Synthesis of Cyclohexanol To Cyclohexene - Lab Report
Synthesis of Cyclohexanol To Cyclohexene - Lab Report
Synthesis of Cyclohexanol To Cyclohexene - Lab Report
The experiment revolves around the dehydration of cyclohexanol to cyclohexene through a unimolecular
elimination (E1) reaction using an acid-catalyst. Cyclohexanol is used as the starting material so that the
alcohol that will be used will not yield any unwanted product, is reactive enough, and will involve the
product in the liquid phase. As for the acid-catalyst, phosphoric acid was preferred over sulfuric acid
because of its weaker oxidizing properties as well as its weaker acidity. The main objective of the
experiment is the synthesis itself while other objectives include getting a satisfactory percent yield, and
characterizing the product produced by the reaction done. After the reaction is allowed to happen in the
boiling flask, the mixture is then distilled using a fractional distillation setup to separate the desired
product from the starting material, the remaining acid catalyst, and water. Then, liquid-liquid extraction is
then used to further separate the organic layer containing the cyclohexene from the aqueous layer. Then,
to further remove water, the extract was dried using calcium chloride. The dried product was then left for
the next class. The first step in the next session involves using a dropper to transfer the dried product to
the vial for the characterization using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy but the dropper used was
contaminated so further extraction using saturated sodium chloride was used, Then the product was then
inserted into the vial for characterization. The product contained hexane and other impurities with a
retention factor of 1.50, the desired product cyclohexene with the highest peak and a retention factor of
1.63, and some starting material cyclohexanol with a retention factor of 2.38.
For instance, ethylene, the simplest alkene (1), agent clumped together while swirling the flask.
is the organic compound produced at the After adding more pellets, the clumping stopped
greatest quantity worldwide, which reaches up and the colorless final product was decanted
to more than 130 billion kilograms per year. A into a clean, dry test tube and stored with an
bulk of the produced ethylene is polymerized to aluminum foil and stopper.
polyethylene which is the most commonly found
plastic. (3) The sample obtained in this experiment
was soon contaminated with impurities,
II. Experimental indicated by its murky appearance. To fix this,
the product was mixed with saturated sodium
chloride (NaCl) solution and was extracted
again. After removing the aqueous layer, the
organic layer was extracted with hexane to
draw off organic impurities. Anhydrous CaCl2
was added to dry off any water content left in
the extracted sample.
the hydroxy group (-OH) of the starting purification purposes. This technique separates
chemical. It forms an alcohol intermediate as different components of a mixture based on
the hydroxyl group was transformed into a their boiling points, allowing for the isolation of
better leaving group. Therefore, it undergoes an pure cyclohexene. Cyclohexene has a lower
elimination reaction where a water molecule is boiling point than water, thus it was distilled off
extracted. The formation of a carbocation first, leaving behind the water and other heavier
intermediate resulted from a hydrogen atom on components.
the carbon atom bonded to the hydroxyl group.
This intermediate therefore undergoes The mixture was separated through the
deprotonation to generate the desired use of separator funnel and technique. Further
cyclohexene product— Resulting in the purification was then performed through the
formation of a double bond between the carbon drying agent, anhydrous calcium chloride
atoms previously bonded to the hydroxyl group. (CaCl2) to remove any remaining water traces.