mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible as Nêrəḡal, with no
explicit astral associations, as a god imported by Mesopotamian settlers in Israel.
-The Ugaritic Rašap (Egyptianized Ršp, later Hellenized [via Aramaic] Rasaphos,
corresponding to Phoenician and Hebrew Rešef), "plague, plague god", may (!) have been
used to name the planet Mars, being, like Nergal, a warlike god and associated with
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Sabbataios, which makes it certain at least that the text goes back to someone with a
knowledge of Jewish astronomical terms. The rest of the names, however, are not so much
directly from Jewish tradition as from Jewish-derived magic, namely Sabaōth, Adōnai(os)—
which often follow after Ia(h)ō in as a magical formula—and Elōai(os), which names are
Hebrew, and the mystifying Astaphaios and Ōraios (both also deriving from magic,
according to Origen, which we can confirm in the former case). It seems more likely, then,
that the scheme goes back to someone with some knowledge of Judaism, whether Jewish
or not, but more concerned with the magical tradition than with Judaism as it was taught in
the synagogues.
-Talmudic Hebrew uses Ṣedeq, "justice", instead. Ironically, in Ugarit, Ṣidqu, "justice", like
Ba‘lu, "lord", was a pagan god.
New Planets
The more recently discovered originally received the common European names:
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After the definition of planet had been changed (resulting in the exclusion of Pluto), Israel's
Academy of the Hebrew Language had Israeli citizens vote on "properly Hebrew" names for
the remaining two new planets, the names adopted being:
-’Oron for Uranus, meaning "little light" and resembling Uranus phonetically.
-Rahab (pron. Rahav) for Neptune, meaning a sea monster.
Not mentioned...
... are all the names that would have been known but are not directly attested to have been
absorbed into local usage and worship. This means some degree of awareness of Akkadian
planetary gods until the Bronze Age collapse, then again (through Imperial Aramaic) under
Assyrian and Achaemenid rule, and of the Greek planetary gods under Hellenistic and
Roman rule. The presence of Arabs and Aramaeans will have brought knowledge of
additional gods as well.
A note on pronunciation
A note on chronology
As is obvious from the introductory note, not all these names were current at all times.
Canaanite forms remained current in literary Hebrew, except when they were dropped for
less pagan names. But only the ones not in the Bible were ever truly abandoned. This
process must have taken place in the early centuries CE.
Greek forms came in from the times of Alexander's conquests, and it was only very
gradually after the Muslim conquest that Aramaic-Greek bilingualism gave way to Aramaic-
Arabic bilingualism.
Edomites (/Idumaeans) apparently ceased to be distinct from Jews around the 1st century
CE, Ammonites probably remained largely pagan until Christianization (and some perhaps
until Islamization), although they are unlikely to have remained a distinct population for
much longer than the Edomites. After an unclear history under Persian and Hellenistic rule,
Moab was conquered first by the Nabataeans (whose lingua franca was Aramaic and their
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culture Hellenistic and Arab) and then, in 106 CE, by the Romans, under whom Nabataean
culture gave way to more Hellenistic one. It remained pagan until Christianization. In all
these cases, I would suggest that the cultural unit of the old ethnic groups was replaced by
local ones (one's city) and superregional ones (Syrian/Jewish identity).
The case of the Philistines is instructive: the Philistine city of Gaza had many temples of
Greek gods in late antiquity (likely also known by Aramaic names to locals), but most
famous was its main god Marnas of Gaza. Although he is tentatively identified in
scholarship with the Canaanite Dagan, the population called him by an Aramaic name,
marnā, "lord", and considered his cult to have come from Crete, conspicuously connecting
him to Zeus Krētagenēs, "Zeus Crete-born". Philistine identity must have still been
something people were aware of in 135, when the Romans included Judah and Israel in the
newly-established province Syria Palaestina to offend the Jews, but the Gazaeans of late
antiquity were conspicuously connecting themselves to the wider Greek religion and
centered on an extremely local god whose name meant "Lord of Gaza".
The Aramaic language and, embedded in it, the Akkadian divinities were present from the
beginning of Neo-Assyrian influence in the region until paganism's gradual disappearance in
the centuries after the Muslim conquest, unless paganism was already completely
destroyed before then, which I find unlikely. Damascius, who died 99 years before the
conquest of Jerusalem, still met pagan communities in Phoenicia and Syria (his homeland).
In the Syrian city of Harran, there were pagans until at least the 10th or 11th century (and
Greek-speakers until not too much earlier).
The Akkadian gods' previous stint in Canaan, attested in Ugarit's texts, may well have
ended around the time of the destruction of that city. Certainly the disappearance of / lack of
contact with other peoples like the Hittites and the Hurrians had something to do with the
disappearance of cults to their gods in Canaan. A clear sign of discontinuity is that the
language that carried Akkadian culture into Ugarit was Akkadian itself, which was the Near
Eastern lingua franca of the time, while in later centuries, Aramaic completely usurped that
role (although Akkadian remained an important language for another millenium). On the
other hand, there was likely always some exchange at least between Israel and Assyria,
just as there was between other Canaanites and the people that lived close to them, and as
minorities among them, like the Aramaeans, Arabs and Egyptians.
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(Selected) Sources
Robert R. Stieglitz, "The Hebrew Names of the Seven Planets"
Leonid Kogan, "Genealogical Classification of Semitic. The Lexical Isoglosses"
M. Parisot, "Le dialecte de Maʿlula", vol. 3
Wörterbuch Deutsch-Aramäisch-Englisch
The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
Dennis Pardee, "Ritual and Cult at Ugarit"
E. S. Drower, R. Macuch, "A Mandaic Dictionary"
Ulla Koch-Westenholz, "Mesopotamian Astrology"
A. J. Welburn, "The Identity of the Archons in the 'Apocryphon Johannis'"
Howard M. Jackson, "The Origin in Ancient Incantatory 'Voces Magicae' of Some Names in
the Sethian Gnostic System"
The Geography of Knowledge in Assyria and Babylonia: A Diachronic Analysis of Four
Scholarly Libraries
Reimund Leicht, "Planets in Ancient Hebrew Literature"
J. Hoftijzer, K. Jongeling, "Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions"
Bibelwissenschaft.de, s.v. Sakkut
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On reliefs, they are shown carrying round shields and spears, dirks
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or swords, perhaps of Naue II type. In some cases, they are shown
wearing corslets and kilts, but their key distinguishing feature is a
horned helmet, which, in all cases but three, features a circular
accouterment at the crest. At Medinet Habu the corslet appears
similar to that worn by the Philistines. The Sherden sword, it has
been suggested by archaeologists since James Henry Breasted,
may have developed from an enlargement of European daggers
and been associated with the exploitation of Bohemian tin. Robert
Drews suggested that use of this weapon by groups of Sherden
and Philistine mercenaries made them capable of withstanding
attacks by chariotry and so made them valuable allies in warfare,[1]
but Drews's theory has been widely criticised by contemporary
Early historical
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The earliest known mention of the people called Srdn-w, more
usually called Sherden or Shardana, is generally thought to be the
Akkadian reference to the "še-er-ta-an-nu" in the Amarna Letters
correspondence from Rib-Hadda, mayor (hazannu) of Byblos,[4] to
the Pharaoh Amenhotep III or Akhenaten in the 14th century BC.
Though they have been referred to as sea raiders and mercenaries,
who were prepared to offer their services to local employers, these
texts do not provide any evidence of that association, and they
shed no light on what the function of these "širdannu-people" was
at the time.[5][6]
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A rendering of two guards
from the relief above, in a
19th-century drawing; their
equipment is clearly visible.
Years later, other waves of Sea People, the Sherden included, were
defeated by Merneptah, son of Ramesses II, and father of
Ramesses III. An Egyptian work written around 1100 BC, the
Onomasticon of Amenope, documents the presence of the
Sherden in Canaan.[12] After being defeated by Pharaoh
Ramesses III, they, along with other "Sea Peoples", would be
allowed to settle in that territory, subject to Egyptian rule.
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The Italian orientalist Giovanni Garbini identified the territory
colonized by the Sherden as that occupied, according to the Bible,
by the Israelite tribe of Zebulun going by the eponym of Sared,
which had established themselves in the northern territory of
Canaan.[13][14][15] Archaeologist Adam Zertal suggests that some
Sherden settled in what is now northern Israel. He hypothesizes
that biblical Sisera was a Sherden general and that the
archaeological site at el-Ahwat (whose architecture resembles
nuraghe sites in Sardinia) was Sisera's capital, Harosheth
Haggoyim,[16] though this theory has not received wide
acceptance in the scholarly community.[17]
Connection to Sea
The Sherden seem to have been one of the more prominent groups
of pirates that engaged in coastal raiding and the disruption of
trade in the years around the 13th century BC. They are first
mentioned by name in the Tanis II rhetorical stele of Ramesses II,
which says in part, "As for the Sherden of rebellious mind, whom
none could ever fight against, who came bold-hearted, they sailed
in, in warships from the midst of the Sea, those whom none could
withstand; but he plundered them by the victories of his valiant
arm, they being carried off to Egypt."[18] It is possible that some of
the Sherden captured in the battle recounted in Tanis II were
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pressed into Egyptian service, perhaps even as shipwrights or
advisers on maritime technology, a role in which they may have
assisted in the construction of the hybrid Egyptian warships seen
on the monumental relief at Medinet Habu that shows the naval
battle between Egyptians and Sea Peoples.[19]
No mention of the Sherden has ever been found in Hittite or Greek
legends or documents.
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Theorized Sea Peoples
migrations from the East
Until recently it was assumed that Sardis was only settled in the
period after the Anatolian and Aegean Dark Age, but American
excavations have shown the place was settled in the Bronze Age
and was a site of a significant population. If this is so, the Sherden,
pushed by Hittite expansionism of the Late Bronze Age and
prompted by the famine that affected this region at the same time,
may have been pushed to the Aegean Islands, where shortage of
space led them to seek adventure and expansion overseas. It is
suggested that from here they may have later migrated to Sardinia.
Guido suggests that
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posts were established, several features of
Sardinian prehistory might be explained as
innovations introduced by them: Oriental types
of armour, and fighting perpetuated in the
bronze representation of warriors several
centuries later; the arrival of the Cypriot copper
ingots of the Serra Ilixi type; the sudden
advance in and inventiveness of design of the
Sardinian nuraghes themselves at about the
turn of the first millennium; the introduction of
certain religious practices such as the worship of
water in sacred wells – if this fact was not
introduced [later] by the Phoenician settlers.[23]
It has been stated that the only weapons and armour similar to
those of the Sherden found in Sardinia have been dated to several
centuries after the period of the Sea Peoples, which mainly
covered the 13th–12th centuries BC. If the theory that the Sherden
moved to Sardinia only after their defeat around 1178–1175 BC by
Ramesses III is true, then it could be inferred from this that the
finds in Sardinia are survivals of earlier types of weapons and
armour. On the other hand, if the Sherden only moved into the
Western Mediterranean in the ninth century, associated perhaps
with the movement of early Etruscans and even Phoenician
seafaring peoples into the Western Mediterranean at that time, this
would solve the problem of the late appearance of their military
gear in Sardinia; but it would remain unknown where they were
located between the period of the Sea Peoples and their eventual
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appearance in Sardinia.
statuette of a
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dating back to 1600 BC were found. The discovery suggested that
the Nuragic tribes actually used these kind of weapons since the
mid-2nd millennium BC, as is also demonstrated by the Nuragic
bronze sculptures dating back to as far as 1200 BC and depicting
warriors with a horned helmet and a round shield.
statuette of a
Nuragic archer
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Mediterranean in Taranto. The project aims to gather as many data
available about the Sherden culture inside and outside the
Pharaonic Egypt.[33] The project, conducted by the Egyptologist
Giacomo Cavillier, aims to verify the possible interconnections and
contacts between the Sherden and the local culture of these
islands, in a broader Mediterranenan view, and to reassess all data
available on this phenomenon.[34]
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Adam Zertal, and more recently Bar Shay from Haifa University,
have also argued that the Shardana were Nuragic Sardinians, and
connected them to the site of El-Awat in Canaan.
Late Bronze Age Nuragic pottery had been found in the Aegean and
in the Eastern Mediterranean particularly in Crete at Kommos and
on the island of Cyprus, at Kokkinokremnos, a site attributed to the
Sea Peoples,[41][42] and Hala Sultan Tekke.[40] Nuragic pottery
were also found in a tomb of the Ugarit harbour of Minet el-Beida.
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See also
Paleo-Sardinian language
List of ancient Corsican and
Sardinian tribes
History of Sardinia
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aver lasciato una impronta di
dominio, di lotta, di tenacia, sul
suolo da lei guadagnato alla
25. Pallotino, Massimo. La
Sardegna Nuragica. p. 119.
26. Gordon Childe, Vere (1930).
The Bronze Age (https://www.
30/bronzeage/ch06.htm) . "In
the nuragic sanctuaries and
hoards we find an
extraordinary variety of votive
statuettes and models in
bronze. Figures of warriors,
crude and barbaric in
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crude and barbaric in
execution but full of life, are
particularly common. The
warrior was armed with a
dagger and bow-and-arrows
or a sword, covered with a
two-horned helmet and
protected by a circular buckler.
The dress and armament leave
no doubt as to the substantial
identity of the Sardinian
infantryman with the raiders
and mercenaries depicted on
Egyptian monuments as
"Shardana". At the same time
numerous votive barques, also
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Page 24 of 40
numerous votive barques, also
of bronze, demonstrate the
importance of the sea in
Sardinian life."
27. Ugas, Giovanni (2016).
Shardana e Sardegna. I popoli
del mare, gli alleati del
Nordafrica e la fine dei Grandi
Regni. Cagliari, Edizioni Della
28. "Nuovo studio dell'archeologo
Ugas" (http://www.sardiniapos
agici-erano-gli-shardana/) . 3
February 2017. " "È certo, i
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherden 3/21/24, 3 27 AM
Page 25 of 40
February 2017. " "È certo, i
nuragici erano gli Shardana." "
29. "Giovani Ugas: Shardana" (htt
5.html) . Sardiniapoint. Sp
Intervista (in Italian). Retrieved
3 May 2015.
30. Ugas, Giovanni (2005). L'alba
dei Nuraghi.
31. Lilliu, Giovanni. La Civiltà
Nuragica. p. 111.
32. Drews, Robert (1993). The End
of the Bronze Age: Changes in
warfare and the catastrophe
ca. 1200 BC (https://archive.o
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Page 26 of 40
w) . Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. pp. 218 (http
nzeage00drew/page/n81) -21
33. Cavillier, G. (2003). "Gli
Shardana dell'Egitto o l'Egitto
degli Shardana: la visione del
mercenario nell'Egitto
ramesside". Aegyptus. LXXXII:
34. Cavillier, Giacomo (2010).
"Shardana Project:
Perspectives and researches
on the Sherden in Egypt and
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherden 3/21/24, 3 27 AM
Page 27 of 40
on the Sherden in Egypt and
Mediterranenan" (https://doi.o
rg/10.4000%2Fsyria.695) .
Syria. 87 (87): 339–345.
doi:10.4000/syria.695 (http
695) .
35. Tusa, Sebastiano (2018). I
popoli del Grande Verde : il
Mediterraneo al tempo dei
faraoni (in Italian). Ragusa:
Edizioni Storia e Studi Sociali.
ISBN 9788899168308.
OCLC 1038750254 (https://w
0254) .
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherden 3/21/24, 3 27 AM
Page 28 of 40
0254) .
36. Presentazione del libro "I
Popoli del Grande Verde" di
Sebastiano Tusa presso il
Museo del Vicino Oriente,
Egitto e Mediterraneo della
Sapienza di Roma (https://ww
os/1998695170385144/) (in
Italian). 2018-03-21. Event
occurs at 12:12.
37. Zorea, Carlos Roberto (2021).
Sea peoples in Canaan,
Cyprus and Iberia (12th to
10th centuries BC) (https://epr
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherden 3/21/24, 3 27 AM
Page 29 of 40
1/T42277.pdf) (PDF). Madrid:
Complutense University of
38. Karageorghis, Vassos (2011).
"Handmade Burnished Ware in
Cyprus and elsewhere in the
Mediterranean". On cooking
pots, drinking cups,
loomweights and ethnicity in
bronze age Cyprus and
neighbouring regions: an
international archaeological
symposium held in Nicosia,
November 6th-7th, 2010. A.G.
Leventis Foundation. p. 90.
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Page 30 of 40
ISBN 978-9963-560-93-6.
OCLC 769643982 (https://ww
82) .
39. "Archaeological site could cast
light on life of Biblical Villain
Sisera" (https://www.jpost.co
9) . The Jerusalem Post |
JPost.com. 2019-11-27.
Retrieved 2022-06-28.
40. Peter M. Fischer and Teresa
Bürge, ed. (2017), Sea
Peoples" Up-to-Date: New
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Page 31 of 40
Peoples" Up-to-Date: New
Research on Transformation in
the Eastern Mediterranean in
13th-11th Centuries BCE (http
lication/345713228) ,
retrieved 24 November 2023
41. Karageorghis, V.;
Karageorghis, J. (2013). "L
´Isola di Afrodite". Archeologia
Viva. No. 159. pp. 40–53.
42. Gale, N.H. (2011). "Source of
the lead metal used to make a
repair clamp on a Nuragic vase
recently excavated at Pyla-
Kokkinokremos on Cyprus". In
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Page 32 of 40
Kokkinokremos on Cyprus". In
Karageorghis, V.; Kouka, O.
(eds.). On Cooking Pots,
Drinking Cups, Loomweights
and Ethnicity in Bronze Age
Cyprus and Neighbouring
Regions. Nicosia.
43. Ioanna Kostopoulou, Reinhard
Jung, Observations on the
Pottery of the 2014-2019
Campaigns (https://www.acad
19232) , retrieved 10 October
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Shardana e Sardegna : i
popoli del mare, gli alleati del
Nordafrica e la fine dei Grandi
Regni (XV-XII secolo a.C.) (in
Italian). Cagliari: Edizioni della
Torre. ISBN 9788873434719.
OCLC 976013893 (https://ww
93) .
Tusa, Sebastiano (2018). I
popoli del Grande Verde : il
Mediterraneo al tempo dei
faraoni (in Italian). Ragusa:
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Page 35 of 40
Edizioni Storia e Studi Sociali.
ISBN 9788899168308.
OCLC 1038750254 (https://w
0254) .
Mohamed Raafat Abbas, “A
Survey of the Military Role of
the Sherden Warriors in the
Egyptian Army during the
Ramesside Period”, Égypte
Nilotique et Méditerranéenne
10 (2017), p. 7–23.
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External links
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1/amarnal.html) , letters
written in Akkadian and found
at el-Amarna in Egypt, of
which three (EA 81, 122, 123)
may mention the Sherden.
Interview with Giovanni Ugas (
85.html) (in Italian)
The Papyrus Harris (https://we
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Review of relevant literature (h
m) with links to some
(translated) original sources
The Sea People (http://www.sa
(in English)
Sources and discussion about
the Sherden (https://www.aca
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SIDE_-_BAR_1438) (in
Retrieved from
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on on
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Underlying the well-known link between Saturday (Shabbat in Hebrew) and Saturn (Shabbetai in
Hebrew) is the reference to Saturn as the planet in charge of the Jews. Behind the link between
Saturn and Saturday is the astrological theory that assigns the seven planets in succession,
beginning with the sun and following the order of their orbs, to the 24 hours of the day and to the
seven days of the week.
Prominent Roman historians such as Tacitus (56–120 CE) and Cassius Dio (ca. 155–a"er 229), as well
as Church fathers like Augustine (354–430), acknowledged a special link between Saturn and
Saturday, the holiest day of the week for the Jews. That Jewish society of the talmudic period
recognized the same association is shown by the fact that the Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat 156a)
refers to Saturn as Shabbetai, i.e., the star of Shabbat (Saturday). Greek and Arab astrology, however,
considered Saturn to be the most malignant of the seven planets; and thus the Jews, astrologically
governed by Saturn, were considered to be contaminated by the planet’s wicked nature.
Abraham Ibn Ezra (ca.1089–ca.1161) is the first Jewish thinker to deal with the problematic link
between Saturn, Saturday, and the Jews. He addresses the astrological association, throughout his
writings, both scientific and nonscientific. He removes the sting of this embarrassing linkage by
stressing that Saturn is actually conducive to a Jew’s religious faith. In his long commentary on
Exodus 20:13, Ibn Ezra associates Saturn with the fourth commandment, ordaining one to
"remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (Ex. 20:8), and explains that this correspondence
allows the Jews, by not occupying themselves with everyday matters but devoting themselves solely
to the fear of God on this day, to protect themselves from Saturn’s baneful influence and also to
improve the quality of their religious belief.
For more details see Shlomo Sela, "Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Appropriation of Saturn," Kabbalah 10 (2004):
Shlomo Sela
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