School of Agriculture
Indira Gandhi National Open University
New Delhi - 110068
This booklet contains relevant information in brief about the Programme on “Diploma
in Dairy Technology” and the entire admission and examination procedures.
IGNOU is a CENTRAL UNIVERSITY established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 (Act No. 50
of 1985). IGNOU Degree/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all the members of the
Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/ Diplomas/Certificates of
all Indian Universities/Deemed Universities/Institutions vide UGC Circular No. F1-52/2000
(CPP-II) dated 5 May, 2004 & AIU Circular No. EV/ B(449)/94/176915-177115 dated January
14, 1994.
The Diploma programme in “Dairy Technology” has been developed by the School
of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi under the project
“Open Learning Interventions for Development of Customized Open Learning
Education/ Training Packages for Development of competent and productive Human
Resources for Food Processing” sponsored by the Ministry of the Food Processing
Industries, Government of India.
March, 2015
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without
permission in writing from the Copyright holder.
Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the University’s
office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 or the official website of IGNOU at www.ignou.ac.in.
Printed and Published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, by Director, School of
Prepared by: Dr. M.K.Salooja, SoA, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Print Production: Sh. Jitender Sethi, AR(P), SoA, IGNOU
Laser typeset by: Rajshree Computers, V-166A, Bhagwati Vihar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
Printed at:
S.No. Title Page No.
1.0 ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Prominent Features ..................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Important Achievements .............................................................................................. 5
1.4 The Schools of Studies ............................................................................................... 5
1.5 Academic Programmes ............................................................................................... 6
1.6 Course Preparation ..................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Credit System ............................................................................................................. 7
1.8 Student Support Services ............................................................................................ 7
1.8.1 Major Functions of the Study Centres/ Programme Study Centres (PSC) ....... 8
1.9 Instructional System .................................................................................................... 8
1.10 Programme Delivery .................................................................................................... 8
2.0 UNIVERSITY RULES ...................................................................................................... 9
3.0 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE ...................................................................................... 10
4.0 DIPLOMA IN DAIRY TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................... 11
4.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Programme Structure ................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Syllabus of the Programme ....................................................................................... 12
4.4 Eligibility for Admission ............................................................................................. 22
4.5 Medium of Instruction ............................................................................................... 23
4.6 Target Group ............................................................................................................ 23
4.7 Duration .................................................................................................................... 23
4.8 Job Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 23
4.9 Programme Fee ........................................................................................................ 23
4.10 Programme Study Centres ........................................................................................ 24
4.11 Change of Medium ................................................................................................... 24
4.12 Other Useful Information ........................................................................................... 24
5.0 STUDY MATERIAL ....................................................................................................... 24
5.1 How to Study Print Material? ................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 Theory .......................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Practical Manual ........................................................................................... 25
5.2 Audio-Video Material ............................................................................................... 25
5.3 Academic Counselling ............................................................................................... 25
5.4 Practical Sessions ...................................................................................................... 26
5.5 Teleconferencing ........................................................................................................ 26
5.6 Interactive Radio Counselling .................................................................................... 26
5.7 Study Centres/Programme Study Centres ................................................................. 26
6.0 ASSIGNMENTS .............................................................................................................. 27
6.1 Rationale of Assignments ........................................................................................... 27
6.2 Steps to be followed for Assignment Preparation .................................................... 28
6.3 Submission of Completed Assignment Responses .................................................... 28
7.0 EVALUATION ................................................................................................................. 29
7.1 Weightage to Theory and Practicals .......................................................................... 29
7.2 Weightage to Term-end Examination and Continuous Evaluation (Assignments) ....... 29
7.2.1 Theory .......................................................................................................... 29
7.2.2 Practical ........................................................................................................ 30
7.3 Pass Percentage for Theory and Practical Examination ............................................. 30
7.4 Modalities for Theory and Practical Examination Criteria.......................................... 30
7.5 Preparation of Consolidated Award List ................................................................... 31
7.6 Participation and Attendance for Practical ................................................................. 31
7.7 Distribution of Marks ................................................................................................ 31
7.8 Pass Percentage for the Programme . ....................................................................... 32
7.9 Result and Certification ............................................................................................. 32
7.10 Term-End Examination (TEE).................................................................................... 32
7.10.1 Examination Fee .......................................................................................... 32
7.10.2 General Guidelines....................................................................................... 33
7.10.3 Examination Centre ..................................................................................... 33
7.10.4 Issue of Examination Hall Ticket................................................................. 34
7.11 Declaration of Results ............................................................................................... 34
7.12 Early Declaration of Results ...................................................................................... 34
7.13 Re-evaluation of Answer Script(s)............................................................................. 35
7.14 Issue of Official Transcript ........................................................................................ 35
7.15 Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer Script............................................................... 35
8.0 SOME USEFUL INFORMATION ................................................................................ 35
8.1 Some Useful Addresses ............................................................................................ 35
8.2 Online Facilities ......................................................................................................... 37
8.3 List of Regional Centres and Study Centres ................................................................ 38
8.4 Some Forms for Your Use.......................................................................................... 44
I. Sample Form for Change/Correction ofAddress ........................................................ 45
II. Sample Form for Non-receipt of Materials &Assignments.......................................... 46
III. Sample Form for Term-end Theory Examination ......................................................... 47
IV. Sample Form for Early Declaration of Result .............................................................. 49
V. Sample Form for Re-evaluation ofAnswer Scripts ...................................................... 51
VI. Sample Form for Improvement in Division/Class ......................................................... 53
VII. Sample Form for Obtaining Photocopy of theAnswer Script....................................... 55
VIII. Re-admission Form.................................................................................................... 57
IX. Sample Form for Issue of Official Transcript ............................................................... 59
X. Sample Form for Issue of Provisional Certificate ......................................................... 60
XI. Sample Form for Issue of Migration Certificate ........................................................... 61
XII. Sample Form for obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Marksheet ..................................... 63
XIII. Evaluation Form No.1 to 3......................................................................................... 65
1.1 Introduction
The Indira Gandhi National Open University has been established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 to
achieve the following objectives:
democratising higher education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners;
providing access to high quality education to all those who seek for it, irrespective of age,
region or formal qualifications;
offering highly quality, innovative and need-based academic programmes by giving professional
and vocational orientation to the courses;
promoting and developing distance education in India; and
setting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country as an apex body.
1.2 Prominent Features
IGNOU has certain unique features such as:
international jurisdiction;
flexible admission rules;
individualized study: flexibility in terms of place, pace and duration of study;
use of latest information and communication technologies;
an effective and integrated nationwide student support services network;
cost-effective programmes;
modular programmes based on credit system;
socially and academically relevant programmes based on student’s need analysis;
resource sharing, collaboration and networking with conventional universities, open universities
and other institutes/organizations; and
convergence of open and conventional educational systems.
1.3 Important Achievements
Emergence of IGNOU as the largest Open University in the World. UNESCO declared
IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in 2010.
Recognition as Centre of Excellence in Distance Education by the Commonwealth of Learning
Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1999).
Nodal agency for Educational Channels ‘Gyan Darshan’.
Largest network of learners’ support system.
Declaration of Term-end examination results within 45 days.
Respectability and Acceptability to the ODL (Open and Distance Learning) System.
1.4 The Schools of Studies
The University has established twenty one Schools of Studies to plan, supervise, develop and organize
its academic Programmes and courses in coordination with the different academic, administrative and
service wings of the University. The emphasis is on providing a wide choice of programmes and courses
at different levels. The Schools of Studies, established by the University, are as follows:
1. School of Agriculture (SOA)
2. School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)
3. School of Continuing Education (SOCE)
4. School of Education (SOE)
5. School of Engineering and Technology (SOET)
6. School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)
7. School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)
8. School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS)
9. School of Health Sciences (SOHS)
10. School of Humanities (SOH)
11. School of Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)
12. School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)
13. School of Law (SOL)
14. School of Management Studies (SOMS)
15. School of Performing and Visual Arts (SOPVA)
16. School of Sciences (SOS)
17. School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
18. School of Social Work (SOSW)
19. School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Sectoral Management (SOTHSSM)
20. School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
21. School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)
The University has also established few Centres/Units such as National Centre for Disability Studies
(NCDS) for development of specific need based programmes.
1.5 Academic Programmes
The University offers a wide range of programmes both short-term and long-term leading to Certificates,
Diplomas, Undergraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Degrees and Doctoral Degrees, which are conventional
as well as innovative. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the
demand for such programmes. They are launched with a view to fulfil the learner’s needs for:
improvement of skills,
acquisition of professional qualifications,
continuing education and professional development at work place,
diversification and updating knowledge, and
1.6 Course Preparation
Self Learning/Instructional Study Materials (SLMs), as we call in distance mode of education, is
specially prepared by teams of experts drawn from different universities and specialized institutions in
the area concerned from all over the country as well as in-house faculty. This material is scrutinized by
the content experts, supervised by the instructors/unit designers and edited by the language experts at
IGNOU before they are finally sent for printing. Similarly, audio and video cassettes are produced in
consultation with the course writers, in-house faculty and producers. The material is previewed and
reviewed by the faculty as well as outside media experts and edited/modified, wherever necessary,
before they are finally despatched to the Study Centres and telecast through Gyan Darshan.
1.7 Credit System
The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for most of its Programmes. Each credit is equivalent to 30
hours of learner’s self study comprising all learning activities i.e. reading and comprehending the print
material, listening to audio, watching video, attending to counselling sessions, teleconference and writing
assignment responses. For example, a four-credit course in the Diploma in Dairy Technology involves
120 hours of study. This helps the learner to know the academic effort one has to put in, to successfully
complete a course. Completion of an academic programme (Degree, Diploma or Certificate) requires
successful clearing of assignments, term-end examination and practical (guided and unguided) of each
course in the programme.
1.8 Student Support Services
To provide support to learners and to help them gainfully initiate the learning package, the University
has a broad array of support services. These are provided through Regional Centres and Study
Centres/Programme Study Centres (PSC) throughout the country. At the Programme Study Centres,
the learners interact with the Academic Counsellors and other learners; refer to books in the library;
watch/listen to audio/video cassettes/CDs and interact with the staff of the Study Centres/PSC on
administrative and academic matters.
The University’s website (www.ignou.ac.in) has a special section marked as “Student Zone” to facilitate
various student support services, from admission to results, to the students and covers - registration
details, queries about admission, re-registration, results; catalogue for print media and audio
video; download facilities for assignment; library; question papers; material despatch details;
address checking; registration for SMS alerts; convocation; term-end date sheet; examination
form; campus placement and prospectus and application form. The students are requested to
access the Student Zone of the IGNOU website- www.ignou.ac,in. The link is http://www.ignou.ac.in/
ignou/studentzone.The learners may seek the help of following University functionaries for sorting out
the problems indicated:
i) For admission, change of centre, identity card, change of address, fee receipt and bonafide
certificates, write to your Regional Centre.
ii) For non-receipt of study material and assignments, write directly to your Regional Centre.
iii) For SMS alert you can registered at https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/UpdateMobile.asp
iv) For queries relating to assignments, examination date sheet, result grade cards, re-checking, etc.,
write directly to the Registrar, Student Evaluation Division (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New
Delhi-110 068.
v) For Migration Certificate, requisition may be sent to the Regional Director along with the following
1) Application (can be obtained from the Head Office and Regional Centres).
2) Attested copy of the Mark sheet.
3) A fee of Rs. 300/- in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU.
Every student will select one of the Programme Study Centres (PSCs) taking into consideration
his place of work or residence. However, each study centre can handle only a limited number
of students, and despite our best efforts, it may not always be possible to allot the study
centre of the choice to learners. The particulars regarding the Study Centre to which he is
assigned will be communicated to him. The list of programme study centres (PSCs) is provided
Every Study Centre has a Coordinator to coordinate different activities at the centre, an
Assistant Coordinator and other supporting staff appointed on a part-time basis. There are
several Academic Counsellors in different subjects to provide counselling and guidance to the
students in the subjects.
1.8.1 Major Functions of the Study Centres/ Programme Study Centres (PSC)
1) Counselling: Face-to-face counselling for the courses will be provided at the Study Centres/
Programme Study Centres. Generally there will be theory and practical counselling sessions
for the entire programme at the selected Programme Study Centre. The detailed programme
of the counselling sessions will be prepared by the Coordinator of the Study Centre.
2) Library: For each course a set of suggested books will be available in the Study Centre
library. The students can refer these books during the working hours of the Study Centre.
3) Information and Advice: At the Study Centre, the students will get relevant information
regarding the courses offered by the university, counselling schedule, examination schedule,
etc. You will also get guidance in submitting various forms from time to time.
4) Interaction with Fellow-Students: In the Study Centres, the student gets an opportunity
to interact with fellow students.
5) Tele-counselling Facility: Some of the Programme study centres are equipped with the
teleconference reception facilities. You can participate in tele-counselling session at your
study centre.
1.9 Instructional System
The University follows multimedia approach in imparting instruction to its learners. It comprises:
Self learning/Instructional study material (SLM) in print form.
Supporting audio-video programmes.
Face-to-face interaction with academic counsellors at Programme Study Centres and
depending on programme requirement at work centres.
Practical at designated institutions.
Project Work in some programmes.
Work-related field project/Functional assignments as per programme requirements.
Telecast of video programmes on the National Network of Doordarshan and Gyandarshan.
Broadcast of audio programmes by All India Radio (selected stations).
1.10 Programme Delivery
The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional Universities.
The Open University system is more learner-oriented, and the student is an active participant in the
teaching and learning process. Most of the instruction is imparted through distance rather than face-to-
face communication. The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction. It comprises:
a) Self Learning/Instructional Course Material: The printed study material (written in self-
learning style) for both theory and practical components of the Programmes is given to the
students in the form of booklets called Blocks for every course. Normally, a programme
consists of few courses, comprising blocks and blocks consist of units. In this Diploma in
Dairy Technology programme, there are eight courses. Each course has three/four booklets
with specified number of units and one practical manual.
b) Audio-Visual Materials: The learning package contains audio and video cassettes which
have been produced by the University for better clarification and enhancement of understanding
of the course material given to the student. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes
duration. The audio tapes are run and video cassettes are screened at the study centres
during the hours of the counselling sessions. The video programmes are telecast on National
Network and Enrichment Channel of Doordarshan. The video programmes can be seen at
the following link https://www.youtube.com/user/ignousoa/videos
Some of the selected stations of All India Radio are also broadcasting the audio programmes.
The students can confirm the scheduled dates for broadcast/ telecast of the programmes
from their Study Centres/ Regional Centre/IGNOU website.
c) Counselling Sessions: Normally, counselling sessions are held as per the schedule drawn
before hand by the Programme In-charge of the study centre allotted to you. The counselling
sessions are mostly held outside the regular working hours of the host institution where the
Programme Study Centre are located. They are held on weekends, that is to say, Saturday
and Sunday of the week.
d) Gyan Darshan – Bouquet of Educational TV Channel: A collaboration between MHRD,
Information and Broadcasting Ministry, Prasar Bharti and IGNOU resulted in Gyan
Darshan (GD) – the bouquet of TV Educational Channels in the country. The Gyan Darshan
uses C-Bond transponder of INSAT-3C and is fully digitized. The channels are Gyan
Darshan I (Educational Channel), GD II (Interactive Channel), GD III (Eklavya) and GD
IV (Vyas). The Gyan Darshan signals can be accessed all over the country. The GD-I and
II are available on DD Free Dish (Doordarshan’s Direct-To-Home platform) and on other
DTH network. The educational programmes are telecast and the schedule may be checked
on IGNOU website please.
e) Teleconferencing Sessions: The teleconferencing sessions are telecast from GD II channel.
The current status of the channels and teleconferencing sessions are available on the IGNOU
website. The toll free number is 1800112345 and other numbers are 011-29532844,
29532845, 29536134, 29573221, 29573224. The programme can also be viewed from
IGNOU website http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/Broadcast/
f) Gyan Vani FM Radio: Gyan Vani (GV) is an educational FM Radio channel operating
through several FM stations from various cities in the country. At present, 37 FM stations
are operational. The educational programmes are broadcast in English, Hindi and the regional
languages by involving national and local resource experts.
g) Interactive Radio-Counselling (IRC): Interactive Radio-Counselling (IRC) and other
phone in programmes are being broadcast by Gyan Vani stations to enable the students to
interact with the faculty, academic counsellors and students support staff. The detailed
schedule can be accessed at IGNOU-EMPC website. The toll free number of the Gyan
Vani studio is 1800112346 and other numbers are 011-29533103, 29536131, 29533207.
Gyan Vani, Delhi is available on DD Free Dish (Direct-To-Home platform of Doordarsan),
and is webcast through the University’s website.
h) Edusat Studio: The contact numbers for Edusat Studio are: 1800112347, 29532381,
29533581 and 29573258.
The current status and the schedule for Gyan Darshan, Gyan Vani, Teleconferencing, Radio counselling,
etc. can be checked at IGNOU-EMPC website:
Experiment No. Name of Experiment (A) Milk Production
Experiment 1 Identification of Different Milch Breeds of Cattle, Buffaloes, Goats and
External Anatomy of Dairy Animals
Experiment 2 Judging of DairyAnimals
Experiment 3 Identification of Various Feeds and Fodders for Dairy Animals
Experiment 4 Preparations of Balanced Rations, Calf Starters, Milk Replacer and
Feeding of Calves
Experiment 5 Housing of Animals and Maintenance of Hygienic Conditions at Farm
Experiment 6 Clean Milk Production
Experiment 7 Field/Farm Visits
S.No. Block & Unit
Block 1 Dairy Equipment and their Maintenance
Unit 1 Materials, their Characteristics and Selection of Equipment
Unit 2 Dairy Equipment for Fluid Milk Processing
Unit 3 Dairy Equipment for Milk Products Processing
Unit 4 Preventive Maintenance of Dairy Plant and Machineries
Block 2 Refrigeration System
Unit 5 Basic Principles and Components of Refrigeration System
Unit 6 Different Cooling Systems for Milk and Milk Products
Unit 7 Cold Storage and Insulation
Unit 8 Maintenance and Repair of Commercial Refrigeration System
Block 3 Steam Generation and Boilers
Unit 9 Basic Principles of Steam Generation and Different Types of Boilers
Unit 10 Controls and Safety Devices for Boilers
Unit 11 Steam Supply Line Accessories and Energy Conservation
Unit 12 Instruments for Measuring of Process Parameters
Block 4 Electrical Engineering and Safety Devices
Unit 13 Safety Precautions, Wires and Cables, Function of Fuses and Relays
Unit 14 Single Phase and three Phase Wiring
Unit 15 A.C. Motors, Starters and D.G. set
Unit 16 Sub-station, Transformer, Distribution System and Power Factor
Block 5 Water Supply & Dairy Effluent System
Unit 17 Tube Well, Water Storage and Supply
Unit 18 Water Quality, Water Treatment and Purification
Unit 19 Waste Water Treatment, Reuse and Disposal
Unit 20 Water Conservation and Rain Water Harvesting
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 To Learn Elementary Layout Drawings of Utilities
Experiment 2 Study of Various Workshop Tools
Experiment 3 Study of Different Sanitary S.S. Pipes, Fittings and Gaskets
Experiment 4 Dismantling and Assembling of Milk Pumps
Experiment 5 Study and Sketch the Details of Milk Tanker, Storage Tanks and Silos
Experiment 6 To Study Different Types of Thermometers, Pressure Gauge and
Flow Meters
Experiment 7 Study of Refrigeration System: Compressor (Reciprocating),
Condensers (Shell & Tube, Atmospheric) and Expansion Devices/Valve
(Thermostatic/Capillary Tube)
Experiment 8 Study of Parts and Operation of a Cold Storage Plant and an Ice
Bank Unit
Experiment 9 Study Different Parts and Learn the Operation of Plate Chiller and Bulk
Milk Cooler
Experiment 10 Study of Water supply System and Water Softening Plant
Experiment 11 Study the Constructional Details of Fire Tube and Water Tube Boilers
Experiment 12 Study of a Dairy Effluent Plant
Experiment 13 To Study the Different Parts of Single-Phase and Three Phase Induction
Experiment 14 Starting of 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors by Direct on Line and
Star-Data Starter
Experiment 15 Study of Different Safety Measures to be Adopted in a Dairy Plant
Experiment 16 To Study the Control and Safety Mountings of a Steam Boiler
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Reception of Milk
Experiment 2 Straining, Filtration & Clarification of Milk
Experiment 3 Chilling & Storage of Milk
Experiment 4 Study of Cream Separator
Experiment 5 Study of Separation of Milk
Experiment 6 Standardization of Milk
Experiment 7 Study of Batch Pasteurizer and High Temperature Short Time (HTST)
Experiment 8 Pasteurization of Milk
Experiment 9 Determination of Efficiency of Pasteurization
Experiment 10 Study of Homogenizer, Homogenization of Milk and Determination of
Homogenization efficiency
Experiment 11 Study of Milk Sterilizer, Sterilization of Milk and Determination of
Sterilization Efficiency
Experiment 12 Study of Packaging System of Milk
Experiment 13 Preparation of Flavoured Milk, Reconstituted Milk, Toned and Double
Toned Milk
Experiment 14 Cleaning of Equipment
Experiment 15 Sanitization of Equipment
Experiment 16 Assessment of Cleaning and Sanitization efficiency
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Preparation and Standardization of Cream
Experiment 2 Preparation of Sterilized Cream
Experiment 3 Preparation of Butter Starter
Experiment 4 Preparation of Cream for Butter Making
Experiment 5 Construction and Operation of Power Churn
Experiment 6 Construction and Operation of Butter Packaging Machine
Experiment 7 Preparation of Desi Butter (Makkhan), Table Butter and Cooking Butter
by Hand Operated Churn
Experiment 8 Study of Manufacture of Table Butter by Power Churn.
Experiment 9 Preparation of Ghee
Experiment 10 Agmark Grading of Ghee
Experiment 11 Visit to a Small Scale Dairy Plant Involved in Production of Agmark
Grade of Butter and Ghee
Block 4 Dried Milks
Unit 12 Definition, Composition, Classification, Standards and Principles of
Unit 13 Engineering Aspects of Roller Drier, Spray Drier, Fluid bed Drier and
Tray Drier
Unit 14 Method of Manufacture of Spray and Roller Dried Milk Powder and
Value-Added Products
Unit 15 Packaging, Storage Quality Attributes and Common Defects of Dried
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Preparation of Khoa
Experiment 2 Preparation of Gulabjamun
Experiment 3 Preparation of Peda
Experiment 4 Preparation of Burfi
Experiment 5 Preparation of Rabri
Experiment 6 Preparation of Kalakand and Milk Cake
Experiment 7 Preparation of Kheer
Experiment 8 Preparation of Chhana
Experiment 9 Preparation of Rasogolla
Experiment 10 Preparation of Sandesh
Experiment 11 Preparation of Rasmalai
Experiment 12 Preparation of Channa-Murki
Experiment 13 Preparation of Paneer
Experiment 14 Study of Vacuum Pan/Double Effect/Triple Effect of Evaporator
Experiment 15 Study of Manufacture of Spray Dried Milk Powder
Experiment 16 Preparation of Value Added Products from Dried Milk-Dairy Whitener
Experiment 17 Visit to a Dairy Product Manufacturing Plant
Block 2 Cheese
Unit 4 History, Definition, Composition and Classification
Unit 5 Principle and Method of Manufacture of Cheddar Cheese
Unit 6 Principle and Method of Manufacture of Mozzarella Cheese
Unit 7 Principle and Method of Manufacture of Pasteurized Processed
Cheese Products (PCPs)
Block 3 Frozen Dairy Products
Unit 8 Definition, Composition, Classification and Standards
Unit 9 Principle and Method of Manufacture
Unit 10 Packaging, Hardening, Storage, Transportation and Common Defects
Unit 11 Softy and Novelties – Definition, Composition, Legal Standards,
Method of Manufacture
Block 4 By–Products
Unit 12 Skim Milk – Casein and Caseinates
Unit 13 Whey – Whey Beverages, Whey Powder, Lactose and Whey Protein
Unit 14 Buttermilk and Ghee Residue
Unit 15 New Technologies in By-product Utilization (Membrane Processing –
Reverse Osmosis and Ultra Filtration)
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Preparation of Starter Culture
Experiment 2 Preparation of Dahi
Experiment 3 Preparation of Mishti Dahi
Experiment 4 Preparation of Lassi
Experiment 5 Preparation of Yoghurt
Experiment 6 Preparation of Shrikhand
Experiment 7 Preparation of Cheddar Cheese from Cow Milk
Experiment 8 Preparation of Mozzarella Cheese
Experiment 9 Preparation of Processed Cheese
Experiment 10 Preparation of Processed Cheese Spread
Experiment 11 Calculation of Ingredients for Ice Cream Mix
Experiment 12 Preparation of Ice-Cream Mix
Experiment 13 Preparation of Ice Cream and Determination of Overrun
Experiment 14 Visit to Ice-Cream Factory
Experiment 15 Visit to Cheese Factory
Experiment 16 Preparation of Softy
Experiment 17 Manufacture of Kulfi
Experiment 18 Manufacture of Casein
Experiment 19 Study of Manufacture of Lactose
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Familiarization with Laboratory Equipment and Instruments
Experiment 2 Listing of Quality Control Agencies at National and International Level
Experiment 3 Standards Specification (Chemical and Microbiological) of Milk and Milk
Experiment 4 Determination of Fat in Milk, Cream, Butter, Khoa, Paneer, Ice Cream,
Milk Powder
Experiment 5 Determination of Titratable Acidity and pH of Milk and Milk Products
Experiment 6 Determination of Solubility of Milk Powder
Experiment 7 Determination of Acid Value in Ghee
Experiment 8 Microbiological Analysis of Milk Products
Experiment 9 Microbiological Analysis of Air and Water
Experiment 10 Tests for Sanitation of Dairy Equipments (Rinse Solution and Swab
Contact Methods)
Experiment 11 Judging Milk
Experiment 12 Judging of Table Butter
Experiment 13 Judging of Ghee
Experiment 14 Judging of Dahi
Experiment 15 Judging of Ice Cream
Experiment 16 Judging of Khoa (Pindi Type)
Experiment 17 Judging of Paneer
Experiment 18 Judging of Cheddar Cheese
Experiment 19 Judging of Milk Powders
Experiment 20 Judging of Shrikhand
Block 4 Entrepreneurship and Organization Building
Unit 11 Entrepreneurial Skills and Delegation
Unit 12 Development of Business Plan
Unit 13 Managing and Operating a Small Business
Unit 14 Performance Evaluation of a Small Enterprise
Experiment No. Name of Experiment
Experiment 1 Identification of Sources for Milk Losses during Processing of Milk
and Preparation of Milk Products. Preparation of Check list for
Controlling the Losses.
Experiment 2 Identification of Parameters for Production Efficiency
Experiment 3 Study of Working of a Cooperative Society
Experiment 4 Calculation of Milk Payment Based on Fat and Two Axis Pricing
Experiment 5 Designing of Milk Collection Route
Experiment 6 Preparation of Ledger, Trial-balance and Balance-sheet of DCS
Experiment 7 Identification of Entrepreneurial Skills
Experiment 8 Preparation of a Project Report to Set up a Small Dairy Plant
Experiment 9 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses of Milk and Milk Product
Experiment 10 Preparation of check-list of Problems in Procurement and Distribution
of Milk.
Experiment 11 Study of Storekeeping Practices, Inventory Control and Maintenance
of Various Records
Experiment 12 Preparation of Check-list for Evaluation of Performance of a Dairy
Experiment 13 Steam Load Estimation of a Dairy Plant
Experiment 14 Refrigeration Load Estimation of Dairy Plant
Experiment 15 Electrical Load Estimation of Dairy Plant
Brief Information about the DDT Programme
S. Name of the Prog. Min. age Duration in years Programme Medium of
Eligibility as on 1st
No. Programme Code Fee Instruction
Jan. of
the Min Max
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1. Diploma in DDT 10+2/ Senior No Bar 1 Year 4 Years Rs. 12,000/- English/
Dairy Secondary Hindi/
Technology Pass Outs Telugu**
BPP (Under As per 1 Year 4 Years Rs. 12,000/-
IGNOU/ OLS Univ. norms
Mode) for BPP
10th Pass may As per 1 Year 4 Years Rs. 13,000/-*
enroll simult- Univ. norms
aneously for for BPP
the BPP and
* The fee for BPP is Rs. 1000/- and thus the programme fee for the students enrolling for 10th and BPP
programme is Rs. 13000/-
** The programme shall be offered in Telugu language after printing of the study material in Telugu
language and the same is under printing process. It is likely to be offered in Telugu language from the
Academic Session, July 2015 and onwards.
Each unit has an introduction dealing with the contents of the units. Each unit outlines a list of objectives
which we expect you to achieve working throughout the unit. This is followed by the main body of the
unit, which is divided into various sections and sub-sections. We end up each unit by summarizing its
contents to enable you to recall the main points.
The ‘’Check Your Progress’’ exercises given in each unit are meant to help the learner to assess his/
her understanding of the subject.
5.1.2 Practical Manual
While, going through the Practical Manual you will note that each course has been divided into a
number of experiments. The number of practical exercises is based on the theory component of the
courses. The Practical Manual has been prepared with the objective of providing you a guidelines to
study and practice these skills/experiments when you are placed in the Laboratory/ Processing Hall/
Programme Study Centre/ Work Centre for practical experience/work.
5.2 Audio-Video Material
In addition to the print material, the audio and video programmes have been prepared for each course.
The audio-video material is supplementary to the print material. The audio tapes and video cassettes
are available at your programme study centre. The audio and video programmes help the students to
understand the subject better. Video programmes are transmitted by Doordarshan on National Network
and Gyan Darshan from 6.25 to 6.55 a.m. in the morning and evening 8.00-8.55 p.m. The video
programmes are also available at https://www.youtube.com/user/ignousoa/videos
Timings are subject to change which can be checked with the Programme Study Centre/ Regional
Centre/ IGNOU Website (www.ignou.ac.in). Please check the status and schedule of Gyan Darshan
and Gyan Vani on IGNOU website.
Audio-video material will not be supplied individually but made available at the Programme Study
Centres. These programmes can be watched during counselling sessions. The students desirous of
buying the audio-video tapes can procure them from the Marketing Unit, EMPC, IGNOU, Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi-110068.
5.3 Academic Counselling
The Programme Study Centre will organise academic counselling sessions for all courses of study. The
counselling sessions are mostly held outside the regular working hours of the host institutions where the
Programme Study Centres are located. The students can take help from the counsellors. The counselling
sessions are not meant to be classroom lectures. The students must study the material and try to
assimilate it, prior to coming for counselling. The students must consult their counsellors for clarifications
and help in solving the problems being encountered by them.
There will be 25 theory counselling sessions (2 hours each) and, 80 Practical counselling
sessions (4 hours each) for the entire programme at the selected Programme Study Centre.
The detailed programme of the counselling sessions will be prepared by the coordinator of the
programme study centre. The exact dates of counselling sessions will be announced by the concerned
Study Centres/ Programme Study Centre.
The counsellors may also organise sessions to listen/view to audio/video programmes. These programmes
often supplement your course material. The exact dates of these audio-video based counselling shall be
announced by the concerned Study Centres.
During the counselling sessions, there will be ample opportunity to interact with fellow students which
will help students to formulate self-help groups. The students are advised to bring all the blocks/units
as per the schedule during the counselling sessions/practical sessions.
5.4 Practical Sessions
The participation in practical session is an integral and compulsory part of the Diploma programme. The
practical component of the programme has been designed to explain the theory text and provide hands-
on-experience to processing of milk and milk products. This will help you to improve your skills,
knowledge and competence that you will need to practice as a competent Diploma holder with University
education. Throughout the programme, the material provided to you will encourage you to think about
what you have already known and do in your practice as a competent skilled professional.
Your practice is, therefore, an integral and compulsory part of the Diploma programme. 75% attendance
in the practical counselling sessions is compulsory for becoming eligible to appear in the Term-End
We hope that in addition to developing new skills and competencies, you will be able to reflect
on what you do, how well you do it and consider the ways you might do it better.
5.5 Teleconferencing
The teleconferencing sessions are telecast from GD II channel. The current status of the channels and
teleconferencing sessions are available on the IGNOU website. The toll free number is 1800112345
and other numbers are 011-29532844, 29532845, 29536134, 29573221, 29573224. The programme
can also be viewed from IGNOU website http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/Broadcast/
5.6 Interactive Radio-Counselling
Interactive Radio-Counselling (IRC): Interactive Radio-Counselling (IRC) is being done by the
Gyan Vani stations. The current status of Gyan Vani and the detailed broadcast schedule of IRC
can be seen at the IGNOU website. The toll free number of the Gyan Vani studio is 1800112346, and
other numbers are 011-29533103, 29536131, 29533207.
5.7 Study Centres/Programme Study Centres
To provide effective support, IGNOU has set up a large number of Study Centres and their variants
all over the country. The Programme Study Centres (PSCs) which are programme specific, have been
set up in select institutions for Diploma Programme. Each PSC will be handling about 30-35 students.
The counselling sessions are coordinated by the Programme Incharge and is your contact person at the
PSC. The detailed particulars regarding the Programme Study Centres to which you are assigned, will
be communicated to you by the concerned Regional Centre after confirmation of your admission. The
practical sessions of the programme will be held at the PSCs.
As mentioned earlier, the major support for academic and other related matters would be provided at
your Study Centre/Programme Study Centre (PSC). This will mainly include the following:
l Information, counselling and advice on your programme as well as other academic aspects
including other programmes offered by the University.
l Induction Programme for the newly enrolled students, where in the students, are oriented
about the open and distance education system in general and about the Diploma in Dairy
Technology Programme in particular. You will be interacting with the officials from the
Regional Centre, Academic Experts/Teachers from the Study Centre. A brief overview would
be given about the structure of the programme; instructional system; academic counselling;
assignments; various components of assignments and evaluation system.
l Please note that Induction Meeting/Programme is a very important programme, which is
organized only once for you, on enrolling for the first time. As such, you must attend the
programme, without fail.
l Distribution of Academic Counselling schedule.
l Provision of audio-video teleconferencing, radio counselling facilities for supplementing the
counselling sessions.
l Submission and evaluation of assignments, evaluated assignments would be returned back to
you with marks and feedback.
l Support about other academic and administrative queries pertaining to the conduct of
programme and other procedural requirements.
l Provide information on evaluation and assignment system followed by the University including
term-end examination.
Study Centre/Programme Study Centre is the contact point for you. All the important
communications are sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centres and concerned Regional
Directors. The Coordinators would display a copy of such important circular/notification on
the notice board of the Study Centre for your benefit. You are, therefore, advised to check the
notice board of the Study Centre and also get in touch with your Coordinator about assignments,
submission of examination forms, date-sheet, list of students admitted to a particular
examination, declaration of result, etc. Please give your feedback to the Regional Director or
to the Programme Coordinator.
As far as possible, the programme study centers will be allocated to the students near to their workplace
or residence.
Assignments constitute an integral component of this programme. You are given certain course wise
problems/questions for writing assignments. You are advised to write your response for these assignments
based on your understanding of Self Learning Material pertaining to course, discussions and interactions
you have had with academic counsellors, and fellow learners. Each course will have one assignment.
You are required to submit assignment responses of every course at the Study Centre (PSC) allotted
to you within the stipulated time frame. Every assignment marks will be counted for the final marking
for each course.
Course-wise questions for assignments prepared by the faculty are sent to you along with the study
material. It can also be downloaded from the IGNOU website i.e. available at
You are given enough time (see the assignment schedule/ operation schedule supplied to you) to go
through the study material, refer books, discuss/interact with Academic Counsellors and fellow learners
to develop an understanding and comprehending before you attempt actual assignment response
preparation. After completing the assignments, you should submit the same to the Study Centre (PSC)
with which you are attached, for assignment evaluation and feedback. The evaluator will carefully
evaluate the assignment response and provide you feedback in the form of teaching comments on the
strengths and weakness of each of the assignment response for your benefit. Remember, the assignment
carry a weightage of 20% per course, which will be added to the final grade in the concerned course.
6.1 Rationale of Assignments
Since assignment forms essential part of the programme, you must allocate enough time for preparing
and writing assignment responses as per the guidelines of the University and submit them to the Study
Centre/ Programme Study Centre.
Please make sure that you write assignment responses on your own which will improve your
understanding, knowledge and skills about the course curriculum. At the same time, you are also
advised not to reproduce the course material given in the units or assignments responses of others. Any
learner, found indulging into such practice, may be penalized by awarding “Zero mark”. Your sincere
efforts in writing assignment responses will enable you to integrate your knowledge, understanding, and
skills and provoke you to think on your own to test your comprehension of content and competencies
in applying the concept.
6.2 Steps to be followed for Assignment Preparation
While writing assignment responses, you may follow the guidelines given below which will facilitate for
preparing better assignment responses.:
l Read assignment question very carefully and identify the block(s) unit(s) to which it relates.
l Make your answer precise, concise and systematic, which is relevant to assessment question.
l Supplement your response with examples, illustrations and real life situations, as per
requirement, which will help you in acquiring better knowledge and skill.
l Stick to the word limit, if indicated, in the assignment, by drafting, re-drafting assignment
responses till you arrive a final draft response.
l Remember, you have to write answer in your own handwriting, as such, do not send typed
assignment response.
Further guidelines, if required, may be obtained from your Academic Counsellor(s) attached with the
Study Centre/ Programme Study Centre.
6.3 Submission of Completed Assignment Responses
Always submit your assignments with in the specified time limit:
l Write your enrolment number, name and full address at the right hand corner of the 1st page
of your assignment response.
l Submit your assignment response only to the Study Centre/ Programme Study Centre with
which you are attached. Please do not submit/forward your assignments to any other Centre/
l The course for which the assignment has been done, its Course code should be written in
capital letters in the centre of the top of the 1st page of the response sheets. The top left hand
corner should be kept for office use.
l The format given below may be used:
Programme Code........................................................
Programme Title ..........................................................
Course Title ................................................................
Course Code ..............................................................
Enrolment No .............................................................
Name: .........................................................................
Date of Submission: ....................................................
Instructions for submitting/sending Assignment Responses.
l Send assignment responses complete in all respects. Incomplete assignments will not carry
any credit.
l Use-A-4 size paper for writing your response and leave a margin of about 2½ inch on the
left side for writing tutor comments and providing feedback.
l Always retain a copy of the assignment response with you as a precautionary measure. In
case the assignment response submitted is lost in transit or otherwise, you may be asked to
send another copy. As such, retain a photocopy of the assignment response till you successfully
complete the Programme.
l The assignment should be submitted to the Coordinator/Programme-Incharge of the Study
Centre/ PSC on or before the last date indicated, as per the schedule of assignments, given
by the University.
l Always procure a set of new assignment questions, which are on offer if you have not cleared
them in previous year(s).
Once you have obtained pass marks in an assignment, you cannot resubmit assignment response,
for improvement of grade/mark. Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors,
if any.
The system of evaluation in IGNOU is different from that of conventional universities. In Indira Gandhi
National Open University, every course is considered as an independent unit. Hence, every course will
be evaluated separately and for all purposes each course will be considered as a separate entity. There
are eight courses in “Diploma in Dairy Technology” Programme. For successful completion of the
programme, you will have to secure pass marks in all the eight courses. The assessment system of the
programme is given below:
The term-end examination will be of 50 marks. The minimum pass marks in term-end examination will
be 25. The marks obtained by the students in the term-end examination will be converted to have
weightage of 80% in theory courses.
7.2.2 Practical
The practical evaluation is divided under two components: (i) guided experiments and (ii) unguided
experiments. The guided experiments shall be performed during the counselling sessions under the
guidance of the counsellors. The unguided experiment shall be undertaken by the students in the last
session. For unguided experiment, student shall not be provided any guidance while performing the
Both the components will be evaluated and the weightage of 70% and 30% is assigned to guided and
unguided experiments, respectively. The performance of the students would be assessed in each experiment
by the counsellors on the basis of manipulative skills, observation and their understanding of the basic
concepts related to the experiment.
Weightage: Practical
Component Weightage
Guided Experiments 70%
Un-guided Experiments 30%
For latest information regarding Programme fee, Exam fee, Late fee etc., you are requested to contact
concerned PSC or Regional Centre or consult the latest Prospectus or see the website please
The exam form along with requisite late fee should be submitted at the Regional Centre only.
Examinations for these students will be invariably conducted in the cities of Regional Centres. You can
download the Term-End-Exam form from http://ignou.ac.in/userfiles/form.pdf
Examination fee as well as late fee is payable in the form of a Demand Draft drawn from any
nationalized bank in favour of IGNOU, payable at the city of the concerned Regional Centre.
The examination form received after due date with or without late fee, wherever applicable, shall be
7.10.2 General Guidelines
To avoid discrepancies in filling up examination form/hardship in appearing in the term-end examination
students are advised to:
1) remain in touch with the Study Centre/Regional Centre/SE Division for change in schedule of
submission of examination form fee if any;
2) fill up the examination form for next term-end examination without waiting for the result of the
previous term-end examination and also filling up the courses, for which result is awaited;
3) fill up all the particulars carefully and properly in the examination form to avoid rejection/ delay
in processing of the form;
4) retain proof of mailing/submission of examination form till they receive examination hall ticket; and
5) Examination Date Sheet and schedule which indicate the date and time of examination for each
course is sent to all the Regional Centres approximately 5 months in advance. The same is also
notified through IGNOU Newsletter from time to time. Normally, the date sheet for June examinations
are sent in the month of January and for December Examination in the month of July. The date
sheet is also available on the IGNOU website www.ignou.ac.in.
7.10.3 Examination Centre
Normally, the study centre is the examination centre. However, it could also be another Study Centre
in the district/adjoining district. A student is required to fill the same Study Centre Code as exam centre
code in the examination form. For this purpose the students are advised to go through the list of study
centres available in the Student Handbook and Prospectus/Programme Guide. In case any student
wishes to take examination at a particular study centre, the code of the chosen centre be filled up as
examination centre code. However, in case the examination centre chosen by a student, is not activated,
the university will allot another examination centre under the same District/Region.
Please remember that the University reserves the right for allocation of the Examination
7.10.4 Issue of Examination Hall Ticket
University issues Examination Hall Ticket to the students at least two weeks before the commencement
of Term-end Examination. The same could also be downloaded from the University’s website
www.ignou.ac.in. In case any student fails to receive the Examination Hall Ticket within one week
before the commencement of the examination, he/she can download the Hall Ticket from the IGNOU
website and approach the exam centre for appearing in the examination. The student should carry his
Identity Card (Student Card) also.
Change of examination centre is permitted only in exceptional cases for which you have to make a
request to the Registrar, SED at least one month before the commencement of the examination as per
the University norms.
Always remember your Enrolment Number is your Roll Number for the term-end-examination
(theory paper). Please exercise enough care in writing it correctly. Any mistake in writing the
Roll Number will lead to non-declaration of result.
If you do not get the Hall Ticket, check the list of students registered for examination at the Examination
Centre or on the IGNOU website www.ignou.ac.in. If your name is in the list, you shall be permitted
to appear at the examination by showing your Identity Card (Student Card)/downloaded Hall Ticket
to the Examination Centre Superintendent.
7.11 Declaration of Results
Although all efforts are made to declare the result in time. The University may not be able to declare
the results of the last examination before commencement of next examination, however, due to unforeseen/
unavoidable reasons.
You are, therefore, advised to fill up the term-end examination form for next term-end examination
without waiting for the result of previous term-end examination. In such case(s), the examination fee of
Rs. 60.00 per course is not required to be paid.
Always quote your name, Enrollment Number, name of the programme and complete address for any
correspondence with the University (including Regional Centre and Study Centre). In absence of such
details, we may not be able to attend to your problems.
No student is allowed to re-appear in an examination or re-submit assignment responses for improving
the marks/grade after successfully completing it.
7.12 Early Declaration of Results
The University has the provision of early declaration of term-end examinations results. The application
for early declaration of results shall be entertained only if you have been selected for any post or applied
for further studies, wherein mark-sheet/certificate for qualifying examination is required to be submitted
to the institution by a particular date, which may be before the date of declaration of the University
results. You must compulsorily submit documentary evidence (proof) in support of the reason for early
declaration of your result.
It may be noted that early declaration of result is allowed only in respect of theory courses. This
facility is not applicable for practical/lab courses, project, workshop, assignments, seminar,
etc. based courses. The application for early declaration of results shall be entertained for
final year courses or maximum of four backlog courses only. Prescribed fee @ Rs. 700/- per
course shall be payable by Demand Draft in favour of ‘IGNOU’ and payable at New Delhi. Application
form along with required amount of fee must be submitted to the Registrar, S.E. Division, IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 before the date of the commencement of term-end examination i.e.,
before 1st June and 1st December, respectively. Application form for Early Declaration of Results is
placed in this book. (See Appendix-V)
7.13 Re-evaluation of Answer Script(s)
The students who are not satisfied with the marks/grade secured by them in Term-end Examination can
apply for re-evaluation within one month from the date of result declaration i.e. the date on which the
results are made available on the University website on payment of Rs. 500/- per course in the
prescribed application form available on the University website. The better of the two scores of original
marks/grades and re-evaluated marks/grades will be considered and the revised marks/grades shall be
incorporated in the student’s records, if applicable. Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects,
Practicals, Assignments and Seminars, etc.
7.14 Issue of Official Transcript
The students may also obtain ‘Official Transcript’ for submission to the Overseas or Indian Institutes/
Universities on request. They may apply in the prescribed form by paying the requisite fee as under by
means of demand draft in favour of ‘IGNOU’ and payable at ‘New Delhi’:
1) Rs. 200/- per transcript, if it is to be sent to the student/institutes in India.
2) Rs. 400/- per transcript, if required to be sent to the Institute outside India by the University.
A sample prescribed application form with rules and regulations in detail for this purpose is given in the
Common Prospectus and also made available at http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/studentzone/forms/1 on
University’s website www.ignou.ac.in.
7.15 Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer Script
The students may obtain the photocopy of the evaluated answer scripts for the term-end examination
on request. They may apply the prescribed application form from 1st March to 15th April for June Term-
end Examination and from 1st September to 15th October for December Term-End Examination along
with the requisite fee of Rs. 100/- per course by means of demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’
and payable at ‘New Delhi’.
A sample prescribed application form with rules and regulations in detail for this purpose is given in the
Common Prospectus and also made available at http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/studentzone/forms/1 on
University’s website www.ignou.ac.in.
1. Identity Card, Fee Receipt, Bonafide Concerned Regional Centre
Certificate, Migration Certificate,
Scholarship Forms
2. Non-receipt of study material Concerned Regional Director
and assignments
3. Registrar’s Secretariat Contact No. Phone No: 011-29535828
(Student Evaluation Division) 2482/6743/5438 Intercom No. 29572204/2205
FAX No.011-29534429 sed@ignou.ac.in
4. Original Degree/Diploma/Verification of Deputy Registrar (Exam-I), SED, Block-9,
Degree/Diploma IGNOU,Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
e-mail: convocation@ignou.ac.in
Ph. 011-29535438, 29572224/6, 29572213
5. Schedule/Information regarding Exam- Assistant Registrar (Exam-II), Student
form, Entrance Test, date-sheet, EvaluationDivision (SED), Block-12,
IGNOU, Hall Ticket Room No. 2, IGNOU,Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
e-mail: sgoswami@ignou.ac.in
Tele No. 011-29536743, 29572202, 29572209
6. Result, Re-evaluation, Grade Card, Deputy Registrar (Exam-III), SED,
Provisional Certificate, Early Declaration Block-12, Room No. 1, IGNOU,
of Result, Transcripts Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
e-mail: npsingh@ignou.ac.in or
Ph. 011-29536103, 29572201, 29572211,
7. Non-reflection of Assignment Assistant Registrar (Assignment),
Grades/ Marks Student Evaluation Division, Block-3,
Room No. 12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
e-mail: assignments@ignou.ac.in or
Ph. 011-29532294, 29571312, 29571319,
8. Change of elective/medium/opting of left Concerned Regional Centre
over electives/deletion of excess credits
9. Student Grievances (online) Assistant Registrar (Student Grievance) SED,
Block-3, Room No. 13, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
e-mail: sregrievance@ignou.ac.in
Ph. 011-29532294, 29571313,
10. Purchase of Audio/Video Tapes Marketing Unit, EMPC, IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Ph. 011-29573210
11. Academic Content Director, School of Agriculture,
Zakir Hussain Bhawan, Academic Complex,
Block - G, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi - 110 068
Ph. 011-29533167, 29572976, 29534773
e-mail: soa@ignou.ac.in
12. Information Regarding Counselling Concerned study centres and Programme
Sessions & Assignment Submission Study Centre
13. Status of Project Report Phone No: Intercom No.29571324, 29571320,
E-mail: projects@ignou.ac.in;
14. Student Support Services and Student Regional Director, Student Service Centre,
Grievances, pre-admission inquiry of IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
various courses in IGNOU e-mail: ssc@ignou.ac.in
Ph. :011-29535714, 29533869, 29533870,
29572513/ 2514/2516 Fax: 011-29533129
15. Front Office (May I help you) (Students’ Phone No:011-29572218, 29572210,
General Enquiries) 29572211, 29572208, 29572216, 295722092
IGNOU Telephone Exchange Number 29571000
16. Public Information Center (PIC) PH: 29533715, 29572508
IGNOU admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. Only those learners who satisfy the eligibility
criteria fixed by the University will be admitted. Learners will not be admitted if they are not eligible
as per the eligibility criteria. Therefore, the candidates should not be misled by the false promises of
admission made by any private individuals or institution.
You are also advised to get in touch with the Programme Incharge of your Study Centre.
8.2 Online Facilities
IGNOU website is www.ignou.ac.in. A few important links under the site are enlisted here.
a) Schools: Where you will get the information about the programmes offered by different schools.
In the school of agriculture, programmes being offered in agriculture sector are available. The link
is http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/aboutignou/school/soa/introduction and gives the details of
b) For students: The University’s website (www.ignou.ac.in) has a special section marked as “Student
Zone” to facilitate various student support services, from admission to results, to the students and
covers- registration details, queries about admission, re-registration, results; catalogue for print
media and audio video; download facilities for assignment; library; question papers; material despatch
details, address checking; registration for SMS alerts; convocation; term-end date sheet; examination
form; campus placement and prospectus and application form. The students are requested to
access the Student Zone of the IGNOU website- www.ignou.ac,in. The link is http://www.ignou.ac.in/
For SMS alert you can registered at https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/
c) Division: Under this section, there are links of Material Production and Distribution Division,
Regional Service Division, Student Registration Division and Student Evaluation Division.
i) Student Registration Division - This link will give you information about admission and re-
admission. http://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/AdmissionStatusNew.ASP
ii) Student Evaluation Division - This link give information about term-end examination, grade
card status, results, hall ticket etc.
iii) MPDD: The link http://www.ignou.ac.in/upload/price%20catale.pdf and
registarmpdd@ignou.ac.in/ mpdd@ignou.ac.in gives the Price Catelogue of the Study Material.
iv) Electronic Media: You will get the information about the Gyan Darshan Schedule, Gyan
Vani schedule, Interactive Radio Counselling, teleconferencing schedule and feedback form.
Please check with empc@ignou.ac.in/ directorempc@ignou.ac.in or edusat-empc@ignou.ac.in
8.3 List of Activated Programme Study Centres (PSCs)/Study Centres
(SCs) for the Programme - Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT)
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
1. SC/PSC under IGNOU Regional Centre, Ahmedabad
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
(ii) Yavatmal/1648*
Dr. Shrikant Deorao Kalyankar
Programme Incharge
IGNOU Programme Study Centre
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
(iii) Parbhni/1663*
Dr. Pawar Vasant
Programme Incharge
IGNOU Programme Study Centre
Marathwada Agriculture University
Dept. of Animal Products Technology
College of Food Technology
Parbhani-431403, Maharashtra
Tel.: 02452-223801,
E-mail : olshekhawat@gmail.com
* Not Active
(ii) NOIDA/39018P
Mr. Prashant Tripathi,
Programme Incharge,
IGNOU Programme Study Centre
Academy of Dairy Skill Development
Unit of Suruchi Consultants,
C-49, NOIDA Sec.-65,
Dist. G.B.Nagar, (U.P.)
Tel. +91-0120-4320845,
Email: dairybusiness01@gmail.com
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
(ii) Aurangabad/1610
Dr. Vanmare
IGNOU Study Centre
Vivekanand Arts Sardar Dalipsingh
Commerce & Science College,
Aurangabad-431 005,
Tel.: 0240-2376799,
Email: ignou1610@gmail.com
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
(ii) Varanasi/48003P
Dr. Dinesh Chandra Rai
Programme Incharge,
IGNOU Prog. Study Centre
Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh
Tel.: 0542-6701774, 2368583
Email: pscvns48003@gmail.com
Sl. IGNOU Regional Centre Contact Details of the Programme Study
No. Centres/Study Centres with their Code
* Kept in abeyance/Non-active
Website links:
IGNOU website: http://www.ignou.ac.in/
IGNOU Regional Centres’ website:
Whom to contact for what:
Appendix - I
Registrar, SRD
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi-110 068.
(For correction in the spelling of name please attach an attested photocopy of 10th class Certificate)
Signature of Student
Phone/Mobile Number __________________________
Appendix - II
The Regional Director (concerned)
Enrolment No.
I have not received the Study Material / Assignments in respect of the following :
I have remitted all the dues towards the course fee and there is NO CHANGE in my address given
as follows :
Appendix - III
Control No.
1. Please submit your exam form at the concerned Regional Centre under which your examination centre falls.
2. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within the box without touching the lines as shown in the sample below.
Name of the Candidate: (Leave one box empty between First Name, Middle Name and Surname)
Address for Co0rrespondence (Do not give Post Box No. Leave box blank between each unit of address like House No., Street Name, PO, etc.
City District
Course codes for which appearing for the first time OR failed in the earlier TEEs including Practical Courses for BCA, MCA, BIT/ADIT/ PGDLAN/BLIS
Programmes FEE @ Rs. 60/- PER COURSE (Demand draft in favour of IGNOU and payable at Regional Centre under which your exam centre falls.
S.No. Course Code S.No. Course Code
1. 9.
2. 10.
3. 11.
4. 12.
5. 13.
6. 14.
7. 15.
8. 16.
FEE DETAILS (Please write your Name & Enrolment No. at the back of the Draft)
1. Draft No.
Total No. of Total Amount
Courses × 60 Amount
TOTAL Date / /
Issuing Branch ———————————————————————
Payable at (Regional Centre under
(within the Box only) which your exam centre falls)
Dates for Submission of Exam Form
1 March to 31 March NIL 1 Sept. to 30 Sept. NIL ONLY AT THE CONCERNED
1 April to 20 April ` 300/- 1 Oct. to 20 Oct. ` 300/- WHICH YOUR EXAMINATION
21 April to 30 April ` 500/- 21 Oct. to 31 Oct. ` 500/- CENTRE FALLS
Examination fee per course is - ` 60/- (Examination fee once paid will not be refunded/adjusted in any case)
Examination form to be submitted at - Regional Centre under which your examination centre falls
Demand draft to be made in favour of - IGNOU and payable at the city where submitting the exam form
It is to certify that the student has submitted all the assignment(s) for the course(s) filled in the examination form.
Appendix - IV
1. Request for early declaration of results will be entertained for final semester/year or maximum of 4 backlog
courses only, subject to the following conditions:-
i) The student has been selected for higher study/employment and statement of marks/grade card is required
to be produced to the institute by a particular date, which is before the prescribed dates of declaration of
the University’s results.
ii) The student has completed all the other prescribed components except the term-end examination of the
courses, for which early evaluation has been sought.
2. Application for early declaration, for the reasons such as to apply for recruitment/higher study/post and
promotion purpose etc. will not be entertained.
3. Application without enclosing documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration will not be
4. Application form must reach at the following address before the date of the examination for the course (s) for
which early evaluation is sought:-
Appendix - V
Programme : ................................................................................................................................................
Enrolment No.
1) The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made before 31st March for December TEE
and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results, whichever is later.
2) The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the date on which the result are placed on the
IGNOU website.
3) After re-evaluation, the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after re-
evaluation will be considered.
4) The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt of re-
evaluation result and result of re-evaluation will also made available on the IGNOU website at
www.ignou.ac.in. The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of
receipt of application.
5) Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project/Dissertation Practicals/Lab courses,
Workshops, Assignments & Seminar etc.
6) On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form,
7) Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address:-
Sl.No. Address of Evaluation Centre Jurisdiction of Evaluation Centre
1. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres within Delhi-1, Delhi-2,
Evaluation Centre Delhi-3, All Schools and Divisions at Hqs.
Block-5, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
2. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Chennai, Hyderabad,
Evaluation Centre, Periyar Thidal Port Blair, Vijayawada, Trivandrum, Cochin, Ban-
No.50, EVK Sampath Road galore, Madurai, Panaji, Nagpur and Sub-RC
Vepery Chennai – 600 007 Vatakara.
3. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Patna, Raipur,
Evaluation Centre Bhuvneshwar, Koraput, Siliguri and
IGNOU Regional Centre Raghunathganj.
2nd Floor, Biscomaun Tower
W. Gandhi Maidan, Patna -800 001
4. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Lucknow, Varanasi,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Aligarh, Dehradun, Noida, Karnal, Chandigarh,
Centre, B-1/33, Sector-H, Aliganj Khanna, Shimla, Jammu and Srinagar,
Lucknow – 226 024
5. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Pune, Ahmedabad,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Bhopal, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Rajkot and Mumbai.
Centre, 1st Floor, MSFC Building
270, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411016
6. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Guwahati, Itanagar,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Imphal, Shilong, Agartala, Gangtok, Kohima and
Centre, H/No.71, GMC Road Aizwal.
Christian Basti, Guwahati – 781 005
7. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Kolkata, Darbhanga and
IGNOU Regional Evaluation Centre Ranchi.
Mangolik, H/H-19/1, Baguipara,
Baguiah, P.O. Aswininagar, VIP Road,
* For the photocopy (ies) of the answer script(s) of CPE & DPE programmes, the application form may be
sent to the Regional Centre concerned.
Appendix - VI
1. Name: ____________________________________
3. Address: .................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................. Pin .......................................................
4. Term-end examination, in which programme completed June and December ……………….
Total marks/Overall point grade obtained Percentage obtained
……………………………………………… ……………………………..
(Please enclosed photocopy of the statement of marks/grades card)
* For the photocopy (ies) of the answer script(s) of CPE & DPE programmes, the application form may be sent
to the Regional Centre concerned.
Appendix - VII
I hereby undertake that the answer script(s), for which photocopy(ies), applied for, belongs to me.
For this purpose, I am enclosing self attested photocopy of my Identity Card issued by the University.
In case, my statement is found false, the University may take action against me as deemed fit.
1. Photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall be provided to the students from December-2008 term-end exami-
nation (TEE), onwards.
2. The fee for photocopy of the answer script shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundered Only) per course. Fee
shall be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi.
3. Application form without self attested photocopy of the Identity Card of the student will not be entertained.
4. Student’s application form for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall reach the Concerned Authority (as
mentioned below in the last para) alongwith the prescribed fee within 45 days from the date of declaration of
results. The date of receipt of application for June term-end examination shall be by 15th October and for
December term-end examination by 15th April or within 45 days from the date of declaration of result on the
University’s website, whichever your later.
5. The students, who find that any portion of the answer was not evaluated or any totaling error is noticed, may
point out the same and submit their representation alongwith a copy of the answer script supplied to them
within 15 days. No other query regarding evaluation of answer script shall be entertained.
6. The students, who intend to apply for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) may simultaneously apply for re-
evaluation, if they so desire. The last date for submission of application for re-evaluation will not be extended
to facilitate them to point out discrepancy in the evaluation.
7. The application form duly filled-in may be sent to the following address except CPE & DPE programmes:-
Sl.No. Address of Evaluation Centre Jurisdiction of Evaluation Centre
1. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres within Delhi-1, Delhi-2,
Evaluation Centre
Delhi-3, All Schools and Divisions at Hqs.
Block-5, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
2. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Chennai, Hyderabad,
Evaluation Centre, Periyar Thidal Port Blair, Vijayawada, Trivandrum, Cochin, Ban-
No.50, EVK Sampath Road galore, Madurai, Panaji, Nagpur and Sub-RC
Vepery Chennai – 600 007 Vatakara.
3. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Patna, Raipur,
Evaluation Centre Bhuvneshwar, Koraput, Siliguri and
IGNOU Regional Centre Raghunathganj.
2nd Floor, Biscomaun Tower
W. Gandhi Maidan, Patna -800 001
4. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Lucknow, Varanasi,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Aligarh, Dehradun, Noida, Karnal, Chandigarh,
Centre, B-1/33, Sector-H, Aliganj Khanna, Shimla, Jammu and Srinagar,
Lucknow – 226 024
5. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Pune, Ahmedabad,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Bhopal, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Rajkot and Mumbai.
Centre, 1st Floor, MSFC Building
270, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411016
6. Dy. Registrar All Examination Centres in Guwahati, Itanagar,
Evaluation Centre, IGNOU Regional Imphal, Shilong, Agartala, Gangtok, Kohima and
Centre, H/No.71, GMC Road Aizwal.
Christian Basti, Guwahati – 781 005
7. Dy. Registrar
All Examination Centres in Kolkata, Darbhanga
IGNOU Regional Evaluation Centre
and Ranchi.
Mangolik, H/H-19/1, Baguipara,
Baguiah, P.O. Aswininagar, VIP Road,
8) For the photocopy (ies) of the answer script(s) of CPE & DPE programmes, the application form may be sent
to the Regional Centre concerned.
Appendix - VIII
Dates for submission :
1st Aug. to 31st Oct.
(other than MP & MPB - Details as shown in Table-A)
2. Programme Code :
3. Enrol.No. :
Total Rs.
7. Details of re-registration for the missed year(s)/semester(s), if any:
Year(s)/ Course Code(s) of the missed year(s)/semester(s) Re-registration
semester(s) fee Rs.
Note: Please retain a copy of this form for any future reference. (P.T.O.)
1. Re-admission is permissible in the following cases :
(a) Students who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed.
(b) Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in Programme
curriculum within the maximum span period prescribed.
2. Students who do not register for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full
Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission, provided
they pay full fee for the missed year(s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which they seek
re-admission, in addition to the pro-rata course fee for re-admission as per rate given in Table-A for each of the
course(s) they failed to successfully complete within the maximum period prescribed.
3. Course fee paid for re-admission would be valid for a period of six months/one year/two consecutive academic
years or four consecutive semesters only, as given below:
a) Six months - for all Certificate Programmes of six months duration
b) One year - for all Diploma/PG Dip. Programmes of one year duration
(including BLIS, MLIS, MADE etc.)
c) Two years - for all undergraduate and post-graduate programmes whose minimum duration is of 2
years and above.
4. The additional period indicated at point no.3 above will commence from the date of completion of the maximum
duration of the Programme for which the registration was done initially.
5. Students shall not be on rolls of the university beyond the additional period indicated at point no.3 above.
6. The credit earned by the student towards his/her courses and assignments successfully completed shall be
retained for the revalidated period, provided the syllabus and methodology now in vogue are similar to the
course(s) successfully completed earlier.
7. No study material (SLMs) will be supplied on re-admission, including for the missed semester/year. If the earlier
SLMs is replaced, the student will be required to buy changed course material. For that matter SLMs will not be
provided for the courses re-registered as missed semester/year. Students will have to make their own arrangement
for the SLMs.
8. The students will be allowed to take re-admission in the old course(s) as long as the examination in the old
course(s) is conducted by the University.
9. For the Programmes containing practical component, the norms of fee payable will be as decided by the respective
10. Students are required to pay the pro-rata Re-admission fee as per details given in Table-A, in lump sum, for all
the courses they failed to successfully complete earlier. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any
circumstances. Students of BCA-MCA Intg. Prog. should pay the pro-rata re-admission fee, in lump sum, for
all those courses of BCA as well as MCA that have not been successfully completed during the maximum
duration of 8 years.
11. Pro-rata fee for Re-admission would be changed as and when the University revises the Programme fee for
various Programmes.
12. Other conditions as prescribed by the University relating to the admission and re-admission shall remain the
13. The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the re-registration fee of the missed year(s)/semester(s), if
any, should be drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi. Please write your Enrol. No., Name and
Programme code and also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the DD.
1. Students can check their Re-admission status from the website (www.ignou.ac.in> STUDENTS ZONE>
Admission> Registration Status> CHECK READMISSION Status >).
2. The following programmes have been wound-up and term-end examination will no longer be conducted in the
old syllabus courses, hence re-admission not allowed:
(i) BCA(old sylb) [Jan.1996, Jan.1997 & Jan.1998 batches]
(ii) MCA(old syllabus) [pre-Jan. 2005 batches]
(iii) CIC (However Re-admss will be applicable for CIC-2 & CIC-5 for B.Com & CBS students)
(iv) BIT, (v) ADIT, (vi) MLIS (old sylb.) , (vii) BLIS (old sylb.) & (viii) B.Sc(N) (old sylb.)
Appendix IX
1. Name : ......................................................................................................................................................
3. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... Pin
4. Purpose for which: ....................................................................................................................................
transcript is required .................................................................................................................................
5. Fees detail:
Fees for the official transcript:-
Rs. 200/- per transcript, if to be sent to the student/Institute in India.
Rs. 400/- per transcript, if required to be sent to the Institute outside India by the University.
(The requisite fee is required to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at
‘New Delhi’)
No. of transcript(s): …………..…… X Rs. 200/ Rs. 400/- = Total Amount: Rs......................required
7. Name & address of the University/Institute/Employer in capital letters to whom transcript is required to be
sent (attached a separate list, if required)
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068.
Note: The students are required to enclose same number of legible photocopies of both sides of the statement of
marks/grade card issued to them, as the number of transcripts required.
Appendix X
Enrolment No.:
Name: .............................................................................................................................................
Month and year of last examination in which you have completed the Programme ........................
Registrar (SED)
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Date:............................ ....................................
Appendix XI
1. Name ..................................................................................................................................
2. Father’s Name ....................................................................................................................
3. Address ...............................................................................................................................
4. Particulars of last examination
Examination Passed Year of Enrolment No. Marks Grades
(programme) Passing Obtained Obtained
5. Name of the Regional Centre and Study Centre to which the candidate attached
6. Name of the University to which the candidate wants to migrate
Draft Details
Amount Rs. …………………….. D.D. No………………… Date…………………
1. I hereby declare that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have
paid all the fee due to the University.
2. I have not taken any migration certificate from the University before this.
3. I further certify that I have not enrolled with any other university/Institution after passing out from
IGNOU up to this date.
4. I also undertake that I am not enrolled in any other programme of IGNOU at present.
5. In the event of any of the above information being found incorrect, the Certificate shall be liable
for cancellation by the University.
Signature of the Applicant
(To be filled in by the Regional Centre)
1. The information furnished by Shri/Smt./Km. …………………………………………….
is correct as per Grade Card enclosed.
2. He/She may be issued the Migration Certificate applied for ………………………………
Date ……...............… Dealing Assistant ………………. Section Officer ……………………
1. A fee Rs.400/- should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at the
city of Regional Centre concerned.
2. At the time of submission of the application for issue of Migration Certificate, the applicant should attach
duly attested Xerox copy of consolidated Statement of Marks and the Degree Certificate/ Provisional
Certificate issued by this University.
3. It should be submitted at the Regional Centre to which the student was last attached with.
4. Duplicate Migration Certificate can be issued on payment of Rs. 400/-, in case the same has been lost,
destroyed or mutilated, on submission of an Affidavit drawn upon a non-judicial stamp paper the
value of Rs.10/- to be sworn in before a Magistrate on the following format :
Appendix XII
Enrolment No.
Address ............................................................................
Programme ................................................................................................................................................
Month and Year of the Exam. ....................................................................................................................
Centre from where appeared at
last examination ..........................................................................................................................................
Bank Draft / IPO No. .............................................................. Dated .......................................................
for Rs. 150/- in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi ..........................................................................................
Dated .......................................................................
Note : Fee for duplicate grade card Rs.150/-. The duplicate grade card/mark sheet will be sent by
Registered post.
The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to :
The Registrar (Student Evaluation Division)
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
Appendix XIII
Enrolment No. :
Residential Address :
Evaluation of guided
Sl. Date Title experiment Total Remarks
No. of the _______________________________________ marks
Experiment Performance & Reporting Record Viva-
Observations Voce
(4) (2) (2 ) (2) (10)
Date :
Evaluation Form No.2
Enrolment No. :
Residential Address :
Evaluation of guided
Sl. Date Title experiment Total
No. of the ________________________________ marks Remarks
Experiment Performance & Reporting Viva-
Observations Voce
(8) (2) (5) (15)
Date :
Evaluation Form No. 3
Centre Code :
Please keep this Programme Guide safely till you complete the Programme.
You will need to repeatedly consult it while pursuing the Diploma
Programme, as this guide carries information pertaining to structure,
course and units; guidelines for operationalization of the programme and
formats required for different purposes to make correspondence with the
Printed Self Learning/Instructional Study Material (SLM) is the backbone
of Open and Distance Learning System (ODL). The study material is
prepared by a team of experts keeping in view the requirements,
understandings and interest of the learners. The material is developed
through an expert committee who are distinguished academics and
professionals in respective disciplines. The study material is written in
such a manner that the learners can study themselves with little assistance
from the Academic Counsellors at the Learner Support Centres. It is
mandatory to attend the stipulated practical counselling sessions (75%
attendance is minimum) at the Programme Study Centre. Further, you
may also refer to text books and reference books, as per your requirement.
These are available with select libraries attached to the Study Centres and
Regional Centres.
The Concerned IGNOU Regional Centre will send you the study material
and assignments by the registered post or may be handed over in person.
If you do not receive the same for any reason, it may be immediately
reported to your Regional Centre, for verification and necessary action.
Further, in case, you do not receive assignments, you may obtain a copy
of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre with which you
are attached or may download it from the IGNOU website
Remember, you are eligible for Term-end-examination in June/December,
depending upon the cycle of your admission i.e. January/July, till you
have valid registration up to maximum period of four years.