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Sensors and Actuators B 191 (2014) 246–251

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Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

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Dopamine functionalized CuInS2 quantum dots as a fluorescence

probe for urea
Siyu Liu, Fanping Shi, Lu Chen, Xingguang Su ∗
Department of Analytical Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, a simple, convenient and selective urea-biosensing system with dopamine-functionalized
Received 27 June 2013 CuInS2 quantum dots (QDs) as the fluorescence probe was developed. Water-soluble CuInS2 QDs capped
Received in revised form by 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) was directly synthesized in aqueous solution, and then it was linked
10 September 2013
to dopamine to form the dopamine-functionalized CuInS2 QDs (DA-CuInS2 QDs) fluorescence probe.
Accepted 11 September 2013
When the pH value of DA-CuInS2 QDs solution was adjusted from neutral to alkalinity, the dopamine
Available online 25 September 2013
on the surface of QDs would change into quinone, which would lead to the fluorescence quenching of
DA-CuInS2 QDs due to the charge transfer interactions between QDs and the proximal quinone. Based on
CuInS2 quantum dots
the fact that the hydrolysis of urea in the presence of urase would release OH− to change the pH value of
Dopamine the solution, so the fluorecence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs could be linked to the enzymatic degradation
Fluorescence quenching of urea. The novel urea-biosensing system could effectively probe urea in the dynamic concentration
Urea range from 0.2 to 6 mmol/L.
Urase © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction urase as a catalyst and CdSe/ZnS QDs capped by mercaptosuccinic

acid (MSA) as an indicator for quantitative analysis of urea, and
Urea, as a fertilizer, and animal feeding stuff additive, is mass- the fluorescence intensity of CdSe/ZnS QDs could be enhanced
produced every year and widely applied in agriculture and chemical in alkaline environment after the enzyme–urea reaction [25].
industry [1,2]. And not only that, urea is the major excretory prod- Ruedas-Rama developed an enzyme-linked nanosphere sensor to
uct of protein metabolism and non-protein nitrogenous substance probe urea based on fluorescence of QDs responds to the pH value
in body [3]. Urea in blood or in urine is an important marker in the changes after the enzyme–urea reaction [4].
diagnosis of renal and liver diseases [4]. It is necessary to perform As well-known, the urase-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea releases
the analysis of urea content in serum or urine before diagnosing NH4 + , OH− and HCO3 − ions as products, and the pH value of the sys-
the different dysfunctions of the patients. The urea concentration tem gradually increase with the urea hydrolysis. Therefore, a high
in serum of healthy adults may be in the range from 30 to 80 mmol/L sensitive pH sensor is the key to develop the fluorescence measure-
[5]. ments for urea. As previous reports, QDs capped with some kinds
Due to the important effects of urea on human health, to of mercaptoalkanoic acids provided an obvious route to obtain pH
develop a sensitive and fast method for the determination of sensor [25–29], and some other alternative ligands were introduced
urea has attracted more attention. So far, urea can be measured to control pH sensitivity of QDs [28,29]. Liu and coworkers reported
by several techniques, such as, conductance [6,7], potentiome- the fluorescence of a mercaptoacetic acid-capped CdSe/ZnSe/ZnS
try [8,9], amperometry [10,11], and spectrophotometry [1,12]. QDs solution increased by around fivefold when the pH changed
However, complicated operation, long operation time and high from 4 to 10 [27]. Tomasulo et al. developed a strategy to switch the
cost were found in these methods. In recent years, a fluorescence fluorescence of CdSe/ZnS core–shell QDs with pH changes of sys-
measurement has been successfully applied in the determina- tems that is based on the photoinduced transfer of either energy
tion of some small biological molecules owing to its operational from CdSe/ZnS QDs to [1,3]oxazine ligands or electrons from the
simplicity, high sensitivity and real-time monitoring [13–24]. So organic to the inorganic components [28].
far, there are only a few reports on the fluorescence probe for the Dopamine (DA), as one of the most significant catecholamine
determination of urea. Huang et al. proposed an assay system with neurotransmitters, influences a wide variety of human’s moti-
vated behaviors, attention span, and neuronal plasticity [30–33].
Dopamine and some of its derivatives exhibit complex redox prop-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 431 85168352. erties with pH-tunable oxidation and reduction potentials [34–36].
E-mail address: suxg@jlu.edu.cn (X. Su). Some researchers have reported that the oxidation product

0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 191 (2014) 246–251 247

benzoquinone of dopamine could effectively quench the fluo- 2.4. Preparation of dopamine functionalized CuInS2 QDs
rescence of QDs, and such fluorescence quenching process could
be attributed to charge transfer between the QDs and proximal The conjugation of dopamine to CuInS2 QDs was performed uti-
benzoquinone [34,36–39]. lizing EDC and NHS as coupling reagents according to previous
However, the traditional cadmium-based QDs are toxic for bio- reports [39,45]. Briefly, the CuInS2 QDs solution was mixed with
logical systems and eventually will cause serious environmental EDC and NHS at room temperature, and then dopamine was added
problems due to the leak of cadmium. Recently, a novel kind of into the solution, stirring for more than 3 h (the mole ratio of QD to
I-III-VI CuInS2 QDs that does not contain any toxic Class A ele- NHS, EDC, dopamine was 1:1500:1500:1000). The DA-CuInS2 QDs
ment (Cd, Pb, and Hg) or B element (Se and As) has attracted were purified by precipitation with addition of THF to the reaction
considerable interests [40–43]. In previous report, we presented system, and the purified DA-CuInS2 QDs powder were dissolved in
the one-pot synthesis of water-soluble CuInS2 QDs capped with aqueous solution, and stored in the darkroom.
3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) [44].
In this paper, MPA capped CuInS2 QDs are covalently bonded 2.5. Detection of urea by DA-CuInS2 QDs
to dopamine via 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl] carbodiimide
hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) as coupling For urea determination, 200 ␮L urase solution (12.5 mg/mL, dis-
reagents. The fluorescence of the obtained dopamine functional- solved in 10 mmol/L PBS pH 7.0) and different amount of urea were
ized CuInS2 QDs (DA-CuInS2 QDs) dramatically reduced with the added in to a 2 mL calibrated test tube, shaken thoroughly for 1 min.
increased pH value of the environments. Based on the fact that the And then 25 ␮L DA-CuInS2 QDs solution (0.12 mg/mL) was added
urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea could release OH− to increase into the test tube, diluted to the mark with deionized water, shaken
the pH value of the environments, we developed a simple, conve- thoroughly and equilibrated for 30 min. The fluorescence spectra of
nient and highly sensitive fluorescence method for the detection the mixture were recorded from 580 nm to 850 nm, and the samp-
of urea utilizing the pH sensitive dopamine functionalized CuInS2 ling interval was 1.0 nm. The slit widths of excitation and emission
QDs as the fluorescence probe. were both 10 nm. The fluorescence (FL) intensity of the maximum
emission peak was used for the quantitative analysis of the urea.
2. Experiment
2.6. Preparation of serum samples
2.1. Apparatus
Drug-free human blood samples were collected from healthy
The fluorescence spectra were obtained by using a Shimadzu volunteers and then centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 10 min after
RF-5301 PC spectrofluorophotometer equipped with a xenon standing for 2 h at room temperature. 1 mL obtained serum sam-
lamp using right-angle geometry. UV–vis absorption spectra were ples and 2 mg urase were mixed and incubated for 24 h at 35 ◦ C
obtained by a Varian GBC Cintra 10e UV-vis spectrometer. In both to hydrolyze the inherent urea in the serum. And then 3 mL 15%
experiments, a 1 cm path-length quartz cuvette was used. trichloroacetic acid was added into the serum to destroy the activ-
ity of urase, which would irreparably lose its catalytic activity under
strong acid condition, and precipitate proteins of the serum [46,47].
2.2. Reagents
After vigorously shaking for 15 min, the mixture was centrifuged
at 10 000 rpm for 10 min at 4 ◦ C. The obtained supernatant was
All reagents were of at least analytical grade. The water used
adjusted to pH 7.0 using NaOH solution and then diluted by 50
in all experiments had a resistivity higher than 18 M cm−1 .
times with deionized water. Different concentrations of urea were
Copper (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2 ·2H2 O), sodium hydroxide
added to the diluted serum samples to prepare the spiked samples.
(NaOH), sulfourea (CS(NH2 )2 ), urea, tetrahydrofuran (THF), sodium
dehydrogenized phosphate (NaH2 PO4 ) and disodium hydrogen
phosphate (Na2 HPO4 ) were purchased from Shanghai Qingxi Tech- 3. Results and discussions
nology Co., Ltd. Dopamine, indium (III) chloride tetrahydrate
(InCl3 ·4H2 O), MPA, EDC, NHS, and urease (1 U/mg) were purchased 3.1. DA-CuInS2 QDs fluorescence probe
from Sigma–Aldrich Corporation.
As well-known that, the fluorescence properties of QDs had a
close connection to their surface capped layers [13,48]. As shown
2.3. Preparation of MPA-capped CuInS2 QDs in Scheme 1, in this study, we used dopamine to modify MPA capped
CuInS2 QDs to form the dopamine-functionalized CuInS2 QDs fluo-
MPA-capped CuInS2 QDs were synthesized in aqueous solu- rescence probe. The urea would release OH− with urase as catalysts
tion, according to our previous report [44]. 0.15 mmol CuCl2 ·2H2 O that could induce changes from dopamine to its corresponding
and InCl3 ·4H2 O were dissolved in 10.5 mL distilled water, and then quinone. And the energy transfer between the QDs and proximal
1.8 mmol MPA was injected into the solution. The pH value of the quinone would lead to the fluorescence quenching of DA-CuInS2
mixture solution was adjusted to 11.3 by adding 2 mol/L NaOH QDs, so the DA-CuInS2 QDs fluorescence probe could be utilized
solution with stirring during this process. After stirring for 10 min, for the determination of urea. Fig. 1 shows the UV–vis absorption
0.30 mmol CS(NH2 )2 was dissolved in above solution. The previous and fluorescence emission spectra of MPA-capped CuInS2 QDs and
process was all finished at room temperature, and then the mixture DA-CuInS2 QDs respectively. It could be seen that after conjuga-
solution was finally transferred into a 15 mL autoclave. Then it was tion with dopamine, the fluorescence emission peak exhibited a
heated and maintained at 150 ◦ C for 21 h and then cooled down blue-shift from 660 nm to 630 nm, which was attributed to that
to room temperature by a natural process. Enthanol was added to the surface capping layer of the CuInS2 QDs was changed from the
the stock solution to obtain CuInS2 QDs precipitate, and the process negatively charged acetate to the electron donor dopamine [39,45].
was repeated three times. The unreacted residues were removed by Fig. S1A shows the FT-IR spectra of the MPA-capped CuInS2 QDs
the cycled washing. The purified CuInS2 QDs were dissolved in PBS (curve a) and DA-CuInS2 QDs (curve b). As curve a in Fig. S1A
(2 mmol/L, pH 7.0), and stored in the darkroom. The final CuInS2 shown, the majority of MPA functional groups could be clearly
QDs solution concentration was 0.15 mmol/L. found through the C O stretching peak (1730 cm−1 ), and C H
248 S. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 191 (2014) 246–251

Scheme 1. The schematic illustration of the synthetic process of DA-CuInS2 QDs and the detection of urea.

stretching mode (2850 cm−1 , 2920 cm−1 , 2960 cm−1 ). The charac- other possible interference on the fluorescence of DA-CuInS2 QDs,
teristic peak of S H did not appear within 2550–2680 cm−1 , which we respectively investigated the effect of urea, NH4 + , HCO3 − and
might be caused by the covalent bonds between thiols and metal. urase on the fluorescence of DA-CuInS2 QDs. Fig. S3 shows the flu-
As curve b in Fig. S1A shown, the amide I band (1660 cm−1 ), amide orescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs with different concentration
II (1540 cm−1 ) and amide III (1400 cm−1 ) band for CONH group of urea, NH4 + , HCO3 − (in the range from 0 to 10 mmol/L) or urase
appeared, which was due to the conjugation of DA to the MPA (in the range from 0 to 1.25 mg/mL). It can be seen that urea, only
capped CuInS2 QDs. UV–vis absorption spectra (230–400 nm) of NH4 + , HCO3 − or urase itself cannot induce obviously fluorescence
the DA-CuInS2 QDs were performed. As shown in Fig. S1B, the typ- quenching of the DA-CuInS2 QDs. So it was further confirmed that
ical UV–vis absorption peak around 280 nm belonging to DA was we could detect urea based on the fluorescence quenching of DA-
observed in the DA-CuInS2 QDs, and not observed in the original CuInS2 QDs induced by OH− that was released from the hydrolysis
MPA-capped CuInS2 QDs. It was further confirmed the presence of of urea in the presence of urase.
dopamine after the conjugation,
3.3. Optimization for urea detection
3.2. The influence of pH on the fluorescence of DA-CuInS2 QDs
As described in Eq. (1), the urea could release ionic product NH4 + ,
The charge transfer interactions between fluorescent QDs and HCO3 − and OH− in the presence of urase.
redox active dopamine have been extensively investigated [34,36].
In this work, we studied the effect of pH on the fluorescence prop- CO(NH2 )2 + 3H2 O = 2NH4 + + HCO3 − + OH− (1)
erties of DA-CuInS2 QDs. As shown in Fig. 2, it could be seen that As shown in Fig. 2, the fluorescence of DA-CuInS2 QDs would be
the fluorescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs decreased with the quenched when pH of the system changed from neutral to alkalin-
increasing of the pH from 7.0 to 9.93, and when the pH increased to ity. Therefore, DA-CuInS2 QDs could be utilized as a fluorescence
be 9.93, the fluorescence was almost entirely quenched. The signif- probe for the determination of urea with urase as catalyst. As well-
icant fluorescence quenching was due to that the oxygen-catalytic known that the urase plays a key role in the hydrolysis of urea.
oxidation of dopamine potentials was gradually reduced as the Therefore, choosing the appropriate concentration of urase could
increased pH value from 7.0 to 9.93, and the equilibrium favored improve the sensitivity for urea detection by DA-CuInS2 QDs probe.
the transformation of dopamine to its oxidation product quinone at In this work, the fluorescence intensity ratio F/F0 (F and F0 are
high pH. And the transfer of electrons from a photoexcited QDs to the fluorescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs with or without urea)
the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of the proximal quinone of DA-CuInS2 QDs around 630 nm quenched by 2 mmol/L urea in the
acceptor would result in the fluorescence quenching of DA-CuInS2 presence of different urase concentration (0.08–1.25 mg/mL) were
QDs [34,36]. As shown in Fig. S2, under the acid conditions, the flu- studied, and the results were shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that
orescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs did not exhibit significant
variation with the decreasing pH value of the system.
As well-known, the urea could release NH4 + , OH− and HCO3 −
ions as products with urase as the catalyst. In order to exclude the

Fig. 2. The fluorescence (FL) spectra of DA-CuInS2 QDs after the addition of differ-
ent amounts of NaOH with the pH value of the system changed from 7.00 to 9.93
(pH = 7.00, 7.16, 7.27, 7.58, 7.96, 8.55, 8.95, 9.31, 9.70, 9.93). Inset: the plot of flu-
Fig. 1. The UV–vis absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of MPA-capped orescence quenching ratios of F/F0 at 630 nm versus the pH value of the system at
CuInS2 QDs (dash line) and DA-CuInS2 QDs (solid line). room temperature.
S. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 191 (2014) 246–251 249

Fig. 4. The fluorescence (FL) spectra of DA-CuInS2 QDs upon the addition of differ-
ent concentration of urea in the range of 0–12 mmol/L (0, 0.005, 0.020, 0.050, 0.10,
Fig. 3. The relationship between the fluorescence intensity ratio F/F0 of DA-CuInS2 0.20, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0 mmol/L) in the presence of 1.25 mg/mL
QDs and the reaction time. F and F0 are the fluorescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs urase. Inset: the plot of fluorescence quenching ratios of F/F0 at 630 nm versus the
with or without urea. Conditions: 2 mmol/L urea and various urase concentrations concentration of urea at room temperature.
(0.08, 0.21, 0.42, 0.63, 1.25 mg/mL).

fluorescence intensity. The obviously fluorescence quenching

the fluorescence intensity ratio F/F0 of DA-CuInS2 QDs decreased induced by urea with urase as catalysts was due to the hydrolysis
slightly with the increasing of reaction time in the presence of of urea, which released OH− to change the pH value of the system,
low concentration of urase (0.08 or 0.21 mg/mL). When the urase and it favored easier transformation of dopamine to its oxidation
concentration increased in the assay system (0.42–1.25 mg/mL), product quinone. And then the transfer of electrons from QDs to
more dramatic changes of fluorescence intensity ratios F/F0 were the proximal quinone acceptor would result in the fluorescence
observed. The gradually decreased fluorescence intensity ratios quenching of DA-CuInS2 QDs. The proposed urea-biosensing
F/F0 with the increasing of reaction time clearly suggests that the system could effectively probe urea in the dynamic range from 0.2
urea was gradually decomposed to release OH− by catalysis of to 6 mmol/L.
urase, and the increased concentrations of OH− in the assay sys- As shown in Table 1, we compared the detecting limits and
tem would result in the more obvious fluorescence quenching of dynamic range of urea with various methodologies including
DA-CuInS2 QDs. As Fig. 3 showed when the urase cencentration potentiometry [10,52], amperometry [8], fluorescence measure-
increased from 0.63 mg/mL to 1.25 mg/mL, the fluorescence inten- ments [4,25] and our proposed detection system. It can be seen
sity ratios (F/F0 ) after 30 min of enzyme hydrolysis almost reached that the proposed method offered a similar detecting limit and
the same. The results indicated that the urase concentration of wide dynamic range for the detection of urea. Compared with previ-
1.25 mg/mL was sufficient in this urea molecules hydrolysis system, ous reports about urea sensors, the DA-CuInS2 QD-based biosensor
and it was corresponding with previous reports [4,25]. offered many advantages such as simple operations, low cost, with-
In this paper, we investigated systematically the effect of the out enzyme immobilization, good selectivity and sensitivity.
reaction temperature on this urea detection system, and the results
were shown in Fig. S4. As curve a in Fig. S2 shown, the fluoresce 3.5. Effect of foreign substance
intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs decreased gradually with the increase
of reaction temperature from 15 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C, which was due to that In this paper, we studied the effect of some physiological ions
the increase of reaction temperature would increase the rate of oxi- and molecules on our proposed urea fluorescence detection system.
dation and reduce the dopamine potential for oxidation and shifted It could be found that from Fig. S5A, the fluorescence intensity of
the equilibrium toward the production of quinones [36,49–51]. DA-CuInS2 QDs with 1.25 mg/mL urase added by 2 mmol/L foreign
Urase is an enzyme in organisms, and its activities increased grad- substance K+ , Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , glucose (Glu), glucine (Gly), threon-
ually with the increase of temperature at a given range that was ine (Thr) or lysine (lys) remained nearly constant, and only after
corresponding with fluorescence intensity changes of DA-CuInS2 the addition of urea, the fluorescence intensity showed obvious
QDs–urea–urase system (curve b). Considering the stability of DA- decreasing. The results indicated that the proposed urea detection
CuInS2 QDs, the activities of urase and being simple to operate, system showed the high selectivity to urea. In Fig. S5B, we fur-
room temperature 20 ◦ C was chosen as the reaction temperature ther investigated the fluorescence response of DA-CuInS2 QDs to
in our urea detection system. 2 mmol/L urea with 1.25 mg/L urase in the presence of 2 mmol/L
foreign substance K+ , Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Glu, Gly, Thr or lys. It could
3.4. Fluorescence detection of urea using the DA-CuInS2 QDs be seen from Fig. S5B that even in the presence of 2 mmol/L inter-
ference, the DA-CuInS2 QDs sensor still work the same. The results
As shown in Fig. 4, the fluorescence of DA-CuInS2 QDs decreased showed that the proposed urea detection system could provide
as the urea concentration increased from 5 ␮mol/L to 12 mmol/L in well ability of resisting interference from physiological ions and
the presence of 1.25 mg/mL urase as catalyst. Fig. 4 inset describes molecules.
the relationship between the fluorescence intensity ratio F/F0 (F and
F0 are the fluorescence intensity of DA-CuInS2 QDs with or without 3.6. Detection of urea in real samples
urea) and the logarithm of urea concentration (0.005–12 mmol/L,
logarithm value −2.30 to 1.08). It could be seen that when the In order to test the applicability of the proposed method, it
concentration of urea was 12 mmol/L, the fluorescence inten- was applied to determinate urea in human serum samples which
sity of DA-CuInS2 QDs would decrease to about 20% of original spiked with different concentration of urea. The results obtained by
250 S. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 191 (2014) 246–251

Table 1
Comparison of performance of different urea sensors.

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Potentiometry Poly(N-vinylcarbazole)/stearic acid Langmuir–Blodgett films 10–68 5 [52]

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Amperometry Urease + polyurethane–acrylate polytoluidine blue film 0.2–0.8 0.02 [8]

Fluorescence Urea/MSA-CdSe/ZnS QDs 0.01–120 0.01 [25]

Mercaptopropionic capped QDs–PAH-CaR 0.4–25 0.4 [4]
Dopamine functionalized CuInS2 QDs 0.2–6 0.1 This work

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[41] R.G. Xie, M. Rutherford, X.G. Peng, Formation of high-quality I-III-VI semicon-
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of the American Chemical Society 131 (2009) 5691–5697. Siyu Liu is currently carrying out his graduate work for his doctor degree under the
[42] S.L. Castro, S.G. Bailey, R.P. Raffaelle, K.K. Banger, A.F. Hepp, Nanocrystalline guidance of Professor Su in Jilin University. His research focuses on the synthesis
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Fanping Shi is currently carrying out her graduate work for her masters degree
[43] W.W. Xiong, G.H. Yang, X.C. Wu, J.J. Zhu, Aqueous synthesis of color-tunable
under the guidance of Professor Su in Jilin University. Her research focuses on the
CuInS2 /ZnS nanocrystals for the detection of human interleukin 6, ACS Applied
synthesis and functionalization of quantum dots and their application on sensors
Materials Interfaces 5 (2013) 8210–8216.
for metal ion and small molecules.
[44] S.Y. Liu, H. Zhang, Y. Qiao, X.G. Su, One-pot synthesis of ternary CuInS2 quan-
tum dots with near-infrared fluorescence in aqueous solution, RSC Advances 2 Lu Chen received her bachelor degree in Institute of Chemistry Jilin University. Her
(2012) 819–825. research focuses on the application of quantum dots on sensors for small molecules.
[45] S.J. Clarke, C.A. Hollmann, F.A. Aldaye, J.L. Nadeau, Effect of ligand density on
the spectral, physical, and biological characteristics of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots, Xingguang Su is a professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the College
Bioconjugate Chemisty 19 (2008) 562–568. of Chemistry, Jilin University. She received her master degree from Jilin University
[46] J.H. Peng, Y.H. Wang, J.L. Wang, X. Zhou, Z.H. Liu, A new biosensor for glucose (China) in 1992 and her doctor degree from Jilin University (China) in 1999. Her
determination in serum based on up-converting fluorescence resonance energy research focuses on the synthesis, characterization, functionalization and applica-
transfer, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 28 (2011) 414–420. tion of quantum dots and quantum dots-tagged microspheres in biomedicine.

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