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Vehicles of The Imperium 1.3

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Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Table of Contents

Credits: .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
How to make more vehicles: ......................................................................................................................... 1
Vehicle Traits: ................................................................................................................................................ 1
New Vehicle Rules: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
New Vehicle Ac ons:..................................................................................................................................... 5
Weapon Traits: .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Civilian Transport .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Commercial and U lity Vehicles ................................................................................................................. 10
Combat and Enforcement Vehicles ............................................................................................................. 17
Vehicles of the Imperial Guard.................................................................................................................... 19
Vehicles of the Aeronau ca Imperialis & Navis Imperialis ......................................................................... 51
Vehicles of the Adepta ................................................................................................................................ 59

Deadlight & Company for making the ancient Yindafel Apocrypha Brew

Konigstein for making Macharian Dri and for Poten am Gigan o

Legat Wolf, Stevenart, & Vassilis for helping me figure out armor values for Armored Vehicles

How to make more vehicles:

In my experience, everything about a vehicle can be easily converted into Imperium Maledictum except
the armor. If you wish to make more vehicles for your games, simply take the current armor value and
make it 2/3rds or even half the value. This way, AT weapons can do their jobs, and small arms fire does
not always do much if they shouldn’t be able to begin with.

Vehicle Traits:

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

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Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e., Swi
becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Aqua c: This vehicle is designed to operate solely in water, and cannot move on land. It reduces its
Speed by 1 when moving through very shallow or obstructed water.

Railed: This vehicle is designed to operate solely on rails, but excel at their one given purpose:

 They may only move forward or backward on the rails they have been set upon
 They suffer a -1SL penalty to Control Tests for every railcar following them.
 A er a turn where a Railed vehicle has moved forward or backward, they may maintain that
speed without needing to spend an ac on moving.
 When a Railed Vehicle goes out of control and becomes derailed (because it moved sideways), it
is now Immobilized and can no longer move.

Cargo (X): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Command & Control: This Vehicle typically serves as a frontline command vehicle. The Commander (or
driver) of this vehicle may make Presence (Leadership) tests that affect a number of squads or vehicles
equal to their Fellowship Bonus.

Dozer Blade: This vehicle is fi ed with a reinforced bulldozer blade. It increases its frontal armor by 5,
grants a +20 bonus to Pilo ng tests to smash or push through Barriers or Cover, and makes the vehicle
immune to mines or floor-based traps it drives forwards over.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher or
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
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 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Good Handling: This vehicle is easy to control, gran ng +1 SL to all Control Tests.

Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.

• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.

• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add the
vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.

• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test or
be thrown off.

• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.

• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Portable: The pilot of this vehicle can carry it through any Barrier or Difficult Terrain it normally wouldn’t
be able to traverse, reducing their speed to Slow.

Ramshackle: This vehicle is of simple and flimsy construc on.

• It takes +1 on all rolls on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, increased to +2 if it takes damage from

• All Tech (Engineering) Tests to repair or modify this vehicle gain +2 SL.

Road Vehicle: This vehicle counts its Speed as being 1 lower (to a minimum of Slow) when not driving on
a well-prepared road.
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Rudimentary An -Air System: This vehicle is capable of firing upon Flyers with only half the normal

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a Cri cal
Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate in
hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Skimmer: This vehicle’s an -grav engine keeps it hovering a few meters off the ground.

• It always counts as Flying when moving.

• It ignores Difficult Terrain.

• It grants +1SL to Evasive Maneuvers Tests.

• When it goes Out of Control, it immediately hits the ground and crashes. Whenever a Skimmer hits the
ground, it takes +1 to all future Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table rolls.

Sluggish: This vehicle begins with a Speed of Slow. Its Speed increases one step each turn if it moved on
the previous turn, to a maximum of Fast.

Smoke Launchers: This vehicle is equipped with automa c smoke grenade dischargers for offensive or
defensive cover. When ac vated as a Free Ac on, they make the Zone the vehicle is currently occupying
Heavily Obscured for 3 rounds.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed

• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.

• It ignores Difficult Terrain, and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Ungainly: This vehicle is bulky and hard to control, imposing -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Walker: This vehicle is propelled by two or more mechanical legs.

• It does not consume its remaining Movement when entering Difficult Terrain.
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• It can step over mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

• It cannot Ram, but its Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.

New Vehicle Rules:

Op onal Traits or Weapons: Traits and weapons marked with a dagger “†” are op onal; they may be
chosen when crea ng or acquiring the vehicle, or subsequently added on as modifica ons or upgrades.

Weapon Selec on: Some vehicles come with a selec on of weapons available; these are chosen when
crea ng or acquiring the vehicle, and at the GM’s discre on might be switched for another weapon
op on by the party at a later date. Some weapons come with a single trait, like Hull-Mounted, spread
across the whole selec on; assume this trait is applied to whatever weapon is selected in this case.

New Vehicle Ac ons:

Aerial Maneuver: Lock On

Difficulty: Opposed Challenging (+0) Pilo ng Test

The pilot a empts to get behind their adversary. The pilot makes an Opposed Challenging (+0) Pilo ng
Test against a single enemy aircra . If they succeed and are able to end their movement so that their
cra is able to target the enemy, then they gain a +20 Bonus to Ballis c Skill tests against their opponent.
If they score +3SL higher than the enemy, they can also immediately fire any pilot-controlled weapons as
a Free Ac on. Other enemies gain a +10 Bonus to Ballis c Skill tests against the pilot’s cra un l the start
of the next turn, however.

Weapon Traits:
Coaxial: This weapon is mounted alongside another, heavier weapon firing in the same direc on. When
making an a ack roll with a weapon with the Coaxial trait, you may also make a second a ack using any
other Coaxial weapons on the same vehicle, though they must target the same thing as the first a ack.

Disposable: When fired, this weapon is burnt out or otherwise cannot be reloaded and used again in
combat. At the GM’s discre on, it may be possible to reload a Disposable weapon out of combat, but it
should take me and specialized equipment.

Hull-Mounted (X): This weapon is buried in the hull of a vehicle, facing Le , Right, Front or Back. It can
only target a 45-degree arc over that direc on. Weapons with this trait are always considered Braced.
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Inline: This weapon is fixed to the hull of a vehicle. It can only fire at targets the vehicle is poin ng at.
Weapons with this trait are always considered Braced.

Lock-On: This weapon is fi ed with a targe ng system that tracks the posi on of a target, allowing for
accurate follow-up shots. A er a weapon with this trait makes at least one hit, even a non-damaging
one, against an enemy target, the weapon’s operator may choose to have the weapon gain Burst (or
increase the value of its Rapid Fire trait by 2) against that target un l it runs out of ammo. This trait may
only affect a single target at a me- a new target may be selected if the original target dies.

Recharge: This weapon fires with such force or energy that it must cool itself or build power between
shots. This weapon may not be fired on subsequent turns.

Seeking: This weapon includes an advanced targe ng system that guides it towards a target’s heat
signature, radar presence, etc. This weapon grants Advantage on Ballis c Skill Tests and its a acks ignore

Storm (Ra ng): When you fire this weapon, you can declare that you are using the Storm quality. If you
do so, you gain the benefit of gran ng the weapon the Spread trait and Advantage on the a ack roll and
increase the weapons damage by its Storm ra ng. Reduce the weapons magazine by its Storm ra ng. You
cannot use Storm if your magazine contains less ammuni on than its ra ng.

Twin-Linked: This weapon is made of two iden cal weapons linked together. When a acking, it grants +1
SL and consumes twice as much ammuni on (to a minimum of 1 magazine). On an SL of 4 or more, it
also deals an addi onal hit.

Quad-Linked: This weapon is made of four iden cal weapons linked together. When a acking, it grants
+3SL and consumes four mes as much ammuni on (to a minimum of 1 magazine). On an SL of 2 or
more, it also deals an addi onal hit.

Vehicle Name
Vehicle, Type
Armor: Speed: Crew:
Passengers: Size:
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Moun ng Weapon Name: Ranged (Insert), X + SL Damage, X Range, Traits.

Civilian Transport

Auto-Chariot (Trike)
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 6/5 Speed: Normal Crew: 1
Passengers: 2 Size: Large
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Modular Design: Although designed to carry a driver and two passengers, the Trike may remove the
two passenger seats to carry 50 encumbrance worth of goods, or may add a third passenger seat. The
Trike may have a pintle-mounted twin-linked autogun for defensive purposes, operated by one of the

All-Terrain Dune Buggy

Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 6/5 Speed: Fast Crew: 1
Passengers: 4 Size: Large

Good Handling: This vehicle is easy to control, gran ng +1 SL to all Control Tests.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
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• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Pintle-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber (Driver): Ranged (Ordnance), 8 Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked

Auto-Carriage (Car)
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 6/4 Speed: Fast Crew: 1
Passengers: 5 Size: Large
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Op onal Covering: The Auto-Carriage may gain the open-topped trait and increase the number of
passengers to 8. If the Auto-Carriage is open-topped, it can be further upgraded with one pintle-
mounted long gun weapon.

Auto-Coach (Bus)
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 10/6 Speed: Slow* Crew: 1
Passengers: 50 Size: Enormous
Life Sustainer: If the Auto-Coach is opera ng between hive ci es or across hazardous environments, it
may be equipped with onboard Life Sustainers that grant it the Sealed trait but decrease the number
of passengers permi ed to 40.

Road Vehicle: This vehicle counts its Speed as being 1 lower (to a minimum of Slow) when not driving
on a well-prepared road.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.
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Sluggish: This vehicle begins with a Speed of Slow. Its Speed increases one step each turn if it moved
on the previous turn, to a maximum of Fast.

Aquila Lander
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 15/13 Speed: Swi Crew: 1
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Choose one of the following Hull-Mounted Weapons (Pilot):
 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread.
 Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4),
Penetra ng (6)
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
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Speeder Carriage (Aero-Car)

Vehicle, Skimmer
Armor: 12/10 Speed: Swi Crew: 1
Passengers: 6 Size: Large
Ride of the Nobility: Speeder Carriages can only be afforded by the nobility of the Imperium and are
typically sourced from the Adeptus Mechanicus. They grant the owner +1SL on Fellowship Tests with
characters that appreciate aesthe cs and style.

Skimmer: This vehicle’s an -grav engine keeps it hovering a few meters off the ground.
• It always counts as Flying when moving.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain.
• It grants +1SL to Evasive Maneuvers Tests.
• When it goes Out of Control, it immediately hits the ground and crashes. Whenever a Skimmer hits
the ground, it takes +1 to all future Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table rolls.

Commercial and U lity Vehicles

Auto-Caravan (18-Wheeler)
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 12/8 Speed: Slow* Crew: 1
Passengers: 4 Size: Enormous
Hauler: Auto-Caravans are o en used to haul enormous trailers filled with goods or passengers. It can
also have trailers that can carry up to one Enormous vehicle or 4 Large vehicles, or four cargo
containers of 100 Encumbrance. The trailer’s armor is the same as the Auto-Caravan’s side armor.

Road Vehicle: This vehicle counts its Speed as being 1 lower (to a minimum of Slow) when not driving
on a well-prepared road.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Sluggish: This vehicle begins with a Speed of Slow. Its Speed increases one step each turn if it moved
on the previous turn, to a maximum of Fast.
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Achilles Ridgerunner
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 8/6 Speed: Normal Crew: 2
Passengers: 2 Size: Large
Smoke Launchers†

Cargo (2): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Good Handling: This vehicle is easy to control, gran ng +1 SL to all Control Tests.

Auspex Surveyor: This vehicle is capable of scanning for energy emissions, motion, as well as
signs of biological life. Due to the vehicle’s energy sources and the surveyor’s additional inputs,
the device has a greater effective range and sensitivity than standard auspices. A character
using the surveyor gains a +30 bonus to Awareness Tests and may make an Ordinary (+10) Tech
Test to detect things not normally possible with human senses, such as invisible gases, nearby
signs of life, non-visible radiation, and so on. The standard range for a surveyor is 500m, or
extreme range, though walls more than 1 m thick and certain shielding materials block the

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers (Driver): Ranged (Ordnance), 8 Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked

Choose One Turret Mounted Weapon:

Turret-Mounted Heavy Mining Laser (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 12 Damage, Medium Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (6), Rapid Fire (3), Rend (3).

Turret-Mounted Missile Launcher (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud.

Arvus Lighter
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 14/12 Speed: Swi * Crew: 1
Passengers: 10 Size: Enormous
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Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Cargo (10): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Vehicle, Aqua c
Armor: 10/6 Speed: Normal Crew: 1
Passengers: 20 Size: Enormous
Aqua c: This vehicle is designed to operate solely in water and cannot move on land. It reduces its
Speed by 1 when moving through very shallow or obstructed water.
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Hauling Bed: The front half of the barge is taken up by a flat pla orm with raised edges used for
hauling goods and transpor ng 20 people (included in the profile). The characters transported by this
vehicle are subject to the open-topped trait, but cover can be easily obtained. Alterna vely, the 20
passengers can be replaced with goods worth 500 Encumbrance.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Chiroptean Scout Cra

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 12/12 Speed: Swi Crew: 2
Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.
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Long Range Auger Array: Sophis cated augers on this vehicle provide a detailed view of the land
below, gran ng the operator a +20 bonus to all Awareness and Insight Tests, and can func on as a
Long Range Auspex with a range of 50 kilometers.

Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Goliath Truck
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 12/10 Speed: Slow* Crew: 3
Passengers: Size: Large
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo: This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding 100 Encumbrance worth of items, or 4 People

Sluggish: This vehicle begins with a Speed of Slow. Its Speed increases one step each turn if it moved
on the previous turn, to a maximum of Fast.

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers (Gunner #1): Ranged (Ordnance), 8 Damage, Extreme
Range. Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4)

Choose One Turret Mounted Weapon (Gunner #2):

 Heavy Mining Laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 Damage, Medium Range. Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Rapid Fire (3), Rend (3).
 Clearance Incinerator: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 Damage, Long Range. Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Heavy Seismic Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 Damage, Medium Range. Inflict (Stunned),
Loud, Rend (2), Spread
 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Twin-Linked, Penetra ng (6)
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Vehicle, Wheeled/Tracked
Armor: 15/13 Speed: Slow Crew: 8
Passengers: 30 Size: Monstrous
Cargo (30): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Traveler of the Wastes: The Macro-Hauler can gain the Sealed trait according to GM Discre on.

Mag-Rail Engine (Train Engine)

Vehicle, Railed
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Fast Crew: 4
Passengers: 0 Size: Enormous
Railed: This vehicle is designed to operate solely on rails, but excel at their one given purpose:
 They may only move forward or backward on the rails they have been set upon
 They suffer a -1SL penalty to Control Tests for every railcar following them.
 A er a turn where a Railed vehicle has moved forward or backward, they may maintain that
speed without needing to spend an ac on moving.
 When a Railed Vehicle goes out of control and becomes derailed (because it moved sideways),
it is now Immobilized and can no longer move.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Mag-Rail Car (Train Car)

Vehicle, Railed
Armor: 10/10 Speed: - Crew: 1
Passengers: Special Size: Enormous
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Hauler: Mag-Rail Cars are o en used to haul enormous amounts of goods or passengers. It can also
have trailers that can carry up to one Enormous vehicle or 4 Large vehicles, or four cargo containers of
100 Encumbrance.

Railed: This vehicle is designed to operate solely on rails, but excel at their one given purpose:
 They may only move forward or backward on the rails they have been set upon
 They suffer a -1SL penalty to Control Tests for every railcar following them.
 A er a turn where a Railed vehicle has moved forward or backward, they may maintain that
speed without needing to spend an ac on moving.
 When a Railed Vehicle goes out of control and becomes derailed (because it moved sideways),
it is now Immobilized and can no longer move.

Train Car: These vehicles have no mo ve engine of their own, and must be pulled or pushed by an

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 18/16 Speed: Swi Crew: 2
Passengers: 100 Size: Monstrous
Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Cargo (100): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth
of items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
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 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Combat and Enforcement Vehicles

Bulwark Riot Vehicle (SWAT Truck)

Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 14/12 Speed: Fast Crew: 2
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Dozer Blade: This vehicle is fi ed with a reinforced bulldozer blade. It increases its frontal armor by 5,
grants a +20 bonus to Pilo ng tests to smash or push through Barriers or Cover, and makes the vehicle
immune to mines or floor-based traps it drives forwards over.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Smoke Launchers: This vehicle is equipped with automa c smoke grenade dischargers for offensive or
defensive cover. When ac vated as a Free Ac on, they make the Zone the vehicle is currently
occupying Heavily Obscured for 3 rounds.

Turret- Mounted Water Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), Long Range, Inflict (Prone), Rapid Fire
(2), Spread.
Coaxial Grenade Launcher (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), Long Range, Loud

Civilian Insurrec on Vehicle

Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 8/6 Speed: Fast Crew: 2
Passengers: 5 Size: Large
Symbol of Insurrec on: Civilian Insurrec on Vehicles can be used to represent any civilian vehicle that
has been converted to become a comba ve vehicle. The weapons below are op onal, and any test to
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

dis nguish an unarmed CIV from a regular civilian vehicle are done as Difficult (-10) Awareness
(Sight). Conver ng any civilian vehicle into a CIV can be done by adding weapons to it and increasing
armor on all sides by 2.

Choose One Turret-Mounted Weapon (Gunner):
 Twin-Linked Autogun: Ranged (Long Guns), 6 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (3),
 Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked
 Flamer: Ranged (Long Gun), 8 + SL Damage, Medium Range. Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud.
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range. Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Improvised Rocket Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud
 Improvised Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng
(4), Recharge, Unstable.

Combat Bike
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 8/6 Speed: Fast Crew: 1
Passengers: 1 Size: Medium
Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests. If carrying a
Passenger, the Combat Bike loses this trait.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Twin-Linked Autogun (Driver): Ranged (Long Guns), 6 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (3),
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Patrol Cruiser
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 10/8 Speed: Fast Crew: 2
Passengers: 8 Size: Large
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Choose One (Gunner):
 Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,
Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4)
 Grenade Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), Long Range, Loud

Vehicles of the Imperial Guard

Armored Car
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 10/8 Speed: Normal Crew: 4
Passengers: - Size: Large
Refined Variability: Armored Car designs can be used for anything from reconnaissance to ar llery
spo ng, convoy protec on, and more. The GM may choose up to two of the following:
 AA Mount: This vehicle gains the Rudimentary An -Air System Trait and a pintle mounted
Autogun, Heavy Stubber, or Storm Bolter
 Air-Portable: This vehicle is capable of being dropped from orbit, but decreases Armor on all
facings by 2.
 All-Wheel Drive: This vehicle suffers no penal es to Tests in Dangerous Terrain
 Armored: This vehicle gains 3 Armor on all facings but suffers from the Ungainly trait.
 AT Weapon: This vehicle lowers its speed by one step (to a minimum of slow) and replaces its
Main Weapon with a Fixed Front-Facing An -Tank Cannon
 Floodlight: This vehicle gains a Searchlight that grants Advantage to Awareness (Sight) Tests.
 Lightweight: This vehicle gains the Open trait, decreases Armor on all facings by 1, and
increase its speed by one step (to a maximum of Fast).
 Over-Engineered: All results on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit table are reduced by 2 (to a minimum
of 1) but the crew must take a Rou ne (+20) For tude Test a er each me a cri cal hit would
have been inflicted.
 Perfected: This vehicle gains the Rugged quality
 Radio-Equipped: This vehicle gains an integrated Vox and the Command and Control trait.
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 Redundant Wheels: The first me the Mobility Hit cri cal hit would be suffered, this vehicle
rerolls it.
 Rocket Pack: This vehicle lowers its speed by one step (to a minimum of slow) and gains a
Coaxial Rocket Ar llery (if it has a turret mount) or a Fixed Front-Facing Rocket Ar llery (if it
does not have a turret).
 Scout: This vehicle’s commander always has the benefits of using Magnoculars, a handheld
targeter, and an auspex if applicable.
 Sealed Hull: This vehicle gains the Amphibious trait.
 STC Power Plant: This vehicle increases its speed by one step (to a maximum of Fast), gains the
Maneuverable trait, but suffers a -2SL penalty on Repair Tests.
Choose One Primary Weapon Mount (Gunner 1): Choose between a Turret or Hull Moun ng, Turret
Moun ngs have a coaxial Autogun
 Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4),
Penetra ng (6).
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm
 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)
 Autogun: Ranged (Long Guns), 6 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (3).
 Flamer: Ranged (Long Gun), 8 + SL Damage, Medium Range. Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud.
 Grenade Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), Long Range, Loud
 Field Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud.

Variable Weapons gained from Traits:

An -Tank Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Accurate, Penetra ng (5),
Rocket Ar llery: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Blast, Spread, Unstable

Baneblade Superheavy Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 35/30 Speed: Slow Crew: 11
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Passengers: - Size: Monstrous

Command & Control: This Vehicle typically serves as a frontline command vehicle. The Commander
(or driver) of this vehicle may make Presence (Leadership) tests that affect a number of squads or
vehicles equal to their Fellowship Bonus.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result. It takes 1 minute to limber and unlimber a piece of field
ar llery while the vehicle is sta onary.

Super-Heavy: Vehicles with this trait ignore Difficult Terrain and can bulldoze through barriers and
medium-sized buildings without nega ve effects. It can navigate around rockslides, tank traps, fallen
trees, and sha ered buildings without penalty. Cri cal Hit rolls against Super Heavy vehicles must be
rerolled and the second result must be accepted even if it is worse than the first.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Turret-Mounted Baneblade Cannon (Gunner #1): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range. Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (5), Spread.
 Coaxial Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire
(4), Penetra ng (6).

Hull-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Gunner #2): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (6). The Demolisher Cannon damages its target zone and all
adjacent zones.

Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (Gunner #3): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long
Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.

2x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (Gunner #4,5): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage,

Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.

2x Turret-Mounted Lascannon (Loader #1,2): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range,

Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Baneblade may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Banewolf Chem Tank

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Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Extremely Vola le: The Banewolf carries around a mag value of 100 for its Chem Cannon and tests to
the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table against the Banewolf gain +2SL unless its noxious gas gets exhausted. If
the Banewolf gets destroyed, it generates a Major Hazard in its zone that dissipates in 1d5 rounds.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Smoke Launchers†
Turret Mounted Chem Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Medium Range. Inflict
(Poisoned), Loud, Spread. A acks with the Chem Cannon ignore Cover (page 204 CRB) and can choose
a zone to target, which becomes a Minor Hazard (page 206 CRB) un l the end of your next turn.

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.
Fixed-Weapon Earthshaker Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud Penetra ng (6), Spread. The Earthshaker Cannon damages its target zone
and all adjacent zones.

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Loader):

Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Centaur Carrier
Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 12/6 Speed: Normal Crew: 2
Passengers: 5 Size: Large
Cargo (5): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Carrier: This vehicle is able to tow ar llery pieces up to Enormous in size, although this reduces their
speed by one step and has a -1SL to Control Tests.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result. It takes 1 minute to limber and unlimber a piece of field
ar llery while the vehicle is sta onary.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.
Pintle-Mounted Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,
Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4)

Chimera Armored Transport

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo (12): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.
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Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Gunner):
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4),
Penetra ng (6)

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Chimerax Assault Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 6 Size: Enormous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Rudimentary An -Air System: The Chimerax is capable of firing upon Flyers with only half the normal
penalty with its Quad-Linked Autocannons.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo (12): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

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Turret-Mounted Quad-Linked Autocannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme

Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6), Quad-Linked

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Chimedon Assault Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 6 Size: Enormous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo (6): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†


Turret Mounted Conqueror Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (3)

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Chimerro Assault Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
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Passengers: 10 Size: Enormous

Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo (10): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Gunner):
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4),
Penetra ng (6)

Hull-Mounted Hunter Killer Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Crassus Assault Transport

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/23 Speed: Normal Crew: 5
Passengers: 35 Size: Enormous
Cargo (35): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Defender of the Trenchman: While a Crassus Assault Transport is within line of sight of a Siege
Infantry or Mechanized Imperial Guard regiment whilst opera onal or largely undamaged, those
Guardsmen can re-roll failed Fear Tests.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose One Sponson Mounted Weapon (Gunners 1 - 4):
 2x Sponson-Mounted & 2x Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage,
Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Hull-Mounted Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer,
Inflict (Ablaze), Loud
 2x Hull-Mounted Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,
Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)
 2x Hull-Mounted Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,
Penetra ng (10)

Gorgon Assault Transport

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 30/28 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 50 Size: Monstrous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Assault Ramp: The frontal plate of the Gorgon Assault Transport doubles as a heavy ramp that allows
its passengers to be offloaded directly into combat. The first round the passengers of this vehicle
disembark, they cannot take damage from landmines or floor-based traps. When the Assault Ramp is
lowered, the Gorgon only has 10 Frontal Armor.

Cargo (50): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Taller than Most: Despite being Open-Topped, the Vehicle is so large that only Thrown or Indirect
weapons may target its occupants. Any other Ranged Weapon A acker must be a acking from High
Ground to be able to a ack the occupants.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Super-Heavy: Vehicles with this trait ignore Difficult Terrain and can bulldoze through barriers and
medium-sized buildings without nega ve effects. It can navigate around rockslides, tank traps, fallen
trees, and sha ered buildings without penalty. Cri cal Hit rolls against Super Heavy vehicles must be
rerolled and the second result must be accepted even if it is worse than the first.

2x Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers (Gunners 1 & 2): Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage,
Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4)

Choose One Sponson Mounted Weapon (Gunners 1 & 2):

 4x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage,
Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4)
 4x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range,
Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 4x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range,
Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud

Griffon Heavy Mortar

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 4
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Heavy Mortar The Griffon must select a single type of shell, and all a acks done by it will be of that
specific variant. The Heavy Frag Shells deal 12 + SL Damage with the Blast Trait. The Heavy Minefield
Shell creates a Major Hazard at least two zones across and will only disappear once ten mines have
exploded or the area has been cleared by a minesweeper. The Infernus Mortar Shell deals 8 + SL
Damage with the Blast, Flamer, and Inflict (Ablaze) traits. The Siege Shell deals 12 + SL Damage with
the Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Penetra ng (6) traits.

Indirect Targe ng: The Griffon’s a acks with its Heavy Mortar can only ever target a zone, rather than
any specific targets. On each a ack, roll a 1d10. On a 4 or less, the a ack hits an adjacent zone rather
than the targeted zone.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Fixed Weapon Griffon Heavy Mortar (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud.

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Hades Breaching Drill

Vehicle, Type
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Normal* Crew: 1
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Tunneling Menace: The Hades Breaching Drill is made to dig through solid rock without slowing down.
When the Hades Drill chooses to, it may navigate by burrowing underground. Its speed will increase to
Fast, and it may only a ack by ramming whether it is underground or not, however, it does not take
any damage when making the Ram ac on. It deals 20 + SL Damage while ramming rather than the
normal damage it otherwise would. If the Hades Breaching Drill enters combat by ramming an enemy
from the underground, it counts as a Surprise a ack (page 199 CRB).
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Hellhound Flame Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Extremely Vola le: The Hellhound carries around a mag value of 100 for its Inferno Cannon and tests
to the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table against the Hellhound gain +2SL unless its promethium fuel gets
exhausted. If the Hellhound gets destroyed, it generates a Major Hazard in its zone that dissipates in
1d5 rounds.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Smoke Launchers†
Turret Mounted Inferno Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Medium Range,
Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud, Penetra ng (4).

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Hydra Flak Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Normal Crew: 5
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Dedicated An -Air System: Once a Hydra successfully hits an enemy aircra , the Hydra’s targe ng
array begins to track the target automa cally. As long as it con nues to target the same aircra , all
a acks against it count as having gained the effects of the Aim ac on while s ll being able to use
Rapid or Burst Fire. This effect is lost if the target is destroyed or if a new target is obtained. This bonus
never applies to ground vehicles. Both Hydra Autocannons fire as one ac on at the same target.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

2x Turret Mounted Hydra Autocannons (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range, Loud, Penetra ng (8), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Leman Russ Ba le Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Ba le Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast,
Loud, Penetra ng (5)

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Annihilator

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Bo omless Ba eries: Armed with up to 3 Lascannons, the Leman Russ Annihilators powerplant is
more than suitable to recharge them. Each charge pack can be recharged in an hour, or recharged for
two minutes for a single shot.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

 Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage,
Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable
 2x Mul -Meltas: Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud, Rend (8)
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Conqueror

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Gryphonne Pa ern: Rare Gryphonne IV Pa ern Conquerors from the 39th Millennium are equipped
with Augur Shells, modifying the Conqueror Cannon by removing the Blast trait and increasing all
Cri cal Damage by +2.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret Mounted Conqueror Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (3)
 Coaxial Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4),
Rapid Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Demolisher

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/22 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Blast, Inflict (Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (6). The Demolisher Cannon damages its target zone and all
adjacent zones.

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable
 2x Mul -Melta: Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud, Rend (8)

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Destroyer/Thunderer

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Ancient Armaments: Due to the fact the Laser Destroyer is semi-lost technology, all Repair Tests to fix
or maintain it suffer Disadvantage.

Low-Slung: When not moving, Ranged A acks against the Demolisher suffer -1SL to hit and Awareness
Tests to locate it suffer -2SL.

Precision Instrument: If the Destroyer is armed with the Vanquisher Cannon, it gains +2SL to Ranged
A acks.

Reinforced Roof: At the GMs discre on, Thunderer Tanks have +2 AP on all facings against a acks
from Higher Ground or from characters standing atop the vehicle.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Choose One Turret-Mounted Weapon, Laser Destroyer and Vanquisher designates the tank as a
Destroyer and the Demolisher Cannon designates the tank as a Thunder (Gunner):
 Laser Destroyer: Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng (10)
 Demolisher Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Inflict
(Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (6). The Demolisher Cannon damages its target zone and all
adjacent zones.
 Vanquisher Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Leman Russ Eradicator

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rad-Shielding: The Eradicators hull is coated with a thin layer of rad-warding to avoid collateral
damage from nearby blasts. The crew of an Eradicator have Advantage on tests resis ng Radia on
Exposure while within the hull.

Rare Pa ern: The best versions of the Eradicator (and most importantly its shells) hail from Agripinaa,
and these vehicles grant Loaders Advantage on tests to reload the tank and grant the Gunner of the
Nova Cannon +1SL to Ballis c Skill tests.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Unstable Cores: Reloading the Eradicator Nova Cannon requires an Easy (+40) Dexterity Test or
otherwise the shell explodes, dealing the shells damage within the Eradicator Tank itself.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range. Blast, Inflict (Stunned, Irradiated), Loud, Penetra ng (5), Spread.

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Execu oner

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Plasma Destroyer (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (6), Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)
 Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Exterminator

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Gryphonne-Pa ern: At the GMs discre on, the Leman Russ Exterminator may have originated from
Gryphonne IV. If it is, it re-rolls cri cal hits that affect the main Exterminator Cannon, and it cannot
suffer penal es that result from firing whilst moving.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Exterminator Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range. Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Punisher

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (2), Spread, Storm (3)

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Leman Russ Vanquisher

Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 25/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 4/6†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rare Pa erns: Vanquishers can be easily iden fied from which Forge World created it, as there are so
few. Gryphonne-Pa ern and Stygies-Pa ern Vanquishers have Coaxial Storm Bolters a ached to the
Vanquisher Cannon.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret-Mounted Vanquisher Cannon (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10)

Choose One Hull-Mounted (Front) Weapon (Loader):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)

The Leman Russ may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 5th+6th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 2x Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable

The Leman Russ may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Choose One, Commander):
 Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (3),
Rapid Fire (4)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Man core Rocket Ba ery

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 4
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Indirect Targe ng: The Man core’s a acks with its Mul ple Rocket Launcher can only ever target a
zone, rather than any specific targets. On each a ack, roll a 1d10. On a 4 or less, the a ack hits an
adjacent zone rather than the targeted zone.

Rocket Launcher: The Man core must select a single type of rocket, and all a acks done by it will be
of that specific variant. The Man core Missile deals 16 + SL Damage with the Blast Trait. The Storm
Eagle Rocket deals 16 + SL Damage with the Blast and Inflict (Stunned) trait. The Sky Eagle Rocket
deals 15 + SL Damage with the Penetra ng (4) Trait, and grants the Man core the Dedicated An -Air
System trait that the Hydra Flak Tank has.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Turret Mounted Mul ple-Rocket Launcher (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Rogal Dorn
Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 30/25 Speed: Normal Crew: 5/7†
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose one of the following Turret-Mounted weapons (Gunner #1):
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Twin-Linked Ba lecannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Inflict

(Stunned), Loud Penetra ng (5), Twin-Linked
 Oppressor Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Inflict (Stunned),
Loud, Penetra ng (5)
 * Coaxial Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6).

Choose One of the following Hull-Mounted Weapons (Gunner #2):

 Cas gator Gatling Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud, Storm (4)
 Pulverizer Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 14 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Inflict
(Stunned), Loud, Penetra ng (4). The Pulverizer Cannon damages its target zone and all
adjacent zones.
The Rogal Dorn may take one of the following Hull-Mounted weapons (Driver):
 Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked.
 Twin-Linked Melta Gun: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Medium Range. Loud, Rend (5),

The Rogal Dorn may take two Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose One, 3rd+4th Gunner):
 2x Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Spread
 2x Mul -Melta: Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud, Rend (8)

Salamander Command Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Fast Crew: 4
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Improved Command & Control: This Vehicle typically serves as a frontline command vehicle. The
Commander (or driver) of this vehicle may make Presence (Leadership) tests that affect a number of
squads or vehicles equal to their Fellowship Bonus. Addi onally, the Commander may re-roll failed
Presence (Leadership) tests.

Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Smoke Launchers†
Fixed Weapon Mount (Choose One, Gunner):
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Salamander Reconnaissance Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/10 Speed: Fast Crew: 4
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Smoke Launchers†
Fixed Weapon Autocannon (Gunner, Front): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range,
Loud, Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)

Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose One, Commander):

 Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid
Fire (3), Spread
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Samaritan Medicae Vehicle

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 15/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: 8 Size: Enormous
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Ambulance: Any Character using the Medicae skill within a Samaritan is assumed to always have
access to a Chirurgeon’s Kit and Diagnostor and takes no penal es to Medicae Tests due to lack of
equipment or harsh condi ons.

Amphibious: This vehicle suffers no penal es to its Speed for moving through water or liquids.

Code of Honor: Certain idealis c forces or even commanders may mark medical vehicles. “Noble”
enemies such as certain Eldar groups, T’au, or noble Khornate warriors that only target armed
combatants may refuse to a ack this vehicle as long as it is unarmed and not being used to shelter
ac ve combatants. However, Drukhari and servants of Nurgle and Slaanesh may instead priori ze
marked medical vehicles.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Cargo (8): This vehicle has a cargo area capable of holding X people, or 25 x X Encumbrance worth of
items. Passenger capacity provided by the Cargo trait is included in the vehicle’s default Passengers.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Dozer Blade†, Smoke Launchers†

Sen nel Scout Walker

Vehicle, Walker
Armor: 12/8 Speed: Fast Crew: 1
Passengers: - Size: Large
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Walker: This vehicle is propelled by two or more mechanical legs.

• It does not consume its remaining Movement when entering Difficult Terrain.
• It can step over mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.
• It cannot Ram, but its Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
Choose One Hull Mounted Weapon (Driver):
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),
 Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (4),
Penetra ng (6)
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Penetra ng (10)
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Plasma Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (6),
Spread, Supercharge (4), Unstable.

Tauros Assault Vehicle

Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 10/8 Speed: Fast Crew: 2
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
All-Terrain Configura on: Even though this Wheeled Vehicle, this vehicle is also treated as Tracked for
the purposes of handling Difficult Terrain.

Good Handling: This vehicle is easy to control, gran ng +1 SL to all Control Tests.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.
Choose One Pintle Mounted Weapon (Gunner):
 Tauros Grenade Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance) Long. Burst, Loud.
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Tauros Venator
Vehicle, Wheeled
Armor: 12/10 Speed: Fast Crew: 2
Passengers: Size: Enormous
All-Terrain Configura on: Even though this Wheeled Vehicle, this vehicle is also treated as Tracked for
the purposes of handling Difficult Terrain.

Good Handling: This vehicle is easy to control, gran ng +1 SL to all Control Tests.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Open: This vehicle’s crew and passenger compartments are open, exposing those aboard.
• Crew and passengers can be targeted by enemies directly.
• If a result of Crew/Passengers hit is rolled on the Vehicle Cri cal Hit Table, the vic m does not add
the vehicle’s Armour to their own when determining damage.
• If this vehicle goes Out of Control, passengers and crew must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes Test
or be thrown off.
• Passengers and Crew may choose to oppose Melee a acks made against this vehicle.
• Passengers and crew may choose to a ack from this vehicle.
Choose One Turret Mounted Weapon (Gunner):
 Twin-Linked Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid Fire
(6), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Fixed Weapon Hunter Killer Missiles (Driver, Front facing): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage,
Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.

Taurox Armored Personnel Carrier

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 14/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 2
Passengers: 10 Size: Enormous
Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose One Turret Mounted Weapon (Commander):
 Twin-Linked Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid Fire
(6), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6), Twin-Linked

Taurox Prime
Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 14/12 Speed: Normal Crew: 2
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Passengers: 10 Size: Enormous

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose One Turret Mounted Weapon (Commander):
 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Taurox Gatling Cannons: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (2), Spread, Storm (3)
 Taurox Missile Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud.
 Taurox Ba le Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 13 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud,
Penetra ng (4)

Choose One Fixed Mounted Weapon (Driver):

 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Hotshot Volley Gun: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud,
Rapid Fire (3), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked

Valkyrie Assault Carrier

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 22/20 Speed: Swi Crew: 4
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Choose one Hull-Mounted Weapon (Pilot, Front Facing):
 Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid Fire (6),
Penetra ng (2)
 Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng (10)

Choose one Hull-Mounted Weapon (Pilot, Front-Facing):

 Heavy Missile Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (6), Spread, Unstable
 Rocket Pods: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud, Unstable

2x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Gunners): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range,

Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread

Vende a Heavy Gunship

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 22/20 Speed: Swi Crew: 4
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Removable Carry-Bay: The Vende a’s troop compartment and Sponson Heavy Bolters may be
removed, gran ng it the Maneuverable vehicle trait.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme

Range. Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Gunners): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range,

Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread

Vulture A ack Gunship

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 22/20 Speed: Swi Crew: 2
Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread
Choose one Hull-Mounted Weapon (Pilot, Front Facing):
 Twin-Linked Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid Fire
(6), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)
 Twin-Linked Missile Launcher: Ranged (Ordnance), Extreme Range. Loud
 Twin-Linked Rocket Pods: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud,
Twin-Linked, Unstable

Choose one Hull-Mounted Weapon (Pilot, Front-Facing):

 2x Hellstrike Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud,
Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.
 6x Hunter Killer Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable,
Loud, Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.
 2x Hellfury Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Disposable,
Inflict (Ablaze), Loud, Spread.
 2x Rocket Pods: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud, Unstable
 Twin-Linked Punisher Gatling Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (2), Spread, Storm (3)
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Vehicles of the Aeronau ca Imperialis & Navis Imperialis

Avenger Strike Fighter

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 20/18 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 1
Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Avenger Bolt Cannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10), Storm (4)

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.

Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Fury Interceptor
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 24/22 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 2/4
Passengers: - Size: Monstrous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Quad-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10), Quad-Linked

4x Hull-Mounted Skystrike Missiles (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.

Disposable, Loud, Penetra ng (6), Seeking.

The Fury Interceptor may take one Turret-Mounted Weapon (Gunner):

Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,

Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Mul laser: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire
(6), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked

Gun-Cu er
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 25/22 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 4
Passengers: 6 Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Autocannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)

Choose one of the following Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Gunner):

 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range. Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.

Lightning Fighter Cra

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 20/18 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 1
Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Lightning-Strike Pa ern: If this vehicle is the Lightning-Strike Pa ern, remove the Exterminator
Cannon weapon, automa cally choose Hellstrike Missiles, and 2x more (therefore there are 6x
Hellstrike Missiles total).

Maneuverable: This vehicle is par cularly nimble, gran ng +1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Hull-Mounted Exterminator Cannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 12 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.

Loud, Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked

Choose one of the following Hull-Mounted Weapons (Front Facing, Pilot):

 4x Hellstrike Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud,
Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.
 4x Hellfury Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Disposable,
Inflict (Ablaze), Loud, Spread.
 4x Skystrike Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud,
Penetra ng (6), Seeking.

Marauder Bomber
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 22/20 Speed: Swi Crew: 6
Passengers: - Size: Monstrous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Heavy Bomber: The Marauder Bomber can hold a massive payload of ordnance to drop on the enemy
below. It can carry up to 18 Bombs or 6 Heavy Bombs. The profile for the bombs are either Frag or
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Krak Missiles with the blast trait (depending on load), and the Heavy Bombs are Melta Bombs with
addi onal Penetra ng (6) and Blast traits.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Gunner 1, Front Facing): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL
Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

Choose one Turret-Mounted weapon (Gunner 2):

 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.
 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)

Choose One Sponson-Mounted Weapon (Rear-Facing, Gunner 3):

 Twin-Linked Autocannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid
Fire (4), Penetra ng (6)
 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range. Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.
 Twin-Linked Assault Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Rapid
Fire (5), Penetra ng (3), Rend (2).

Shark Assault Boat

Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 30/22 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 4
Passengers: 50 Size: Monstrous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Breaching Vehicle: The Shark Assault Boat is designed to forcibly board enemy voidships, using
powerful boarding clamps and melta charges near the vehicle’s prow. As a Challenging (+0) Pilo ng ()
Test, the pilot can affix a Shark Assault Boat to the side of a voidship. It takes 4 rounds for it to burn
through the hull using its Las Breachers and Melta Charges.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Fixed Twin-Linked Las Breacher (Pilot, Front): Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (12), Twin-Linked.

Turret-Mounted Autocannons (Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,

Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6).

Starhawk Bomber
Vehicle, Flyer
Armor: 24/22 Speed: Swi Crew: 9
Passengers: - Size: Monstrous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
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 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Starhawk Bomber: This cra carries a payload of an -ship ordnance. When effec vely aimed at
“small” targets such as vehicles and individuals, they suffer immediate destruc on. When used on
bombing runs against fixed emplacements or immobile ground targets (i.e. Structures), treat all within
affected zones as suffering from damage from lascannons + SL from the Pilo ng test done to perform
the bombing run.

Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Gunner 1, Forward): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL
Damage, Extreme Range. Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Mul laser (Gunner 2, 3) : Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage,

Extreme Range, Loud, Rapid Fire (6), Penetra ng (2), Twin-Linked

2x Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (Gunner 4, 5, Le , Right): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 +

SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked.

Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter

Vehicle, Type
Armor: 22/20 Speed: Supersonic Crew: 1
Passengers: - Size: Enormous

Aerospace Vehicle: This Flyer can reach Orbital Al tude.

Aircra on the Ground: The speed listed on this aircra when engaging in combat with only other
aircra (i.e., dogfights). Lower the speed by 2 values if this is purely an air-to-air engagement (i.e.,
Swi becomes Normal, Fast becomes Slow) to a minimum of Slow.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Flyer: This vehicle is an aircra , in constant movement.

 Flyers can change their Al tude through movement, altering their al tude by one level higher
or lower.
 Flyers must move at least one zone per turn; not moving causes it to descend one level of
Al tude at the start of the pilot’s next turn.
 Flyers ignore ground terrain while airborne (except tall features such as mountains and hive
ci es).
 Flyers that go Out of Control immediately descend one level in a random direc on, poten ally
resul ng in a ground crash.
 Unless it is already at ground level, a flyer that is destroyed automa cally crashes in the zone
below it.
 Firing on an airborne flyer incurs a -20 penalty to Ballis c Skill tests on top of any other
penal es. Flyers at High or Orbital al tudes cannot be targeted unless a weapon or user has a
special ability allowing this.
 A flyer that crashes for any reason is treated as a skimmer if it is crashing from a height of 10
meters or higher.

Sealed: This vehicle’s interior is air ght and provided with atmosphere recyclers, allowing it to operate
in hazardous environments. Its passengers, if any, cannot fire out without breaking the seal.

Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range.
Loud, Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Hull-Mounted Autocannons (Pilot): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range, Loud,

Rapid Fire (4), Penetra ng (6).

Choose one of the following Hull-Mounted Weapons (Front Facing, Pilot):

 4x Hellstrike Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud,
Penetra ng (4), Seeking, Spread.
 6x Skystrike Missiles: Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Disposable, Loud,
Penetra ng (6), Seeking.
 6x Tac cal Bombs: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud,

Vehicles of the Adepta

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 16/15 Speed: Normal Crew: 2/3†
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Passengers: 10 Size: Enormous

Variants: There exists mul ple pa erns of the Rhino, some of which are stated here:
 Command Variant: Reduce Passenger Capacity to 2, add Command & Control trait.
 Razorback Variant: Reduce Passenger Capacity to 6, use one of the Razorback Variant
weapons and gain a Gunner Crewman to operate them.
 Sororitas Variant: Consider Armor to be 20/18 when being targeted by Psychic or Warp-
related A acks, gain a Laud Hailer a ached to the vehicle.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain, and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose one Pintle-Mounted Weapon according to Variant (Co-Pilot):
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm
- Razorback Variant (Gunner)
 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 18/16 Speed: Normal Crew: 2
Passengers: 12 Size: Enormous
Cupola Turret: The Repressor’s unusual turret sits within the superstructure of the vehicle’s hull,
limi ng its field of fire. The turret may only fire to the front and le of the vehicle and is unable to fire
to the right or to the rear.

Dozer Blade: This vehicle is fi ed with a reinforced bulldozer blade. It increases its frontal armor by 5,
grants a +20 bonus to Pilo ng tests to smash or push through Barriers or Cover, and makes the vehicle
immune to mines or floor-based traps it drives forwards over.

Figh ng Pla orm: The Repressor has three fire points on each side of the vehicle, each allowing one
passenger to fire his own personal weaponry through the slot while s ll allowing them to maintain the
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

armour protec on of the Repressor. The vehicle’s top hatch allows two passengers to fire from the
vehicle, though it will expose their Head, Body, and Arms Hit Loca ons.

Variants: There exist mul ple pa erns of the Repressor, some of which are stated here:
 Arbites Variant: Replace weapon choice with a Water Cannon with a Coaxial Riot Grenade
 Sororitas Variant: Consider Armor to be 20/18 when being targeted by Psychic or Warp-
related A acks, gain a Laud Hailer a ached to the vehicle. Addi onally, replace weapon
choice with either a Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain, and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose one Pintle-Mounted Weapon according to Variant (Gunner):
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm
 Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (3), Rapid Fire (4), Twin-Linked.
- Arbites Variant (Gunner)
 Water Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 6 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Inflict (Stunned), Loud,
Reliable, Spray
 * Coaxial Riot Grenade Launcher (Choke Grenades): Ranged (Ordnance), - Damage, Long
Range. Inflict (Stunned)*, Unstable
- Sororitas Variant (Choose One, Gunner)
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm
 Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze),

Immolator Ba le Tank
Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 28/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 2/3†
Passengers: 6 Size: Enormous
Exhaust Braziers: Characters using Presence (Leadership) or Presence (In mida on) in the presence of
this vehicle gain a +10 Bonus. The vehicle is capable of causing the Frightened Condi on.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Holy Upgrades: Consider Armor to be 20/18 when being targeted by Psychic or Warp-related A acks,
gain a Laud Hailer a ached to the vehicle. Addi onally, replace weapon choice with either a Storm
Bolter or Heavy Flamer.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain, and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Choose one Turret-Mounted Weapon according to Variant (Gunner):
 Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer: Ranged (Ordnance), 9 + SL Damage, Medium Range, Flamer, Inflict
(Ablaze), Loud, Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng (5),
Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked
 Twin-Linked Mul -Melta: Ranged (Ordnance), 20 + SL Damage, Long Range. Loud, Rend (8),

The Immolator may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Gunner 2):
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Cas gator Ba le Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 28/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 5
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Exhaust Braziers: Characters using Presence (Leadership) or Presence (In mida on) in the presence of
this vehicle gain a +10 Bonus. The vehicle is capable of causing the Frightened Condi on.

Holy Upgrades: Consider Armor to be 20/18 when being targeted by Psychic or Warp-related A acks,
gain a Laud Hailer a ached to the vehicle. Addi onally, replace weapon choice with either a Storm
Bolter or Heavy Flamer.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Choose one Turret-Mounted Weapon Variant (Gunner):
 Ba le Cannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 15 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Blast, Loud, Penetra ng
 Twin-Linked Lascannon: Ranged (Ordnance), 18 + SL Damage, Extreme Range. Loud,
Penetra ng (10), Twin-Linked

2x Sponson-Mounted Heavy Bolters (Gunners 2, 3, Le , Right): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage,

Long Range, Penetra ng (5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked

Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter (Driver): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng
(5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked

The Cas gator may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret (Commander):
 Storm Bolter: Ranged (Ordnance), 8 + SL Damage, Long Range, Loud, Penetra ng (4), Rapid
Fire (2), Spread, Storm

Exorcist Ar llery Tank

Vehicle, Tracked
Armor: 28/20 Speed: Normal Crew: 3
Passengers: - Size: Enormous
Exhaust Braziers: Characters using Presence (Leadership) or Presence (In mida on) in the presence of
this vehicle gain a +10 Bonus. The vehicle is capable of causing the Frightened Condi on.

Holy Upgrades: Consider Armor to be 20/18 when being targeted by Psychic or Warp-related A acks,
gain a Laud Hailer a ached to the vehicle. Addi onally, replace weapon choice with either a Storm
Bolter or Heavy Flamer.

Rugged: This vehicle is built for harsh condi ons and is especially resilient. Each me it suffers a
Cri cal Hit, roll twice and use the lower result.

Tracked: This vehicle runs on wide treads, giving it excellent trac on at the cost of speed
• It takes -1 SL to all Pilo ng Tests, and +1 SL on all Control Tests.
• It ignores Difficult Terrain and can smash through mundane Barriers that are smaller than it.

Fixed Exorcist Missile Ba ery (Conflagra on, Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range. Blast, Flame, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud, Spread, Unstable.

Fixed Exorcist Missile Ba ery (Exorcist, Gunner): Ranged (Ordnance), 16 + SL Damage, Extreme
Range. Blast, Loud, Penetra ng (6), Rend (6), Spread, Unstable.
Part of Maledictum Expanded Collec on Made by Moxy1441 Updated 02/10/2023

Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter (Driver): Ranged (Ordnance), 10 + SL Damage, Long Range, Penetra ng
(5), Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Spread, Twin-Linked

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