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Rozdział 7 - Zakupy I Usługi - MiniMatura (Grupa A)

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Rozdział 7 Imię i nazwisko:

Grupa A Klasa: Wynik /50

Zakupy i usługi


1 Uzupełnij słowa, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. 4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w każdej parze, tak aby miało
Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze. to samo znaczenie co pierwsze. Użyj słów podanych
A l e a f l e t came through our letter box yesterday. It was
0 drukowanymi literami.
an advertisement for a new department 1 _ t _ _ e. I usually 0 What would you do if the cash machine didn’t give you
throw things like that away but it looked nice with lots of back your card?
photos and a funny 2 _ l _ g _ _. There was a photo of SUPPOSING
protestors carrying banners. The banners had said ‘Down Supposing the cash machine didn’t give you back your
with the government’ but they had been changed to say card. What would you do?
‘Down with prices’. It says that there is going to be a fifty 1 You shouldn’t buy that shirt if you can’t try it on.
percent 3 _ _ s _ _ _ n _ on everything on the first day. I love UNLESS
bargains and special 4 _ f _ _ _ s so I’m going to get there You shouldn’t buy that shirt
early. I hope the 5 _ u _ u _ s for the checkouts aren’t too .
long. 2 I’ll go shopping with you but only if we can be home by
4 p.m.
2 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Pierwsze litery I’ll go shopping with you
tych słów zostały podane. .
I’m going on holiday soon. I changed some money at
0 3 Look at the queues. I’m sure there are some good
the local 1 b of the bank where I have an bargains on offer today.
a . The exchange rate isn’t great but it’s BE
better than at the airport. The exchange places there are Look at the queues. There
a real 3 r -o . When you go .
abroad, it’s better to use a 4 c card to pay for 4 The computer doesn’t work. It might be faulty.
things in shops and to get money out of a c 5 PERHAPS
machine for other things. The problem is, I like to have This computer doesn’t work.
some cash in my pocket when I arrive. Just in case… .
5 I only go to the shopping mall because it’s free to park
/5 there.
3 Wybierz opcje A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić
at the shopping mall, I wouldn’t go there.
I bought a shirt from the local department 0 but it’s got
a stain on it. It’s my fault. I didn’t 1 it on before I bought /10
it. It was a 2 and I was in a hurry. Oh well, if I have time,
I’ll 3
it back tomorrow. I’ve got the 4 and, if they ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
refuse to exchange it or 5 my money, I’ll complain to the
manager. 5 Przetłumacz zwroty w nawiasach na język angielski, tak
aby poprawnie uzupełnić zdania.
0 A store B centre C agent
0 Put your card in here (i wprowadź swój PIN). and enter
1 A put B try C do
your PIN.
2 A bargain B discount C sale
1 When I buy things on the Internet, (płacę przelewem)
3 A put B try C take
4 A receipt B replacement C refund
2 I like these trousers but (są za ciasne)
5 A refund B change C replace
/5 3 Does (ten żakiet mi pasuje)
4 This cream is three weeks (po dacie ważności)
5 Let’s use (kasę samoobsługową)
. It’s quicker.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 7 Grupa A


6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5) są zgodne 7 TRACK 08 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi
z treścią tekstu (True – T), a które nie (False – F). związanych z robieniem zakupów. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(1–5) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało
Everyone likes a bargain and supermarkets use them podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego rozwiązania.
to attract customers. Everyone’s happy. However, some
people think that a lot of food offers, those which Speaker: 1 2 3 4 5
encourage people to buy more of a product rather than
those which are simple price reductions, should be
stopped. This is because of the huge amount of food that A The text is an advertisement.
is wasted every year. They say that offers encourage or B The speaker is making a complaint.
even force people to buy things that they don’t really
C The speaker is explaining how to use something.
need. There are times when you can only buy a giant
packet of something. D The conversation takes place in a hairdresser’s.
E The speaker is leaving a phone message.
In the UK, about 15 million tons of food is thrown away
each year. Why does this happen? One reason is that a lot F The speaker is trying to persuade someone to do
of bargains are close to their sell-by-date. Customers something.
rush to buy something that is offered at half price. Often
the products are part of a ‘Buy one, get one free’ offer.
Then, once they get home, the consumers don’t have time
to eat everything before the food has to be discarded. PISANIE
They haven’t lost money but they haven’t saved anything
either. 8 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
Another criticism of such offers is that they encourage Wyjechałeś/aś niedawno na wakacje za granicę. Wiesz, że
overeating. When people get two for the price of one, czasami karty płatnicze są blokowane z powodów
they may be tempted to have a bigger meal than usual.
bezpieczeństwa, kiedy ludzie nagle używają ich za granicą.
Quite often the offers are for ready-made meals, high in
salt and fat. If the alternative is throwing the food away Poinformowałeś/aś swój bank o swoich planach wyjazdowych,
because of the sell by date, it is even more tempting to ale i tak zablokowano ci kartę i zostałeś/aś bez pieniędzy.
eat more than is healthy. Jesteś już z powrotem w domu. Napisz e-mail do kierownika
Not everyone agrees with these criticisms, however. twojej placówki bankowej.
In their opinion, people buying bargains don’t cause • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego piszesz.
waste. If the supermarkets didn’t reduce the price, the • Opisz dokładnie, co się wydarzyło, gdy próbowałeś/aś
food would remain unsold. It would still have to be skorzystać ze swojej karty.
thrown away, but by the supermarkets rather than the
• Zauważ, że poinformowałeś/aś bank o swoim wyjeździe.
customers. In addition, many people make good use of
bargains. They freeze things that can be frozen. They • Napisz, co chciał/a/byś, żeby w tej sytuacji zrobił teraz
may even get together with friends and take turns to cook bank.
when they have bought a large amount of food at a low Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
price. People who waste food bought as part of a bargain Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
offer may waste food anyway. Why should others suffer
because of this?

The author says that: T F Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing about an unfortunate situation that occurred
1 sometimes people have to buy more
while I was on holiday recently.
food than they need.
2 customers should check bargains
carefully as sometimes the food is out
of date.
3 ready-made meals often contain
unhealthy ingredients.
4 if there were no bargains, there would
still be waste.
5 everyone who buys bargains either
wastes food or eats too much.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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