Bain Microsoft Temasek Sea Green Economy 2021 Report Road To Net Zero Main
Bain Microsoft Temasek Sea Green Economy 2021 Report Road To Net Zero Main
Bain Microsoft Temasek Sea Green Economy 2021 Report Road To Net Zero Main
Find out more about SEA’s progress Find out more about the building blocks Find out more about
on its climate ambitions for SEA’s Net Zero journey SEA’s green capital flows
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Defining the Road to Net Zero Catalyzing the Journey Unlocking Capital Flows
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The information in this report is provided on an “as is” basis. This document was produced The information included in this report should be sourced as “Bain,
by Bain & Company, Microsoft, and Temasek (“the authors”) as of the date of writing and Microsoft, and Temasek, Southeast Asia’s Green Economy 2021 Report:
is subject to change. This document has been prepared solely for informational purposes Opportunities on the Road to Net Zero.”
over a limited time period and for providing a perspective on the market. Projected market
and financial information, analyses, and conclusions contained herein should not be
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The authors or any of their affiliates and any third party involved make no representation
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Authors Acknowledgements
The “Southeast Asia’s (SEA) Green Economy 2021 Report: Opportunities on We would like to thank the team who has worked tirelessly to develop this report:
the Road to Net Zero” is jointly produced by a collaboration between Bain &
Company, Microsoft, and Temasek. Contributing authors are as follows: Bain & Company
Chii Fen Hiu, Manager
Dale Hardcastle, Global Sustainability Innovation Center Co-Director and Iain Tan, Senior Associate Consultant
Partner, Bain & Company Panyakorn Rakpanitmanee, Senior Associate Consultant
Sean Chua, Associate Consultant
Gerry Mattios, Global Sustainability Innovation Center Co-Director and Xavier Lim, Associate Consultant
Expert Partner, Bain & Company Jessy Chua, SEA Market Reputation Lead
Michele Koe, Senior Specialist, SEA Market Reputation
Vinayshankar Kulkarni, Global Sustainability Innovation Center Lead and Yan Xin Tay, Senior Specialist, SEA Market Reputation
Senior Manager, Bain & Company Krishnakanth Balam, Senior Manager
Gwyneth Fries, Expert Senior Manager
Lorena Paglia, Sustainability Chapter Lead and Connected Customer Harry Ng, Consultant
Experience Regional Engagement Leader for Asia-Pacific, Microsoft
Frederick Teo, Managing Director, Sustainable Solutions, Temasek Supriya Addanki, Director of Communications for Asia-Pacific
Ashley Chan, Vice President
Nicholas Ong, Associate Vice President
Celine Koh, Communications Manager
The insights and content of this report also benefited from the wisdom of >60
leading industry experts across SEA and beyond. The richness and clarity of
thought in this report would not have been possible without the thought
leadership from these individuals. To all who answered our call, wrote a thoughtful
email, or filled out our survey – we owe you our deepest thanks.
All figures cited in this report are in USD
Last year, we set out on a mission to estimate the value of building SEA’s change are also most at risk of being left behind (e.g., coastal and Indigenous
sustainability ecosystem, with the aim of shifting the discourse on sustainability from communities) as countries transition to low-carbon economies. For a developing
problem to opportunity. In doing so, we discovered ~$1 trillion in opportunities for region like SEA, climate justice and climate action must go hand in hand.
SEA by 2030, providing the first dollar-value estimate of the region’s green economy.
With complex interconnections unlike any other systemic undertaking in our
We also identified clear, high impact areas for businesses and investors to capitalize
economic history, charting a strategic path to realize value from the low-carbon
on while driving forward the sustainability agenda.
economy requires a highly nuanced and holistic approach. We must become Net
This year, we dive deeper into an integral theme of sustainability, one that is Zero while also preserving biodiversity, saving our fresh water, and improving the
considered among the greater challenges humanity has been tasked with solving in livelihoods of rural communities.
modern history – climate action and the race to Net Zero.
That said, the Net Zero imperative offers significant opportunities to those who dare
Through this report, we highlight the burning platform for immediate and to push the boundaries of convention. It presents avenues for diverse business
accelerated climate action, as the window to achieve Paris goals narrows. We provide segments to create commercial leverage while leading the climate transition. As this
an objective assessment of SEA’s progress against climate ambitions and plan, report finds, realizing this will require nontraditional thinking and an unprecedented
highlight the Net Zero imperatives for SEA along with the commercial opportunities scale of collaboration and co-innovation.
it brings, and map out the landscape of green capital flows in the region. Finally, we
We hope this report begins to paint the picture of both the imperative for climate
suggest tangible individual and collective actions that can make the vision of a
action as well as the opportunities it brings. Finally, we hope to inspire tangible
sustainable SEA a reality at scale.
actions from all sets of stakeholders – business leaders, investors, government
Though our focus is on Net Zero, it is important to recognize that climate action officials, or simply the concerned citizen.
cannot be undertaken in isolation. We must consider the interrelationships with the
other planetary boundaries of freshwater use, ozone depletion, biosphere integrity,
land system change, biogeochemical flows, atmospheric aerosol pollution, ocean
acidification, and the release of novel chemicals. We must also do our best to ensure
a just climate transition – paradoxically, those who are most impacted by climate
Foreword by Bain & Company
Climate action is the imperative of this decade. The recent Intergovernmental Panel opportunities3 could be generated through the green economy, with new growth
on Climate Change (IPCC) report reinforced the urgency for action and highlighted areas contributing ~6-8% to our region’s GDP by 2030.
the undeniable human element driving the climate emergency. This transition to a
To capture this opportunity, SEA businesses must lead, not follow. Despite macro
low-carbon reality is the largest-scale transformation Bain has helped our clients
factors not within control, corporates must identify the optimal strategic space where
embark on in our nearly 50-year history. We embrace the challenge.
they can play an active commercial role while advancing SEA’s climate ambitions.
There is growing recognition of SEA’s pivotal role in the global fight against climate This will require unconventional thought and ecosystem-wide collaboration. At Bain,
change. The region holds some of the most valuable natural capital in our forests, we are helping clients to develop sustainability strategies that are intertwined with
mangroves, and peatlands. Rich in natural resources, such as rice and rubber, SEA is their core business ambitions, with tangible actions that lead to results. We observe
the start of many supply chains – making the decarbonization of SEA a significant value from embracing sustainability: sustainable brands enjoy a 3x
Satish Shankar nonnegotiable for multinational corporations (MNCs), who must reimagine their increase in customer loyalty and a 4x increase in household penetration, and
Regional Managing Partner, supply chains to achieve Net Zero. employees are 50x more likely to be happy working for purpose-driven companies.
Bain & Company, Asia-Pacific We understand the benefits of this firsthand – sustainability is embedded in our
While our potential is vast, SEA risks being left behind if we do not act now. Robust
DNA. As a company, we have been carbon neutral since 2012 and aim to achieve Net
sustainability measurement and reporting is becoming the global mandate and SEA
Zero by 2030.
businesses and suppliers, many of whom are small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs),
face a real threat if they are unable to keep up. SEA also faces twin challenges of At Bain, we firmly believe that bold steps define the future. We recently launched
needing to increase economic growth while decarbonizing societies. Thus far, we FurtherTM – Bain’s integrated suite of environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
have not moved fast enough – as this report finds, our latest NDCs1 are not 1.5°C capabilities that brings the full force of our talent, expertise, and energy to create a
pathway-aligned, leaving a gap of ~3-4 Gt in 2030. Meanwhile, climate risk to the more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive world. We invite you to join us as we push
region is increasing, with real impact on future GDP.2 the boundaries along the road to Net Zero journey and go Further, together.
The imperative to act is undeniable, and the time to leap is now – not only because
of the risk that inaction could pose, but also because climate action represents
significant opportunities. In SEA, we estimated that ~$1 trillion economic
Foreword by Microsoft
The scientific consensus is clear: the world confronts an urgent carbon problem. The We have a responsibility to protect our most finite resource – the planet. Without
carbon in our atmosphere has created a blanket of gas that traps heat and is immediate and drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be
changing the world’s climate. If we don’t curb emissions, and temperatures continue more difficult and costly.
to climb, science tells us that the results will be catastrophic.
And Microsoft is doing our part to accelerate the world’s transformation to a Net
At some level, every industry is undergoing sustainable digital transformation. From Zero future with Clean Energy Startups and Ecosystem and through our Climate
5G, cloud computing, and internet of things (IoT) and data – technology has Innovation Fund, committing $1 billion of capital to invest in meaningful, measurable
accelerated and transformed the innovation agenda for companies. From digital climate solutions, particularly where the capital need for climate solutions is not
supply chains that improve business processes and reduce carbon footprints to IoT being met; supporting technologies that are relevant to Microsoft’s core business
sensors streaming real-time telemetry for predictive analytics, there is no shortage of and that of our customers; and ensuring developing economies and underserved
Sandy Gupta examples of how technology can enable ambitious sustainability outcomes. And this communities benefit from climate solutions. That, and we have been carbon neutral
COO, Vice President of Sales, is further transformed by start-ups and digital natives who are using artificial since 2012, but that’s not stopping us from committing to being carbon negative by
Marketing, and Operations, intelligence and data to create solutions that are disrupting industries. 2030, and by 2050, will remove from the environment all the carbon the company
Microsoft Asia-Pacific has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since it was founded in 1975.
That is one of the reasons we are investing in the SEA Clean Energy Facility (SEACEF)
to accelerate deployment of large-scale, innovative, high-impact clean energy We are one year into a decades-long strategy and while we have made some early
projects and businesses in critical SEA markets. progress, we know that one company or organization alone cannot meet the world’s
climate challenges.
We see businesses in manufacturing unlocking new data-driven insights to cut
carbon across their operations and supply chains; retail tracking the carbon footprint It is our role as leaders, working together as a coalition to bring in our strengths,
of products from farm to fork, field to fiber to consumer, and everything in between assets, resources to build a region that is more resilient, equitable, greener, and
to reduce their emissions and deliver purpose-driven products to customers. sustainable for everyone. This is purpose driven technology, where the mission is to
collaborate for the greater, common good.
The opportunity is here and what this report underlines is the urgent need for public
policy, capital investments, technology, partnerships, and demand for a Net Zero
future to come together so SEA can push ahead with achieving a sustainable future.
Foreword by Temasek
The urgency for climate action has never been greater. The recent IPCC report While both green fundraising and capital deployment is picking up in the region,
suggests that we are at imminent risk of breaching the 1.5⁰C threshold. We are we have a long way to go. Building up the region’s sustainable infrastructure in
making progress, but we need to urgently step up our efforts in large-scale areas such as renewables, electric vehicles and waste management will require
reductions in emissions to limit warming to 1.5⁰C. some $2 trillion in investments over the next decade. By contrast, this report
finds that only ~$9 billion has been deployed to green businesses and assets
We cannot afford to wait. If warming continues unabated, global temperatures in 2020.
could rise by 3.2⁰C by 2050. In this scenario, the global economy stands to lose
close to 20%1 of its GDP compared to a world without climate change by the At Temasek, sustainability is central to what we do. We have committed to halve
mid-century. The most impacted regions, in the same scenario, include emerging our portfolio carbon emissions by 2030 and to be Net Zero by 2050. We actively
Steve Howard Asia, with SEA countries projected to lose up to 37%1 of their GDP. Many view seek sustainable solutions from plant-based foods, to alternative energy sources
Chief Sustainability Officer, the climate emergency and transition toward a low-carbon economy as the to bring about a sustainable future. The road to Net Zero will not be easy, but it
Temasek challenge of our generation; we see also the significant value and opportunities offers significant opportunities for collaboration between private, public, and
it brings. Temasek seeks to catalyze and invest in solutions to these key global philanthropic sectors to unlock SEA’s full potential.
This report offers an important update on the opportunities for investors,
In SEA, we are seeing promising investible areas emerge, especially across companies, and governments to collaborate and accelerate the transition to a
energy and agri-food, as highlighted in this report. Valuing our region’s natural greener economy in the region. I hope that it will provide useful insights and
capital as a carbon sink and preserving our biodiversity is also critical. To that help catalyze further action for our collective sustainable future.
end, we have established Mandai Nature Fund, in partnership with Mandai Park
Holdings, to help wildlife, nature and communities thrive in Asia. Our joint
venture with DBS, SGX and Standard Chartered - Climate Impact X - offers a
global marketplace for high-quality carbon credits to increase capital flows to
nature-based solutions such as reforestation and regenerative agriculture.
Key takeaways
As the global narrative on climate change SEA has mobilized in the past year, with We know what needs to be done: ~90% of
shifts from challenges to action, there is landmark national announcements and SEA’s emissions are addressable through the
growing recognition of the importance of growth in corporate action, but pathways energy transition, valuing nature, and the
SEA as a critical part of the Net Zero puzzle. to results remain unclear. agri-food transformation.
SEA is the start of many supply routes and is home to some Only 2 SEA countries have Net Zero commitments, robust Opportunities exist as we decarbonize SEA’s
of the world’s most valuable natural capital sources: ~25% of climate plans are sparse, and carbon prices remain low heaviest emitting sectors. Scaling the voluntary carbon
global investible pantropic forest carbon stock, 19-46% of blue (~$4-5 per tCO2e). The region faces a ~3-4Gt gap to 1.5°C- markets and leveraging data and digital innovation can
carbon stock, and ~97% of tropical peatland carbon sinks. aligned emissions levels in 2030 based on latest NDCs. further accelerate our Net Zero journey.
While MNCs, government-linked enterprises, regional
corporates, and family-run businesses lead the way, SMEs
face resource constraints to make the shift.
SEA investors’ mindsets are shifting, and The playbook to accelerate SEA’s path to
green capital is beginning to flow, but there Net Zero must account for regional nuances
is a long way to go. and include individual and collective action at
an ecosystem level.
The region needs ~$2 trillion in infrastructure investments
over the next decade for a sustainable transition. In 2020, All sets of stakeholders – businesses, investors, communities,
only ~$9 billion capital was deployed into green businesses and governments – are required. Key ingredients for SEA’s
and assets. collective action plan include ecosystem-wide co-innovation,
collective transition support leveraging blended financing and
public-private partnerships, and regional/cross-border
collaboration. Those who lead the charge stand to gain
$1 trillion in economic opportunities by 2030.
Summary by the numbers
climate crises in SEA
GDP impact due to climate change
loss of SEA’s peatlands by 2030
15 of 24 climate-linked crises that IFRC4 responded to in 17-37% GDP loss expected for SEA by 2050 (2.7-4.2% by 100% of peatlands and 50% of forest cover expected
Asia-Pacific in 2020 occurred in SEA – the most impacted 2030) in 2.0-3.2°C global warming scenarios – the worst to be lost by 2030 and 2050 respectively, at present
globally. 4 of the 10 countries that were most affected by globally. At the same time, SEA has heavy economic rates of deforestation and land use conversion
climate-related disasters from 1999 to 2018 are in SEA, dependency on resource- and carbon-intensive industries,
according to Germanwatch’s Climate Risk Index (CRI) which represent >45% regional economy today5
~3-4 Gt gap to
1.5°C-aligned emissions in 2030
<$9 billion
to the green economy in 2020
deployed 2 SEA countries
with Net Zero commitments
We are not on track and the path to action is not clear: A global arms race is emerging to build the industries of Only 2 countries have Net Zero commitments and 2 have
latest NDCs leave a ~2.7–3.7Gt emissions gap to 1.5°C- the future, led by the US, Europe, and China. SEA needs announced or implemented a carbon tax, with prices at
aligned levels in 2030, closing the gap from previous $2 trillion in investments over the next decade for a $4-5 per tCO2e vs. ~$20 global average and $50-$100
NDCs by 11-18% vs. 68% for Colombia, 9% for China, sustainable transition, yet only <$9 billion capital was needed for 1.5°C pathway by 2030. SEA SBTi companies
64% for the EU, and 71% for the US deployed in green assets in 2020 represent 4% market capitalization vs. 27% for global
Notes: 1. Assets under management; 2. Principles for Responsible Investment; 3. Science Based Targets initiative; 4. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;
5. Industries included are agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas, and construction
Summary by the numbers
of SEA emissions
of emissions
of global investible
of emissions from
from 3 sectors from energy forest carbon agriculture
A small number of sectors are the problem 46% of SEA’s emissions come from energy, SEA holds some of the world’s most Agriculture forms ~10% of the region’s GDP
and the opportunity: bold action to accelerate presenting opportunity for SEA to leapfrog valuable natural capital, but this is at risk, but is also the source of 15% of emissions:
energy transition, value nature, and transform and pivot to cleaner energy sources: energy with LUCF2 accounting for 27% of SEA opportunities exist to empower smallholder
agri-food system can address ~90% of SEA’s efficiency, renewables adoption, grid emissions. Action today can save ~25% of farmers with sustainable practices and
emissions and deliver emissions reduction for modernization, and electrification are the world’s investible pantropic forest innovations, as well as build out the region
the wider world immediate opportunities while emerging carbon stock, 19%–46% of blue carbon, as a global center for ag-tech such as
CCUS1 and hydrogen hold future promise and ~97% of tropical peatland carbon sinks alternative-protein
SEA businesses are family-run
78% MNCs require
suppliers to be sustainable
57% SEA investors
expect sustainability
$2 trillion
investment required
Family businesses, who represent >85% of 78% of MNCs will remove suppliers that Shifts in investor sentiments promise to There is a big need to address, which presents
SEA businesses valued at >$1 billion, are endanger their Net Zero transition by 2025, unlock green capital flow to accelerate the significant opportunity: $2 trillion investments
moving fast to scale the transition, while with SEA being an essential focus: 92% of transition: 57% of investors now integrate in infrastructure over the next decade is
SMEs, who make up ~40% of GDP, face rubber, 22% of semiconductor exports, and sustainability in their investment thesis required to enable’s SEA sustainable transition
resource constraints in making the shift many other resource routes including textiles while 19% identify as impact investors in
and palm start in the region 2021 (vs. 52% and 0% respectively in 2019)
Notes: 1. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage; 2. Land use change and forestry
Executive summary
Executive summary
Executive summary
2021: Year of
Transition and
Climate Action
Moving from “challenges”
to “solutions”
A new global narrative emerges – Net Zero takes center stage
Global recognition that the Net Zero window is closing, and greater collective action is needed
Closing window
To limit global warming to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial
period, 45% reduction in annual emissions is required by 20301
Unless there are immediate, 2021 should be a turning We are off track
rapid and large-scale point for our planet and Global warming is expected to exceed 1.5°C by the early
reductions in greenhouse gas to accelerate efforts to cut 2030s, according to the latest IPCC report (we are at
emissions, limiting warming greenhouse gas emissions ~1.1°C2 today, with 2020 being the third warmest year on
to close to 1.5°C or even record). Further, emissions are on pace to increase by 4.8%
2°C will be beyond reach in 2021 – the largest increase since the great financial crisis
IPCC (August 2021) G7 Summit (June 2021)
The scales have tipped – key actors are responding
Growth in mentions of
~52% 2016-20211 growth in media mentions of
climate action relative “climate action” vs. ~21% for “climate change”
to climate change
We see climate action The United States must Climate action is at As governments recognize the
as fundamental to advance a credible strategy the heart of the importance of climate action…
alleviating poverty and for robust and continued European Green Deal industries are left with little
boosting prosperity climate action choice but to change
$3 ~$121 ~27%
as of Jan 2021, covering 1,040
companies that were part of Planned infrastructure AUM of institutional Global market
the SBTi in October 2020; 5. and clean energy investors and PE firms capitalization4
Science Based Targets investments by that are UN PRI3 represented by SBTi5
economies representing signatories as of 2021 vs. companies
Sources: Factiva; European
Commission; White House
Briefing Room; UN PRI; WFE,
trillion+ ~45% of global GDP2
trillion ~11% in 2019
since 2020 as of 2021 vs.
Euromonitor; SBTi; World
Bank; Brookings Institute; ~$86 trillion in 2019
European Union
Growing recognition of the risks of climate change to SEA…
SEA is disproportionately exposed to ...with impact expected to continue Meanwhile, emissions expected
climate shocks… into the future to continue to rise with income levels
15 17-37% 5.4%
of 24 climate-linked crises in Asia-Pacific (vs. 18 in negative GDP impact in 2050, and 2.7-4.2% by growth in electricity demand in 2021 forecasted –
Notes: 1. More than 31 million
people have been affected in the
2019) that IFRC responded to in 2020 were in SEA 2030, due to climate events in 2°C-3.2°C the fastest growing region in the world (3% average)4
region; 2. Relative to a scenario – its busiest region globally1 scenarios2 – the most impacted region globally
without climate change (0°C).
SEA’s loss is particularly severe,
with world GDP expected to lose
11-18% in 2050 in the same
scenarios; 3. A “ten-year flood”
has a 10% annual chance of
occurring; 4. Demand for
electricity in all other regions is
forecasted to grow at ~1-4%
of Bangkok’s land may be submerged
Sources: Swiss Re Institute; by a “ten-year flood” in 20303
Greenpeace; Reuters; IFRC;
International Energy Agency; UN,
Eastpring; Koh et al.; WEForum
…and increasing significance of SEA in global climate action
As one of the fastest-growing
regional economies, it is expected GDP growth rate annually over the
important that SEA develops next decade (third only to India and China)
in a sustainable manner
of supply chains as companies perceive
decarbonization lever
of global blue carbon storage potential it to be a viable alternative to China
(4.8 GtCO2e)
Notes: 1. 2020 value of SEA
exports for natural rubber and of global natural rubber exports1
similar gum (HS 4001); 2. 2020 The world cannot reach Net
value of SEA exports for diodes, Zero without addressing its
transistors and similar supply chains, many of which
semiconductors (HS 8541)
start in SEA
Sources: Swiss Re Institute; of global semiconductor exports2
Greenpeace; Reuters; IFRC;
International Energy Agency;
UN; Eastpring; Koh et al.;
Three steps to accelerate SEA’s Net Zero journey
Covid-19 has reinforced the need to develop Covid-19 has highlighted the need to move Covid-19 lockdowns have changed the way
a more resilient, localized supply chain, away from the BAU1 approach governments individuals live and work (e.g., video calls
improve food security, and reduce the have taken in the past in response to external and work from home instead of traveling)
region’s reliance on global trade flows. shocks such as climate events. and if sustained, could potentially abate
~15% of all transportation emissions.
For example, Singapore launched its As part of SEA’s Comprehensive Recovery
“30 by 30” plan for local farms to produce Framework, a core priority is to advance The pandemic has also accelerated the
30% of nutritional needs by 2030 with toward a more sustainable and resilient shift to digital as a consumption platform
tech-enabled urban and sustainable future, including the transition to sustainable over the past year while also shifting
farming systems, which will also reduce energy and green infrastructure. consumers toward “conscious
emissions footprint. consumption” with~54% of SEA
consumers indicating they will be more
environmentally conscious in the future.
Notes: 1. Business-as-usual
Sources: CNA; LSE; Singapore
Food Authority; ASEAN; Bain
2020 SEA Digital Consumer
Survey; One Earth
SEA has made progress in the past year but more still needs to be done
SEA countries have made landmark announcements and moves in the past year alone
Vietnam pioneers post-pandemic carbon pricing Nov Philippines shuts door on new coal power proposals
Feb Singapore Green Plan 2030 to change the way people live, work, study
and play
A new global carbon exchange will be launched in Singapore this year May No more coal plants in Indonesia in another bid to cut emissions
Jun Government proposes $5 per ton carbon tax to curb greenhouse gas emissions
SGX first Asian exchange to commit 1.5°C-aligned emission reduction targets Jul
National ambitions are beginning to form across the region
Only 2 countries have Singapore is the only country whose unconditional 2 countries have implemented or announced a
committed to Net Zero emissions are expected to fall between now and 2030 carbon tax, while 4 are considering carbon pricing
Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam
78% 30%
Improved business operations to
achieve efficiencies from
25 sustainability
Established $600 million decarbonization Will remove suppliers Have offered
(In 2020, CDL)1 achieved 44% that endanger their Net preferential pricing to
fund in partnership with BlackRock
reduction in carbon emissions Zero transition by 20253 sustainable suppliers3
intensity against 2007 levels…
over $30 million in energy
Targeting Net Zero by 2039 for entire
savings from energy efficient
supply chain (~90% of palm oil
retrofitting and initiatives across Acquisitions of renewable companies suppliers in SEA)
all its commercial buildings such as Amplus and SOLS Energy to
Notes: 1. City Developments
Limited; 2. Environmental, boost clean energy portfolio Requires 100% RSPO4-certified palm oil
social, and governance; by 2023 from suppliers (>90% in SEA)
3. According to survey with 400
of the world’s largest MNCs, Sustainability initiatives to
conducted by Standard capitalize on lower costs of capital Requires supplier certification for
Chartered in Mar 2021; 4
Targeting Net Zero by 2060 and environmental management
4. Roundtable on Sustainable
Palm Oil (The $255 million sustainability- increased transparency through (~44% in SEA)
Sources: The Global Economy; linked loan has) a mechanism to partnership with CDP Global
adjust to lower interest rates …and with customers and ecosystem drive forward
SC; SCMP; Reuters; Energy 2019 2021
Voice; PTBA; IEEFA; Unilever based on Indorama’s ESG2 sustainability agenda
suppliers; Nestle suppliers;
score (with maturity in 2025) Developing digital environmental
Samsung suppliers; Indorama;
Climate Bonds; Petronas; Global Accelerating electric vehicles adoption solutions and established AI for Earth
Data; CDL; Company websites; and $1 billion climate innovation fund
Industry interviews in partnership with Foxconn
Family-run businesses are poised to play a pivotal role in SEA’s transition
Family businesses have multiple strategic advantages in Founder and family-led businesses hold the
key to a dramatic change (for sustainability in ASEAN)
shifting to sustainability: VP Sales & Marketing, Global Tech Co
Generational mindset
As a family business, longevity is the key common theme,
enforces an inherent sense of stewardship in building be that in commerce, sustainability, or people management
longevity and resilience for intergenerational transfer General Manager, Family Conglomerate Co
However, SEA is not on track, and there is a lot of work to do Based on latest NDCs
SEA expected gap to 1.5C compatible emissions levels in 20301 2030 emissions gap closed by latest NDCs
SEA emissions (GtCO2e):
(from 2015 NDCs)
Unconditional Conditional
* Non–Annex I benchmark countries
Compared with global benchmarks, SEA’s climate ambitions appear modest
Most of SEA’s latest NDC targets lead to an increase in annual emissions SEA corporates have been less
by 2030 in absolute terms ambitious relative to global peers
Percentage change in absolute annual emissions by 2030 Conditional Unconditional
(from 2018, %) SBTi signatories as percentage of total market cap (%)
85 158
62 99
SEA 4%
Global 27%
Unlike global benchmarks, most SEA countries have not SEA countries can strengthen their commitments by setting
materially improved ambitions, nor set Net Zero targets absolute targets and having full sector coverage
Global benchmarks
Elements of an effective Net Zero plan1 Lacking Leading
Annex I Non-Annex I
Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam EU USA Colombia China2 Best-in-class
SEA faces specific challenges for change…
Reliance on natural resource extraction such Need to balance transition with Significant risk of stranded assets – for example,
as fossil fuels and forestry for livelihood of socioeconomic growth while protecting jobs ~$60 billion1 in stranded value from coal assets in
communities and workforce and livelihoods, with regional GDP forecasted to Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, which
grow by 5.5% in 2021 make up ~75%2 of SEA’s coal-power capacity
…that are exacerbated by Covid-19
01 There is no reason for inaction – there is significant upside Curious to find out more?
Read the deep dive here
High potential value in Abundant renewable Significant infrastructure Streamlined/top-down A generational shift is Opportunity to accelerate
protecting SEA’s natural energy resources still to be developed, corporate structures changing consumption R&D1 and innovation
capital such as forests, such as geothermal, solar, especially in less position family-run habits, with the younger with increasing
peatlands, and mangroves and offshore wind – developed countries businesses to play a population being more entrepreneurial spirit,
opportunity to scale (~$2 trillion investment pivotal role in SEA’s cognizant of sustainability willingness for cross-
capacity of low-carbon need over the next decade sustainability transition imperatives sector collaboration and
energy amid falling prices for the region’s capital interest in green
sustainable transition) opportunities
Establish SEA as a global Accelerate the transition Leapfrog to Accelerate adoption of Leverage shift to Propel SEA to the
leader in supplying by removing regulatory development of sustainability initiatives “conscious forefront of
high-quality carbon hurdles, collaborating sustainable infrastructure by leveraging the consumption” sustainability
credits to help accelerate regionally, and and practices with green inherent strategic to catalyze change in innovation
decarbonization, leveraging decreasing construction, advantages that SEA purchasing habits as to accelerate the region’s
preserve SEA’s natural costs to scale capacity electrification, modern businesses possess early movers have the Net Zero transition and
capital and generate and establish new grids, etc. potential to reap rewards build position on a global
socioeconomic co- baseload energy source stage (e.g., as an
benefits (e.g., cleaner air alternative-protein hub)
and water quality)
Catalyzing the
Energy transition, valuing nature,
and a sustainable agri-food system
Laos, and
Sector content examples
Energy: Land use change and forestry: Agriculture:
Emissions from energy generation and Emissions and removal of carbon Emissions from enteric fermentation
consumption across all industries, e.g., from human-induced land use from livestock, fertilizer application,
transport and heating in manufacturing/ e.g., urbanization, deforestation manure management, etc.
industrial/agriculture processes
Building blocks on SEA’s Net Zero journey
Leverage enablers
Voluntary carbon markets
Compensate for hard-to-abate emissions, scale decarbonization solutions by pricing carbon, and protect SEA’s natural capital
while leveraging its potential to serve global need and contributing to the region’s socioeconomic development
Energy transition: SEA must transition to cleaner energy sources
while maintaining energy security
Fossil fuels are the largest source of SEA’s energy emissions and are projected to remain dominant
despite national and regional renewable energy targets
108% 77% 3
Projected growth in Projected energy SEA countries above
ENERGY TRANSITION SEA energy demand supply from fossil the global average
by 2040 (from 2017)1 fuels in 20401 in energy transition
Energy transition: Efficiency solutions, renewables adoption, and grid improvements are
viable today, while more advanced options may be unlocked as unit economics improve
1 2
0-5 years
5-10 years
5-10 years
Surbana Jurong leverages Internet of Things (IoT) and data to improve electrical
efficiency of buildings and cities while reducing their carbon footprint
Global urban, infrastructure, and managed services consulting firm headquartered in Singapore,
with over 70 years of experience delivering projects in more than 30 countries
>32,000 44% savings visualize real-time monitoring data on an integrated dashboard, enabling better
management of energy consumption and indoor air quality
IoT sensors installed and in energy consumption in
managed across buildings in Surbana Jurong’s new campus Surbana Jurong’s new campus at the core of
Singapore since 2000 sustainability ethos
Slated to launch by the end of 2021, the campus embodies sustainable design
principles such as use of precast materials, rooftop solar panels, and smart
energy-management systems to minimize the building’s carbon footprint
Nature: SEA holds the world’s most valuable natural capital
SEA’s natural carbon sinks have the highest global climate mitigation potential:
• 02
DECARBONIZE Blue carbon2
Terrestrial forests Peatlands
NATURE financially viable and tropical peat blue carbon
~25% investible carbon stock ~97% carbon sinks1 19-46% storage
in pantropic regions potential
1 2
5-10 years
High scalability of projects and potential to generate Advancements in drone and geospatial technologies
high-quality carbon credits with premium from can drastically reduce cost and improve ROIs
co-benefits such as biodiversity
Strong carbon credit potential, with 10-20x more Blue carbon restoration and conservation
carbon sequestration than a typical mineral forest
Newly established methodologies to
Remote monitoring technologies measure wetland carbon may make carbon
crediting more viable
Significant demand for risk mitigation from illegal
logging, land use conflicts, and forest fires
Digital forest monitoring program
Devices developed in-house to monitor forests and Better impact monitoring for conservation programs
collect critical data (e.g., soil and air quality)
Corporate conservation initiatives have faced challenges from manual monitoring,
double counting, and the inability to accurately measure the carbon sequestration
10 million 28,400 ha1 potential and impact of projects.’s platform enables accurate impact
measurement and forest monitoring while augmenting on-the-ground verification
trees are registered under of land are registered under personnel (e.g., mobile upload of environmental data, augmented reality tree’s monitoring’s monitoring program measurement). Leveraging IoT and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors,
program drones, and satellites, environmental data (e.g., carbon storage and sequestration,
biodiversity) are collected. They are then automatically analyzed with AI/ML
models, thereby reducing reliance on manual efforts and increasing the reliability
of measured impact
Forest conservation monitoring Government During the development of’s Expansion into Expand and launch products and
engagement platform, engaging with Indonesia’s new markets services in other countries in SEA,
IoT sensors in the forest, drones, and satellites critical to establish Ministry of Environment and Forestry by the end of 2021
collect detailed environmental data in forests (e.g., ecosystem was critical as they provided large
carbon stock, biodiversity) that allows for accurate fundamentals reliable environmental databases
carbon stock monitoring and the generation of while research institutes were crucial
high-quality carbon credits in providing the expertise to
accurately measure carbon emissions
and sequestration potential
AGRI-FOOD GDP contribution in expected growth in emissions intensity of rice (~80% of agriculture
SEA overall agriculture production1 of region’s cereal production) vs. products are from
by 2029 average cereal crops smallholders
Agri-food: Precision farming, digitalization, and plant-based proteins are feasible today,
while enhanced upcycling and cell-based alternatives hold promise for the future
1 2
0-5 years
Innovative financing (e.g., asset leasing models) Evolving suite of new tech can unlock significant
can drive adoption of smart farming tools value from food loss along value chain
to boost productivity and sustainability
Digital supply chain solutions 5-10 years
eFishery uses data and IoT to improve smallholder fishery
productivity and sustainability
Series B agri-tech start-up ($20 million raised) focused on aquaculture intelligence in Indonesia (pilots in Thailand and Vietnam)
Based in Bandung, launched in 2013 and has more than 250 employees
Feeders as productivity tools to empower
underserved smallholders
Few innovations address smallholder farmers’ needs due to the
perception of unattractive economics. As such, smallholders
typically still feed by hand, resulting in sub-optimal feeding,
water pollution (nitrogen from excess feed), and wastage. The
IoT fish and Smallholder eFisheryFeeder helps farmers optimize feed costs (~70-90% of all
shrimp feeders fishery services costs) by improving productivity while reducing wastage and
optimize feed quantity and automate host an online marketplace to water pollution, thereby empowering farmers to be more
feeding time for smallholder farmers market produce and provide sustainable while improving their profitability and livelihoods
smallholders access to financing
~1 million
eFisheryFund critical for smallholder adoption
Provides farmers increased financing Building a personal relationship and educating
access through BNPL1 loans farmers to move away from entrenched
underwritten by smart-feeder data traditional methods (e.g., hand feeding) were farmers with eFisheryFeeders
critical for early adoption
Important to ensure fair value distribution
across supply chain
Including incumbent distributors into the
The feeder and mobile app marketplace allowed eFishery to create a mutually
collect fish yield and beneficial system that leveraged distributors’ supply countries (which hold ~80% of
harvest profit data through chain capabilities to expand farmers’ reach while global aquaculture production)
IoT sensors and farmer creating incremental value for all stakeholders with eFishery presence
eFisheryFresh inputs, combined with eFisheryFeed
AI/ML, to calibrate feed
Farmers can eFishery’s BNPL
dosage and underwrite
sell their produce loans enable
loans to farmers You cannot ‘hack’ smallholder penetration – it’s all about relationship building. What
via an online farmers to
marketplace for purchase lower mattered to farmers in the early days was not our tech but the quality of our relationship
more profit enabled cost feed through and trust with them. The positive word of mouth from our first customers then helped
by eFisheryFeed’s bulk purchase us generate more traction
lower cost feed programs
Building blocks on SEA’s Net Zero journey
Leverage enablers
Voluntary carbon markets
Compensate for hard-to-abate emissions, scale decarbonization solutions by pricing carbon, and protect SEA’s natural capital
while leveraging its potential to serve global need and contributing to the region’s socioeconomic development
Scaling the voluntary carbon markets can accelerate SEA’s Net Zero transition
LEVERAGE ENABLERS Developing a robust carbon market will allow SEA to:
Enable and scale Net Zero levers
SEA voluntary carbon markets are nascent but growing quickly
Significant headroom for SEA’s carbon markets to grow, especially given the region’s outsized potential for nature-based solutions
LEVERAGE ENABLERS SEA voluntary markets transactions are mainly made of forestry credits today
35% Total CAGR1
(since 2012)
2020 1259
SEA contribution
to global:
Voluntary offsets
transactions of ~$300 million global market
Annual investible
carbon potential
Notes: 1. Compounded annual of ~1.8 billion MtCO2e global carbon
growth rates; 2. Based on credit potential in pantropic forests2
estimates of investible carbon
stock in terrestrial forests in
global pantropic regions; 3. By 2030 Debt financing Project Audit Registries Assurance Trading Purchasing Consulting
Revenues across value chain development and MRV (nonprofits) (across value
~$10 billion
from interest payments, offset
>$10B chain)
sales, audit and monitoring fees, Potential
registry fees, assurance fees, Further upside from derivatives
offset resale, and commissions,
respectively In annual revenue pools ~$5B upside and
~$4B ~$500M
across the value chain3 ~$600M ~$50M ~$40M cost avoidance
Sources: Koh et al.; Allied ~$40M
Offsets; State of Voluntary
Carbon Markets; Bain analysis
Key enablers to scale the region’s carbon markets
While SEA holds immense potential for nature-based solutions, the carbon
CARBON MARKETS markets are held back today by low trust in the quality of offsets from this region
Scaled-up supply of high-quality and low liquidity, among other issues. Digitally-enabled technologies such
credits with improved transparency as blockchain tokenization and remote monitoring provide opportunities to
improve confidence cost effectively and attract the investors/buyers and capital
and integrity required to scale. Favorable government policies are also required to incentivize
project development
Strong demand signal from Carbon pricing mechanisms that factor in the true cost of carbon, combined
governments and plan for voluntary with the acceptance of (high-quality) offsets by governments, will drive a big shift
markets to coexist alongside in capital and demand into the voluntary carbon markets. California, Japan, and
China are examples of regions that allow use of offsets (within boundaries) in ETS
compliance markets or carbon taxes
To truly scale SEA carbon markets on a global level, the region’s countries
will need to avoid carbon nationalism. Instead, policymakers from each country
Notes: 1. Corresponding Regional framework to establish need to work together to establish a standard set of objectives, rules, and
adjustments are a tool designed
to promote the integrity of credible cross-border markets at scale terminology that communicates clearly the role of offsets in the region’s overall
emissions accounting under the Net Zero agenda, with regionally-centralized registries and a system for
Paris Agreement, preventing corresponding adjustments1
“double counting” of emissions
Sources: WRI; Brookings
The "green data revolution" is a major catalyst for innovation
and scaling sustainability impact
Thematic developments in data and digital innovations are supporting scale-up of solutions
Instrumentation for Accuracy and granularity De-averaged data improves specificity and
IoT sensors, precision monitoring Co-innovation
GREEN DATA REVOLUTION de-averaged data equipment, etc at the base of data source root cause analysis capabilities
Description Open platform digital Open-source platform Comprehensive single- Datasets, industry- Largest open-source Provider of ready-to-
twin technologies to to aggregate data, access-point ecosystem leading AI, and cloud satellite imaging and use, future climate
optimize urban modeling and for environmental data computing tools to spatial mapping data for impact studies
planning, energy computing for climate- solve environmental platform for and risk assessment
efficiency, and disaster integrated investing problems management of natural
planning assets
Features Integrated data on Physical-economic Harmonized data from AI for Earth multi- Real-time satellite Projections of rainfall,
environment, buildings, models multiple sources using petabyte planetary imaging wind speeds,
transport, drainage, APIs computer temperatures, and solar
Global data Analytics on changes in
traffic, etc. radiation using
compendium Statistical and Hyperscale cloud, AI, forest cover, land use,
advanced statistical
Simulations and analytical packages and IoT digital twins climate, and biodiversity
Scenario-based processing
scenario analysis
predictive analysis
Sources: Microsoft; Geoportal; Partners
CrunchBase; 51World; OS-
Climate; Regrow; Global Forest
Watch; The Climate Data
Huge potential for SEA to leverage global data and digital innovations
to accelerate the Net Zero journey
While potential is significant, it is critical to scale use of data innovations sustainably
Key watch-out:
Monitor building Simulate floods and other Alert on illegal Monitor and ensure Aiming to power all data centers with
characteristics and sunlight climate events for disaster deforestation activities at deforestation-free supply 100% carbon-free energy by 2030
to plan for solar planning project sites chains
installations Liquid cooling to increase energy
02 Emerging Net Zero activity by SEA companies Curious to find out more?
Read the deep dive here
SBTi target set (<2°C) SBTi committed Electric and hybrid fleet
and ambition
Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 28% 28% emissions reduction by 2030, Full fleet running on clean energy by 2030;
and scope 3 from capital goods by 22% vs. 2007 baseline Net Zero targets and roadmap to be
(per m2) by 2030, vs. 2019 baseline announced next year
Levers Higher energy efficiency and green Increasing use of biomass and renewables Partnerships with governments to develop
building certification with multiple solar PV projects/pilots and grow infrastructure for electric vehicles
Use of more sustainable and Roll-out of low-carbon cement and greening Investments in carbon offset and
locally sourced materials of supply chain solarization projects
Promotion of water and waste circularity Investments in forest rehabilitation New EV business models piloted
Enablers Sustainability council established, reporting Sustainable development committee Sustainability Steering Committee
to board of directors and supported by established, reporting to President and CEO established, reporting to Executive
group Chief Sustainability Officer and comprising multiple subcommittees (e.g., Committee and supported by regional
circular economy, climate change, etc.) sustainability teams
Notes: 1. Key performance index Systematic KPIs1 tied to renumeration
Unlocking Capital
for Sustainability
Increasing flows, but
sizeable headroom
Green capital is beginning to flow in SEA, though still at early stage
Green fundraising has been on a strong While share of capital deployment into green assets is
upward trajectory over the last 3-5 years increasing, overall growth is less strong compared to fundraising
$11.9 billion
Debt debt issued 151% since 2016 Corporates4 $4.9 billion 22% 11% 3%
$1.4 billion
IPO IPOs 45% since 2016 PE/VC5 $1.9 billion 50% 19% 5%
Key sectoral themes attracting capital today
Energy solutions, green buildings and construction, waste and water, and sustainable materials are currently center stage
Energy solutions Green buildings and Waste and water management Sustainable materials
Low-carbon energy (e.g., solar, hydropower, construction Waste and water management and Recyclable plastic alternatives, sustainably
geothermal, wind), energy efficiency and treatment and innovative solutions to designed packaging, and low-carbon
Smart buildings that optimize energy
grid solutions reduce waste building materials
consumption, use sustainable materials,
and embrace on-site renewable energy
Share of sector of Debt: 31% | IPOs: 45% | Corp.: 89% Debt: 49% | IPOs: 27% Debt: 9% | IPOs: 2% PE/VC: 18% | Infra: 14% IPOs: 23% | Corp: 2% | PE/VC: 3%
total green:1 PE/VC: 72% | Infra: 78%
Drivers SEA energy transition agenda Government financial support Rapid growth of waste volume, SEA’s worsening plastic waste
~33% renewable energy capacity target
and incentives for sustainable and rising adoption of Waste- crisis and increasing consumer
by 2025, vs. ~24% today infrastructure development to-Energy (WTE) discernment
Regional unconditional target to reduce Estimated ~$400 billion in investments >90 WTE plants to be operational by 4 out of the 5 countries responsible
emissions by 26% by 2030 needed for sustainable buildings 2022 in the region, with combined for ~60% of ocean plastic are in SEA
between 2021 and 2030 capacity of ~800 MW
While a promising start, a lot more is needed
Globally, SEA
3.6% of GDP 2.6% of green debt issuance
But only
contributes to
7.2% of emissions <0.1% of sustainable1 public fund AUM
management sector, inclusive of
WTE, landfills, composters, of infrastructure investments will need to come from
recycling and other waste Everyone is needed the private sector, according to ADB forecasts
Sources: Bain analysis; Global Governments cannot do this alone. Public-private partnerships and catalytic mechanisms
Infrastructure; IRENA; World like blended financing will play a critical role to meet the investment needs of the region
Several barriers impede green capital flows today
Macro challenges Immature ecosystem Low quality and high risk Organizational hurdles
Lack of sponsorship from
Inconsistent government High transaction Limited quality assets
leadership and
policies and compliance costs and project developers
organization inertia
(Clean energy) investments The cost of environmental There is a surplus of interested Organizational change will
are heavily infrastructure-related, compliance in SEA today capital chasing scarce quality assets not happen without alignment
and lack of predictable policies is too prohibitive in the region and focus from senior management
and government support make
Senior MD SEA, Sustainability Director Senior MD SEA,
investors hesitate to put capital in Global PE fund SEA Government Investor Co Global PE fund
Director, Energy Investments
SEA Government Investor Co
• Consistent government signals and policies to strengthen investor confidence and attract more capital into
Strong government support the green economy (e.g., corporate tax benefits and land use incentives, etc. for solar energy in Vietnam)
and consistent policies • Financing and incentives aligned with achieving national green goals, and initiatives to support the
transition of impacted sectors
• Use of creative financial instruments through public-private partnerships such as blended financing and take-
Blended financing out facilities (TOFs) to align different stakeholder objectives and incentives, de-risk investments and attract
more private capital
• Mobilization of private sector green infrastructure financing to reduce burden on pandemic-strained
government budgets (e.g., ADB’s ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility [ACGF] supports SEA governments
to finance sustainable infrastructure)
• Digital infrastructure and automated, data-enabled processes to minimize friction, optimize processes, and
Digital platforms scale sustainability measurement and reporting while reducing transaction costs and efforts (e.g., SGX and
and data-enabled solutions Temasek partnership to develop a blockchain-based digital asset infrastructure)
• Ecosystem-wide guidelines to define sustainability impact and materiality (e.g., ASEAN Taxonomy)
Ecosystem fundamentals • Short-term debt instruments to mobilize working capital and trade facilities for green projects
and infrastructure • Buildout and scaling of liquid, regional sustainable asset markets (e.g., regional carbon markets)
• Recognized metrics to assign value to social and environmental factors, in addition to financial return, to
Fit-for-purpose fund allocation enable systematic allocation of funds to achieve highest impact
and operating principles • Established operating principles to mitigate misaligned incentives that underpin impatient capital
Sources: ABS; Industry
interviews; Bain IP
Leading by Doing
Collective vision and efforts
are required to achieve a
sustainable SEA
A sustainable SEA needs both individual and collective action
Communities Governments
Crystalize the shift to “conscious consumption” Set favorable national policies, remove
while proactively engaging and lobbying regulatory impediments, and establish
stakeholders (e.g., governments, corporates, incentives for new sustainability investments
investors) for systemic change while managing the impact of stranded assets
Investors Businesses
Unlock green and transition capital through Decarbonize all scopes of emissions, treat
intentional investments, catalytic financial sustainability as a value creation transition
instruments and novel financial products, and (vs. pure risk management), and invest
adoption of internationally recognized strategically in innovation to create commercial
investing frameworks and standards value from low-carbon business models
Investors can play a critical role in unlocking green or transition capital
01 02 03
Embed sustainability Set KPIs and targets for Develop novel financing
imperative, strategies, and portfolio companies to solutions (e.g., outcomes-based
practices throughout portfolio measure and report against, payments, blended financing),
adopting internationally and data-driven models to price
recognized standards sustainability outcomes and
facilitate capital efficiency
SEA governments have a leadership role to play in SEA’s transition
01 02 03
Develop a comprehensive Net Assign price to carbon Establish national policies and
Zero plan including dedicated through an ETS or carbon tax incentives to remove regulatory
state funding to green while fostering the region’s impediments, create investible
infrastructure development and voluntary carbon markets environments for sustainable
detailed, interim milestones and assets and manage impact of
targets that account for the stranded assets
country’s development needs
04 Rally government-linked
enterprises to action while
supporting and building
05 Incentivize foreign direct
interest to contribute to
building out SEA’s sustainability
06 Ensure a just climate
transition for local
communities and at-risk
capabilities of SMEs ecosystem (e.g., IOCs with workers with robust policies
renewables opportunities) and regulations
For the CEO, a few key takeaways
It can seem like a complex system – but inaction Integrate sustainability into the core business Invest in data and digital technology infrastructure
is worse than getting some things wrong strategy – it is not a separate corporate social to improve visibility, reporting, and ultimately,
responsibility (CSR) consideration performance
Start simple and evolve – sustainability is a multi- Regularly assess and integrate climate-related risks Adopt internationally recognized standards of
year journey and you will need time to invest in into business continuity planning and align ambition measuring and reporting (e.g., TCFD, GRI1), establishing an
and build up the right capabilities to what is needed – not just what is feasible informed and evolved process (beyond ticking boxes)
Capture quick-win opportunities – many Go beyond risk management to think of sustainability Leverage materiality assessments to set goals
decarbonization levers can also save costs as a value creation transition and prioritize resources
through efficiencies
Notes: 1. Global reporting
04 Make decarbonization
everyone’s responsibility 05 Use sustainability as a
catalyst for innovation 06 Drive transformation
at scale 07 Lead a
just transition
Lead from the top – it is critical to have Unlock innovation and accelerate Create two-way communication channels Actively engage suppliers and explore
C-suite champions execution by creating new incentives for influential third-party providers, innovative models to support their
for decarbonization customers, and employee groups transition
Translate decarbonization goals to KPIs Develop new products and business Proactively engage key stakeholders Establish lasting economies for local
and cascade goals to the line to motivate models (e.g., carbon-free, circular) to and partner across the ecosystem to learn, communities and incorporate net job
action, while establishing a systematic link accelerate Net Zero beyond the core grow, and amplify transformational impacts creation and fair labor metrics
to the bottom line, e.g., through an internal
carbon tax
Integrate sustainability as a key pillar Adopt a systematic approach to drive Aim to exceed the minimum standard
of employee culture to build business value from sustainable innovation and establish a dialogue with internal
“sustainability DNA” and external stakeholders
(especially local communities)
Ultimately, scaling SEA’s green economy will need collective action…
Ecosystem Regional
Transition support
co-innovation collaboration
State of play in SEA
Greater cross-sector connectivity on a regional Large reliance on fossil fuels like coal and oil, and Diverse region with disparate level of development,
and global level significant risk of stranded assets needs, and circumstances across nations
Increasing entrepreneurial spirit and capital High concentration of siloed smallholder farmers Country-level differences in terms of access to
interest in the region and SME suppliers with low sustainability awareness renewable energy resources and natural capital
Building awareness and recognition among Low sustainability expertise in workforce and
business leaders that collaboration is critical increasing importance of digital and data literacy
We know we cannot achieve our Net This shift, especially for businesses in A transnational framework to
Zero target alone, and not with SEA, cannot be done overnight. It is collectively address emissions will go
current technologies – therefore we are not helpful to be hardline ‘green’ – we much further than localized solutions
working with the government, partners, need transition support
and start-ups to innovate
Sustainability VP, Director, Sustainability Director,
SG Multinational Co Indonesia Energy Co SEA Government Investor Co
…at an ecosystem level
Ecosystem Regional
Transition support
co-innovation collaboration
Imperatives for the region
Cross-sector innovation collaboration Transitioning “hard-to-abate” sectors Regional Net Zero transition plan
for start-ups, corporates, think tanks, etc. to jointly and mitigating impact of stranded assets through that accounts for diverse nation states and
accelerate commercialization of low-carbon catalytic instruments like blended financing and development needs and emphasizes cross-
technologies that meet SEA-specific needs (e.g., TOFs to de-risk and incentivize private capital (e.g., border cooperation
food tech, CCUS) ADB and banks’ Asian coal plants closure plan)
Alliances for action SMEs and smallholders’ support Cross-border carbon trading system
across value chains to facilitate co-investments for by reducing transaction costs and frictions to with a common framework and credible,
scaled solutions and increase data, standards, and green capital (e.g., asset leasing models, functioning market dynamics that assigns value
knowledge sharing for better visibility and impact incentive schemes) and building capabilities to SEA’s natural capital while meeting regional
need for high-quality offsets
Valuing SEA’s natural capital Workforce upskilling and retraining Interconnected grid for clean energy
by mobilizing private and public sector capital to build up regional human capital through capacity to address regional imbalances in renewables
through innovative partnerships to realize SEA’s building programs co-developed by employers, resources by connecting demand with supply and
natural capital carbon sink potential while SEA higher-learning institutions, and government solving for variability in renewables generation
transitions away from fossil fuels
Sources: Industry interviews
Leapfrog to leadership
By 2030, SEA’s
The sustainability journey holds immense potential for SEA to
transform locally and make a measurable contribution globally
Green Economy
will contribute
Sources: Bain 2020 SEA Green Track and report against clear targets
Economy Report
Glossary of acronyms
Acronym Acronym
ADB Asian Development Bank IMO International Marine Organization
AI Artificial intelligence IoT Internet of things
AI/ML Artificial intelligence/machine learning KPI Key performance index
API Application programming interface LiDAR Light detection and ranging
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations LP Limited partners
AUM Assets under management LUCF Land use change and forestry
BAU Business-as-usual ML Machine learning
BNPL Buy-now pay-later MNC Multinational corporation
CAGR Compounded annual growth rate MRV Measure, report, and verify
CCS Carbon capture and storage. See also CCUS NDC Nationally determined contributions
CCUS Carbon capture, utilization, and storage. See also CCS P&L Profit and loss
CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation PE Private equity
DC Data center PRI Principles for Responsible Investment
ESG Environmental, social, and governance PV Photovoltaic
ETS Emissions trading scheme R&D Research and development
EU European Union ROI Return on investment
EU/AM Europe and Americas rPET Recycled polyethylene tetraphyte
EV Electric vehicle RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
Southeast Asian nations, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,
GDP Gross domestic product SEA Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam unless otherwise stated
GHG Greenhouse gases SME Small and medium enterprises
GRI Global reporting initiative TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
HNI High-net-worth individuals TOF Take-out facilities
HSR High-speed rail UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
ICAP International Carbon Action Partnership VC Venture capital
IEA International Energy Agency WTE Waste-to-Energy
Glossary of terms
Developed countries and countries undergoing the process of transition to market economy, with specific limitation targets for greenhouse gas emissions. Example countries
Annex I countries include the industrialized countries that were members of the OECD in 1992
Bonds Senior unsecured bonds, senior secured bonds, subordinated unsecured bonds, perpetual bonds, Sukuks, and medium-term bonds
Catalytic mechanisms Mechanisms to spur further green investments by mitigating risks through innovative finance structures. Examples include ADB's ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF)
Climate risk modeling Building and running models to evaluate the negative impacts of severe weather events on businesses
Co-benefits Positive benefits related to the reduction of greenhouse gases (according to IPCC)
Conditional targets Reduction of emissions dependent on availability of international support, such as technology transfer or financial aid. See also unconditional targets
Conscious consumption Consumption with the awareness of how it affects society at large
Debt Bonds, loans, private placements, and project finances. See also bonds and loans
Family-run businesses Businesses with more than half of their shares controlled by (more than 1) members of the same family
Green business/investment Businesses/investments that protect or improve the environment
Green debt Bonds, loans, private placements, and project finances that protect/improve the environment or reduce emissions.
Green funds Funds that have positive environmental outcomes/objectives
Green infrastructure Infrastructural spending, such as power plants or waste management facilities, that protect/improve the environment or reduce emissions
Green IPO Initial public offerings that protect/improve the environment or reduce emissions
Green PE/VC Private equity/venture capital funds or deals that targets startups that that protect/improve the environment or reduce emissions. Excludes fixed asset/property investments
Impact seeking Having dedicated impact investing fund which focuses on maximizing environmental, social, and financial returns
Loans Term loans and bridging loans
Negative screening Avoiding certain sectors given ESG risks
Outcomes-based payments A payment model in which the performance-related incentive payments depend on achieving certain (sustainable) KPIs
Public funds Open-end mutual funds and exchange traded funds. Money market funds, feeder funds, and funds of funds are excluded
Public-private partnership Collaboration between a private company and public entity, in the context of financing or operating a project
Scope 1 emissions Direct emissions from company-owned and controlled resources
Scope 2 emissions Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy from a utility provider. See also scope 3 emissions
Scope 3 emissions All other indirect emissions that are not included in scope 2 that occur in the value chain of the company. See also scope 2 emissions
Social business/investment Businesses/investments that increase access to basic resources/services or improve social mobility
Sustainable business/investment Businesses/investments that have both positive environmental and social outcomes/objectives
Sustainability integration Inclusion of sustainability as a consideration in investment thesis
Sustainable finance The practice of integrating ESG criteria into financial services to bring about sustainable development outcomes
Sustainable funds Funds that have both positive environmental and social outcomes/objectives
Unconditional targets Unconditional reduction of emissions, independent of external support. See also conditional targets
For any queries, please reach out to: